Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, July 19, 1901, Image 1

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' 1 X
19th YEAR, NO. 9$
182 Madison St., West end of Bridge, Portland, Oregon
Aultman & Taylor's
Celebrated Threshing Machinery
Steam and Gas Engines,
Saw Mills,
(Grebe. Marder & Co.
182, 184, 186 Madison Street, West End of Bridge,
. -cvaagag
Remember we have the finest stock of the best makes to be found
in Portland, including Farm and Spring Wagons, Buggies, Carriages
and Carts, Mowers, Rakers, Tedders and Hay Tools, Hay Presses,
Grain Drills, Plows, Cultivators, Disc and Spring Tooth Harrows,
Pumps Harness, Bicycles, Etc.
Friday, July 12.
The steel truBt has fixed price of steel
rails at $28 per ton.
J. F. Morgan has ' formed a soft coal
trust with $320,000,000 capital Btock. .
At Springfield, Pa., the Nickel Plate
railroad bridge, on which a bridge gang
was at work, fel killing 10 men and in
juring a number.
The breaking of a large plate of glass
at the Kokorua, Ind., glassworks caused
five men to lose their arms.
Near Denver, the explosipn of dyna
mite, supposed caused by heat, killed
two men.
Five victims of the Alton railroad
wreck, in Kansas City hospitals, will
probably die. The total number of deaths
is now 21.
Throughout the Vulga region, Russia,
the tropical heat has burned op the
crops and dried up the streams.
The French census shows that the na
tive population of France is at a stand
still. Near Brockport, N. Y , a farmer nam
ed McGrath killed bis wife and then
committed suicide.
The Astors intend to erect a 1,000,
000 hotel in London.
Francis B Thurber, a New York mer
chant, has failed ; liabilities $305,061.
Saturday, July 13.
On account of the drought, the Kansas
corn crop will be less than one-third of
last year. Ponds and streams are drying
up and there is not water enough for
life stock. .
At the Newport News shipyard, the
striking machinists have returned to
work. Average machinist's wages are
$2 60 for 10 houra work.
At San Jose, Cal., the corpse of Lee
Wing was boiled in order to secure there
from the 16 bullets fired into him by his
At Paris, M. Santos Dumoit's cigar
shaped airship proved wonderfully suc
cessful. J. R. Shepard, of Polk county, says
his cherry crop yields $300 per acre.
A cargo of nearly 3000 tons of Maine
eraiita will hn laid rlna n In T.itwrtvnni
$1 a ton, or $1 25 less than Scotch gran
Peru is preparing for war. Columbia
is getting ready to prevent Venezuela
from permitting encroachments of for
eign powers.
The Southern Pacific has pensioned
its retiring general manager, J. A. Fill
more, with $500 a month.and 25,000 env
ployea of the company have presented
their old friend with $5000.
The Congregational church at Forest
Grove, built in 1858, was destroyed by
fire. Loss $6000; insurance $2000.
The 2000 striking men of the Reading,
Pa., Iron Company have returned to
work. The strike on the Reading Rail
road, owned by J. P. Morgan, is still on.
On the 6th, near Zeerust.Gen. Me
thune killed 4 Boers and captured 47. In
the Pretoria neighborhood the Boers
captured a gun.
Sunday, July 14.
At Kansas City, two of the four ne
groes hare been identified who assaulted
Miss Grace Davis.
At Sunbury, Pa., on the Susquehanna
river, the blowing up of a boat killed
four men and injured a dozen others.
Near Springfield, Ore., a company will
bore for oil.
Idaho has sold 13,000 acres of timber
land for $105,422. In 20 years the land
reverts buck to the state.
A heavy frost visited Olpmpia, Wash.
Gorraany will have to ex-pend $67,000, -000
to supply her shortage of wheat and
rye. Franc is short 40,000,000 bushel.
Near Weatlierby, Mo., a railroad col
lision killed Elijah Rice and seriously
wounded several, . r
'The attempted suppression by Lord
Kitchener of the Viakfontein affair, has
caused much acrimonious feeling against
him in England. Max O'Reill explains
what took place. The enraged Boers met
a British farmhouse-burning crowd, who
had jiiBt driven some women and chil
dren to the cold open veldt, at Viakfon
tein. They whipped tbem, and then, to
offset brutality with brutality, killed the
wounded "rooineks "
Rflnflfnr DonAw nf Npar Vnrlr onvfl f.ho
basis of future wars will be commercial.
Monday, July 15.
At Niagara Falls, N. Y., Carlisle Gra
ham has made his fifth descent of the
Whirlpool Rapids in a barrel.
The census shows Hawaii has 154,000
The heat in Germany is drying up
General Broad wood captured in the
TransVaul the brother ol President Steyn
and several other Boer leaders Kitchen
er asks the withdrawal from South Afrir
ca of a large force of infantry and the in
crease of the cavalry.
In Russia 308,000 men will be recruit
ed for the army and navy this year.
At Silver City pototbes are 8c a pound.
The sudden outburst of the volcano
Kloet in northern Java destroyed a num
ber of plantations and killed 700 natives
and a number of Europeans.
