Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, August 30, 1901, Image 1

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19th YEAR, NO. 18
(Rrebe, Harder &
182, 184, 186 Madison Street, West End of Bridge,
5 ivfll GrH t; "
Remember we have the finest stock of the best makes to be found
in Portland, including Farm and Spring Wagons, Buggies, Carriages
and Carts, Mowers, Rakers, Tedders and Hay Tools, Hay Presses,
Grain Drills, Plows, Cultivators, Disc and Spring Tooth Harrows,
Pumos Harness, Bicycles, Etc.
Reeular July
of the Conutj
J. 11. Morton, John Lewellen and T. B
Ktllin, Coinmiagioners.
In the matter of White, a county
charge: It ia omered that she be trans
tered to the caie and keeping of Mrs,
Shoemaker for Uie sum of $10 per month.
In the matter of the petition of M. C.
Donahue, et al, for change in the 0 8
Murray- road : In the matter of a petition
being tiled by M C Donahue and more
than 12 householders of the qonntv living
in the vicinity of the road described in
the petition, and praying viewers to be
appointed to view and locate a county
road in Clackamas County, Oregon, de
scribed in full as follows : Beginning at
the SVV corner of Sec 2, T 2 S, K 4 10,
Thence north on said line of a mile to
the NVV corner of the S4 of NW' of said
section 2 T 2 S, R 4 E. Thence bast on
said line about of a mile to a set stake
marked R. A. baid stake in the cento
of Hood View Road, about 3 feet NE of a
stump blazed on tbieu Bides, the stump
being about two feet in diameter. Said
road to be about 40 feet wide from begin
ning to terminus. Also to vacate such
portions of the old road as the new sur
vey covers. Said petitioner also filed hie
affidavit of notice posted respecting said
road, showing that there had been posted
one on the Court House Bulletin Board
and three in three of the most public
places in the vicinity of the proposed
road more than thirty days prior to the
presentation of this petition. He also
filed a bond for $100 conditioned accord
ing to law. Ordered that Wm Boring,
Ed Seifer and John Richie be and are
hereby appointed viewers to meet at the
beginning on the 26th day of August, 1901,
and subscribe to a written oath adminis
ered by Jno VV Meldrum, deputy county
surveyor, he being appointed by the
Board to survey said road, before pro
ceeding to view and locate said road, and
report in writing the next regular term
of the Board.
In the matter of funeral expensee of S.
E. Midlam, an indigent soldier, deceased.
Ordered that Baid bill be paid in full
amounting to $30, and that the clerk issue
the necessary warrants to cover same.
In the matter of petilion of L Ilumis
ton, for 6ancellation of school tax : This
matter coming on by. petition of L Hum
iston filed herein, stiowing to the court
that she was assessed for the year 1900
with a special Bchool tax in School Dist.
No 94 and that she has no land in Dint.
No 04, all of her land being in Dist No 4,
there being no special school tax in that
district, and the Board being fully ad
viBL'd, it is ordered that the BlieriiTcancel
said special school tax amounting to $4 46
on page 614, line 6.
In the matter of the application of J T
Apperson for settlement of taxes: Upon
application cf J T Apperson, by hisatty,
H E Cross, who is now the owner of the
NWJ of SE; of NE ; NE4' of
SWJa of eee 32 T 6 IS R 2 E. containing
100 acres, made for the purpose of set
tling up all delinquent taxes upon said
lands for the years 1S95, 18 and 1808,
said land being the homestead of George
D Cardew, and it appealing that the de
scription of the lands attempted to be
assessed for the year 1806 is fatally defec
tive, it is ordered that the original tax
for the said three years be accepted by
the clerk in full satisfaction for said taxes
and that all penalties be remitted.
Original tax, 1805 $4 94
" " 1806 5 41
" " 1898 . 5 60
Total to be paid. $15 95
In the matter of constructing a Dam in
the Molalla river near the Upper Molalla
Bridge: It appearing to the Board that
there is danger of the Molalla river leav
ing its channel, it is ordered that James
Dickey is hereby appointed to construct
a Dam in c aid river so as to keep the
water in its channel, said Dam not to ex
ceed $100 in cost.
