Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, September 13, 1901, Image 1

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Courier -neirald
19th YEAR, NO. 17
nlrcbe9 ..Harder & CJ.
182, 184, 186 Madison Street, West End of Bridge,
Remember we have the finest sto:k of the best makes to be found
in Portland, including Farm and Spring Wagons, B iggies, Carriages
and Carts, Mowers, Rakers, Tedders and Hay Tools, flay Tresses,
Grain Drills, Plows, Cultivators, Disc and Spring Tooth Harrows,
Pumns Harness, Bicycles, Etc.
Increasing the Supply of Salmon in
Iiofiie lilver.
The Ashland ' ' cord contains the fol
lowing aecom I t the hatchey in charge
of Supeiintenoi nt J. W. Berrbtm. He
is a Clackamas comity man, and it will
be -interesting to the people here to
know how they are doing things there :
'Work preparatory to handling the
eggs at the Elk creek hatchery on
Kogue river is in progress for the largest
seasons' run yet performed and the
summer tourists all give Sopt. J. W.
Berriam a call ou their rounds. Mr.
Berriam is increasing the trough capacity
dt anout one-natr. me location is ideal
lor the work. The place in. which the
salmon are held captive is a natur.d
spawning ground, ttie distance between
the upper and lower-rocks being. abou
1700 feet. The fish come up over th
lower rack but cannot pass the upper,
which is an open dam of flats extending
completely across the river. Orce within
these bounds the great fish cannot re
turn do n stream nor proceed onward.
Walking out on the upper rack the
water is seen to be alive with large sal
mon and they turn and flash their sidci
in the light in their hurry to get away,
but soon return. "It is not every rack
that you can walk out on and see the fit ii
like that" said the enthusiastic superin
tendent with just pride. The salmon
were enjoying themselves and the big
fellows were continually jumping.
The manner of taking the lish in order
to procure the eggs is as follows : At the
lower end of the area in which the fish
are penned the rack narrows down to an
Indian trap. A seine is carried out
acrosB the river and drifted down with a
boat, forcing great numbers of the salmon
into the triip. From this they are care
fully tiken and the "green" ones cast
back to the pen; By "green" is meant
those that are not yet icady to spawn.
The ones which are to be used a:e
placed in racks, each one by itself and
carried alive in wagons to the h itch y
building. Here the eggs are t:i' eu
from the females and put into the ha.,
ery baskets, in the troughs and impli
cated by the fluid fiom the male fish.
Through these baskets of eggs in the
troughs a Btream of fresh water from
Kogue river, at its natural temperature,
ii flowed, during the entire time re
quired for hatching which will average
about 50 d: ys.
The fish that have been used are then
killed and canned, a small cann'ng plant
being a part of the hatchery's equip
ment. They are alterwaads ground up
and used as food for the little fish before
they are turned into the river. People
unacquainted with the salmon industry
might question this killing f the old
fish, but it is just as well, for they soon
die after spawning, none of them ever
returning to the salt water, and it makes
the work of the hatchery easier by hav
ing them removed where they will not
sgain be taken in the trap The little
fish are kept and cared for about three
months alter hatching at the end of
which time they are about three inches
in length. Mr. Berriam expects to turn
out about 5,01)0,0(10 little fish this vear.
These legions of little fellows find their
way to the ccean, grow and thrive and
in from the third to their fifth year of
exis'eua return up Itogre liver and
form a link in the chain which perpetr
ates the exi-tenceof the species.
Few people understand the work of
the hatchery correctly. It is a benefi
cent effort on the part of the U S.
government, not the state, to increase
the supply of food fishes in llogue river
and many who enjoy the rich and the
sport of taking them are unjust in oppo
sition or lack of interest in the matter.
Ten miles np Elk creek from the
mon hatchery is a eteelhead hatchery.
This splendid fish spawns in the eprfhg,
and the manner of handling is much the
same as for tiie royal Chinook.
B the A ii Yoti Haw Always Bflltfl
A Cowardly Jswwin Fired - Two
Slioti,mBal mil Probably Not
Prove lui'.al.
Buffalo. N. Y., Sept. 6 Piesident
Mc.K nley was shot here ib.s afternoon
a I'i'le alter 4 o'clock, while holding a
reception at the Temp'e ol Music on the
Pan-Amer'i an grounds, by Leon Czol
goBz, au anarchist. He was well dressed,
and was in the act of shaking bauds
with the president when he committed
the deed. He had covered i he revolver
with a handkerchief. Two shots were
fired, one ludging in the pr. -ideut's leit
breast and one in the abdu . eu, Czul
gosz was arrested on the ihot.
