Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, July 26, 1901, Image 1

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l 1 1 14
19th YEAR, NO. 1C
182 Madison St., West end of Bridge,-. Portland, Oregon
Aultman & Taylors
Celebrated Threshing Machinery
Steam and Gas Engines,
Saw Mills,
Grebe, Harder & Co.
182, 184, 186 Madison Street, West End of Bridge,
Remember we have the finest stock of 'the best makes to be found
Portland, including Farm and Spring Wagons, Buggies, Carriages
and Carts, Mowers, Rakers, Tedders and Hay Tools, Hay Presses,
Grain Drills, Plows, Cultivators, Disc and Spring Tooth Harrows,
Pumps Harness, Bicycles, Etc. 1
Friday, July 19.
In the preeence of 11,000 English Free
Masons, the Duke of Connaught was in
stalled as grand master of the united
grand lodge at Albert Hall, London.
On Thursday, through the sinking of
a 2-masted yawl on Long island sound,
3 men and 2 women were drowned.
Frof . Triggs, of Rockefeller's Chicago
University, pronounces orthodox church
hymns doggerel and Sunday school
books inferior to dime novels.
Most of the Catholic priests have fled
from Saragossa, Spain.
Russia is making efforts to secure the
colleries in Li Chi province, northern
China, which supply the Meets of the
powers with coal.
A diviner has informed the Chinese
court that the dragon has left Pekin.ami
therefor the court can not return to
The Britkh have captured correspon
dence between Mr.Reitzand Mr. Steyn,
in which the former counselled surren
der to the British.
At Nashville, Tenn.. three negro mur
derers wire huug at the same time from
the same scaffold.
Eight miles south of Leaven worth.the
.Vissoun has changed its course and is
pouring part of its waters into thePIatte.
A hundred divorces in Marion county
this year.
II. J.'Ottenheimer, of Salem, ho has
just returned from an Eastern trip, pre
dicts a good price for hops.
Near Emooria, Kansas, the wrecking
of a work train killed two men and prob
ably fatally wounded two others.
Saturday, July 20.
John C. Leasure, the well known Ore
gon lawyer and politician, committed
suicide in San Francisco yesterday by
swallowing carbolic acid. Poverty drove
him to the act.
The Duke of Marlborough will give a
grand political .party at Blenheim Castle,
England, August 10th. Joe Chamberlain
and 7000 others will be present.
Mongolia has become a Russian prov
ence and a railroad will be built across
it from the mid Siberian railway to
Pekin. Russia is also making advances
into Thibet.
The United States government will re
tain possession of iMoro Castle, the key
to the harbor of Havana.
The destruction by fire of Cave & Sons
shoe factory at Rushden, England caus
ed a loss of 100,000.
At Danven, England, a girl employed
as spinner ia a factory, was driven to
suicide by'the furious hurry in which
she was obliged to work. The wretches
who die by inches under the driving
system of English textile factones.num
ber many thousands.
London Justice says English trade is
constantly declining.
An electric storm at G-ove Ci'y Pa
caused the death of four persons and the
serious injury of three others.
, On Bum's Island, Bermuda, 519 Boer
prisoners have been landed, being the
second batch.
In Oklahoma,100,000 persons have re
gistered for the government hnd naffle.
threat heat nrevaila in t-. ..
rope. Terrific thunder storms in northern I
England. j
The summer school opened at New-'
port, Ore., Wednesday last, with an at-1
Colorado men have secured the Sav-age-Mohney
mining claims in the San
tiam district and will develon th
At Kiona, Wash., two farmers were
killed, one by a team and the other by
a harvester passing over his head.
Twentv miles from St. Michaels, Alas
ka, five men were found frozen to death.
The recent "high jinks" near Pendle
ton wai attended by 1000 Indians.
The cattlemen of Crook county have
decided to run the sheepmen out of cer
tain parts of thp county.
The Suoqualmie Falls Power Co.,
Wash , will spend $350,000 on improve
ments. A mission has arrived in St. Peters
burg from Thibet to establish friendly
relations with the czar. It marks an
other step in the extension of Russian
influence in Farther Asia. Russians re
gard the establishment of a chain of
communications across the rear-of Brit
ish India and its permanent isolation
from the Yangste Kiang valley, which
England covets, as practically assured.
Recently four carloads of crazy Amer
ican soldiers from the Philippines passed
through Cheyenne for the East .
Sunday, July 21.
Baron Hiaaya Iwasaki.a very wealthy
Japanese who passed through New York
city yesterday, said that as the result of
the introduction of the European indus
trial system in his country, the rich are
getting richer and the poor poorer.
R. M. Newport of St. Paul, Minn., is
bankrupt; liabilities $346,000.
The United Garment Workers of New
York city have begun a fight against the
sweatshops by ordering a general strike,
which will involve more than 50,000
men and women.
In Indiana crude oil has advanced 12
cents in three days, because Rockefeller
wants more money.
Near Eve, Mo., two young men walk
ing a railroad trestle last night were run
down by a flyer and killed.
The aged wife of ex-Prest. Paul Kru
ger died at Pretoria yesterday. Kruger
has received a very satisfactory letter
from General Bjtha, the information
contained in which shows the Boers are
as confident aud determined as ever.
Near Petrusburg some South African
constabulary were ambushed by the
Boers and 20 ol their number lost. Of
the 4700 Boer prisoners on the island of
St. Helena, 83 per cent are not Boers
but made up of various nationalities.
Riceville, Iowa, having nearly 1000
people, was practically wiped out by
fire ; loss $200,000.
