Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, August 23, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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One More
I Can Offer
You this
We have about 75 Summer
Suits left in blue, black and
gray and other fancy colors.
Regular values $15, $13.50,
$12.50! Now $9.50.
We also have 200 pairs of
black and tan shoes. Reg
ular $4.50, $4, $3; now $2.50.
We also
White and
a bargain.
If vou need a nice summer
Hat you can get
Cor. Main and 6th St.
have a big line of
Colored Shirts at
Look Carefully
To Your Kidneys
Dr. Jenner's
Kidney Pills
cause the kidneys to work as
nature intended they should.
They build up the shrunken
trails of the kidneys, as no
known remedy has been found
to do before.
As a cure for urinary troubles
ffiey have no equal.
Jo, 35, 50 Cents u
C. G. HUNTLEY, Druggist
Oregon City, Oregon
rB 1 K'lll ((IPfc SHB
4 fc
u A
Dyspepsia is unrecognized In
halt' the runes. It deceives the
unknowing sufferer. Ita many
variations work along the weakest
lines of the system. To battle
against only one of them ia vain.
Our booklet explains its symp
toms. Our Dyspepsia Tablets give
complete and lasting relief.
"What Weald Jesus Do."
(Continued from page 8.)
often snid that the faculty of humor
was as God given, as any other, and in
his own case it was the only safety
valve he had for the tremendous press
ure put upon bim.
This particular morning the bishop
was reading extracts from a morning
paper for the benefit of the others. Sud
denly he paused, and his face instantly
grew stern and sad. The rest looked
up, and a hush fell over the table.
"Shot and killed while taking a lump
of coal from a car. His family was
freezing, and he had had no work for
six months. His six children and a wife
all packed into a cabin with three
rooms on the west side. One child wrap
ped in rasrs in rlnaot "
a nese were headlines that the bishop
read slowly. He then went on and read
the detailed account of the shooting and
ihe visit of the reporter to the tenement
where the family lived.
He finished, and there was silence
around the table. The humor of the
hour was swept ont of existence by this
if -if half viuqj. 6"' "';
11 dl IJdJi (XL 4.u ai 4. mi ri
current of human life was flowing in a
great stream past the settlement house,
and those who had work were hurrying
to it in a vast throng, but thousands
were going down in the midst of that
current, clutching at last hopes, dying,
literally in p land of plenty, because
the boon of physical toil was denied
There were various comments on the
part of the residents. One of the new
comers, a young man preparing for the
ministry, said: "Why didn't the man
apply to one of the charity organiza
tions for help or to the city ? It certain
ly is not true that, even af'its worst,
this city full of Christian people would
knowingly allow any one to go without
food or fuel."
"No; I don't believe that it would,"
replied Dr. Bruce. "But we don't know
the history of that man's case. He may
have asked for help so often before that
finally, in a moment of desperation, he
determined to help himself. I have
known such cases this winter."
"That is not the terrible fact in this
ease," said the bishop.. "The awful
thing about it is the fact that the man
had not had any work for six months."
"Why don't such people go out into
the country?" aelnd the divinity stu
dent. '
Some one at the table who had made
a special study of the opportunities for
work in the country answered the ques
tion. According to the investigator, the
places that were possible for work in
the country were exceedingly few for
steady employment, and in almost ev
ery case they were offered only to men
without families. Suppose a man's wife
and children were ill. How could he
move or get into the country? How
could he pay even the meager sum nec
essary to move his few goods? There
were a thousand reasons probably why
this particular man did not go else
where. . .
"Meanwhile there are the wife and
children," said Mrs. Bruce. "How aw
ful I Where is the place, did you say?"
The bishop took up the paper.
"Why, it's only three blocks from
here. This is the Penrose district. I be
lieve Penrose himself owns half of the
houses in that block. They are among
the worst houses in this part of the
city, and Penrose is a church member."
' ' Yes ; he belongs to the Nazareth Av
enue church," replied Dr. Bruce in a
low voice.
To be continued.
George Mattoon, of Yakima,
visited his uncle, AV. li.
