OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 1901 7 The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co 's Strs. regulator & Dalles City Dally (cxocpt Sunday) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland Touching at wnv points nn both sides of Columbia river. tlio Both of the abovo stcanurB have keen rtbuil and am in -.xcelleiit ehane fur the m-hsoii oflMJO The lteenlHtor Line will endeavor to giyeiis patrons the best service possible. For C.mfort, ICeonoiny and . Pleasure travel by the Bteumcnj of , itegu tutor Line. The above steamers leave Portland 7a. m.and Pallesat 8 a. m.,and arrive at destination in ample time for outeoing trains. Portland Offiee, . The Dalles Office Oak St. Dock. CourtStreet. A. . AIXAVVAV General Agent E E G. SEOL Will give you a Bargain n Wall Paper Wall Tinting and in General House Painting Paint Shop near Depot Hotel WANTF.B-TKTJSTWOIiTAY MEN AND Wo men to travel and advertise for old established house of solid financial standiri?. Salary $781 a year and expenses, all payable in cash. No ean VfiS'Sinf? required. Give references and enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. Address Man ager, 866 Cnxton Blag., Chicago. Notice. Bids will be received. by the Board of County Commissioners for a county phy scian for the ensuing year, said physician to furnish medicine, medical attendance, appliances, and perfolni all surgical op erations for the co'tnty juil. Bids to be opeif d at the regular Au gust term at 3 n'. lock, p. m., August 8th, 1901. The Board res i ves the right to reject any acd all bids. E. H. Cooper, County Clerk. WANTED TRUSTWORTHY MEN AND Wo men to travel and advertise: for old established house of solid financial standing. SnUry S780 a ;enr find expenses, all payable in cash Ko am assing required. Give references and enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. Address Man ager, 355 Caxton Bkig., Chicago. SEWER NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that all water closets, privies, sinks, bathtubs and drains containing or carrying sewerages located within the limits of Sewer District No. 1, and Sewer DlsUict No. 2, of Oregon City, Oregon, must be connected with the Main Seweis of said iliMiicts on or before the h'rBl .day of August, 1901. If said connections are not made within the said tin e the penalty provided by Ordinance No 263, providing for sewer connections and pre scribing a penalty for failure to connect will be enforced By order of the City Counoll of Oregon (!ity. BRUCE C. CURRY, Recorder. Wood Wanted. Bids will be received by the Board of County Commissioners for 60 cords of well seasoned yellow fir wood four feet long c it from live timber, bids to be opened at the regular August term at 2 o'clock, August 8th, 1901. Wood to be delivered on or befoie October 1st, 1901. The Board reserves the right to reject any andall bidB. ' E. H. CoornR, -County Clerk. Dated, July 17, 1901. Best of Everything In a word this tells of the passenger service via, THE NORTH-WESTERN LINE 8 trains daily between St. Paul and Chicago, comprising: The Latet Pullman Sleepers Peerless Dining Cars ' Library and Observation Cars - Iree Reclining Chair Cars The 20th Centnrv Train "The North-Western Limited," runs every day of the year. tee Finest Train m the World Electric Lighted Steam Heated To Chicago by Daylight. The Badger State Express, the finest day train running between Chicago via. the Short Line. Connections from the west made via The Northern Pacific, Great Northern, . and Canadian Pacific Rys This is also one of the best lines between Omaha, St. Pnul and Minneapolis All agents sell tickets via "The North-w-ejtern Line." W. H. MEAD, H. S. S1SLER. " G. A. T. A. 248 Alder St., Portland, Oregon. , WANTED. Capable, Tellable person in every counly to reTretent large company ci solid fi nancial reputation; S93G sa'ary per year, pavable wetklv; iZ per day absolutely sure and all expenses'- straight, bona tide, definite salary, no commission; salary paid each l-amrdy and e i nenemonev advanced each -week. bTANDAKD HOCSE, ?S4 Deahborn St., Chic co. THE PEOPLE'S PRESS Official Organ of the Socialist Party of Oregon. A fearless exponent of scientific gov ernment, as taught by the most advanc ed thinkers and philosophers ot this age. $15,000 cash to distribute among