f OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD. FRIDAY. JULY 5, 1901 8 BOARD OF COMfSSIOSERS. Regular June Term or tho Conntj Board. t. B. Morton, John lewellen and T. B Klllln, Commissioner. In the matter of bill of Ira Wilson : It is ordered that the bill of Ira Wilson for the care and keeping of Moses Spicer be and the tame hereby is allowed. In the uiHtler of cancellation of war rants; It appealing to the board that warrants No 7579, No 6560 and No 8020 of general fund have not been properly and cor rectly marie out, and warrants No 14945 and No 16749 of the road fund have been drawn through errors. It is ordered that those warrants so numbered be and the same are hereby cancelled. In the matter of Armory rent: It iB ordered that no warrants be issued from and after this date upon the funds of Clackamas couty for Armory rent. In the matter of the care of Samuel E Midlam, an indigent soldier: This matter coming on and it appear ing that Meade Post No 2 have presented bill for the care of 8amuel E Midlam, an indigent soldier, and the board be ing fullv advised, it is ordered that the bill of Meade Post No 2 be and the same is hereby allowed in the sum of $12 75. In the matter of Jane Carr, a county charge: It is ordered that Jane Carr be placed in the charge of Woodruff and that he re ceive therefore the sum of $6 00 per month for same. ; In the matter of road report of Super visor Fred Wagner, district No 35 : Now comes Fred Wagner, supervisor of district No 35, Cascades precinct, and corrects bis report heretofore made on t lie 8th day of J une 1901 and it is ordered that said report stand corrected, and that the following amounts be allowed the respective parties, to-wit: Chas Andrews $18 00 CShetterley 3 75 Geo A Leslie 2 25 C Hudson 450 Total $28 50 In the matter of the acceptance of the Tucker Creek bridge at Oswego : This matter coming on and the board be ing fully advised, it is ordered that paid bridge be and the same is hereby ac cepted, and a warrant drawn in favor of E D Olds, contractor, in the sum of $750 The sum of $200 having been paid on said contract by warrant numbered 7961. In the matter of John Watson, an in digent soldier : It is ordered that John Watson, an in digent soldier, have $5 00 per month, dating from June 1st. 1901 : In the matter of the taxes assessed upon Minthorn addition to the city of Portland, for the years 1892 and 1893. At this time Fannie B Richardson, H P McNary, and B F Meredith, Frances & Baker, Geo Collins and Edmond C Giltner and Harvey S Jordan appear' ing before the Board of Commissioners and offering to pay upon the following tracts owned by them respectfully, the following sums, to-witt; in full satisfac tion of the taxes assessed against the said lands for the years of 1892 and 1893, and of any interest therein which the county has acquired by virtue of any sale thereof for said taxes, to wit. : H S Jordan all of block 46, lots 30 to 48 inclusive in block 39; lots 1 and 25 to 48 inclusive in block 45 and lots 1 to 18 inclusive in block 68 of said Minthorn addition about six acres $12.00 ; Fannie B Richardson upon all of lots 25 to 42 inclusive, and 1 to 16 inclusive, in block 79 of the said Minthorn addi tion, being nearly two acres the sum of $6.00; HP McNary upon all of block one and lots 1 to 10 inclusive in block 28 of the said Minthorn addition, being about three acres the sum of $6.00; II P McNary and B F Meredith upon all of lots 11 to 40 inclusive, in block 28, and lots 1 to 20 inclusive, in block 29 of the said addition, being about three acres the sum of $6.00 ; Francis E Baker upon all of blocks 5 and 24, and lots 1 to 24 inclusive, and lots 32 to 48 inclusive, in block 33 of said Minthorn addition, being 10.24 acres the aura of $20 50; Geo Colli ns upon all of lots 21 to 40 in elusive in block 56, all of block 57, and lots 1 to 20 inclusive, in block 58 of the said addition, being 6 4 acres the sum of $12 80. Edmond C. Giltner upon blocks 2,3, 4, 25, 26, 27, 30, 31, 32, hi, 54, 55, 59, and 60. and lots 21, 22) 23, 24 in block 68, being about 48 05 acres the sum of $96. 