Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, July 12, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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The Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co's
Strs. Regulator & Dalles City
Datly (except Sunday) between
The Dalles,
Hood River,
Cascade Locks, ,
and Portland
Touching at way pothta on both Bides of tlio
Columbia river.
Both of tie above steamers have been rebut 1
nnd are In excellent ehBpe for the season otl'JOO
lhe Regulator l.iiie will endeavor to glveits
pairous the best service possible. ,
For C.nifort, Economy and Pleaatire
travel by the steamers of lb Regulator
Lino. ,
The above steamers leave Portland 7 a m. and
Dalles at 8 a. m.,and arrive at destination in ample
time for outgoing trains.
Portland Office, The Dalles Office
Oak St Dock. Court Street.
General Agent
Will give you a
Bargain ia Wall Paper
Wall Tinting and la
General House Painting
Paint Shpp near Depot Hotel
men to travel and advertise tor old established
bouse of solid financial standing. Salary $780 a
year and expenses, all payable in cash. No can
vaeslng required. Give references ana eneloae
hell-addressed stamped envelope, AddrefcS Man
ager, 166 Caxton Blag., Chicago.
"Why not spend the vacation at Ya-
Jiuina bay, where can be had excellent
are, good fishing, go.od boating, safe
bathing, alluring rides and rambles.
The courses and exercises at the sum
mer school of 1901 at Newport will afford
great variety of instructions, diversion
and entertainment. No other resort of
fers equal attractions and advantages."
Bedi td Bates.
Are now in tffect to Buffalo, New
York. .
Do you expect o attend the Pan-American
If so do not buy your tickets until you
have investigated the service of the Il
linois Central Railroad.
Our accomodatiors are the best that
can be had, our trait s are always on
time, and employes courteous and accom
odating. .
Through tourist cars from Pacific
Coast to Boston via Buffalo.
If you will send fifteen cents in stamps
to address given belcw, we will forward
you, by return mail, one of our large
84x40 inch wall maps of the United
States, OuHa and Porto Rico.
Any information regarding rates,
accomodations, service, time, conections.
stop-overs, etc, will cheerfully furnished
b5R. H. TRUMBULL, Com'l -Agent,
143, Third Street, Portland, Oregon.
Guaranteed jg)
Salary Yearly.
Men and women of good address to represent
us, some to travel appointing agents, others for
local work looking after our interests. SHOO
alary guaranteed yearly; extra commissions and
expenses, rapid advancement, old established
hnnaa. Grand chance for earnest man or woman
to secure pleasant, permanent position, liberal
Income and future.
A future. Mew brllllaut line, write
at once.
S3 Church Sta., ' New Haven, Conn
"Best of Everything
In a word this tells of the pas
senger service via,
8 Trains Daily between St, Paul
and Chicago comprising:
The Latest Pullman Sleepers
Peerless Dining Cars
Library and Observation Cars
Free Reclining Chair Cars
The 20th Century Train "THE
every day of the year.
The Finest Train in the World
Electric Lighted Steam Heated
To Chicago by Daylight.
The Badger State Express, the finest day
tram running between Chicago via.
the Hhort Line.
Connections from the west made via
The Northern Pacific,
Great Northern,
and Canadian Pacific Rys
- This is also one of the bestlines between
Omaha, St. Paul and Minneapolis
All agents sell tickets via "The North
western Line."
G. A. T. A.
i8 Alder St.. Portland, Oregon.
WASTED. Capable, reliable person In every
county to represent large company of solid fi
nancial repmatiom f936 salary per year, payable
weektv;t3perdy absolutely sura and all ex
penses; straight, bona fide, definite salary, no
communion; salary paid each faturdy and ex-
Sense money advanced each week. STANDARD
Ul'SE, $A Diabbobx St., Cuiotco.
Al al drug stares.
2S Doaa 25c
One of (be most helpful books on nerve
weakness ever issued is that entitled
"Nerve Waste," b) "Dr. Sawyer, of Ban
Francitco, now In its fifth thousand.
This work of sn experienced and repu
table phj si, Ian ii in agreeable contrast
to the vast film of false teaching, which
prevails on this interesting subject. It
.abounds in carefully considered and
practically advice, and lias the two great
merits of wisdom and sincerity.
