Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, July 19, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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fhe Daiies, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Go's
Strs. Regulator & Dalles City
'Daily (exoept Sunday) between
The Dalles,
Hood River,
Cascade Locks,
and Portland
Touching at fy point on both sMes of the
Columbia river.
Both of tLt above steamers have been rebuil
endure, in -xcellent shape for the season ofliiOO
Ihe Kt'iitilator Line will endeavor to glvelts
patrons the best service possible.
For Comfort, Kconomy and . Pleasure
travel by the steamers of Hid hegulutor
Lme. ,
The above steamers leave Portland 7 a. m. and
Dalles Bt 8 a. m.,aud arriveat destination in am pie
time for outgoing trains.
Portland Office, The Dalles Office
Oak St. Dock. CourtStreet.
General Agent
Will give you a
lain ia Wall Paper
Wall Tinting and in
General House Painting
Paint Shop near Depot Hotel
men to travel and adrertlee for old established
house of Bolid flnanclul aUndirg. Salary $780 a
year and expenses, all payable In cash. No on
vahBing inquired. Give references and enolose
self-addressed stamped envelope. Address Man
ager, 855 Caxton Bldg., Chicago.
"Why not spend the vacation at Ya
quina bay, where can be had excellent
fare, good fishing, good boating, safe
bathing, alluring rides and rambles.
The courses and exercises at the sum
mer school of 1901 at Newport will afford
great variety of instructions, 'diversion
and entertainment. No other resort of
fers equal attractions and advantages."
Ifedi . id Bates. ).'..
Are now in v lfect to Buffalo, New
Do you expect 'o attend the Pan-American
If so do not I uy your tickets until you
have investigated the service of the Il
linois Central Railroad.
Our accomodations are the best that
can be had, our trail s are always on
time, and employes courteous and accom
odating. Through tourist cars from Pacific
Coast to Boston via Buffalo.
If you will send fifteen cents in stamps
to address given belc w, we will forward
you, by return mail, one of our large
34x40 inch wall maps' of the United
States, Cuba and Porto Rico. '
Any information regarding rates,
accomodations, tervicp, time. conectirms,
stop-overs, etc, willcUiil.tlly furnished
b)R. H. TRUMBULL, Com'l Agent,
142, Third Street, Portland, Oregon.
Guaranteed $
Men and women of good address to represent
us, aome to travel appointing agents, others for
local woik ltoking after our interests. 8900
ealnry guaranteed yearly; extra commissions and
expenses, rapid advancement, old established
house, Grand chance for earnest man or woman
to eecure pleasant, permanent position, liberal
Income and future. New brilliant lines. Write
at onoe.
183 Church Sta., New Haven, Conn
ILBest of Everything
In a word this tells of the pas
senger service via,
8 Trains Daily between St, Paul
and Chicago comprising:
The Latest Pullman Sleepers
Peerless Dining Cars
Library and Observation Cars
Free Reclining Chair Cars
The 20th Century Train "THE
every day of the year.
The Finest Train in the World
Electric Lighted Steam Heated
. To Chicago by Daylight.
The Badger State Exprees, the finest day
train running between Chicago via.
the Short Line.
Connections from the weut made via
The Northern Pacific,
Great Northern,
and Canadian Pacific Rys
"This is also one of the best lines between
Omaha, St. Ft,ul and Minneapolis
All agents sell ticket via "The North
western Line."
G. A. . T. A.
243 Alder St., Portland. Oregon.
WAKTED.-Capiildp, reliable perron In every
County to represent larpe comrary ci solid fi
nanctalrepoiation: ttMti sa'ary per year, payable
v.etklv;3perdky absolutely sure and all ex
penses'; straight, bona tide, definite salary, no
commission; salary paid each Iraturdny and ex
pene money advanced each week. STANDARD
IlOl'SE.SM I'eabbork St., Cmcaco.
At atj drug stores.
2S Dow JSc.
