Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, July 19, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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Every article of wearing apparel, every yard of
fine dress goods, silks in plain and fancy'effects.
Reduced! Reduced!!
2,745 yards of 36-inch all wool checks in varie
gated effects. Excellent material for street wear
or for the coast, mountains or traveling purposes.
Your choice for 19c a yard
2,113 yards of 42 and 45 inch all wool heavy
suiting, double warp, elegant and durable goods;
former price 50c, 75c and 85c a yard. - Closing at
Midsummer sale price, 37c a yard
143 dozen fine fitting summer corsets, closing
at 19c a pair.
McAllen & McDonnell
Carl Church left yesterday to" accept a
deairaple position in the flouring mills
at Walla Walla. His cousin, D. Church,
well known here, ia a prominent owner
in the mills. , .
Mrs. Ira Wishart and child have re
turned from a visit to relatives at Oak
land, Or., and are at the home of George
H. Wishart, previous to returning to
their home at Baker City.
' Mrs. P. L. Kenady and two daughters,
Mrs. Carrie Young and daughter, Leta,
and Mies Edythe Bonney are among the
Woodburn people, who have returned
home from Gladstone park.
William Harris, of Aurora, who waB
visiting his son, H. E. Harris, returned
home Monday. He was accompanied
down bv Misses Clara Steinbach and
Sadie BloBser, who returned home Sat
urday. , .
Miss Nellie Tozier, of Portland, ac
companied y Mr. and Mrs. E. 0. May
field, were in Oregon City Monday, fish
ing and taking in the scenery. Mr.
May held is a stan writer on the World
Herald, of Omana.
W P. Kirchem, of Logan, who was
in town Saturday, reported that work
would beirin on the Ulear Ureek cream
ery building this week. The structure
will be 22x40 and 17 feet in height, it
is intended to have the creamery in op
eration by November 1st.
0. L. Barbur, the Elliott Prairie hop
grower, was in town - Monday, and
stated that he would commence picking
in about a month. It is expected that
40 cents per box will be pcid for picking,
although some growers may oner 3a
cents at the beginning,, the same as was
done last year.
Fred Heft, , of Shubel, was in town
Harrison Bah, of Oanby, was ia the
city Monday.
Hon. George Ogte, of Molalla, was in
tbe city Monday.
W. Rider, of Oanby, was a visitor in
Or (won Citv Saturday.
Miss Laura Conyers, of Olatskanie I
has been visiting friends here.
Peter Wilson, a prominent farmer of
Logan, was in the city Monday.
Miss Nora Conyers, of St. Helens,
was a visitor in the city Saturday.
- C. A. Burghardt, the Barton mer
chant, was in Oregon City Saturday.
Fred Miller and R. Dundas, of New
Era precinct, were in town Monday.
L. Ferguson, ot New Era precinct,
was a visitor in Oregon City Saturday.
Miss Ana Baird, of Portland, has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. A. 6. Dresser.
Frank Miller, ol Shubel, the producer
of large vegetables, was in town Satur
day. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Strickler, of Port
land, visited Mrs. J.G. Pilsbury San
day. W. 0. Guenther and daughter, of
Shubel, were visitors in the city Mon
day. W.J. Forbes and family, of Tacomp,
are visiting his brother, L. A. Forbes, at
Ely. , '
S. N. RaBmuSsen and family, of Day
ton, were visitors in the c'ty early in the
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Gibson, of Eagle
Creek, were visitors in Oregon City Sat
urday. Miss Willa Hanna, a teacher in the
Eugene schools, is visiting Mrs, C.
Mrs. W. A White and chilJren left
yesterday to join Mr White during the
XT- .-I f.a V A Milaa or a viuitinof
relatives at St. Helens and Scappoose
tuia wee.
H n XI TliivmaroK laft Tnrw1uV
for Newport, where she will remain for
several weeics.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Reid, of Spring'
water, were visitors in the city, during
the past week.
Mrs. A. M. Ellsworth and child, of
Portland, has been visiting her mother.
Mrs. Pilsbury.
Mrs. J. W. Qanong, of Portland, has
been visiting her sister, Mrs. K. U. ua
nong at Oaueinali.
Mr. and Mrs. William Bard, of Spring
-water, were visitors in Oregon City dur
Idg tbe past week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Tooz of Wilson-
ville, attended .the Chautauqua at Glad
stone park Saturday.
Will Hayhurst, who is now in the em
ploy of an insurance company in Port
land, was in town Sunday.
0, C. Williams, one of the ')est known
residents of Mount Pleasant, has been
very ill for several weeks past.
C. H. Caufleld's and Mrs. Ross Char
man's camping outfits were Irought up
from Gladstone park Monday.
Misses Alice and Mamie Lewthwaite
have returned from an extended visit to
Miss Grace Tillard at Heppner.
: Mrs. R. C. Grimm and family, of
Needy, who bad been camping at Glad'
stone park, returned home Sunday.
