OREGON CITY COURIEP -HERALD. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 6, 1901 7 TIME TABLES ELECTRIC CARS 25e or 450 Bound Trip leave leave Oregon city Portland 7:05 A.M. , 7:00 A.M. law 7 45 8:H5 8 80 9:20 9 15 10:05 10 00 10:50 10 45 11:85 1130 12:20 P.M. 12:15 P.M. 1:05 1:00 1:60 1:45 2:35 2:30 8:20 8:15 ' 4:05 4:00 4:60 4:45 6:85 6:30 6:20 6:15 . 7:05 7:00 70 7:45 8:20 8:80 . 9:15 9:16 10:30 10:30 11:40 OnlytoMilwaukie 12:50 Bat. only 11:40 SUNDAY 25c Round Trip Cars Every Half Hour BOATS Bound Trip 25o LEAVE ' LEAVE ore. city Portland 7 00 a.m. Taylor St. 10 0(1 8 30 a.m. 1 30 p.m. 11 80 4 30 8 00 p.m. 8 00 Rat. 6 15 9 80 1100 1 00 230 4 00 6 30 700 SUNDAY 800 9 30 1100 100 2 30 400 6 80 700 WILLAMETTE . FALLS CARS R. R. TRAINS 25o or 45o Bound Trip LEAVE ORKOON CITY 7:00 A.M. 922 A. M. ,6:30 P.M. LEAVE PORII.AND 8:30 A.M 4:00 P.M. 8:30 P. M Leave 3. Bridge 6:46 7:30 8:15 9:80 11:00 12:10 12:45 1:15 2:15 4:00 . 6:00 6:45 6:15 a 6:45 H 7:15 h 8:15 3 9:00 n 10:00 g Leave Wll. Pal 6:30 7;00 7:46 8:30 9:45 11:16 12:26 1:00 1:30 2:30 4:15 5:15 6:00 ' 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:30 9:46 he Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co's Strs. Regulator & Dalles City Daily (exoept Sunday) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver 1 and Portland Touching at way points on both sides of the Columbia river. Both of the above steam rs have been re nil unit are In excellent ahene for the Feasor) oil 00 The Regulator line will endeavor to give its patrons the best service possible. For CGmfort, Economy and . Pleasure travel by the steamers of l'he -Regulator Line. The above ateamers leave Portland 7a. m.and Dalles at 8 a. m.,and arrive at destinations ample time for outgoing trains. Portland Office, The Dalles Offjce Oak 8t. Dock. CourtStreet. WHITE COLLAR LINE PORTLAND-ASTORIA ROUTE STR. TAHOMA Daily Round Trips, except Sunday TIME CARD - LeaTe Port'and 7 A. M. Leave Astoria 7 P. M. THE DALLES-PORTLAND ROUTE STR. BAILEY GATZERT DAILY ROUND TEIP V EXCEPT MONDAK VANCOUVER, CASCADE LOCKS 8T. MARTIN'S SPRINGS, HOOD ' RIVER, WHITE SALMON LYLE AND THE DALLES TIME CARD Leave Portland 7 A. M. Arrive The Dalles 3 P. M. Leave " 4 M Arrive Portland 1C " 11 BALS THE VERY. BEST fS-Sumlnjr Trips a Leading feature ar-Di is Route has the Grandest Scenic Attrac tions on Earth Landing and office, Foot Alder Street Both phones, main 851 Portland, Obeoon J. C. WYATT, Ant.. Vancouver W0LFORO & WYERS, Agts.,White Salman PRATHER & BARNES, Agts., Hood River JOHN M. FILLOON, A at., The Dalles A. J. TAYLOR, Agt , Astoria E. W. CRICHT0N, Afct., Portland SOUTH AND EAST VIA Southern Pacific Co. Shasta Route i or"- Wine of Cardui is the guardian of a woman's health and happi ness from youth to old age. It I , helps her safely into womanhood. I It sustains her during the trials of pregnancy, childbirth and I motherhood, making labor easy and preventing flooding and mis carriage. It gently leads her i through the dangerous period known as the change of life. V.EIE"CARDUI cures leucorrhoea, falling of the womb, and menstrual irregularity in every form. It is valuable in every trying period of a woman's life. It reinforces the nervous I system, acts directly on the geni tal organs and is the finest tonio for women known. Ask your druffsrist for a $1.00 bottle of Wino of Cardui. NEWS OF THE WEEK , ...... - . . ' , - .