Complying with the request of many
people, Missouri's governor has desig
nated July 21 to pray for rain.
Tuesday, July 16. '
At Lemberg, Germany, there was a
fight between troops and a mob of the
Stocks in England and Germany are
very depressed .
During June, the deaths among the
Boers in the English South African con
centration caniDs were: Men 63, women
138-, children 576.
On the 14th, in Cape Colony, the En
glish captured 31 iioers and a quantity
of supplies.
In Brussels a Russiah-French-Belgian
syndicate is forming to build railroads
in China witli 1,000,000,000 frs. capital.
Near Liberty, N. M., a crowd of Mexi
can laboreis killed 15 negro railroad
hands. .-
At Corvallis the accidental death by
shooting of Med ford A.Moore caused the
death from grief of his mother and they
were buried on the same day, side by
side. ' v - '
A head-end collision at Wymark,I.T.,
killed 5 men and wounded 3 fatally.
At Roesland, B.C., 1200 men are out
on a strike.
A head-end collision it Padena Valley,
W. Va., kiiiud ,2 uieu and wounded 1
The French minister of public instruc
tion has hired Albert Hopkins and Hen
ry Alexander, two American baseball
experts, to teach Frenchmen ball play
ing at the Bois du Boulogne.
In European military circles, war is
expected between England and France.
John Morley, the English statesman,
places the cost of the South African war
at $2,300,000,000.
On the Missouri river, in Northern
Montana, three cowboy horpe thieves
were hanged The three Great Northern
train robbers in Montana have escaped.
For stealing a bottle of pop, a negro
was lynched near Girard, La.
Henry T. Oxnard, the authority on
beet sugar, says the sugar trust is bent
on driving beet sugar out of the market.
It is estimated that. the strike of the
stationary engineers of Pennsylvania
and of the machine workers of the steel
trust, augments the army of strikers in
the metal trades to 700,000.
Nebraska, Kansas and Iowa have re
ceived much needed showers.
A reception at Lady Campbell-Ban-nerman's
mansion at Grosvenor Square.
London, attended by the different war
ring factions of the Liberals, has liar
monized the party.
' Sir John Gordon Sprigg expressed the
opinion in nis address before the (Jape,
Town Vigilance Committee that the
outlook for bringing the war to a speedy
close was never better. '
ai AiDany, mo., tnree children ted a
pet frog dynamite. The falling of a large
tool chest on froggie exploded it. Re
sult: one child killed, another and the
children's mother badly hurt and the
house partly wrecked.
Continued on Page Seven.
Notice to Contractors.
Notice is hereby given that sealed bids
will be received by toe secretary at
Heaver Creek until 7. p m. July 27,1901,
for the construction of a a new hall for
the Beaver Creek Hall and Building As
sociation in accordance with plans and
specincaiions on nie with said secretary
Right is reserved to reject any or all
T. B. Thomas, President.
W.F. Harris, Secretary.
Beaver Creek, July 9, 1001.
Tl- is:ju n . ii . m
Bears tu who im na mwars BOugra
It Dazzles the World.
discovery in medicine has ever
created one-quarter of the excitement
mat nas caused by ur. Jung's JNew Dis
covery for Consumption. It's severest
tests have been on hopeless victims of
Consumption, Pneumonia, Hemorrhage,
Pleurisy and Branch tis, thousands of
whom it has restored to perfect health.
For Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Croup, Hay
Fever, Hoarseness and Whooping Cough
it is the quickest, surest cure In the
world. It is sold by George A. Hard
ing, guarantees satisfaction or refunds
money. Lai ge bottles 50c and $1. Trial
bottles free.
Agricultural Implements and Vehicles
Being crowded for space in my warehouse, I will sell the buggies and spring wagons
now in stock at prices that defy competition. Come early and secure a buggy before'
the stock has been picked over.
I have a stock of these balers on hand that I will sell at . reduced prices. Call and
investigate for yourself.
Buffalo Pitts Harrows
and Cultivators
Owen's "Advance"
Fanning Mills
Peerless Plows
f Belle City reed Cutter"
Milwaukee Binders
and Mowers
Write for (Catalogue anil Prices
The Housef urnisher
There are those who come to us agaia
and again They like the place and like
what we offer therm There are attractions
here for all Some things you will like, and
some especially for your neighbor.
We offer a pleasant welcome, and will be glad of your visit.
We wish you to consider three heavy items: STOCK', PRICE
and METHODS. - Give us a trial.
For this week we offer at a special low price:
Keed's Patent Anti-Hlusting Tinware
When you buy Reed's you get the
best and newest patterns, the latest and
most modern designs. Made up of fchff
t..,.m nTii'Kr r i.isx in in, i m. r iii.r I .ill tiiimhi
s It
41 $
'Mb '.;
!.!', y.
fl, Vi
mi 'Ar
i'fll!s t i'if
m ",:;!:;
:'. M,
Price for this 8-lb. Boiler. . . .$3 oo
bly be produced. Analytically tested
and endorsed by the best chemists and
pronounced to be the most healthful
and durable goods.
Wash Basin, 40c 12-qt. pail, $1 00
This tinware will outlast one dozen of ordinary kind