Mountain Road
Mrs. Jos. Bernert was the guest of
Mrs. Neils Christensen Sunday.
Mr. Hoffman and wife visited at Mr.
Baker's last week.
Fred Brock has purchased a pair of
August Koellemeier and wife were the
guests of Mrs. Piatt of Oswego Friday.
Frank Meir has been working for Mr.
Frank KaskePs smiling face was seen
in our berg Sunday.
Chas. Baker made a trip to Stafford
Monday evening.
Mr.Gebha-dt has completed threshing
for B. F. Baker. Mr. B. had 2492 bush
els and now wears a smiling face.
Fred Zimmerman injured his back
last week, but is much better now.
Edward bross was out buggy riding
All farmers are anxious to get their
threshing done. Pal.
Their Secret Is Cut.
All 'Sadieville. Ky., was curious to
learn tho cause of the vast improvement
in the health of Mrs. S. P. Whittaker,
who had for a long time, endured un
told suffering from a chronic bronchial
trouble. "It's all due to Dr. King's
New Discovery," writes her husband.
"It completely cured her and also cured
our little grand-daughter of a severe at
tack of Whooping Oough." It positively
cures Coughs, Colds, LaGrippe, Bron
chitis, all Throat and Lung troubles.
Guaranteed .bottles 60c and $1.00. Trial
bottles free at George Harding's drug
Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent
Cure In All Cases
Chicago Cottage Organ at Block's.
10c, 25C.
AND 60C.
C. G. HUNTLEY, Druggist
Oregon City, Oregon
Don't Force
Your Bowels
with harsh minerals which
always leave bad after-effects
on the entire system, and where
their use is persisted in, tend to
completely wreck the stomach
and bowels,
Edgar s Cathartic
The only harmless, vegetable,
bowel regulator, and liver vitalizer
As pleasant to the taste as
candy, and as positive as the harsh
est mineral. No gripe or pain.
8M 10, 25, 50 cents.
C. G. HUNTLEY, Druggist
Oregon City, Oregon
Henri the 1,18 ta8 lwa'is B0UM
Liver Pills
That's what you need ; some
thing to cure your bilious
ness and give you a good
digestion. Avers Pills are
liver pills, they cure con
stipation and biliousness.
Gently laxative, ah d"iiit.
JfC v"intyi'"rm.mwi'liii' heard a beautilul
nrowu or rich union r i m-u -
'Prt ("vs. or P!'-riT 1
State Land Board to E Wilcox, ne
of ne. sec 18, 6, 4 e $46 00
fi Wilcox to k j uowlisi.aw, ne of
ne, sec 16, 5, 4 e
C Johnson to A Prather, ne of se of
seczu, o, i e
fli reaerson to l itiompson, 10 as
in elm 6(1, 3, 1 e
J J ltiHton to P R Winston ,1-5 in
terest in 207 as in J S Fisher clin
in 1 and 2, 3 e 1500
O C U 11 Co to R II DeShazer, sw
ot nw of sec 17, 2, 5 e 230
h Burling ma to C A Looney, nw
Be of Bee 20. 3. 4 e 200
h O Hope to J A Andrews, 8.8 as in
blk 14, Harlow r. 200
CO Williams to E E Willinmr, 3r.G0
aa in Holmes elm ami e& of lot 3
and all lot 5, blk 4, Green l'oint 100
G H Wifiliart to J P Howell, blk 2,
Darling's Add 1
W L lieokner to G A White, 48.16,
aa in Waierhury clin and part lot.
10, nee 1,3, 3 e 1300
D W Howell by admr to II A Story,
lots 7 and S, blk 110, Oregon City
Most of the farmers are busy harvest
ing, wbilo some have their grain all
Mibs Anita Bruce returned to her
home in Portland Friday, after an ex
tended vinit with her uncle's family,
N. Walker
Ray Mil'er spent last Sunday with
his parents.
The young people of Viola attended
the ice cream social at Redland last Sat
urday evening.
