OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1901 Astoria The Dalles, Portland and Navigation Co 's Sirs. Regulator & Dalles City Daily (exoept Sunday) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland Touching at way points on both sides of the Columbia river. Bnth of tie above steamers lmve been rebnll find are in excellent shape for the seflnon ofittOO The KeiculHtor Llue will endeavor to glveits patrons the best service possible. For Cumfort, Economy and . Pleasure travel by the steamers of Th Regulator Line. The above steamers leave Portland 7a m.and Dalles at 8 a. m..nud arrive at destination in ample time for outgoing trains. Portland Office, The Dalles Office Oak St. Dock. CourtStreet. A. C. AJXAWAY General Agent TIME TABLES ELECTRIC CARS 25o or 45o Bound Trip LEAVE OREGON CITY 7:05 A.M. 7 s " 8:: 9.20 10:16 10:50 11:35 12:20 P. M. 1:05 1:00 2:o5 3:20 4:05 4:.r0 6:36 6:20 7:05 7:501 8:20 9:15 10::i0 11 :40 LEAVE PORTLAND 7:00 A.M. 7 45 8 80 9 15 10 00 10 45 1130 12:1.') P 1:00 1 :45 2:30 3:15 4:00 4:45 5:30 6:15 7:00 7:45 8:30 9:15 10:30 Only toMilwaukle. BOATS Round Trip 25c LEAVE LEAVE OUR. CITY r-ORTLAND 7 00 a.m. Taylor St. 10 00 8 3 0 a.m. 1 30 p.m. 11 30 4 SO 3 00 p.m. 8 00 Sat. 6 15 SUNDAY 12:50 Sat. only 11:40 SUNDAY 25c Konnd Trip Cars Every llulf Hour R. R. TRAINS 25c or 45c Bound Trip E. E. G. SEOL Will give you a ; . Bargain Li Wall Paper Wall TiatiEg and la General House Painting Paint Shop near Depot Hotel WANTKD TRUSTWOKTAY MKN AND WO meu to travel and advertise for old established house ot solid financial standirg. Salary $78". a year nnd expenses, all payable in cash. No Pan waliiB required. Give references and enclose sell-addressed stomped envelope, Address Mun ager, 856 Caxton Blag., Chicago. LEAVE OREfiON CITY 7:00 A.M. 9:22 A. M. 6:30 P. M. LEAVE PORTLAND 8:30 A.M '8:30 P.'m'J 9 30 8 00 11 00 9 30 1 00 11 00 2 30 1 00 4 ( 0 2 30 6 30 4 00 7 00 6 30 7 00 WILLAMETTE FALLS CARS Leave Leave 8. Bridge Wil. Falls 6:45 6:30 7:30 7;00 8:15 7:45 9:30 8:30 11:110 B:45 12:10 11:16 12:45 12:25 , 1:15 1:00 2:15 1:3(1 4:00 10 6:00 4:15 5:45 5:15 , 6:15 a 6:00 , 0:45 3 C:30 7:15 fctj 7:00 8:15 3 7:30 9:00 m 8:30 10:00 g 9:45 OREGON FlGlPRUflE Cere 51 The little folhs enjoy the distinction of drinking coffee iust like mamma and papa. Let the table beverage be FIGPRUNE and they can join with the family in par taking of a rich, nourishing drink made of choice California figs, prunes and gram. Healthful nutritious. Boil from 5 to lO minutes only ALL GROCERS SELL FIGPRUNE CEREAL. NEWS OF THE WEEK . SUMMONS. - In the circuit court of the state of Ore gon for the county of -Clackamas- ss: Ida M Young, plaintiff, VB. Charles O. Young, defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above ei tilled suit on or before the 6th day of Kptember, 1901, that be ing the time j r- cribed in the order of the publication d this summons; and if you fail to appi nr and answer said com plaint, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief therein prayed for, to-wit: A deer-e of divorce from the bonds of matr mony now existing be tween you and the plaintiff, and that 6aid bonds he forever dissolved, and the guardianship of the minor child named in said complaint. This summons is published by order of tho above entitled court, made and entered the 17th day of July, 1901, and the date of first publication is Friday, August 2, 1901, and the said publica tion is to run six consecutive weeks from the said date. M. J. MacMaiion, Attorney for Plaintiff. Dated. Oregr n City, July 26, 1901. SALFIYl September 23-28, 1901 Great Agricultural AND Industrial Fair BIG LIVE STOCK SHOW For Over Fifty Tears, ' An Old and Well-Tried Remedy. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for ver fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect Buccess. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste, Sold by Drug gists in every part of the World. Twenty-five centB a bottie. Us value is incalculable. Pe sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Cood Racing the in Afternoons Latest Attractions In New Auditorium Building Eveiy Evening, With Good Music For Whooping Cough. "Both my children were taken with whooping cough," writes Mrs. 0. E. Dutton, of Danville, 111 "A small bot tle of Foley's Honey and Tar cured the cough and saved me a doctor's bill." Charman&Co. THE HOME GOLD CURE. An Ingenious Treatment uv which Drunkards are Keing Cured Da'ly in Spite of Themselves. Special Kates on Campers' Tickts Beautiful Camp Grounds Free Come and Jlriug Your Families Reduced Rates On All Railroads SI. For Further Particulars, Address D. WISDOM, Sec, Portland, No Noxious Doses. No Weakening of the Nerves. A Pleasant and I'vsltlve Cure for the Liquor Habit NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. For Sale , or Trade Notice is hereby given that by virtue of law approved Febrary 23rd, 1901, providing for the sale of lands which Clackamas county has bid in for delin quent taxes and acquired title thereto and in compliance with the commands of said law I will on Saturday, the 14th day of September, 1901, at the front door of the county court house in the city of Oregon City, Clackamas county, Oregon, beginning at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash in hand on the day of sale, all of such prop erty to which said Clackamas ounty has acquired title in accordance with said law. J. J. Cooke, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Or. Dated this 8th day July, 1901. Best of Everything In ii word this tells of he passenger service via. THE NORTH-WESTERN LINE 8 trains daily between St. Paul and Chicago, comprising: The Latet Pullman Sleepers Peerless Dining Cam Library anil Observation Cnrs Free Reclining Chair Cars The 20th Century Train "The North-Western Limited," runs every day of the year. The Finest Train in the World Electric Lighted Steam Heated To Chicago by Daylight. The Badger State Express, the finest day 'train running between Chicago via. the Short Liue. Connections from the west made via The Northern Pacific, Great Northern, and Canadian Pacific Rys This is also one 6f the best lines between Omaha, St. Paul and Minneapolis AU agents sell tickets via "The North western Line." W. H. MEAD. H. S. SISLER. G. A. T. A. 8 Alder St., Portland, Oregon. and .fixtures. Will take or Eastern Oregon stock in exchange for whole or Entire stock of furniture, tin ware, graniteware, hardware, stoves stock ranch part. Call on or address, G. II. YOUNG, Box 358. Oregon City, Oregon. WANTED TRUSTWORTHY MEN AND WO men to travel and advertise for old established house of solid financial standing. Salary $780 a year and expenses, all payable in cash No can asalng required Give references and enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. Address Man ager, 365 Caxton Bldg., Chicago. WANTED. Capable, reliable person in every county to reprei-ent large company oi solid fi nancial reputation: Pj36 sa'ary per year, payable vecklv;S3perdsy absolutely sure and all ex penses; straight, bona fide, definite salary, no commission; salary paid each fatnrdsy and ex pense money advanced eactt week. STANDARD 110LSK, 3o4 Diabbobn St., Chicaco. THE PEOPLE'S PRESS Official Orgau of the Socialist Party of Oregon. A fearless exponent of scientific gov ernment, as taught by the most advanc ed thinkers and philosophers ot this age. $15,000 cash to distribute among sub scribers, who subscribe soon. You can get sample copy free if you mention this piper A. D. HALE, Editor, Albany, Ore. z 1 I Swedish I Asthma iTiirp X I ABSOLUTELY CURES x x I Asthma X Hay Fever 1 Bronchial Trouble X GUARANTEED NO OPIATES It is now generally known and under stood that Drunkenness is a disease and not weakness. A body filled with poi son, and nerves completely ehattered by periodical or constant use cf intoxicating liquors, requires an antidote capable of neutralizing and eradicating this poison, and destroying the craving for intoxi cants. Sufferers may now cure them selves at hume without publicity or loss of time from business by this wonderlul "HOME UOLUCUKE ' which lias. been perfected after many years of close study and treatment of inebriates. The faith ful use accnxling to directions of ibis wonderful 'discovery is positively guar anteed to ctve the most obstinate case, no matter h w haul a drinker. Our records