OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD. FRIDAY. JULY 26, 1901 CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS Beaver Creek. On board the tteamer. Everything lively in our burg and all are b u 8y. Haying is the chief occupa tion at present with an abundant crop. Grain is ripening very fast. "We attended New Kra campmeeting lat Sunday and gained Bome useful knowledge. We also spent the day with friends and relatives in the beautiful grove. As today we tail down the beautiful Willamette passing the quiet, pretty little city of iYiiiwaukie a feeling of sad ness ci nies over us as we miss the old Imperial uiills,a relic trail old pioneers. It has been a landmark for perhaps 20 or 25 years, and reminds us that we are only old relics too, fast diifting onward, as on this lovely, UBeful river we are riding today into the sea of time. But we must hurry through the great busy city of Portland and again return again to our own peaceful little burg of Beaver Creek, as we view again the beautiful falls of the Willamette from the neat new steamer, Leona, and we gaze with admiration on the woudrous works of nature and art. Next time the boys try to capture a jack we hope they will learn to throw the lasso firs;. The owner caught the boys before tiie boys caught thejuck. July 18. Elwood. Haying season is nearing a close. Miss Kinma Turner and Henry Myers, after a four weeks' courtship ripened into matiiinony last Saturday, and they are now spending their honeymoon at Rocky Point. Mrs. (J. E. Dibble died at Oregon City July 18th. This is the first death to oc cur in a family of ten children, the youngest being 37 years. She leaves a host of friends and relatives, beside a husband and four children. She is at rest. Saturday and Sunday is quarterly conference at the Mountain Home church. Elder Black will officiate. Mr. Bittner has received another or der from a California paper mill for 50, 000 spools. Miss Belle Evans, of Oregon City, spent last Sunday in this community. Lalla Kookh. Liberal, George Frazer, who has been on the sick list fot three weeks, is slowly im proving. Johnnie Rhodes has gone to Salem, where he will work through harvest. We will miss you, Johnnie. Les Look is moving his Inusehold Roods to Gresham. He sold his crop to B. A. Wright. EveStelunan, who died Saturday in St. Mary's hospital, atTuscon, Arizona, will tin imriod in the Oregon City ceme tery Fridny at 11 o'clock. Hay is about all housed or stacked and ready fur the baler. Fall wheat is ready to be cut (early varieties.) W. II. White is cutting lua wheat and also P. M. Graves. Mont of the summer fallow around here looks like a flower garden, with dog fennel in the lead. Bev. Thomas Wilos is cutting his rye, and has contracted the straw with a collar factorv in Portland. Grandma Wright is out home visiting friends for a few days. Sylvia. Citrus. We have been having fine weather, and haying is about finished. Charles Stewart had a small fire last week, which but for the timely arrival of neighbors would have resulted in a burnout. Mrs. Walker is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cooper. George A. Kirbyson'has commenced working for Cummings & Durst's saw mil. Mr. Jossi is going into the cheese business. Another ice cream social will be held at the t'arus school house Saturday eve ning, July 27. Teasel cutting will soon be the order of the day, cutting to commence next week. Mulino. Services wore hold In the grange hall last Sunday, with liov. Wiles officia ting. F. Uogue and family and F. Pendle ton went to the coast last Sunday, where they will remain two weeks. Morlio Adkins is staying with Mrs. Lyons at present. The dance given at Union Mill last Saturday night was enjoyed by all pres ent. Mr. Iioynton, of Woodburn, was vis iting at the h mie of his son, Charlie, las-t week. Mrs. l'Ylgor, who lias been away on a vieit, ha returned homo Mrs. F Eriekson is on the sick list. Frank Manning has a new r mra. Now, you'll know where to go iu .iavo your picure taken on Sunday. Mis. K.Clark died ut her home on July. The remains were laid to rest in Lone Iir cemetery in Portland. Mamie Saner, w ho had the uiisfortuno to have her foot cut with a piece of glass I lonio time ago, is slowly aecovering. Fred Wallace spent last Sunday at his ; home. Mr. E 1, Bowman, who has been Very sick, ha been removed to the hos pital in Portland. Hl'SlllY Mavksbnrtj. Harvest is at hand with the promise (better crops than we have had for many years. J. W. Smith will coinmencj baling hay this week. Mr. and Mis. Abbot received a tele gram from Sell wood announcing the ill ness of their daughter, Mrs. Will Yo-: hann, of that place. Mr. and