V -v COURIER ESTABLISHED MAY, 1883 HtTRALD ESTABLISHED JULY, 1893 ItothhLVCBNT EST AhLIS h.E D tS&B OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 16, 1901 19th YEAR, NO. 13 Courier CONSOLIDATED IMPLEMENT 001 SUCCESSOR TO (&rebe Blarclcr & 182, 184, 186 Madison Street, West End of Bridge, DEALERS IN AGRICULTURAL PPLEOTS AND VEHICLES in , 'SX'-'r .1' "H, . Remember we have the finest stock of the best makes to be found in Portland, including Farm and Spring Wagons, Buggies, Carriages and Carts, Mowers, Rakers, Tedders and Hay Tools, Hay Presses, Grain Drills, Plows, Cultivators, Disc and Spring Tooth Harrows, Pumos Harness, Bicycles, Etc. PORTLAND, OREGON BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. Regular July Term of the County Board. J. R. Morton, JoHn Lewellen and X. B Killin, Ciimuilssionera. Be it remeinb red, That a regular terra of the Board .01 County Commissioners for the County of Clackamas, State of Oregon, begun and held at the court house in said county and state on Wed nesday, the 7th day of August, 1901, the same being the regular time fixed by law for the transaction of county busi ness. There were present, Hon. J. R. Morton, lion. John Lewellen, and Hon. T. B. Killen, commissioners; B. H. Cooper, clerk ; and .1, J. Cooke, sheriff, when the following proceedings were had, towit: In the matter of delinquent taxes and tax sales. This matter coming on to be heard upon petition of Helen B, Anderson for the redemption and payment ot back taxes as followe, to-wit : Upon the east hail if the northeast quarter of section 20, Tp 5 S, K 3 E, of the Willamette Meridian. Year To whom assessed Sold Amt. Tax 1894 W. R.Wade To county $7 56 1895 W W & L A Porter not sold 6 79 1896 " " 1897 " To county 1898 1899 Upon the southwest quarter of section 22, Tp 5 S, R 3 E of Will. Mer. Year To whom assessed Sold Amt. Tax 7 17 7 29 6 16 9 16 1898 John Garbade To Co. 7 98 1899 " " 8 40 It is ordered that said taxes and tax sales be cancelled upon the records and the certificates of sale be cancelled upon the payment of the amount of said taxes, remitting the penalties and costs, In the matter of a rebate of overpaid taxes on 200 acres of land assessed to the Alex McUarvey estate. Now at this time this matter coming on, on motion ot Dimick & East ham, and it appearing that the said land was sold in the year 1896 for taxes amounting to f 40.01, for the year 1895. and it further appearing that in March, 1891, said land was redeemed from said tax sale by pay ment to Clackamas County of $50, and it turther appearing that Clackamas county exacted, contrary to law, $9 39 as pen alty and interest on said tax, and that the attorneys for said estate, namely, Dimick and Eastham, paid said penalty and interest under protest, it is therefore now 01 dered that the clerk issue a war rant to Dimick & Eastham for $9 89, be ing a rebate of said sum unlawfully ex acted in settlement of said tax In the matter of the application of Philip Streib for vacation of Lewelling Park. jn this 7th day of August, 1901, came on to be heard the petition of Philip Streib, praying for the vacation of Lew elling Park, an unincorporated townsite in this county, and it appearing to the court irom said petition duly verified that eaid petitioner is the sole owner of the said property) that said Lewelling Park is not incorporated and has not a corporation in active existence, and that said petitioner is desirous of having the lots, streets, alleys, anQ commons of said townsite vacated, ai.d it further appear ing that said petitijn was duly filed in this court on June 24 1931, and that written notice that said petition would come up in this C'jurt for hearing at tliis time was posted in three of the most conspicuous places in'said town of Lew elling Park, containing a description of the said property to be vacated, and it appearing that said petition sets forth the paiticular circumstances of the case, a distinct description of the property to be vacated and the names of all the per sons to be atlected thereby and no oppo sition or objection being made thereto it is therefore ordered, adjudged and