Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, July 19, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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; 203 Front Street Portland, Oregon I
Hodges' Queen, Prince and King Binders
-. Strongest bnilt. Easiest operated. , Only
' Binders having three packers. Greater binding.
capacity by ioo per cent than any machine
Roller bearings throughout.
Hodges' New Mowers
With roller bearings. Fully up-to-date. Com
bining strength, power, speed and lightness of
; - draft. ; - '
Hodges' Lassie Self Dump Rake .
With relief spring,
and center dump.
See our goods and be convinced
Mrs. VV. L. Block, has been very ill
this week.
0. A.IIlig.of Hubbard, was in Ore
gon City Monday.
J. 0. Kircliem, of Viola, waB in Ore
gon City Wednesday.
Mrs. M. D. Philiips and daughter are
visiting relatives in Albany.
Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Byland are living
in Portland for a short time.
Mrs. R. Glasspool, of Portland, was
visiting friends here Tuesday. .
Captain T. F. Cowing and family have
returned from a sojourn at the seaside,
D. D. Yoder and family, of Hubbard,
were visitors in Oregon City Wednesday.
Miss Jean White is visiting her
cousin, Mies Eulalie Rinds at Vancou
ver. : . : y .. i i ,- '!(' :
A. S. Hammond, a prominent Med
ford attorney, was in the city Wednes
day. ; '; ': .V;'.3 ;. ,':(
Ed Olds went to ' Canby Tuesday
morning to begin work on the Molalla
Sam S. Goldsmith, now of Ban Fran
cisco, was visiting bis Bisters here Wed
nesday. - -
Mrs. 0. D. Eby and child are visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mm. R. J. Moore
at Molalla. '.!"'
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ringo, of High
land, visited G. W. Grace and family,
Henry Cramer and wife, of Bolton, re
turned Monday from a visit to relatives
in Yamhill county.
Miss Florence Kruse, of Fu ton, has
been visiting her aunt," Mrs. A. W .
Phillips for a week.
Fred and George Weigel, of The
Dalles, have been visiting the family of
0. F. Horn for a week.
G. W. Shank is still vary 111 at Canby
and his condition has not improved to
any appreciable extent.
L. W. Robbins was in from Molalla
Tuesday, and reported that the harvest
ing prospects were good.
Miss Priscilla Miley went to Aurora
Wednesday morning to visit friends in
that vicinity and Hubbard.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Muir and Mr.
Mrs. Allen Frost went to Mount Mon
day for a few days recreation.
J. Behymer, formerly postmaster at
. Redland, but now a resident of Hub
bard, was in town Wednesday.
0. 0. CaBe, who is now connected
with the, Willamette Oil Company in
Portlaud, was in town Wednesday.
S. A. D. Gurley and family, of Ar
lington, visited relatives at Canby for a
couple of days during the past week.
Field Superintendent Bert Greenman
and Frank Brown, of the state fUh com
mission, are operating on Snake river.
Miss Emma Heinz, who had been vis
iting ber brother, G. A. Heinz and fam
ily, returned to Scott's Mills Tuesday.
E. L. Arthur and F. T. Corliss, who
were running a stand at the Chautau
qua, returned to their homes at Logan
Councilman James Evans, of Canby,
was in town Tuesday, and reported that
work as progressing oo the new city
hall building.
.Miss Lulu Spangler, of Ojrvallis, who
had been visiting her sister, Mrs. L. L.
Porter for several weeks past, returned
home Yv"ednesday.
Wallace Williams and family, of
North Yakima, Wash., are visiting his
, -parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Williams,
at Mount Pleasant. .
Mrs. M. E. Stafford, past president of
Meaile Relief Corps, came up from Port
land Monkay, to attend the reception to
the department officers.
Miss Mary HornBtiuh expects to leave
next week for San Francisco next week,
where sbe will engage in Salvation
Army work for a few months.
Don't forget the sale at cost prices at
the Racket Store.
Phonei. 411 A 304
7 SU. between Bridge nd 8. P. Eepot
bicycle wheel, steel axles
J. J. Taylor, of Needy precinct, was
in town Wednesday, and reported big
crop prospects.
Miss Helen C. Ini$alls, of Portland, is
Visiting Miss Holmes and Mrs. Dan
O'Neil at Rose Farm, where she expects
to remain the greater part of the sum
mer. .
Miss Seba Ohilds, who has been teach
ing the Cherry villa school, returned to
her home at Brownsville Wednesday.
Miss Childs is a niece of Mrs. W. 8.