Mrs. Lubben are the proud recipients of a tine young boy (by adop tion). " 1 The Macksburg nine went to Hubbard Sund iy to play tiall wiih the Hubbaid nine. The score t od u9 follows: Hub bar 1,5; M,y.'kshurg, 10. Mis Laura Wright, of Meadow-brock, visited friends in our bur.j last week. Call again, fairy. Mr. 1'e'nz at'.d his two tons, Leonard. n.n,iir n'.nl in thn Hot Snrincrs last week, w here they will remain for some time. ... Wnnra ni-ftMil trtBQV llllll. tllft hlCVC.le race on the Fourth was won by one of our U. h.. Loys, LU his name is ucuigc Harms. Noah. Great reduction on all trimmed hats at Miss Goldsmith. Colton. Colton has not been heard from for some time, but is still alive. Haying is about over and .people are beginning to wish for rain again. Miss Minnie Carlson, of Portland, is home visiting her parents. Miss Gertie has also returned after a few weeks' vieit with her sisters. Mrs. Gottlieb visited her son. Charles, and his wife at Oregon City last week. Sue also attended me viiau tauqua. Miss Stella Hubbard returned from Springwater last Saturday, where she has been stayiu: with her sister, Mrs. Marrs, who has just recovered from an attack of the measles. William Cox and Amile Bittner were visitors at the Colton literary last Saturday night. Oscar Dix male around trip to Port land last Saturnay. J. Arquette killed abear in Colton last Friday. Fred .Bonney, while out picking ber ries, accidentally shot himself through the leg. The ball entered below the knee, anfl it is thought no bones are broken. Miss Meadie Hubbard made her sis sers a short visit this week. Everything In the Millinery line at a great reduction, miss lioiasmitn. 2ieedg. Dan Kauffman and crew will go to Eastern Oregon to thresh this summer Beil Garrett and JuliuB Spigle went to Eastern Oregon Monday. The W. O. W. gave a social Saturday evening, which was a grand success. Alvin Thompson went fishing and hunting with a party from Hubbard Monday. Frank Fish and J. D. Retter returned home from the mountains Monday. Mrs. Sam Kauffman is quite sick. M. Mountain Road. Farmers are commencing to cut their grain, and all anticipate a fair crop. Neils Christensen is digging potatoes to take to the Portland markets. John De Neui is !liauling wood for Mr. Schnoir. Misses Belle and Gladys Baker re turned home Monday from Mulino, where they had been visiting friends for a few days. An ice cream party was given at the home of Mrs. Hoffman Sunday. Those attending report having had a good time. Henry Plattsis slowly improving from his illness. Addie Le May will leaye for her home in California Saturday. Conrad Zimmerman was out bicycle riding Monday evening. Peddlers seem to be quita numerous in this vicinity lately. Minnie Kaiser was visiting friends in our burg Sunday. Mary and Minnie Boekman returned home from Portland Thursday. The weather is warm at present, and farmers have a fair chance of getting their hay in before a rain. Emelia and Paulena Koellermeier are attending the German school this sum mer. John Renke lost a fine liorse with colic Saturday. William Kaiser is busily employed cutting grain. Sal. Great clearance sale. Miss Goldsmith. Viola. The haying season is nearly finished. C. G. Stone, the Viola miller is re pairing his dam. Quite a number of men met at the church last Monnay and cleaned up a space of the ground back of the church to hold services during the carapmeet ings. Mrs. E. M. Barrett is conducting meetings here. Everybody is welcome and should come to hear her. Miss Ida Barrett, of Portland, has been vinting friends here for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. C. Miller have been vis iting their sous at Garfield for the past week. Mrs. Selma Olsen and two children, of Seattle, Wall., have arrived here and will reside with her sister, Mrs. J. A. Randolph. Mr. Murdoek and family, of Macks burg, spent last Sunday visiting friends and al.o attended the campmeeting here. Will Millfr and wife, Kay and Alfred Miller and Miss Ctaiger, ad of Portland, CHAMPION BINDERS LhAwPiCN m We guarantee that the Eccentric Sprocket wheel on this machine will give an absolute gain of Hi-3 per cent of power at the time of tieiiiij and dis charging bundle. The force feed eleva'or will waste less grain than any other. There Is les shattering. The Relief R:ike keeps inner end of platform clear. Eeryon of those using Champion flinders says it has no equal. Sen ! for Catalogue. Miichell, Lewis & Staver Co. First and Taylor S.s. P0UTLAXP, - OREGON have t een visiting the former's-parents. Thev returned home last Sunday. John Lovelace's mother and his three sisters were visiting him Monday and Tuesday. Wiley May, wife