Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, July 12, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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i.it-.--e . hi Oregon City poBtoffleea2nd-clft8S matter
In advance, per ear ........... 1 60
lt mouths ...... 75
Tiree momliB'trlal 26
tWThe date opposite your address on the
tuer denotes Ihe time to which you haye paid.
I this notice Is marked your subscription Is due.
Willi Weekly Orcuoiilaii
Tri-Weekly N. Y. World. . ..
r ' Nutfonal VVuLchmttn ..
' ' Appeal to Koason
" Weekly Examiner
- " liryan a Commoner
.12 00
. 1 St
. 1 75
i. 1 Bo
. 2 25
. 1 75
Standing business advertUcments; Permonth
prorcsuo iaicara.4,i pei year: i toiuincnes
60c per inch, 12 inches for $", 20 Inches (column)
8, 30 Inches, $12.
Transient advertisements: Per week 1 Inch
iUo, 2 inches Toe, 8 inches (1,4 Indies 11.25,6
inches t.50( 10 inches .;, 20 Inches 5
Leil a tvertiiiementB: Her iu h tirst inser
I Ml $1, enciiad litlonal insertion 0c. Allllavils
ef publication will not be iirnished until pub
Heatloii fees are paid.
Uocal rutic js; Klve cents per lino per-week
Per month 20o.
Edwaki) Beauprc, an 8-foot Canad
ian giant, is looking fir a 7-font bride in
order lliitt lie can win a priz.j of 100,000
iranc8 left by a French nobleinati to be
given to the finest pair of giants mar
lied each year in France, lnn't tlicrea
JrVtbf jot lirl of the retjUBile luntli ?
A youthful graduate of the Atrricu!
: tural College at Corvallis and his bride
were louring in the East. When visit-
in; a town in Michigan, they passed an
- (turtle house which had a lower, making
it look a little like a chinch . "I wor.--ler
what cnurcli that u," she ii quired.
He replied, after reading Ihe sin, "De
luge, No. 3," "I mess it must he the
Third Baptist."
It is reported that there is much ill-ner-s
among the Boer prisoners brought
to Bermuda. 1! th s is true it is unfor
tnnale that tliere men from high alti
tudes are t.) I.e cluHely conlined at sea
level in a ciiinate here British sailori
e not permitted to remain in summer
aud where the cliil.lrjn of whiti resi
deuts are habitually seat to Cami-U for
their health.
This Standard Oil money and brains
control, practically .all the suit produc
tion of this country. The National Salt
Company is the corporate name under
which it operates. And not content
with a monopoly of the homo market
by the fostering uid of atarifrdutj.it
has formed a combination with foreign
companies to contnl the entire salt
trade of the world.
Wis think the Chautauqiii in.iu.ign
tent ma le a m.s'ake when it let the
job of piloting in booklets ta Port
land house. While the assembly de
pends pa.tly on outside patronage its
main patronage, stockholders and the
business men who advertise In the
booklet come from Oregon City, The
Portland papers ate paid a hundred or
(odo'lars a year f ir advertising, while
the Oregon City papers have advertised
Ihe assembly gratis.
Skvkrai, generations of factory slaves
fcave destroyed Hiiti h manhood Eng
lmd now has capitalists but will never
gain have soldi, rs the eqirM of Crom
well's Ironsides. From the results of
Kcculiing for the Boer war, Arnold
White, an Epglish critic, has formtd
the conclusion that the inhabitants of
llio Miitit.li InleB are degenerating phy
sically. In the Manchester district
lone SO W out of 11,000 men who offered
themselves fur military service were cer
titled unt't to endure a soldier's life.
IsS.mih vfr'ci week by week the
British death roll lengthens. Week by
week Ihe army ivpoits no prorcis.
Week by wee' the disafft'ctiou among
'the. loyalists in Sviuih Africa grows. And
ejk by week, with a monotonous and
Baldening steadiness, the six and a
quarter millions are taken from the
yocket of the British tuxpiyer. In this
Untisli crisis we b.tvd apparently a
practical example of the old problem!
It an irrcsiatahl j force meets an immov
able body, what will happen?