The 13,000 volumes forming the libra
ry of the great Oriental scholar, Mux
Muller, have been secured by the Uni
versity of Tokio.
The American Live Stock Association,
in convention assembled at Denver, lias
expressed itself in favor of leasing the
public domain, because it is the only
way in which the grass can be saved
from tola', destruction.
The prune crop promises to be big in
Polk, Linn and Benton counties.
The Eug-ne excelsior factory turns out
12 carloads a the stuff a month.
The German noith seacoast is rising,
and the mouth of the Elbe is 16 to 18
feet shallower thin in 1895.
Moudty, July 22.
Major Pine-CofBn surprised a Boer
commando, which lost 41 men.
Because British sailors are "drunken,
refractory and unreliable," the mail
steamers between Australia and Eng
land will employ as sailors only lascars,
or blacks.
On the Navajo reservation, on the bor
der between Colorado and New Mexico,
ruins of a large prehistoric city have
been found.
Three men landed by a steamer last
year on Unimak island, Alaska, have
mysteriously disappeared, and three
men were drowned in a storm near Pen
ny river. Near Cape Romanoff.Alaska,
the bodies of six men were found,
stretched out on the tundra where they
had frozen to death.
Continued on Page Seven.
Much Heading for Little Money.
The New York World has got the cost
of printing down to a minimum. Its
latest offer of its monthly newspaper
magazine is interesting if from no other
cause than that it shows the acme of
"how much for how little."
The Monthly World is a 32-page mag
azine with colored cover. Its pages are
about the size of the pages of the
Ladies' Home Journal, and it is copi
ously illustrated in half-tone. The il
lustrations are the result of the best ar
tistic skill, 'aided by all the latest print
ing press appliances, . making a maga
zine unrivalled in the quality of its con
tents and its appearance.
Each issue contains stories of romance,
love, adventure, travel J stories of fiction
and fact; stories of things quaint and
curious, gathered together from all over
the world ; the results of scieptific re
search, and editorial reviewB. It num
bers among its contributors the leading
literary men and women of the day.
A feature each month is a full-page
portrait of the moet famed man or
woman of the moment in the public eye.
In collecting and preparing for publi
cation the literary matter and art sub
jects for the Monthly World no expense
is spared.
The New York World will send six
numbers of this newspaper-magazine
on receipt of 15 cents in stamps. Ad
dress The World, Pulitzer Building, New
The August Smart Set.
The Smart Set can never be accused
of dullness. In its 100 pages of etories,
verses and witticisms there are sur
prises and delights for the most blase
reader. The August number opens with
a novelette of remarkable power and
originality, entitled "Miss Sylvester 'a
Marriage," written by Cecil Charles.
Miss Sylvester, the niece of a eociety
leader in New Y org, has some of the
wild blood of the South American Span
iard in her veins, and she is fascinated,
by Count Geraldina, a daring adven
turer, who claims to be worth millions
as the beneficiary of a pearl fishery con-'
ceseioo. The story of their sensational
marriage and its strange results is told
with great realism and admirable art. 1
Agricultural Implements and Vehicles
oin otJS PBOMrn cruDrfn onDrriT wn nornftH fe
Being crowded fsr space in my warehouse, I will sell the buggies and spring wagons
now in stock at prices that defy competition. Come early and secure a buggy before
the stock has been picked over.
I have a stock of these balers on hand that I will sell at reduced prices Call and
investigate-for yourself. '
Buffalo Pitts Harrows
and Cultivators
Owen's "Advance"
Fanning Mills
Peerless Plows
MevfKpCiir '-K Belle City I'eed Cutter
(ClST 'W-JN Milwaukee Binders
mm aiid Mowers
Write for. Catalogue aud -Prices
The Housefurnisher
To Onint W-ifh Pf e to ouf immense new stock of
UYV rUllll Willi Lace CurtainsOur stock is com
plete, all the designs are new, and all are made graceful and
pretty to insure the best effects We will be proud to see the
houses of this community decorated with them Our prices are
lower than those of Portland houses We invite inspection.
i I V ,"; -1
We have gathered a splen
did collection of handsome
Carpets and Mattings in
new and stylish patterns
at moderate prices. Our
mattings, flowered, plain,
linen and Japanese figured,
are the delight of all who
see them. They cost from
fifteen cents a yard up to
fifty and will outwear
We offer the best instru
ments. Our
Busch and Qerts Piano
has all the merits of the
finest Piano made, and
yet costs less than three
other famous makes.
Price $315.00.
Your room has limita
tions. The right paper will
improve it, the wrong paper
will mark it. The color and
figure are both important.
Our variety is great enough
to enable us to just suit you
and your room. You'll be
pleased at the range of de
signs and prices.
i;i f - jS'
W ll-MMWIHIII ! i i .-?-a
It isn't hard wore to run the
Climax Machine
The machiDe does the
work for you. It is perfect
ly adjusted, the wheels work
easily, the stitch is even and
threading simple. You
couldn't have a better
friend, and our termj enable
you to buy without much,
cash. Price $25.00.
Looks well if it has prop
er frame. We'd like tq
make the sort of a frame
that will give to your picture
the best appearance. Oar
knowledge and stock will
help to ornament the walls
of your house. We'd like to
talk to you about it anyway.
If not, we can fix you U-r it
in a little while for a little
money. Tell us where you
4 live and we .1 fienu a man to
j give you an estimate. Life ,":
J hardly worth living nnles
you can (-priijitie your lawn.
50 ft- of 'i ir- ho;e for $3.30