Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, September 20, 1901, Image 1

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19th YEAR, NO. 18
relief EDarcler & Co.
182, 184, 1 86 Madison Street, VV est End of Bridge,
r-! --, (-V ; -j--f
Remember we have the finest stock of the- best makes to be found
in Portland, including Farm and Spring. Wagons, Bupgics, Carriages
and Carts, Mowers, Rakers,' Tedders and Hay Tools, Hay Presses,
Grain Drills, Plows, Cultivators, Disc and Spring Tooth Harrows,
Pumns Harness, Bicycles, Etc.
Regular September Term of the
Ccimfy Board.
J. R. Morti"-. John 'Lewellen and
T. B. Killin, Co.inty Commissioners.
(Oontii ued from laBt week.)
In the matter of Mortimore, a county
charge. It was ordered that Elias Mil
ler he allowed the eum of $33 per month
for his care and keeping from August
In the matter of the petition of Se
riora F. Mohr, for cancellation of delin
quent taxes onsalesbook. This matter
now coming on by petition filed herein
showing to the board that Senoia F.
Mohr was assessed with and paid thu
taxes on two acres in sec. 8, tp. 2 s, r 2
e, for the year 1897; that the same proc-
erty was assessed to f eter Notiger lor
the same year and is now delinqueiii. ,
And the boar I being satisfied that said i
assessment is a doiihle assessment, i t. U ;
ordered that the clem caucel from the;
sales book said assessment to Peter No-
tiger for the year 1897.
In the matter of the application of
George W. Gordon for rebate of taxes of
$2.18. This matter coming by applica
tion filed herein asking the board tor a
rebate of taxes to the amount of $2 18
and the board being -fully advised, it is
ordered that said application be denied.
In the matter of petition of Herman
Wirth for rebate of taxes and cancella
tion of double assessment. This matter
now coming on by petition of Herman
Wirth, tiled herein.sbowingto the board
that he ia owner of part of Richardson D.
L. 0., sec 9, tp 2 b, r 3 e, 40 as ; that in
addition to the correct assessments on
said property for the year 1097, said
property was also assessed to John Mat
teeon and a wrong description and that
the present owner thereof, Herman
Wirth, paid the taxes on said illegal as
sessment before knowing it to be erron
eous, said taxes amounting to $3 60.
Ai.d the board being satisfied that said
said assessment is a double assessment
and eironeous, it ia ordered that Her
manj Wirth have a rebate in the sini of
$8.60, and that the ckrk cancel the as
sessnient of record, against the said
John Matteson.
In the matter of a sheep inspector. It
is ordt red that R. Scott be and is hereby
appointed a sheep inspector for Clacka
mas county and that he be allowed to
collect fee, as provided by law, from
owners of sheep inspected.
In the matter of road warrants Nos.
16211 and 1(5213. This matter coming
on by statement of E. II. Cooper, county
clerk, showing to the board that through
an error in the report of road supervisor
ofdietiict No. 35, road warrant No.
16211 was erroneously drawn and road
warrant No. 10213 was drawn for $33
when it should have been $29, and the
board being fully advised, it is i rdered
that said warrants be cancelled and held
for nauht, and that the clerk issue a
warrant for $29 in lieu of road warrant
No. 16214.
In the matter of the application of the
Portland O'.ty & Oregon Railway Com
pany for a light of way through Milwau
k'e. On application of the Portland
City & Oregon Railway Company, it is
ordered that said company be ami it is
hereby peimitted to change its lineof
road troin Main street in Milwaukie over
to Front i-treet iu same tuwn of Milwau
kie mid said company is hereby granted
the rivilege and nht to build and
maintain its track' and operate its rail
road and cats over and along a line sur
veytd and staked on the ground from
the intersection of First and Jackscn
streets southerly anil along ttie weeteily
side r f said Front sireet and the county
'r ad extending from the southerly end
of sa id Front street to the intersection
of said surveyed and staked line with
the pueiit track of paid company on
block 1 ot Milwaukie Heights.said grant
beiDg npon the same terms and condi
tions on which it holds its present fran
chise over Main Btreet, and provided
that the company files its acceptance of
this order within 30 days and removes
its track from said Main street as soon
as the new track is built, and to have
Main street in good condition for public
travel. In' making such change the
company Bhall begin and protecute its
work from the southerly end of the line.