and daughter, of Cams Bpent Sunday here visiting their daughter, Mrs. Exon, and also attended campmeeting. Flowers, ribbons, fancy chiffrons at great sacrifice. Miss Goldsmith. Molalla. Farmers in this section are busily en gaged in getting in their hay, which has been a bountiful crop. The prospects are good for a fine- wheat and oat crop. Some fields of wheat are almost ready to cut. This has been a weeK for accidents in this place. Last Saturday night or Sunday morning John Jackson lost a horse It was standing in the barn all right at feeding time anil was found dead in the morning. The, circum stances point to a crime having been committed by some one. Who ever the guilty one may be he must be either partially demented or have a heart as black as midnight to satiate his hatred by deliberately killing a dumb brute. Truly the darkness of night hides many crimes. Bert Perry met with a painful accident last Monday. He was riding a young mare that had not been ridden for some time, and was riding her with a halter when she become sullen and reared up and fell back on the boy, causing a badly sprained back, besides other bruises. Dr. Leavitt is attending him, Fred Bonney, who lives near Colton, also met with a bad accident recently. He was out hunting and had placed his gun down to got some berries, and in some way the gun was discharged, the bullet striking him noar the ankle and coming out above the knee. Dr. Leavitt was called and had the boy removed to the hospital at Portland. The gun was a 44-calibre, .which makes it a bad wound. Shaver, Harless and Adams go to Oanby next Saturday to bring out their threshing outfit, the fitst feed machine that has ever been on the Molalla. Dr. Leavitt's brother and family, of Omaha, are visiting with him. Charlie Leavitt is visiting at his home this week . It is reported that Pearl Russell, who underwent an operation for appendicitis in a Portland hospital, is not getting along as well as al.e did for awhile after the operation was performed. A force of men has gone in to com mence work on the newly discoveied mines in the Ogle Creek mining district. A company has been organized, and enough shares have been sold to thor oughly prospect the new discovery. The said discovery certainly prospects well, and some if not all of the company are well pleased with the outlook. Will Shaver took a header from a load of hay recently. He struck the barn floor perpendicular but the wrong end first. He considers himself fortunate that he was not seriously hurt. X. Y. Z. A beautiful line of baby bonnets and hats, ail reduced, at Miss Goldsmith. Mountain View. Warm and clouy weather again but no rain. Sam Francis has so far improved from his injuries that he is visiting relatives aud friends in Washington county this week. Frank Welch and family and Mrs. Howard and daughter have goue to the coast for an outing. ' Mr. Waldron and family have gone to the mountains. Death has again entered this place and taken from us our beloved brother Artisan, C. T. Hickman, who departed this life Sunday morning, July 21, 1901. The remains were laid to rest in Moun tain View cemetery. J. Lacke and family and Walt Cur ran and family went bl.ick berrying Sun day. JohnW. May went lo Walla Walla, Wash., last week to work during har vest time. Mr. Bullard has an extra smile on his face lately, the reason being that he is a a great grandfather, as Mrs. Lottie Fisher has a daughter, born July 14th. Mrs. Ernest Harrington and son, of California, are visiting here. The poles have been put up for a tele phone in this burg. We anticipate hav ing electric lights here too in the near future. Mrs. Everkart has returned home. Sauna. Eagle Creek. Everybody is very busy haying. The weather has been splendid for the farmers so far. Blackberries seem to be very scarce here this year, which is something un usual. Generally they are very plenti ful. Mrs. Marie Gibson went to Portland Saturday . Grace- Douglas' health seems to be improving. