Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, August 02, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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Oregon City Courier-Herald
lutu.i ; In Oregon CitypostuiHoeas 2nI-claB matter
Paid In advance. Der year 1 50
111 months 75
tttree monthe'trial 26
&The dale opposite your address on the
sniper denotes Ihe rlmoto which youhaiepaid.
si this notice is marked yonr subscription is due.
With Weekly Oregon tall 12 00
' Tri-Weekly N. Y. World 1 85
National Watchman i 1 76
" Appeal to Reason 1 60
Weekly Examiner -. 2 25
" Bryan's Commoner 1 75
Standing business advertisements; Per month
professional cards.ll (t), pei year): 1 to 10 inches
Me per inoh, 12 inches for $5, 20 inches (column)
IS, 80 Inches () i paKe) $12.
Legal advertisements: Per Inoh (minion) $2.50,
divorse summons 7 60. Affldavils of publica
tion will not be furnished until publication fees
are paid.
Local notices; Fly cents per line per week
Per month 20o. oniluar es, cards of tbanks,
church and lodge notices where admission fee
Is charged or culleoted half price or 2 cents
per Hue.
OREGON CITY, AUG. 2, 1901.
Reduced t i's list nti ilysis here is
the whole question of trusts in a few
worth: "To constitute a monopoly, to
restrict production, to dispense with the
services of labor so far as possible, to
enhance prices, anil to piy dividends
ou inflated capitalizition."
Think over the w irdsof one who looks
ahead and says: "If you have a farm
(keep it : if not, get one ; for the time may
tcome when the p ipulation of this coun
try will be largely divided into monopo
lists, deDendents and farmers; and the
(farmer will be the most independent of
all men, and will be the saving power of
wnr institutions." ' '
That concrete is to take the place of
fbrick and stone as a building m iteriil
is the hopeful belief of .Mr. Edison, who
lias discovered a cheap method of mak
ing Portland cam int. Before many
years, he says, a contractor will juat
take his wooden form one of twenty or
thirty standard shapes and go out and
"pour a house" w'lieh will cost very
little and will he fireproof.
How ponderous are the thoughts se
creted by the grey matter of latter
day theologians I Here is Rev. Lavi L.
Payne, professor in a down-east Congre
gational seminary, accusing a brother
professor of wanting to know if t here is
difference between a miracle wrought by
"a huir fron the tail of Peter the Her
mitt's ass" and one "by handkerchiefs
from the person of the Apostle Pul."
This San Juan, Porto Rioo, News,
'Commenting on the supreme court decis
ion in the insular cises, says: "We are
and are not part of the United States. We
are and are not a foreign country. We
are and are not citizens ot the United
States. We are and are not to have our
money back. The tariff is and is not
yoid. The constitution does and dojs
not extend and its limitations do and
do not apply. Upon these points the
justices disagree, five in favor and four
against. Are we or are we not, or are
-we It?"
One of the main reasons for the high
levy of stute taxes is the fact that the
common people are called upon to sup
port four normal schools, a state univer
sity and an agricultural college the lat
ter getting soma support from the gen
eral government. Very few of the pro
ducers of wealth, the farmers, or of the
class of laborers or ordinary huaine6S
mon, ever send their children to any of
these stat) fed institutions to be edu
cated for the reason that not many boys
or their parents can afford to pay board.
--Oregon Independent. ,
Tub future nmy look gaudy enough
for the big concerns the trusts com
bined with the railroad consolidations
but for small trailers and dealers and
manufacturers it takes on a mort som
bre hue and properly arounes alarm.
The railroads of the country are sub
stantially held by four great money syn
dicates. The roads that have not been
bought or leased by them are at their
mercy. When they want to got them
they'll run down their stock and take
them in for a song. Practically four
linos ot railway lire 11 there are in the
United States today. Denver Daily
"United we etand." Constantly ac
cumulating are the facts which prove
that in the grange farmers can by their
intelligent, uuited ellorts secure good
and defeat evil legislation. A writer
"dowu in Maine" says: "A representa
tive of a certain corporation in this state
told our state master that they were
' n; kit to secure certain privileges through
the state legislature at its last session.
