OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, AUGUST 16, 1901 "TmtAVltif" One More . Opportunity I Can Offer You this Summer. We have about 75 Summer Suits left in blue, black and gray and other fancy colors. Regular values $15, $13.50, $12.50. Now $9.50. We also have 200 pairs of black and tan shoes. Reg ular $4.50, $4, $3; now $2.50. We also have a big line of White and Colored Shirts at a bargain. If you need a nice summer Hat you can get it at half price. J. M. PRICE Cor. Main and 6th St. Look Carefully To Your Kidneys Dr. Jenner's Kidney Pills "What Weald Jesus Bo." (Continued from page 8 me just as mother used to. cause the kidneys to work as nature intended they should. They build up the shrunken walls of the kidneys, as no known remedy has been found to do before. As a cure for urinary troubles they have no equal. 10, 25, 50 Cents m C. G. HUNTLEY, Druggist Oregen City, Oregon i A Subtle s.Foe m k 1-3 T)ys,x'psia ia unrecognized in fa Imlt' tao rases. It deceives the V unknowing BiitTerer. Its many vui hitions work along the weakest linea of the system. To battle against only one of them is vain. Our booklet explains its symp toms. Our Dyspepsia Tablets give compU ti! and hinting relief. l Gl O 251) 10c, AND 25C. 60c. C. G. HUNTLEY, Druggist Oregon City, Oregon Don't Force Your Bowels with harsh minerals which always leave bad after-clfects on the entire system, and whers their use is persisted in, tend to completely wreck the stomach and bowels. ..USE. Edgar's Cathartic Confections The only harmless, vegetable bowel regulator, and liver vitalizcr known. As pleasant to the taste s candy, and as positive as the hardi est mineral. No gripe or pain. R 10, 25, 50 cents. C. G. HUNTLEY, Druggist Oregon City, Oregon OASTOniA.1 Li...! U.,.. II.,.,,. It..,..,,,. nn..M Renin ilia A m Mu n' DUUpl Blgtiiiture ( h e cream mmle from pure cream and Hodn water thwored 'villi pure fruit jui ces at the Seventh street piiarmacy. 1 'r. ,1. Hint Moore, proprietor. Why Tako Any Chances with some new and untried medicine for Bitch fcrious troubles us diarrhoea. einnipK, dvsentory, when you slioiild know that for over a halt' a century Tain Killer has cured millions of ctaee? Look out for imitations, tlietti in only one semiine, 'Terry lUvis." L'nderwoar, hosiery, ribbons, dress tkirls and waists Bt half tho price they hnvebeen at the Kacket Stote. not seera to take connt of the fact that I was ragged and tough looking and more than half drunk when I rung your doorbell. My God, what a life I've lived! The saloon has housed me and homed me and made hell on earth for me. But that prayer stuck to me all the time. Jly promise not to drink was broken in a thousand pieces inside of two Sundays, and I lost the job you found for me and landed in a police sta- tion two days afterward, but I never forgot you or your prayer. I don't know what good it's done me, but I never forgot it, and I won't do any harm to you nor let any one else. So you're free to go. That's why." I The bishop did not stir. Somewhere ft church clock struck 1. The man had j put on his tiat and gone back to his seat on the stone. The bishop was thinking hard. I "How long is it since you had work?" 4ie asked, and the man standing up ; answered for the other. "More'n six months since either of us did anything to tell of, unless you ! connt holding up work. I call it pretty ! wearing kind of a job myself, especially 1 when we put in a night like this one j and don't make nothing. " "Suppose I found good jobs for both of you. Would you quit this and begin all over?" "What's the nse?'' The man on the stone spoke sullenly. "I've reformed a hundred times. Every time I go down deeper. The devil's begun to forcelose on me already. It's too late. " "No I" said the bishop, and never be fore the most entranced audience had he felt the desire for souls burn up in him so strongly. All the time he sat there during the remarkable scene he prayed: "O Lord Jesus, give me the souls of these two for thee I I am hun gry for them I Give them to me I" "No I" the bishop repeated. "What does God want of you two men? It doesn't .so much matter what I want, but he wants just what I do in this case. You two men are of infinite value to him." And then the bishop's won derful memory came to his aid in an appeal such as no one else on earth among men could make under such cir cumstances. He had remembered the man's name in spite of the wonderfully busy years that lay between his coming to the house and the present moment. "Burns," he said, and he yearned over the men with an unspeakable long ing for them both, "if you and your friend here will go home with me to night I will find you both places of honorable employment. I will believe in you and trust you. You are both comparatively young men. Why should God lose you? It is a