In the scientific langu;ige of the day,
Ihe electron has assumed an Important
flace. It is thus d. 'lined by Pr. Oliver
J, Lodge: An atom is ordinarily asso
ciated with a charge and tore is ' re
quired to separate the charge from the
atom, Tbe atonrc charge, when sep.
rated, is called an electron. In an
electrolyte i. e., a suMtnee decom
fisel by an electric current there is a
, fcoJily transfer of atom with their
charges; in a metallic conductor the
charges are handed on, as electrons from
atom to atom. In the discharge through
kighly rarefied gases the electric current
feui its most simple form, "for here
, theie ia a flow of electrons traveling by
themselves, of disembodied charges or
, electric ghosts." Electrons are the fast
est moving of all known terrestrial ob
jects, their speed being one-tenth that
flight, which la 186,300 miles per tec
J. PiEKPONT Morcia.V John D.
Koikefeller, or any of a half dozen men
tliat could be named, have mare real in
fluence in the govt rn merit than the sta'e
of Virginia, or than one half dozen
states, leaving out New Yorl?, bhio,
Pennsylvania and Illinois. And yet
these men derive their power lrom the
ownership and control of things that
are no more properly the subjects of
such ownership than the air, or the
water of our rinra. It is just" as irra
tional to permit two men to control the
fuel supply of (he country as it would
be to permit them to control the iT or
waler supply, at their own dictation.
Sknatob Foraker d dares in strident
tones of the "brave, heroic, gallant" ne
groes, that "as they have shared our la
bars and jv-rils bo must they share our
rewards," and until these era secured
"there must not bo any restoration of
tlie democratic party to power." Very
good ; the republicans have controlled
the state of Ohio absolutely for the last
ten years; now many negroes have they
rawarJed witli office? President c
Kinlcy has the appointing power. How
many of the "brave, heroic, gallant"
colored men of the iSuiiili has he a
mitted to th rewards of victory since he
was elected for a second lerm? N. Y.
A dktkkminkd effort will be made to
secure the passage by the next conaieas
of a law which will provide for some ef
fective method ol disclosing tbe actual
constituents of goods sold as woolen
gooJs. This is a thing which should
have been attended .to long ago. The
growing use of shoddy and cotton in
goods Bold aa genuine ad-wool has been
increasing at such a rate in the past ten
years as to veiy materially reduce the
amount of wool used. The fraud is one
which can be prevented in no ether way,
apparently, than be national supervis
ion. The manufacturers claim that cotton-woolen
mixed goods are bet er than
those inude wholly of wool. .If this is
so nobody will be hurt by a law which
will pievcnt Hie sale of mixed goods as
a 1-wool goods. It, is pretty certain, how
ever, thafctiie claim of the manuh-ciur-e
s o.' mixed goods is not, wholly true,
and that the fraud n jiires both grower,,
of wool and purchasers of mixed goods
sold as all-Hool goods Oregon Agri
culturist, l'oilland.
Hornets' 2feM Stirred Up A mot g
G. O. I. Leaders by Courier
Herald Prtpoxltion.
As we stile 1 in last isstia the b wrJ oi
county commissioners has proven itself
afraid of Porter and failed to do its duty
and aec -pt propos tion of the writer to
furnish ail the stationery and printing
for the county for $10)0 for o io year.
In our stalem nit published bofore thd
items mentioned had co-t the countv for
11 months $2-i22 8t. Now we n ive the
liuie.s for 12 months an I they arj as
July .... $ 254 60
August IKS 00
Septenibor 112 00
October 1005 20
November 38 20
December .'. 113 75
January. 87 75
February 65 85
March 238 00
April 178 65
May 249 35
June D4 40
Total $2021 25
Printing Proceeding, about. . . 250 00
Ballots , H5 00
Total $:!01G 25
The lust two items were not included
in oilier published statement bin. were
covered by hid of the Com ii r-ller ild.
The county would thus save over s.wo
thirds, or $2000, by ai cipting our bid of
$1000. Itas very evident that the
hoard did not wmtusto have
Ihe job, although John Lwellen was in
favor of it, mid the only excuse it had
was that each item idiould he' bid on
separately. After our hid had been
filed and opened they permitted Porter
to put in a hid in which lie atrree I to do
work "a cheap as tint furnished other
counties," ami was, in fact, no bid at
all, but it gitvrt t ie board a proiense for
laying the matter over and ordering bids
advertised for. Did we irot a"fair Bhake?"
Is there any use bidding on a proposi
tion that is tied up politically? The tax
pi vers are not taken into consideration
i t ail The matter stands thus: One
man with a pull holds ajclub overanother
with aspirations.
She Didn't Wear a Mask.
But h r beauty was complet 'ly hidden
by sores, blotches and pimples till she
used Bueklen's Arnica Salve. Then
they vanished as wiil all Eruptions,
Fever Sores. Boils, Ulcers," Carbuncles
and Felons from its ns.. Infallible for
Cuts, Corns, Burns, Scalds and Piles.
