Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, August 09, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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The Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co 's - '"' !
Strs. Regulator & Dalles City
Daily (except Sunday) between
The Dalles,
Hood River,
Cascade Locks,
and Portland
Touching at wv points on both si lea of the
Columbia river. :
Both of tl e above stcanit rB liave been rebutl
Midair in 'XcellfUl shape for I lie m-hw.ii ollMill
Tlie Keif ulutor J.ine.will endeavor to aivejlH
patrons too bust sorvlcu possible.
For Comfort, ICconoiny and Pleasure
travel by the steauiars of Tim Regulator
Line. "
The above steamers leave Portland 7a m.and
Dalit ale a. iu.,and arriveat destination iu ample
tinie for outgoing trains.
Portland Ollice, The Dalles Office
Oak St Dock. Court Street.
General Afjmit
Will give you a
Barpin L Wall Paper
Wall Tinting and in
General House Painting
Paint Shop near Depot Hotel
men to travel and advertise for old established
house of solid financial standir it. Paiary $780 a
year and expenses, all pajable in cash. Ho can-vat-slHK
ieqnired.-:(iive references and enclose
Mlf-nd(liesed stamped envelope. Address Man
ager, 865 Caiton Bldp., Chkago.
In the circuit court of the ttate of Ore
gon for the county of 'Clackamas- ss:,
Ida M Young, plaintiff,
Charles O. Young, defendant.
In the name of the Stale of Oregon
you are hereby ' r quired to appear and
answer the com 1 1 nut filed againstyou
in the above er t .i led suit on or before
the 6th day of f-eptember, 1901, that be
ing the t'uiie prescribed in the order of
the publication of this summons; and if
you fail to appi or and answer said com
plaint, the plaintiff will apply to the
couitfor the relief therein prayed for,
to-wit: A decree of divorce fnin the
bonds of matrimony now existing be
tween you and the llaintiff, and .that
said bonds be forever dissolved, and the
guardianship of the minor child named
in said complaint.
This summons is published by order
of the above entitled court, made and
entered the-17th day of July, 1901, and
the date of first publication is Friday,
August 2, 1901, and the said publica
tion is to run six consecutive weekB from
the said date,
. M.J. MacMahon,
' " ' Attorney for Plaintiff .
' Dated. Oregon City, July 26, 1901.
Notice is hereby eiven to all whom it
may concern tl at the uudersigned has
filed with the county court ot Clacka
mas county and state of Oregon his final
report as administrator with the will
annexed of the estate of Sophia H.
Ford, deceased, and that said court has
set Monday, the 11th day of August,
1901, at the hour of 10 o'clock, a. m., of
said day, as the time for hearing ob
jection; thereto if any there be.
Frank Ford,
Administrator with the will annexed
of the estate of Sophia Ford.
Best of Everything
In a word this tells of
the passenger service via,
8 trains daily between St. Paul and Chicago,
The I.alet Pullman Sleepers
l'terless Dining Cars
Library and Observation Cars
Free Reclining Chair Cars
The 20th Centurv Train "The North-Western
Limited," runs every day of the year.
The Finest Train ro the World
Electric Lighted Steam Heated
To Chicago by Daylight.
The Badger State Express, the finest day
train running between Chicago via.
the Short Line.
Connections from the weft made via
The Northern Pacific,
Great Northern,
. and Canadian Pacific Rjs
This is also one of the bet lines between
Omaha, St. Pi.u) and Minneapolis
All agents sell tickets via "The North
western .Line."
G. A. T. A.
1148 Alder St., Portland, Oreeon.
WANTED.- Capable, reliable person In every
count v to repre-eut large company ot solid fi
nancial reputation: tlBfiso'ary per year, payable
weeklv i'i per day absolutely sure and a.l ex-oenses-.
slruielit, bona tide, definite salary, no
commission ; saiaiypai.l each faturdy and -
peie mom y aovanwi eiu-u
riui rr-, c..i I'r.Atiouun
Official Oiean of the Socialist I'arty of
A fearless exponent of scientific gov
ernment, as taught by the most advanc
ed thinkers and philosophers ot this age.