R. A. Woodward states that he is now
making large sales of the roof and tree
paint, which s being manufactured
here. -
J. 0. Bradley was confined to his
borne with a severe attack of mumps,
but was able to be out the first of tbe
Mrs. Ferguson, an elderly woman of
Clackamas Heights, was taken to ai'ort
land hospital Friday for medical treat'
Eli Deck has returned irom an ex
tended stay down the Colnmbia, and
resumed his old place in the Crown pa
per mill.
George Aden, who is now a salesmen
in Peter's Bros, store at Wilsonville, was
in Oregon City Saturday, on bis way to
Theodore Miller is home from Hood
River, where he wired some new budd
ings for tbe Portland General Electric
Patrick Colbert, commander of Meade
Poet, and an effective Grand Army
worker, has gone to California for an ex
tended visit.
Charles Meldrum, who has een in
the employ of the Southern Pacific, has
returned home, and may conclude to
quit railroading.
John Dennison and R. H. Snodgrass,
of Meadow brook; J. M. Parrish, of
Highland, and 0. M. Larkins, of Clarkes,
were in Oregon City Monday.
F. M. Moore, stenographer for the Pa
cific Biscuit Company in Portland, vis
ited his stater, Mrs. 0. D.,Eby, Sunday.
Dr. J. J. 1 Leavitt, ot Molalla, was in
town Saturday, and returned with his
doughter, who had been camping at
Gladstone park during the Chautauqua.
Louis Ranch, a law student of Silver
ton, and graduate of the Willamette un
iversity, returned home Monday, after
a short visit to his uncle, Eli Maddock.
J. S. Forbes has returned from a visit
to relatives at Taconaa, and expecte ( to
leave to J ay for Pueblo, Colo., where lie
will reside with his daughter, Mrs. Bun
nell. John P. Jones, taaveling passenger
agent of the Southern Pacific Railroad
Company, accompanied by Ins wife,
were visitors at Gladstone park Saturday.
C. W. Vonderahe has begun the work
of construction on the 8-room cottage for
U. M. Terapleton on Fifth street.
There will be services at the Presby
terian church next Sunday, morning and
evening. The pulpit will be supplied.
A. W. Phillips is building an addition,
and repairing and -repainting his dwel
ling on the corner of Third and Madison
D. H. Mosher, of Redland, Btates that
there will be an ice cream social at the
Redland school house on the evening ol
July 27th. All are invited.
For Sale Some choice work horses
for sale at G. H. Brown's, New Era, Or,
The meeting hour of the Methodist
Episcopal church Sunday-school has
been changed from 12 m to 9 :45 a. m.
beginning Sunday, July 21st. . A. U
Kinder, Secretary.
County School Superintendent J. 0
Zinser announces that the county teach
ers' institute will be held here during
tbe nrst week in September, jno pro
gram has yet been arranged.
Rev. A. J. Montgomery held relig-
i our services, and preached a sermon at
the Mazama camp on Mount Hood last
Sunday morning, ine party were in
camp previous to beginning the ascent
of the mountain.
J. W. Hilleary. a Damascus merchant
was arraigned id Justice McAnulty'a
court Friday for assaulting J. 0. Elliott,
another mi-rchant with a dangerous
weapon. This charge was dismissed,
but the former was put under bonds to
keep the peace,
The move to improve Center street
from Fifth to Seventh, has practicably
failed for the second time, after the
city council has been to double expense
for advertising tbe improvement. Tbe
trouble appears to be that the resident
remonstrators outnumber the petition
ers. '
J. D. Renner, assisted by W. W. Mar,
has completed the job of removing the
city council chamber and Columbia en
gine house 18 incnes north of its former
location. The city building projected
slightly over on the premises of Mrs.
M. E. Stratton and stood in the way of
a new building about to be erected.
- The State Horticultural Society will
meet at Newberg, August 9th and 10th,
and Hon. William Galloway has been
invited to give some of his observations
on prunes or other matters. Professor
Bailey, a prominent and foremost hor
ticulturist, will be in attendance and
take a prominent part in the sessions.
Last Saturday's Spokane Chronicle
has the following under the head of
church notices: "William Stoever, a
graduate from a Lutheran theological
seminary, and a candidate for the min
istry, will occupy the pulpit of the Ger
man Lutheran church on JtSast Third
Avenue tomorrow morning and even
A. B. Herman, ot Beaver C'reek, had
his left eye taken out by a surgeon a
few days ago. The eye was accidentally
punctured with a straw a tfouple of
. ears ago while feeding a threshing ma-
Going Out
of Business
Sale Began July 15th
I will dispose of my entire stock of Ladies' Wear. Etc, to
a cash customer or to the public in the next 30 days I am
forced to quit business on account of poor health. My entire
stock will be marked down, some of the goods
Away Below Cost
- I will convince the public of my determation to quit the
Following is a list Come and see my prices:
Dress Skirts Wrappers Ribbons
Shirt Waists Hosiery
Under Skirts Towels
Muslin TJndewear
Knit Underwear Laces
30S'yl's Kid Fitting Corsets Napkins
All kinds of Notions Dolls and Doll Heads, Baby Hoods,
Jackets, Etc. r v
:; After the stock is reduced J -3 or J -2 anyone wishing to
purchase the balance can have it at a reasonable figure All
goods sold for cash only ;
Next door to Barlow's Grocery Store
Table Linen
Allover Laces
chine. Skillful physicians had treated
the eye, but it was finally decided that
it could not be saved. Mr. Herman
prosecuted bis studies at Mount Angel
college, during the past year, but suf
fered considerable inconvenience and
pain on account of the inflamed condi
tion of the eye.
