Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, August 16, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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This has beet the hottest month
have had for two years.
Grain in ripening rapidly, and harvest
is well along.
Roads are out of eight in dust.
John M )ijer has returned from Port
land, where he has been in a hospital
for a month. Mr. Moser is quite low
with consumption.
Henry Baker is barely able to jvalk
about. He has been confined to tho
house for about six months.
Arrangements have been made to
have Stafford school No. 41, commence
" Sept. llitii, with Miss E. A Downing
G. Moser's windmill pumped his well
dry a month ago, and coaxing has not
succeeded in replenishing the supply.
Potato fields need rain . We had but
.19 of an inch of rain during July and
none as yet this month.
There are only a few army worms this
The Moser threshing outfit of Moser
!i Oo. has changed hands until it is
mostly owned in Frog Pond,
Mountain Bond.
Miss Cora Eddy, of Forest Grove, was
visiting friends and relatives of this
place last week.
Mrn. McFarland and son, Roy, of Ore
gon City, were the guests of Mrs. A. J.
Hodge Sunday.
Julius Iderhoff 's finger, which was seri
ously injured, iB i-lowly improving.
Farmers will soon commence thresh
ing. Girls, that means lots of dish
Louis Koellermeier was the guest of
Fred lii'ock Sunday.
William Fischer add wife were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Baker Sunday.
The ice cream social given at the
church Wednesday evening was largely
Mrs. Axtel l ad a pleasant surprise
last week in the arrival of her father
and mother from Iowa.
Addie Le May left Saturday for her
home in California.
Peter Warner, formerly of this place,
is very Bick at his home in Portland.
William Koellermeier was the guest
of Robert Platts, of Oswego, Sunday.
Weather very warm at present, and
from all appearances it will continue for
some time, Sal.
Flowers, ribbons, fancy chiffrons at
great sacrifice. Miss Goldsmith. .
New Era.
Most of the farmers are through stack
ing and are waiting for the thresher,
Barney Friedericu has the largest oats
that were ever grown hera. They
measure six feet in height.
Mr. Shefehic is busy at work building
a new dam.
Mrs. J. C. Newbury lias tapped the
spring and taken the water away from
Mr. Bogess. She is going to lay pipes
ami run the water into her housa.
Mm. Wink niadoa business trip to
Oregon Cily Monday.
Bill Newbury and Reuben Lewis
made a business trip to Oregon City
Miss Olive Frederich made a call on
Miss Anthony Friday evening.
Mis. I. Grader and father, of Port
land, have been vibiting at B. Frieder
ieh for tho past few days.
. Mr. and Mrs. II. Anthony were visit-,
ing Iriends in Portland Saturday.
Miss Kate Newbury attended a lawn
party at Canby Tuesday evening.
Miss Bonrgoyne spent Wednesday
evennig with the Misses Ilattie and
Amelia Spulak.
Mrs. J. C. Newbury went to Oregon
City Thursday.
Mrs. B. Friederich went to Clacka
mas Station to attend the Grange Satur
day, and ulso to visit relatives over Sun
day. The Southern Pacific is going to build
a track to the island from here for the
purpose of hauling gravel for tho track,
Quito a number of the sports took
their bikes and lunch and went up on
the Molalla Sunday to fish. We think
one of the ladies succeeded, as we saw
a sucker hanging on the gate last Sun
day. Misuses Anthony and Riof went to
Canity Monday, and whilo returning
home one of tiio wheels got locked and
were obliged to carry it until they
readied Mr. trader's place, where it
was repaired. John repairs all the
pretty little girls wheels, free.
The Misses 11 iltie and Amelia Spulak
were visiting Miss May holla Anthony
a few evenings ago.
Or a Sly tor makes regular trips three
times a week to Mr. Kief's home. There
must bo something very attractive over
in ere.
Julia and Anna Shofoliin, who have
been working in Portland, are visiting
their parents for a short time.
Theie seems to be a very strong mag
net in the vicinity of Hog Hollow, as it
seems to draw two certain young gentle
men up tho hill every Sunday evening
in that direction.