$15,0u0 cash to distribute among sub
scribers w ho subscribe soon. You can
get sample copy free if vou mention this
piper A D. HALE, Editor,
Albany, Ore.
jPlffJ? Job Printing at the
Bound Trip 25c
7 00 a.m. .Taylor St.
10 (W 8.10 a.m.
1 30 p.m. 11 30
. 4 30 3 00 p.m.
8 00 Sat. 6 15
25o or 460 Komi J Trip
oitiiuiiN city' Portland
7:0.i A.M. ; 7:00 A: M.
7si0 , 7 45
:! 8 SO
'.i :m 9 l-l
111:0.1 10 00
ln " 10 4
IIS "11 30
I2r.1i P. M. 12:13 P. 31,
l.li") :0i)
1:k1 1:15
2:tis ' 2:;:o
3:i0 3:15
4:05 4:00
i-M) 4:45
5:,H5 ' 5::io
0:20 H:15
7:115 7:1)0
7:601 7:45
Siti - - ' 8:80
U:15 U:ir.
HISMl W::io
11:40 OnlvtoMihvaukie.
1:1:50 Sat. only 11:40
Sunday 25c iioumi Trip
0 K 00
1 00
2 :m
4 tO
6 30
7 00
9 ;o
11 oo
1 00
2 .10
4 00
7 00
Leave Leave
S. Bridge Wil. Falls
6:46 0:30
7:30 7:00
8:15 ' 7:".
0:30 8:30;
11:n0 9:45
2:lo 11:15
12:45 12:i!6
1:15 1:00
2:15 l:::o
4:00 2:30
5:00 4:15
5:45 9 5:15
6:15 a 0:00
(1;45 6:30
7: tr 7:00
8:15 3 7:30
9:00 n H:30
10:00 9:45
Curs Every ljalf Hour
2oc or 45c Round Trip
ouhuon city
7:00 A. M.
9:22 A. M.
6:30 P. M.
8:30 A. M
4:0:1 P. M.
8:30 P. M
September 23-28, 1901
Great Agricultural
I n dust rial Fair
Latest Attractlong in New ' Auditorium
Building Kvey Evening,
With Good Music
Special Kates on Campers' Tickets
lleautiiul Camp Gi-mnls Free
Come and Bring Your
Reduced Rates On AH Railroads
For Further Particulars. Address
M. 1). W1SBOJI, Sec, TortUud, Ore.
For Sale
or Trade
Entire stock of furniture, tin
ware, graniteware, hardware,
stoves and fixtures. Will take
stock or Eastern Oregon stock
ranch in txchantre for whole or
Call on or address,
Box 358. Oregon City, Oregon
Notice is herebv eiven thnt the under
signed has been duly appointed by the
Hun. Thos. F. Ryan, County Judge of
Clackamas County, as administrator
with the will annexed, of the estate of
Tlnviil Mintun. deceased.
All persons having claims against said
entnto are reonired to present th same
with vouchers, to me at the law office of
C. D. & D. C. Latourette, in Oregon j
Citv. Oregon, within six months from ;
this Jate.
T. J. Moffitt,
Adminittrator aforesa:d.
Dated July 11th, 1901.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of law approved Febriiry 23rd, 1901,
providing for the sine of lands which
Clackamas county has bid in for delin
quent taxes and acquired title thereto
and in compliance with the commands
of said law I w ill on Saturday, the 14lh
day of September, 1901, at the front
door of the county court house in the
city of Oregon City, Clackamas county,
Oregon, beginning at 10 o'clock iu the
forenoon of said day, sell at public auc
tion to the highest bidder for cash in
hand on the day of sale, all of such prop
erly to w hich said Clackamas c mnty
has acquired title in accordance with
said law.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Or.