Hon. William Galloway and daugh
ter, Miss Zilpha, left Sunday evening
for several days visit at Southern Ore
gon points. They expected to go as far
south as Ashland.
Mrs. E. E. Martin, recently of Day
ton, is here and attended the last ill
ness of her mother, Mrs. A. Bissell.
She expects to join Mr. Martin at Seattle
during the coming week.
T. W. Swope, Mr. and Mrs. A. Tucker
and daughter, Miss Pearl, and Mrs.
Adella Robinson and two children, of
St. Helens, left Tuesday morning for
Newport to spend the season.
George Swafford left during the week
to join the Rands surveying party in
Eastern Oregon They have completed
their work in Eastern Oregon, and re
moved to Northern Idaho. -
Mrs. Gertrude M. Strange left Tues
day for a month's visit at Corvallis and
Newport. She resigned her position as
teacher of the Bolton school, to accept
the principalship of the Willsburg
. 0. Johnson, who is engaged in car
pentry work at Seattle, is visiting his
family at Gladstone. He reports build
ing operations very active, and several
former Oregon Oitj tjeoole are busilv
Isaac Hartler and J. Hostettler. ar
rived from Nebraska Tuesday night, and
left the following morning (or Needv.
where tbey will visit relatives for a few
weeks. Mr. Hartzler is well pleased
with the country, its appearance re
minding him of Pennsylvania.
William Stoever, whj has completed
a course of Htudies in the Lutheran theo
logical seminary at St. Paul, Minn., ar
rivd borne Tuesday. He filled a pulpit
in Spokane last Sunday. He will be or
dained at th Immanuel Lutheran church
next bunJay.
Charles A. Fitch, of Chebalis, Wash.,
arrived in Lakeview Friday. Mr. Fitch
is an old Mend of thee li'or of the Rust
ler, having oiicd been a partner with Mr.
Oliver in the newspaper business. He
Is an experiened newspaper man, thor
oughly competent to till any department,
and as a job printer Mr. Fijch cannot be
excelled in the s'ate. He has accept, d
a position on the Rustler staff for the
present. Lakeview Rustler.
Cy Crnmbley, superintendent of the
upper Clackamas hatchery, and John
Straight were in town Wednesday, and
gave very satisfactory reports. On July
12th they commenced 'taking salmon
eggs, 20,000 being the record for the first
day. Tuey have an immense, number of
salmon penned between two racks, und
the crop of epgs pr mises to be gratify
ing in numbi-r. It also is an encourag
ing fact, that the work of taking eggs be
gun 15 days earlier than at any former
A Keuhton arrived in town Wednes
day morning from Viola, it being the
tirBt time that he bat been able to get
away from home fot 14 months, the re
sult of an accident in falling from a hay
mow. Even now he is only able to get
around with the aid of crutches. Over
a year ago while getting oat of a hay
mow he fell a distance of 10 feet, almost
crushing the left tbtifh bone, and falling
in such a way as to break the off the up
per bone of the leg near the hip. Not
realizing that be was severely hurt, he
crawled several rods toward the house,
making slow progress, finally he at
tracted the attention of some neighbors,
who gave him assistance. Mr. Kechton
came to town to attend to some business
matters, nnd is stopping at the Portland
House. He will be a cripple for life.
We carry the only complete line
of Caskets, Coffins, Robes, Linings
and have the only first-class and
up-to-date Hearse in the county.
Our prices are never exorbitant.
We guarantee satisfaction. We
can give you better goods and Let
ter service for less money than any
other undertakers in the county.
lulu promplj attended, night or day
Undertakers and Emialners
Ilenry MeMnim, sruvevor-swnmral.
visited Salem Tuesday..'.
0. W. Eastham h;is returned from a
business trip to Seattle.
Charles U. Wilson, of Portland, is vis
iting at home for a few days.
Miss Grace Tillard, of Heppner, is
visiting the Misses Lewthwaite.
Dr. T. B. Thomas, postmaster at Bea
ver Creek, was in the city yesterday.
A marriage license was issued to Jerry
Ohehak and Etta Stre jc on July 17th.
M. Dowty left for Friday for Eastern
Oregon, where he will spend the sum
mer. Charles Bibcock and son expect to
leave Saturday for an outing up the Mo
lalla. Mrs. J. R. Hanny left Wediiesuay for
Utah to spend the summer visiting
Miss Lizzie Evans has gone to Bourne,
Buker county, where she has been en
gaged to teach school."