Notice is hereby given that the Board
of County Commissioners of Clackamas
County, Oregon, will receive sealed bids
up to and until August 9th, 1901, at the
hour of 10 o'clock a. m. for the county
printing and the furnishing of County
Supplies for the enfuing year. '
The printing to consist of tax lists,
execution notices, proceedings of the
Board of County Commissioners, legal
blanks and all advertising and printing
which the. county or any of its ollicers
ia required to do, also to furnish all sta
tionery, blank books, record hooks, reg
istration blanks', election tickets and du
plicates and all supplies of whatever
kind nnd nature used by the county
The Board reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
, E. II. Cooprr,
County Clerk.
. Dated July 10, 1901.
Bids will be received by the Board of
County Commissioners for 67,500 feet of
lumber for the Abernethy road and
64,800 feet of lumber, for the Apperson
road, plank to be 16 feet by 3 inciies by 8
to 12 inches. Said lumber to be de
livered on roads ready for laying dowu
by September 20, 1901.
Bids will be opened August 8th, 1901,
at 2 o'clock, p. m.
The Board reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
E. H. CoorKR,
County Clerk.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed Hhb been duly appointed by the
Hon. Thos. F. Ryan, County 'Judge of
Clackamas County, as administrator
with the will annexed, of the estate of
David Mintun, deceaeed.
All persons having claims against said
estate are required to present tin same
with vouchers, to me at the law office of
C. D. & D. 0. Latourette, in Oregon
City, Oregon, within 6ix months from
this date.
T. J. Moffitt,
Adminhtrator aforesaid.
Dated July 11th, 1901. ,.
Notice is hereby given to all whom it
may concern tl at the undersigned has
filed with the county court ot Clacka
mas county and state of Oregon his final
report as administrator with the will
annexed of the estate ' of Sophia II.
Ford, deceased, and that said court has
set Monday, the 11th day of August,
1901, at the hour of 10 o'clock, a. m., of
said day. as the time for hearing ob
jections thereto if any there be
- Fkank Fobd,
Administrator with the .will annexed
of the estate of Sophia Ford.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
W. A. Holmes, has been appointed by the county
court of Cleokamis, state of Oreg hi, as adminis
trator of the estate of It L. Russell, deceased, and
that all persons having claims against said estate
must present the same to me with proper verifica
tion, at my store in Parkplace, Oreg.in, within six
months from date or this notice.
W. A. HOLMES, Adminlstrntnrof the
estate of R, L. Russell, Deceased,
Dated, June 27th, 1901,
V lire i berebv ffiven that the unclersiirned ad-
miuihiratrlx 01 tne estate oi Margaret wnson.oe'
ceased has filed In the County Court of Clacka
mas County, State of Oregon, her flnal account
as such administratrix, of said estate and that the
6lhd.iv oi Atieust 1901. at the hour of 10 o'clock a.
m., has Deen nxea Dy sam court, as me time
for hearing objections to said report and the
settlement thereof.
Administratrix of the ('slate of
Margaret Wilson, Deceased.
TJ'Ren 4 ScHUEBEi.,Altorneys.
Notice fs hereby elven that all water cloBets,
nrlvlna. sinks, bath tubs and drains containing or
carrying sewerages located within the llmltsof
Sewer District No. 1, and Sewer Disuict No. 2, of
uregon Ulty, uregon, muse De connectca witn me
Main Seweia of said districts on or before the first
day of August, 1901.
If said connections are not made within the
said tin e the Denaltv nrovided I, y Ordinance Jvo
263, providing for sewer connections and pre
scribing a Density for failure to connect will be
By order of the city Council of Oregon City.
BIOICE C. CUHKY, llccorder.
Notioe Is hereby given that I have filed my final
report as administrator of the estate of illzabelh
Blount, deceased, with the oounty court of
Clackamas county, and state of Oregon, and the
court has set Monday, August 6th, lUOl.atthe
our of 10 o'clock a. m.i aBthe time or hearing
aid report and abjections thereto, and leitle
ment thereof, ,
WILLIAM BLOUNT. Administrator.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of law ap.
proved February 3rd., 1901, providing for the sale
of lands to which Clackamas county lias bid in
for delinquent taxes and acquired title, will be
sold to the highest bidder for cash on the lOh day
of A-1 p., l'JOl, at the front door of Die court house
in said Clackamas county, state of Oregon.