Dated this 8th day July, 1901.
men to travel and advertisf) fur old established
house ols ilid financial MandinR. Salary fciSO a
jear and expenses, all payable iu osh Nochii
astiia required (jive references and enclose
aeir-oddresm-d stamped envelope. Address Man
ager, 3.'.j Caiton lildg., Chicago.
At all drug stores.
25 t'ocet
A Perfect Food Drink
The beverage nioda from Figprilllfi
Cereal is smooth, palatable and
nutritious, Because of the large
percentage of natural saccharine mat
ter in figs and prunes, Figprune
requires less sugar than any other
cereal coffee. Sg All Grocers Sell It.
For Over Fifty fears.
An Old and Well-Tried Remedy.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has
been used for over fifty years by millions
of uiothers for their children while
teething, with perfect success. It
soothes the child, softens the gums,
allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is
the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is
pleasant to the taste, Sold Ly Drug
gists in every part of the World.
Twenty-fivb cents a bottle. Its value is
incalculable. Fe Bure and ask for Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no
other kind.
For Whooping Cough.
"Both my children were taken with
whooping cough," writes Mrs. O. E.
Dutton, of Danville, 111 "A small bot
tle of Foley's Honey and Tar cured the
cough and saved me a doctor's bill."
Charman A Co.
An Ingenious Treatment bv which
Drunkards are Relng Cured Da'ly
in Spite of Themselves.
No Noxious Doses. No Weakening of the
Nerves. A Pleasant and 1'OHitive Cure .
for the Liquor Habit.
It is now generally known and under
stood tbi t Drunkenness is a disease and
not weaknt'rs. A body filled with poi
son, and nerves completely shattered by
periodical or constant use of intoxicating
liquors, requires an antidote capable of
neutralizini- and eradicating tins poison,
and destroying the craving for intoxi
cants, Suffeieis may now cure them
selves at home w ithout publicity or loss
of time fri'tn Imsiness by this wondeTlul
HOME UOLDC'UKE" which has been
perfected afttr many years of close st-u ly
and treatnu nt of inebriates. The fai h-
(uluse acconiing to directions of this
wonderful discovery is positively guar
anteed to cti'H t fie must obstinate case.
do matter h w hard a drinker. Our
records sho lie mtirvelons transforuia-,
tiou of thousoiidrt c( D. tuikards into so
ber, indnstrioii - ami .mi'ight men
ERS 1 1 This remedy is no sense a nos.
trum but is a specific for this disease
only, and is so skilllully devised and pre
pared that it is thoroughly soluble ana
pleasant to the taste, so that it can be
given in a cup of tea or coffee without
the knowledge of the person taking it.
Thousands of Drunkards have cured
themselves with this priceless remedy,
and as many more have been cored and
made temperate men bv having the
"CURE'' administered by loving friends
and relatives without their knowledge
in coffee or tea. and believe today ihat
thev discontinued drinking of their own
free will. DO NOT WAD . Do not he
deluded bv apparent and mislead trg
"improvement." Drive out the disease
at once and lor all time. The "Home
GOLD CURE" is sold at the extremely
low price of One Dollar, thus placing in
reach of everybody a treatment more ef
fectual than othtrs costing b to $50,
Full directions accompany each package,
Special advice by skilled physicians
when requested without extra charge.
Sent prepaid to any part of Ihe world
on receint of One Dollar. Address Dept.
2330 and V332 Market Street, Philadel
phia. All correspondence strictly confi
Your Tosigtse
If it's coated, your stomach
is Dad, your liver is cut cf
order. Ayer s rilis will clean
your tongue, cure your dys
pepsia, make your liver right.
Easy to take, easy to operate.
25c. AM drurc:l5t3.