It is iintori-ed by both the religious
and seculiir trees The Chicago Ad
vance bhvb: "A peiual of the oook and
the application of its principles will put
health, hope and heart into thousands
of lives thiit are now suffering through
nervous impairment."
The book if $1 .00 by mail, postpaid.
One of the nio-t interesting chapters
chapters xx, en Nervines and Nerve
Tonics fios been printed separately as
a sample chapter, and will be sent to
any address for stamp bv the publishers,
The Pacific Pnl.. Co., Box' 2058, Bar
Francisco in plain- sealed envelope.
Elite H. & 5.
New line
- r Skirts'
Luces and
Notice is herebv eiven that the undersigned.
W. A. Hulmes, has been appointed by the county
Court of Claekam is, state or Oregon, as adminis
trator ol Hi" estate ol R L. Russell, deceased, and
that all persons having claims against said estate
must present the same to me with proper verifica
tion, at my store In Parkplaee, Oregon, within Bix
months from date of this notice.
W. A. HOLMES, Administrator of the
estate of R, L Russell, Deceased.
Dated, June 27th, 1001, .
Notice 1b hereby given that the undersigned
has been appointed by the Hon. Thos. F. Ryan,
county Judge of Claokamns County, Oregon, as
administrator of the estate of t bajles E. A they,
II persons having claims aeainRt the said
state are hereby notified to present the same to
me, properly verified, as by law required at my
reldence in Oregon (it?, Oregon, within six
months from the date hereof.
KATE K. ATHEY, Administratrix
of the Estate of Charles K. Attn y, Deceased.
Dated this 5th day o June A. D 1001,
Notice is hereby given that the nni'crsigneJ ad
ministratrix ol the estate of Margaret Wilson.de
oesaed, has filed In the County Court of Clacka
mas County, State of Oregon , her final account
as such administratr'x, oisald eBtate and that the
6lh day oi August 1901, at the hour of 10 o'clock a.
in., lias been fixed oy sam court, as me nmo
for bearing objections to said report arid the
settlement thereof. '
Administratrix of the estate of
Margaret Wilson, Deceased.
TJ'Ren 4 ScHUEBEi.ttorneys.
Notice la hnrehv riven that all water closets.
m-tvioa Hinkn Wth tnlia and drains containing or
carrying sewerageB located within the limits of
Sewer District No. 1, and Sewer DisUict No. 2, of
Oregon City, Oregon, must oe connecvea wuu me
Main Seweis of said districts on or before the first
day of August, l'.Hll.
II saia connections are nut mnuo wumu mc
alii tt ii a fh npnaltv lirotidi d bv Ordinance No
263, providing for sower connections and pre
scribing a penalty for failure to connect will be
By order of the City council ot uregon iniy.
BROCK 0. CURRY, Recorder,
Notloe Is hereby given thatlliave filed my final
report as administrator of the estate of Eliiabeth
Blount, deceasfd, with the county court of
Clackamas county, and state of Oregon, and the
court has set Monday, August 6th, 1901, at the
our of 10 o'clock a. m.; as the time for hearing
aid report and objections thereto, and settle
ment thereof,
WILLIAM BLOUNT. Administrator.
Notioe is hereby given that by virtue of law ap
proved February 3rd., 1901. providing for the sale
of lands to which Clackamas county has bid in
for delinquent taxes and acquired title, will be
sold to the highest bidder for cash on the lOh day
of Aug., 1901, at the front door of the court house
in said Clackamas county, state of Oregon.
J. J Cooke.
Sheriff of Clackamas County.
.Dated, July 8tb, 1001.
Pursuant to a"n order of the County Court of
Clackaiuaa County. Oregon, made and entered ol
record on the lutta day ol June A. D., 1901, in tho
matter of the estate and guardianship of Ftcnhen
A. Lane, an insane person, licensing me so to do.
I will on the 3rd day of August A. D., liKil, at the
hour of 10 a. n. at the front door of the court
house In said county and state, offer for Bale and
sell at 'public auction to the highest bidder for
one-third cash in hand, balance on or before five
years at 6 per cent interest payable annually,se
eured by a mortgage on said premlses.the follow
ing described real estate belonging to eid es
tate, to-wil : The north half of the southeast quar
ter iui of sejl and the southeast quarter of the
southeast quarter (tsf'4 of aeJ4) of saction thirty
two ( 32,) in township four (4) south of range
three 13) east of the Willamette Meridian in
Clackamas eounty, Oregon, containing 120 acres
more or less. DAVID ROBESOIf,
Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, July 3rd, 11)01.
