Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, June 28, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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amo union Pacific
l'urllaurt tfif oinl
a. m.
Salt Lake, Denver, Ft
Worth, Omaha, Kan
sas City, St. Louis, Chi
cago ana tasi.
9 p. m,
St. Paul
Tail Mail
0 p. m.
Portland, Ore.
4 no p. m.
Salt Lake, Denver. Ft
Worth, Omaha, Kansas
City, Ht. Louis, Chicago
and East.
Walla Walla. Lewlston,
bpokane, Wallace, ruTl-
man, Minneapolis, Ht.
Paul, Duluth, Milwau
kee, Chicago and East.
8:10 a. m.
One of the moet helpful books on nerve
weakness ever issued is that entitled
"Nerve Waste," by Dr. Sawyer, of 8an
Francisco, now In its fifth thousand.
This work of an experienced and repu
table physician is in agreeable contrast
to the vast sum of false teaching which
prevails on this interesting subject. It
abounds in carefully considered and
practically advice, and has the two grout
ems of wisdom and sincerity.
It is indorsed by both the religious
nd secular press, The Chicago Ad
vance B:iyB : "A perusal of the oook and
the application of its principles will put
health, hope and heart into thousands
of lives that are now suffering through
nervous impairment." v
The book is If 1 .OU, by mail, postpaid.
One of the uioet interesting chapters
chapters xx, on Nervines and Net ve
Tonics has been printed separately as
sample chapter, and will be sent to
any address for stamp by the publishers,
The Pacilic Pub. Co., Box 2658, Sat
Francisco in plain sealed envelope.
7.-00 a,, m.
p. m.
Ocean Steamships
All Sailing Dates subject
For San Franuisco Sail
every 6 days.
Xx. Sunday
8 p. m.
10 p. m.
6 45 a. m
Ex. Sunday
Columbia River
Astoria and
4 p.m.
4 p. m
Ex. Sunday
Willamttte River.
4 .80 p. m,
Oregon Cily, Newbe;g, Ex. Sunday
Salem, independence,
and way-landings.
1 a. m.
Tues. Thur.
aDd Sat.
Willamette and Yam
hll Rivers. ,
Oregon City, Dayton
ana way-lanaings.
6.46 a. m.
Tues. Thur.
and Sat.
1:40 a. m.
Willamette River
Portland to Corvallls
and way-landings.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas.
W. W. Smith, plaintiff,
Ant ie E. Smith, defendant.
To Annie . Smith, said defendant.
TntlionHinonf thtt Staff, of Orflon. vou are
hereby required to appear and answer tiiecom-
p aim llieu &!gaial you 1U Mie uuuve eiwiueu puiv
on or before the 28l.h day of June, 1901, that being
the last day proscribed in the order of publication
of this summon, and if you fail to appear and
answer said enmplaint, (he plaintiff willapply to
the Court tor the relief prayed lor therein, to-wus
Adisaolulion of the bonds of matrimony between
yon and the plaintiff.
xnis summons is puDiisnea Dy orcir oi me
Hon. Thomas A. McBride. Judge of the 6th Ju
dicial district of the state of Oregon, for the
county of Clackamas, made and entered on the
8lh day of May. 11)01. and the first publication be
ing the 10th day of May. 71101 .
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
3:30 V m.
Mo., Wed.
and Fri.
4:30 p. m
Mon., Wed
and Frl.
Snake River
Riparia to Lewlston.
, ;.'
8:30 a.m.
72 Hours
No cb"nge of oars
For rates, berth res nations, etc, call at ticket
offioe. Third and Was , m mon streets.
A. L. CRAIG. G, P. A.
Portland, Oregon
Ask Chicago, Milwaukee &
Sr. Paul Raiway about reduced
General Agent,
Daily Round Trips, except Sunday
Leave Portland 7 A. M
Leave Astoria ' r-
Notice is. hereby given thit the undersigned,
A. Holmes, has been appointed by the county
court of Clackam is, sttte of Orotrm, ai aiminlj-
tra'or of lh estate of B L. Russell, deceased, and
that all persons having claim against said estate
must present the same to me with proper verified,
tlon, at my store In Parkp'au, Oreg-n, within six
months from date of this mtlse.