Want your niou.-ila.-be or b.;ard a beautif ul
brown or rich black 'I Then use
X. A Co. , Nsm", N , H.
In every
may be had,
7!took the
that makes your
horses glad.
Oil Lo.
1 46
I Si
1 h
v" ' Saturday,'' Aug.'"? 1
-.Kitchener is instructed "to execute all
Fi"r-ra who shuot natives in British em
ploy. Kruner denies the reports of Boer
atrocities. '.''.' " , ' i
V enessiielaii .Colomniaii war would af
fect .feveral other nations.
Uuosevolt spoke at Colorado's qn.tr'o
centt'iitii.i.! ((leliiatiun. ..
Crescens, the world's champion trol
ter, made a mile in 2 :02'if , reducing his
own record.
Fort Hull Indian Reservation in
Idaho, will 'probably he opened for set-,
tlement by October. '
'Washington shingle manufacturers
are in favor of shutting down until mar
ket, improves.
The colors of ihe tiew Twentieth Regi
ment will be formally presented at Van
couver Monday.
Henrv E. Dutch writes' fio'm Buffalo
that expositiona pay.
Portland c-.mncil etyeet commit'e reg-
ommends that poplar trees be glided.
Sawmill men of 'Eastern Multnomah
talking ot forming a c'otnbine. : '
Sunday, Aug. 4.
England approves the stern Boer
policy announced by Chamberlain,
Amalgamated Association rejected
peace offer, and is expected to order a
general strike.
Any settlement of the San Pranciscj
labor trouble seems very remote.
Canners and tishermeu agree that the
down-river salmon run was caused by
hatchery work.
Fruit failures by drouth in Eastern
states seem likelv to create a good mar
ket for Oregon prunes.
Statistics for 1900 show the United
States to be by far the greatest coal
producing nation In the world.
Advance in Eastern 'wheat markets.
Dull week in New. York stock mar
ket. ' '
Portland has dispatched 32 steamships
for foreign ports since January 1.
Two steamers ashore on the New
foundland coast. '
Over 1300 VVoodmeen initiated at
Mount Tabor.
One registered mail pouch and one
pouch containing ordinary mail were
stolen from the terminal depot at Port
land, Miss Grothjean, an Oregon 'girl, wins
honors abroad' as a painter.
, Monday, Aug. 5, ,
Insurgents were driven out of three
Mindoro towns.
General Corbin sailed for Shanghai.
The new government of Manila may
go into effect tomorrow. , , .
The famine continues in the Russian
district of Elizabeth Grad. .
The legation defenses at Pekin arj. ap
p oitehing completion.
Sott coal operators and mineworkers
of Oh'o valley states will meet at In
dianapolis today.
Another negro was lynched in the Tal
iaferro neighborhood in Mississippi.
Portland police recover part, of the
mail stolen from the Union depot Satur
day night.
Tu sday, Au. fi.
The Dowager Empress Frederick died
at. Croni'ieru.
The relations between France and
Turkey are strained. -
Colombian insurgents Were success
ful in several engagements. '
A score of persons were killed by an
explosion at Philadelphia.
tThe steel trust in succeeded in open
ing a milt at Leechburg, Pa.
Over 6C0 National banks have been
organized under the law of March 4,
Deputy Sheriff Cool, of Mot cow,
Idaho, who was shot Sunday while at
tempting to arrest Murderer Steffen, is
Quarantine officials at Victoria, B C,
have been warned to guard against pos
eible introduction ot the bubonic plague,
The murders on Nunivak Island in
June are said to have been committed
by white deserters from a fishing
Eastern wheat markets aie higher.
Sugar taken another drop.
Large alleged timber land frauds in
Tillamook county.
Wednesday, Aug. 7,
Admiral Howison will be the third
member of the Schley court of inquiry
A general strike has been ordered
the mills of the steel trust.
The funeral of Empress Frederick
will occur at Potsdam Tuesday.
The House of Commons discussed
vote of 6,5000 pounds to aid South
African colonies.