I now have money to pay oonnty warrant en.
dotted prior to May 1st, 1898. And also
road warrants endorsed prior to October 6th, 1900.
Interest will cease on the above Included war
rant on the date hereof.
Treasurer Clackamas County, Or.
Dated, Oregon City, July 5th, 1901.
Job Printing at the
P O.
Friday, June 5. , .
The Kingston, Jamaica, Chamber of
Commerce asks England to send 300J
Boer prisoners to that island, and offers
money and other inducements to the
farmers among them.
On the 8th, the six months' strike ol
the 600 boilermakers at Susquehanna,
Pa., terminated, and the men resumed
work. All demands of the etrikers, ex
cept abolition of piecework, were granted
At Telluride, Colo., several hundred
union miners attacked the men employ
ed in the Smuggler-Union mine, killed
two, wounded ee"eral, and, having cap
tured the mine, drove the others across
the range. On the' 6th the strike was
settled, the miners claiming victory.
Three men held up the Great Northern
train at Wagner, 196 mih-s east of Great
Falls, on the 3d, and secured about
$60,000 by blowing open the safes.
The failure of the Kharkoff Commer
cial Bank at Odessa, with a deficit of
6,000,000 rubles, has caused a financial
panic in South Russia. As one conse
quence, the Uommercial liank ot iLkal
ennoslaff closed ; liabilities 1,250,000 ru
bles, j
At Philadelphia, A. A. Jofvett & Co 's
dressed beef warehouse burned down ;
loss $300,000. The Hoen Building in Bal
timore' was also destroyed bv (ire; loss
At Toledo, Ohio, yesterday, two wom
en and a man were drowned by upset
ting of a boat.
In London commercial circles the Ger
man financial criais has created .great
At the U.S. barracks in Columbus, O.,
T. S. Holding shot and killed Albert
Johnson and himself. Both were recruit
ing sergeants.
By the capsizing of a boat at Wheat
land, Wyo., J. T. Rigdon and E.E Car
ter were drowned. .
Near La Follette, Tenn., three negro
miners are said to have been fatally shot
by a marshal's posse.
From the San Francisco mint $30,000
have disappeared.
Prof. John Fiske.'the noted American
author, died at East Gloucester, Mass.,
yesterday, from the effects of the heat.
In Buenos Ayres riotous demonstra
tions against the government have been
made and houses of officials and news
paper offices attacked.
Sa'urday, July 6.
A confidential report of the maneuvres
of the British Mediterranean fleet states
that it could be annihi'ated by destroy
ers. I he fleet, has no destroyers and the
admirals have demanded them from the
government. . .
At Leipsic. another director of the
bankrupt bank committed suicide . The
deficit of the Caseel Grain Drying Co.,
which assigned, is 14,500,000 mama, -
Dr. Levds has addressed to the conti
nental powers and the United States a
protest against Great Britain's barbarous
treatment of Boer women anl children.
On the 1st, in the Transvaal, the En
glish captured 9o Boers and a lot of
supplies. .
Four Italian miners took a keg of beer
into an abandoned coal mine at (Jats
burg, Pa., and were suffocated.
At Vernon. Fla.. 2000 people witness
ed the banging of four negro murderers
At Milford, Del.. T. B. Windsor fatal
ly shot his father because he refused
him use of a team for a drive. . .
It .llkonn M V -O.nmnr, 1 'Vm.
13 years old,, shot and killed Emanuel
Koehler, aged 12 years, and then hanged
At Albany, Mo., W. M. Conkey,
young farmer, brained bis neighbor and
toe neighbor s 6on with a club.
At DesMoines, la., F. A.BraLkett kill
ed his wife and then shot himself.
Near Cincinnati, o., four men were
fatally injured by a natural gas explo
The derailing of a mail car at Hamp
ton, Iowa, caused the death of Postal
Clerks Kendall and McKenzie.
At Clifton, Ariz., Ed Harwell killed
his wife' and himself, and Jobb Violon
killed A. Rodriguez on account of a wo
In Grant county buyers are offering
$18 to $lo 00 lor yearling steers.
Sherman county is out of debt and has
$12,UUU in its treasury.