V. A. HOLMES, Administrator of the
estate of R, L. Ru ssell, Deceased.
Dated, June 27th, 1901,
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
has been appointed by the Hon. Thus. F. Ryan,
county Judge of Clackamas County, Oregon, as
administrator of the estate of Charles K. Athey
All persons having claims against the said
estate are hereby notified to present the same to
me, properly verified, as by la .v required at my
residence In Oregon City. Oregon, within six
months from the date hereof.
KATE R. ATI1KT; Administratrix
of the Estate Of Charles K Athiy, Deceased,
Dated this 5th day of June A. D 1901,
Friday, June 21.
About 4000 carloids of stock will be
shipped from Onlario, Ore., this season,
500 more than last season.
The number o' sheep in Australia has
decreased from 124,003,000 in 1890 to
90,000,000 in 1891.
The Heesi tn fly has ruined the wheat
in western New York.
The area Eown to rice 'in Texas is 300
per cent more this year than last year.
The bosses that rule New York city
employ 50,000 persons in the various
parts of the municipal service, to whom
they pay 150,000,000 from the municipal I
treasury. .
The Linnton horse-nwat factory has
bought $25,000 horses in Eastern Oregon.
The Santa Fe railroad intends to in
duce thousands of the better class of
Italians to immigrate to Southern Cali
fornia, Oklahoma, New Mexico and
In Scranton, Pa., several thousand
metal workers are on a strike, and one
of the officials of the railroad in whose
employment they were says the com
pany will spend $8,000,000" in opposing
the strikers.
John Wanamaker has ' offered the
boodle chiefs of Philadelphia $3,000,000
for the franchises which the republican
cily government gave theni for nothing.
At Matewan, W. Va., union sinkerB
who attempted to enter the Maritime
mine were fired on by guards armed
with Winchesters and two men killed.
According to the London Daily News,
6010 Cape Colonists, mostly young men,
hive joined the 13oers.
Rear-Admiral Beresfor I states in a
etter that the British Mediterranean
fleet has not the proper strength and
efficiency. . ,
According to ihe Berlin Neuste Nach
rich ten. the Russian and French gov
ernments aie negotiating a fresh loan of
125,000,000 rubles.
In Indiana three persons weie killed
by lightning on the evening of the 19th
At Waynesboio.Miss., A.M.Leary and
J.T.Davis engaged in a duel with pis
tols. Both were instantly killed.
At Atlanta, Ga., a negro shot and kill
el Patrolman E.H. Debray.
In New Orleans Dudley Selph was
killed m a fisifight at Audoben park by
a blow which broke his neck.
In the lat-t few months, the state treas
urer has paid out $32,000 on ectlp boun
ty warrants.
Premier Roblin of Manitoba predicts
that the province will have 50,900,100
bushels ot wlvat.
At Columbia University, N.Y.,a chair
in Chinese has been established.
Notice is hereby lvi-n thit the nndersiened
has beeu duly appointed by the c "nity court ol
the state ot uregon for county or uiacioimas, ad
ministratrix nf thti estate of James M venzie. de
ceased. All persons haviiu elftinn ncrniusi s lid
estate are hereby required to present the same to
ne properly vermea. as oy law required at
;urrlusville, Clackamas county, Origon, within
ix montlts from the date nereor.
Administratrix of the Estate of
James McKenzie, Deceased.
Dated this 1st day of June, l'Jui .
Notice la hereby riven tbat the under
signed administrator of the estate Of
of Henrv Bottemiller, deceased, has tiled
his final report of his administration of said es
tate, and the Honorable County Judge of Clacka
ami county, Oregon, has fixed August 6th, 1901 at
1U o clock, a. m., as tne time tor uaarin ana set
tlement thereof
AdmluiBtrator Aforesaid.
Dated.J une 6th., ll0t.
In an engagement with t'ie Boers at
Watemloof, the Britinh lost 14 men kill
ed or wounded, and 66 weie taken pris
oners. The president is annoyed over the
disturbame in trade relations which lias
been caused by Secretary Gage's ruling
concerning the Bhipload of Russian su
gar. The social democratic party of New
York city has nominated a municipal
ticket and it-sued a platform which pro
posts to run the city for the benefit of
the workiugmen.
