Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, July 05, 1901, Image 1

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    historical Society, City Hal:
19th YEA.R, NC 1
it J
182 Madison St., West end of Bridge, Portland, Oregon
Aultman & Taylor's .
Celebrated Threshing Machinery
Steam and Gas Engines,
Saw Mills,
&refoe. Harder & Co.
182, 184, 186 Madison Street, West End of Bridge,
On Grade Crossings Over Rail
road Track in Canemaft
In the matter of the prevailing liti
gation between the Oregon City and
Southern Railway Company, on the one
side, and ttie Oregon & California Rail
road Company, and the Southern Pa
cific Company on the other, the com
missioners appointed by judge mc-
Bride to determine on the Canemah
crossings; submitted their repoit to the
court last Eriday. The report in sub
Htnnce is as follows:
The first crossing shall be made as
follows : 1 The railway line of the Ore
gon & California Railroad Company at
the point of the hrst crossing ta on a
sharp curve approximately a 10-degree
curve. The line of railway of the plain
tiff corporation at such proposed cross
ing is approximately ttraitiht. The an
gle of the crossing shall bo such that fie
tangent ol the railway line oi the ure-
gon & California Company at the point
of crossing shall intersect at an angle of
26.33 degrees. I his nrst crossing shall
be at grade on the line of the present
surface of the line of the Oregon & Cal
ifornia Railroad Company's track at the
point of crossing. A crossing piece ehall
be inserted in said Oregon & California
Railroad Company's track, the report
describing its construction in technical
detail The irolley wire shall be at
least 22 feet ani six inches in the clear
above the rail No cross wires shall be
strung on poles set within '20 fei t of
either side of ceirer line of main track
of the railroad company, and all other
wires except lr lley wires needed by
the plaintiff corporation crossing the
said railroad track, shall be at least 25
feet a) ove the top of the rail. Details
for signals, Scotch blocks, etc. . t
The second crossing shall be made in
all respects like the first one, save that
the angle of the crossing shall be 90 de
grees instead of 26 33, and there ehall
be some( nvditicauon in technical
points " '
In concluding this report your com
missioners believd it their imperative
duty in the light of their experience la
building and managing railroads to sub
mit to your honorable court certain con,
siderations that are forced upon their
attention by thii e iw ,vwit:
First A grade crossing is a menace
to life and property under all circum
stances even when guarded by the most
perfect device known. In our judgment
it should never be allowed hen it can
be properly prevented. .
Second In the present Instance your
commissioners would have dtc ded upn
an overhead crossing if it could, have
been built without undue interterence
with the county road.
Third Your commissioners each em
phasize their decided opinion that the
fine of the electric road is improperly lo
cated. They find on personal i lveotiga-
tiou that it nvght and should have been
placed alone the river bank between the
Southern Pncifio line and the . river.
Even if it had been neo sary to mo e
the track of ihe Ho-thern Pa ific 0 tri
fling distance eastward fcr which there
is abundant room without serious dam
aie to abutting property or the align
ment of the exifth'g Ompany. Such
lteral movement would not in their
judgment exceed 10 feet.
Alfred . Sears,
C. F. Lsstkr,
Wallace B. Ciiasb,
Remember we have the finest stock of the best makes to be found
in Portland, including Farm and Spring Wagons, B.iggies, Carriages
and Carts, Mowers, Rakers, Tedders and Hay Tools, Hay Presses,
Grain Drills, Plows, Cultivators, Disc and Spring Tooth Harrows,
Pumns Harness, Bicycles, Etc.
Magazine Notices.
The mid-summer fiction number of
tbe July Cosmopolitan contains the best
Btory Biet Harte I as written in a long
time. The well known Jack Hamlin is
the hero, and he will be eagerly wel
comed back by the public. Desperado
and gambler that he is, theoretically we
ought not to like him, but he has that
fine courage too rarely met with in real
life or in fiction, and those who read "A
Mercury of the Foothills" will probably
lose sight of his faults in following the
events which take place "that heaven
kissing hill." Katrina Trask's story in
the same number should be read bv
every woman. It is one of those homely I
tragedies constantly going on in modern
society. It is probably the cleverist
piece of work Mrs. Trask has ever done.