sub scribers, who subscribe soon. You can get sample copy free if you mention this paper A. D. HALE, Editor, Albany, Ore. Printing at the ... Courier-Herald SUMMONS. In the circuit court of the state of Ore gon for the county of Clackamas ss: Ida M Young, plaintiff, vs. Charles O. Young, defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the 6th' day of September, 1901, that be ing the time prescribed in the order of ihe publication of this summons; and if you fail to appear and answer said com plaint, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief therein prayed for, to-wit: A decree of divorce from Ihe bonds of matrimony now existing be tween you and the plaintiff, and that said bonds be forever dissolved, and tb6! guardianship of the -minor child named in said complaint. This summonses published by order of the above entitled court, made and entered the 17th day of July, 1901, and the date of first publication is Friday, August 2, 1901, and the said publica tion is to run six consecutive weeks from Ihe said date. M.J. MacMahox, Attorney for Plaintiff. Dated. Oregon City, July 26, 1901. Notice. Notice is hereby given that Ihe Board of County OommiHsioners of Clackamas County", Oregon, will receive sealed bids up to and until August 9th, 1901, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. for the county printing and the furnishing of County Supplies for the ensuing year. The printing to consist of tax lists, execution notices, proceedings of the Board of Oountv Commissioners, legal blanks and all advertising and printing which the county or. any of its officers is required to do, also to furnish all - sta tionery, blank books, record books, reg istration blanks, election ticketBand du plicates and all supplies of whatever kind and nature used by the county ollicers. The Board reserves the right to reject anv and all bids. E. II. Cooper, County Clerk. Dated July 10,1901. Notice. Bids will be receiyed by the Board of County Commissioners for 67,500 feet of lumber for the Abernethy road and 64,800 feet of lumber for the Apperson road, plank to be 16 feet by 3 inches by 8 to 12 inches. Said lumber to be de livered on roads ready for laying down by September 20, 1901. Bids will be opened August 8th, 1901, at 2 o'clock, p. m. . The Board reserves ti e right to reject any and all bids. E. H. Cooper, ' County Clerk. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given th: t the under signed has been duly appointed by the Hon. Thos. F. Ryan,' County Judge of Clackamas County, as administrator with the will annexed, of the estate of David Mintun, deceased. All persons having claims neainst said estate are required to present th - same with vouchers, to me at the 1. w i flice of C! D. & D. C. Latourette, in Oiegon City, Oregon, within six months from this late. T. J. Mopkitt, Admin'iFtrator aforesaid. Dated July 11th, 1901. TO CURE A COI..D IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If it fails to curer E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby eiven to all whom it may concern tl at the undersigned has filed with the county court of Clacka mas county and state of Oregon his final report as administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Sophia H. Ford, deceased, and that said court has set Monday, the 11th day of August, 1901, at the hour of 10 o'clock, a. in., of said day, as the time for hearing ob jection; thereto if any there be. Frank Ford, Administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Sophia Ford. HEAD At all drug stores. 25 Doses 25c. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of law ap proved February ;ird.. l'JOl, providing for the sale of lands to wliieh Clackamas county. has bid in for delinquent taxes and acquired title, will be sold to the highest bidder for cash on the lOh diiy of Aug., litoi. at the frontdoor of Hie court house in said Clackamas county, state of Oregon. J. J. Cooke. sheriff of Clackamas County. Dated, July 8th, 1901. - NOTICE OF GUARDIAN'S SALE REAL ESTATE. OF Pursuant to an order of the Countv Court of Clackamas Counly. Oregon, made and entered of record on the lath day of June A. D, 11)01, in the matter of the estate and giinrdiaivF-hip of Ftavben A. Lane, an iiiPHiie person, licensing me no to do. I will on the 3rd df.y Of Aujnint A. D..IW1I, atihe