Kim i.i'n.
Everything In tho Millinery line at a
great reduction. Miss Goldsmith.
Mark Brairie.
Very warm weather.
Fanners are harvesting here, and some
threshing has been done. The yield is
good. Wheat is averaging -5 bushels to
the acre.
He.iry Koeher threshed (S00 bushels
of whean from 21 acres. ThU is the
best yield of the prairie.
The hop crop here will not be as
largo as last year.owing to so much dry,
hot weather.
' Potatoes are drying up, and a small
crop will be the result.
Several of the; young men of Needy
havo returned from the Eastern Oregon
harvest fields.
G. W. N. Taylor was callingon friends
at Barlow the past week.
Your correspondent returned from
Howell Prairie yesterday. Harvesting
is well along there.
Hop picking will begin about Septem
ber 1st liero. The price to be paid is l'i
cents, Jso.tyour coi respondent was in
formed by one of our growers.
The Glad Tidings correspondent got
things wrong about the prize tight at
liberal on the Fourth of July, 1 will
inform hira that I propose to prose
we cuto the parties concerned in said fight
at the November term of court, and we
will then see if thfc Glad Tidings man is
not one of the parties concerned in said
scrap. He will have a chance to tell
what he knows about that affair in pub
lie. Great reduction
at Miss Goldsmith.
on all trimmed hats
Beaver lMlce.
Hot weather still continues.
A. E. Thomas, of Scott's Mills, was
haying in this section last week.
Mrs. M. A, Nicholson left Monday
last for Eastern Oregon.
An exciting game of baseball was
played betweed the Maeksburg and
Needy teams at Wilhoit Sunday last.
The score was 20 to 13 in favor of Macks
burg. Bear hunting is a new Industry in
vented by 0. A. Ryan, a notorious bear
Harvie Dart and wife, of Molalla, were
visiting relatives in our , midst Sunday
G. T. Slaughter, a well known
freighter f this district, is still seen
diligently wielding his 20-faot whip on
his four horse te .m to keep them in the
We were all relieved bv a eentle thun
der shower Wednesday, which was a
great bonefit to late sown grain and
Earl and Oscar Davidson, of Kussel-
vnie, were irannacung Dusiness near
tieaver Luke Weduesday last.
Emery Thomas, oj Scott's Mills, was
seen in our midst one day last week.
' Swift,
A beautiful line of baby bonnets and
hats, ail reduced, at Miss Goldsmith.
El wood.
Mrs. TwiBt is improving under the
treatment of Dr. Pruden.
G. E. Dibble, daughter and son have
gone to jNestuoca lor a two weeks' out
Alice and Delia Henderson have re
turned from teasel cutting, having found
the work too heavy.
Mrs. Turner was called to Rocky
Point to attend her daughter, Emma,
who is ill.
Miss Zelh Park is expected to come
home to prepare for hoppicking.
A number of the El wood boys have
gone the mountains for a week's hunt.
Mrs. Hammett and Hanah Schiewe
were visiting Mrs. Cadonau one day this
Delia Henderson is mourning the loss
of her pet goose, which disappaared one
night last week.
Ed Kepkie has purchased a new
Harvest is well under way with pros
pects of a good crop.
W.H.Wilson and Bert Heudcison
have the school grounds almost ready
for fencing.
It is reported that the Freeman fam
ily is recovering from the mumps.
Henry Turner made a visit to his par
ents last Sunday on his wheel, but be
fore next Sunday he will require a tan
dem, as he expects to be the happy pos
sessor of a wife on the 14th inst.
Lai.la Rookh.
John Gohler finished thteshing Sat
urday, Charle3Noblitt, Sr., rdturned home
from his trip Sunday.
Mrs. Charles Molson, accompanied by
Mrs. Noblitt, went to Salem Wednes
day. Miss Katie Spagle is home from Butte
ville. Mr. Bents and family brought
her home Sunday.
Mrs. Shirley Buck is visiting here.
Noha Berkey lost a valuable horaj
Friday evening by jumping on a picket
Sam Taylor gave a dance in bis new
hop house Saturday night. Quite a
number of Needy people attended and
report having had a good time.
