Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, August 23, 1901, Image 1

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    leal Bociety. City Hali
19th YEAR, NO. 14
Crrelie, Harder & Co.
182, 184, 186 Madison Street, West End of Bridge,
Rpmpmher we have the finest stock of the best makes to be found
in Portland, including Farm and Spring Wagons, Buggies, Carriages
and Carts, Mowers, Rakers, Tedders and May Tools, Hay Presses,
Grain Drills, Plows, Cultivators, Disc and Spring Tooth Harrows,
Pumas Harness, Bicycles, Etc. .
Thoa Daniles 20 65
Total $ 39 11
District No. 19
Cummins & Durst, gen fund. . . .$300 00
EBoraan, road lurid i
W H Sultzer 'o
C Smith 75
J M Mallatt 4 50
A Erekison.... 3 W
W Wallace 3 00
Thoa Fish '.. 6 00
J J Mallatt 11 00
P Sager ' 6 00
Total $336 50
District No. 22
Levi Robbing, een fund $ 45
Trullinger Bros 3 60
Reuular Jtily
of the County
J. B. Blorton, John Lewellon Bud T. B
Killtn, C immisslonerg.
In the matter i road reports for the
month July, 19 1.
The Board having examined the re
ports of the road supervisors for their
respective districts and being fully ad
vised, It is oidered that they be and are
hereby authorized to draw warrants on
the road and general funds for the sev
eral amounts and in favor of the follow
ing named :
District No. 1
Geo B Rate & Co, gen fund $ 20 05
E Tucholkie.road fund .... 57 75
C Claaon 54 25
Sam Bernhard 31 50
John Harrington 3150
Orin Battin.-. 58 50
W II Counsell 40 00
B Jewell ... 6 00
H Nachand. 3 00
J Grinder.... 5 25
W Howlett ... 6 00
THimler.... 4 50
.1 Pancratz 5 25
EHimler 12 75
FE Smith 150
T Watts 1 60
Total.... $4 05
District No. 24
Bagby & Hein, gen fund $544 33
W Haskin, road fund 1 50
T Donaldson 4 50
F Smith - 2 25
Wm Sconce 3 00
Ed Zook 1 50
M Homlrick 30
Geo Askin 1 50
Gottlieb Konschak, gen fund .... 3 00
Henry Kumnier 1 50
P A Mohr 6 75
L D King o8 00
John Wachtman 34 07
John Owings 12 00
Jacob Erb 15 00.
Tom Oirle 2 25
Levi Erb 18 00
Benton Killin.... 9 00
CRKoldren 27 Ou
J J Kramer.. 26 00
Aug"'Garrin 75
John Hainkle 13 50
Obed Miller 13 50
J C Reasoner 10 50
John Yoder U 25
Fritz Bachert 21 00
Joe Meyer 4 50
H Choate 13 50
Henry Kummer 9 00
Simon D Yoder 9 00
Emil Montandon 17 00
Ben Emeret 7 50
D A Montandon 47 00
Total $152 90
DisliictNo. 12
J E Corless, general fund $ 15 00
W H Bonnev 1 6S
Paul M Kirchem, rtfad fund 6 00
Mark Sprasue 2 62
C Hanson 75
NL Kirchem 12 00
9 50
3 00
t Total $899 45
District No. 25
Sturges Bros, gen fund $ 7 68
John Harmes, road fund 150
Edd Harmic 1 50
John Heinz, gen fund 4. .. 3 75
J as Marsh 3 75
Will Getler 6 75
Peter Kester 1 50
W P Kirchem
John Hat,t"n
J C Kirchem 3 00
3 00
3 00
$293 55
D'strict No. 3
Arthur Dunlap, gen fund $ 21 00
C Wollhagen 3 50
SB Johnson 8 16
Grant Mum power 4 30
Joe Deardorff, road fund 12 75
Herman Paulsen 3 00
AW Cooke 20 00
Chas Hunter 4 50
Harry French 7 50
W W Cooke 16 50
Ed Griffin 12 00
Irvin Hawk 15 00
W Newell ' 4 50
Sam Gerber
J Bnsoh. . . .
H Babler ' 3 00
I Jake Huber 3 00
Gen. Clark 3 00
A Swales 3 00
Will Bvers 3 00
JCDusrler 3 00
Charlie Wolfer 3 00
N L Kirchem 3 00
.$39 03
C Johnson 3 00
Fred Moser
Frank Eeibhoff.