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan were visiting the former's mother, Mrs. Simpson, Sunday. Charles Danielson and '.Victor Fors berg, of Kelso, were seen in Eagle Creek Sunday. Born, to the wife of Ole Ameisegger, a boy, on July 17th. This accounts tr the broad smile on Ole's countenance. Sandy Ridge Sunday school has been discontinued on account of the warm weather and poor attendance. By the request of if rs. Vancuren a party was given at her home in honor of Mesdames E.istabrook, Clark and Cur rin on Friday, July 1!. A huge and very pleasant crowd attended, and tell of the good time and the excellent din ner. Each lady pieced a quilt block for M's. Kastabrook, as she was a former re-ident of this place and allwi-rv her friends. At noun the tables were! graced wall all the good things these lands hold, and our fair .ladies are capa ble of preparing, and to say that the din ner was appreciated by all speaks lightly of it indeed. Those present were: Mes dames Vancuien. Clark, Eas'abnx.k, Cunin, How list, Baker, Foster, Kellogg. Gibson, Fonester, Simpson. Duncan, Muggins, Winesott.Braekett, Gerhardus, lVatgless, Burnett. Wiitern, (.Hover, Alspsujii; Mis-es Doia Brackett, Willie Alsp.mh, Lena Vancuren and Mr.llow lllt lv-i,!es many chi dien. Vis. Lota Kellovg an 1 daughter, of Oregon Oiiy, are visiting the former's !r '.r Nosli St'Di'ley, nf this place. Mr. Krst, of Portland, the guest of Mi. Sinn son un l f irmly Saturday an i Sunday. H&r Falls " I tri?d Ayer's Hair Vigor to g stop my hair from falling. One half a bottle cured me." J. C. Baxter, Braidwood, 111. Ayer's Hair Vigor is certainly the most eco nomical preparation of its kind on the market. A little of it goes a long way. 1 11 uucsii i iuivc liiuta ui it to stop falling of the hair, make the hair grow, and restore color to gray hair. $1.00 a bottle. AM drujrbti. . ft If your druerffist cannot supply you, send us one dollar and we will express P you a bottle, do Bure anagive tne name of your nearest express office. Address, J. C. A.YER CO., Lowell, Mass. The boys and girls of Eagle Creek gave a picnic to the bridge Sunday. Af ter lunch they indulged in a game of baseball. Dura Belle. Garfield. F'arraers are about through haying, and will begin harvesting a good crop of grain this week. Tomp Yocum has just purchased in Portland one of the latest improved Case threshing machines with wind stacker, self feed, etc. Brother Rich preached at Garfield Sunday to good audiences. His daugh ter' Miss Bertha, accompanied him.on this trip. Rex. Exon preached at Zion Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall took dinner Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gid Krig baum. Mr. Krigbaum is usually quiet,' and modest, but he must have gotten ex cited this time as we understand when he got home, Mrs. Marshall said to him, "Why Milt, I don't believe this is your coat." He had traded with Mr. Krig. baum aud not knowing it, In fact, Mr. M. did not know it himself. One of Garfield's esteemed citizens, John Porter, was accidentally killed Monday at McBride's woodyard by a runaway team. Funeral occurred to day from the Zion church. The heart felt sympathies of our people go out to his mother aud other relatives in this sad hour. July 27. Fern. Evergreen. The heat and dust are quite notice able, and a good rain would be quite a help to some of the late crops. The binders will be running in full blast this week. The fall wheat and winter oats are both nearly ripe. T. H. Sconce and family were the guests of L. B . Yoder and fami ly last Sunday. T here was a large congregation out to hear Rev. Wingfleld preach Sunday at Smyrna. The Bocial given by the Woodmen at Needy was largely attended . It was a decided success both socially aud fi nancially. Miss .Sadie Crocker is at home from Portland. She expects to remain out here for the rest of the Bummer. Mrs. Twomy, of Portland, is the guest of Mrs. Joseph Schwartz this week. Rev. J. M. Dick will preach at Smyr na church next Sunday at 11 o'clock, a. m. John Johnston has gone to Eastern Oregon. While there he will work at the carpenter trade. Yoder, Schwartz & Co. will move their threshing outfit home from the Herman place this week. S. Card of Thanks. We take this means of expressing our kind appreciation of the many acts of kindness performed by sympathetic friends during the last illness of the late Mrs. N. O Bissell. A. Bissell, W. E. Bissell, Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Shank, Mrs. E. E. Martin, H. J. Bissell, members of the family. A School Benefit. On Saturday evening, July 27th, (here will be an entertainment at the Carus school house for the benefit of the school supply fund. This will be the third affair of the kind given by the young people of that place, and from all indications the program will surpass any previously presented. Songs, reci tations, dialogues, and an address by Howard M. Brownell will features of the program. After the free program there will be a sale of ice cream, candy, etc., the proceeds to be appropriated for the purchase of supplies (or the school. COD N'T Y TREASURER'S NOTICE. I now liftve funds to pay county warrants en dorsed prior to June 2sth, 1698. And alo road warrants endorsed prior lo November 10th, MX). Interest will ceiiae on tlw abova included war rants on the date hereof. A. ixeixi.w;, Treasurer