Cure guaranteed. .'5c at lievrge A.
Xotlceto Contractors.
Notice is hereby given that sealed bids
will be received by the secretary at
Beaver Creek until 7. p h. July 27,1901,
for the construction of a new hall for
the Beaver Creek Hall and Building As
sociation in accordance with plans and
specilicationaon file with said secretary
Right is reserved to reject anv or all
T. B. Thomas, President.
W. F. Harhis, Secretary.
Boavr Crock, July a, 1901.
Land titles examined, abstract made
and money loaned at lowest rates.
Dimick & Eastham, Lawyers. Oregon
Regular July Term of the County
i Board.
J..R.. Morton, John Lewelliug and T.
B. Killiu, County Commissioners.
Be it remembered, That a regular term
of the Board of County Commissioners
for the County of Clackamas, state of
Oregon begun and held at the court
house in said county and state on Weu
nesday, the 3rd day of July, 1901, the
same being the regular time fixed y law
for the transaction of county buBiue.ss.
There were present, Hon. J. It. AJorton,
Hon. John Leweilenaud Hon. T. B. K.il
len, -cjinmifsiouers; E. H. Cooper,
clerk ; and J. J. Cooke, sheriff, when
the following proceedings were had t )
wit :
The following claims against the
County were allowed i
Eli Williams, assessor's acc $92 00
J li Porter . . 69 00
N Blair t3 00
J A Tufts ... W 00
B Sullivan 69 00
F Harkenrider b9 00
CE liamsby 4i 00
V K Hyde ... co plat 09 00
F W Greeumau 09 00
Lfi Williams 47 50
T P Randall, recorders acc 14 30
E H Cooper, smtionery 85
.VI C Strickland, post mortem,
Indian Susan 10 20
Houeyman, De ; lart'& Co... ..... 2 05
Ked Front Trading Co, pauper ac 4 00
dhank & Bissell, pauper acc 15 60
Cjlass & Prudhouime, stationery . . 31 00
Mitchell, Lewis & Slaver (Jo, road
acc '. 1 40
W A Huntley, stationery 1:6 05
Oregon City J?i uniiry - 10 Ou
Chris Bluhiii, pauper acc 6 00
Glass & Prudhomme, revolving
desk 4a 00
Tilephone acc 4 tSJ
Work on Staehle bridge
August Staehle " 4 50
iiujih Brennau 4 60
William Bandall : 4 50
Jonah Penman 4 50
William McDonald 4 50
Robert Montgomery 8 00
Enos Cahill.... 7 50
Wilson & Cooke, hardware 7 60
August Staehle, hauling lumber.. 3 00
W and lv& Wilson,. pauper acc. 21 75
A W Cheney, printing 38 35
George B Kate & Co, powder.... 12 00
Phoenix Insurance Co, prem.... 22 60
AuBtia & Western Co, drag and
plow : . . . 32 25
Enterprise, stationery 36 60
" printing 38 25
Justice Court District No. 4,
State vs J Mark Ward and E S
J vV McAnulty, J P.... $7 75
Charles E Burns, constable 8 50
George Muesig, witness.... 1 70
E Beausari " 1 70
Joe Kaiide Is " 1 70
State vs Harry Boyles
J W McAnulty, J P $9 20
H S Moody, constable 9 35
Harry Trembath, witness 170
Harry French " 1 70
E Richards " 1 70
Humphrey Trembath " 1 70
State vs Charles Dot " ,
J W McAnulty, J P 4 95
H 8 Moody, constable 8 90
State va H Bluhm
JWMcAnulty.JP 2 66
H S Moody, constable.- 6i0
InaM Chase, sheriff acc 58 00
W H Kannle " " 7 00
W II Young, stable and' hauling
aco i 16 00
J J Cooke, b rard of prisoners .... 6 43
ISen, pauper acc 23 05
J C Ziuser, ottice expenses . .. 20 30
M N Bacon, clerk acc 44 00
In the matter of road leports for the
month of June, 1901.