I A fire at Wilbur, Wash., caused a loss
o $115,000.
D. 8. Strowbridge, of Fresno. Cal
was killed by the dashing over the grade
of the Tillamook and North. Yamhill
stage on the west side of the mountain
A strike has produced a complete tie
up ui rauruaue 111 vretjieru nuetruua.
Wireless telegraphy at sea is a suc
cess. The Lucania telegraphed 65 miles
from the European shore to the Krow
head marine station.
J. Sterling Morton, who is good au
thority, states that every day th
United States deetroys 25,000 acres of
Vr J.W. Watte, whose vote as presi
dential elector from Orezon in 1876 de
feated Tilden, died at 10 o'clock this
morning at Lafayette, aged 69 years
Sunday, July 7.
The 20th annual convention of the
Christian Endeavor Society opened in
Cincinnati Jastnight. Ihe societies num
ber 61,427 with a membership of nearly
Four miles from -Turner, Ark., un
known parties murdered Jim Johns and
Liver Pills
That's what you need; some
thine to cure your bilious
ness and give you a good
direstion. Aver s Pills are
liver pills, they cure con
stioation and biliousness.
Gently laxative. All druggists,
Want your moualwlie or bwirU a beauutui
brown or rich black ? Then ue
w era. o. o-ufiwt, o- a a hm, a Co , w.w w h.
placed the
his 17-vear-old niece ami
corpses in a burning building
-Near and at the Fort Erie, Ont., race
ttack llnee persons were killed baturday
night by lightning.
At recent French naval manenvres in
A jncclo harbor, the submarine boat Gus
tavo Ztde torpedoed au ironclad and es
caped all pursuit.
In an open letter 'to the faithful the
pope condemns the recent French legis
lation against congregations.
On a ranch five miles from Elsinore.
Cal., Peler Tidman. who occupied it,
tiled his wife, burned the farm build
ings, and as his neck was too tough for
his dull knife, he placed his face in a
ater box and drowned.
At Madera, Cal . John Garner, a far
mer, shot and killed bis wile and then
llled bimseli. They were to be divorced.
At Everett.Wahh., E. G.Nutting, ased
22 years, being homesick, hung himself
In the Treadwell mine, Alaska, 1000
me i are employed and 880 stamps
pound rock night and day. Accidents
among the men are numeroui and very
often fatal.
The aged Prof. Le Conto of the Uni
versity of California, distinguished as a
geologist, died in the Yosemite Vallev
yesterday. -
Near Lewiston, Idaho, James Wasson
was arrested on the charge of having at
tempted a criminal assault on a 9-ye.tr-
Id girl, June 20th, in Whitman county,
W ash., where he -was teaching school at
the time.
At Lewiston, Idaho, Miss Susan Weis-
gerber, aged 16 years, was drowned in
the Clearwater river. . '
The Pacific Northwest will use this
season about 35,000,000 grain sacks.
There are 803,000 young men in Lon
don and the vice in which they are
steeped is appalling.
At Chicago.-William Haggerty died
from the effects of a sting on the lips of
the kit-sing bug.
Monday, July 8. ' -Pierre
Lorillard, the tobacco king.died
in New York city yesterday. He left
behind over $25,000,000.
Yesterday the president gave to the
public the proclamation opening to set
tlement the lands ceded by Indians in
Oklahoma territory. At two U. S. land
fnces the lands will be assigned to ap
plicants by drawings, who must have
previously entered their names in a
register. ;
In a fight at a dance near Index, Ark..
two negroes were killed.
In the city of Mexico, Father Icaza
has been imprisoned, being charged
with grave immoralities.
At Versailles.O.. 300 persons were ren
dered homeless by a fire.
In a head-end collision at Black Butte
Summit, in northern California, yester-
ay, a hobo was killed and Engineer
Henry Went!! seriously injured.
Among the Siletz Indians about $100,-
000 government money will be distributed-
Robert Knapp, age 1 55 years, commit
ted suicide by drowning in Portland.
At White River Fall", which are 142
feet high: 35 miles from The Dalles, a
hydro-electric plant is being built for
supplying that city with electricity.
On the Section Line road, at South
Afount Tabor, Evening Star Grange will
build a hall, 40x60, two stories high.