J. C. Rhoades went -to Barlow Wed
nesday night to take bis mother to Wil
hoit Springs for an outing.
W. M. Sheahan was attending the
grand lodge of Workmen in Portland,
during a part of the week.
Emeline Turner and Henry Myers
were married in the city on July 13th,
Recorder Ourry officiating.
William and Burt. McBain, of San
Francisco, are visiting the family of John
Lewthwaite on the West Side.
MiBS Celia Goldsmith returned yes
Jerday morning from a wo week's visit
to Mrs. M. Bjllack at Long1 Beach.
E N. Carter, superintendent of the
Clackamas hatchery, left yesterday for
a sh irt visit to Southern Oregon.
J. W. Reilinsrton, the well known
journalist, accompanied by his family,
was visiting George Herron and family
L. Turner, of Stafford, was in town
Weduesday, and reported that the fir
merj of that sectiou were busy prepar
ing for the harvesting work.
J. N. Brainhall, the Bullrun sawmill
manager, was in town Saturday, and
eported that there was a temporary lull
in the dem nd for railroad ties
Misses Noltner and Tozier, Mr. and
Mrs. William Hearn. Miss Slocum and
Mr. Bridires, of Portland, and Miss Ol
son, of Portland, visited Mrs. A..W.
Cheney Suuday.
Mrs. Frank Fosburg, of Bolton, who
visits Mrs. M. J. Brnderick in the Good
Samaritan hospital frequently, reported
Tuesday, that the latter was favorably
improving, and was now able to sit up a
part of the time.
Mrs. M. Bruner and Mrs. R. J. Good
fellow are attending the grand lodge of
the Degree of Honor, now in session at
Portland. Mrs. J. 0. Pierce and Mrs.
S.A. Gillett, al-o are attending the ses
sions of the grand lodge.
H; Hanifin, John McGetchie and
Sam Roake are attending the grand
lodge, A. O. U. W., in session in Port
land this week, as delegates from Fall
City Lodge. C. H. Dye, also is in at
tendance as grand guide.
Superintendent Cy Crumbley and
John Straight left on their return trip to
the upper Clackamas hatchery yester
day morning with a boat and nets to be
used in securing fish for the new sub
station on the North fork, 30 miles this
side of the main hatchery. The new
station is being fitted up for hatching
purposes, and will be in aciive operation
this season. The location is an ideal one
for a hatchery. Fish Warden Van
Dusen has planned to extend the wagon
road three miles to the new hatchery lo
If you want to save money go to the
Racket Store.
Everything fresh and clean at the
Willamette Market. Give it a call.
Girl wanted for general housework in
in small ftmily. Mr F. T. Griffith,
Corner Seventh and Jefferson.
Order your vegetables, poultry, fish
and lunch goods of the Oregon City
Market. Give it a call.
O. C. Hogae, of Albany, was elected
grand master at the session of the
A. O. U. W. grand lodge, held in Port
land this week.
Ice cream made from pure cream and
soda water flavored "vith pure fruit jui
ces at the Seventh Btreet pharmacy. Dr.
J. Burt Moore, proprietor
Go to the Electric Cash Grocery for
Bargains. L. Klemsen, Prop.
S. V Francis, who is able again to ap
pear on the street, feels deeply grateful
to the ArtUans for the very substantial
manner in which thy expressed their
friendship for him.
The Coos county rancih of which Jo
seph Myers will take possession next
week is I'lcntad about two mileB from Co
quille City and near a creamery, steam
boat landing aca ttie raiiroaa. '
Wanted Two unmarried men of good
address to travel through Oregon for a
well established house. Call D. L.
Rosenberg, Electric Hotel Monday, July
22, between the hours of 7 and 9 p. m.
Next week Saturday and Sunday, the
Primitive Baptists will hold religious
services in the small chapel near the
West Side school. First meeting 2 p.m.
Saturday. You are cordially welcome.
Lost on Gladstone railroad platform
last Friday evening a manuscript lecture
on "Archaeology, The Euphrates Val
ley." Will the finder please return it
to this office or to Rev. Joseph H.
Rev. Chas. W. Welts, Weslcyan Me-
thodiet, from ban Jose, Ual., has sen
located for a couple of weeks with his
family in the lower story of the Muliuo
Grange Hall, where he has been con
ducting a revival.
M. J . Groshong, of West Side.brougbt
i to this office Wednesday several boxes
I of Royal Ann cherries that weigh 40
; to the pound. What would our East-
' ern brothers think if they could raise
; cherries like these?
