Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, August 23, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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Charley and Joe Daniels, who have
been away fishing for eome time, have
Mr. Finley hns been visiting his grand
father, Mr. F. Bogue, the pat week.
Agnes Wallace was the guest of Bertha
Herron Sunday.
Ernest Jones, who had the misfortune
to get his leg brke some time ago, is
able to be around again.
Ethel Carlisle is visiting May Davis
at present.
Charley Thomas, who has been away
from home for some time, was in Mulino
Sunday. Bukchy.
Great reduction on all trimmed hats
at Miss Goldsmith. '
Fred Lehman returned from Portland
last week, where he had been looking
for work, minus $15, having been held
up in Portland by two gents.
Last Tuesday while Mr. Jerry Young
was unloading a sheep buck out of a
wagon, it gave a jerk on tne rope in
some way, which caused Mr. Young's
leg to break in two places above the an
klo. Mr. Young is resting as well as
might be expected for a man of his age.
The ice cream social was a success and
an enjoyable time was had by all; the net
proceeds were $13. Some say the ice
was "sailed," which caused the sale
more freely of lemonade.
Mutnpower & Iless started their
thieshing outfit last week. Gerber and
Tracy, ef Logan, started this week.
James Full am is going to run the
water tunk tor Mumpower & lless.
Eev. Mr. Sloper preached his farewell
sermon to a large congregation on the
18th inst. at -Bethel. Mr. Sloper goes
to take charge of a mission in Portland.
D. II . Mosher preached at Viola Sun
day night, Rev. Exon having gone up
to the mountains on a vacation.
Cutting of late sown oats will be
through this week, some having fin
ished. Miss Ilattie Gaskeli came up from
Portland on a few days visit.
A. M. Kerchem is out on a few days
visit from his surveying trip.
E. II. Morgan had a break down Sat
urday, wh'.cn caused a flying trip to Port
land. D. C. Richardson haB just returned
from The Dalles, where he has been do
ing painting. . .
Mrs. Ritta Ward, of Montana, is out
visiting relatives. L. F.
Flowers, ribbons, fancy chiffrons at
great sacrifice. Miss Goldsmith.
Beaver L,ake.
News is scarce, but dust is plentiful.
J. L. Crouse and Bert Wade were do
ing business at Silverton last week.
J. V. Doores, of Marquam, was up to
see his mountain ranch some time ago.
Mrs. Shank,' of Oanby, was visiting
relatives in our burg last week.
Staje driving is a new industry, in
vented by A. G. Wyland and Frank
Haun, to carry passengers between Ore
gon City and VYilhoit.
Bert Wade was seen having his horse
shod at Dunlavy's shop in Marquam one
day last week,. That's right, Bert, keep
on good side of the old man. 'Tis an
old proverb that a poor excuse is bettor
than none.
Mr. Wilson was doing business at
Silverton Inst week.
N. J. Thomas is studying English.
From all appearances he will graduate
soon, as Miss English is a charming
C. G. Vorheis was visiting relatives
at Canby last week.
Hot, hotter, hottost. Think of it
Wednesday last, the thermometer
reached 101 at VV illicit ! This is an
unusual occurrence for this place. It
looks as if the hot wave of Kansas is
now transferred to Webfjot.
Harvest is in full blast.
Mr. Editor, will you please allow me
space in the columns of your valuable
paper to correct a mistake which ap
peared in the Wilhoit correspondence
iu issue of August I). Concerning my
coi respondents your worthy Wilhoit
representative said that Beaver Lake
was only a small stream. Now this is
utterly false. There is no such a stream
as Beaver l.alio. But Beaver Lake Is a
small, beautiful hike, situated two miles
northwest of Wilhoit. He again said
thai 1 covered the same ground for my
news as he did. It is truo that I cover
some of his territory, mid a great deal
that is not; mid again, concerning my
going to Wilhoit for my mail, is so, but
I am remote from any postollice, and
Wilhoit is tliO ruost convenient place.
A Country Han hi: i d.
