Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, July 12, 1901, Image 1

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19th YEAR, NO. 8
' X
182 Madison St., West end of Bridge, Portland, Oregon
Aultman & Taylor's
Celebrated Threshing Machinery
Steam and Gas Engines,
Saw Mills,
cuise I bv filth and mud that is con
stantly stirred up in the basin whenever
the boats come in.
After considerable trouble the old ce
ment mill. 50x150 feet, has been pur
chased and will prove a very desirable
place for the filters, after the removal of
the present structure.
Tne total cost of the filter plant, land,
buildings, foundations, mains, intake
oire. etc.. is exoected to be within $25 -
000, and will be installed within the next
four months. At this price, deducting
thd amount on hand, the total - debt on
the water works will be almost $25,000,
and as the extra coBt of operation will
not be more than $60 or $70 per month,
there will remain from $3000 to, $5000 per
year to apply on the debt, which with
an increase of revenue to be expected
from pure water, promises to practically
wipe out the debt in a very tew years.
January collections ..... ...f 637 60
februery " ovi oo
March " , o ou
April " 624 70
May " 653-90
June " ." 857 35
Total for six months $4067 60
Cash in Treaa.'s hands Jan 1, '01 $7002 72
(Rrebe, Harder & Co.
182, 184, 186 Madison Street, West End of Bridge,
Agricultural Implements and Vehicles
Total. .
.$11670 32
Six months int. on bonds to July
lBt. 1901 $ 300 00
Ernest Rands. map of south fork
of Clackamas iu uu
T S Lawrence.lumber and labor
repairing station floor bi 75
California-Jeweil Filter Co. filter
exhibit 17o 00
Graton & Knight M'fg Oo.
leather belt 153 38
Bruce O Currv. maD of Oregon
Oitv 5 00
F L Washburn, extra expense u '
on water analysis 6 50
Wilson & Cooke, tools $11, waste
$11 50, sundries, $1.25 23 75
Willamette Iron & Steel Works
bolts 5 60
FT Barlow, coal oil 1 70
Labor atco'int. at pumps and on
Mains 146 80
Orreon . Citv Courier-Herald.
Printing receipts and notices 49 20
Oregon City Enterprise, print
ing notices 15 70
A J Owen bey, blacksuii thing. . 9 60
Wolf& Zwicker Iron Works,
pump repair . .f21 56
Charmun & Co. oil 15 60. sun- f
dry supplies $5 J..J 20 60
OO Foundry, castings ,". .. 14 40
W E Howell, supt salary $270.
turn on fees 110. care of filter
$20 300 0C
P G E Co. light. .,. ... . A . . 12 25
Pope & Oo, lahor $82,seveu tap
pings $32 41, tools $11.45, ma- .
terial $110.16. Tenth. street
main $6 00 242 92
OA Harding, electric lamps.. 160
Reservoir repairs ,. 4 80
T L Charn.au, Secietary salary
I50.comniiiou on col. $204 53.
expense $8 88 263 21
O N Greentuan. freight and
drayage 2 65
New water supply expense.,., 120
Total paid out
Balance .in treasurer's
July 1st, 1901
$1854 00
$9816 26
Remember we have the finest stock of the best makes to be found
in Portland, including Farm and Spring Wagons, Buggies, Carriages
and Carts, Mowers, Rakers, Tedders and Hay Tools, Hay Presses,
Grain Drills, Plows, Cultivators, Disc and Spring Tooth Harrows,
Pumbs Harness, Bicycles, Etc.
Water Commissioners Submit
Semi-Annual Report.
We herewith respectfully submit our
semi-annual report of receipts and dis
bursements, of the finances of the city
water works.
Tht earnings show a steady increase,
and should reach the $8000 mark by the
eDd of the year. Seven nw tappings
have been made.
The past six months mark an eventful
period in the history of the city water
works, in the fact that at last the Board
has decided upon plans for the improve
ment ofjthe water supply, by the means
of mechanichl filtration. Inour last re
port we gave the council the result of
our investigations regarding a gravity
supply j but as the expense seemed be
yond the income from the water supply
was dropped for at least a few years-to
come. Steps hate already been taken
to have the forest reserve onhe south
fork of the Clackamas river set aside for
tire future need of our city's water sup
ply. Lastly it remains for mechanical filtra
tion to proyide an efficient and eco
nomical mens of furnithing pure and
wholesome water from our preseut sup
ply. The Board was first informed of
this system in 1S96, but owing to the fi
nancial stringency ai.d the expense at
tending the new reservoir, the matter
was not considered seriously. In our
July report for 1899, the Board stated
that a representative of the California-
Jewell Filter Co. had looktd .over our
proposition, and stated that at a cost of
Eot to exceed $25,000 a filter plant of
one-million gallon capacity in 24 hours
could be installed. As the sentiment of
a largo prcport on of the citizens were
opposed to tuth large expenditure for a
gravity Eyttem with the prospect that
the income might not take care of the
fame for tome lime to come, it was then
decided by the Board to investigate the
filter system in a thorough manner, and
to that end had the California Jewell
Filter Co. of San Francisco, bring an ex
Deriment.l pressure filter to the city
and make a practical demonstration of
Total $11670 32
Charles H. Cacfield, Pres.