The great ttorm that struck Tazwell.
Va., caused the. death of three children
by drowning.
Yesterday, at Naper, Neb , eight vic
tims of the tornado were buned which
sirucx that village on the 20th.
The special grand jury of Kansas City
says in its report that the Metropolitan
Street Railway Company of that city has
reduced jury-bribing to a regular system.
General Chaffee has been appointed
military governor of the Philippines, to
do the fighting for the civil governor.
VV, C. Whitney of New York bought
the 2-year-old cult Nasturtium for the
sum ot $o0,00U.
Monday, June 23.
The storm and flood that visited the
ElKhoru valle- , VV. Va., yesterday, de
stroy $5,000,000 ol property am! ii'led
100 people.
At Johannesburg practically all the
machinery of the lUnd mines has passed
into the hands of Americans, who have
been buying up Kallir shares. The en
gineers ooiitem plate descending to the
15,000-foot level, and erecting the mills
dwn in the mines, by which 2i. per ton
will be saved on the ore
Adelbert 8. Hay, late American con
sul at Pretoria, fell out of a third-story
window at New Haven, Conn., at 2:30
yesterday miming, and was instantly
According to a Cape Town letter of the
5tb, from 7000 to 10.000 Boers are swarm
ing all over the eastern and midland
districts of the colony and getting re
cruits and horses.
Six of the crew of the British bark
Falkland, from Tacoma January 30,
wn ch was wrecked oil Bishop s Island,
wen drowned on the 2:M.
At Louisville, H.8. Church killed him
self eirly yesterday morning. Three
days bifore he kilted a woman and bid
the boly in a closet in bis house.
In the neighborhood of Kthrbin.Man-
C tuna, are large bodies of Chinese
troops and the railroad has been de
stroyed in several places.
There isn't a man who would be seen
running through the street munching a
piece of pie. Why not? Because it
would mean dyspepia and stomach
trouble? Not-at all; but because it
wouldn't look well. As a matter of fact
many a business man snatches a lunch
in stich a hurry that he might as well
take it on the run. That is one reason
for the prevailing "stomach trouble"
among men of business.
There is a certain remedy for diseases
of the stomach and other organs of
digestion and nutrition. It is Doctor
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. The
worst cases of dyspepsia and catarrh of
the stomach have been cured by this
medicine. It cures where all other
means have failed to cure.
1 took two bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery for stomach trouble," writes
Clarence Carats, Km., of Taylorstown. Loudoun
Co., Va.
Wev J
put r a '.nmr
"It did me so much (food that i didn't
take any more. I can eat
moat anything; now. I am so
well nleased with it I hardlv
know how to thank you for
your kind information. I tried
a wnoie ioioi (mugs
before I wrote to
you. There was a
gentleman told me
about your medi
cine, and how it
had cured his wife,
I thought I would
try a bottle of it.
Am now clad I did,
for I don't know
what I would have
done if it had not
been for Dr. Pierce's
i Golden Medical Dis-
I covery."
Doctor Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets
cure biliousness.
They stimulate
the sluggish
liver, and cleanse the sys
tem of impurities. They
should always be used with
Golden Medical Discov
ery " when there is need of
a laxative.
Thur.nliiy, Jim.! 27
Prist. Puu' K'twr h welcomed at
Ilotlt-r.Iam wajj hi, ei.t-iu -ia.-iii; recep
tion by l lie i'ity authotilii's,
"I ha Russian rair U- fr-ed ue4'sp
pers from all wniii g -, .mtjrJict:on
and punishment-.
In Datnaralaiiil, i"r
an horitiea arretrtil and
38 rtfuge Boer families
Storms and cloudbursts hav- o c i ieit
ovr a June area in the eastern anil
southeastern states.
Frurk O.Ki-rn nt a d Lo iae E.Strotli-i-ff,
o- Quiiirv, 1 I., who vere in live,
quarreltd. On the eveni t of the 25tti
they we t out walking, Nixt morning
their deal bodies were 1 und :n tie
path and a revolver i.ear thi in.
In th Missoula, Mont., land district
a'lii'St of land It cator.s havd been indict
ed by the federal grtiiid jury, charged
with perjury. The 1 mils are 15,000 acres.