I'zoUoES was knqwn in a mill at New
burg, Ohio, whe.e he worked, iis l ied
Ne-umn. He is suid to be iy dttct-'itu
liussuii -Poland '.le'inan Jew , a'ld con
fesses himself to be a disciple of the no
torious anarchist propa&anui.-rt, hui.ua
Sept 7 The p.es'dent's wounds are
not necessary fatal, and recovery is
possible, unless untoward complications
Sept. 8 All the heads of the depart
ments of government and Vice-President
Kcosevelt have arrived at Buffalo. The
president's condition isnios serious. The
The governments of Europe and South
America have sent telegrams to the
department depressing the warmest
sympathy with t'e president and the
United States.
Sept. 9 The most confident predic
t'ou is made cf the president's recov
ery. If within the next. 24 hours there
is'no change for the worse, the physi
cians attending him will declare him out
of danger. In that event, three weeks
hence he would be completely re
covered. John Recjioiid, the Irish lesder, ca
bled to Vice-President Koosevelt from
London today an fol'ows: "In the name
of the Nationalist party I send an ex
pression of deepest sympathy. Ireland
abhors the dastardly crime."
Anna Uoldtuan, the arch anarch'Bt,who
was in Buffalo on Monday, the 2nd, has
d'sappeared. The police are searching
for her. She is believed to be morally
responsible for the attack on the presi
dent. Czolgosn poeeB as a hero, having
no conception ol the dastardiiuess of his
The hu'ltt of the assassin is yet in
the president's body and peritonitis is
.eared. An X ray machine is ready for
iiista it use in taee the danger becomes
Sept. 10 Emma Goldman was ar
rested in Chicago, where a dozen other
male and female anarchists were cap-
turee. two months ago, the Chicago
' Reds" were plotting to ussassinate
The physic! ins in attendance on the
pre-dde.it are reasonably confident that
be will recover, but the bullet of the
wouhVje assasr'n he will carry with
him to the grave.
In Europe no less than in Ameiica
prayers have been wa'ted on the wings
of the spirit to the throne of the Most
High imploring that full recovery may
be vouchsafed to the chief executive of
the United States
As soon as Mr. McKinley can endure
t:ie strain, he will be moved from his
quarters at Millbiirn House to either
Canton or Washington.
The pope has been so deeply moved by
the a i tuck on McKinley that he will is
sue an encyclical on anarchism.
Continued on page 6.
Men Will Be Boys
In the excitement of a lively extrcise
like boat racing or ball-playing, they
will strain thetr muscles and go home
limping and sore. Then they are glad
they have Perry Davis' Pain Killer on
hand to soothe the quivering nerves; to
penetrate the muscles with warmth and
healing power. It has relieved the pain
of two generations of Americans. Large
bottles 25 and 50 cents.
Farmers, bring your chickens to Mc
Glashan & Rakel. They pay spot cash.
Friday, Sept. 6.
The strikinsr cigarmakers of Tampa,
Fla., marooned on a Honduras island,
have 'escaped and returned, and the fed
eral authorities will prosecute the kid
Canadian Northwest is expected to
have a wheat crop of 100.000.0C0
W.S. Strowger, of Rochester, N. Y..,
claims to have invented a liquid gas
that will make coal and -coal oil a drug
in the market.
The cruiser Philadelphia arrived at
Colombia is drawing troops from the
interior to protect the isthmus. An
Ecuadorean force invades Colombia.
The Ranger arrived at Panama, and
the Iowa is due today.
Matthias Is!anders were punished for
massacring a German party.
Emperor William refuses to meddle
in the Franco-Turkish dispute.
Saturday, Sept. 7.
Kidnapping of an American mission
ary woman in Macedonia is confirmed.
James MoArthur, the murderer, was
hanged at Deer Lodge, Mont.
.Governor Geer expresses-regret at the
attempt on McKinley's life, and says
anarchists will now be diiven out
Tacoma anarchiBt narrowly escaped
lynching 1 for approving of the attack on
Both sides to the San Francisco strik
are as determined as ever. ,
Volume of business in New York
sfocks almost loweBt of the year. Some
apprehension felt on the money market
over decrease in bank reserves. ,
Sunday, Sept. 8.