The board adjourned to meet tomor
row morning at 10 o'clock.
THURSDAY, Si ft 5l'H. '
The bo.ird now convened pursunnf to
adjournment, the com mi doners and of
ficers present as of yesterday.
In the matter of countv warrant No.
8144, 8114 and 8698, drawn in favor of
Peti r Crouse. It appearing to th board
that said warrants Nos. 8U4, 414 and
8698 were drawn ia favor of Peter
Oioiisp. a county charge, and that said
Peter Crouse is now decea-ed, it is or
dered that said warrants, he cancelled
and held for naught.
In the mutter of the sal' of certain
lands owned by the Oreeon - California
Railroad Company. Now oni-s the
Oregon & California Railroad Company
and respectfully shows tint- it is the
owner and ha paid the taxes for the
ye r- upon which sales have been mode
lor delinquent taxes of the real estate
desenbtd herein, that the t-heriff of
Clackamas county is authorized to sell
ou Saturday, September 14, 1901 ; the
same that petitioner does not believe
there are any lawful delinquent taxes
against said property and that if any
part of said property was ever delin
quent it was through the honest mistake
of the petitioner and the former sheriffs
of said county, that petitioner desires to
submit a statement of its receipt and
voucheis showing payments as aforesaid
so that the sheriff of said county may
determine what tracts, if any, are, or
were delinquent, and to enable it to set
tle any just claim for unpaid taxes upon
any of the following property :
1893, part of section, nt, see. 33, tp.
7 south, rango 3 e'ast, amount of tax,
$5.25, assessed to Andrew, J. W. (not
contract land), voucher No. 8211, sheriff
receipt No.
1897, part of sec: ion, ne of ne, sec. 25,
tp. 6 s range 2 east, amount of Ux,
$1.59. assessed to Bagby.C. W., voucher
No. 10744. sheriff receipt 6450.
1892, part of section, nw of sw, sec.
23, tp. 4 south, range 4 east, amount of
tax, , assessed to Plvston, H. L. (Paid
by F. S. Felter),voucher No. 8041, sher
ilT receipt No. 141.
1897, part of section, se of bw, sec. 7,
tp 6 south, range 2 east, amount of tax,
$1 59, assessed to Covey, C. W., voucher
No. 10748, sheriff receipt No. 6448.
1897, part of section, w of se, src. 9,
tp. 5 south, range 1 east, amount of tax,
$8 95, assessed to Panil-oti, J. O., (not
contract Und), voucher Nos. 10746 and
10750, bhei iff receipt .
1892, part of secdon, se of nw, should
be se of sw, etc. 11, tp. 4 south, range 4
east, amount of tax-, $4 62, assessed to
Luinns, Win. (paid October 27, 1897),
voucher No. 8067, sheriff receipt No
5020 and 6.183.
1897,paitof section, of nw, sec.
21, tp. 4 sonth, range 4 east, amount of
tax $6.8, assessed to Price, Ilattie,
voucher No, 1U744, Bheriff receipts No.
1897, part of section, ne of ne, gee. 25,
to. 4 souib, ranged east, amount of tax,
$5.65, assessed to Shubert, E., voucher
No. 10744. Bheriff receipt No. 6191.