- fr.IGPRUHE CeredU. A Lnrae Coticovre of Etlncators from Different Sections of the State A Brilliant Corp of In-structors. Trains leave Oregon rity Jor Portland at 7.00 and 9:22 a. m., and 6;30 P. M, Lv Lt Ar A. C. A1XAWAT General Agent Best of Everything In a word this tells of the i rsi nger servioe via, THE NORTli-WESTERN LINE 8 trains dally between St. Paul and Chicago, comprising: TheLatet Pullman Sleepers Peerless Dining Cars T.ihrnrv and Observation Cars Free Reclining Chair Cars The 20th Onturv Train "The Korth-Western Limited," runs every day of the year. The Finest Train in the World Electric Lighted Steam Heated To Chicago by Daylight. The Badger State Express, the finest day tram runmns between Uhicago via. the Short Liue. Connections from the west made via - The Northern Pacific, Great Northern, and Canadian Pacific Eva This is also one of the best lines between Omaha, St. Ptul and Minneapolis All aeents Bell tickets via "The North western Lane." W. H. MEAD, H. S. SISLER. G. A. T. A. 048 Alder St., Portland, Oregon. Portland Oregon City Ashland Sacramento San Francisco Ogden Denver Kansas City Chicago Los Angeles 1 Paso Fort Worth City of Mexico Houston New Orleans Washington New Tork 8:30 A.M. a. H. 12:65 A.. 6:10 p. M 7:4b P.M. 4:45 A. H. 9:30 A.M. 7:25 A M, 7:42 A.M. 2:00 p. M. 6:00 P.M. 6:80 A.M. 11:80 A. M. 7:00 b.m. 6:80 P.M. 6:42 A.M. 12:10 P. M. Ttatnavllle. Ala.. Jnlv 11. 1900. I am using Wine of Cardui and Thed- ford'i Black-Draught and I feel like a different woman already. Several la dies here keep the medicines in their hnmea all the time. and they arousing it with me. ' Ifra. KATE BROWDEB. For advice and literature, address, giving symptoms, "The Ladlea' Advisory Depart ment ". The Chattanooga Medicine Company, Chattanooga, lenn. MITCHELL WAGONS of Pullman and Tourist Cnrs on both trains. Chair ears, Sacramento to Ogden and El Pasm and tourist cnrs to Chienuo, St. Louis, New Orleans and Washington Connecting at San Francisco with several Steamship Lines for Honolulu, Japan, Ihina, fnllipplUbR, central ana ouuu Aiiiwriui.. Bee E. L. Hoopknqakneb, agent at Oregon City station, or address C. H. MAEKD AM, Q. P. A., Portland, Or OREGON SllJOPjLINE AND Union Pacific lhe 0. R. & N. Co. Gives the Choice of SUMMONS. In the circuit court f the state of Ore gon, lor Ui'ickamaB conmy. - Hattie Claijt, plaintiff, vs George fllnrk. defendant. To George Clark, the above named de fendant : In the name of the state of Uregon, you are hereby required to appearand answer tne compiaini mea against you in the above entitled court and cause on or beiore the fourth day of October,1901, which is Six weeks after August 2.J.19U1, the date ordered for the first p tblication of this notice, and if you fail to so appear and answer the piaintm win appiy ior the relief prayed for in her complaint, to-wit: for a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between the above named plaintm ana aeienaant; and for su h other and further relief as tn tho fioiirt seems meet and lust. This summons is published by order of the Hon. T. A. McBride, judge of the above named court, made and entered on the 21st day of August, 1901. M, J. JVIACJY1AHON, Attorney for Plaintiff. Dated Oregon City, August 21, 1901. Best possible to build .' No waeron is or can be better than a Mitchell, because' the cream of wood 6took is used, onlv after being thoroughly seasoned. The wagon is well ironed, well painted, well propor tioned, and runs the lightest of any. ' lt is neatly 70 ye-rs since the first Mitchell wagon was built, and they, have been built continuously ever, since by the Mitchells. When you buy a Mitt-hell, you get the benefit of this 70 years' experience. ,. "J Mitchell, Lewis &Staver Co. First and Taylor Streets Portland, Oregon. SUMMONS. THREE TRAINS TWO VIA ONE VIA THE OREGON THE GREAT SHORT LINE NORTHERN ?;SSPft:S: op.. TO TO SALT LAKE, DENVER, SPOKANE, OMAHA, MINNEAPOLIS, CHICAGO and ST. PAUL and KANSAS CITY. CHICAGO. a Ocean Steamers leave Portland every. 