For committing a criminal assault up
on his 13-year-old step-daughter, John.
IVhl.ol 8mitlitield, Lane county, aged,
59, was sentence.! t) 2 ) war iu the
Bean tha The Kind You Have Always Botifft
An American h is mil -m ff to the
Brit sh gir'ernment i i id -ne.tm -hips
th.ti wi I hi ke 30 km is .m ii m
A million in K'1 ' dS-altle
from Iiaw-on ami $.- 0 u, oil nnitH n re
giv on ' h-- wiiv s '
Ne i L Ba iiv , Cal 1 1 0 irrm of
stan liiig g am ha e imp ed.
1 VT
a ol eta.
t: cbhk v .
Takn 1, ixai ive Brmi-i ') rntin
All dnugists r- fund tlin money' il it fails
to enrrir E V. Grove -unauire is on
each boi. 25c.
Leave Portland ...... T A. H.
Arrive The Dalles 8P. M.
Leave " "
Arrive Portland 10 "
rar-Snnday Trips a Leading Feature
jyThiB Route has the Grandest Seenic Attrac
tions on Earth
Landing and office, Foot Alder Street
E. W. CRICHT0N, Agt., Portland
JOHN M. FILLOON, Agt., The Dalles
A. J. TAYLOR, Att, Astoria
Will give you a
Bargain in Wall Paper
Wall Tinting and in
General House Painting
Faint Shop near Depot Hotel
WANTED. Capable, reliable person tn erery
county 10 repretent large coniiuy ol solid fi
nancial reputation: IS36 salary per year, payable
weeklvtaperdsy absolutely sure and ail ex
penses'; straight, bona tide, definite salary, no
commission; aalary paid each Saturday and ex
panse money advanced each . STANDARD
HOU8K, 334 DlAHBOBH feT., CB.'"4CO.
To all whom It may concern, notice is hereby
given that I have filed my final report as admin
istrator with the will annexed, of the estate of
Lucius A. Seely. deceased, with the county court
of Clackamas county and state of Oregon, and the
said court basset Monday, the 8th day of July,
1901, at the hour of 10 o'clock, a. m., of said day,
as the time for hearing said report and objections
thereto If any there beat which time and court
all persons interested are hereby notified to be
Administrator with the will annexed of
Estate of Lucius A. Seely, Deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned ad
ministratrix of the estate of Margaret Wilson.de
ceased, has filed in the-County Court of Clacka
mas County, State of Oregon, her Anal account
as such administratrix, of said estate and tbat the
5th day ol August 1901, at the hour of 10 o'clock a.
m., has been fixed by said court, as tha time
for bearing objections to slid report and tha
settlement thereof.
Administratrix of the estate of
Margaret Wilson, Deceased.
U'Rkn 18cHUEBii.,Attorneys.
Saturday, June 22.
Last year the Uniteil Stites producad
$118,435,562 of gold.and the whole world
An explosion of fireworks in the stcre
of A. M .Kitt-nberg, at t'aierson, M. J.,
killed 17 people. -
In the trial of a libel suit in Berlin,
Herr Janseti, attorney f jr the plaintiff,
said he could orove by witnesses th u
the DeBeers o npany and other Sou Ii
African comp nies had a large fund in
a bank at Salisbury, Rhodesia, for poll
tical pur pose t corruption funds, and
tlnit Herr Gehl. a newspaper correspon
dent tentenced to death fur tteason by
the Boers, had among his effects the
syndicate's check for 200,000 marks.
William Waldorf Astor, of London,
i nee an American citizen, has contrib
uted 5000 of the rents he collects in
New York city to the Queen Victoria
lubree nurses' fund.
At Reading, Pa.. 2600 carshop and
iron workerB are out on a strike.
In Ihe Philippines 5003 natives are
acting as pcouts. which num
increased to 12,000. The islands have
now a civil sovernor, BUbiect to the
secretary of war.
On the borders of the Kiowa-Coman
che-Apache reservation,. Okla , 20,000
destitute "g oners" are camped, at least
5000 of whom have been there over a
year, and hundreds of desperadoes are
prepared to shoot them Bhould any of
them st cure the choice claims which
they have picked out for themselves.
Mortgages on property in Cuba
amount to $208,000,000.