The direct cause of the failure of a
banking house in Seneca county, New
York, was the decline in value of the
farms on which the bank held mortgag
es, these producing a shortage in the
bank'B April collections of $50,000.
Frank Bouchard, a young American
soldier familiar with the art of war in
all its phases, has placed himself at the
head ol the Yaqui Indians, who are
fighting the Mexicans under Gen.Torres
for the possession of their ancestral
home and independence.
Tuesday, July 9.
F. D. White, 42 years old, son ol A.D,
White, U. 8. ambassador to Geimanv,
committed suicide at Syracuse, N.Y
yesterday, on account of sickness.
H. P. Whilmarsh, governor of Ben-
guet.Philippines.is accused of exploiting
the mineral and other resourches ol the
province for selfish ends.
Recent floods In Kiang si province
China, drowned 4000 people. At Lung
Keng, in June, landslide, flood end
tremblor killed 300 people.
As result of the rascally failure of the
Seventh National Bank of New York
the Hackensack Land Co. failed. .
For week ending July 6, deaths fiom
heat in the five boroughs of Greater New
York were 989.
In a hotel fire at Fornythe, Mont
persons were killed and 11 injured.
The burning of 15,000 acres ol wheat
at Great Bend, Kan ., caused the loss of
300,000 bushels of wheat.
At Wenver, Chris Jonson has been ar
rested under the supposition that he is
the person who last night dragged 14-year-old
Jessie Kinport from her home
to a vacant lot, where he horribly muti
lated and ravished her.
The National Council of Education is
in session at Detroit, Mich.
Two big department stores at and near
Cleveland, O., have failed.
The Indianapo'is, Ind., grand jury is
investigating the insanity trust, which
has collected large fees from insanity in
vestigations and committed to asylums
50 sane persons.
The secret rry of the English war of
fice reports that in March, April, Mav,
June the Boers' losses in killed, wound
ed and prisoners were 8084.
The Boers burned Mnrrayeburg, Cape
. The German kaiser has ordered an
American schooner yacht 120 feet long.
The London Daily News reports that
Rockefeller and Morgan will establish a
banking house in x'aris with a capital of
At Baltimore the 16 breweries of the
Maryland Brewing Co. were sold at auc
tion to a German company for $3,500,000.
The property held by the Catholic as
sociations is placed by Premier Wal.
deck-Rousseau of France at over 2,000,
000,000 francs.
C'Mckamaa County Observes The
I Vail With Patriotic Pride.
!. Clackamas county obseived thii 125th
anniverary of Amr-i an Independence
with sevetal notable celeoiatlous ai.d
festal occasions.
At Damascus Senator Br.'wnell wan
the orator f the day, and hundreds of
people gathered from the adjacent pie
eiticts to participate in tlte lesiivities
Mis. V illiain Bu(-hm,.n rend the 1 it-duration
of Independence, and an lalo
tate program of exercises wete pre
sented. Ihe lelebiiition exetctces wrre
under the auspices of the Woodmen of
the World.
MunypeoLle attended the Fourth of
July ptogiant atUiads'otie park, tien
eral Thomas. J M-ruan, of New Yolk
city, wa., the orator of the day,- and tlie
hat becue of beef and mutton lully met
the expectations ol thoee in atteudetice.
The management were disappointed in
the non-appearance of one of the base
ball teams, otherwise the program went
off smoothly.
AtV'rigiit's Springs Henry St.Haynor,
of Portland, was the orator of the day,
and Mrs. H. E. Straight, of Oregon City,
was the leader. Frank Cottier sung one
of his incomparable solos There uasa
laige attendance a the exercises. Races
and games were teatures of the oi-casion.
Senator Brownell made an address at
the evening program. William Vaughan
W8B president Ol the day, J. H. hovard
grand marshal, K. E. Taylor chief exec
utive, and G. B. Dnnick, chairman.
The exercises were under the auspices
of Tualatin Tent, Knights of iVIaccabeea.
There was a rousing picnic gainering
at Shubel, many people being in attend
ance. In the afternoon Howard M.
Btownell delivered an eloquent address.
At New Era the exercises at the Spir
itual camp meeting ground were of a pa
tri tic nature. Among the speakers
were Charles Anderson, the boy orator
of Seattle, RevB. Copelaud and Mills
were among the speakers.