A beautiful line of baby bonnets and
hats, ail reduced, at Miss Goldsni,.h.
lrulon Hall,
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Burns visited
relatives at New Era last Sunday.
Charles Thomas, who has been stay
ing in California for several months,
returned home last Saturday.
Miss Mollie Burns, of Portland, vis
ited her parents, Mr. and Mis. John
Burns, for a few days. She returned
to Portland last Tuesday.
Mr. David Fancber, of Oregon City,
visited Mr. L, P. Burns Sunday last.
A couple of ministers of tho Mormon
faith preached in Union Hall Inst. Wed
- nesday evening to a small congregation.
Mr. Wilkerson went to Oregon City
last Saturday on business.
Joe Thomas was thrown from a horse
one day last week. He is bruised about
the head some, but he did not get seri
ously injured. Mr. T. J. Grimes, while
helping the boy to get loose from the
Middle, was kicked by the horse, but he
ii able to get about by the aid of a cane.
Mr. Sam Wilkerson is expecting his
family to arrive here from Missouri in a
few days. His family started from Mis
souri last Tuesday.
Miss Effie Rauch has been visiting
James Woodward and family, whore
side in Columbia county. They for
merly resided in Clackamas county.
Lewis Burns has been very ill, but he
is slowly convalescing.
Mr. John Marks, of Mark's Prairie,
was in these parts a few days ago engag
ing hop pickers.
Mr. Reuben Fanlon has started out
with his threshing machine. He has
been threshing a few jobs in this vicin
itv. Backwoods.
Everything In the Millinery line at a
great reduction. Miss Goldsmith.
Mis. Emma Lone, nee Ourns, and
children are visiting Mrs. Moreland and
Mrs. Walter Houston and son of
Burns, Or. are visiting at her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs., Issaackson, of Hub
bard, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Molsom Lunday.
D. W. Staffer went to Corvallis, Sat
urday, where he has secured work in a
fiour mill,
A. E. Rader, of Portland, is visiting
atO. 0, Molson's.
Mr. and Mrs. Ooffenberry, of Hub
bard, are visiting at B. F. Smith's.
Dave Yoder is on the sick list. "
Ina Dibble and Clara Engle, of Mo
lalla, were the guests of MissLona Mohr
Born', to the wife of F. L. Bagsby, a
girl, August 19.
Hop picking will commence Septem
ber 1st.
Katie Spagle returned to Butteville,
Sunday where she is employed at ILL.
Ben tea.
Miss Wyatt of Philomath, Or., is vis
iting at Sol Crockers.
Great clearance sale. Miss Goldsmith.
No rain yet and it is very dusty.
Hop pickers are gutting ready for the
season's" picking.
0. E. Nicholson, from Pocatello, is
visiting his parents.
G. W. Shank who has been quite ill
for several months, was up town one
day this week.
Geo. Knight and H. Bair are putting
a new roof on Mr. Knight's house.
Fred Dose, of Woodburn, was in our
town last Tuesday.
"Mrs. Gus Bock, of Aurora, made her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knight, a
short visit this week.
Wang & Co. have the new front in
their store completed which improves
the looks of the building very much,
' Misses Fannie and Emma Clayson, of
Concord, came up last Sunday to make
Mrs. E. I. -Bias, their sister, a short
Miss Pelva Rones is visiting with
friends in Astoria for a few weeks.
Win. Knight is adding a new coat of
paint to his store building, which was
needed very much.
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. D. Gurley re
turned to their home in Arlington last
Wednesday morning.
D. Dimick and wife have returned
from their two weeks outing at Wilhoit.
They leport a pleasant time.
J. Faleyou and wife and J.Graham,
who have been stopping at Collins' Hot
Springs returned home last Tuesday all
looking much improved in health.
Corwin Fisher, Blain White, Otto
Evans and Jitnmie Kocher have gone to
Nestucca Bay for a ten days' outing.
They drove across with teams and will
fish on the way over.
Glad Tidings.
Still it clouds occasionally as though
it might rain.
Everybody is pretty well done cutting
Several people went to Wilhoit Sunday
and reported not a very large crowd.