J. J. Cooke.
Sheriff of Clackamas County.
Dated, July 8th, IDOL
Pursuant to an order of the County Court of
Clackamas County. Oregon, made and entered of
recordon the loth day of June A. B., 1901, in the
matter of the estate and guardianship of fcteohen
A. Lane, an insane person, licensing me so to do.
I will on Ihe 3rd df.y of August A. I)., 1901, atthe
honrof 10 a. m., at the front door of the court
house in said county and state, offer foe sale and
sell at public auc.tlun to the highest bidder for
one-third cash in hand, balance on or before flva
years at 6 per cent interest payable anmially,se
eured bv a mortgage on said prenilses,the follow
ing described real estate belonging to said es
tate, to-wit: Hie north half of the suutlieast quar
ter ( n)i of ti ) and ihe somheast quarter of the
oulheabt quarter (sel of aej of section thirty
two i&i,) in township four 14) aoulh of range
three (3) east of the Willamette Meridian tn
Clackamas county, Oregon, containing 120 acres
more or less.
Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, July 3id, I'M.
I now have money to pay county warrants en.
dorsed prior to May 1st, 1M8. And also
road warrants endorsed prior to October 6th, 1900.
Interest will cease on the abve Included war
rants on the d-ite hereof.
Treasurer Clackamas County, Or.
Dated, Oregon Cily,' Jd!y 5th, 1901.
IContinued from First Page
' Wedneedav, Juiy 17.
Cardinal Gibbons has returned to Lon
don from a visit to the pope.
VV. S. Cleveland, an old circus man.
has failed at Cleveland, O , with $3P0,
000 liabilities.
A Manila nieichant claims that Agui
naldo was paid $1,000,0 )0 by the U. S.
go"ert)tiient for being captured by Geu.
lunslon. -
In London, Ida and Edith Yotland,
prominent actresses, committed suicide
by taking poison
Principally owing to the opposition
between the English and KiiFstan gov
ernments, the ministers at l'ekin have
not concluded their negotiations.
Ex-Policeman L.J. Patterson of Port-
and committed suicide by drinking car
bolic acid.
Over 20,000 delegates are in attend
ance at the national Christian Endeav
or convention in San Francisco.
All the rifle clubs or "schuetzen ver-
eins" ot the country are holding their
nuual meeting this week at 6'.Francieco
At Wichita the packing plant of Jacob
Dold & .Sons burned ; loss 1 1 ,000,000 .
Nearly 500,000 acres of the Olympia
eserve have been testored by the presi
dent to entry.
The ''Bryan democrats" and the other
democrats of Ohio who nominated a
state ticket, are having a row.
The tobacco growers of Connecticut
have suiicesslully made extensiye exper
iments in growing tohacco under can
vas, and former Secretary of the Navy
W. O. Whitney says he believes this
system will revolutionize tobacco grow-
The British channel fleet and reserve
squadron will hold extensive maneuvres.
One of the fleets will be supposed to
represent a French fleet.
In Walla Walla county, H'ash., 3003
men are harvesting wheat and 1000 more
are wanted.
The presentation of the "homeward
bound colors" at Salem to the Btate of
Oregon by four of the crew of the battle
ship Oregon, was a ceremony of great
Thursday, July 18.
In a head-end collision near Gower,
Mo., two men were killed.
In a barn near Arthur, III,, three men
were killed by lightning.
The United States has lost the suit
against the Northern Pacific to cancel
patents to about 31)0,000 acres of land in
In a religious riot at Saragossa, Spain,
1 man was killed and 50 wounded,
The falling of a 4-ton-chain on 6 men
at the Hestinghouse Elec ric Company's
wors, Cleveland, U , killed 1 and badlv
w ounded 5 men.
H'fth a certain count, Senator Clark
of Montana has inve'sttd 10,000,000 ru
bles in Ural, Russia, copper mines.
American boots and shoes threaten to
capture the market in Vienna, Austria
Brigandage and lawlessness prevail in
At Oxford, iris., enraged farmers are
hunting for the two masked men who
held up and criminally assaulted Mrs
Fred Hodge.