Under1 the name of the Belgian syn
dicate, Russia and Frai.ca are building
a railroad from Pekin to Hankow, and
control the concession for the railroad
from Hankow to Canton.
Near Kalama, Wash., three men were
killed and five injured by the premaiure
explosion of a blast on the Oregon &
Wacuington railroad
During the two weeks succeeding May
30, 25 b;ohs took 30.000 tons of freight
down the Yukon to Daweon.
Bv having its printing done nnder con
tract the state government of Washing
ton will save 60 per cent of the cost
hnili'ina a railroad of 400 mile from
Valdea to iome point on the Yukon at a
cost of $8,000,000.
Miss Maggie Reid, a school teacher, of
Hood Biver vadey. fell from her horse
and was dragged by one foot for three
The government is sii 'ing Sena'or W.
A. Chirk for 10,000 acres of lind in Mis
soulit county, Mont., on the ground tlvit
he obtained it through collusion with
the entryraen, who filed on it under the
timber and stone act.
A United Stites explorirg party will
explore a vat-t unknown area in Noithern
Wednesdiy, June 20.
YeHerday afternoon, at Seat le, J. VV.
Oonidine, a gamblinghou-ie-keper.shot
and killed ex-Chief of Police V. L. Mer-
a.(K n-Kn lia1 nhnf at. tllrYt ttl'lfia with a
On the Na el river, near A-itoriaJIen- Lhntmi
, lllm.ln,,n . ,,.. .,,'.!.. K HllOlgUII.
Deal lis and nrostra'ions from heat oc
curred at Omaha.PitUburg and Chicago.
Inc'uding the prisoners of war ai'd
ry I'almstrom, a logger, was cauiht be
t veen two logs ani crushed to death .
At Alhuquetq ie, N. M., Tom McCor-
mtck. a vvallapai Indian, shot and killed
his eq taw, threw her corpse on a fire,
ani then killed himself, falling dead in
Vie same fire, tie liked firewater over
muclmnd cjuli not endure the Indian
Threw miles from Miakka, Fla., S. E.
Stevens a id J. A. Wetib, prominent cit
izens, met on the ro;id and fought over
an old quarrt I with knives. Stevens was
Killed ami Webb badly hurt.
In a carload of picnicers of the First
(colored) Baptist chu eh oi St Louie,
Samuel rorrans began nring.aud a num
ber ol other darkies followed suit. Une
colored woman killed and a whit 1 and a
back man wounded.
in aiaarid the gendarmes dispersed a
procession ot freethinkers wtiica was
shouting, "Burn the convents 1'
At Ban Francisco, Miss Viola Van Or-
num, a hospital nurse, having been too
friendly with O. H. Parant, whose wife
was ill at Los Angeles, took
O'ligre! m m Julius Kuhu ol Calif r
niii due tot e to the Oti ntio stud. tl;e
Philippine islands, f'him and Japan.
An open" switch a' Mon ica, Pa , 26
mile f-i'iii Hittsbnr.', ous-l a train
wreck i" h ch five ,'ert-ms rterekillei
and forty injured.
Afire in Japan destrnvel 077 build-
ingrt and made 2000 people homeless.
On Jellies
preserves and pickles, spread
tain coaling of reUued.
those in the concentration camps, the
British tax pavem support 80,000 K e's,
A British general asserts that England's
army U hopelesdy rotten.
At O.uelpart, Ooret, 300 armed French
converts wuo started a tight were Ktiieo
At Springfield, Mass., the Pytichon
National Bank has closed, an I at bher
rodsville, O., the Connaughtun Valley
At Butte, I mes A. Murray ha begun
suit for $2,000,000 against thet .-t.ttfl
ot Patrick A. Largey, lor ore extracted
by the latter from the lower workings of
the Ticon and Adirondack claims. .
According to the Chicago Chronicle,
the government of France is increasing
the public debt ami largely adding to
the tax burden, and many millions of
capital are leaving the country for in-
veetmetit in foreign lands.
The ureat. consolidated railroad lines
will ' Boon discharge thousands of em-
Will keep them abiotatelr moiittm and
acid proof. Prfflne Wax U also useful in
a dozau other wayt aboat the hoaae.
direotionain aach poo nil packaga.