sho ihe marvelous transforma tion of thou-mids of Drunkards into so ber, indiiHtri.'tin and upright men WIVES CUK! Y'MJK HUSBANDS! CHILDREN CUKE YOUR FATH ERS 1 1 This .emedy is no sense a nos. trum but is a specific for this disease only, and is so Bkilliully devised and pre pared that it is thoroughly soluble and pleasant to the taste, so that it can be given in a cup of tea or coffee without the knowledge of the person taking it. Thousands oi Drunkards have cured themselves with this priceless remedy, and as many-more have been cured and made temperate men bv having the "CURE" administered by loving friends and relatives without their knowledge in coffee or tea, and believe today that they discontinued drinking of their own freewill. DONOTWAIJ. Do not be deluded by apparent anil misleading 'improvement." Drive out the disease at once and for all time. The "Home COLD CUKE" is sold at the extremely low-price of One Dollar, thus placing in reach of everybody a treatment more ef fectual than others costing $25 to $50. Full directions accompany each package. Special advice by skilled physicians when requested without extra charge. Sent prepaid to any art of ihe world on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept. E ,r)94, EDWIN 15. GILES A COMPANY, 2330 and 332 Market Street, PhiLuiel- hia. All correspondence strictly confi- t ential. Dizzy ? Then your liver isn't acting well. You suiTcr from bilious ness, constipation. Ayer's PillsUct directly on the liver. For 60 yearc they have been the Standard Family Pill Small doses cure, am For Sale by C. G. HUNTLEY Oregon City, Oregon i sJob Printing at the Courier-Heram wZut vonr m.mta-he or Iwaru a uvauutui bruvn or rich black 1 Then use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE whiskers i en. o. r " HEADACHE At aS ttug Mora. 2S Dosa 25c Some Reasons Why You Should Insist on Having EUREKA HARNESS OIL Unequaled by any other. Render hard leather soft. Especially prepared. Keeps out water. A heavy bodied oil. Harness An excellent preservative. Reduces cost of your harness. Never bnrn9 the leather; its Efficiency is increased. Secures best service. Stitches kept from breaking. Oil I s gold in all Localities . Htnnhrtawdbr Studard Oil Cmur. August 9. The airship of the French aeronaut, Sans-Dumont, exploded, nearly killing him. San F-aneieco streets are unswept be cause of the labor troubles. Winters, former employe of Selby smelter, arrested on circumstantial evi dene, for stealing $320,000 in bullion. Heconfeesed. Labor troubles have caused advance in steel plate. August 10. A Colombian force invaded Venezuelan territory. ' Kitchener's proclamation threatens banishment cf Boer officers engaged in war. TheBriush naval maneuvers showed glaring deficiencies in the Biilisn navy. Noyes denies all charges made against him.as district judge at Nome. Eben L. Boyce, the Tacoma mur derer, was hanged yesterday morn;ng. He was a musician. People in Wallowa county complain of annual drunken incursions of reser vation Indians. Attorney-General has filed suit against Pennoyer, McBride and Metschan to re cover the Davis $30,000 shortage. Ex Chief Clerk Dimick under arrest for San Francisco mint robbery of $30, 000; formerly lived in Portland. In London, James McDonald, a waiter, confessed that he held up the Western Lumber Company in Portland last December for $470q. The salmon trust has paid the can nery owners $5,000,000. An attempt was made to blow up a Britith horse transport at New Orleans. Negro was burned at the stake in Georgia, Heavy shortage in French wheat crop. A Portland team beat a lot of Brit ishers from vessels in the harbor at cricket. A'ugust 11. , ; Governor Taft says tariff legislation is necessary to develop , the Philippine islands. The commission granted $25, 000 to each rinderpest-stricken province. Forest fires are beginning in Western Washington. , Good prices are expected for prunes this 'year, on account of shortage of ciop. Tire American Anti-Trust L ague and District Assembly 06, Knights of Labor, have decided .to begin euit in the United States court and various state courts against the U. S. Steel Corporation for numerous and dangerous violations of law. Frank S. Monnett, ex-attorney general of Ohio, and A. A. Lipscomb, of Washington, D. C, have been en gaged as counsel. I August 12. The Fall River, Mass., factories have reduced wages of weavers 14 per cent. In a Middletown, O., papermill, Ed Grossman was murdered by other em ployes. . Kruger reports that, the Boer army counts SD.OOO men. Kitchener reports I that from August 5 to 12 he captured or killed 703 Boers, h izing with them thousands of horses and cattle. Steel workers in Weft rn mills of the trust refused ti strike. 