5 Days for SAN FRANCISCO Boats leaves Portland daily for Willam ette and Columbia Kiver minis. Monthly Steamers to China and Japan. In the circuit court of the state of 6re- gon for the county of Clackamas ss: Ida M Young, plaintiff, vs. Charles O. Young, defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or beior.e the 6th day of September, 1901, that be ing the time prescribed in the order of the publication ol Wis summons ; ana u you fail to appear Bnd answer said com plaint, the plaintm win apply tome court for the relief therein prayed for, to-wit: A decree of divorce frum the bonds of matrimony now existing be tween you and the plaintiff, and that said bonds be forever dissolved, and the guardianship of the minorchild named in said complaint. This summons is published by order of the above entitled court, made and entered the 17th day of July, 1901, and the date of first publication is Friday, August 2, 1901, and the said publica tion is to run six consecutive weeks from the said date, M . J. MAcMAnoN, Attorney for Plaintiff. Dated. Oregon City, July 26, 1901. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. For Over Fifty Veara. An Old and Wkll-Trikd Remedy. Mrs. Winsluw's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste, Sold Ly Drue gists In every part of the World, Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Pe sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. $100 Reward $100. Tho re.iter. r,f this naDer will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded dieease that science has been able to cure in all its ioop. .tM that la Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure tuiwu iu um iu,ui.t fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall s Catarrh Cure'is taken internally, acting diivetly unnn tiA hinni and mucous aurfaces of the sys tem, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient stiength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in .inina its work. The nronrietora have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it falls to cure. Bend tor list or testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O "Sold by Druggists, 75o. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Sunday, Sept. 1. A Montana train wreck on the Great Northern was the worst in the road's history ; killed 38 . Venezuelan and Colombian troops are massed on the border near Cueuia. Frenchmen are excited over the com ing visit of the Czar. Five American warships visit British ports simultaneously. A Notthern Pacific railroad safe at Olympia, Wash., was blown open aucT the entire contents stolen. Two hundred and twenty shingle mills in Washington close down. Fences of Jesee Carr around 80.000 acres of public land in Southwestern Oregon have been torn down. An attempt was made to wreck the Astoria-Portland train. A pocket of 50 per cent, ore was un covered in the 1 Virtue mine in Eastern Oregon. Superintendent Ackerinan holds that Oregon voters have the right to say whether tnoie than eittht grades Bhali be taught in the public schools. Watchman John Dougherty was crush ed to death in Portland by a fall. Sell wood is taking steps toward the erection of cottages for woolen mill em ployes. r- Monday, Sept. 2d. The Czar and Czarina of Russia h ave arrived at Copenhagen. The Chinese Prince Chun may not apologize to Emperor William. A rain storm at Cleveland, O., caused damage to property estimated at $1,000,- 000. ( President McKinley vUited the Pan American exposition on laBt Thursday and Friday. Roosevelt delivered two lay sermons in Chicago. He has learned from Kai ser Wilhelm how to preach. Tuesday. Sept. 3. France requests the Turkish ambassa dor to leave Paris. A Philadelphia woman was arrested in London for a forgery of nearly $500, 000., . ... , Labor dav was quite generally ob served throughout the United States. The courts of Hawaii do not agree on the question of the constitution follow ing the flag. A Portland firm has chartered a lum ber fleet of 25,000,000 feet capacity. The greatest labnr day celebration ever known in Portland. . ' The British bark Oollessie was wreck ed on west coast of South Africa. Burdette Wolf, who