great thing to win the love of the great Father. It is a small thing that I should love you, but if you need to feel again that there Is love in the world you will believe mo when I say, my brothers, that I love you, and in the name of him who was crucified for our sins I cannot bear to see you miss the glory of the human life. Come I Be men ! Make another try for it, God helping you. No one but God and you and myself need ever know anything of this tonight. He has forgiven it. The minute you ask him to you will find that true. Coins I We'll fight it out together, you two and I. It's worth fighting for. Everlasting life is. It was the sinner that Christ caiue to heln. I'll do what I can for von. 0 God, give 1110 the souls of these two men I" The bishop broke into a prayer to God that was a continuation of his ap peal to tho men. His pent np feeling had no other outlet. Before he had prayed many moments Burns was sit ting with his face buried in his hands, Bobbing. Where were his mother's prayers now ? They were adding to the power of tho bishop's. And the other man, harder, less moved, without a previous knowledge of the bishop, leaned back against tho fence, stolid at first, but as the prayer went on lie was moved by it. What force of tho Holy Spirit tiwept over his dulled, brutal, coarsened life nothing but tho eternal records of the recording angel cau ever disclose, but tha t sumo supernatural presence that smote rani on the road to Damascus and poured through Henry Maxwell's rhmvh tho morning ho asked disciples to follow in Jesus' steps and had again .broken irresistibly over the Nazareth ' Avenue congregation now manifested , himself in this foul corner of the mighty city and over tho natures of these two j sinful, sunken men, apparently lost to all tho pleadings of conscience and memory of God. Tho bishop's prayer seemed to break open tho crust that had for years surrounded these two men and shut them off from divine communica tion, and they themselves were thor oughly startled by tho event. Tho bishop ceased, and at first ho himself did not realize what had hap j pened. Neither did tho two men. Burns still sat with his head bowed between I his hands. The man leaning against the : fence looked at the bishop with a face in which new emotions of awe, repent ance, astonishment and n broken gleam of joy struggled for expression, j The bishop rose. i "Come, niv brothers! God is good. ' Yon shall stay at the settlement tonight, ! mul 1 will make good my promise as to tho work. ' ' I Tho two men followed tho bishop in i silence. When they reached tho settle ! ment., it was after 3 o'clock. Tho bishop : let them in and led them to a room. At ! tho door he paused a moment. Ilia tall, 1 commanding figure stood in tho door- way, and ins latoiace, worn wnn ins recent experiences, was illuminated with the divine glory. "God bless you, my brothers!" he said, and. leaving them his benediction, he wont away. Iu the morning ho almost dreaded to faco tho men, bnt tho impression of tho night had not worn away. True to Ins promise, tho bishop secured work for 1 them. The janitor at the settlement j needed an assistant, owing to the growth ! of the work there. So Burns was given . J the place. The bishop succeeded in get- and you did 1 tins: his corrtDanion a riosition as driver for a firm of warehouse dray manufac turers not far from the settlement. And the Holy Spirit, struggling in these two darkened, sinful men, began his marvelous work of Ta-onrntion it was tne arxernoon following that morning when Burns was installed in his new position as assistant . janitor that he wras cleaning off the front steps of the settlement when he paused a moment and stood tip to look about him. The first thing he noticed was a beer sign just across the alley. He could al most touch it with his broom from where he stood. Over the street imme diately opposite were two large saloons, and a little farther down were three more. Suddenly tho door of the nearest sa loon opened, and a man came out At the same time two more went in. A strong odor of beer floated up to Burns as he stood on the steps of the settle ment. He clutched his broom handle tight and began to sweep again. He had one foot on the porch and another on the step just below. Ho took another I step down, still sweeping. The sweat stood out on his forehead, although the day was frosty and the air chill. The saloon door opened again, and three or four men came out. A child went in with a pail and came out a moment later with a quart of beer. The child went by on the sidewalk just below him, and the odor of the beer came up to him. He took another step down, still sweeping desperately. His fingers were purple as he clutched the handle of tha broom. Then suddenly he pulled himself up one step and swept over the spot he