de creed that the said townsite of Lewelling Park, together with all the streets, alleys, lots, blocks and commons, be and the same is hereby vacated and forever here alter be held for naught. Id the matter of the petition of J. H. Pomeroy for the cancellation of taxes : Now comes on to be beard the petition of J. H. Pomeroy for the cancellation, release, and assignment to him of the interest of Clackamas County in certain property therein, aesessed for the year 1893 to D. D. Magone under the descrip tion "Pt. of Tomkins, Camen, and Wall ing claims, township two range one, 210 acres, $192;" and for the cancellation of taxes of Clackamas County for 1890 on property in said county assessed to D. D. and Henrietta Magone, and described as "Ptof Tompkins and Walling D L C described in Bk 33, P 83, and Bk 50, P 378, Sections 23 and 24, 2 S 1 E, 80 acres, $70.14" and ''Pt of above in School Dis trict, 03.75 acres, $411.10,' said taxes be ing delinquent, and it appeajing that the lands intended to have been covered by said assessments for 1893 ami lS'Jii had been sold upon tax sales to third parlies", and that by virtue of cen.iin dmible assessments the county has already ie ceived parts of said taxes, and ihat it is t ight and proper that adjustment of the same be had. Now therefore, in consid eration of the receipt of $95.00 from said J. II. Pomeroy ; it is ordered that the said taxes for 1S96, so delinquent, be cancelled of record, and that whatever interests Clackamas County may have acquired in the said lands above described as being assessed for 1893 to said D. D, Magone as purchaser at the sale for taxes for that year, be released and the same are hereby released and assigned to said J H Pomeroy, and the officers of said county are hereby directed to cancel and remove said property from the list of property to be sold September next un der the Act of the Legislature of 1901. In the matter of the petition of J. H. Pomeroy for the cancellation of tares. Now comes on to be heard the petition of J. H, Pomeroy for the cancellation of an assessment and sale of petitioner's undivided one eighth interest in certain lands in theD. D. Tompkins and George Walling Donation Land Claim In Clacka mas County, State of Oregon, being the interest conveyed to said Pomeroy by D. D. Magone and wife by deed recorded at page 378 of book 50 of deeds of said county, and it appearing from the tax roll of said county for 1894, that the whole of said tract was asseesea to D D and Henrietta Magone, as appears at lines 5 and 6 of page 172 of said tax roll, and that an eighth interest therein was assessed by the Bheriff to said Pomeroy, as shown on page 98 of volume 3 of said tax roll, but no corresponding exception or deduction was made from the assessment to D D Magone, and it further appearing that said Magone failed to pay his taxes, and that the said lands were sold upon tax sale for 1894 to one J A Ficke, who has since become entitled to a deed to said prop erty, including the eighth interest of said petitioner, and that the said assess ment ot an undivided eighth interest to petitioner was without any correspond ing deduction from the assessment of said Magone, and made a double assessment ; and that the said county has received taxes upon said undivided eighth inter est and therefore, acquired no legal claim thereto by becoming a purchaser at said tax sale. It is therefore ordered that said sheriff's assessment to said Pomeroy De cancelled, and that any and all inter est in the said lands acquired by said Clackamas County, as purchaser thereof at the sale for taxes for said year, be and the same is hereby released and assigned to said J II Pomeroy. In the matter of claims presented and allowed : Eli Williams, assessor $120 00 I Q Porter... . . , r,G 00 M Blair. -18 00 J A Tufts 90 00 FJ Harkenrider 48 00 B Sullivan 15 00 C E Ramsby GO 00 VRHyde.." 87 00 F WGreenman 87 00 L E Williams 72 50 Good Samaritan Hospital pauper 30 00 Patrick & Co stationery 4 85 Phoenix Ins Co court house 107 50 Paul Prager, criminal 2 40 Austin & Western Co, r and b. . . 