" T. L. Cuarman, 8ec.
Board of Water Commissioners,
This signature is on every box of the genuine
Laxative Brorao-Uuinine Tabid.
the remedy that cure cold la ne day
the merits of their system. The same
was placed on Seventh and Main street,
during the latter part of March, and a
30-day test required. On the 12th of
April samples were taken and sent to
Professor F. L. Washburn, the State Bi
ologist at the University of Eugene.
The results of the examinations being
highly satisfactory, from the fact that
the water in the river was quite muddy
at the time, and it proved that the filter
while making the water clear and color
ets, it removed all the foreign matter
except a very small percentage of bac
teria. Before considering a proposition the
Board addressed a circular letter to 20
different cities in the United States,
wbicb are using filters of the capacity
we require. Kepoitafrom all of these
cities state th t the results are highly
satisfactory, The cheaper cost is mainly
a saving 01 freights.
ihe experimental filter is still kept
running lor the benefit 01 the public,
and gives a very satisfactory drinking
water. iSetter retults can without
doubt be obtained from (lie gravity svs-
tem of filters using filtered water to
wash the filter bed with, contrararv to
the belief of many people, the river
water at the time it was analyzed was
quite muddy, but it was not considered
unfit lor drinking, consequently to free
it from all tuepended matter, would be
a great benefit, filtration does. The
cost of nraking this filter test was $175,
and the Board is certain that the knowl
edge gained, both for themselves and
the citizens, justifying the expense. The
simplicity of cleaning these filters is one
of their chief recommendations.
The Board has closed a contract with
the California Jewell rilterCo. of San
Francisco, Cal., to erect a Jewell grav
ity niter plant capable 01 hltenng one
million gallons ol water in each 24 hours
under a guarantee to make same clear,
colorless, odorless, and 97 per cent free
from organiHtns and bacteria for the sum
of $12790. Paildings, foundations, con
necting mains, etc, are not included.
The Board has employed an engineer
to make plans for a suitable intake pipe
to extend up tte basin and into running
water, and do away with the. bad water
Parkplace) Letter List.
Following is a list of letters remaining
in the Parkplace postoffice unclaimed for
the month ending June 30th, 1901 : Miss
May Luce, Parkplace; J. W. Stevens,
Gladstone J Thomas Butts, Place.
W. A. Holmes, P. M.
Following is the voluntary observers'
meteorological record for month of
June, 1901, at Miramonte Farm near
Aurora, Oregon :
Mean temp,
Max. temp., 88.
Date, 17th.
Min. temp, 41.
Daf? 4th. .
Total precip., 1.23 inches.
No. of days clear, 5.
Paitly cloudy, 15."
Cloudy, 10.
Hail, 11th.
Prevailing wind, direction, westerly.
G. Mueckb, Observer.
It Dazzles the World.
No discovery in medicine has ever
created one-quarter of the excitement
that has caused by Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption. It's severest
teets have been on hopeless victims of
Consumption, Pneumonia, Hemorrhage,
Pleunsv and Bronch tis, thousands of
whom it has restored t) perfect health.
For Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Croup, Hay
Fever, Hoarseness and Whooping Cough
it is the quickest, surest cure in the
world. It is sold by George A. Hard
ing, guarantees satisfaction or refunds
money. Lai ge bottles 50c and $1. Trial
bottles free.
Going East.
If you intend to take a trip East, ask
your agent to ruite yon via The Great
Wabash, a modern and up-to-date rail
road in every particular.
Through trains from Chicago, Kansas
City, Omaha or St. Louis to New York
and New England points. All trains
run via Niagara Falls and every through
train bus free reclining chair cars, sleep
ine and dining cars.
Slop over allowed on all tickets at Ni
agara falls.
Ross C. Clink.
Pacific Coast Pass. Agent.
Los Angeles, Cal.
C. S. Cbank, Gen'l. Pass Agent.
St. Louis, Mo,
Being crowded far space in my warehouse, I will sell the buggies and spring wagons
now in stock at prices that defy competition. Come early and secure a buggy before
the stock has been picked over.
I have a stock of these balers on hand that I will sell at reduced prices,
investigate for yourself.
Call and
Buffalo Pitts Harrows
and Cultivators
Owen's "Advance"
Fanning Mills
Peerless Plows '
Belle City I'ocd Cutter"
Milwaukee Binders
and Mowers
Write for Catalogue and Prices
The Housefurnisher
There are those who come to us again
and again. They like the place arid like
what we offer them There are attractions
here for alL Some things you will like, and
some especially for your neighbor.
We offer a pleasant welcome, and will be glad of your visit.
We wish you to consider three heavy items: STOCK, PRICE
and METHODS. Give us a trial.
For this week we offer at a special low price:
Heed's Patent Anti-Rusting Tinware
.iiltli,. .r,iMiW-5Wi Vi.
. When you buy Reed's you get the
best and newest patterns, the latest and
most modern designs. Made up of the
finest class of tin plate that can possi
bly be produced. Analytically tested
and endorsed by the best chemists and
pronounced to be the most healthful
and durabie goods.
Price for this 8-lb. Boiler. . . .$3 00
Wanh Basin, 40c
1 2-qt. pail, $l 00
This tinware will outlast one dozen of ordinary kind