Oarrio and Katie Ridings returned
home from Salem last Saturday, where
the latter has been attending the sum
mer school.
The ice cream social at Marquam last
Friday night was a grand success. The
program was carried out nicely.
Loyd, next time you go to Teasel
Creek don't run over the cats.
T. 0. Ridings has a new granary that
improves the looks of his farm verv
I will inform the Marks Prairie cor
respondent, that those prize fighters
are not going to run from any such
windy talk, as he sends out. If any of
our threshing machines should break
their ind Btacker we will call on him
to take the straw away. He is badly
mistaken when he says that there were
ladies who were compelled to witness
the affair. For further particulars call
and see the rrize lighters.
Clill' Henilereliot was all smiles Sun
dav. Shubvl.
Hurrah for the harvest. Everybody
is busy.
The Shubel neighborhood is dissatis
fied with the straw currier and are going
to gut a blower.
Fred Hift is going to bring his ma
chine in this neighborhood Tuesday.
An ice cream social and a dunce was
given in honor of Miss Sarah Beeson's
Mrs. Charlie Moehnke and her son
Ivan, and her sister, .Miss Eya Cush
man, were visiting Mrs. Michael
Moehnke the past week.
Miss Eva and Nellie Moehnke have
If you knew how SCOTT'S
EMULSION would build you
up, increase your weight,
strengthen your weak throat
and lungs and put you in con
dition lor next winter, you
would begin to take it now.
Send for free sample, nnd trv II.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists,
409:415 I'eari street, New York. -
50c. atui ji.oo: all druggist.
1 Q
Lost Hair
" My hair came out by the hand
ful, and the gray bairs began to
creep in. I tried Ayer's Hair Vigor,
and it stopped the hair from com
ing out and restored the color."
Mrs. M. D. Gray, No. Salem, Mass,
There's a pleasure in
offering such a prepara
tion as Ayer's Hair Vigor.
It gives to all who use it
such satisfaction. The
hair becomes thicker,
longer, softer, and more
glossy. And you feel so
secure in using such an
old and reliable prepara
tion. $1.08 t Wtle.' All druglgts.
If your druggist cannot supply you,
send us one dollar and we v. ill express
you a bottle. Be sure and give the name
of your nearest express olhce. Address,
J. C. AYKR CO., Lowell, Mass.
pwi".h.j" 'TTirrifiiiimni iihiiiiiiiiiimumi
been spending a few days with their
brothers at Oregon City.
Mrs. Flora Frazerand her son, Henry,
are stopping at her parents ready to
help with the threshing.
Mr. David Moehnke is home now, af
ter a summer's stay at Lsrooks.
Mr. Steve Hutchinson and his son,
Earl Hutchinson, are home now, after
a stay u" the Columbia.
The young folks from this place were
present at a candy pulling at Fred Hett
mau's of Highland.- Ruby,
Yesterday was the coldest day we
have had this month, the mercury
climbed to only 70 deg. On the 14th
it waz 102 deg.
Most grain is ripe and several thresh'
ers are in the field. Louis Sagert with
his double-ender self-feeder and blower
is doing very satisfactory work, Moser,
Peters, Elligson & Co. find oats good,
but wheat is not as good as was ex
pected . Aden & Peters are not taking
any wind from the blowers . They make
a good run with their old Agitator.
Sharp & Schroeder will begin Monday.
A light mist Monday morn.
Apples are not over plentiful.
Peach plums are being fed to the
hogs. Hogs do well on them .
Long Bros.' baling crew.from Hazelia,
baled for the Schatz Bros, most a week.
.' Thilip and Fred Baker each have
some hay in the field that they want.to
bale. .. . . ,
Fall crickets began to sing on the
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Gage returned
from Nestucca Saturday. ' . " . I
Charles G. Woodard spent Sunday
and Monday here with , old-time acr
quaintances. '""',,
Herman Reickle, a Portland baker,
spent Sunday with his parents.
Rev. Graner cut his hand seriously
last week while chopping some wood.
Two fingers were severed below the last
joints. An Oregon City physician
dressed the wound.