Will Clark
W P Kirchem..
M Babler
Total $133 71
District No. 4
O A Wilcox, road fund $ 3 00
L Hale 3 00
Wm Sutton 3 00
Chas Vancuren.... 3 50
J Steinman 6 00
B Sarver 5 62
E Honman 2 50
I Foster 2 00
J E Burnett 12 00
H Wilhern, gen fund 3 25
JEArledue ... 7 00
Jos Cahill 6-00
L Baker 3 00
E Bates 2 25
Total $61 62
District No. 5
Frank Rotter, road fund IS 00
Frank Heiz 24 00
Julius Zimmerman 2 00
SS Waybill :.. 20 00
P Larcin 1 50
" Total $71 50
District No. 7
Arthur Larkins, road fund $ 1 50
JasFegles 12 00
.$ 96 55
6 75
District No. 14
C H Friedrich. general fund,....$
Ben G CoBper 3 50
Geo. B Rate & Co 56 W
C E Surfus, road fund 6 00
B Beard 4 50
GFGibbs 9 75
J S Shelley E4 00
J M Myers 3 W
J Gibbs 19 50
J P Myers 23 25
F Gibbs 2 50
H Shelley 12 00
E Forbes 11 25
OLDixeon 3150
G C Cooper 36 00
APlurard.jr 19 50
L Howard 10 50
J Dixson 16 00
S Bailey 29 75
L Shortlidge 25 50
ONKunzman 29 75
ABauman 33 25
A Plnrard, sr, 13 50
Cole Bros 54 00
A F Mauntz 18 00
T Robb 13 50
J Confer : 3 50
L Mauntz 25 50
A Bailev 7 50
A McCltire 1 50
II O Green 10 50
J R Myers 46 00
ABauman 3 37
Total $13 50
District No. 8
F A Meinig, gen fund $ 5 00
Edd Kopper, road fund: 13 50
W fctone 3 00
J W Siucken 3 00
F E Shangle 13 00
C P Ware 3 00
Edd Kopper, gen fund 3 00
C P Ware 2 25
F E Shanglo 7 00
Total $52 75
District No. 9-
Nick Rath, road fund $ 6 50
VVilhplm Held 7 50
John Paulsen 2 50
August Paulsen. 5 00
Fred Lins 3 75
Frank Ochs 4 50
Henry Johnson 12 00
Henrv Meinke '. .. 2 50
Peter' Ruhl, gen fund 12 50
Total $50 75
District No. 11
Geo. B Rate & Co., general fund, $ 20 20
Wilson & Cooke 5 10
W A Holmes. 3 75
S F.rickson 1 75
J 11 Jones 6 98
J E Smith, road fund 42 00
8 Forsvthe 16 87
P Pregier 10 50
Total $640 32
District No. 16
Carlton & Rosenkrans, gen fund..$ 45
H A Vorpahl 4 30
Will Randall, road fund 13 50
Geo. Randall 4 50
Arthur Blanchard. : 13 50
J G Briggs 42 00
TWBlanchard 7 50
Gilbert Randall 3 00
Mike Huiras 19 50
A Breamer , 18 00
WHBreamer 7 50
Chas Bauman.; 3 00
Henry Richter 6 00
T W Blanchard 5 25
Frank Britrgs . 19 00
ChaB Mattock
Chas Biddtl
R Luuis
Wm Pratt
J G Briggs
G. o Blanchard
J F Briggs
1 50
3 00
3 75
6 00
3 00
5 50
31 00
Agricultural Implements and Vehicles
District No 26
J II Hannagen, gen fund 1 00
E Austin 10 45
Levi Robbins 17
Levi Stehtn an, road fund 12 00
Thoa Wiles 9 M
G A Bingman 9 00
Jas Hannau'an 12 00
W P Kayler 6 00
A W Sawlell 12 00
J N Sawlell 3 00
J M Austen 12 00
W A Shaver 9 00
Oren Cutting f 9 00
W Simmons 3 00
WC Pairan 9 00
II A Kayler 6 00
t ii t);.. in is
Branch HarleBS 6 00
W Parker 00
S Wright 6 75
J Akins...:-v 2 62
Harvey Everhart 1 50
Louis Wiles 4 12
C Daugherty.. 4 50
GV Adams 2 25
Ralph Sawtell 1 87
W 11 Engle 22 00
W P Kavler. een fund 20 00
CHBThomas 3 00
E A Shaver 11 25
J M Austen 3 00
W A Shaver 9 00
E Engle 6 00
F U Perry i w
Geo Ogle 12 00
Jno Rhodes 9 00
C Beck 15 00
W W Everhart H 25
II Everhart 6 75
W Vick....: 1 50
I Williams 16 12
Gpo Everhart 9 50
A J Mayville 9 00
C Beede 4 50
J Beede 3 so
J N Sawtell 3 00
O W Sawtell 3 00
WH Engle 22 00
Oren Cutting 3 00
J Marls 1 50
E Oaliff 1 50
Geo Dart 1 50