1897-8, part of section, sw of ne, sec,
1, tp. 6 south, rantre 1 rant, amount of
tax, $10.93, assessed to Thomas, L. M.,
voucher No. 10744, sheriff receipt 6105,
1899, part of section, sw of ne, see. 1,
ip. 6 fontli, range 1 east, amount of 'ax,
$2.63, a-Be-Bed to Thomas, L. M., vouch
er No. 10913, Bheriff receipt No. 5274
1893, part of section, of se,
and lots 3. sec 9, tp. 3 south, range 3
east, amount of tax, $22.08, assessed to
liurney, W. T., voucher No. 8229, sher
iff receipt, No. 4500.
1894, part of section, w-half of se,.4 as
and lota 3, Bee, 9, tp. 3 south, range 3
east, assessed to Burney, W. T. voucher
No. 10744 sheriff receipt No. 6466.
1893 4, part of section, lots 2, 3. 6, 7
and 8, sec 15, tp. 3 s, range 3 eapt,
amount of tax, $5.74, Burney, VV. T.,not
contract land, vouchers Nos. 8211 and
1893 4, part of section, n of se, sec.
29, tp. 3 south, range 3 east, amount of
tax, $6.80, Burney. VV. T., not contract
land, vouchers Nos. 8211 and 8478.
1893-4, part of section, se of ne and
lotB 1, 2 and 3, sec. 27,tp. 3 south, I'ange
3 east, assessed to Burney, W. T.,
not contract laud, voucher Nos. 8211
and 8478.
1893 4, part of section, n1, asssed
to Burney, W. T., not contract land.
1893-4, part of section, nw of sw and
dJ, sec. 35, tp. 3 south, range 3 east,
amount of tax, $25 80, assessed to Bur.
ney, W. T., not contract land.
1893-4, part of section, nw of sw, and
nw, sec. 33, tp. 4 south, range 3 east,
amount of tax, $18.15. assesssed to Bur
ney, V X., not contract land.
1893-4, part of section, ne of n and
ne, sec. 21, jtp. 5 south, range 3 east,
amount of tax, $13.14, assessed to Bur
ney, W. T., not contract land.
And the bosrd being fully advised it
is ordered that the sheriff of Clackamas
county wishdraw from Bale as above all
the said land defciihec1 herein until such
time as it has been definitely determined
if the propoeed tax ia!e be just.
In the matter of the di linquent taxes
of 1895 96. It is ordered that the prop
erty against which said delinquent taxes
nw stand be re advertised and sjld ac
cording to law.
In the matter of bills No. 1, 18, 19, 24,
23. It appearing that said bills are for
work on suspension bridge at Oregon
City. It is ordered .that the clerk
chaige the tame to Oregon City.
In the matter of the report of J. R.
Shaver, P L.Bchmale and L. H. Barnes,
Wiles road. In the matter of the report
of J. R.' bhaver, P. L. t-'chmale and L.
a. Barnes, viewers appointed at the
last term of this boaid to iew and lo
cate a county road situate in Clackamas
county, Oregon, and described in fuii on
page 170 of this journal. Said viewers
tiled their report showing that they had
met on the 2d day of September, 1901, a
day named in the notice served upon
them aud were duly Bworn by subscrib
ing to a written oath of office adminis
tered by John W. Murdrum, deputy
county surveyor, he being appointed by
the board to survey said road, after
which thev proceeded to the designated
place and did view and cause to be sur
veyed by said deputy county surveyor
the above described road. They also
filed the field notes and plat of survey,
said viewers report favorably to the es
tabl shing of sttid road as viewed and
surveyed by leason that it is a good
practic.il route and ol public Utility,
said repoit was read on this day on'ils
first reading and laid over for a stcjnd
reading tomorrow. v
In the matter of report of viewers on
change in O. S. Murry road. In the
matter of report of V. H. Boring, FJd
Seifer ami John Richev, viewers ap
pointed at the last term of this board to
view and lot me a county road situated
in Clackamas county, Oregon, and de
scribed in lull ou page 102 of this jour
nal. Said viewers tiled their repoit
showing thai ihey met on the 26 h day
of August, 1 9 J i , a day name-i in the no
tice strvtd upon them and were dnlv
sworn by Utvci ibinit to a written oath of
otiice admin, rteieu hy John VV.Meldiuin,
deputy couoiy surveyor, he being ap
pointed oy tie bo rd to suivey s.od
road, after w inch thv proceeded to the
designated piuu. and did view and cause
to be surveyed by said deputy county
surveyor the above described road. They
also bled the field notes and plat of sur
vey, said viewers report favorably to
the e.-tablishing of said road as viewed
and surveyed, for the reasons that it is a
good practical route and of public util
ity. Said report was read on this day
on its fii st. reading and laid over until
tomorrow for a seco.id reading.