had. just cleaned. He then dragged himslf by a tremendous effort back to the floor of the porch and went over into the cor ner of it farthest from the saloon and began to sweep there. "0 God," he cried, "if the bishop would only come backl" The bishop had gone out with Dr. Bruce somewhere, and there was no one about the settlement that he Somewhat of a Liar Himself. ' A traveling agent of a nursery told such exaspor.ttins; lies to a young farmer living noi fur from Logan pottoflice, that, to shut him up, lie t!d the following veracious tule: "I had a sick cow. She was monkeying around thewoodshed and swallowed an old umbrella. A little later she swallow-id a package of yeast, which caused the umbrella to raise, and she has been raising particular hades every since. I had been wondering how to effect a euro and had some notion of writing an agricultural paper to find out what to do do when an umbrella thief passed bv and and tlie umbrella being of that kind immediately came forth." rvxv'vvvyvYvv 'A 11 1 v i i n Ml The Portland City & Oregon Railway Company will run cars every 30 minutes between Oregon City and Portland Sun day. A delightful ride for only 25 cents the round trip. The cars run cleai through to Canemah on that day. A WORTHY SUCCESSOR. To be continued. August 15. In Berlin, Max Ouitz, proprietor of a large private bank, was arrested, charged with heavy defalcations and for geries. His customers will lose several millions of marks. The Paris Matin publishes the text of a document authorizing privateering againet Great Britain and asserts that an attempt is being made to persuade Mr. Kruger to make it effective by sign ing it. The Quinault reservation in Wash ington will cost $19,000 to survey, and contains 200,000 acres of fine timber laud, beside much good farm land. Near Cottage Grove, two boys, Martin Tucker and Guy Lee were burned while in swimming. The great strike in the East is still un settled. Two Chicago unions of iron workers who would not join the strike had aheir charters revoked by the Amal gamated Association. The powerful cruiser, Wisconsin, and the gunboat Machias have gone to Cen tral America on account of the war there existing. Fishing seaeonon the Columbia closed today, and the pack will be about 837 , 000 cases. LaGrande, Or., sugar factory will get 15,000 tons of beets thU year, as against 9000 tons last season. The Fall River, Mass., s miners will strike on account of redui ti m in wages. Methodist ministers in San Francisco have espoused the ihe cause of the strikers. OASTOH.I-A.. Bean tU Von Have Always Bought Ilirts Wanted, The Board of A'ater Commissioners of Oregon City, Oregon, asks for sealed bids, for the construction of the con crete foundation and clear water well for I the Filter Plant, of the City Water I Work. Approximate quantity about ; 400 cubic yards. The work to begin 1 upon the completion of the present ex 'cavation and lie completed in two weeks' j time. I Bids will be received until one o'clock, I p. in., on Saturday, August 24th, 1001, 1 The Hoard reserves the right to reject any or all bids. A certified cheek must accompany the bid, equal to 10 per cent of the amount of tlio contract, as liqui dated damages in ease the successful bidder fails to enter into a contract anil give a good bond for the faithful per formance of the contract. Plans and specifications can tie seen at the ollice of tlie secretary. Address, ' T. L . Chakman, Sec. Beard ot Water Commissioners, Charman Bros." Hlk. Oregon City, Or. Mark, Bid for Foundation. August loth, 1901. ''Something New Under the Sun.". All Doctors have tried to cure CA TARRH by the use of powders, acid gases inhalers and drugs in paste form. The powders dry up the mucuous mem branes causing them to crack open and bleed, Tlie powerful acids used in the inhalers have entirely eaten away the same membranes that their makers have aimed to cure, while pastes and oint ments cannot reach the disease. An old and experienced practitioner who has for many years made a close study and specialty of the treatment of CATARRH, has at last perfected a Treatment which when faithfully used, not only relieves at once, but permanently cures CA TARUH, by removing the cause, stop ping the discharges, and curing all in flammation. It is the only remedy known to science that actually reaches the adlicted parts. This wonderful remedy is known as "SNUFFLES the GUARANTEED CATARRH CURE" and is sold at the extremely low price of One Dollar, each package containing in ternal and external medicine sufficient for a full month's treatment and every thing necessary to its perfect use. "SNUFFLES" is the only perfect CA TARRH CURE ever made and is now recognized as the only safe and positive cure for that annoying and disgusting disease. It cures all inflammation quickly and permanently and