Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, August 30, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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I'L vn 1 .J
.The Hind You Have Always Bought, and which has beea
use tor over so years, iias norne tne siimatnre or
and has been made under his per
sonal supervision since its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you in this.
-All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of ,
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment
Castorsa is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, J)rops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contaiits neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
su!)Siar;ee. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Fevcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
, and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
look Carefully
To Your Kidneys
Dr. Jenner's
Kidney Pills
cause the kidneys to work as
nature intended they should.
.They build up the shrunken
walls of the kidneys, as no
."known remedy has been found
to do before.
As a cure for urinary troubles
they have no equal.
io, 25, 50 Cents 10s
C 3 HUNTLEY, Druggist
Oregon City, Oregon
A 1
Subtle I
Foe k
JvstHtmia ia unrecognized In
lull' I lie ':un. It deceives the SK
iitilanAv'mg wilTiwr. Its runny
v:u ituioiifi work uloiig the weakest
limy of tho system. To battle
'iuiist only one of thorn is vnin. S
Our booklet explains its wymp
toms. Our Dyspepsia Ttibletii (jive )
complete mid hinting relief. f
C. G.
t5 O
HUNTLEY, Driionist
Oregon City, Oregon
Don't Force
Your Bowels
with harsh minerals which
always leave bad after-effect,
on the entire system, and where
their use is persisted in, tend to
completely wreck the stomach
and bowels.
Edgars Cathartic
The only harmless, vegetable,
towel regulator, and liver vitalizer
As oleasant to the taste as
.candy and as positive as the harsh
est mineral. No gripe or pain.
o W, 25, 50 cents.
S. 6. HUNTLEY, Druggist
Oregon City, Oregon
"What Would Jesus Do."
(Continued from page 8.)
seeing many faces that represented scorn
of creeds, hatred of the social order,
dospemte narrowness and selfishness,
marveled that ereu so soca, vnder the
influence of the tettlemeat life, the
softening process had began to lessen
the bitterness of hearts, many of which
had grown bitter from neglect and in
difference. And still, in spite of the outward
show of respect of the speaker, no pne,
not even the bishop, had any true con
ception of the pent tip feeling in that
room that night. Among the men who
had heard of the meeting and had re
sponded to the invitation were 30 or 30
ont of work, who bad strolled past the
settlement that afternoon, read the no
tice, of the meeting and had come in
ont of enriosity and to escape the chill
east wind. It was a bitter night, and
the saloons were fall, but in that whole
district of over 80,000 souls, with the
exception of the saloons, there was not
a door open to the people except the
clean, pure, Christian door of the settle
ment. Where would a man without a
home or without work or without
friends naturally go unless to a saloon 1
It had been the enstom at the settle
ment fo a free and open discussion to
follow an open meeting of this kind,
and when Henry Maxwell finished and
eat down the bishop, who presided to
night, rose and made the annoncement
that any man in the hall was at liberty
to ask questions, to speak out his feel
ings or declare his convictions, always
with the understanding that whoever
took part was to observe the simple
rules that governed parliamentary bod
ies and obey the three minute rule,
which, by common consent, wonld be
enforced on account of the numbers
Instantly a number of voices from
men who had been at previous meetings
of this kind exclaimed, "Consent, con
sent I"
The bishop sat down, and immediate
ly a mun near the middlo of the hall
rose and began to speak.
, "I want to say that what Mr. Max
well has said tonight comes pretty close
to nie. I knew Jack Manning, the fel
low he told about, who died at his
house. I worked on next case to his in
a printer's shop in Philadelphia for two
years. Jack was a good fellow. He lent
mo If.1) once when I was in a hole, and
I never got a chance to pay it back. He
moved to New York, owing to a change
in the management of the office that
threw him out, and I never saw him
again. Whin the linotype machine
cnnio in, I was ono of the men to go
out, just as he did. I have been out
most of the time since. They say in
ventions are a good thing. I won't al
ways seo it myself, bnt I suppose I'm
prejudiced. A man naturally is when
ho ioses a steady job because a machine
takes his place. About this Christianity
ho tells about, it's all right, but I never
expect to seo any such sacrifice on the
part of church people. So far as my ob
servation goes, they're just as selfish
and as greedy for money or worldly
success as anybody. I except tho bishop
and Pr. Bruce and a few others, bnt I
never found much difference between
men of the world, as they're called, and
church members w hen it came to busi
ness and money making. Ono class is
just as bad as another there."