The Englibh minister at Pekin refused
to sign the settlement protocol.
Unknown burglars drove a tunnel be
neath the vault of the Selby smelting
wi rks, near San Francisco, and got
safely away with $280,000 worth of gold
A Portland corporation will undertake
to reclaim 8800 acres of arid hind in
Hainev county tinder the Carey arid
lands act. ' '
The chiefs of the divisions of hydrog
raphy and lorettry are making an ex
tended trip through Eastern Oregon.
Livery stable lire in Portland. Loss,
f 40,00ii and 40 horses.
Thursday, Aug. 8.
Cum in ins was Dominated for governor
by the Iowa republican convention.
The gunboat Machias was ordered to
Colon tti protect American interest! .
A negro was burned to the etake by
an Alabama mob.
The steel trust is preparing to Btai t
up its idle mills.
A trench squadron maybe sent to
Turkish waters.
The Germany army has been ordered
to go into mourning for six weeks.
Thousands were drowned in China by
the flooding of the Yangtse.
Police, working on Selby smelter rob
bery, have made one arrest on sus
picion. Aberdeen incendiary arrested while
firini! a chuich.'
Sand teamsteM joi.i San Francisco
fUo You Om
I Your : Hoine-
O ' .'.-'' --.-..'-
if not liy don't you stop paying rent and apply
the' momy towards the purchase of a home?. A
fust-class opp rrtiinity
proposition that. the
I Willamette Falls Compani) I
' '
- Is making to sell small tracts of its land near the
' ' -- town cf Willamette Falls on 'such reasonable
- t-jt ms iliat u! person with a very small income may
bee me a home builder. . These tracts vary in
size from two and one-half acres up, all good level
land and first-class soil suitable for cultivation,
rj ' '-. On ore of these tracts you can have a small or
J chard and also raise all the vegetables and small
ij lrtiits that a family cm use, and with the addition
01 a cow and a tew cntckens, a large part ot your
living can be made on the place. , There is a good
school in Willamette P'alls and your children will
have excellent educational facilities. Easy access
is had with Oregon City over the
Willamette Falls Hail way
With cheap fare, and cars are run to accommodate
the mill hands. , Why not get out of town and
- give your children breathing and play room and
thus insure their good health? Don't you think
that you would feel more Independent and con
' tented if you owned your home than you do' when
living in a rented place ? If you are interested in
this matter apply to C. A. Miller at WILLAM
. Side, for full particulars,
Willamette Falls Co.
Professional - support of steel stocks
helps other Wall-street securities.
Eastern wheat markets show further
advance on heavy export demaud.
O. R. & N. steamers will remain idle
until the strike is ended. O. R. & N.
and Southern Pacific ticket offices to be
consolidated September 1.
Pledges to the Portland-free swim
ming baths 1 early $3000.
Question Answered.
Yes. August Flower still has the
largest sale of any medicine in the civ
ilized world. Your mothers and grand
mothers never thought of using any
thing else for Indigestion or Biliousness.
DoctorB were scarce, and they seldom
heard of Appendicitis, Nervous Prostra
tion or Heart Failure, etc. They used
August Flower to clean out the system
and. stop fermentation of uttdigeeted
food, regulate the action of the liver,
stimulate the nervous and organic action
of the system, and that is all they took
wtien reeling (inn anu unu wnu
headaches and other aches. Yi u only
need a few doses of Green's August
Flower, in liquid form, to make you sat
isfied there is nothing serious the matter
with you. Get Green's Prize Almanac
at George A. Harding's.
Laxative Bromo-O.uinine Tablets cure
a cold in one day. No Cue 111 pay
Price 25 cents.
To Save Her Child
From fright'ul disfigurement Mrs.
Nannie Galleger, of La Grange, Ga., ap
plied Buckleu's Arnica Salve t) great
sores on her head and face, and wr ites
its quick cure exceeded all her hopes.