is also wonderfully quick to relieve HAY FE VER or COLD in the HEAD. CATARRH when neglected often leads to CONSUMPTION "SNUF FLES" will save you if you use it at once. It is no ordinary remedy, but a complete treatment which is positively guaranteed to Cure CATARRH in any form or stage if used according to the directions which accompany each pack age. Don't delay but send for it at once and write full particulars as to your con dition, and y )u will receive special ad vice from the discoverer of this wonder ful remedy regarding your case without cost to you beyond the regular price of oiurrL.E.S" the UUAKANTEED CATARRH CURE," Sent prepaid to anv address in the United States or Canada on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dent. E 594. ED WIN B. GILES & COMPANY. 2330 and 2332 Market Street. Philadelphia. V ii T!-.e Kind You nave Always Bought, and which has been, in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per- i(Hy-f-tfu . sonal supervision since its infancy. , McU4i Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are hut Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. at is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms ami allays Feverishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GEPJUiriE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of I The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TM( CtNTHUH eOMMN. TT MUHMV mCET, NtW YORK OITV. NEW GROCERY NEW AND FRESH GOODS Muir Bros, have opened a first-class Grocery on the corner of Seventh and Center Streets, and are in a position to sell you Groceries at reasonable prices. We invite the public to call and inspect our stock. Highest market price paid for country produce Free and prompt delivery to all parts of the city Respectfully. MUIR BROS. REMOVAL SALE Tlie Keii Cross onlor will ivo a picnic lit M'igotie'a prk on Saturday, Au;. 'J4. OASTORIAi Bean th f 1 Kind You Have Always Bsaglit For a Child who is "not doitij! wt'U" the condition occurs now and then with nil children. Scott's emulsion ot cotl-liver oil is a food that begins to build you up sit once of cour.-e, it don't show tit once. "Not doinc well" means that the cliild is not getting the good of his food. Not today, or this week ; it, may hare been noiitg on for a mouth; before it be Kins to show in ih-3 child's condition. You want him to get back to turning liia usual food into sUentli. Yon want the food that begins to build up at once. Why driuk rot-nut, when you can jjpt Sauaniore hind-made sour "mash at Kelly & Noblitt's. Immense Cash Trading Chance My motto: "Best Values at Lowest Prices," has beet: so well appreciated by care ful buyers, I can no longer accommodate the increasing throng of patrons at my present location, so have decided upon MOVING TO 144-146 THIRD STREET Into the Commodious L. Fleischncr Building, Between Alder and Morrison Streets ABOUT SEPTEMBER ist. This Week Commences a Great Removal Sale, During which I Must Close Out Dry Goods, Clothing, Men's Furnishing Qoods Fancy Goods, Etc., Etc. $75,000 Stoc It's the entire stock, and every item in every department is marked with the sole objec.t of closing out the lot at the shortest possible notice. THIS GREAT SALE is an all-over-the-store sale, hence in every department you will find such shelf emptying reductions as only necessity of moving could inspire. Cost and profit have been ignored. Just one object in this sale Turn the Goods into Cash I invite you to come early every dy while dollars do more than double duty. It will pay you pay you well. Ladies' Wrappers LarJd'.,.rk 29c Ladies' Flannelette Perttcot.mti.I' 49c Shaker Flannel ( fullwktthi per yard 4c Table Damask mS'tiperyard ic CViaatc? Hemmed reailv foruse, A(l OllCCla good due, each .... Uv Pillow Slips BS!S ladies' Vests FiZ.fe::?!?ss: 3c Ladies' Union Suits s,Skr:... ; 15c Sun Bonnets LS,h 10c Tll'dfo I.bJIm' linrt Spring Jackets, CA J clthe lb bunk or navy, each 01. d AnrnTC Oil cloth aprnnS . 1fl iliirUIia for the kitchen, e ch Overalls B'Ji& 15c Overalls 25c CWrtO I.adiM-Illack Serire SfRfl QJUIla Walking Skirts, each yl.OU Corset Covers crnVh 5c T 9We Colored figured i UaWua Lawns and Dimities Oil Work Shirts 1 du:k stripes, each 19c Bed Pillows Haehize: 35c folifsftoe Best American Q3a ldllliUCa Indisfus, per yard Suspenders : Suspouders, per pair 8c Window Shades BSrMh 20c TnrlrOTT Rflrl Dorimsk. good quality, (C. lUl&CJf XVsVU neat patterns, per yard IvJv CiltnlirlG Latest designs, r- J11I.U11UC newest colorings, per yard v)v Children's Rose ni;pPSbcd 31c Blankets 10Sp 55c Clsoof inn SO inch heavy unbleached i OUCCUUy sheeting, per jard 4-C TTaco X.adioK fast bla(-k, seamless ri tlUat, hose, per pair O.tC Stockings TutS 121c ANAHAN TORE FIRST AND SALMON -STS., PORTLAND, OREGON. No Branch Stores. Mail Orders Filled During this Sale.