W II Engle 8 00
DEnale 3 00
M V Markinster 1 50
Total $390 30
District No. 27
Banby & Hein, gen fund $ 192
Ivan Uroadwell, road fund 17 25
Kml TlintvmHon 4 50
F.il Pwtetson 6 00
.1 V. Mum nam 2 50
Pater Brown, een fund 1 50
fj K Hart 3 00
A M Scott o Of
Philip Marquam 12 7o
Hnifh Onmur 8 25
Haris Ridings H e2
O A Marqnain 19 50
Will H Yoder 6 )
A J Yoder 12 50
Ivan Broadwell... 1 50
Bud Thompson 4 50
J E Marqam 34 00
J C Maiquam : 5 37
Cyrus Jones, road fund 13 87
Total ,
E E Vaughn. .
A E Taylor
J F Parmer
D Bengli....'....
C A Taylor
G A Ridings....
E W Graves.....
T O Ridings
Everett Judd. . . .
John Taylor
PJ Ridings
Mart Leabo
Oran llamand...
Being crowded for space in my warehouse, I will sell the buggies and spring wagons
now in stock at prices that defy competition. Come early and secure a buggy before
the stock has been picked oyer.
I have a stock of these balers on hand that I will sell at reduced prices Call and
investigate for yourself.
Buffalo Pitts Harrows
' and Cultivators
Owen's "Advance"
Fanning Mills
Peerless Plows
Belle City Feed Cutter
Milwauk c landers
and Mowers
Write for Catalogue and Prices
The Housefurnisher
T r D r r f Y7 f Vi Pre t0 our immense new stock of
rOllll Mfllll Lace Curtains Our stock is com
plete, all the designs are new, and all are made graceful and,
pretty to insure the best effects We will be proud to see the
houses of this community decorated with them. Our prices are
.lower than those of Portland houses. We invite inspection.
We have gathered a splen
did collection of handsome
Carpets and Mattings in
new and stylish patterns
at moderate prices. Our
mattings, flowered, plain,
linen and Japanese figured,
are the delinht of all who
see them. They "cost from
fifteen cents a yard up to
fifty and will outwear
We offer the best instru
ments. Our
Busch and Gerts Piano
has all the merits of the
fineBt Piano made, and
yet costs less than three
other famous makes.
Price $315.00.
Your room has limita
tions. The right paper will
improve it, the wrong paper
will mark it. Thecolor and
figure are both important.
Our variety is great enough
to enable us to Jutt suit you
and your room. You'll be
pleased at the range of de
signs and prices.
It isn't hard work to run the
Climax Machine
The machine does the
work for you. It is perfect
ly adjusted, the wheels work
easily, the stitch is even and
threading simple. You
couldn't have a better
friend, and our torms enable
you to buy without much
cash. Price $25.00.
Looks well if it has a prop
er frumo. We'd like to
make 'the sort of a frame
that will give to your picture
the best appearance. Our
knowledge and stock will
help to ornament the walls
of your house. We'd like to
talk to you about it anyway.
If not, we can fix you for it
in a little while for a little
mo ey. Tell us where you
live and we'll send a man to
give you an ultimate. Life h
hardly worlh living unless
you can fprinkle your lawn.
50 ft. of )i in. hose for $:i .50
District Xo. 18
Cummins & Durst, gen fun J $ 6 55
Jacob Schmidt 9 36
C W Friedrich 30
Emil Ginther 75
Wm Ginther.... 75
Albert Stuedeman 75
Continued on page 4.