The Needy and Canby nines played
baseball Sunday at Mackaburg. Needy
won the game, which stood 9 to 13.
Morris Myers' sister, of Portland, is
visiting him.
Miss Mattie Noe is home on-a visit
from Oregon City.
Great cloarance sale. Miss Goldsmith.
Hoppicking will soon bo here, nud
then wo will have flush times in Wilson
ville. Tho Modern Brotherhood of America
gave a dance and social at Wilsonville
last Saturday night, which was a grand
success financially as well as socially.
Tho grain crop promises well in this
vicinity, judging by what grain has leen
already threshed.
Joseph Epler, who has been staying
in I' inland, is home on a vi-iit.
Mrs. Bateman, of Portland, visited
friends in Wilsonville this week.
Johnson & Lamb nuke a specialty of
key fitting.
(H id Tiding n.
Harvest is here.
Tho hum of the bin i -r cm bj heard
in every direction at present. Every
one has a good crop this season, and will
have plenty of grain if it doesn't rain
(oo soon.
Tuere is every indication of
Kverlu ly goes to Willuit on
day .
"Kvergreen," an icj cream social
would be all right, bat next time let the
people know about it before it comes
Mr. M wre's new hones is progress
ing very nicely under the workmanship
of Cyrus & Clitf Hendershott. All thtt
is lacking is a painter. What's the
matter with Lewis, has the pole worn
out the brush?
W. W. Irvin, of Aurora, nassed
through this burg last week.
Brenton will visit Beaver L ike as long
as his load stone remains iu that part of
the country.
Billy Broylo8 was the first man in our
section to have any threshing done.
Hopj are looking very well and not
many lie at present.
Beaver Creek.
Weather very hot, and harvest in full
James Shannon, of this place, was op
erated on for app'-ndicitis a week ago
last Monday, and he is reported to be
getting along nicely.
Edwin Howard and family and If.
Mathie and family were visitors at the
home of Mrs. J. Kirk last Sunday eve
ning. Ernest Kirk and bride arrived from
Monument, Grant county, Oregon, at
which place he has made his home for
the last three years.
Shannon & Sons have begun thresh
ing. A breakdowu of Shannon's thresher
on the Marlin farm caused some delay,
and also a trip to Portland for repairs
A small amount cf work has been done
on the. hall.
Married, on August 7th, 1901, at the
residence of the bride's parents, Mr
and Mrs. J. M. Hoy, MiBS Annie Hoy.
and J. E. Kirk, Rev. M. M. Brierly
officiating. The contracting parties are
residents of Monument, Grant county,
Oregon. The groom was a former resi
dent of Beaver Creek, Oregon.
So the bride and groom today
On the sea of matrimony launch away.
The waters all smiling and peaceful seem
As you sail away from shores of green.
The friends that meet to bid you God
speed Are the friends of your youth true
friends indeed.
The unknown sea may be wide and deep
But with faith in God your course will
His faithful word like a light house stands
To guard against rocks, shoals and sands.
If to Him and each othen you both are
Your bark, he will guide o'er the ocean
Your anchor you'll cast on the heavenly
Bed! and.
Hello, Mr. Editor! Yburcorrespondent
will endeavor to send you some news
after his annual outing irvtho hay field.
Harvesting is in "full blast." Grain
geneially is taking more twine this sea
son than usual.
W. H. Bonney, our enterprising eaw
mill man, has added a nine-pound boy
to his mill crew.
Herman Fisher has a 10.j pound dish
washer at his home, who arrived late in
Mr. and Mrs. Harnish and family, of
Portland, were visiting at J. G. Barg
feld's home the past week. 1
There will be an ice cream social at
the schoolhouse, district No. 75, Satur
day night.
Alec lrvin, of Garfield, has bought
Charles Hicinbothem'e riding horse,
Miss A. I. Hicinbothem contemplates
going to Eastern Washington to yisit her
uncle, Will.
Edgar Brock has just finished digging
a well on his place. He struck good
water at a depth of 40 feet.