murdered a girl in Portland ten years ago, is in hiding in Peru. , Frank Morack. of Portland, stabbed himself because he was jilted. Mrs. Mary Spiller, a prominent Ore gon educator, is dead. Wednesday. Sept. 4th. The United States offered to mediate in the row between Venezuela and Co lombia. The Caracas and Rogota governments replied to Secretary Hay's mite. Vene zuela issues an explanation of the1 trouble.. The Jananese press is excited over the Honolulu incident, the insulting of Jap anes ladies, who arrived as passengers. Boers threaten to shoot all British soldiers captured after Sept. 15th, as an offset to Kitcheners brutal proclama tion. finvprnnr Schroeder reports prosper ous conditions in Guam island. The chain makers at Pittsburg are striking fur more pay. A Cotton Belt train was robbed near Texarkana. Vnr Bssfliiltinif Miss Wilson. 16 years old. Bill Flournev.a negro, was hot and burned np at -Chestnut (jrove, aiu. The ereat strike of the Bteel workers will probably fail. The English will convey 100,000 Boer concentrai bs from the camps in the interior to South African coaBt towns. The expiatory visit of Prince Chun to Emperor William is considered a farce at Eerlin, for the Chinese prince comes as a guest. TEACHERS' IXST1TUTE. The County Institute opened Tuesday morning in the Barclay High school Building, and closed Thursday evening. For this year's institute many of the best instructors of the st.ite were in attendance. They are a follows: P. L. Campbe,ll, president SUte Nor mal School, Monmouth. R. F. Robinson, superintendent Mult nomah county. Frank Rigler, Btiper'n Undent, city schools of Portland. Miss Lorelta Smith, critic, teacher training department O, S N. S., Mon mouth. - Following is the programme for the three days: LKCTUttK. Wednesday evening, P. L. Campbell. Musical programme will be in charge Miss Imogen Harding, of Oregon Citv. 1 Certificates of attendai cs will be is sued by the secretary, A W. MuLaugl; lin. TUESDAY MORNING. Onenimz exercises. 9 a. m. Primary work, Superintendent Frank Rigler. Language, President f. L. Campbell, Geography, "Trade Routes," Superin tendent R F. Robinson. TUE8DAY AFTERNOON. Opening exercises, 1 :30 o'clock. Primary work, Miss Smitu . Theory and practice, P. L. Campbell. Primary work, Miss Smith. Civics, "The President's advisers."" WEDNESDAY MORNING, Primary work, Miss Smith. Language, P, L. Campbell. Reading. Frank Rigler. WEDtlESDAY AFTERNOON. Primary work, Miss Smith. Geography, P. L. Campbell. Primary work, MisB S ith. Theory and practice, P. L. Campbell, Leciure, 8 p. m., courthouse, THURSDAY MORNING. History, Frank Rigler. Language, P. L. Cam shell Primary work, Miss Smith. THURSDAY AFTERNOON. Theory and practice, P. L Campbell. Primary work, Miss Smith. Otir new text bonks, P. I . Cambell Primary work, Miss Smit i. I Fruit 1 46; Grains, For full information call on or address nearest O. R. 4 N. Ticket Agent, or aauress A.L.CHAIO. G, P. A., Portland. Oregon quent taxeg Bn( acquired title thereto - I .3 i. An,n1i.n.. wilt, t Vi a Mmmanda Notice is hereby given that by virtue of law approved February 23rd, 1901, providing for the saie ol landa whtcn Clackamas county nas oui in ior ueiur Pan-American Exposition BUFFALO, N. Y. MAT TO NOVEMBER Ask CHICAGO, MlLWAUKIE & Sr. Paul Raiway about reduced rates. C. J. EDDY, General Agent, PORTLAND, ORE. and in compliance with the commands of said law I will on Saturday, the 14th dav of September. 