It woris wonders in Sores, Bruises,
Skin Eruptions, Cuts, Burns, Scalds and
Piles. 2"ic. Cure guaranteed by Geo.
A. Harding, Druggist.
Bean the 11,9 Kinl1 Y"u Hav9 m B0"gW
Best possible to build .
No wfltron is or can hi better than
a Mitchell, because the cri
wood sto 'k is used, onlv after being
thoroughly seasoned. The wagon is
well ironed, well painted, well propor
tioned, and runs the lightest of any.
It is neatly 70 years since the first
Mitchell wagon-was built, and they
have been built continuously ever
since by the Mitchells. When you
buy a Mitchell, you get the benefit of
this 70 years' experience.
Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co.
First and
Taylor Streets
1 1
One of the most helpful books on nerve
weakness ever issued' is that entitled
"Nervo Waste," by Dr. Sawyer, of Sart
Francisco, now In its fifth thousand.
This work of an experienced and repu
table physician is in .ri cable contrast
to the vast sum of false ti aching which
prevails on this interesting subject. It
abounds in carefully considered and
practically advice, and has the two great
merits of witdoin am! sincerity.
It is indorsed by both the religious
and secular press. The Chicago Ad
vance says: "A petusal of the book and
the application of its principles will put
health, hope and heart into thousands
of lives that are now suffering through
nervous impairment."
The book is $1:00, by mail, postpaid.
One of the most interesting chapters
chapters xx, on Nervines and Nerve
Ionics has been printed separately as
a sample chapter, and will be sent to
any addresB for stamp by the publishers,
The Pacific Pub. Co., Box 2058, San
Francisco in plain sealed envelope.
Take Laxative Brorao Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money it it fails
to curer E, VV. Grove's signature is on
each box. 25c.
Mr. Daniel Bantz, Olt;rvi!le, la..
says: "Have had asthma and a verv bad
cough for years, but could get no reliei
from the doctors and mediciines 1 tried,
until I took Foley's Honey and Tar. It
gave immediate relief, and done ine
more good than all the other remedies
combined." Charmaii & Co.
William Finn, of Lima, 0., obtained
excellent results from the use of Foley's
Kidney Cure. "It relieved my backache
and seyere pain over the hips, it toned
my system and gavo me new vim and
energy. It is an honest and roliable
remedy, a sure cure for all kidney dis
eases." Charman & Co.
A. R. Bass, of Morgiuit.iwn, lad., had
to get up ten or twelve times in the
night and had severe backache and
pains in the kidneys. Wus cured by
Foley 8 Kidney lure.. It s guaranteed.
Charman & Co.
High living, intemperance, exposure
and many oilier things bring on Blight's
disease. Foley s Kidney uure win pre
vent Bright's disease and al! other kid
ney or bladder disorders if taken in
time lie sure to take Foley's Char
man & d).
A. If. Davis, Mt. Sterling, la., writes:
"I was troubled with kidney complaint
for about two years, but two onn dollar
bottles of Foley's Kidney Cu e ellocted u
erinanent cure." Charman A Co.
1 8lnunled the Editor.
Kdiu-r S. A. Blown, cf lit nncltsvillo,
S. U., was ubce iriiirientely t-iu prised.
''Through I'.bg siifi'eiirig from (lyspep
sia," he wi iteK, "inv wife was gieatly
run down.' She had 110 strength or
vigor ni;d Miller' d great dint resa from
her i-t inuch, bti- she tiied Electric Bit
ters which helped luratonce, mid, after?
using four bottles, 'lit. is entiiely well,
can eat anyth'nr. It's a grand tonic,,
and i'n gen'le laxative qualities are
I splendid for tm pel licr," For Indiges
tion, Loss of M'pe'iie, Stomach antf
j Liver troubles it's a positive, guaranteed
cure, Only tV at George A. Harding's.
is' now open to you in