10. And it appearing to this Board of Com missioners, that it is for the best interest of the county to accept said sunn of money, and in consideration thereof, to release the said tracts so assessed and belonging to the said parties, aforesaid, from the all lien of said taxes, and from all claims and interest of Clackamas county therein, aoquiied by said county by virtue of any sale of said tracts above named for said taxes for said years. It is therefore ordered, by the board that the said sums of money be accept ed by the county in full satisfaction and payment of Faid taxes and interest of tho county in said tracts of land and that the clerk upon payment thereof, issue to eaid parties above named proper certifi cates of redemption and satisfaction of said taxes for tt e said years of 1892 and 1893. In the matter of the mileage Yind per diem of the county commissioners : It is ordered by the board that the mileage and per diem of the commis sioners be allowed, as follows, to-wit : J R Morton, 6 cavs 40 miles $22 00 John Lewellen,7 dave 21 00 T B Killin, 3 days 84 miles 17 40 Total $60 40 The board now adjourned Bine die, J R Moiiton, John Levvellen, T B KlLLBN,' 1 Commijsioners. Going East. If you intend to take a trip East, ask your agent to route you via The Great Wabash, a modern and up-to-date rail road in every particular. Through trains from Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha or St. Louis to New York and New England points. All trains run via Niagara Falls and every through train has free reclining chair cars, sleep ing and dining cars. Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni agara Falls. Ross C. Clink. Pacific Coast Pass. Agent. Los Angeles, Cal. C. S. Orane, Gen'l. Pass Agent. St. Louis, Mo. How's This I We offer One Hundred Dollars -Reward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F.J. CHENEY & CO., Props., To ledo, O. We the undersigned, have known F, J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all busiress transactions and flnanclalv ablo to carry out anv obligations made by their firm. West & TnuAx, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, G. Waldinq, Kinnan & Marvin, Whole Bale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly upon the blook and mu cuous surface's cf the system. Price, 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills are the best. A Great Hosiery Offer Direct From the Mills. The old maxim, "The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating," applies as well to the wearing qualities ot our ho siery. Once worn and you will wear them always. An exceptional trial of fer that every reader of this paper should take advantage f and test the remarkable wearing qualities and supe rior finish of our high grade hosiery. We will, on receipt of 25c in silver and the name of your local dealer, send di rect to you from the mills, postage paid, 4 pair of our finest high grade latest style Empire brand ladies' or children's hose, or men's half hose, in black, tan, white or the fashionable fancy solid col ors, or the latest combination Bilk em broidered polka dots, electric stripes, or silk clocking on side, in fancy open work plain, or drop stitch style, in French lisle thread, balbriggan, silk finish maco, or cashmere, with full finish elas tic top. and our patent reinforced silk and linen knit seamless, double sole, toe and high