Cries of "That'ssol" "You're right!"
"Of course I" interrupted tho speaker,
and the miunte he sat down two men
who were on their feet for several sec
onds before tho first speaker was through
began to talk at once,
Tho bishop called them to crder and
indicated which was entitled to the
floor. Tho man who remained standing
began eagerly :
"This is tho first tiino I was ever in
here, and maybe it'll bo tho last. -'Fact
is, I'm about at the end of my string.
I've tramped this city for work until
I'm sick I'm in plenty of company.
Say, I'd like to ask a question of the
minister if it's fair. May It"
"That's for Mr. Maxwell to say,"
said the bishop.
"By all means," replied Mr. Max
well quickly. "Of course I will not
promise to answer it to the gentleman's
satisfaction." ,
"This is my question." Tho man
leaned forward and stretched out a long
arm, with a certain dramatic force that
grew naturally enough out of his con
dition as a human being. "I want to
know what Jesus would do in my case?
I haven't had a stroke of work for two
months. I've got a wife and three chil
dren, and I love them as much as if I
was worth a million dollars. I've been
living off a little earnings I saved up
during the World's fair jobs I got. I'm
a carpenter by trade, and I've tried ev
ery way I know to get a job. You gay
we ought to take for ourmotto, 'What
would Jesus do ?' What would he do if
he was out of work like me? I can't be
somebody else and ask the question. I
want to work. I'd give anything to
grow tired of working ten hours a day
the way I used to. Am I to blame be
cause I can't manufacture a job for my
self t I've got to live and my wife and
my children. But how ? What would
Jesus do? You say that's the question
re all ought to ask "
To be continued.
Their Secret Is Cut.
All'Sadieville. Ky., was curious to
learn the cause of the vast improvement
in the health of Mrs. 8. P. Whittaker,
who had for a long time, endured un
told suffering from a chronic brorchial
trouble. "It's all due to Dr. King's
New Discovery, " writes her husband,
"it completely cured her and ako cured
our little grand-daughter of a severe at
tack of Whooping Oough." It positively
cures Coughs, Golds, LaGrippe, Bron
chitis, all Throat and Lung troubles.
Guaranteed .bottles 60c and $1 .00. Trial
bottles free at George Harding's drug
Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent
Cure In All Cases
Chicago Cottage Organ at Block's.
Eagle Creek.
Ed Trullinger and family of Molalla
have been visiting Mrs. Trullinger's
mother, Mrs. L. Glover of this place.
Miss Lois McCoy, of Portland, is the
guest of Miss Pearl Foster.
G. Wilson and family have moved to
Oregon City, and J, S. Smith, owner of
their former place, have moved out.
Miss Delia Glover has returned home
from Vancouver.
Miss Lena VanBuren was the guest of
Zora Forrester, Sunday.
Lena Walk and brother are visiting
friends in Eagle Creek.
H. S. Gibson of Oregon City was seen
here Sunday.
Miss Grace Douglas is still very ill.
She improves very slowly.
Mrs. Simpson and daughter, Ruth,
were the guests of Mrs. J. P. Forrester.
A large number from Eagle Creek at
tended the picnic at Sandy, Saturday.
Geo, C. Brownell's speech was very
much appreciated, also ether numbers
of the program under the auspices of the
III n W VA Ttrnna nf Can. lit
general manager. The hall was crowded
at night and, as hne music was lur
nished the dance which was complete
Gus Winesett. who has been absent
for tome time returned home for a few
days this week.
Mary Mitchell came from Sandy Tues
day and is visiting friende in Eagle
Creek. She will return to Oregon City,
Mrs. Lucy Glover was tne guest ot
Mrs. J. P. Forrester on Tuesday.
Mr. Ingram iB visiting Ben Forrester
and sister.
Mountain View.
Mrs. NelBon, Mrs Albright, and Char
lie and Frank Albright took dinner with
Mr. and Mrs. Dolan in West Oregon
City last Sunday.
C. W. Friedrick and sons went to
Newport this week to tpand a few days
on the beach.
Mrs. Lewellen is visiting at Spring
water this week.
Mrs. G. W. Graee was calling on
friends in this burg Tuesday.
Miss Georgia Grace came through on
her wheel on her way to Now Era where
she will spend a few days visiting friends.
Miss May Lewellen accompanied ner
father to Canby Tuesday.
Mrs. FranK Albright is at Jefferson
this week visiting her mother.