1901, at the Iront door of the county court house in the citv of Oreaon City. Clackamas county, i : : - i in , V I n th VyrcgOIl, uegiimiun nb A' w wuv .u ..." forenoon of said day, sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash in hand on the day of sale, all of such prop erty to which said Clackamas c innty has acquired title in accordance with aid law. J.J. Oookb, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Or. Dated this 8th day July, 1901. NEW GOODS NEW PRICES Has just received a new line of Dry Goods, Men's andBoysfCIoth ing, Furnishing Goods and Underwear that he will sell at reduced prices. OABTOIllA. Bean tU M You Have Always Bought No Relief for 20 Years. "I'had bronchitis for twenty years," said Mrs. Minerva Smith, of Danville. III., "and never got. relief until I used Foley's Honey and Tar, which is a sure cure for throat and lung diseases, thartuan & Co. . Consumption Threatened. O. linger, 212 Maple St., Champaign, 111., writes: "I was troubled with a hacking cough for a year, and I thought I had cotinuinption. I tried a great many remedies and was under the care of phtsiriaiiK for several months. I usnd hntile nf Folev't Honev and Tar. It cured me and I have not been troubled since, Cha'tnan & Co. .TakMnrlns at Mia Conrler-Herali First Store on Upper Seventh St. I ' - -1 M foouvqj I W'-coiio fcU aoi n aoii-tii n aowp " ' ""'I -uoo ill ii ind iqlil P" o itwt I V, q awwta mq 'isw "J o"1 I LllO SSOIUBH Y , - r ' -moo jo vmi io I V . -'rr mat n mom soi I JVJV. -looi Jood piMMoq I T The following are the names of those in attendance at the teachers' institute: Minerva Thiessen, Milwaukee. Orace Marshall, N. Portland. T. J. Rating, Silverton. II. L. McCann, Parkplace. J. C. Zineer, Oregon t'ity. T.J. Gary, Oregon City. Ada 0 Moehnke, Shubel. Helen M. Uleasun, Oregon City. A. W. McLaughlin, Milwaukie. Margaret Guitridge, Oregon City. Marian Swanby, Canby. Edmund Snyder, Aurora, r Martin MasBinger, Shubel. Ohe Miller, t'arkplace. Imogen Harding, Uregou l it y. Tessa Lai kins, Marquain. Mary E. Miller, Marquam. M. E. Adams, Oregon City. Emma Kli insmith. Clarks Bertha'Kennedy, Oregon City. Auna Nash, balem. Evelyn Nash, Salem. Alice M. Shannon, uregon uuy. Vesta Knight, Canby. Veva Kniaht. " Christian Hamilton, Viola. Olne Lenny, Harriet Uochrane, uregon viiy. Lou Albee, H.D.Wilcox, Antoinette Walden, " Elizabeih Buck, ' Shirley " May Andrews, " Fannie Porter, " Kathryn Porter, " Harriet Case, " Hulda E. Ilolden, " Francis Johnson, Blanche Holden, " Kobert Ginther, Shubel. Iva M. Harrington, Highland. Ivah OlmBteadi Logan. Nora Hale, Currinsville. Julia Spoonor, Payn. Aneita M. Gleason, Uregon tity. Marjorie Caulield, " Ethel Usburn, Damascus. H. T. Evans, Oswego. Ethel 1. Kigdon, Halem. Nellie v. Glaes, Uregon Uity. Joeephine Fullerton. " Emilia U. Phaw, rorttanu, C. D. Bradford, Portland. Mary L. Young, Milwaukie. Estella B. Salisbury, Oregon City. Grace Robinson, Clackamas. Florence Patty, Oregon City. Wm. H.Karr, Payn. Kate Canto, Milwaukie. Elsie M. Gibhs, Ely. Edith A. Jackson, Ely. Daisy vicAuulty, Oregon City. Mrs. V. M. Godfrey, Margaret Williams, " Erma L. Lawrence, " Sade H. Chase, " Gertrude Nefsger, " Marilta Aldrich, " Grace Miller, " Millie Kruee, Shelba Childs, " Myrtle Taylor, M. Elizabeth Baker, " Jennie Noble, " Anna L. Smith, '' Mrs.O. M. Strange, " Maggie Watenpaugh, Salem. Annie I. Hicinbothem, Viola. Eva M. MoehDke, Shubel. Josephine Preston, Holbrook, Olive G. Harris, Clatskanie. Loretta Smith, Monmouth. Alex Thomson, Clackamas. Wyona K. Surfus, Ellwood. Bessie Grant, Oregon City. Martha Sturchler, Clackamas. Stella Summer, Sunnyside. Ithoda Newkirk, Parkplace. 0 B. Stone, Redlaod. Maud Stone, Uedland. W. M. Smith, Salem. C. G. Mack, Mackshurg. U. A. Miller. Highland. Supt. K. F. Robinson, Portland. David B. Thomas, Beaver Creek. Kdson W. Downing, Milwaukie. Robert W. Baker, Oregon City. Geo. Murdock, Macksburg. A Perfect rood Drink Made Irom lhe choicest fruits I cereals grown in Ca.lt a Posse;- -vo a delicate flavor end arena i not found in any othrr Cereal Coffee. All grocers sell it. Howard Eccles, Carfby. Grace Kd wards, Oregon City. ; Pearl Nida, Osweno. Rosa Feathers. Damaecus. Anna Bach man, Stone. Carrie Fe, Portland. Aura Thompson, Stafford. Inzi Thompson, Station!, i; Helen Murray, Wilsonvtlle. Perl Gnrret. Needy. Otlie Eisenhart, Monitor. H. H. Gibson, Oregon UitT. Mrs. Lil'ie Bowland, Montavilla. . Inez L. Murray, Woodstock. t Georginia Boll, Portland. Blanche A. Dyer, Oswego. . L. 11. Vinceut. Wiisouville. Iena Spinney, Portland. Zura Mayheld, Highland. Mrs. Tenniw North, Highland. Zona Mayfleld, Highland. Anna Olsen Portland. Matilda Olsen, " L. A. Read, Mt. Tabor. 