spliced double heel. Tbey save darning and are granted to give three times the wear of any other hosi ery . The same in children's with elas tic top, double knee, Bole, heel and toe, plain or ribbed, fine, medium or heavy quality, guaranteeX fast color, and war ranted not to crock. The retail value of these hose is 25c. per pair. We will not send more than 4 pair of each ladies' or children's to one person. A trial wear of these will convince you of their mer its. For 50c, we will send, post paid, one trial pair of our ladies' fine silk hose, in shades of pink, gold, white, blaik, blue, cardinal or lavender. This is a special trial offer. If you are not satisfied with them after trial wear we will refund your money. If you are pleased with them and wish more, in sist on your local dealer procuring them for you, and insist on him getting our Empire brand hosiery. Write us today, mentioning this paper, as this offer is limited. A beautiful Utile booklet, tell ing how our hosiery is made, mailed free to you on request. Address this way, Empire Knitting Mill, 106 and 108 Fulton St., New York City. For Sale Four milch cows and one heifer, inquire of. Mr. Harxisberger, Mount Pleasant. Lost Oue Lewellen setter bitch. Re ward for return to Western Union Tele graph office, Oregon City. 1901 SPRING AND SUMMER SEASON 1901 Unbleached Muslins. Atlantic L. L. 36-inch wide, per yd .5c Best Cabot W,, 30-inch wide 6c Bleached Muslins. Lonsdalet 36-inch wide, per yd 9c Common muslin, per yd 5c Good quality cambric, per yd 10c , ; ; Calicoes. Light coloied calico, per yd 4c Indigo blue figured oil calico, per yd 5o Dark standard prints,' Der yd 5c Oh nm bray finish prints, per yd 7c Do'ible-fold percales, per yd. . . .10c and 12c Dimities, Ginghams, etc. Checked apron ginghams, per yd 5c Figured lawns, per yd 5c Dimities, etamines and organdies, ranging in price per yd..;..... 1.,... from 10c to 35c Scrim for curtains, per yd.. ..v 5c Silkoline, plain or figure, per yd 10c Art Demins, per yd,... 15c Satlnes, Shirting, etc. Black satine, fast color, per yd.1 10c Henrietta satine, black acid proof, per yd . . ...... ......12c. 16c, 18cand20c Dairy cloth, per' yd ,.'.Jv 6o White and colored ,bunting, per yd, v... .. 6c Lace curtains, per pair , , . . .... ...r I....! ; .45e, 75c$l, $1.25 anl. $2.00 , A GUIDE TO BARGAINS I SELLING Suspension Bridge Cor. Seventh and Main Sts. OREGON CITY, OREGON We ask for your trade this season feeling that our dealing cannot fail to be mutually profitable and satisfactory. We aim to select and sell only such goods as will fill the expectation of the buyer from first to last, at the time of purchase it is mainly a question of style and appearance, afterward it becomes a test of service and durability You will find us stocked with the goods that meet these demands We submit a few prices from our various departments. Table Clotb. White and colored, best quality, per yd. . . ,18c Sboes. I . I I I" -I ii i Good dark colored eliirtlnsr! iter vd . . . Wide German ahlrtine. per yd . . 0c Straw ticking, per yd...;.. ..;.1..'..'. 7c Feather ticking, per yd 15c ,.. , Cotton Batting. " Good quality per pound. , j.i ...10c Extra quality per pound.....: .. .15o 1 ' Shirt Waists, ; ' We have a grmt stock, perfect line of the newest novelties and latest idoas rang in price from 4! 50oto$2.50, ' ' . . '. Notions. " Pins, Eagle, American, per paper.. !.... . .. 5c' Large size Bafety pins, per paper. .'6c Knitting needles, set of 5. , , 4 5o Hair pins, assorted sines, per box. k. 6c Tape, medium and wide, 2 rolls fur Re Finishing braid, bunch 6o Knitting cotton, ball........ 1 6c Embroidery nilk, on spool , lr.uix spools or 5c FaHt black darning col ton ....... .2 balls for 5c Aluminum thimbles , i j . 