A fair crowd of people went Laiour
ell Kalis with J H. Turney's excursion
on board the steamer Undine, and had
a very enjoyable trip. The Southern
Pacific Band furnished the music and
there was dancing on board.
JRoW of Honor.
Only a part of those who took the
county eighth grade examination under
the direction of superintendent Zinser,
passed during the last year. This
eighth grade examination for the pupils,
provided for under new . school legisla
tion, is an excellent test of scholarship
and training. A few teachers have per
mitted their pupils to complete the
eighth grade and graduate without hav
ing passed the required examination.
The following have received county di
plomas for having successlully passed
tin eighth grade examination during the
past year. The name of the school is
Oswego Agnes Hallinan, r Mary
Likes, Lizzie Rosenstretter, Eunice Gar
field, Edna Kingkade, EBtiier Lund,
Charles Bichner, Joseph Wells, James
Mount Pleasant Imogene 0. Mvew.
Anna Hendrickson. Winnie Mav Kid
der, Ella Evan?.
Milwaukie Leo Johnson. Alvin
Schmale, Victor Irwin.
Currinsville Lawrence Alsoauirh.
Rye Stone, Lester Hale, Willie Als
paugh. Canemah Carl Ganong, C. L. Eaton.
New Era Emily Spulak.
Damascus Almeda Rodluiti. Se!ma
Rodlum, Winnifred Osbum, IIazl
Acock, Myrtle Acock, Lara White. Am-
old v. Dcnmiat, ttoy Breitnaupt.
uarus L-iiua naywara.
Helen M. Sprague, Iva Olmstead.
Eagle Creek Pearl Foster,
Mundnrf, near Oanby Nanne Dozier.
Albert Olsen, Fred Griffin.
fcagle Greek Maggie Smith.
Payn May Smart.
Pleasant Hill Lizzie McOonnell.
Maple Lane -Sophie Baumann. Zella
Clarkes Effie Grace.
Bailow Leroy Parraenter.
Highland Vena Mayfield. Curtis
Bullrun Bertha Oberst. Jessie G.
Mountain Road Mary Baker, Laura
' Milwaukie Annie M. Thiessen. Le
roy JohiiBon.
Uoncord Guy White.
Riverside Molvin Barmbre, Fred
Went Oregon City Lee V. Caufleld,
x-mi x Diimu, Duuoiu luutuiiiao.
District Deputy E. II. Cooper in
stalled the newly elected officers of Lone
star Odd Fellows lodge at Clackamas
Station on Wednesday night of last
week. . He was assisted by Sheriff
Cooke, 8. 8. Walker, E. A. Leigbion
and W. A. Hedges. The new olflcers of
Oswego lodge were Installed by the same
oincer. Urand patriarch Thomas i,
Ryan, Recorder Randall and W. A,
Hedges were present from Oregon City,
As yet it has been impossible to secure
complete lists of the new officers from
ither place.
There was a joint installation of the
Workman and Degree of Honor lodges
at their hall Saturday night. Past Mas
ter Roake installed Ihe Workmen olli
cers, and Mrs M. A. Warner, past chief
of honor, installed the Degree officers.
""vVillamette Falls, Camp, Woodmen of
the World, will have a special meeting
at the Workmen hall tonight. Great
preparations are being made for the big
gathering ot Woodmen, to be held in
Portland August 8th.
x tie roresters are making prepara
tions lor their annual picnic to be held
here some time in August. It in ex
pecten that a thousand people will be
present from Portland.
The .aiive Sons have adjourned their
meetings until the nrst week in Octo
ber. For Over FIR j Year.
An Old and Well-Tried Remedy.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has
been used for over fifty years by millions
of mothers for their children while
teething, with perfect success
a-nouieH trie cniio. Horrftna i.rm anmm
allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is
the best remeuy lor Diarrhoea
pleasant to the taste, Sold Ly Dru
gists in every part of the Worl
iwenty-Bve cents a bottle. Its value
incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mr
Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no
other tuna.
. Cere&l. :
A perfect cereal coffee
of delicate flavor and
fragrant aroma.