Mr. Hayes was looking over his farm
the forepart of the week. .
Water is becoming scarce. Many
wells and cisterns are past their useful
ness for the season.
Our Echool yard should be mown and
the trash burned.
Wilhoit. ' - "
Wilhcit is still alive and in full bloom.
There are 60 boarders at the hotel and
the camp ground is full of campers, and
all report having a good time. '
One of our boys, who occasionally vis
its Wilhoit, reports having a grand" time
on the Camp ground every evening with
the campers.
A grand time was had on the camp
ground last Thursday evening pulling
tally and a stroll through the camp
ground to the spring; and everyone with
a big handful of candy and pulling for
dear life. Next in order was a march to
the merry-go-round, and for the next
half hour they made the old wheel spin
round like a button on a barn door,
We are going to dance as long as the
summer months last, so last Saturday
night thii boarders at the Wilhoit hotel
and vicinity gave another grand ball, and
all report having a grand time.
Mr, Haun, of Rock creek, was seen
taking a loud of boarders from the Wil
hoit hotel Monday to Oregon City.
Mr. F. P. Little, who has been board
ing at the Wilhoit hotel for the past
week, departed for his home in Gales
burg, 111., Monday last, and also Mr.
White, w ho has been boarding at the
Wilhoit hotel left Monday for his home
in Portland.
Mrs. Liddy Shanks, from Canbv, is in
this burg visiting friends aud relrtives
this week.
Mrs. Eliza Jane Gray, from High hill,
is in this burg visiting her old friends.
Mr. James Groshong and family, from
Pleasant Hill, was visiting Mrs. Emma
Vorhies on Kock creek last Sunday.
Saturday evening took the cake at the
Wilhoit camp ground. Twenty plug ug
lieB paraded the streets with their ban
ner flying in the air, and the old tin
pans whirling, in the air, and oh, Mr.
Editor, if you had been there you would
have thought that sixty-five campers and
titty boarders and all the children had
been turned loose at once.
Mr. Al Wylund, of Rock creek, made
a th ing trip to Oregon City Monday with
a hack loud of campers, but I must say
he had very bad luck. Coming home
with two passengers, one lady and one
gentleman, he drove up to the Liberal
store to get a lunch. The young men
leaped out of the hack. Turnina round
to the young lady, asked if he wished
to le waited on; "if von please,"
was the reply. In helmnir the
young lady out of the wagon her clothes
became caught on the seat, and her
brother coming to her assistance soon
relieved her of Iter critical situation.
Mr. Henry Tho uas and son have
bought a piece of land from John Gro-
ln.n,f near Beav. r Like.
au exciurg norse race was run a
Wilhoit last Sunday, between the horses
Little Roach and Little Swift, Little
Roach winning the lace.
Most of the farmers are cutting grain
theBe days.
Mr. Bonacher had his house burned
down last week. It is supposed it
caught from the Btove.
Charles Hohnan spent Saturday and
Sunday at bis farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Marts and Mrs. Myers
spent Sunday with R. P. Cooper and
Alice Hoi man was the guest of Inez
Kay Suntlny.
Ry Trullinger returned tome last
ween. Helms been working in Cali
fornia. Mr. and Mrs. Bonacher went to Oan
by Monday.
T. R. Orem and R. P. Cooper have a
fine corn crop.
R. Snodgrass and John Denison
burned their slashing last week.
Mr. James, Sr., who recently pur
chased the S. A. 1 ane ranch at sheriff's
sale, has moved there and is doing con
siderable improving. '
Frank Winslow on Monday took a
load of mutton sheen to the citv by the
L. P. Williams,who has been confined
to the house for some time from the ef
fects of a fall, is once more able to be
Frank Wills, whose wife recently died
at Woodstock, is at, his mother's, Mrs.
Edeecomb. who will care for his infant
There is considerable travel by here
to and from the mountain fastness. The
huckleberry crop is reported to be very
David Robeson roturned Monday in
compauy with Messrs. Nichols and May
field of Highland, from a prospecting
tour of Southeastern Ortfcrnn. Mr. It.
says he saw no place on his trip equal
10 luritey dim.