Mr. Locke was at Can by the past
week working on the new bridge across
the Willamette.
Mrs. Nelson snl Mita Hattie Ringo
have returned from Soda Springs.
The members of the Mountain View
fire department went over to Josi's dairy
last Saturday to help at the big fire.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Myers and childien
were visiting at Mr. West's Sunday.
Mrs. McGeehan returned home Sun
day from her trip to the East.
Miss Bertha Friedrick has a new bi
cyle. Mr. Shannon of Beaver Creek, who
had an operation at the hospital is now
here at his sister's, Mrs. Welsh, and will
go home when he gets a little stronger.
Mr. Gillett is working t.ights this
week, pumping water out of a ditch
which Mr. Howell is having dug near
Canemah. ' Sauna.
"Something New Under the Sun."
All Doctors have tried to cure CA
TARRH by the use of powders, acid
gases inhalers and drugs in paste form.
The powders dry up the mucuous mem
branes causing them to crack open and
bleed, The powerful acids used in the
inhalers have entirely eaten away the
same membranes that their makers have
aimed to cure, while pastes and oint
ments cannot reach the disease. An old
and experienced practitioner who has
for many years made a close study and
specialty of the treatment of CATARRH,
has at last perfected a Treatment which
when faithfully used, not only relieves
at once, but permanently cures CA
TARRH, by removing the cause, stop
ping the discharges, and curing all in
flammation. It is the only remedy
known to science that actually reaches
the afflicted parts. This wonderful
remedy is known as "SNUFFLES the
and is sold at the extremely low nrice of
I One Dollar, each package containing in
ternal and external medicine sufficient
for a full month's treatment and every
thing necessary to its perfect use.
"SNUFFLES" is the only perfect CA
TARRH CURE ever made and is now
recognized as the only safe and positive
cure for that annoying and disgusting
disease. It cures all inflammation
quickly and permanently and is also
wonderfully quick to relieve HAY FE
VER or COLD in the HEAD.
CATARRH when neglected often
FLES" will save you if you use it at
once. It is no ordinary remedy, but a
complete treatment which is positively
guaranteed to Cure CATARRH in any
form or stage if used according to the
directions which accompany each pack
age. Don't delay but send for it at once
and write full particulars as to your con
dition, and y u will receive special ad
vice from the discoverer of this wonder
ful remedy regarding your case without
cost to you beyond the regular price of
Sent prepaid to any address in the
United States or Canada on receipt of
One Dollar. Address Dent. E 694, ED
WIN B. GILES & COMPANY. 2330 and
2332 Market Street, Philadelphia.
..u ...u ibi.u vi. catauiinucu
house ol soil financial Btandlnjr. Salary $780 a
jcur uuu e&jeuMeB, au payaDie in oftan No can
awing required. Give relerenoes and enelote
elf-addressed stamped envelope. Address Man
ager, 355 Caxton Bldg., Chicago.
it on TEN
There is nothing like Asthmalene.
It brings instant roller, even in the worst cases. It
cures when all else fails.
The Kov. C. F. WELLS, of Villa Eidge, 111., says:
"Your trial bottle of Asthmalene received in good
condition . I cannot tell you how thankful I feel for
the good derived from It. I was a slave, chained with
putrid sore throat and Asthma for ten years. 1 de
spaired of ever being eured. I saw your advertise
ment for the cure of this dreadful and tormenting
disease, Asthma, and thought you had overspoken
yourselves, but resolved to give it a trial. To my
astonishment, the trial aoted like a charm. 'Bend ma
a full size bottle." N
Rev Dr. Morris Wechsler,
Rabbi of the Cong. Bnai Israel.
New York, Jan. 3, 1901.
Das. Taft Bros.' Medicine Co.,
Gentlemen: Your Asthmalene la an excellent rem.
edy for Asthma and Hay Fever, and Its composition
alleviates all troubles which combine with Asthma.
Its success i s astonishing and wonderful. Alter hav
ing it carefully analyzed, we can state that Asthma
lene contains no opium, morphine, chloform nor
ether. Very truly yours,
Trial bottle sent absolutely free on
receipt of postal. Write at once, ad
dressing DR. TAFT BROS." MED
ICINE CO., 79 East I3cth St. New
York City,
UAKiTlClN 1 i
Built TO ORDER, and Built RIGHT
Come in and See Samples
and let us quote you Prices
P. O. SHARK, Oregon City, Ore.
Never Put a Boy
To Bed Hungry
Always give him plenty of good, wholesome food,
such as you find in a first-class store like ours. We
carry all the best goods known to the trade. Clean
liness is our hobby. If you are afraid of a foul cellar
at your own home, you should be afraid to eat gro
ceries that come from a foul store. Give us a call and
look us over.