In the matter of petition of J J Cooke
to correct description of certain lands in
Sales Book : This matter coming on by
petition of J J Cooke showing to the
Board that on page 688, line 16, for the
year 1S97, Michael Pendleton was as
sessed with E4 of NEandEof SE,
sec 20, T 5 8, R 3 E, 160 acres ; that the
SE)ofNE! of said description was
paid on by Levi Robbins by Receipt No
4286, leaving a balance due of $6.63 tax
on NE of NE'4 and E of SE sec 20,
T 5 8 R 3 E, 120 acres which should be
sold instead of Eo of NEK and E. of
SEI'i, and asking the Board to instruct
the clerk to correct the description on the
S.iles Book prepared for the sale of land
t ) which Clackamas County has acquired
title, so that said land will ba described
and sold as NE1 of NEJ and EJ of
SEi, sec 20, T 5 S, R 3 E, 120 acres, it
is ordered that the above described cor
rections be made.
In the mutter of petition of C.R Live
suy for Rebate of lax : This m itter com
ing on by petition of C R Livesay, filed
herein showing to the Board that for the
year 19J0, he was assessed wiih 20 acres,
being a part of the Geo Abcnmi hy D L
C, and at the time of said as-e.-suiem he
was the owner of only 15 acn.s; tflar, by
reason of such over assessment he has
overpaid in taxes the amount of $2.09, it
is ordered that the clerk draw a warrant
in favor of C R Livesay for the above
In the matter of appointment Of Dep
uty Recorder Louva Randall : This mat
ter coming on by petition of Tom 1' Ran
dall, it is ordered that said appointment
be confirmed and Deputy allowed $52 pet
Iu the matter of Cost warrant ot E E
Judd : It appearing to the board that war
rants Nob 5066 and 6276 drawn in favor
of E E Judd were lost and the said Judd
having given a bond as required, other
warrants were issued in their stead, and
it further appearing that said warrants
Nos 6066 and 6276 have been found and
returned to this Board, it is ordered that
said warrants Nos 50C6 and 0276 be and
the same are hereby cancelled and held
for naught and that the bondsmen of E
E Judd be released from further obliga
tion to Clackamas Countv.
In the matter of James Wilson, a
county charge: It is ordered that he be
transterred to the care and keeping of
Mrs. Thornton.
In the matter gf Jane Carr, a county
charge: It is ordered that she be trans
ferred to the care and keeping of Alice
Carr for the sum of $10 oer month.
In the rmitler of the petition of Geo S
Young et al, for a county road known as
the H R Baker road : Geo S Young and
more than twelve householders of the
county living in the vicinity of the road
described in the petilion, praying view
ers to be appointed to view and locale a
county road in Clackamas County, Ore
gon, described in full as follows : Begin
ning at a point w here the )4 section line
between sections 8 and 9, T 3 S, R 1 W,
of the W M. Thence running east on
said section line 10 rods, (at this point is
a hill and it is understood that the turn
in the road at this place Bhail be a round
ing turn and not make the turn at right
angles) Thence South to the county road
at the Pleasant Hill cemetery. Said peti
tioner filed his affidavit of notice posted
respecting said road, showing that there
had bean posted : one on the Court House
bulletin board, and three in three of the
most public places in vicinity of the pro
posed road more than 30 days prior to
the presentation of this petition. He
also filed a bond for $100 conditioned ac
cording to law. It is ordered that V D
Mathews, Geo Sneller and Ben Webster
he and are hereby appointed viewers to
meet at the beginning on the 30th day of
August, 1901, and subscribe to a written
oath of office administered by John W
Meldrum, deputy county surveyor, he
being appointed by the Roard to survey
said road and report in writing at the
next regular term.
In the matter of petition of Theo
Schmale for rebate of poll tax for year
1'JUU, : mis mailer coming on by petition
of J J Cooke, showing to the Board that
Theo Schmale was assessed for the Tear
1900 with a poll tax of $3 00 and that on
March 1, 1900, said Theo Schmale was
over the age of 50 years and not liable
for a poll tax under the laws of the State,
it is ordered that the clerk draw a war
rant in favor of Theo Schmale for the
sum of $3 ftr said poll tax.