A gentleman from the East is reported
to have purchased the D, L. MuLain
ranch on Bull creek, and another party
from California to be nes?otiat.ino fnr thn
old Jack Cutting D. L. C. at Milk creek
falls, -a famous rendezvous f r the sport
ing fraternity of the rod and line from
me metropolis.
Hopping will soon be the order of t li
day. 'Rah, 'rah. Boom!
Eayle Creek. -. ,
MisS Ruth Simnson took stain onml.
nation at Oregon City Wednesday.
Dr.' Smith and family have returned
from the East.
Mrs. A. Glover spent a week with her
aughter, Mrs. Gibson, in Oregon City.
Rol Douglass was the miesr. nf Mnllla
Judd Sunday.
E. S. Payn and wife visited his moth
er, Mrs. J. R. Duncan, at Sandy Ridge
Mr. Tyrrl and wife of Portland re
turned hom 1 Mondav nftor a trait ivitl.
friends at Sandy Ridge
wlhreshing has begun. Epperson Bros,
machine beaan at J P Forrester's
Mrs Mary Young of Eastern Oregon
is visiting her brother, E N Foster ,
e cenpture ot uregon City visited
Mary Mitchell went to Sandv Mondav
to visit
Thanks to the' editor for enrrfinnnn.
dent's stationery
. A car load of milk
crocks just received and
will sell at 8 c per gal
lon. W, L. Block,
the Homefurnisher
Harry Greaves has been home from
Eastern Oregon visiting his parents.
Misses Florence Hughes and NinaRis
don spent a few days witn the lattei's
mother in Portland. '
Miss Dona Doty has returned from a
visit with Miss Florence Huffman at Os
wego. A. Magone's campers have returned
to Portland but the picnics and dances
continue in the park.
Mrs. N. Grass of Portland was truest
of Mrs, OhaB. Catta Tuesday.
Miss wuia itugheB, who has been
visiting her sister in Eastern Oregon will
be home soon. She will visit Mrs. Cra
mer at The Dalles.
Henry Cramer is closing out his ero-
cery and will carry cigars only.
Forbes Tomkins has returned from
Chas. Catta and wife visited Oharles
Armstrong at Canby Sunday.
Continued on page 6.
Johnson & Lamb meka a specialty of
key fitting.
Underwear, hosiery, ribbons, dress
skirts and waists at half the price they
have been at the Racket Store.
$1)0 Reward $100.
The readers of this paper will be nleased.to
learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure in all its
stuges, aud that is Tatarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is the only positive cure known to the medical
fmternily. Catarrh being a oonstitutioual dis
ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is laken internally, actin r directly
upou me uioo.1 ana mucous suriacw 01 me sys
tem, thereby destroying the foundation of th
disease, and giving the patient stieugth by
HiuuiiiK up uie cuiiMiiuuou auu assisting nature
in doing lis work. The proprietors have so much
faith in Its curative powers, that they offer One
Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to
cure. Send for list of testimonials.
Address. F. J. CHEN'KY A CO., Toledo, 0.
VSold by TrUfSists, 75c .
Hall's Family 1'ills are the besl.
Sagamore Sour Mash.
Tf vnn B'anl a llrtnnr tKaf ia M..vn,
. j v.. ....... . vuuw .3 tucul-
islly pure direet from the distillery.
try the Sagamore sour mash. Kelly &
Noblllt, direct purchasers.
men to travel and advertise for old established
house of solid financial Hand, re. Salary $70 a
year aud expenses, all payable in cash. Ho can
vassing irqnlred. (lire references and enclose
telf-addressed stamped enwlope. Address Man
ager, 965 Caxtou Bldg., Chicago.
The scientific blending of
California figs and prunes with
carefully selected grain makes
A perfect cereal coffee
of delicate flavor and
fragrant aroma.
A delicious beverage having
ell the satisfying qualities of
coffee and tea.
Boil from
5 to IO
Would Have Cost Him His Lite.