The Boaid having exatrined the re
pons of the road supervisors lor their
respective districts and being tully ad
vised, It is ordered that hey he and a e
herebv authorized trdraw warrants bn
the road and general funds for the sev
eral amounts and in favor of the follow
ing named :
Road District No. 1 Labor on Oat
field road
E Tucholke $ C4 00
II Thiessen t) 00
II Stuckey 1U 60
F Woithiugton ; 3 00
0 ClayBon ... 9 00
Oh ules Couusell 30 00
Oriu Batliu 21 00
John Harrington 23 25
C Wallace 4 60
Jesse Conies 3 00
Sam Bernhard. 27 00
W 11 Couneell.... 4 0J
Total $244 73
Uoad District No. 2
1' T Davis $48 00
Mat Ryckman 4 50
L D Jones 15 40
tharl's Koadarme.1 14 25
W W Smith 12 75
Frank Landers 18 41
J R Landers.... 8 0J
Fred Wade 4 50
Geoige W Gall' ey 8 25
J P Davis 19 60
A C Davis 40 50
Ward Jones 68 00
1 W Jonson 25 50
Willis Johnson 9 00
Ross Parker ... 62 60
li O Wude 4 00
Robert Cummins 2-i 60
George B Rue & Co ..... . .. til 35
" 19 00
Total $402 40
Road Disiril t No. 3
A W Cooke $10 00
OWli nihil 6 00
ADunlap 1 50
A Wolfhagen 75
J R Morton 7 60
W W Cooke 19 50
A W Cooke, team 3 00
$78 25
Continued on rge S.
If you knew how SCOTT'S
EMULSION would build you
up, increase your weight,
strengthen your weak throat
and lungs and put you in con
dition for next winter, you
would begin to take it now.
Send for frr (wmnle, nd try tt.
SCOTT & BOWNE. Chemists,
409 415 IVarl Street, New York. -
50c. and J 1.00: nil druggist.
. Training j
Is indispensable to athletic
success. In training, much
fctress is laid upoii diet; care
ful attention to the quantity
and quality of the food eat
en, with regularity of meals.
That is the secret of strength for every
man. No man can be stronger than his
stomach. The careless and irregular
eating, of business men, causes disease
of the stomach and its allied organs of
digestion and nutrition. There can be
no sound health until these diseases are
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
cures diseases.of the stomach and other
organs of digestion and nutrition, and
enables the body to be built tip into vig
orous health by the assimilation of the
nutrition extracted from food.
"I was taken with the (rrippe, which resulted
in heart nnd stomach trouble," writes Mr. T. R.
Caudill, of Montland, Alleghany Co., N. C. I
was unable to do anything a Rood part of the
time. I wrote to Dr. Pierce about my condition,
having full confidence in his medicine. He ad
vised me to take his 'Golden Medical Discovery,'
which I did. Before I hHd finished the second
bottle I began to feel better. I have used nearly
six bottles. I feel thankful to God for the bene
fit I have received from Dr. Pierce's Golden Med
ical Discovery. I can highly recommend it to
all persons as a good and safe medicine."
Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure constipation.
Tbe finest bon Iron boxes in towr al
M - K K K
S11 tvin oil 10 cuts at the first
claBS shop of P. G. Shark.
The latest in chocolate of all kinds at
tbe Kozy Kandy Kitchen,
New goods a' bottom price at Klem
en's Klectric Cash Grocery.
Thn e goul milk cows for sale Apply
to Thomas Davis, Beaver Creek.
A fevv watches for sale cheap at
Younger's. Watehes cleaned, $1.
The la'est out Try the irrarslrmallow
kUses at the Kozy Kandy Kitchtn.
Ladies, if y inr sewing machine is out
of 0 dt-r, t;.ke it to Johnson & Lamb's.
A slightly uwed p;irlor organ for sale
by W. L. Block, the houiWurnifher.
Shank & Bissell carry the most com
plete line of undertakers' buppliej in
Oregon City.
If your back is broke ihe pi nee to get
it tixed is at Johnson & Lamb's bicycle
repair shop.
For Sale Four milch cws and one
heifer. Knquire of Mr. llarrisb'iger,
Mount Pleasant.
L'ist One Lewellen set'er bitch.' Re
ward for return to Wesltrn Union Ttle
giaph office, Orfgnn City.
$20 to $100 to loan on c'ia tjl or pjr
sonal security.
Dimick & Eastiiam, Agts.
W ill keep my Durham bull, M'Kin
ley on my West Side 6irra until further
not ce. Seivico, $L. Low Ford.
The latest ai d best brands of cigars
and tobacc is are ke"pt lv P. G. Shark
Smokers' goods and onfecti onery, also
Moore's Seventh Stre-'t Pharmacy 0:1
tbe hill. New Ktore, new goods, new
prices. Dr J Bukit Moorb, Proprie
tor.' Lumber Leave orders at this office
for first-clans lumber of all kinds, or ad
dress W. F. HakriSv Beaver Creek,
Tho Weekly Oregonian gives all tbe
national news and tire Courier-Herald
gives all local and county news. Both
one year lor Two Dollars.