(i. LaCroy has returned home after an
absence of several weeks, visiting his
daughters in Washington.
J. Cerber Btarted threshing last Mon
day. A party of younti people met at the
home of Mrs. H.Ward Tuesday evening
and social games and vocal music were
the amusements.
Mrs. E Evans has returned home
from Wisconsin, where she has been
spending the past four months visiting
her parents and daughter Minnie.
Miss Frances and Viola Tice, of Port
land, were visiting Miss Minnie Walker
the lust of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Buteman and little boy,
from Toitlaiid, are visiting her broth
er's family, J. F. Lovelace.
Mrs, riiender and little girl, of Tort
land, are spending a few days visiting
Mrs. C. Miller.
J. Young had the misfortune to break
h:8 leg.
New Era.
Thresing is going full blast around
New Era and heavy yields are the order
of the day.
Mr. Burgoyne has been hauling lum
ber. He intends to pat a new floor In
his residence.
Joe Reif has his new barn almost com
pleted. Mr. Clemens is still hauling wood.
The water line that Mrs. Newberry is
constructing is almost complete.
John Crader, Ed and Charles Bradtl
and H. F. Mader went to Canby, Hun
day. What is the attraction?
My Rose has left New Em and me
desolate Chas. Slyter.
The two young men referred to in
last week's paper are making weekly
visits to Hog Hollow, had better keep
their weather-eye open as there are
others in the field.
Ora Slyter has a monopoly on the
railroad track above here. He is using
it for a promenade.
I wonder if that young man who
reported last week was not a wee bit
jealous of that sucker who was caught
on the gate post.
I was dreadfullv lonesome Bnndav
night as Jim has gone to the coast.
Kty Newbury,
I intend to' have a rood time FriHn
night. I wonder if Gracie will. Wilber
Ed Bradtl is so occuuied with his af
fairs in Can by that he fails to recog
nize his old friends.
Miss Mabel Anthonv is seen aaina in
ward Crader's quite frequently. There
must be some attraction at the hotel.
Herman and Fred Euriovnft nf Pni-t.
land spent Sunday at home.
Most of the young people in this vicin-
lty are preparing to go hoo picking.
M - tj : i i o. ....
1..COOIO. oovciK mm oireije are still
working faithfully on the mill dam.
fiEW 1.PA 8cout.
Miss Anna Harkenrider. whn hm
been in the Good Samaritan hospital at
Portland for several weeks rnf.nrnerl
home Saturday.
Miss Nora Hale went to Oreon rtit
last week to attend the teachers' exami
J. H, Kitching and wife were visit!
in Eagle Creek last Sunday.
james ana unas. Linn nave arrived
home from eastem Oregon where they
have been working in the harvest fields.
Mrs. J. VV. Stone is much improved
at present. Miss Josie is sojourning for
awhile in the mountains at Miller's
Miss Lena Van Curen of Eagle Creek
was seen in Currinsvitle one day last
The Indians have commenced to bring
the huckleberries out of the moun ains.
The price asked is far above the reach
of many but the berries are large and of
nne quality JJysv Bee.
Maple Lane.
Geo. Mautz and Henry Heurici re
turned the early part of last week from
Klondike, where they went last spring.
I hey report wages at $5 per day but
everytning else as -nigh accordingly;
meais, fi.ou lor oread end corned beef.
George says there is valuable dirt up
there but claims are made to cover all
that. "They wont go there any more."
The farmers of this neighborhood will
nearly all be thrashed by the last of the
Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs and son. Thomas.
went to Portland, Saturday and spent
the day sight seeing at thecitv park and
visited other points of interest.
Martha Bauman is helping Mrs
Myers cook for the harvest bands.
The teasel pickers were home Sunday.
They expect to finish up this week.
John Guffnur, jr., spent Sunday with
ins parents ai Harmony. rney are
threshing down there with very good
Shannon & Sons took their threshing
machine through here yesterday on their
way to Mount Pleasant.