McGlasban 4 Rakel have opened the
, Willamette Market, second door south
; of express office, and will keep a full
: line of poultry, game, fish, vegetables
; and lunch goods. Both are well known
: and will no doubt succeed.
Prof. Griffith, of Portland, will close a
-a very entertaining and Instructive
'course of lect ores at West Side school
house tonight. His subject this eve
ning will be "Love, Courtship and Mar
riage." Admission 10 cents: children
Large stnckof Indi in Baskets just re
ceived at Golden Rule Bazaar.
, The Redmen and Fores era will have
an exeitinir game of baseball at Willam
ette park Sunday, July 2oth. It will be
red, red, war. 1
General Ed -Jul feather, of Portland,
has the contract of putting in the foun
dation under the Stratton building, and
is pushing the work toward completion.
J. B. Zeigler, of Rainier, formerly of
this city, prseed an examination before
the state board of medical examiners,
and has been granted a license to prac
tice medicine.
J. H. Turney gave a very successful
dancing party at Magone's'park Wed
nesday evening. This park is a popular
resort, and is being liberally patronized
by picnic parties and other gatherings.
Tbe water commission has gold the
old cement mill to Hultmrt, the feed yard
man, and he is now tearing down and
removing the structure. The price paid
was $26, Hnlburt being the beBt and
highest bidder.
Chaistian Science services are held in
Willamette hall every Sunday morning
at 11 o'clock, appropriate t-ubjects being
discuesed at each meeting. Sunday
school at 12 m. Wednesday evening
meeting at 8 o'clock.
One trial will convince the most skep
tical thntC. G. Huntley, druggist, Ore
gon Oitv, Or , has the one remedy that
is an absolute cure for Asthma, Hay
Fever and Bronchial Trouble, and that
remedy is Swedish Asthma and Hay
Fever Cure.
Good Investment River front lot
68x105 feet, situate back of Oharman's
drug store,' sustable for modern flats or
cottages, for sale. Price 11000. Also 2
lots corner of Jackson and Eighth streets.
Inquire at Commercial Bank.
There will he a great ball game for the
trophy at Willamette park at 2:30 p. m..
Sunday afternoon between the Vancou
ver and GervaU Star baseball teams.
The admission will be 25 cents, and
fieie will be no free list. It will be an
exciting game.
Joe Knnwlton has removed his tailor
ing establishment .from Mai i street to
the building adjoining the Oourier-Her
aid office, where he is keeping sovera
people busy, His work 'recommends it
self; a fuel proven by the best dressers.
Tile Clackamas Mining and Milling
uompany, witn James AdKins ana V. A
VJUiuyailv, Willi iiaujca AUAUIP tiiu C A, , T Cm, C
Rosencrans, of Canby, and 0. D. Latour- Rt Mr8 8eam""' home,
ette, of Oregon City- The object of the I County Superintendent Zinser has
corporation is to buy, sell and handle : been on a trip to Mount Hood, and Mrs.
mines and mining property. The capl-, Zinser looked after the office during bis
tal stock is $1,000, divided into 100 absence.
shares of the value cf $10 each. Miss Ethel Cheney leaves Saturday
On Sunday, July 21st, we will begin a for California to visit with her brothers,
Methodjst campmeeting at Viola to con- j one who is in business in Oakland and
tinue over the first Sunday in August, the other in San Francisco.
Mra.E. M Barrett, who is one of the Mrs. J. B. Robinson, and children,
best Evangelists th ;t has ever been on 0f Sacramento, Cal., and Miss Harriet
the coast, will conduct these meetings. Cochran left f.r Seaside this morning,
No admission fee Everybody is invited wnere tney wiU remaiu untU October.
to come. Rev. J. W. Exon, pastor of n, A , . , ,, . .
Viola charee Gd Times for six months free to
, , ,1 new subscribers or those paying during
A visit to the Logan cheese f ietory is June and July and August.
well worth while to take a look at its m . n. . .. ... ,
product. In the large, cool storeroom', Team for Sale-Weight 1100 pounds;
one sees over 300 30poUnd cheeses on iro, gr??, 0 ?earA l? I Wm!l broke' In
tiers of shelves-cheeses all around von lulre at Couner-Heral J office.
They represent one month's run of the
factory. Mr. Olmstead. the cbeesemaker
in charge, has convinced its patrons that
be understands his calling.
On Tuesday night the Oregon City
delegaiion and other delegates to the
Workmen grand lodge were provided
with tickets on tbe trolley hue to Haw
therno park. O e particular carload
were held up by the conductor for cash
fares, and he never even Biopped to ring
up the collections. Previous and later
cars accepted the tickets.