In the matter of the report of viewers
oh survey of H. R. Baker road. In the
matter of the report of W. D. Mathews,
(Jeo. Schneller and Benj. F. W.ebster,
viewers appointed ' at the last term of
the board to view and locate a county
toad situated in Clackamas county, Ore
gon, and described in full on page 163 of
this journal. Said viewers fihd their
report showing that they had met on
the 30th day of Augusi, 1901, a day
named in the notice served upon them
and were duly sworn by subscribing to
a written oath of ollice administered by
John W. Meldrum, deputy County sur
veyor, he being appointed Ly ihe board
to friifVey said road, after which they
proceeded to the designated place and
did view and cause to be surveyed by
said deputy county surveyor the above
described road. They also filed the field
notes and plat of the survey; B id view
ers report favorably lor ihe reasons that
it is a good practical route aud of public
utility. Said report was read on this
day on its first reading and laid over for
a second reading tomorro w.
The board now adjourned to meet to
morrow at 10 o'clock.
The board now convened pursuant to
adjouriimencommissioners and officers
present as of yesterday.
In the matter of the petition of K.
Slm'jert for a cancellation of double as
s' ssn.ent. This matter now coming on
by petition of K. Shubert showing to
the oonn thpt he was assessed for the
year 1897 on the ne 1-4 of ne 1-4 of sec
tion 25, township 4 south, range 3 east;
that said fractional of land for the same
year was also assessed as railroad con
tract land which assessment was paid.
And the board being fully satisfied that
thd said assessment to K. Shubert was
erroneous and a double assessment, it is
ordered that the clerk cancel said double
assessment of record; that it be de
clared null and void and forever held
f r i auyht.
(Continued ntxtweek.1
Agricultural Implements and Vehicles
Being crowded f?r space in my warehouse, I will sell the buggies and spring wagons
now in stock at prices'that defy competition. Come early and secure a buggy before
the stock has been picked over. .'
1 'i'-l
I have a stock of these baltrs on hand that I will sell at reduced prices Call and
investigate for yourself.
Buffalo Pitts' Harrows
and Cultivators fjil?
Owen's "Advance"
Peerless Plows
Fanning Mills
7 ;? H Jo..", it ?i '! if. i."':1. .aVrrtf .'li vl
Belle Cilv I eed Cutter
tJA Milwauk.e Bindcis'
and Mowers
Writ for Catalogs uml Prices
Oregon City C Portland River
The new steamer "Leona" will eo on
this route May 30lh, making four round
trips every day. This boat has been
huiit especially for the Oregon City and
Portland route by the Graham Bros., of
the Oregon Citv Transportation Corn
pan;. They believe the time has come
when a good passenger and freight boat
will receive enough patronage from the
two cities to support the same. The
tiuie card will be as follows: Leave Ore
gon City at 7 and 10 a. m , 1 :30 and 4 :30
p.m.. Leave Portland 8:30 and 11:30
a. m., 3 :30 and 6 :00 p. m. Round trip
will be 25 cents.
Odds and Ends of
j Jik j IE! Fl
5 Cents per Double Roll
As long as the stock lasts In
order to make room for new
stock we will sell last season's
patterns at reduced prices.
2 mk
The Housefurnisher