State Master Gardner replied that the
citate grange objected to the measure,
".Oh, well,' remarked the man, 'you
ssnay resolve all you please, but we are
going to have it all the same.' The
.grange took the matter In hand and
when it came beforo the committee it was
Wied under the remonstrances from
all over the state.
The enormous growth of the co-operative
movement in Great Britain is shown
in the annual report made at the re
cent meeting of the co-operative con
gress. There are now in exietence in
England, Ireland and Scotland, 1741 so
cieties with a total membership of 1,492,
371, with a share and loan capital of $23,
050,160. The total sales made by the
societies during the past year amounted
to $285,592, 130,an increase of 9 per cent.
over the previous year. Reports re
ceived from 727 retail distributive so
cieties showed that the members re
ceived a profit of 12) per cent in ad
dition to the advantage -derived from
ability to buy goods cheaper by means
of a co-operation ; which does away with
the unnecessary middleman.
Hicks' Word ind Works, of St. Liuis,
explains the present climatic eccentrici
ties. Ten years afo he stated in his
'foundation Facts:" "We believe that
the abnorra.il electrical condition of the
atmosphere during the Jupiter period
precipitates the rain into enormous
cloudbursts and destructive -downpours
in soma regions, and thus depriving the
atmosphere of its qm us vip ir itio ns
which should have normally been dis
tributed over the land generally, floods
result in some sections, while c msuin
ing drouth prevails in others Abnor
mal local rains, with great and general
lack of moisture, seems to ma certain
characteristic of the Jupiter distarbance .
Much Btriking phenomena in the form of
halosanl perihelia, and circles about
the sun and moon, are witnessed during
these Jovian periods. Great
solar perturb itions ami beavy seismic
shocks ara also among the characteris
tics of Jupiter's disturbances.' Our
storm charts for the year 19JI show that
the Jupiter period conjunction with
Saturn is central in the spring and
summer of this year, covering the whole
year with its peculiar power."
Libut-Gov. Northcott, of Illinois, a
straight-out republican and head officer
of the Modern Woodmen of America, is
reported to have said in aracent address
to the bar association of that state that
a membsr of the senate over which he
presides controlled well nigh absolute! y
all the legislation of the last sesnion of
the Illinois legislature; that the man
who exerted said control took little part
in debates, , was rarely heard on the
floor, and showed no outward manifesta
tion of leadership, nevertheless his dic
tation was virtually undisputed, and that,
his power was due to the fact that he
represented the political machine. Con
cluding, Mr. Northcott said: "I want to
say to you, ray brothers, that unless we
go to the rescue of the government the
politic.il future is very dark. Don't be
satisfied with going to the polls and vot
ing to ratify the choice of either one of
the two party bosses. The citizens of
this country must interest themselves
in politics. He who strives for the ele
vation and purification of the govern
ment is as much a p.itriot as he wh o
shoulders a musket in the defense of
the nation."
There are some thoughts for think
ers in the following words from a farmer
in South Dakota: "In my opinion, if
the government never had given an
acre of land to the roailroads, nor sold
any land, nor opened government land
to settlement under homestead or any
other lawB, but instead had built its own
rrilways, constructed and operated tele
graph systems in connection with the
postofiice, put public improvements
wherever needed, and taxed the land
(collected a rental?) for enough on
which to inn the government, then had
allowed every man and woman who
wished to do so go on 100 acres of hind, not
as owners in perpetuity, but having the
privilege of holding so long as the tax
(rent?) was paid, and owning all im
provements made, and having right to
sell them when they relinquished the
land if this had been the policy from
the foundation of the government, I be
lieve we should not have such conditions
as now exist. For out here, where we
got free homes as a gift from the gov
ernment, the title ha slipped away
from the common people Into the hands
of landlords, and fully three-fourths of
iho common herd now are renters un
der dear dollars and cheap farm pro
The time is coming if it is not already
here when one man will own or con
trol all the oil fields in the country, and
upon his individual fiat will depend the
cost of illuminant to every household.