'ExploBion of the powder workB at
Nora, Sweden, killed four msn and in-
jured a number.
Laxative iiromo-uutnine Tablets cure
a cold in one day. No Cure tupiy
Price 25 cents.
Wanted 200 Hop Pickers
On Horst Bros. Riverside ranch.
Plenty of wood and water. Finest yard
in vallev: 114 acres picking. Com
mence about August 20 on early hops.
Send names and number of pickers to
Horst Bros.' oflice at Salem, Or., to be
registered. J. C. Moititisox, for 'man
What Two Cents Will do.
It will brine relief to suffeiers from
asthma or consumption, even in the
worst cases. This is about what one
dose of Foley's Honey and Tar costs.
Isn't it worth a trial? Charman A Co.
Mr, John Tippis, Colton, 0., says: "Fo
ley's Honey and Tar cured my little girl
ot a severe cough and inflamed tonsils."
Charman & Co.
Thos. W. Carter.of Ashboro, N. 0., had
kidney trouble and one bottle of Foley's
Kidney Cure effected a perfect cure, and
be says there is no remedy that will
compare with it. unarman & vo.
A NV advertised dealer i authorized
A t guarantee Banner Salve for tetter,
eczema, piles, sprains, scal'ds, burns,
uli era and any open or OLD SORE-
Charman & Co.
Sick Headache?
Food doesn't digest well?
Appetite poor? Bowels
constipated? Tongue coated?
It's your liver I Ayer's Pills
are liver pills; they cure dys
pepsia, biliousness.
25c. All druggists. '
W'ant your moustache or beard a beautiful
nrov, n or ncn oiaca i i nen ue
Diinir'iunuiiifi'Q nvcfpr.the
UUUIliUllrtlll O UIM
S9 C. er D.uqfl(STl, O R P. H.tt A CO. , N,MU, N H.
men to travel and advertiso for old established
house of solid financial standing. Salary 780 a
, ear and expenses, all payable in ensh . No can
awinif required. Give reference! and encloee
clf-addremed stamped envelope. Address Man
tiger, 36j Caxtoo Bldg., Chicago,
At Red Front, Court Moose Block
frjJob Printing at the
; Cere ad:.
A delicious food
drink, which, as a tabic
beverage, is preferable to
coffee and tea.
The nutritive and delic
ious properties of California
fi.o-s. nrunes and erains are
retained by our special pro-!?
cess of manufacture and
are fully extracted by
from 5 to
10 minutes
At All
About 500 Short on Expenses
Interesting Features.
At the annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Willamette Valley Chau
tauqua Association held last Saturday,
320 out of the 423 shares of the ttock
were represented. The total receipts
were something less than $3,000, leaving
an incurred indebtedness of about $500.
The following oflicers were elected:
President. W. E. Hawlev. re-elected:
vice-president, C. II. Dye, re-elected j
secretary, H. (Jross; taeasuror, T. v.
Ryan ; other members of the board of
directors, W. E. Carll," George A. Hard
ing, h. E Charman, Colonel Robert A.
Miller, .Mrs. William Galloway. The
meeting was not legal as the required 10
day notice was not given, and besides the
h'urofthe gathering was changed on
the day previous, so that many stock
holders did not really know when to put
in an appearance. An effort was made
fov some newly acquired pie eaters to
shut off all the privileges of fhe early
stockholders, who bad made it possible
for the institution to exist. However,
through the enorte of (Jolonel Kobert A
Miller and others the move was de1
feated. ,
There is no doubt but what the man
agement can make up the deficiency
next year by securing attractive talent
for the program, and making a specialty
of the sports events. 1 he early season
beiore the beginning of the assembly,
was not encoi'raguu to campers, and
there were disappointments in the tal
ent. However, under existing condi
tions, trie sin annual session was a suc
cess. The management of the ball
games deserve commendation, for they
were an attractive feature. Next year
a disappointment like that occurring on
the bourth of July as to ball games can
be avoided. It also is hoped that a phys
ical instructor will be secured next sea
son, who does not devote his time to
teaching girls dancing steps.