5o Sheet wadding . . . ., k , . . .2 Bheets for 5o Ladies'silk milts, a , l5o Ladies' gauntlet gluvcs , 25c Dress stays, per hunch '. lCo Corduroy skirt binding, black and colore, Pery'l 6o elveteen skirt binding, black and colors, Pt'r vd 4o alenome lace, lc yd and upwards; bunch of 12 yards, 10c per do and up, Corsets. ; We handle the celebrated R & G. A good ,. cornet helps a good form, Ttioy ar , made in exclusive style. Prices' from , , 75c to $2.60 ' House Furnishing Goods. Uubleach ed table linen, per yd. 25c Turkey red damask, per )d.. 20o Turkey red damask, oil finish. German goods, per yd 25, 30, 40 and 50u Bleached table linen, per yd Soc and np Linen napkins, per set ...2.io Cotton towels 6c Turkish towels ....... IOo Cotton crash, poryd.... 6c All linen crash, per yd.. 8, 9, 10, 12c Furniture oretones, per yd.. ,-, ... 7, 8 and 10c Clothing. Our stock is most complete and goods of the best description, We will give you quality that is a warrant of excellence. Child's suits . . $ 1 . 50, $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50, $4. Men's satinet suits $3.60 Men's cassimere suits $6.00 Men's all wool cheviot suits $8 00 .Men's navy blue molton suits, all wool color guaranteed.. $10.00 Men's worsted suits . . $10, $12, $14 and up. In men's clothing we handle the O. K. & R brond. THIS LABEL ON A GARMENT 1 wA 7 .I I,' A GUARANTEE OF ITSELF. All clothing bear-in thin trade mark Is a guarantee of itself If any garment bearing this label does not prove entirely satisfactory or not as represented it. may be returned and money refunded UovV long punts suits, H to 20 vearo, , Ance8$:S, $, $'), $8, $7, $S and $10 M 9 c J Ladies' Dongola lace. 11.00 Ladies' Dongola lace, solid throughout, stock tip $1.50 Ladies' Vici, lace or button $2.00 Ladies' Vici, lace $2, $3, and $3.50 Ladies' Oxfords 75c, $1, $1.25 and$1.50 Men's plow shoes, tip soles. ... $1.25 Men's genuine satin calf bals or congress solid leather outer and inner soles $1.50 Men's tan shoes $1.60 Men's Dongola shoes $2.00 Men's dress shoes. We are agents for the Lewis A. Crossett. We claim for these shoes all the service that can be found in any nhoe at any price. Price $2.50,$3.00, $3 50 and $4.00 Men's Furnishing Goods. Men's turkey red hdkfs 5C Men's white hdkfs 5C Men's suspenders 15c, 25c, 35c, 40c, 60c Men's white ehirte, linen bosoms 45c Men's heavy working gloves 25c, 35c, 60c Men's 9-oz overalls, patent buttons, pat re inforced stays 45c Men's silk front dress shirts . . .!'."50o Men's fancy dress shirts 35c to $1.00 Men's balbriggan underwear, suit 60c Capjs, Skirts, etc. Ladies'silk capes. We can satisfy most critical taste. Prices $2.50 upward. Ladies skirts in crash, wool and silk, the and Cress Goods. Our splendid hs iitinent includes all the fashlonnhle and r.'ully desirable fabrics known as the high cl .sn 'maple novelties. ' ' ' ' 84-inch wide cusluin ros, per yd. . .:. , .. ... lie 30-inch wide UonriiUs, per yd 2"u; 42-inch bluiMir blu k serge, per yd 5.' 1 Double-fold half wool brocades, per yd...l2,laC Black broculid Armours, pnr yd .15 and 25c ,3S-inch, all, w.m', lk lini-ih, G -rm n;Hen , riuttaai per y l . . .. . , 60-inch w li ul-.ri silk, n r yd Fancy liUvk u-x-d. Ve have some le niarkable fferliK'S, Prices per yard ...:'.......'. .'.., .....from 5tcto$2.5J 60; Tic 1 r GOODS. Hats and Caps. Men's caps 20, 25 and 50c Men's Fedora hats 45c, 75c, 1 and np Boys' Fedora hats 60c Men's di8a straw hats.... 25c to $1.00 Boys' dress straw hats 20c, 25c, 50c IN THE LINE OF DRYGOOD. CLOTH ING, SHOES. HATS, FURNISHING GOODS NOTIONS, ETC.. in the purchase of each cle we claim to give you the best goods and to 8a ve you money. I. SELLING, Suspension Bridge Corner. Cor. 7th and Main streets, Oregon City.