The blending of California figs'
and prunes with well ripened
gi rain makes a fruit and" grain
coffee far superior to any othec
cereal beverage. ji
By our process all the delight-i ,
ful flavor of the fruit and healthful
strength of the grain is retained-
Tastes like coffee looks like
coffee. Healthful nufrftious
Boil from 5 to lO minutes. only
Judge McBride, h"ld an aljttiwsF
term of circuit court last SitnnUy. -Through
a technicality the contention
between J. V Hillegas, a Citihy saloon
keeper and the municipal recorder was
reversed. Hillegas was fined $50- by
Recorder Lee for selling liq lors on Smv
d.iy. HillegaB appealed to the circuit
court. W. S. U'Ren appeared for the
city and Livy Stipp for the apnellant sa
loon keeper. It is understood that Hil
legas has been denied a liquor license for
another term by the Canity city council,
W. VV, Smith, of Clackamns precinct,
wasgta ted a divo'co front Ain ia-E
Smith on the ground of abandonment.
The couple were married in Chaitevtonv
West Virginia, in 1890.
Default was entered in the divorce
suits of Ruby vs Wiliard 0. Seifurtb, au(J
Eliza vs Hugo Reebs.
In the matter ot the suit of tlioBant
of British Columbia vs Thomaa Chair
man, the action was dismissed on
tion uf the plaintiff.
Several Orders Handed Down
County Judge Ryan.
In (he matte- ot the estate of J. L,
Cochran, dei i a rd, a citation was or
dered issued to t .e minor heirs, prepa
tory to selling inu real property. J.tT
Campbell is named us guardian ad litura.
for said minor heirs.
" The final report of Frank Ford as- adt
miniBtralor of the estate oi L. A. Seely,
was approved and the administrator and;
bondnmen discharged.
The administrator of the estate, ot
the estate of VV. A. Stephons, deceased,
was allowed certain concession permis
sable by statute.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets..
All druggists refund the m iney if it fails
to curer E. W. Grove's signature i or
each box. 25o.
What Two Cetti Will do.
It will bring relief to sufferers from
sthma or consumption, even in the
worst cases. This is about what one
dose of Foley's Honey and Tar cost.
Isn't it worth a trial? Charman & Cm.
Mr, John Tippls, Colton, 0., Bays: "Fo
ley ' Honey and Tar cured my little girl
ol a severe cough and inflamed tonsils."'
Uharman & Go.
Thos. W. Carter.of Ashboro, N. O., haul
kidney trouble and one bottle of Foray
Kidney cure etiectea a perfect cure, ana
he says there is no remedy that will
compare with it. Charman & Co.
Science has found that rheumatism Ib
caused by uric acid in the blood. This,
poison should be excreted by the kid
neys. Foley's Kidney Cure always)
makes them well. Cha'manA Co.
James G. Amhertof, Delia, 0., writes :
"I had an obstinate sore on my fa
which everything else failed to heal.
After one application -A Banner Salve ii
began to heal and after three applica
tions it was entirely healed leaving no
scar. Charman & Co.
ANY advertised dealer is authorized
to guarantee Banner Salve for tetter,
eczema, piles, sprains, scalds, burns,
uhers and any open or OLD SORE
Charman & Co.
Question Answered.
Yes, August Flower stilt ' has the
largest sale of any medicine in the civ
ilized world. Your mothers and grand
mothers never thought of using any
thing else for Indigestion or Biliousness.
Doctors were .scarce, and they seldom
heard of Appendicitis, Nervous Prostra
tion or Heart Failure, etc They used
Angust Flower to clean out the system
and stop fermentation of undigested
food, regulate the action of the fiver,
stimulate the nervous and organic action
of the system, and that is all they took
when feeling dull and bad with
headaches and other aches. Yi a wily
need a few doses of Green's August
Flower, in liquid form, to make ynat
isfled there is nothing serious the matter
with you. Get Green's Prize- Alumnae
at George A. Harding's.
We treat
price to all
all customers alike. One-,
and money saved at Red
Front Store.
Who own the famous Gale:
Spring Tooth Seeders, I car
furnish extras at reasonable prices
Call on or write 'o
Clarke Ore,
Pecs in Root Simj licity Hives, $3 to fo.
ra -n to tnnnl an-l advertia i lor old eatabllahad
h .WW of a, Hit flnancM tunilluir. Salary tTMai
ear end rxpetiani, all payable In eaah Kutao
itaaltiK Hiiilred (iivu rvlerrncei and fntlnan
4ir-a(lilrMl itamped envelopo, AUclrvM ilu
ftger, 865 Caxton Itldf., Chicago.