R. K. Munkittriek's quaint New Eng
land coast yarn lies a breeziness about it
that mates it really refreshing. The
July instalment .of Egerton Castle's
story begins to raise the curtain on the
inevitable ruin which the Diike of
Cluny's weakness must bring on those
who love him.
A unique and interesting aricle on
"The Personality of the Mikado" n con
tributed to the July magazine number
of The Outlook by Dr. William E. Grif
lis. Dr. GrifHsas profet-s r of chemie
try in the Imperial University .conducted
experiments in the presence of the Em
peror of Japan, ami met him on several
occasion, so that the account contains
some personal reniinit-cence as well as
information with rvgard to Eastern mat
ters, on whichJDr. Grilhs always write
with authority. Photographs of the Mi
dado, t le e mil re s. and the crown prince
and princess, together .with some other
hitherto unpublished illustrations ac
company the article (3 a year. The
Outlook Company, 2S7 Fourth Avenue,
New York.)
ntit Oregon City Waters.
Tbe congressional committee of the
National house of representatives, vis
ited Oregon City Saturday evening on
their return trip from up the valley.
The party was accompanied by United
ftatts Senator Hmon, CcDrerrntn
McodyandTcDgae, Southern Pacific of
ficials, and a delegation of representa
tive Portland citizens. The following is
from tbe Sunday Oregonian:
"The train left Salem at 4 o'clock and
arrived at Oregon City precisely on time,
6 :30. Tbe transfers were made to tbe
steamer Pomona, and tbe train, littered
with flowers and fruit, came through to
Portland without passengers. The
steamer took the excursionists, with a
number of Oregon City people, up into
the lace ol the watertull, then returned
to her landing and immediately started
for Portland. The change was a relief
Tor the excursionists, simply because it
was a change. Congressmen were
shown points where improvements of
the navigable channel should be made,
particularly t the Clackamas rapids. A
pleasant ridt, brought the excursion at an
end in Portland at 7 o'clock and carriages
taok the guests to the Portland hotel.
The Only Big Show Coming.
Frank E. Griswold's mammoth pro
duction of Uncle Tom's Cabin, under a
water proof pavilion with a complete
stage and carload of special scenery.
tew companies carry the amount of
scenery this show does, on account of
opera houses beinj too small to accom-
1 .. . " v 11. i 1 : ..11'-
ujuMuio ur nuuum u. iir. vji iowuiu o
company only plays at the opera house
of the larger "cities in the winter and
uses his own tent in the summer and we
can guarantee the finest production ever
seen in this or any other country.
The price of admission to Uncle Tom's
Cabin has been placed at 25 cents for
adults, children 15 cents. All children
under six year, when accompanied by
their parent, will be admitted free.
We can afford thiscale of prioes as
we show in a tent ami can accommodate
2000 people. So a father can come and
bring his whole family.
One of the bigtsBt amusement enter
prises ever attempted in late years is
the production of Uncle Tout's Cabin on
an elaborate scale, with special scenery,
their own special stage, and all produced
under canvas. You will see it played in
full, without being cut short on account
of small hal land no scenery. Don't miss
seeing it at Oregon City, Saturday, July
Agricultural Implements and Vehicles
Commencement Exercises at St.
John's Parochial School.
Three bright pupils graduated from
St. John's Parochial school Ut Thurs
day evening. They were: Mss Nora
Hanitin from tbe eighth grade, and
Master Florence Sullivan and Miss
Maggie McDonnell from ten h grade.
The lectute nom was crowded with in
terested auditors, and the tasty dpcora
tions of orange blossom and ferns
showed off to good advantage. Ihe
musical and literary program was an ex
cellent one, very creditable to the pu
pils and the Sisters, who bad given
them careful training, and to Father
Hillebrand as director of the school.