hour of 10 a. -m., at the front door of the court house in s id county and state, "ffer for snle and sell at "public aiirlinn to the highest bidder for one-third eash in hand, balance on or before five years at 6 percent interest payable annually. se cured by a mortgage on said premises, the follow ing described real estate belonging to a;. id es tate, to-wit: The north half of the southeast quar ter (n of s,'-,(t and the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter (se. of sejiof section thiriy two ii!2,) in township four (4) south of ranue three $) eaft of the Willamette Bleridian in Clackamas county, Oregon, containing 120 acres more or lesti, . DAVID ROBESON, Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, July 3rd, 1001. COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE. I now have funds to pay county warrants en. dorsed prior to June 2Stn, 198. And also road warrants endorsed prior to November 10th, 11100. Interest will cease on the above included war rants on th date hereof. A. I.UEIXISG. Treasurer Clackamas County, Or. Dated, Oregon City, July 20th, 1901. FlGFRUNE Cereal Represents the highest standard of excellence in cereal coffee products 54 California figs and prunes, scientifically blended with 46 well ripened grain, makes a table beverage of rare quality. In FlGPRUNE there is com bined, with the delicious fruit flavor, all- the nutritious and health-giving qualities of fruit and grain. Boil from 5 to 10 minutes only. ALL GROCERS SELL FlGPRUNE CEREAL For Over Fifty fears. An Old and Well-Tried Remedy. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of uiothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste,- Sold by Drug gists in every part of the World. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Pe sure and aBk for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Wanted 200 Hop Pick? On Horst Bros. Riverside ranch. Plenty of wood and water. Finest vard in valley; 114 acres picking. Com mence about Au2USt 20 on early hops. Send names and number of pickers to Horst Bros.' office at Salem, Or., to be registered. J.C.Morrison foreman. THE HOME GOLD CURE. An Ingenious Treatment l)T which Drunkards are Being Cured Da'ly lu Spite of Themselves. , No Noxious Doses. Mo Weakening of the Serves. A Pleasant and Positive Care '. for the Liquor Habit. It is now generally known and under stood that Drunkenness is a disease and not weakness. A body filled with poi Bon, and nerves completely shattered by periodical or constant use of intoxicating liquors, requires an antidote capable' of neutralizing and eradicating this poison, and destroying the craving for intoxi cants. SuhereiB may now cure them selves at home without publicity or loss of time from business bv this wonderlul "HOME GOLDCURE" which has heen perfected after many years of close study and treatment of inebriates. The fai h ful use accoiding to directions of this wonderful discovery is positively guar anteed to CU'H the most obstinate case, no matter h w hard a drinker. Our records show' w marvelous transforma tion of thousands cf Diiiukards into so ber, industrious and uptight men ' WIVES CURE YOUR HUSBANDS 1 CHILDREN CURE YOUR. FATH ERS 1! This remedy is no sense a nos. trum but is a specific for this disease only, and is bo skilllully devised and pre pared that it is thoroughly soluble and pleasant to the taste, so tnat it can De given in a cup of tea or coffee without the knowledge of the person taking it. Thousands of Drunkards have cured themselves with this priceless remedy, and as many more have been cured and made temperate men bv having the "CURE" administered by lovintt friends and relatives without their knowledge in coffee or tea. and believe today that thev discontinued drinking of their own free will. DO NOT WAIT. Do not be deluded by apparent and misleading "improvement." Drive out the disease at once and for all time. The "Home GOLD CUltE" is sold at the extremely low price of One Dollar, thus placing in reach of everybody a treatment more ef fectual than others costing $25 to $50. Full directions accompany each package. Special advice by skilled physicians when requested without extra charge. Sent prepaid to any part of the world on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept. E 594, EDWIN B. GILKS&OOMl'ANY, 2330 and 5-332 Market Street, Philadel phia. All correspondence" strictly confl i ential Constipation Does your head ache ? Pain back of your eyes ? Bad taste ia your mouth? It's your liver I Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They cure constN pation, headache, dyspepsia.' 