The Venezuelan fleet is bombarding
Rio liacha, Colombia. Colombia ac
cepts the friendly mediation of the
United States, President Castra abso
lutely refuses to consent to mediation.
Assault on McKinley upsets New York
stock market.
Financial situation in New York may
require imports of gold from Europe.
Monday, Sept. 9.
Steps are being taken for the suppres
sion of anarchists.
The steelworkers' executive committee
ordered Shad'er to settle the strike.
Near Coivallis, an attempt was made
to murder afamily of hoppickers.
A lone highwayman tried to hold
up the Ager-Lakeview stage.
Thieves are robbing sluiceboxes in the
vicinity of Dawson.
Judge Lowell's early announcement
of his candidacy for governor a surprise
to republican leaders.
Mrs. Mary Vincent committed suicide
by trking i-ai boli" acid ; Portland.
Tii'-eday, (Sept. 10.
Secretary tiae has been asked tore-:
lieve the mo.ey market by New York
financial insti utioiis.
The National leunion of the G. A. R.
opened at Cleveland,
Governor Geer commends proposed
New Jersey leghdatiou against anar
chists, St-ange death of Winter Kyle at As
toria leads to suspicion of murder.
Prospects are that Willamette Valley
prune crop will bring good prices.
Two large lumber schooners to be
built for the Tillamook trade.
Abraham Isaak, anarchist, under ar
rest in Chicago, published the Firebrand
in Portland.
Blimot ITaig crushed to death in a
well at Lents.
Buried forest di: covered under the
'ava on Mount Hood.
Wednesday, Sept. 11.
Strikers at McKeesport, Pa., attacked
nonunion men.
Precautions are being taken in Europe
to protect the touring rulerB from an
archists. Disturbances in Morocco are increas
ing. French reservists indulge in revolu
tionory talk.
Representative Tongue favors a law to
keep out foreign anarchists.
Oregon hop crop will he between 60,
000 and 65,000 bales.
Since September 2, Lord Kitchener
has captured 081 Boers, 3400 horses and
19,000 cattle.
Cootloued on pase 7.
Death Stood Off.
E. B. Munday, a lawyer of Henrietta,
Tex., once fooled a grave digger. He
says: "My brother waa very low with
malarial fever and jaundice. I per
suaded him to try Electric Bitters, and
tie was soon much better, but lie con
tinued their use until he was wholly
cuied. I am sure Electric Bitters saved
his life." This remedy expels malaria,
kills disease germs and purifies the
blood; aids digestion, regulates live1,
kidneys and bowels, cures constipation
and dyspepsia, nervous diseases, kid
ney troubles, female complaints; gives
perfect health. Only 60c at George A.
Harding's drug store. ,
A slightly used parlor organ for sale
by W, L. Block, the homefurnisher.
Oregon City fi Portland lilver
Line, .
The new steamer "Leona" will go on
this route May 30th, making four round
trips every day. This boat has been
built especially for the Oregon City and
Portland route by the Graham Bros., of
the Oregon City Transportation Com
pany. They believe the time has come
when a good passenger and freight boat
willreceive enough patronage from the
two cities to support the same. The
time card will be as follows: Leave Ore
gon City at 7 and 10a. m., 1:30 and 4:30
p. m .. Leave Portland 8 :30 and 11 :30
a. m., 3 :30 and 6 :00 p. m. Round trip
will be 25 cents.
Being crowded f?r space in my warehouse, I will sell the
now in stock at prices that defy competition. Come early
the stock has been picked over.
I have a stock of these
investigate for yourself.
Buffalo Pitts Harrows
atid Cultivators
Owen's "Advance"
Fanning Mills
Peerless Plows
Write for
w. . moijia:
Implements and Vehicles
...i i
balers on hand that I will sell at reduced prices. Call and
u wum'uji.w.wjpiiwiMiiwiiiiiM mtjtnt wlarai
fek'iSCA Milwank e P.ind
(Catalogue nml Ptie .
Odds and Ends
5 Cents per Double
As long as the stock lasts In
order to make room for new
stock we will sell last season's
patterns at reduced prices. .
The Housefurnisher
buggies and spring wagons
and secure a buggy before
. 1 t !' '
y- .
Belle Cih I Ltd Cutter
c rs
and Mowers
n n
'T25 ;L ;:rif