The time is coming if it is not already
here when every miner in tin country
will be marshaled under the leadership
of one man, and upon his sole fiat any
day the mineral production of the coun
try would cease indefinitely. One man
will control all the railroads, another
all the salmon canneries, another all the
cotton factories, another all the steel
and iron plants. In the hands of one
man will be vosted authority to call out
or to send back to work every street-car
man in the country, or every tele
grapher, or every printer, or every rail
way enginoer and fireman , Man every
where are sinking their own personali
ties, signing away their independence,
yielding their individual will to a cor
porate will. It is not an evidence of
strength, it is not a mark of progress, it
is not an augury of achievement. It is
the reversal of the principle of compete
tive struggle ihat has made civilization
what it is. Mr. Herbert Spencer lias
ventured the opinion that ' this danger
will yet be averted by universal educ
cation. But since he said this our edu
cational forces themselves are being
bound hand and foot by. socialism, fac
ultied by sentimentalists and led by
trust endowed universities. It is more
likely that the danger can only be out
grown through bitter trial, or burned
away in the fiery furnace of revolution.
Oregonian, July 20.
"The Oregonian is requested to an
swer whether it approves the purpose
and effort of labor unions to compel
workmen to become members o' them,
against their will. The Oregonian does
not approve of such purpose and effort,
if any such there be. But it doubts
whether there is any real unwillingness
to join the unions. It supposes that
he real motive of those who decline to
join them is a fear or belief that the
unions will fail, with a hope of better
results for themselves, if they stand
apart The Oregonian approves of no
coercion, one way or another. But it
does believe in labor unions the more
so since the trusts 'are a capitalistic
union, and there seems to it no present
way of holding a check upon the trusts
but through the labor unions."
"It is complained that' the labor
unions are endeavoring to compel men
not in the unions to join them, and that
this compulsion is without justification.
Perhaps it is. But the methods of the
trusts are entirely similar, and the la
bor unions are only following an exam
ple that they find necessary, in the cir
cumstances, to their preservation. The
trust compels similar establishments to
merge their interests, under .penalty of
ruin. It 'freezes out' those that refuse.
If the trust is justified in its method of
combination and means of enforcing it,
labor is justified in its effort to unionize
the workers in the mills. The purpose
and the operation are essentially the
The finest bon bon boxes in town a)
he K. K. hi. .
Shtving only 10 onts at the first
class shop of P. G. Shark.
The latest in chocolate of all kinds at
the Kozy Kandy Kitchen,
New goods at bottom price at Klein
en's Electric CaBh Grocery.
Kozy Kandy Kitchen, up to date on
home-made candies.
A few watches for sale cheap at
Younger'g. Watches cleaned, $1.
The lateet out Try the marshmallow
kisses at the Kozy Kandy Kitchen.
Ladies, if your sewing machine is out
of order, take it to Johnson & Lamb's.
A slightly used parlor organ for sale
by W. L. Block, the bomefurnisher.
Machine extras made to order on a
turning lathe by Johnson & Lamb.
Shank & Bissell carry the most com
plete line of undertakers' supplier in
Oregon City.
If your bike is broke the place to get
it fixed is at Johnson & Lamb's bicycle
repair shop.
$20 to (100 to loan on cha tal or per
sonal security.
DiMicrc & Eastham, Agts. .
The latest ard best brands of cigars
and tobaccos are kept by P. G. Shark
Smokers' goods and confectionery, also
Moore's Seventh Street Pharmacy oa
the hill. New store, new goods, new
prices. Dr. J. Burt Moore, Proprie
tor. Land titles examined, abstracts made
and money loaned at lowest rates.
Dimick & Eastham, Lawyers, Oregon
Lumber Leave orders at this office
for first-class lumber of all kinds, or ad
dress W. F. Harris. Beaver Creek,
The Weekly Oregonian gives all the
national news and the Courier-herald
gives all local and county news. Both
one year for Two Dollars.
The P. C. & O. T. line will until
further notice make a 25 cent round trip
rate from Cauemah and Oregon City to
Portland on Sundays, with cars every
30 minutes.
When you want a good square meal
go to the Brunswick restaurant, oppo
site suspension bridge, L. Ruconich,
proprietor. Everything fresh and clean
and well cooked ; just like you get at
home. This is the onlv first-class res
taurant in Oregon City and where you
can get a good meal for the price of a
poor one el ewhere.