0?ca'r Bowman, Lebanon, Ky., writes :
"I -have been using Foley's Kidney Cure
and take great pleasure in stating it
gave me permanent cure of kidney dis
ease which certainly would have cost
me my life." Take none but Foley's.
Charman & Co.
40-inch Feed Opening
More of them in use in Oregon and Washington than of
all other makes combined .
Send for Catalogue and Testimonial Circular
MitchelWLewis & Stayer Co.,
First and Taylor Sts.,
H. W. JACKSON, .Prop.
Largest Line of Shot Guns in Oregon City
Prices to suit
Jackson's Bicycle Shop
Opposite Huntley's Main Street
7.h st.. between Bridge .nd s. p. Dt
j rUonea, III 304
tionol a famous French nhvRiHu n,in
Constipation. 1 1
Iiess of discharge,
BEFORE and AFTER '!t?2rH -0' Potency (I'PIDKKe cleunaes the liver, u9
-i' n.i..... .. kidneys and the nrlnary organs of all uapuriUea.
rroatailtl. CI lint N Els the only known remedy to cure llhoul an operation. 5000 testimonl
als. A written guarantee given and money returned if six bnxe does not eitect a Dermanent cina
1.00 a box, tlx for Is.oo, by mail. Bend for rRKB circular and teaumonlalk. permanent cur
Address 4VO L HEDICISE CO., P. O. Box 3078, Ban Francisco, Cal. Ibr&iUbt
GEO. A. H VRDING, Druggist Oregon City, Oregon
Like Daisies Before tlie Scythe,
Baby lives are destroyed in summer by
cholera infantum. The attack of the
disease is sudden, its progress is some
times terribly rapid. Mothers who
have given their children Perry Davis'
Pain Killer in water with a few drops
of brandy added can tell how this treat
ment has checked the diarrhoea and
vomiting, and put the little patient out
of danger. 25 and 50 cts.
Guernsey bull at Bestow pi tee, near
Abernethy bridge. Season, $1 53.
Mr. Daniel Bantz, Otterville, la.,
says: "Have had asthma and a verv bad
cough for years, but could get no relief
from the doctors and mediciines I tried,
until I took Foley's Honey and Tar. It
gave immediate relief, and done me
more good than all the other remedies
combined." Charman & Co.
William Finn, of Lima, O., obtained
excellent results from the use of Foley's
Kidney Cure. "It relieved my backache
and seyere pain over the hips. It toned
my system and gave me new vim and
energy. It is an honest and reliable
remedy, a sure cure for all kidney dis
eases." Charman & Co.
At all drug stores.
25 Dost 25c.
Slay Preses
Capacity 12 to 16 tons, Daily
Highest standard in the state.
Two hundred courses In Literature, Science and
tho Arts, Science and Engimering and Music,
New buildings and equipment. f
Seven new instructors.
Nearly 5000 volumes added to library in 1901.
Summer school with University credit.
Special oourses for teachers, for Law and Med
ical students.
Department of Education for teachers, principals
and superintendents.
Tuition free, cost of living low.
Three students granted scholarships in large
eastern universities in I'M.
Send name to President or Registrar for circu
lars and catalogues, Eugene, Oregon.
We carrv Hie nnlv rnmnWo lino
of Caskets', Coffins, Robes, Linings
and have the only first-class and
up-io-aate nearae in the county.
Our prices are never exorbitant.
Vv e guarantee satisfaction. We
can give you better goods and bet
ter service for less money than any
other undertakers in the county.
Calls proniply attended, night onlay
Undertakers and Embalmers
This rrPAtVPa-.ttAhl
7?h? r?8"' wm Quickly cure of all ner-
vous or dis.-a.sea of the geuerutive urgam sul-h as
Insomnia, 1'amslntheB.u-k Seminal Eiuiiinns, Nerv
Pimp es, l names to Marrv, Exhausting Drains, V
s lx8t Manbood,
lervoua Uebillty,
stop, all loss; hv i. . B. '.,a ?."a
which if notcheclred t,. x.mh 23