Sheep-killing dogs have been making
the rounds here lately, killing two for
John J. Bargfeid and one for L. Funk.
Aug Funk sold 31 head of mutton
sheep to Mr. Bethke, a butcher, in Ore
gon City.
E. Brock has sold his piece of ground
which he is living on to Mr. Hollins
worth, of Nebraska,
Word has been received of the death
of Mrs, William Gaskell, of Looking
Glass, stepmother of Mrs. L. Funk,
E. H. Morgan intends to start up his
threshing outfit the latter part of this
week. L. F.
Maple Lane.
Ben Beard and Isaac Shortlidge left last
week for Lincoln, where they expect to
help with the harvest.
Henry Miller is now driving team for
Lawrence Mautz.
Harvesting is the topic of the day.
Threshing will soon begin.
The celebrated Miss Johanna Short
made her appearance iu this burg last
week Sunday.
Mountain View.
The compositor made a mistake last
week concerning a birth notice and had
two articles mixjd. It should have read
Boru to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bell, a
The weather is simply getting suffo
cating, especially at night. Oregon
can no more boast of her cool nights.
The thermometer registered 95 degrees
in the coolest shade Wednesday.
We have a telephone in our burg now.
George Ely and Mr. Lewellen each have
Mrs. Frank Wa's'i and children and
Mrs. Stoiyand son have g)no to Sjda
Springs.to rusticate.
The Dickey boys took their teams to
Portland and worked a week excavating
there. They returned home this week,
Mrs. Moran and Maud spent a few
days of tho past week visiting among
iriends at Mount Tabor.
Mies Myrtle Currin and her mother
went to Dayton Monday to spend a lew
days with relatives.
August Freiiierich lias left our bur,;
and gone to' Portland to ork for awhile,
Walt Curran and family ami and Mr,
Locke and tamily went to Portland Sun
day for an outing.
F, M. Darling and family spent last
Sunday at Maple Lane with his brother
and family.
George Stephens lias bought the Grout
properly near Mr. Harrington', and Mr.
Stonehacker and family have moved
from there into Mr. Heckart's house.
Walt Curran has built a new wood
shed. Mrs. Freiderichand Mrs. Francis gave
a p.iriy 10 me girls on Wednesday af
ternon at the former's residence. Ice
cream and cake were served. Thos pres
ent were: Misses Bertha Friedrich, Ha
zel, Mahle, Pearl and Ruby Francis,
Josie and Fraukie Curran, Gertrude
Hamilton, Maud Moran, Kuby Howard,
Lillian Gillett, St-lla Kclbgg, Evelvn
Harbur, Albert and Richard Freidnch,
Mrs. Francis and Mrs. Freidericli. The
children played games until 5 o'clock
then they went home highly delighted
with their at'tera ou's eute'rtainment.
It is very warm, although probably
not so hot as it is iu the East. The
gardens and potatoes need rain.
Mr. Yocum started his new threshing
machine this weak at Mr. Horger's
Lou Palmateer an I Wilbur Wade will
bring out from Portl.m i this week a new
Case sepal ator.
mnwTwmni1.1 f. tats
"I had a verv severe sickness
that took off all my hair. I pur
chased a bottle of Ayer's Hair
Vigor and it brought all my hair
back again."
W. D. Quinn, Marseilles, 111.
One thing is certain,
Ayer's Hair Vigor makes
the hair grow. This is
because it is a hair food.
It feeds the hair and the
hair grows, that's all there
is to it. It stops falling
of the hair, too, and al
ways restores color to
gray hair.
$1.00 I Mile. Alt drultti.
If vour drmreist cannot supply
r you,
end us one dollar and we will express
of your nearest express oflice. Address,
J. C. AYER CO., Lowell, Muss.
Mr. Crawford's team ran away with
his binder one day last week. Result
A trip to Portland and about $23 ex
pense. Henry Anders has gone to work in
Eastern Oregon for awhile.
Mrs. Inglish and children are spend
ing the summer on their farm near Gar
field. They will return to Portland
about September 10th for school.