'J Supt. Frank Rigler, Portland. Delia Withey, Portland, PreBt. P. L. Campbell, Monmouth. Ara W. McLaughlin, Milwaukie. Eva L.Todd, Hubbard. Elnora Ginther, Shubel. Margaret GooHfp'W, Oregon City. ) Lizabeth SM; 1 . Oregon City. Jessie Hum . v , Mrs. M..I. 1 1 Orptmn City. Maude Ra Hill Moliil'n. , Katherine 0. McMillan, Wilhoit. j Emma Fleuuniiig, Lent. j Beatrice Goodknecht, Knfus. j A. R Foster, Portland. i (1. R Marquam, Marquam. ,i Lloyd Marquam, " '. i LHiira E Beattie, Pendleton. M. M Ringler, Portland. Ora Lewellen, Sprir.gwater. V, E. Young, Howell. N. W. Rowland, Montavilla. H. G. Starkweather, Milwaukie, Eva S. Meldrntn, Oregon City, ; Prof. Joseph Schalhr, Eugene. Madge Hill, Parkplace ' F, L Skirvin, Scotts M'lU. ; Orah Skirvin. Scotts Mills. ; Mrs. A. T. Winches, Canby. : A. T. Winches, Ce"bv. Charles Rutherfotii, McMinnville. ( Mabry McCown, Oregon City. Two names not ascertained. ! The total number is;i67. '. Don't forget the Great Reduction sale at the Kacket Store. Ladies, if vour sewing machine is out of order, have it fixed at Johnson 4 La,mb. Kotlce to Dtbtors. I I herewith notify all persons indebted to me for livery hire to pay without de lay. Accounts remaining unpaid by the end of this month will be placed in the hands of a collector, when costs will be added. J. O. Bradley. Ii NERVE WASTE." One of the most helpful books on nerve J weakness ever issued is that entitled 'Nerve Waste," by Dr. Sawyer, of San Francisco, now In its fifth thousand. This work of an experienced and repu- i table physician is in agreeable contrast I to the vast sum ol laise teacning wincn i prevails on this interesting subject, lt j abounds in carefully considered and f practically advice, and has the two groat J merits of wisdom and sincerity. i It is indorsed by both the religious and secular press. The Chicago Ad- j vance says: "A perusal of the book and the application of Its principles win pui i health, hope and heart into thousands-A of lives that are now suffering through , ; nervous impairment." s. The book is $1.00, by mail, postpaid. One o' the most interesting chapters j chapters xx, on Nervines and Nerve t Tonics has been prin ed separately as j a sample chapter, and w ill be sent to i any address for stamp by the publishers, J The Pacific Pub. Co., Box 2058, San Francisco in plain sealed envelnpe, ,'t A Little Known Fact. '. That the majority of serious diseases ( originate in disordur ol the kidneys, Fo- ley's Kidney Cure is guaranteed. Be i sure to get Foley's. Uharman Jo. II (T Wnlliirio it,,Ti nf Ihn Mntho. - dint church, Springfield, Pa., says: ".My wile has been very ban with Kinney trouble and tried several doctors with out benefit Afier taking one bottle d Foley's Kidney Cure, was much better,' ana was completely cured auer taaiug lour b ittics." uiiarniBii v Uu. Mr. G. A. Milltuan. a mi-ri'liknt. nT Tamplco, 111., writes: "Foley's Kidney i unre is meeting with wonderlul success, I It has cured loinn cawea lierw that nhv. eicians (ironoii'iced tncurai!e. 1 myself am able to tentifv to its merits. Mf face today is a living incline of health, and Foley's Kidney (Jura has made It such 1 Imrcimn & Co. "I hitd a running Mire on my leg for ' seven years, writes Mrs. Jas. Forest, of Cnippew.4 Falls, Wis , "and spent , hundreds of dollars in trying to get kv ' healed. Two boxes of Banner Salve en- ti rely cured it. Beware of substitutes,! Charman & Co. , J