Mr and Mrs. Gerber and sons, of this
place, with Mrs. Roman and daughters,
Bessie and Hattie, of Mount Pleasant
took a delightful outing Sunday. Thev
took advantage of some beautiful Wil
lamette river scenery by going to Port
land by boat, and while there visited
the park.
Walt Crane and Joe Keller spent Sat
urday night with G. F, Gibbs and fam
ily. They were neighbors at Spring
water. Pansy Blossom,
''Something New Under the Sun."
All Doctors have tried to cure CA
TARRH by the use of powders, acid
gases inhalers and drugs in paste form.
The powders dry up the mucuous mem
branes causing them to crack open and
bleed, The powerful acids used in the
inhalers have entirely eaten away the
same membranes that their makers have
aimed to cure, while pastes and oint
ments cannot reach the disease. An old
and experienced practitioner who has
for many years made a close study and
specialty of the treatment of CATARRH,
has at last perfected a Treatment which
when faithfully used, not only relieves
at once, but. permanently cures CA
TARRH, by removing the cause, stop
ping the discharges, and curing all in
flammation. It is the only remedy
known to science that actually reaches
the afflicted parts. This wonderful
remedy is known as "SNUFFLES the
and is sold at the extremely low price of
One Dollar, each package containing in
ternal and external medicine sufficient
for a full month's treatment and every
thing necessary to its perfect use.
BN Ur FLifio ' is the only perfect CA
TARRH CURE ever made and ' ia now
recognized as the only safe and positive
cure for that annoying and disgusting
disease. It cures all inflammation
quickly and permanently and is also
wonderfully quick to relieve HAY FE
VER or COLD in the HEAD.
CATARRH when neglected often
FLES" will save you if you use it at
once. It is no ordinary remedy, but a
complete treatment which is positively
guaranteed to Cure CATARRH in any
form or stage if used according to the
directions which accompany each pack
age. Don't delay but send for it at once
and write full particulars as to your con
dition, and y iu will receive special ad
vice from the discoverer of this wonder
ful remedy regarding your case without
cost to you beyond the regular price of
Sent prepaid to any address in the
United States or Canadi on receipt of
One Dollar. Address Dept. E 594, ED
WIN B. GILES & COMPANY. 2330 and
2332 Market Street, Philadelphia.
men to travel and advertise for old established
house of solid financial standing, Salary $780 a
j ear and expenses, all parable in oash No can-
awilng required Give references and enclose
en-addressed stamped envelope. Address Man
ager, 355 Caxton Bldg., Chicago.
There is nothing like Asthmalene.
It brings instant relief, even In the worst caBea. It
cures when all else fails.
The Bev. C. F. WELLS, of Villa Bidge, III., says:
"Your trial bottle of Asthmalene received in good
condition . I cannot tell yon how thankful I feel for
the good derived from it. I was a slave, chained with
putrid sore throat and Asthma for ten years. 1 de
spaired of ever being oured. I saw your advertise
ment for the cure of this dreadful and tormenting
disease, Asthma, and thought you had overspoken
yourselves, but resolved to give it a trial. To my
astonishment, the trial acted like a charm. Send ma
a full size bottle."
Rev. Dr. Morris Wechsler,
Habbt of the Cong. Boat Israel.
New York, Jan. 3, 1901.
Drs. Taft Bros.' Medicine Co
Gentlemen: Your Asthmalene Is an excellent rem
edy for Asthma and Hay Fever, and its composition
alleviates all troubles which oombtne with Asthma.
Its success is astonishing and wonderful. After hav
ing it carefully analyzed, we can stale that Asthma
lene conlalus no opium, morphine, chloforin nor
ether. Very truly yours,
Trial bottle sent absolutely free on
receipt of postal. Write at once, ad
dressing DR. TAFT BROS.' MED
ICINE CO., 79 East 130 th St. New
York City.
ft u ARM t N i b
Built TO ORDER, and Built RIGHT
Come in and See Samples
and let us quote you Prices
P, G. SHARK, Oregon City, Ore.
i 4 M t M M M M MtlMHMM
:: Never Put a Boy
To Bed Hungry
Always give hint-plenty of good, wholesome food,
such as you find in a first-class store like ours. We
carry all the best goods known to the trade. Clean
liness is our hobby. If you are afraid of a foul cellar
at your own home, you should be afraid to eat gro-
Give us a call and t
ceries that come from a foul store,
look us over.