'Ihe ironmasters are claiming the victory in the great strike. Ex-Premier Crispi, of Italy, died at Naples yesterday. Engagements with insurgents were fought recently near Pannama. The funeral service over the late Em press Frederick, of Germany, occurred at Cronberg. Blanco Guiseppe, 35 years old, and Robert Neibert, 15 years' old, drowned while bathing, in Portland. Two inventors at Warrenton,- 111 , have invented a machine that will re volve a shaft 2000 revolutions a minute.a speed sufficient to drive a locomotive 480 miles an hour. A rotary type-making machine in vented in England casts 60,000 letters an hour. Its operation is so cheap that it may prove to be cheaper to make new type than to distribute the old type after it nas been printed troin. So strong has socialism become in tax- burdened Italy that the King has es poused iis cause. The leghe di resist enza (league of resistance formed by the country peasantry) is Btiongtr that) his majesty. In Belgium socialism is growing eo rapidly that the government and clerics aie alarmed. The story that the Boers deliberately killed English wounded at Vlakfontein proves to be false. But there is no doubt of it that the British have armed natives to fight the Boers, and that Kit chener bas declared bis intention of con- n'.rtitingt he natives in the two republics and burning their property in order that they may no longer be able t ) feed their mentis, the Boers. England will move 70,000 men from South Africa to India, where a war threatens. The cost of the South Afri can war has risen to 2,000,000 a week. Some thousands of Cape Colony Boers have relelled,and Kitcht tier's order that all the burners w ho do not quit fight ing by September loth will te declared traitors will not f care any of them. They will "stay with it." Father Yorke, of San Francisco, openly espoused the cause of the strikers in a grand speech at a mass meeting. The Catholic church takes the side of the masses. The grain and fruit trade of the city is paralyzed by the strike. Ships cannot load or un load. August 14. Cornelius Vanderbilt, the millionaire inventor, has been elected lieutenant in the New York National Guard. In Germany manufacturing is para lyzed by over-production. As a stab in the dark, the Manufacturers' Association of Cologne has adopted a resolution de claring that "industry must energeti cally demand that adequate protection fie adopted against the overpowering competition of the United States, and the present (Tariff) bill does not offer a I sufficient guarantee against this compt tmon. ' NERVE WASTE." Several American looters in China w ere sentenced to four years' imprisonment. A passenger train was robbed on the M K &T. Road in the Indian Terii-tory. Japan demands a slice of territory in Corea equ d to that givn to Russia. Shaffer, the leader in the great strike of ironworkers.is a colleg--b:ed man and a preacher, and has a strong per jonal ity. In O;tio, the stite attorney-gineral will prosecute the steel trust. In the next congre-s, a strong fight will be made against the tariff-protected goods made by the trusts. Prest.Shaffer asks that support for the sirikers in the East be sent to John Williams, secretary and treasurer, Bis sell Block, Piltsburg, Pa. J. P. Morgan will use the weight of his money bags against the passage by the Episcopal church convention at San Francisco of the canon against the mar riage of divorci-d persons. Methodist ministers of San Francisco favor the strikers. The British claim once more that the South African war is near its end. The Boers admit food is scarce. John Winters, the Shelby smelter thief, will compound