Mrs. Lou Palmateer is spending a
month in Eastern Oregon visiting rela
tives and friends.
Walt Snuflin is helping his father-in-law.
Doc Palmateer, finish his barn.
Mr. Perry, of Salem, is visiting his
brother-in-law, Gid Krigbaum.
E. G. McGaw, wife and daughter,
Bessie, are spending their vacation with
their friends, W. H. Holder and fam
ily. Mr McGaw is division superin
tendent for the City and Subarban
Railway Company, ofPortland.
Mrs- Lemon has eone to Damaccus for
a visit to a very sick friend.
A car load of milk
crocks just received and
will sell at 8 c per gal
lon, W. L, Block.
the Homefurnisher,
Molalla .
We are bavins some hot. u-nnttmr in
this part of the country.
The twef new threshinc nnt.fila V.
have started out to work.
Shaver & Adams gave their thresher
a test by thre hing a part of Mr. Broils'
crop. Their self-feeder did not work
satisfactorily, hut the company from
whom the machine was purchased, sent
a man from Portland to see what was
wrnntr. He fnnnrl lliaf flio cmimi-nn i,rt
self-feeder was not properly adjusted, and
iu wm piooauiy worn an ngnc now,
and they will start out auain in as short
Cole Bros, have tested their new Ad
vance eeparator and find it satisfactory,
A party of surveyors were camped
here recently. They are making a geo
logical RIlrVAV rf ta n.wurnmnnt 4-rv.l..
--n " vv gu.VllllUUII, lIIUUC(
reserve in the Cascade mountains. The
outnt consisted of four men, seven
horses and four mules. They started
in at Eugene about May 1st, and it will
take them until the first of November to
finish. They report feed as being scarce
in the mountains.
It is reuurted that the hnrkla norrw
crop is almost an entire failure in the
mountains una season.
Peter Bovles ia visitine of .ifnlalla TTa
and C. I. Gipson have sold out their
blacksmith business at Silverton.
Adams ftrns. hnv rnuimu,.o,l n..-i.
- . ,.u.u .umuiunv, n VI i
on John Cole's house.
There is considerable sickness around
here, owing, perhaps, to too hot weather,
A. I . A.
, Mulino.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Bovnton were visit
ing relatives at Springwater last week.
Mr. Sager was cutting grain for
August Krickson Tuesday.
Mrs. Walton was visiting her sister,
Mrs. Wallace, last week.
Air. and Mrs. Bogue were visiting at
the home of August Erickson Sunday.
Mrs. Ga'dnei, who has been visiting
her friend, Mrs. Force, returned to her
home on the Columbia river last week.
Mrs. Heinz is visiting her daughter,
Mrs. Bonebreak, at Roseburg.
Charles Shaw has taken his mother
and sister, Belva, to Eastern Oregon,
where tliey will cook for threshers.
It is the general opinion of the farm
ers that wheat will go from 40 to 50
bushels to the acre this year.
Chicago Cottage Organ at Block's.
J 130 Reward f 100.
The reactors of tills paper will be pleased to
learn that Ihere Is at least one dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure in all its
stages, and tliMt Is Catarrh, lla'l's Catarrh Cure
lithe only positive cure known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a oonstitucional dis
ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure la taken internally, actin , dir.clly
upon the bloo.l and mucous surfaces of the sys
tem, thereby destroying Ihc foundation of tho
disease, and giving the patient stiength by
building up the constitution and assisting nature
in doing its work. The proprietors have so much
faith in Us curative powers, that they oiler One
Hundred Hollars for any ease that it fails to
cure. Send for list of testimonials.
Address, K. J. CHE-NET A CO., Toledo, O.
WSold by Pruairists, 75o.
Hall's Family rills are the best.
Would Hava Cost Hi.n Hia Lite.
Oscar Bowman, Lebanon, Kv., writes :
"I have been using Foley's Kidney Cure
and take great plesure in stating it
irriA'ft mn normnnonf niira nlkUn.ul,
ease which certainly would have" cost
mo my me. ibko none out toiey's.
Charuiau & Co.
Stgamore Sour Mash.