Seventh and
Center Sts.
Immense Cash Trading Chance
My motto: "Best Values at Lowest Prices," has been so well appreciated by care
ful buyers, I can no longer accommodate the increasing throng of patrons at my present
location, so have decided upon
MOVING TO 144-146
Into the Commodious L. Fleischner Building,
This Week Commences a Great Removal
Between Alder and Morrison Streets
Must Close Out
Dry Goods, Clothing,
Men's Furnishing Goods
Fancy Goods, Etc., Etc.
During which I
$75,000 Stock
Threshing 1ms commenced ia ihe
neighborhood, iioth the quality and
yield are Kood.
We are all glad the hot weather is
is over. A good rain would be accepta
ble. Mrs. Folsnm is visiting her friend,
Mrs. Kate Irvin.
E. G. McGtiw will return to Portland
this week alter a ten days outing.
Geo. Loi'kerby's place is becoming
quite a place for lishern, liuntera and
pleasure seekers generally, air. L. is a
very pleasant host and people say Mrs.
Lockerby Bets a table tit for a king.
We give a few names of parties who
have been stoppiug at this place: Judge
Pipes and party ot Portland, Mrs. i. S.
Crumbly, of Oregou City, Harvey Rout
ledue, Mr. MeGowau and son, Mr.
lvnapp and J. W . Prayer. Pern.
To Heal a Hurt
Use Banner Salve, the great healer. Pts
guaranteed for cuts, wounds, Bores, piles
and all skin diseases, Use 110 substi
tute. Charmai & Co. ,
It's the entire stock, and every item in every department is marked with the sole
object of closing out the lot at the shortest possible notice.
THIS GREAT SALE is an all-over-the-store sale, hence in every department
you .will find such shelf-emptying reductions as only necessity of moving could inspire.
Cost and profit have been ignored. Just one object in this sale Turn the Goods into Cash
I invite you to come early every dy while dollars do more than double duty. It
will pay you pay you well.
Ladies' Wrappers "11 29c
Ladies' Flannelette PeRrtfcot flui.ns: 49c
Shaker Flannel Sr 4c
Table Damask Gfu?Lwidtilf per yard 17Jc
CViaotc Hemmed ready for use, Zfl
aUCCla good size, each Wli
Pillow Slips filZeach 7Jc
ladies' Vests rie;Vhee.:?!?ss: 3c
Ladies' Union Suits mlt$T. 15c
Sun Bonnets LXoioe?s,each 10c
Tnnlrote Ladles' short Spring Jackets, ? CO
Uali.Cia tan, black or uavy, each ....
AnrnnQ Oil cloth aprons tOf'
apiUlla forthekilchon.erch wV
Overalls lule!!: 15c
Overalls 25c
CVirlc Ladies' Blaek Serge fjf Cf)
OUI 13 Walking Skirls, each
Corset Covers GomnlMh 5c
T.9WT10 Colored.figured nft
LldWlia Lawus and Wmitles OC
Work Shirts HSIC-.....; 19c
Bed Pillows Hth!":...- 35c
foHfftOO Best American Q3
IfdllbUCa ludigus, per yard U4C
SUSpenderS Suspenders, per pair.. 8C
Window Shades 20c
Turkey Red 15c
siltnlinO Latent designs, r ft
tJJlAVUUC , newest colorings, per yard OC
Children's Hose ne?pearypa!rbed 3Jc
Blankets WrSS? : 550
Sheeting K&lSM.,!9d..: 4Jc
TTaCO Ladies' fast black, seamless Ol
"UaC hose, per pair 83C
StflMrinrtS! Boy's bicycle stockings, I IOI.
lUUUUya heavy ribbed, per pair 1ZC
No Branch Stores. Mail Orders Filled During this Sale.