In th) matter of Joseph Allen. a county
charge : It is ordered that Mra Winesot be
and is is hereby allowed the sum of $15
per month for his care and keeping in
stead of $13 as heretofore allowed.
In the matter of warrants Nos 8369 and
15,289: This matter coming on by state
ment of E H Cooper,' clerk, showing to
the Board that warrant No 8308, drawn
on the general fund and warrant So 15,
289, drawn on the road fund of Clacka
mas County, were erroneously diawn, it
is ordered that said warrants be aud the
same are hereby cancelled and held (or
In the matter of the petition of Thos
Wiles, et al, for a county oad: ThoB
Wiles and more than Iz Householders
living in the vicinitv of the road described
in the petition filed", and praying viewers
to be appointed to view and locate a
county road in Clackamas County, Ore
gon, described in full as follows: Begin
ning at Liberal postoffice aud following
the old road to Wm Skeen's Southeast
line between G A Bingman and Skeen ;
thence in a straight line southeasterly
across the Biugniau and Wiles iarms to
intersect with the old road coming out at
a point between A Austin and X Wiles
at "an old fir tree, on the old road now in
use; thence following the old road to the
old Jackson farm now owned by W
Vaughn. Said petitioner filed his affida
vit of notice posted respecting said road,
showing that there had been posted : One
on the Court House bulletin board and
three in three of the most public places
in vicinity of the proposed road more
than 30 days prior to the presentation of
this petition. He also filed a bond for
$100 conditioned according to law. It is
ordered that J U Shaver, P L Schamel
and L H Barnes be and are hereby ap
pointed viewers to meet at the beginning
on the 2nd day of Sept 1901 and subscribe
to a written oath of office administered
by John W Meldrum, deputy county sur
veyor, he heing appointed by the Board
to survey said road before proceeding to
view and locate said road and report in
writing at the next regular term of this
Board .
In the matter of the claim of Charles
Harnock against Clackamas County.
This matter coming on, it is ordered that
the same be and 1b hereby in all respects
In the matter of plank for the Aber
nathy and Apperson roads : It is ordered
that the clerk advertise for bids for 67,500
feet tor Abernathy road and 64,800 feet
for Apperson road Plank to be 16ftx
3inx8iu to 12m to be delivered on the
road ready for laying by Sept 20, 1901.
Bids to be opened Aug 9, 1901, at 2
o'clock p in.
In the malter of plank for the Riche
and Bradley road: Ordered that $150
and six kegs of nails be allowed for the
improvement of said road.
Thursday, Aug. 22, 1901.
The Boarii met pureuant ti adjourn
ment. Commissioners and officers pres
ent as of the loth
In the matter of ttie petition of G
Houghlum, tor rebate of school tax:
This matier now coming on by petition
of G Iloughimn showing to the Board
that he wax assessed for and paid a spec
ial school tax in Dist No 19 for the jear
1900 amounting to $1.50 when there was
no special nhool tax levied in said Dist
rict for said . ear. Aud the Board being
notified that &aid assessment was illegal,
It is ordered thtu Houghlum have a re
bate in the sum of $1 56 and that the
clerk draw a warrant for same.
In the matter of the petition of C T
Street for cancellation of double assess
ment. This matter now comjng on by
petition of C Y Street showing to the
Board that he was assessed and paid the
taxes for 1897 on Wi acres in Sec 9, T 2
8 R 2 E in Clackamas County, Oregon,
and that 6 7-16 acres of said land was as
sessed to B H Bowman lor the Banie year
and ia now delinquent, and the Board
being satisfied that the taxes on said land
have been paid and that said assessment
is a double assessment It is ordered that
the clerk cancel said double assessment,
of record upon the Sales Book of 1897.