his crime for $5000 and a light sentence. One of the most helpful books on nerve weakness ever issued is that entitled "Nerve Waste," by Dr. Sawyer, of San Francisco, now In its fifth thousand. This work of an experienced and repu table physician is in agreeable contrast to the vast sum of false teaching which prevails on this interesting subject. It abounds in carefully considered ami practically advice, and ban the two great merits of wisdom and sincerity. It is indorsed by both the religious and secular i ress. The Chicago Ad vance says; "A perusal of the oook aud the application of its principles wili put health, hope and heart into thousands of lives that are now suffering through, nervous impairment." The book is $1.00, by mail, postpaid'. One of the most interesting chapters- chapters xx, on Nervines and Nerve Tonics bas beeu printed separately as a sample chapter, and will be sent tc any address for stamp by the publishers The Pacific Pub. Co., Box 2058, Saa. Francisco in plain sealed envelope. REALTY TRANSFERS. Furnished Every Week by Clacka mas Abstract & Trust Co. 110 1000 800 700 125 O C R" R Co to G A Stanton, ne of se of sec ,29, 1,3 e. . , E J Adams to K E Collins, ne of sec 24, 6, 3 e Willamette Ld Co to A N Wright, tracts No 32 and 03, Truneland. . A Laughlin to S T Edmiston, 6 of se of the ne of sec 19, 3, 1 w. . J Kirk, et al,to June Hughes, 28 as in ne of sec 23, 3, 2 e G C Fields to Clara Fields, lots 2 and 3 in blk 1G, Canemah W J Lewellin to A E Lewellin, 7 as in elm 40, and 14.50 as in sec 8, 4,4 e M E Cornett, et al, two deeds, to A E Lewellin, 14.50 as in sec 8, 4, 4e W Y Masters to city of Portland, nj of nej, ne of se and se of ne sec 30, 1, 0 e'. .... P J Tate to E Welch, as in Holmes elm , L A Rice to WW Little, ). 10 as in sec 33, 3, 1 e W W Little to R Fauton, 1 16 as in sec 33, 3, 1 e J Spangles to E Gallowav, blk F, Parkplace 1200 A Leyb, et al, to J H Bottemiller, 38 as in the C-row elm 4UU U C Fields to A J Maville, lota 3 and 4, blk 12,Canemah 150 E Werhein to N C Shankland,tract in elm 70,3,4 e 1 II T-Roger to S Goover, i of ne of sec 23, 6, 2 e 150 M R Thomas, et al, to W H Com mons", ne of sw ot sec 24 225 T Buros to E Ritter, 5 as in sec 32, 1, 2 e C F KestetHon to A Bruggei, 40 as insec 30, 1, 3 e John Catliii, at al.to Portland Trust Co, swji sic 27, 1,3 e A Sprague to F W Sprague, iit,1 sec 18, A, 6 e L J Feldhammer to W L Beckuer, lot 10. see 1. 3, 3 e L J Arnold to S LowenBtein, bw of neof sec 17, 3, 1 e L J Arnold to J Babsch, 40 as in sec 17, b, 1 e MARKET REPORTS PORTLAND. (Corrected on Thursday. ) Flour Best $2.903.40 ; graham $2.60. Wheat "Walla Walla 5556cj valley, 56c57; hluestem 57c. Oats White, 1 20 per cental ; gray, 1 20 1 224 per cental. Barley Feed $16; brewing $17 per t. Millstuffs Bran $17; middlings 21 ; shorts $L'0; chop $16. Hay Timothy $11(313; clover, 70; Oregon wild $0. Butter Fancy cream ny 35 and 4 Jc store, 20 and 25. Eggs 17 cents per doz. Poultry Mixed chickens $3.50 4.00; heiiB $4.505; springs $34 50; geese. $67; ducks $5G,!j; live turkeys IK. i4c; dressed, 14tai6c. a Mutton Gross, best sheep, weatherB" and ewes, sheared, $4 50; dressed, 6 I nd 7 cents per pound. . 1 Hogs choice heavy, $5 75 and $6 00 ; i light, $5 ; dressed, 6 1-2 and 7 cents per v ! pound. I Veal Large, 7 and 7 1-2 cents per 1 pound. Beef Gross, top steers, $3 50 and $4r 1 i dressed beef, 6 and 7 cents per pound. Che"8e Full cream llc per pound. -Young America 12c. Potatoes 75 cents per hundred. Vegetables Beets $1 ; turnips 75c per sack; garlic 7c per lb; cabbage $1.2& 1.6U per 100 pounds; cauunower voc: per dozen ; parsnips 85c per sack ; celery 8085c per dozen; asparagus 78c; peas 23c per pound . Dried fruit Aoples evaporated 56 sun-dried sack-i r tuixes 34c; pears sun and evapi't (.; pitless plums-, 78c; Itab.ii' prunes 57c; extm Bilver choice 'iioil. 150 oiikuon ciiy. Corrected on Tiiuisday. Wheat, wagon, 57. , Oats, 1 25 per cental. Potatoes, 75 cents per sack. Kggs 17 ceuts per dozen. Butter, country, to iioc per creamery, 40c. Driod apples, 5 to 6c per pound. Dried prunes Italians, 5o; and German, 4e. roll, pet'toj 29 5000 2000 1000 1000 County Treasurer's Notice. 