If you want a liquor that is chem
ically pure direct from the distillery,
try the Sagamore sour mash. Kelly Sc
Noblitt, direct purchasers.
40-inch Feed Opening
More of them in use in Oregon and Washington than of
all other makes combined
Send for Catalogue and Testimonial Circular
Mitchell-Lewis & Staver Co.,
First and Taylor Sts.,
Largest Line of Shot Guns in Oregon City-
Prices to suit
Jackson's Bicycle Shop
Opposite Hartley's Main Street
Phones, 411 & 304
7th St., between Bridge and S. P. Denot
J" W flint rt n fnmr.no li'rnnoli . , I, ..i;t.. m . ,
- , - r
Pimples, Unfitness
ti BEFORE AND AFT'iR S'il,f,1i'1f roraof
rrPIDEKR strengthens and restores small
Pro.t.m. iHTmKSKi;tho
Jls. A written guarantee given and money returned it six Im.xos does not eilect a , iwrmuieii?ii
fun a box, six for f .you, by mall. Mend for ran circular unci testimonials. peruiuueu cur
Address MEDICI.KIS CO.,P.aBo.x2076,eanErahclsco,Cal. IbrWcby
EGEO. A. H HIDING, Druggist Oresoa Ciiy, OregM
Tl v 1 in
The Only Hih Class
I Monthly, at 25c &
a Year, in the a .
World 0000000 T
Sixteen Pages, Four Columns to the
Every page a Magazine in itself; each
department edited by "one who knows
how ; " every number mine of informa
tion and entertainment.
Q Sflmnl Pan far th lllnM maa.-
.....r..P, . u,
Every Healthy Bay
likes to get himself into places of danger.
neiice oruises, strains ami sprains.
Mother scolds and brings out the bottles
of Perry Davis' Pain Killer and ru bs i t
on the injured spots with an energy and
frequency depending on the seriousness
of the case. There is nothing like Pain
Killer to take of the soreness and to
make muscles supple and s'rong as
May Frese
Capacity 12 to 16 tons, Daily
Highest standard In the tiitn.
Two hundred courses In Literature, Science and
the Arts, Science and Engineering and Music,
New buildings and equipment.
Seven new instructors.
Nearly 6000 volumes added to library in 1001.
Summer-school with University credit.
Special oourees for teachers, for Law and Mod-
leal students.
Department of Education for teachers, principals
and superintendents.
Tuition free, cost of living low.
Three students granted scholarships in large
eastern universities iu 11101.
Send name to President or Registrar for circu-
nun aim caiaiugues, Eugene, UTeffOll .
We carry the only complete line
of Caskets, Coffins, Hobes, Lininga
and have the only first-class and
up-to-date Hearse in the county.
Our prices are never exorbitant.
We guarantee satisfaction. We
can give you better goods and bet
Jer service for less money than any
other undertakers in the county.
Calls promply attended, night or day
Undertakers and Embalmers
w 9 vital izer-tuenreBtirlu-
to Mai.v, Exhausting Drains, Varicocele inn
Irnpotency rnFIK!KofeLi'aieuV,aSS
weak organs ""P""""
I 4
One Short Story. Biographical Tid Bits
Popular Science. Amateur Photography."
All the Comforts of Home. The Family
Lawyer. Department of Health. The
Editor'. Half Holiday. The Quiz Club
(prize question department.) The Old Cur
iosity Shop. Sports, Games and Pastimes
Home Study. The Coming Generation.
The First Thousand, and What to Do
With It, (practical success department.)
The Story of the World. When the Day's
Work Is Done.
fLrrT r.
i irnz3, Columbus, O.
( Wanted Hop pickers at Lincoln, Polk
county ; 8'J acres to pick ; will pay 40
j cents per bnx. Picking will begi n after
; (September 1st. Leave numes with E. E
! Bacon. John Walling.
! (rood Investment River front lot
6sxlU5feet, situate back of Charman'a
drugstore, sustable for modern flats or
cottage?, for sale. Price $1000. Also 2
lots corner of Jackson and Eighth streets
Inquire at Commercial Bank.