George Anderson, ejipeit piano tuner
and tone regulator, with Kiler piano
house, Portland, Ore. Leave orders
with Burmeis'er k Andreaen, or cotn
m tin irate direct with houe.
When you visit Portland don't fail to
net vonr me tis at the H'yal Restauraut,
First and .Madison. They si ve an ex
cellent meal at a moderate price; a good
nq ire ine.iL 1 "j.
'hn yoii want a god squ ire meal
gltotlu ir'runsAiek reitanrant, oppo
site suspension bridge,- L. Kueouicli,
proprietor. Everything 'fresh and clean
and well cooked; just like you get at
home. This is the only tirst-class res
taurant in Oit'gon City and where yoo
can get a good meal for the price of a
pour one .el ewhere.
Tne greatest skin specialist in America
originated tbe formula for Banner Salve.
For all skin diseases, ad cuts or sores,
and for piles, it's the most healing medi
cine. Beware of substitutes. Charman
A Co.
For Sale 240 acres of land 12 miles
Oregon City; 41) cleared house, barn
orchard; price, $2350; $500 down, bal
ance on easy terms. Have youroan
time to pay balance. Apply to J, W.
MoAniilty, office on Main street, oppo
site Albright's meat market.
From J nly 3rd to the 13th, inclusive,
Southern Pacific trains will leave Ore
gon City for Gladstone and Portland at
7 :U0, 9:22, 10:30 a in,, and 12:15, 1 :-15
3 :40, 5 :5l) and 6 :30 p. m. For Glad
stone only at 7 :15, 7 :10, 8 :00, 8 :30 and
9:20 every evening on same dates. Last
trains leave Gladstone for Oregon City
and Portland at 10:00 p.' m. Secure
your tickets at Southern Pacific depot.
Dr. George Ewing, a practicing physi
cian of Smith's Grove, Ky., for over
30 vears. writes his personal experiance
wirh Foley's Kidney Cure: "For years I
have been greatly bothered with kidney
trouble and enlarged prostrate gland.
I used everything known to the profes
sion without relief, until I was induced
to use Foley's Kidney Cure. After using
three bottle 1 was entirely relieved and
enred. I prescribe it now daily in my
practice and heartily recommend its use
i to all physicians for sucu trouoies, 101 a
can honestly state I have prescribed it
, in hundaeds of cases with perfect 'suc
cess." Clmrmn&Co.
Bat the Best Stock of First-Class
, Goods to be Found at Bottom
Prices in Oregon City is at 1
Depend Upon
..Patent Flour, made from old wheat. It
makes the. best bread and pastry and always
gives satisfaction to the housewife, Be sure
ind order Patent Flour made by the Port
land Flouring Mills at Oregon City, and
sold by all grocers. Patronize
Home Industry
w f
H. Bethke's Meat Market
Opposite Hnntley's
First-GlaSs Meats of .11 irds
Satistaction Guaranteed
Sive yirQ a (all aijd be Treated Bifitjt
Foresight Means Good Sight
If there ever was a truism it is exemplified in the
nbtve headline. Lack ol foresight in attending to the
eyes in time means in the 'end poor sight. We employ
the latest most scientific methods in testing the eyes,
and charge nothing for the examination. Dr. Phillips,
an expert graduate oculist and optican, has charge of our
optical depaitment. V '
A. N. WRIGHT The Iowa
393 Horrlsoo Street, PORTLAND, OREQON
For all kinds of Building Material
Oregon City Planing Mill
1 Great Bargains in Trimmed Hats
2 . Magnificent Design
Also a Consignment of very Cheap Hats
Hair Switches at Very Low Figures
1 1
R. L. HOLM AN, Undertaker
Phones 476 and 305. Two Doors South of Court Hmic
Are Bought and
Appreciated by
of Oregon City
A .Robertson
The 7th St. Grocer -
Brown & Welch
'Proprietors of the
Seventh Street
Meat Market
. A. O. ' U. W. Building
We carry the lareeet ttockof Caskets,
Ccffine, Robes and Lining in Clackamas
county. , .
We are the only undertakers in the
county owning a hearse, which we far
nish for less than can ba had elsewher).
rte are under small expense and do
not ask large profits.
Galls promptly attended night or day.