For Sale 240 acres of land 12 miles
Oregon City; 40 cleared house, barn
orchard; price, $2350 ; $500 down, bal
ance on easy terms. Have youron
time to pay balance. Apply to J. W.
Si cAni'lty, office on Main Btreet, oppo
site Albright's meat market.
For Sale.
A second-hand hop stove, fett
long, 11-mch pipe, 27 joints, 5 elbows
and two T's. Virtually new, only 20
bales of hops having been dried with
the the stove. Address Charles T.
Pembroke, near Adkins mill, Canby.
1 Only 50 Cents
I to make your baby strong and
' well. A fifty cent bottle of
I Scott's Emulsion
1 will change a sickly baby to
a plump, romping child.
Only one cent a day, think
of it. Its as nice as cream.
Send for a free sample, and try it.
SCOTT & BOWNE. Chemists.
409415 Pearl Street, New York.
50c. and Ji.oo; all druggists. -
Disease makes many a woman prema
turely old. Dark-rimmed eyes, hollow
cheeks and wasted form are accompan
ied by listlessness and loss of ambition.
Home duties are a weariness, and social
pleasures have no attraction.
One of the commonest expressions of
women cured toy
Doctor Pierce's
Favorite Prescrip
tion is this: RIt
has made a new
woman of me."
There's a world
of meaning in the
word. It means
the sparkle
brought back to
the eyes; the com
plexion tinted
with the rosy hue
of healthy blood:
the form rounded
out anew in
graceful curves; the whole body radiant
with health.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
makes weak women strong and sick
women well. It dries debilitating
drains, heals inflammation and ulcera
tion and cures female weakness. It
makes new women of those prematurely
aged by disease.
"Dr. Pierce's medicines are the best I have
ever used," writes Mrs. C. Nelson, of Chemawa,
Marion Co., Oregon. "My health was badly
run down when I consulted him by letter. My
limbs were cold and ray head hurt me continu
ally. I was so nervous that the least thing
would startle me almost into convulsions. I had
palpitation of the heart so bad that X could
scarcely walk sometimes. I felt utterly discour
aged, but two bottles of Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription and one of 1 Golden Medical Dis
covery ' made a new woman out of me."
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps
to pay expense of mailing only. Send
21 one-cent stamps for the book in paper
covers, or 31 stamps for it in cloth bind
ing. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, No. 663
Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y.
(Corrected on Thursday.)
Flour Best $2.903.40; . graham
$2.60. .
Wheat Walla Walla 5556c; valley
56c57j bluestem 57c.
Oats White, 1 20 per cental ; eray,
1 20 1 22 per cental.
Barley Feed $16; brewing $17 per t.
Milrstuffs Bran $17; middlings 21fc ;
shorts $20; chop $16.
Hay Timothy $113; clover, 79;
Oregon wild $6.
Batter Fancy creamary 3o and 41c;
store, 20 and 25. .
Eggs 17 1-2 and 18 cents per rioz.
Poultry Mixed thickens $3.50(34.00;
hens $4.605; springs $34 50; geese.
$67; ducks $56)6; live turkeys-11
14c; dressed, 14rt16c.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, weathers
and ewes, sheared, $4 50; dressed, 6
nd 7 cents per pound.
Hogs choice heavy, $5 75 and $6 00 ;
light, $5 ; dressed, 6 1-2 and 7 cents per
pound. -
Veal Large, 7 and 7 1-2 cents per
Beef Gross, top steers $3 50 and $4 ,
dressed beef, 6 and 7 cents per pound.
Ohe-se-Full cream lle per pound
Young America 1 2c.
Potatoes 60 and 65 cents per busnel.
Vegetables Beets $1 ; turnips 75c
per sack ; garlic 7c per lb ; cabbage $1.25
1.50 per 100 pounds; cauliflower 75c
per dozen; parsnips 85c jer sack; celery
8085c per dozen; asparagus 78c;
peas 23c per pound.
Dried fruit Apples evapora'.ed 56;
sun-dried sacks or boxes 34c; pears
sun and evaporated 89c; pitless plums
7Hc; Italian prunes 57c; extra
silver choice 57.