25c. A!" Jr.:ngict5. -,-n.r - " r - Want your nioustitflie or bard a beautiful brown or rich bla'k? Then w. BUCKINGHAM'S BYE wipers G13TS, G R. P. H , & CO. , N1HU, preserves and pickles, spread a turn coaling of reiined PARAFHHE PI WAX Will keep thera absolutely meistnrs and acid proof. ParaffiDe Wax is also asefol in a dozen other wars about the huna. fall directions in each pound packaga. Sold everwhere. STANDARD OIL CO. I J On Jellies NEWS OF THE WEEK, Continued from Page One. Since hm illness, the czr of Russia is getting fat rapidly, and he pulls at a rowing machine in his bedroom daily, to work it off and into his pale cheecks some color. Franca and Germany are ereotinz per manent, ra tBsive barracks at Shanl) ii, which denotes that both powera intend to keep a military force there for many yearj to come. As the outcome of an old feud, Phil McWilliams, a rancher, near Trinidad, Colo., shot and killed Salvadore Faerca and his son, Charles Paerce. The people of Curry county protest auai ust the effort of timber sharks to Bet off a large part of the county as gov ernment reserve . . ' At Centralia, Wash., Mrs. Frank Ogle, aged 22 years, was thrown from a buggy ana instantly killed. On the summit of Bender Mountain, in the neighborhood of Vale, Ore., Geo. Sears and T. L. Arnold were held up and robbed. At Tacoma, Earl Jenkins and two voung ladies were drowned by the col lapsing of a row boat. The bank failures in Germany have revealed appalling rascality. During the laBt six months German commerce has greatly declined. Tuesday, July 30. Rev. Herman D. Van Brockhuysen of Pretoria is traveling throujh the United States for aid in alleviating the inde scribable offerings of Boer men, women and children .in the pestilent English Squth African concentrado camps. The Columbian authorities stopped the German steamer Allegheny in the harbor of Cartagena, and forcibly took therefrom Abel Murillo, an alleged reb. el, who had wrapped the German flag around himself. Mormonism is growing in Germany. A force of 2000 Thibetans scattered Major Kosloff's expedition of 20 men, killing.half of them. Russia will demand satisfaction. To July 1, the number of Boers sur rendered or taken prisoner by the Brit ish number 33,000. The St.Francis paper mill at W indeor Mills, Que'., burned down ; loss $250,000. A gigantic, .forest fire rages in ihe province of Jentland, Sweden. The hot weather has made the forests combus tible. The Modoc tribe of Indians, at one time so fierce, has dwindled down to 77, of whom only 13 are able-bodied men Chicago horses have the grip. Near Bridal Veil, the pknll of Forrest Lamb was crushed by a falling limb. The City Front Federation of San Francisco," numbering 15,000, having joined the strikers, the Employers' As sociation and the steamship managers are confronted by an army of strikers numbering 25,100. Not a vqssel can 1 loaded or moved. At Houston, Tex , John T. Vaughan killed Patrolman William Weiss and was himself killed by a detective within 50 feet of where his victim lay. Dr. Jameson advises the English gov ernment to-do everything possible to fa cilitate the resumption, of mining opera tions at Johannesburg, fur this would be practical evidence thai the war was end ed and peace had he n restored. The C olonial Omce asks ihe Huiish govern ment for 6 500,000 to aid the Transvaal and Orange River colonies. At Whatcom, Wash., Elmon T. Scott, for eight years on the supreme judicial bench of the state, has been at rested on the charge of assaulting Mina Shadier an orphan aged 15 years. Several carloads of peaches will go from Ashland to Montreal. The present run of salmon in the Co lumbia is unprecedented. It is believed to be the result of the hatcheries. Wednesday, July 31. , Near Mauta, on the 28th, the Boers and a British column engaged in an all day fight, in which the latter nearly lost a gun. At another point, the British at tacked Viljoen's commando, which lost a pompom, 22 wagons and 32 men as prisoners. Ttie Boers receive cables at Lourenco Marques and maintain a regu lar