Laet Saturday Mrs. Thomas Laws was
held on her own recognizance to answer
tbe charge of kidnapping her grandson,
in the circuit court. Tin (jhild, which
is in the custody of its mother, visited
it grandmother, who sent the boy to
his father, near Sicrainento. Mrs.
Laws says that she thought she had a
right to Ben 1 the boy to his father. Tbe
boy will likely b returned to tbe care of
his mother.
Mrs Nancy C. BIsshI , wife of Alfred
Bissell, of Cauby, died in this city Wed
nesday morning at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. W. M. Shai.k. Sbe was
born in l'utHburg, I I., and was 69 years
and 20 days old at tbe time of her de
mise. The funeral services will be held
in the First Lhristian church at Canby
at 10:30 a.m., Friday, July 19th, and
the services will be conducted bv Rev.
J. H. Beaven, of Oregon City. Besides
her huHb.ind the deceased left four chil
dren: W.E. Bissell. of Oregon City;
Mrs. E. E. Martin, of Seattle; H.J.
Bissell, of Canoy, and Mrs. W. M.
Shank, Oregon City.
Mm. O.Tomkinshad an operation for
a tumor iu the Good Samaritan hoepi
tal at Portland Wednesday, Dr. Som
raer, who has charge of the Clackamas
county patients there, reported that
Miss Pearl Russell would return to her
home at Wil hoit today. The six-year
old son of W. J. Wilson was operated on
for a splintered bone in his leg Wednes
day, and ft) progressing favorably. Mrs.1
M. J. uroderick is Improving. Mr.
Pratt and Mrs. Bullock, of Oswego, are
each fairly along on the road to recov
ery. Mrs. J. B. Htiuson is expected to
return Irom the hospital next bunday.
VVenzel Buach. aged 80, died at tbe
home of his soa, Julins Bunch at Logan
last Saturday morning. The deceased
was born in Austria, and came to thU
country 25 years ago. During the pat
quarter of a century he cleared up a
larm in the tieary tun Per, and was an
upright and highly respected citizen
The funeral took place from St. John's
Catholic church Sunday morning, the
services being conducted by rather Uil
lebrand. Ex-Councilman Frank Busch
is a son of the decesed, and a daughter,
Mrs. U lists ?e Fredericks lives at Park'
place. Tbe interment was at Mountain
View cemetery. Mrs. Busch died a nunr
ber of years' ago.
Through intelligence received private'
ly from the European continent it is
learned that the Boer army is being re'
inforcel by regiments of Germans, who
enter the Boer lines in squads, and that
money is being continually sent from
Germany to the Transvaal, English vi
gilance being unable to exclude aid to the
enemy. It is related that when Queen
Wilhelmina of Holland visited the Ger
man kaiser, she asked him to assist the
Boer. lie refused, stating that if he did
so the whole of Europe would become
involved in war, but added significantly
mai uiey were being aided anyway.
Johnson & Lamb make a specially of
id-Summer Sale
Opposite Bank of Oregon City
Men's Hats
Straw. . ... . . . . . . . .
Felt ,
Men's Shirts
. sc
Japanese Crepe. . .... 58c
Monarch Golf. 1 00
Dark Working 25c
Wrappers 75c up
Ladies' Handk'ch'fs. 3c. ,
Lace ; 1 c yd up
Stockings ........... 9 pr
Underwear ......... ioc
SpecialSaleof Fishing
Mrs. Thomas Burke has been visiting
friends in Seattle this week.
Mm. Dr. Seamann came down from
Woodburn Thursday to attend a tea
I The ladies af the M. E. church will
serve ice crean. and cake Friday after
noon and evening in the church par
lors. Come bring your friends and
keep cool. .
Cow Lost A small milch cow strayed
rom Bethke's place, near Ely on the Mo
lalla road ; spotted, red and white, 8 or
10 years old ; weight, 800 pounds. Send
information to H. Bethke, Ely,
Deputy Lash, of Portland, has been in
our midst-for the past twj weeks in the
interest of the Order of Pendo. Thirty
four applications for membership have
been secured, and still there are more
to follow.
At the regular meeting of Crystal
Council No. 161, Order of Pendo, July
8th, the following officers were installed:
Past councilor, 0. r . Scripture : coun
cilor, I. D. Taylor; vice-councilor, Otto
b . Olson ; secretary, May Taylor ; treas
urer, A. O. Beauleau ; guide, Alice Gos
per; chaplain, Jennie E. Boyles; war
den, Charles Simmons ; seniinel, Robs
Far; examining physician, C. A. Stew
art. For Sale Five-room house and barn.
four lots tfovered with choice fruit trees.