Corrected on Thursday.
Wheat, wagon, 57.
Oats, 1 25 per cental.
Potatoes, $1 and $1 20 per sack.
Eggs 20 cents per dozen.
Butter, country, 25 to 35c per roll ;
creamery, 40c.
Dried apples, 5 to Be per pound,
Dried prunes Italians, 5c; petite
and German, 4c.
"Something New Vtuler tie Sun."
All Doctors have tried to cure CA
TARRH by the use of powders, acid
gases inhalers and drugs in paste form.
The powders dry up the mucuous mem
branes causing them to crack open and
bletd, The powerful acids used in the
inhalers have entirely eaten away the
same membranes that their makers have
aimed to cure, while pastes and oint
ments cannot reach the disease. Anold
and experienced practitioner who has
for many years made a close study and
specially of the treatment of CATARRH,
has at last perfected a Treatment which
when faithfully used, not only relieves
at once, but permanently cures CA
TARRH, by removing the cause, slop
ping the discharges, and curing all in
flammation. It is the only remedy
known to science that actually reaches
the aftlicted parts. This wonderful
remedy is known as "SNUFFLES the
and is sold at the extremely low price of
One Dollar, each package containing in
ternal and external medicine sufficient
for a full month's treatment and every
thing necessary to its perfect use.
"SNUFFLES1' is the only perfect CA
TARRH CURE ever made and is now
recognized as the only safe and positive
cure for that annoying and disgusting
disease. It cures all inflammation
quickly and permanently and is also
wonderfully quick to relieve HAY FE
VER or COLD in the HEAD.
CATARRH when neglected often
FLES" will save you if you use it at
once. It is no ordinary remedy, but a
j complete treatment which is positively
guaranteed to Cure CATARRH in any
I form or stage if used according to the
I directions which accompany each pack-
! ago. Don't delay but send for it at once
and write full particulars as to your con
dition, and you will receive special ad'
, vice from the discoverer of this wonder-
1 ful remedy regarding your case without
cost to von beyond the regular price of
j Sent prepaid to any address in the
United States or Canadi on receipt of
One Dollar. Address Dept. E 594, ED
2332 Market Street, Philadelphia.
-SpSv , '
Bat the Best Stock of First-Class
Goods to be Found at Bottom
Z Prices in Oregon City is at
You Can
Depend Upon
Patent Flour, made from old wheat. It
makes the best bread and pastry and always
gives satisfaction to the housewife, Be sure
and order Patent Flour made by the Port
land Flouring Mills at Oregon City and
sold by all grocers. Patronize
Home Industry
CITY MARKET ffijprops.
Opposite Huntley's
First-Glass Ieats ofll Iiids
Satisfaction Guaranteed
(Sive yirrj a all arjd be Treated IJijgb.t
Foresight Means Good Sight
If there ever was a truism it is exemplified in the
above headline. Lack ot foresight in attending to the
eyes in time means in the end poor sight. We employ
the latest most scientific methods in testing the eyes,
and charge nothing for the examination. Dr. Phillips,
an expert graduate oculist and optican, has charge of our
optical department.
A. N. WRIGHT The Iowa Jeweler
293 Horrison Street, PORTLAND, OREOON
For all kinds of Building Material -
Oregon City Planing Mill
B. L. HOLMAN, Undertaker
Phones 476 and 305. Two Doors South of Court House.
Hardware, Stoves. Syracuse Chilled and Steel Plows,
Harrows and Cultivators, Planet Jr., Drills and
Hoes, Spray Pumps, Imperial Bicycles.
Cor. Fourth and Main Sts. OREGON CITY
v Are Bought and
Appreciated by
"1- sir- r- -r- i- r- i-i i- 1
mt mi mm
of Oregon Citv
The ;th St. Grocer
ft i
Brown & Welch
-Propkietors of thb-
Seventh Street
Meat Market
A. O. ,U. W. Building
We carry the largest stbckof CaBke
Coffins, Robes and Lining in Clackamas
We are the only undertakers in the
county owning a hearse, which we fur
nish for less than can ba had elsewhere .
vVe are under small expense and do
not ask large profits.
Calls promptly attended night or day.