Mrs. Rebecca J. Blanchard, an el
derly pioneer woman, of Canemah, sus
tained a fracture of one leg and received
other injuries in a runaway accident
last Friday evening. A team ran against
the vehicle in which Mrs. Blanchard was
riding, on the way home from Gladstone
park, and she "vas violently thrown from
the buggy. Dr. Carll was summoned,
and the injured woman removed to her
home. Mrs. Blauchard is 76 years old,
and is still suffering from her injuries.
The Sprltualist Association dosed a
very gratifying camp meeting at the New
ilira grounus, lasting over wires aunuays.
There was an unusual large attendance
last Sunday, lectures being given by
. r 1 1 I .L.n n.An..nH
Charles Anderson, the boy orator, in the
afternoon. The services in the evening
were intensely interesting:. The follow
ing are the officers for the ensuing year :
President, George Lazell, reelected;
vice president, Green Love, of Portland ;
secretary, Miss Lorena Lazell: corres
ponding secretary, A. Lueliing, re
elected ; treasurer, John Burgoyne.
The Willamette Paper Mill baseball
team scored an overwhelming victory
over the Albinas at Willamette field
Sunday afternoon. The score was 8 to 0.
The boys are making a good start as star
ball players, and should be admitted to
the amateur league next season. Some
brilliant plays were made by Boy lan,
Wilkinson and E. Califf. The home
team lined up as follows: Catcher, W.
Califf; pitcher, E. Califf I shortstop,
Jones; first base, Kapp; second wise,
Wilkinson ; third base, Durie ; left field,
Koerner; center field, Boylan; right
field, Duval. .
J. W. Berriam, of this city, is doing
successful work as superintendent of the
Rogue River hatchery, according to an
exchange, which has the following:
"During tbe past year about 2,500,000
eggs were retained and hatched at this
Btation, where the young salmon were
fed until they were three or four inches
in length before being planted in the
river. A half million of eggs taken were
silver salmon and steelhead trout. All
of the silver salmon were planted In
Rogue river, as were also about one-half
the sleelheads. The other half were
shipped to various points In the East,
one shipment being made to Tnxedo.
park, the famous resort, neat New York
city. Another year a work will begin at
the hatchery this month.
Ex-Mayor T. W. Sullivan and family
moved into their elegant new home, op
posite tbe Catholic church. Tuesday.
It is one of the most convenient resi
dences ever built in the city, with all
the modern attachments, and is sub
stantially constructed with wood orna
mental work and plastered walls on the
inside. There are II rooms in the build
ing. Hallways, parlor, sitting room, li
brary, dining room, tbe four latter con
nected with folding doors ; kitchen, pan
tries, etc., all on the first floor.
A front and a rear stairway
lead to the second floor, where the
roomy sleeping apartments are located.
The bath room, also is on this floor.
A stairway leads from tit leeond floor
to the attic, which also Is roomy. The
basement il substantially constructed,
and is provided with hot and cold wa
ter, like the remainder of the house.
W. L. Snidow bad charge, of the con,
struction work.
Machine extras made to order on a
turning lathe by Johnson & Lamb.
Gus Mills, a Portland painter, is now
in the connty jail waiting for the circuit
court to convene, to answer a charge of
the larceny of a lot of articles from the
residence of Franklin T. Griffith. He
was !n the emploo of a local painter, and
was dispatched to paint tbe floor of the
Griffith residence. The family were
camped at Gladstone bark, and Miiii re
turned after night and carried off a va
Use with sundry valuable articles. Mills
was arrested on the Madison street
bridge In Portland, by the police, he be
ing very much intoxicated, and the va
lise was subsequently found where he
had left it. Mills was arraigned before
Justice McAnulty Monday; and through
his attorney, Mayor Dimick, waived ex
amination. JIe was hound over in the
sum f $260. Ilo?"". stipulation
was made that In the ereilt Mill'e
mother, living in the East, would put up
a cash bond of $100, he shall be released.
Mills is a member of tbe Knights of
Pythias, and lays his trouble to drink.
.;) ...
The new patterns in Waltham and Elgin Watches represent perfection-in the
watch manufacture.
They are made in solid gold, gold filled, silver and nickel cases We call your
attention to the new patterns in gold filled cases. In shape, ornamentation,, richness
of color and artistic finish they cannot be destinguished from the highest grade solid
gold watches. They are guaranteed to wear 25 years.
We have them in all sizes and at all prices. Would be pleased to show them
to you
Burmeister & Andresen
I fay aOJ v
The Oregon City Jewelers
rrrrtt r tttttttttttti