The Chautauaua has come to Slav.
and it will grow larger and broader in its
Bold of usefulness. If any of the direc
tors get tired of holding their job, they
can step down and give the other stock
holders a chance.
Company A scored a brilliant victory
wnen they beat tne Vancouver base Da ll
team Saturday afternoon by a score of
9 to 6, considering the fact that the lat
ter team had "von the trophv from the
Ohemawas. HndgeB and Reehner did
good work as umpires at several Chau
tauqua games.
The highest ideal if manhood for
more people than was imagineJ. is a
tutored Indian.
Come and buy your winter underwear
at cost and below cost. Racket store.
Tor Over Fifty Veara.
An Old and Wkll-Trikd Remedy.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has
been used for over fifty years by millions
of mothers for their children while
teething, with perfect success. It
soothes the child, softens the gums,
allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is
the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is
pleasant to the taste, Sold by Dru
gists in every part of the Worli
Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is
incalculable, re sure and ask for Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no
otner icina.
Wood Wanted.
Bids will be received by the Board of
County Commissioners for 50 cords of
well seasoned yellow fir wood four feet
long c it from live timber, bids to
opened at the regular August term
2 o'clock, August 8th, 1901. Wood to be
delivered on or befnie October 1st, 1901
The Board reserves the right to reject
any and an bios.
' E. H. CoorEB,
County Clerk.
Dated, July 17, 1901.
She Didn't Wear a Mask.
But her beauty was completely hidden
by sores, blotches and pimples till she
used Bucklen s Arnica Salve. The
they vanished as wiil all Eruptions,
Fever Sores, Boils, Ulcers, Carbuncles
and Felons from its use. Infallible for
Cuts, Corns, Burns, Scalds and Piles
Cure guaranteed. 25c at Geor;;o
Bids will be received by the Board of
Oounty Cominishionere fora county phy
scian for the ensuing year, said physician
to luroisn medicine, medical attendance,
appliances, and perfoi mall surgical op
erattons tor me county jau.
Bids to be opened at the regular Au
gust terra at 3 o'clock, p. m., August
8th, 1901.
The Board reserves the right to reject
any and nil bids.
E. II. Cooi-kr,
County Clerk.
TakeT axative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to curer E. VV. Grove's signature is on
each box. 25c.
Clackamas District PomovaHon.
J. Voorhees Addresses Molalla
Ao. 40.
Notwithstanding the busy eeaso-i, Po
mona Grange at Springwater was well
attended. During t fie afternoon session,
Mrs. Howard, Pomona lecturer, arose
and called to the fl( or the two whiti
haired veteran .workers of 'he order,
Chaplain Eaton and State Deputy Dr.
Casto. With a short, touching, eloquent
address idle presented each of tlieni, in
behalf of Clackamas Pomona, with a
locket of solid gold, adapted for a watch
chain ornament, bearing the inscription,
in addition to the name, "(J. P. G. P. of
H." Mr. Zeek, worthy master of Kale
Creek Grange, strenuously urged the
ilronn to bold ihe October meeting ot
imona at Eagle Creek, to which re
quest, notwitbsianding the humorous
effort" of Oswego to capture that nppor-'
tuniiy.for the exercise of hospitality and
fraternity, the Grange by vote assented
Mr. Zeek advanced the proposition that
a two-days' meeting be . held at Kagle
Crpes. As the bretkren there arekind,
and good livers, the suggestion is excel
lent. The hospitality and bonhomie of
the Springwatnr friends captured the
hearts of their visitors, and when, at the
end of the closed meeting, they were
asked to express their appreciation of
the same by a "rising vote" of thanks,
they responded with .a hearty earnest
ness indicating that to them this
as no mere formality but something
full of meaning. The open meet-
ng in the evening was given to a
iterary and mn.-icai entertaiument. The
program was as follows: Instrumental
music, Willie Clark; recitation, Widie
Sellwood; recitation, Loreua Lacy; in
strumental tnusic, Henry Shannon; re
citation, jWrs. Johnson ; recitation, Lora
Btormer; vocal boIo, Mrs.JNellie Uooper ;
recitation, G. R. Miller; encored and re
sponded wi'.h another; reading, I. Le
Mahieu; instrumental music, Leona
Sansum ; recitation, Mrs. Q. R.Miller;
solo, M, C. Briant; recitatiou, Frank
Holm; solo, with guitar accompani
ment, G. R. MillHr; address, A. M. Shib
ley; recitation, Walter Pruden ; he re
ceived an encore, to which he respond
ed; quartette, Mtlwaukie Grange; reci
tation, Anna Holm : instrumental music .