Clackamas Count;-, Or. Pated, Oregon City, July 26th, l'JOI. $130 Reward $100. The readrrs of tltit paper will be pleased to learn that thoie is at least one dreaded die;ie that i-eienoe hiis been able to euro in all its stage, and that is Catarrh. liaM's Catarrh Curp i the only po itive cure knewn to the medical fraternity. Catairh being a constitutional dis ease, req'iirea a eonst national treatment. Hail'g Catarrh Cure is taken internally, actin r directly npon the blooJ a,d nnuH.u surfaces of the sys tem, thereby destroying the foundation of the .lieasf and giyinur lhe ratient st eneth by buiUiins; up the constitution and assisting nature in doinff its work. The proprietors have so much faitii in lis euratiye powers, that thy cCVr One Hundred liollsrs for any ease that t fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address. F. J. CIIKXET A CO., Toledo, O. 7"SoUl by rrureists, 7.. Hall's Fatuiiy I'ltis are the best. Guernsey bull at Bestow place, near Ahernethy bridge. Season, $1 50. Tv.ia signature is on every box of ttte genuine Laxative BromaQuinine Tbieu 'he remedy that etiree toM la ene day ii&tli !ei!iiAiii!iiaI Kegaii on Monday, July 8, lOOl All Goods Marked Down Some Away Below Cost Sevtral dozen Boy's and Misses Shoes at $1.00 a pair. Children's Shoes at 50c a pair. Must make room for "Fall" goods. McKITTRICK "The Shoe Man Next Door to Bank of Oregon City F. S. All Nice Clean Goods POPE & CO. HEADQUARTERS FOR Hardware, Stoves. Syracuse Chilled and Steel Plows, Harrows and Cultivators, Planet Jr., Drills and Hoes, Spray Pumps, Imperial Bicycles. PLUMBING A SPECIALTY Cor. Fourth and Main Sts. 5w BEFORE and AFTER CITPIWENE strengthens and restores small weak organs, The reason sufferers are not cured by Doctors Is because ninety per cent are tronbled witn Prostatitis. OUl'IDKNE la the only known remedy to cure Titnoutaiioperauon. amu testimonk als A written guarantee given and money returned if six braes does not effect a permanent euret 41.60 a box, six for 1 5.00, by mail. Bend for feek circular and testimonials. Address AVOI. MKBICIMI! CO., P.O. Box 2078, San Francisco, Cal IbrSattbt GEO. A. HVRDING, Druggist LOWER PRICES than in Portland AT sTht Fair Stored Sleeveless Vests, 5c and up Ladies' Black Hose, 7c and up Children's Black Hose, 5c and up Men's Medium Weight Under wear, 25c a garment 1 "Radiant," substitute for silk, 3 balls for 10c Ladies' and Children's Polkadot Stockings, 10c a pair Handkerchiefs, 2c and up A car load of milk crocks just received and will sell at 8 c per gal lon. W. L. Block, the Homefurnisher The Portland City & Oregon Railway Company will run cars every 30 minutes between Oregon City and Portland Sun day. A delightful ride for only 25 cents thn rnnnti trin T!ia rura run e'pqi through to Canemah on that day. Grand Millinery Sale begins today at Miss Golds niith'e. Oregon City iC Portland River Line. The new steamer "Leona" will go on this route May 30lh. making four round trips every day. This boat has been limit especially for the Oregon City and Portland rou'e by the Graham Bros., of the Oregon City Transportation Oom panj. They beiieve the time has come when good pae.tn;?er and freight boat will receive enough patronage from the two cities to support the same The time card will be it follows: Leave Ore eon City at 7 and 10 a. m , 1 :30 and 4 :30 p. m" . Leave Portland 8:30 and 11:30 a. ni., 3 :30 and 6 :(f) p. m. Round trip will lm 2j cents. HEADACHE At mH 4njg tran. 2i Dow 25c. OREGON CITY MANHOOD RESTOREDbSSS tlon ol a famous French physician, will quickly cure you of all ner vous or diseases of the geuerative organs, such as Lost Manhood. Insomnia, Pains in the Baok. Seminal Kmissions, Nervous Debility, Pimples, Unfitness to Marrv, Exhausting Drains, Vaflcoeelo and Constipation. It stops all losses by day or night Prevents qntcit. all the horrors of Impotency t'Ul'IDU.VKcleiuiaeu the liver, the kidneys and the urinary organs of all impurities. Oregon City, Oregon For Sale or Trade Entire stock of furniture, tin ware, graniteware, hardware, stoves and fixtures. Will take stock or Eastern Oregon stock ranch in exchange for whole or part. Call on or address, G. H. YOUNG, Box 358. Oregon City, Oregon. I Swedish I Asthma I Cure. ABSOLUTELY CURES $ I Asthma $ Hay Fever J t Bronchial Trouble ! I GUARANTEED NO OPIATES For Sale by ! C. G. HUNTLEY ! J Oregon City, Oregon James G. Amhertof, Delia, O., writes: "I had an obstinate sore on ujy face which everything else failed to "heal. After one replication sf Banner Salve it began to heal and after three applica tions it was entirely healed leaving no scar. Charman & Co. Chicago Cottage Organ at BlockV. 4