Price reasonable. Apply at this office.
Letter List.
Following is the list of letters nmain-
na in the Dostoffice at Oreiron Cltv. Or..
July 18th, 1901:
women's list.
Andrews, L M Mis Kelley, Lilly Mrs
mrn'b list.
Baldwin, Ja
Hickey, Hugh A
Stewart, Claude
Strong, G L
Stephens, G W
Steers, Joe
Carr, Ajnos
Dininger, John
Daniel, Willy
Harkenreich, N
Hart, U J (2)
Wilt, Albert (2)
Geokqb F. Horton, P. M.
;i Insect Powder
No doubt you use more or less of it, but
has it always been satisfactory ?
Do the insects sometimes get fat, on the
kind you've been using ?
If so, let us sell you some that we get
direct from Parke, Davis & Co. Like everything
else prepared by them, it is better than the ordin
ary kind is stronger, goes farther and costs no
Tanglefoot Fly Paper 2 sheets 5c
Poison Fly Paper .large sheet 5c
Parke, Davis & Co.'s Insect Powder. . per lb 50c
Buhach In3cct Powder, in cans, 20c, 40c, 50c, $1.
Cut Rate Druggist
Oregon City, - - Oregon
Moth Balls 15c per pound.
AT -
Camping Goods
Blankets.. . .95c pr
Hammocks 90c
Coffee Pots 10c
Jelly Glasses.. . ,
Tumblers. . 1,
Large Pitchers. ,
.'.35c ,doz
1 . . 4c eah
. . .23c
Silk Gloves . . . . . .... 25c pr
"Leader" Corsets. ... .45c
Shirt Waists .42c
Fancy Co'lars.... ...,15c
Corset Covers 20c
and Base Ball Goods
The reception given by Meade Relief
Corps Monday niuht to the newly
elected department officers of the Re
lief Corps of Oregon, was a notable
event. Fully 50 representatives of Sum
ner Post and Relief Corps were present.
Mrs. Millie Shadle as president of Meade
Corps, presided. Addresses replete
with welcoming features were made by
Department President, Mr0. William
Galloway, and L'. W. Ingram, of Meade
Post. A few of the other speakers were
Mrs. Sarah Fastaband, of Aetoria, de
partment junior commander, and Pro
fessor Pratt, of Sumner Post, Portland.
The hall and tables were prettily deco
rated, and the luncheon served was a
special feature. The gathering was
noted for the sociability and good cheer
that prevailed, and compliments be
stowed on the new officers of the State
Relief Corps Department.
Rev. and Mrs. P. K. Hammond were,
given a reception at the rectory by the
members of 81. Paul's par'sh Monday
evening, and were the recipients of a
ao-piece uaviland China set. A delight,
ful evening was passed socially, and re
freshments were served. The event was
in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Hammond's
20th wedding anniversary.
Mrs. T. L. Oharman gave a children's
party Monday afternoon in honor of her
eon Elbert's 5th birthday. It was a pleas
ant occasion and the little folks enjoyed
the entertainment immensely,
Miss Bessie Doll was the recipient of.
a pleasant surprise party at the home of
her mother iu Green Point addition
Monday evening. Social games and re
freshments were features of the event.
Among those present were : Vnt and
Jewavia Kelly, Loula Walker. Willie
Clyate, Nettie Kruse. April Miller. Sa.
die Marhal, Grace Stranser, Mary and
Annie Hosey.
Several Orders llatuled Dmvn by
County Judge Ryan.
In the matter of the estate of James
E. Currie, deceased, A.M.Crawford, of
Douglas county, was appointed admin
istrator of the property in Clackamas
county situated In George preciifct, and
valued at $r00. ' The deceased died in
Shasta county, Calif., 1900, and left
heirs in Dublin, Ireland, and Roseburg,
Ore. Hans Paulsen, John II. Schmidt
and Ferdinand Rath were appointed ap
pointed appraisers of the estate.
In ttie matter of the estate of N. 0.
Walden, deceased, the executors were
ordered to pay Henry Miley the sura of
$72 due as interest.
In the matter of the guardianship of
the estate of Ludwika Timmer, an in
sane person, IJ, M. Timmer was ap
pointed guardian. Ed Califf, L. Schult
heis and John Harless were appointed
10 cents.
key luting.