service ol diBpatch riders. In Bermu da an association has been - formed to aid the 3000 penniless and unoccupied Boer prisoners. The English house of commons has voted 2,000,000 for the Pacific cable. At the meeting in London, of the cre tutors of the Standard Exploration Co it was divulged its louses were 500,000. For General Uribe-Uribe, Columbian anti-clerical insurgent leader, 15.000 modern Mauser rifles and 2,000,000 cart ndges, labeled as potatoes and aspara gus, were shipped in sailing vessels and safely landed on the Columbian coast, He is making nse of the standing hosti ity between Catholicism and the Free Masons. In New York, George McCabe.a work man who went back on his union when out on a Hlrike, has cut his throat. It is believed he was driven thereto by the consequent revilings of the men, women and children of the neighborhood in which he lived. At San Jose, the Cal. Cured Fruit As&'n sold S?4,000,000 pounds prunes fur $300,000. The Quinault reservation in Washing ton, on the Pacific ocean, containing about 235,000 acres, with 200 Indians, is to be surveyed and opened lor settle ment. . In Venezuela, Dr. Itangel Gardirss, with 5000 men, has revolted agninst I'rest. Casiro. Ttie latter has sent 10,000 troops to the scene ot the uprising, which is on the Columbian frontier. In consequence of ngitttion in Alba nia, the Austrian government has order ed all garrisons in Bosnia and Herzego vina placed on war footing. In Albania the Christians are in imminent danger and the foreign ministers at Constanti nople demand that the Turkish govern ment protect them. George F. Washburn, of Boston, is taking steps toward the formation of an international cot'ongrowers' trunt with $50,000,000 capital. The First National, of New Yoik.own ed by the Morgan crowd, is the wealth iest bank in the western world. It-i cap ital of $500,000 has been increased to $10,000,000, divided into 100,000 shares, which in the open market are worth $70,000,000, that is, Rockefeller would pay that sum for them. lie wants the bank and wants it badly. Do You Your Home If not why don't you stop paying rent and apply the money towards the purchase of a home ? A fust-class opportunity is now open to you in the proposition that the Willamette Falls Companij Is making to sell small tracts of its land near the town of Willamette Falls on such reasonable terms that a person with a-very small income may become .a home builder. These tracts vary in size from two and one-half acres up, all good level land and first-class soil suitable for cultivation. On one of these tracts you can have a small or chard and also raise all the vegetables and small fruits that a family cm use, and with the addition of a cow and a few chickens, a large part of your living can be made on the place. There is a good school in Willamette Falls and your children will have excellent educational facilities. Easy access is had with Oregon City over the Willamette Falls Huihvay With cheap fare, and cars are run to accommodate the mill hands. Why not get out of town and give your children breathing and play room and . thus insure their good health? Don't you think that you would feel more independent and con tented if yon owned your home than you do when , living in a rented place ? If you are interested in this matter apply to C. A. Miller at WILLAM ETTE FALLS RAILWAY STATION, West Side, for full particulars. Willamette Falls Co. The sleel trust and the Amalgamated Association have not yet settled the great 6trike. Thursday, Aug. 1. Japanese teagrowers will form a trust to keep prices up. R.Onffrov has formed 26 Pacific coast salmon canneiies into a trust. under New Jersey law, named the Pacific Packing & Navigation Co. ; capital stock $25,000, 000 and $7,OOJ,000 dehentuie b inds. In the home of James McCoy, Brook lyn, a pot cat upset the ktrosene lamp. He and his two children were burned to death and his wife fatally injured. Oom Paul Kruger, accompanied by three other prominent Boers, will come to America next month. The oleo factories of Chicago alone turn out 2,750,000 pounds a month dur ing the Bummer, Ihe most of which is fraudulently foisted on consumers as genuine butter. Americans in London are attempting to buy the Southeastern Rallway, which the English managers are running at a Iobs. Dr. Carl Peters, tho explorer; writes to the London Times that as a result of his investigations in South Africa he has arrived at the conclusion that the coun try between the Zimbesi and the Sabi is the Ophir of Solomon. SfOPS THE COIK1H AND WOKKU OFF THE COLD. Laxative Broino-Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No Care ni piy Price 25 cents. To Save Her Child From frightful disfigurement Mrs. Nannie Galleger, of La Grange, Ga., ap plied Bnckleu'8 Arnica Salve tJ great sores on her head and face, and writes its quick cure exceeded all Iter hopes. It works wonders in Sores, BruiseB, Skin Eruptions, Cuts, Burns, Scalds and Piles. 