The opening chorus 1 was "Flag of tbe
Free," sung by the pupils, one of
the Sisters being accompanist at the or
gan. Miss Nora Hanifin, the graduate
from the eighth grade, gave the address
of welcome, with excellent elocutionary
effect, and her enunciation was good.
Next followed a recitation. "My Dully,"
by little girls, and a song, "Uncle Sam,"
by little boys A recitation, "Potato
and Strawberry," was given by Tiny
Draper and Agnes Justin. "McCafferty s
Feet," was a class song, and "Tommy's
Monday Morning," was sung by tbe
Juniors. "Daisy Fair," was a motion
song, by litrte girls, and a "Boy's Re
ward,'' was a class recitation. A dumb
bell drill by bovs preceded "Our Coun
try Biiiiht," by Juniors. Hattie
thambers recited "Abraham Lincoln
and the Poor Woman," followed with a
duet by Anna Michaels and Art ice Berg
man. Miss Nora Hanitin recited
"Flowers," followed with a fan drill by
lit le girls. The seniors sang, "Must
We Leave the Old Home. Mother." fol
lowed by Florence Sullivan's excellent
graduating essay, "The Origin of So
ciety. A violin solo by Master Frank
Busch preceded Miss Magnis McDon
nell's clever graduating eseay, "Thomas
A' Becket. Father Hillebrand pre
sented the diplomas and gave the gradu
ating address. The members of the
graduating class were fairly overwhelmed
with boquets ar.d baskets of flowers. An
admLsion fee was charged for the bene
fit of the library fund.
White Man Turned Yellow.
Great consternation was felt by the
friends of M. A. Hogarty, of Lexington,
Ky., when thep saw he was turning yel
low. His skin slowly changed color,
also his eves, and he suffered terriblv.
His malady was Yellow Jaundice. He 1
was treated by the best doctors, but
without benefit. Then he was advised
to try tElectric Bitters, the wonderful
Stomach "and Liver remedy, and he
writes: "Af'er taking two bottles I was
whnltv pnrpri " A trtul nmvpii it.11
matchleai-s merit for all Stomach, Liver
ana money irouuies. unty ouu. coy
by George A. Harding, Druggist.
Peerless Plows
Steel and Chilled
Dowagiac Drills
Hoe and iJisc
Sickle Grinders
Road Carts
Mountain Hacks and
Spring Wagons
Buffalo Pitts,
Harrows and Cultivators,
(Jwen' "Advance" Fanning
Mills. ,
Write for Catalogue and Prices.
Hay Presses,
Horse Tower and Steam
Feed and Root Cutters,
Bone and Cider Mills.
Stoughton Wagons
1 --tv ..i-
The Housefurnisher
There are those who come to us again
and again They like the place and like
what we offer them There are attractions
here for all. Some things you will like, and
some especially for your neighbor
We offer a pleasant welcome, and will be glad of your visit.
We wish you to consider three heavy items: STOCK, PRICE
and METHODS. Give us a trial.
For this week we o.Ter at a special low price:
Meed's Patent Aiiti-R listing Tinware
Sri!! bv:'t
w ii'!!''' ' n::,.:;,..':'1!"1-:1 lS':;!i;-'i.il.-'-''!.- -' 'I,-.,
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i" ' mfT.. !!'.'.. i; 1;;, , ,kr.; iv;.
f -1 u
rfliiji! rli t
il ' .a.t
Trice for this 8-lb. Boiler. . . .$3 00
When you buy Reed's you get the
best and newest patterns, the latest and
most modern designs. Made up of the
finest class of tin plate that can possi
bly be produced. Analytically tested
and endorsed by the best chemists and
pronounced to be the most healthful
and durable goods.
Wash Basin, 40c I2 qt. pail, $1 00
This tinware will outlast one dozen j of ordinary kind