In the matter of the petition of Emma
McDonald for Settlement of Taxes for
1893: This matter coming on by petition
of Emma McDonald showing to the
Board that Ladrue Royal was assessed
for the year 1893 with part of Lots 7
and 8 Blk 29 and that the assessment
of said lots was erroneous in that the de
scription was imperfect, that said taxes
are delinquent and that the present
owner land petitioner is desirous of set
tling the same, and the Hoard being tuny
advised, It is ordered that the clerk can
cel the taxes for the said year 1893 on
said propei ty on payment of the Bum of
$01.00 by petitioner.
In the matter ot the reruue anu struin
ers Road : It is ordered that J E Mar
quam, supervisor Road Dist No 27, open
said road according to survey.
In the matter of Mileage and per diem
of Commissioners: It is ordered by the
Hoard that the mileage and per diem of
the commissioners be allowed as follows,
tnwit, :
J R Morton, 1 day 10 miles.... $4 00
John Lewellen 1 day 2 miles 3 20
T B Killin , 2 days 42 " ....10 20
.$17 '40
The Pacific Monthly.
The August number of the Faciflc
Monthly is the best number of that mag
azine ever issued. It lias made a new
departure in that it has adopted the plan
of having many illustrations, the most
popular feature of magazines nowadays.
The articles, too, are of exceptional in
terest. They combine the local and the
world-wide in such a degree as to chal
lenge the interest of all people in this
The leading article is a reminiscent
sketch of thepoeta and philosophers
who lived in Concord, Massachusetts,
the middle of the last century. It is by
Wallace Bratnard Conant, who has been
areBidentof Concord, and who writes
from personal aud familiar knowledge of
that historic old town, its history and
its famous people. The sketch is pro
fusely illustrated with fine half-tones of
the places famout in Revolutionary his
tory, centering in the Concord fight,
April 19, 1775-
n tli lt" M m lw"lf!
Agricultural Implements and Vehicles
Being trowded (or space in my warehouse, I will sell the buggies and spring wagons
now in stock at prices that defy competition. Come early and secure a buggy before,
the stock has been picked over.
rr -!i i
I have a stock of these balers on hand that I will sell at reduced prices Call and
investigate for yourself.
Buffalo Pitts Harrows
and Cultivators
Owen's "Advance"
Fanning Mills
Peerless Plows
Belle City Teed Cutter
k t Binders
and Mowers
Write for Catalogue an
The Housefurnisher
Tfy D At -n f V f 1i Prc t0 our immense new stock of
Wl (i rUlll I n Illl Lace Curtains-Our stock is com
plete, all the designs are new, and all are made graceful and
pretty to insure the best effects We will be proud to see the
houses of this community decorated with them Our prices are
lower than those of Portland houses We invite inspection.
ityAn ,j?3?J
4 -71- ricr'
We have gathered a splen
did collection of handsome
Carpets and Mattings in
new and stylish patterns
at moderate prices. Our
mattings, flowered, plain,
linen and Japanese figured,
are the delight of all who
see them. They cost from
fifteen cents a yard up to
fifty and will outwear
We offer the best instru-.
ments. Our
Busch and Gei ts Piano
has all the merits of the
finest Piano made, and
yet costs less than three
other famous makes.
Price $315.00.
Your room lias limita
tions. The right paper will
improve it, the wrong paper
will mark it. ' The color and
figure are both important.
Our variety is great enough
to enable us to Just suit you
and your room. You'll be
pleased at the range of de
signs and prices.
doe;s the work '
It ien't hard wort to run the
Climax Machine
The machine does if to
work for you. It is perfect
ly adjusted, the w heels work
easily, tho stitch is even and
threading simple. Yau
couldn't have a better
friend, and our terms enable
you to buy without much
cash. Price $25.00.
Looks well if it has a prop
er frame. We'd like to
make the sort of a frame
that will give to your picturo
the best appearance. Our
knowledge and stock will
help to ornament the walls
of your house. We'd like to
talk to you about it anyway.
If not, we can fix you fur it
in a little while for a little
mo ey. Tell us where you
live and we'll send a man to
give vou an estimate. Life is
hardly worth living unices
you can ipriukle your lawn.
50 ft. of 2 in. hose for $3.50