The best oratorical effort was by all odds
the recitation by VV. .Fruden, son oi Dr.
Pruden. He has no small measure of
histrionic talent and some day will
mike bis mark. A free dance till mid
night succeeded the entertainment. This
was the young folks' turn; and well did
they make use of it.
On Saturday, Past Master J. Voorhees,
of Woodburn, made an instructive talk
to Molalla Grange. He showed, that the
only manner in which the farmers can
combat the grafters who devour them is
to oigantze. In a year and a,half, 100
mortgages have been foreclwed in Ma
rion county, and more and moie farmeis
will continue to go under. Since the
farm returns only 2 per cent and money
costs 8 per cent, the borrowing' tanner
must go broke. Nearly Beven-eighths of
the taxes are paid by real estate Until
the farmers have learned to unite for
mutual protection against their enemies.
the grafiing politicians and their tools,
they will continue to be fooled and rob
bed by them.
Wanted To exchange one light open
buggy for light road cart. Inquire at
room No. 4, Weinhard building, Uregon
Who own the famous Gale
Spring Tooth Seeders, I can
furnish extras at reasonable prices.
Call on or write to
Clarkes, Ore.
Bees in Root Simplicity Hives, $3 to $5.
Bears the f m MM ion Have always BOlp
Best possible to build
No wagon is or can he better than
a Mitchell, because the cream of
wood stock is used, only after being
thoroughly seasoned. The wagon is
well ironed, well painted, well propor
tioned, and runs the lightest of any.
It i nearly 70 years since the first
Mitchell wagon was built, and they
have been built continuously ever
since by the Miichelle. When you
buy a Mitchell, you get the benefit of
this 70 years' experience.
Mitcliell, Lewis & Stavcr Co.
First and
Taylor Streets
akes 6liort roads.
nd light loads.
bod for everything
that runs on wheels.
Sold Everywhere.
0;io of the most helpfu1 Jim k- on uerve .
weaknees ever issued i 11 ui entitljd
"Nei ve U'tusle," in Di. ttwjer, ol S-tn
Fraiici.o'co, now In its tilth tlouiand.
This work i'l mi experienced unii re pit
tttlile ; 1 1 1 sietaii is in agreeable rem met
lo i lie vaet sum of ittise t-'aehing which
prevails on this interesting subject. ' It
KUmnilt) in csieluliy con dim-d and
prai tieally advicv, anil has tin? Iw-j grt-nt .
tii'-ritfi of wisdom and einceiily .
It ia iiiiior.-ed by . both ihe .relig tuua
and su-ubir i rees . The Chicago Ai-'
Vitrei s.iys: "A teu'ttl of ihe nook ai d
the application of its principles vvil i put
bctil li, hope ai:d heart into thousands
of lives ihat a:e now euffeiirg tbri-ngli
netvoiia i.iipaitruent."
' The hook is .00 by mail, postpaid.
One of the most ini resting chapters
clmpteis xx, mi Ntrvint'S and Nerve
Tunio has been primed separately as
iisnualu chapter, and will be eent to
anv address for stamp by the publishers,
'Ihe Paiilic Puli. Co., Btx 2t53, Sai
Fiancisco in plain sealed tnvel pe.
Obeyed Orders, ,
One of the officials of the road had
Invited n party of gentlemen to take a
little pleasure excursion over a part of
the Hue on hin private car. Before the
appointed day he was taken sick and
called In his chef u.d commissary.
"Eph," he said, "I have asked these
friends and can neither go with them
nor disappoint thorn. I want you to
give them the best there Is in the larder
and see that It is served as well as it
would be at the best hotel in the
World." .