Seventh and
Center Sts.
Immense Cash Trading Chance
My motto: "Best Values at Lowest Prices," has been so well appreciated by care
ful buyers, I can no longer accommodate the increasing throng of patrons at my present
location, so have decided upon
Into the Commodious L.
J. II. Kitching had the misfortune to
have his leg quite hadly cut several days
ago. It was feared that blood poisoning
would set in and Mr. Wullensof Spring
water was called Friday to see him and
he is very much improved.
II.T. Currin is is still quite poorly.
There seems to be no improveniont in
his condition.
Nearly every one in our little burg has
their threshing done.
Gladys Kly was quite sick Sunday but
is much better now.
V. H. II. Wade and wife have re
turned home from Salem, where they
have been for some time.
Mrs. Eliza Shauttland and children of
Portland are visiting at the home of W.
II. Shankland.
K.Coleman of Barton, was in Currir.s-
ville one day last week.
We were visited by quite a thunder
shower Sunday night which will do lots
ol good to the late gardens.
Ueo. Lockerbv and wife of Garfield
visited at L. Hale's one day last week.
All done binding grain, and the two
threshing machines will start up Thurs
day Dubois, Lewellen & Co., and the
D. C. Howell Co.
Last Sunday night we had a very hard
shower. Kaiu fell to the depth of nearly
two inches.
Uev. A. Y. Loper preached his fare
well sermon Sunday. One addition to
church, and three infants baptized and
Quite a crop of babies. Homer Du
bois and wife a girl, W. Yance and wife
a boy, Lewis Tucker and wife a boy.
Kobert Guttridge is home on a visit
from the Idaho mines.
Fleischner Building, Between Alder and Morrison Streets
This Week Commences a Great Removal Sale,
During which I
ft i list Close Out !
Dry Goods, Clothing,
men's f urnishing Uoods
ancy uoods, Etc., Etc.
$75,000 Stock
It's the entire stock, and every item in every department is marked with the sole
object of closing out the lot at the shortest possible notice.
THIS GREAT SALE is an all-over-the-store sale, hence in every department
you will find such shelf-emptying reductions as only necessity of moving could inspire.
Cost and profit have been ignored. Just one object in this sale Turn the Goods into Cash (
I invite you to come early every day while dollars do more than double duty. It
will pay you pay you well.
Ladies' Wrappers Lai."k. 29c
Ladies' Flannelette Pearttcot m".ng: 49c
Shaker Flannel Goypct yilta 4c
Table Damask GrAet 17Jc
CTioota Hummed ready for ue, Zfli
OuCClS good size, each wli
Pillow Slips Sffiuch 7ic
ladies' Vests rXf.e.!?!?ss: .:. 3c
Ladies' Union Suits s,Skr: 15c
Snn Bonnets 1Siwh 10c
TjrVoto Ladles' short Spring Jackets, I Krt
Udb&Cla tan, b-.ack or navy, each y l.dl
Anrnna on cioth aprons in
ajUUlla for the kitchen, e?ch v(w
Overalls D 15c
Overalls 25c
CHlte Ladies' Black Serjto f Cft
d&U la Walking Skirts, each
Corset Covers G,Kach 5c
T.awnC Colored figured 0
LidWIla Lawns and Dimities 01
Work Shirts 1
dark stripes, each. 19c
Bed Pillows Lneragch":ze: 35c
falinnac Bost American 03
lidllliUCa Iutligus, per yard . U4l
Suspenders "suSi per pair 8c
Window Shades "K'each 20c
Tnrfrpw T?Pf1 Dmai' Kd qnallty, tC
lUl&Cy ikCU neat patterns, per yard
Cjllrnllna Latest designs, C-
Muavimc newest colorings, per yard Jv
Children's Hose nS,gpypaed 31c
Blankets ".' ' 55c
CViontinn 36 inch heavy unbtoached 1
(jllCtUUy sheeting, per jard 1-.C
TTftCO Ladies' fast black, seamless OIa
"VaC hose, per pair O3C
Stork inn Boy's bicycle stockings, 101a
OlUL&lUlJa heavy ribbed, per pair lii-C
No Branch Stores.
Mail Orders Filled During this Sale.