1 now have money to pay county war rants endorsed prior to July 13th, 1898. And also road warrants endorsed prior to November 19th, 1900. Interest will cease on warrants in cluded in this call on the date hereof. A. LublUng, Treasurer Clackamas Co., Or. Dated, Oregon City, August 0th., 1901, When you visit Portland don't fail to get your meals at the Royal Restaurant, First and Madison. They serve an ex cellent meal at a moderate price ; a good sqviare meal, 15e . Question Answered. I1 Yes, August Flower null has the'' largest sale of any medicine in the civ ilized world. Your mothers and grand mothers never thought of using any- thing else for Indigemion or-BiliousnesB. Doctors were scarce, and they seldom heard of Appendicitis, Nervous Prostra tion or Heart Failure, etc. . They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undigested food, regulate the action of the liver,, stimulate the nervous and organic action of the system, and that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with, headaches and other aches. Yi u only need a few doses of Green's August Flower, in liquid form, to make you sat isfied there is nothing serious the matter with you. Get Green's Prize Almanao at George A. Harding's. Threshing machine bills and receipt books for 40 and 65 cents at Couiier ilerald office while they last. SI OPS THE COUHH AND WORKS OFF THE COL1K Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No Care ni py Price 25 cents. To Save Her Child From frightful disfigurement Mrs. Nannie Galleger, of La Grange; Ga., ap plied Bticklen's Arnica Salve to great sores on her head and face, and writes its quick cure exceeded all her hopes. It wotkB wonders in Sores, Bruises, Skin Eruptions, Cuts, Burns, Scalds and Piles. 2.")c. Cure guaranteed by Geo. A. Harding, Druggist. Mr. Daniel Bantz, Olturville, la., says: Have had aHthinaand a verv h.iu cough for years, but could get no relief from ttie doctors and medicnnes 1 tried, until I took Foley's Honey and Tar. It . gave immediate relief, anil done me more good than all the other remedrea. combined." Charnian&Co. William Finn, of Lima, O., obtained excellent results from the use of Folcy'S Kidney Cure. "It relieved my backache and severe pain over the hips, it toned my system and gave me new vim and energy. It is an honest ami relialile remedy, a sure cure for all kidney din eases." Charinan & Co. MITCHELL WAGONS Mr?! Best possible to build. No wagon is or Can be better than a Mitchell, because the cream of wood stock is used, only after being thoroughly seasoned. The wagon is well ironed, well painted, well propor tioned, and runs the lightest of any. It is nearly 70 years since the first Mitchell wagon was built, and they have been built continuously ever since by the Mitchells. When you boy a Mitchell, you get the benefit of this 70 years' experience. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. First and Taylor Streets Portland, Oregon. A. H. Bass, of Morgant nvn, Ind., had! to get up ten or twelve times in the night and had severe backache and pains in the kidnevs. Was cured by Foley 8 Kidney Cure.. It's guaranteed. Charman & Co. High living, intemperance, exposure and many other things bring on 1! right's disease. Foley's Kidney Cure will pre vent Bright's disease and all other kid ney or bladder disorders if taken in time Hesuretotake Foley's. Char man & Co. A. H. Davis, Mt. Sterling, In., writua:: "I was troubled with kidney complaint, for about two years, but two one dollar bittles of Foley's Kidney Cure effected m permanent cure." Cliarumn & Co. Astounded the Editor. Editor S, A, Brown, of F.ennetteyillOi,, S. C, was once immensely surprised.. "Through long Buffeting from dyspep sia," he writes, "my wife was greatly) run 'down. She had no strength or f vigor and ftiil'ertd great distress from her ttomach, but she tried Electric B- ! ters which helped her at once, and, allot ' using lour bottles, she is entirely well,, can eat anything. It's a grand tonie,.' and its gentle laxative qualities are ' splendid fur torpid liver." For Indiges tion, Loss of Appetite, Stomach and Liver troubles it's a positive, guaranteed I Hire. Only 50c at George A. iiardingV