2 00 J R Morton 25 W E Carll, insane 5 00 Retta Pierce, clerk 2 00 East Side Lumber Co r and b. . . 30 5a Coast Agency Co, s'atiotiery . . . . 1 16 Lonvn Randall, recorder 52 00 Tom T Randall 12 00 Oregon City Foundry, r and b. . . 10 00 Pacific States Tel & Tel Co c h. . . 4 75 W & Iva Wilson, pauper 25 00 A W Cheney, county printing. . . 44 40 W A Hnntlt'V, stationery .... 12 9ft W D Hill, pauper 3 00 J W McAnnltv, Slate vs Clark... 6 25 H 8 Moody 4 f,j Ed Shaw, witness , ... 1 Ed Reckner 1 J W McAnuIty, Slate vs Hillearv 8 65 II S Moody 18 00 A M Lovelace, witness ,.. 3 50 Noah Slingley 5 10 J C lloyer 3 90 Minnie Elliott 1 90 John Donaldson 4 50 C Schuman 4 50 J Pollard, witness 4 30 EOdell 4 00 J W McAnuIty, State vsGettman 3 45 H S Moody - 7 60 J W McAnuIty, Slate vs Mills. . . 5 20 Chas E Bums 9 40 J W McAnuIty, State vsMrs Law 9 05 US Moody,.. 14 00 G A Harding. 1 70 Lucy Roberts : 1 70 Julia Mead 1 70 John Mead 1 70 E H Cooper 1 70 A M Lovelace. 3 50 Richard Morton 3 50 Mrs A M Lovelace 3 50 Ed Fields 1 70 J U Elliott. 3 50 Ina M Chase, shei iff 60 00 J i Cooke , 24 00 E H Cooper, stationery 25 E D Olds, road and bridge 50 00 W H Young, miscellaneous 14 50 J S Yoder, road and bridge 4 20 Glass and Prudhomme, stationery 10 00 John Lewellen, road and bridge. . 10 00 Geo A Harding, pauper 6 45 Tom P Randall, stationery 25 M C Strickland, pauper 52 00 Glass and Prudhomme, stationery 15 50 Ore Cy Enterprise, Co printing. . 68 50 J C Zinser, supt 30 66 W and Iva Wilson, pauper 21 25 Geo B Rate & Co, road and bridge 3 00 8 J Vanghan, miscellaneous 12 50 Frank Busch. 72 02 Peter Nehren, court house 14 80 J J Cooke, boarding prisoners. . . 27 85 Sun Insurance Co, court house.. 45 00 Clack Bluff Sandstone Qry r & b. 70 00 A J Ownhey, road and bridge... 5 11 M N Bacon, clerk... 56 00 In the matter of the adjustment ol taxes for the years 1894, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, on the south half ot section 21 and the west half of the northwest quarter of section 21, T 6 S R 3 E of Willamette meridian. Mow at this ume this matter coming on, on motion of Dimick & En.-tliaiii, and it appearing to the commissioners that a large tract of land, in extent about 3400 acres, . had been assessed during the years above named to various persons as owner, and it further appearing to the satisfaction of the commissioners that an order was made by the commissioners court which order h entered on page 59, Vol 20, of the journal 01 said court, compromising for a consideia ion of $250 the taxes as sessed against 1 he said tract, the same being described by metes and bounds or by reference to sections and parts thereof, and it further appearing to the commissioners that said $250 was in tended to be settlement in full for the said years of the taxes on the whole of said tract, and it further appearing to the commissioners that the. description of lands in the order above referred to omitted the south half ot section 21 and the west half of the north-west quarter of section 21, T 5 S R 3 E Willamette meridian. And it further appearing to the commissioners that Clackamas county by said compromise has received the taxes on said tract due for the said years, it is therefore now here ordered, that the clerk cancel the taxes assessed against the land last described, for the years, 1891, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, in like manner as was cancelled the taxes on the remainder of said tract formerly owned by 8 W R Jones. In the matter of taxes against propeity of John F Bode, estate. Now at this time comes the state land board and shows to the board of commissioners that the property described on page 21 ol the delinquent tax sales record for the year 1898 and assessed to John F Bode is not correctly described, but the board being desirous of paying its just portion of taxes and being willing to pay the original tax without costs or penalty, and the county board of commissioners being fully advised in the premises, and deeming it for the best interest ot all concerned ; It is ordered that the clerk cancel the said lien as the property was bid in by the county, upon the payment of the original