Eph scratched his head and looked
troubled, but simply said, "Yes, sab.."
On the return several of the gentle
men congratulated the olflciai upon
having such a "man," and one or two
Intimated that if Eph ever wanted an
other position he would have no trou
ble In securlug It.
Finally Eph reported. "It wa' a great
outln, sab," ho assured his employer.
Yas, sain dat's right, salt; a stupen-
diflclous outln, sah. De gem'men all
done me proud, and I tells 'em It wa
you, sah."
Then Eph showed the bill, and It was
a stunner for length nnd amount. He
stood hat in band until the official Bald:
Tretty steep, Eph; pretty steep. Noth
ing left out and nothing but the best."
"Dot's right, sah. I was fusticateu
mos' to deaf, sah, but I jes' says to my
self, sah, dot dey was no greater oplcac
In do Inn dan y.' U. nnd I bought and
cooked and wrvi d, snh, Jes' like it Wa'
you." Detroit I-'ive Press.
The Smotlierlnir Scene, .
As to stage appointments, there
were no piusii or velvet curtains or
couches draped with satin In early
days. The furniture was as unpreten
tious as the costumes. Indeed on one
occasion when a lady was playing Des-
demoua to her husband's Othello a dis
astrous and at the same time ludicrous
effect, though of course unrehearsed,
had been Imminent through the lack of
even a nail or two to make an old stool
It was the smothering scene, and the
couch was made up of two chairs and a
rickety stool covered, of course, with
tho simplest draperies a red merino
curtain trimmed with yellow worsted
fringe. Imagine a Dcsdcmona endeav
oring to recline gracefully, all the while
feeling portions of her couch sliding
from under her. This Is how the scene
was played out:
Desdemnna Kill me tomorrow! " Uvt to
night. (I'm falling-, di-arl)
Otlicllo Nay, If you itrive (Keep quite ilill.)
Dexlomoni But half in hour. (Ob, hold m!)
Othello Being done, there is no pause. (I'll
push the itool under.)
Deademona Uut while 1 aay a prayer, luo ba
t,ulck, Robert, It ia eltpplng.)
Othello-It la too late 1
Which, Indeed, It was, for tho bed col
lapsed, and Desdeniona's body lay up
on the floor, bcr head upon the sole
chair, which stuck to its post faithful
ly. Gentleman'B Magazine.
A Dreadful Moment.
A conductor on tho Turk line had an
experience tho other dny that Is quite
certain to cause him many uncomforta
ble minutes In tho future. Ills car
stopped ot Spruce street to let a middle
aged lady on, nnd as sho took her seat
the conductor gave the motorman two
bells, and tho car shot ahead. When
the conductor entered the car, the wo
man In question was looking out of the
window and did not see his outstretch
ed hand.
"Fare, please," remarked the con
ductor. The woman evidently did not hoar
him, for she did not turn her head.
Neither did she hold out tho necessary
"Fare, please," suld the conductor In
a louder tone.
But the woman paid no heed. Then
the conductor touched her on the shoul
der and In a tone of voice that rang
through the car exclaimed:
"Your fare, please, lady!"
Then the woman turned hastily
around and looked at the conductor.
Tho knight of tho bellcord gave one
gasp and fled to the bock platform.
The woman was bis niother ln-law.
Omnlia World-Herald.
The Two Senator.
Congressman Jones of Virginia told
this story of his father: Directly after
tho war Jones senior was sent to the
j state semite. - An old slave who had
belonged to him was also elected to the
I senate. The two drew adjoining Reats.
! Senator Jones wits very courteous and
j in addressing bis former slave always
called him senator. The old negro
stood It for some time find finnlly said:
. "Massa Winiuni, I don't like tils sena
tor business. Kitln't 1 come down to
yo' house nnd visit that cook of yourn?
1 sulitlnly" would like permission to vis
it yo' kitchen."
The req lilts t wus granted, mid while
Senator Jones was In his library tho
ether senator was down In the kitchen
visiting the cook,
, 1 1 . ". "