2.)0. Cure guaranteed by ueo A. Harding, Druggist. OASTOniA. Bean tha p u Have Always Bought MITCHELL WAGONS A Best possible to build. No wagon is or can be better than a Mitchell, becauee the cream of wood stock is used, only after being thoroughly seasoned. Tim wagon is well ironed, well painted, well propor tioned, and runs the lightest of any. It is nearly 70 years since the iirnt Mitchell wagon was built, and they have heen built continuously ever since by the Mitchells. When you buy a Mitchell, you get the benefit of this 70 years'" experience. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. First and Taylor Streets Tortland, Oregon. Own "NERVE WASTE." One of the most helpful books on nerve weakness ever issued is that entitled ; "Nerve Waste," by Dr. Sawyer, of San , prancisco, now In its nfth thousand. . This work of an experienced and repu table physician is in agreeable contrast to the vast sum of lalse teaching whicfi prevails on this interesting subject. It abounds in carefully considered and practically advice, and has Ihe two great merits ol wisdom arni sincerity. it is indorsed hy both the religious-. and secular press. The Chicago Ad vance says: "A petusal of Ihe uook aud he application of its principles will put lealth, hope and heart into thousands of lives that are now suffering through-, nervous impairment." The book is $1.00, by mail, postpaid.'. One of the most interesting chapters ' chapters xx, on Nervines and Nerve- Tonics has been printed separately as a sample chapter, and will be sent to -any address for stamp by the publishers. The Pacific Pub. Co., Box 2058, Sao. Francisco in plain sealed envelope. For Whooping Cough. "Both mv children were taken withi whooping cough," writes Mrs. O. E Dutton, of Danville, 111. "A small bot tle of Foley's Honey and Tar cured the cough and saved me a doctor's bill."' Charman & Co. Mr. Daniel Bantz, Otterville, I., says : "Have had asthma and a verr bad cough for years, but could get no relief from the doctors and medicnnes I tried,. until i took Foley 8 Honey and Tar. it gave immediate relief, and done me more good than all the other remedies combined." Charman & Co. William Finn, of Lima, O., obtained excellent results from the use of Foley's Kidney Cure. "It relieved my backache and seyere pain over the hips. It toned my syBtem and gave me new vim and i energy. It is an honeat and reliable remedy, a sure cure for all kidney dis- eases." Charman & Co. A. It. Baps, of Morgant.iwn, T nil. , had' to get up ten or Iwelve times in the night and had severe backache and pains in the kidneys. Was cuied by Foley' Kidney Cure.. It's guaranteed. Charman & Co. High living, intemperance, exposure', and many olher things bring on Bright'a disease. Foley's Kidney Cure will pre vent liright's disenfie and all other kid ney or bladder disorders if taken in. time He sure to take Foley's. .Char man & Co. A. II. Davis, Mt. Sterling, la., writes,:: "I was troubled with kidney coin plaint , for about two years, but two one dollar bottles of Foley's Kidney Cire effected tu permanent cure." Charman &. Co. Astounded the Editor. Editor S. A. Brown, of Henneltsvillt. ri. C, was once immensely surprised. "Through long snfleiing Imin dyspep sia," he writes, "my wife was greatly run down. She had no strength or vigor and enll'erid great distress from her tt imach, but she tried Electric lUt--lers which helped her atoned, and, niter -using lour bottles, she is entirely well, can e d anyth n It's a grand tonic,, and its geuiie laxative (pialitie? are splendid for torpid liver." For Indiges tion, Loes of Appetite, Stomach until Liver troubles it's a positive, guaianteoJt ' i;ie. Only oOc at George A, Harding'a.