tax. In the matter of the taxes assessed upon Mintborn Addition to the city of Portland for the years 1896 to 1899 in elusive. At thistime comes Mary V Keene by her attorney, Hubert A Miller and upon petition shows that Mary V Keene bought of J M keene on June 12, 1895, the following described property to-wit: lots 38 to 48 inclusive in blk 13 and lots 5 to 20 inclusive and lots 31, 32 anil 37 in block 16, all Hituated in Minthorn Addi tion to the City of Portland as shown by the recorded plat thereof. That said deed was recorded in the Deeds Record) ol Clackamas countv on June 22, 1895. That thereafter to-wit during the years 1896, 1897, 1898, and 1899 and 1900 this property heretofore described was erroi. eouBly assessed to J M Keen and J W Keen. That V Keene, the true owner of said described property ever sloou ready to pay the lawful assessment on her said property and each year offered to do so. That she is now ready and willing to pay the original tax on said property less the penalties and costs added thereto and now tenders the same. It appearing to this board of commissioners upon the showing herein made by said petitioner that it is for the best interest of the county to accept eaid sums of money and in consideration thereof, to release the said tracts so assessed and belonging to said party, aforesaid, and from all lien of said taxes and from all claims and interest of Clackamas county therein acquired by said county by virtue of any Continue'! on page 4. i-5 i W. . SfiILBSM Agricultural Implements and Vehicles . 210-214 FRONT TREET, PORTLAND, OBEG0N. BUGGIES m BUGGIES Being crowded for space in my warehouse, I will sell the buggies and spring wagons now in stock at prices that defy competition. Come early and secure a buggy before the stock has been picked over. ' If!?! NEW MODEL "STEEL BEAUTY." I have a stock of these balers on hand that I will sell at reduced prices. Call and investigate for yourself. I CARRY Buffalo Pitts Harrows and Cultivators Owen's "Advance" Fanning Mills Peerless Plows AND y'.'.IW BelIe Cit' T'e(,J Cutters minvauiv. l iiniucn and Mowers - v.;.i. . Write for Catalogue 'and Prices "Lipwf 1 1 The Housefurnisher To D a i n f With rc t0 our mmense new stock of )l)LV rUllll Ml llll Lace Curtains Our stock is com plete, all the designs are new, and all are made graceful and pretty to insure the best effects We will be proud to see the houses of this community decorated with them Our prices are lower than those of Portland houses. We invite inspection. A FINE COLLECTION We have gathered a splen did collection of handsome Carpets and Mattings in new and stylish patterns at moderate prices. Our mattings, flowered, plain, linen and Japanese figured, are the delight of all who see them. They cost from fifteen cents a yard up to fifty and will outwear carpet. THE BEST MUSIC We offer the best instrn- .1.5 ments. Onr Busch and Cierts Piano has all the merits of the fineBt Piano made, and yet costs less than three other famous makes. Price $315,00. t. fit- i y? ii THE RIGHT PAPER Your room has limita tions. The right paper will Improve it, the wrong paper will mark it. The color and figure are both important. Our variety is great enough to enable us to just suit you and your room. You'll be pleased at the range of de signs and prices. DOES THE WORK r ml til 1 - m y Si ' 1 It isn't; bard worl to run the Climax Machine' The machine does the work for you. It is perfect ly adjusted, the wheels work easily, the stitch is even and threading simple. You couldn't have a better friend, and our terms enable you to buy without much cash. Price $25.00. A SIMPLE PICUTRE Looks well if it has a prop er frame. We'd like to make tho sort of a frame that will give to your picture the best appearance. Our knowledge and stock will help to ornament the walls of your house. We'd like to talk to you about it anyway. ARE YOU FIXED FOR SPRINKLING? If not, we can fix you for it in a little while for a little mo ey. Tell us where you live and we'll send a man to give you an estimate. Life is hardly worth living unless you can sprinkle your lawn. 50 ft. of In. hose for '. ) 50 1