Bold everywhere.
her rnv he compound from "Dr." V. Popper which ployes that have become unni cessary.
irr U1J l . .,, , , Than Pnnnm kllli. I hlm.all irk. U It.. A.auI ..oi onrltnu
The Pretoria correspondent of the Lon June 3J will be approximately ,ouu,
doti T-mes says of the defenses of the
cily : "Heavily armed blockhouses have
been erected on an inner circle and in
such positions that every inch of spare
grou iu can De swept by guns and rifle
hre. All except the four main roads
leading to the t')wn are closed and com
matnled b the detente, and each line of
fortification is gu irded by an encircling
' Why not spend the vacation at Ya
qnina tav, where can be had excellent
fare, good fiehing, gxd boating, safe
bathing, allurii.g rides and 'ambles.
The courses and exerciseb at the sum
mer school of 1901 at Newport will afford
great variety of instructions, diversion
and entertainment. No other rosort oi
lers equal attractions and advantages.
Xotice td Bridge Bulkier.
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids will be received by the county sur
veyor of Clackamas counfy, Oregon, at
his office in the county court house in
Oregon City, until July 6th, 1901, at
2 o'clock, p. m., of that day, to build a
bridge across the Molalla river at the
site selected (or said bridge, near the O.
& C. U. R. bridge, bttaeen Cauby and
Said bridge must be constructed in
strict accordance with the plans and
specifications for such bridge, on file In
the office of the county eurveyor.
Each bidder shall be required to de
posit with his bid five per cent of the
amount of such bid, which shall be for
feited to the .county in case the award is
made to him and if he fails, neglects or
refuses for the period of two days after
such award is made to enter into the
contract and file his bond in the man
ner required by and to the satisfaction
of the board of commissioners.
The board of county commissioners
reserves the right to reject any and all
bids. i
By order of the board of county corn
miseionprs, June 17th, 1901.
E. P. Rands, County Surveyor.
By John W. Meldrum, Deputy.
labvrintu of baroed wire. And the wire
entanglements are charged with elec
A sailboat with H. Sherry and three
young women upset near Benieia, Cal.
Si.eriyand oneol the girls were drowned.
Cucumbers sold a. Nome this sorimr
I jr au cents a piece.
Tuesday, June 25,
A fiie in warehouses in East Portlind
last night did $00,000 damage.
Yesterday, in Chicago, the heat cans.
ea two deaths and 11 prostrations, sev
eral of them serious Some hundreds of
stockyards cattle stifled.
George O'Brien is on trial at Dawson
for the murder of three men and 100 .000
The falling of a large, glowing meteor have already boeu spent bv the uioe-
about 4o miles irotn Altar, Ariz., on ine ctitiou, a large part ot it In many thous
forenoon ot the zutn, prooucea an earin- anus oi miles oi travel by detectives.
quake. Th J crown has 80 witnesses.
An Denver, a humanitarian has put At Ladner. B. 0 , Ong Kwan killed
$1,000,000 m escrow for establishing lorr men who ha t won from him at fan
People's Churches in duierent parts oi tan and c lopped off the arm of a fifth
the country. Joh l A.Van G -oss, of Eugene, has s.
In Philadelphia a syndicate of capital, cared a scholars lip in Yale univemity,
There are more than 34,000 British
South African soldiers in the hospitalf,
England has shipped 250,000 American
horees and mules to South Africa.where
the animals last from B days to 2 weeks.
Jean de lih ch, the Russian army ex
nerl. states that the experiences in
Souih Africa with smokeless powder and
-it . . .
oi dapan u hard np
in Europe wtre it
iBts is planning a combination with
$100,000,000 capital for controlling the
cotton-eeed industry
A $6,000,000 btoommakera' trust will
be formed at Cleveland, O.
In Holland, the Zuyder Zee will be
drained at an expense of $38,000,000.
The 500,000 a;res of land which will be
wreted from the Be a are valued at
The engineer of the south-bound
freight entering Butler, Mo., this mor
ning, was asleep and it collided with the
north-bound. Two men were killed.
The engineer jumped and disappeared,
The Cologne Volks Zeitung asserts
that Germany's China expedition lias
been a total failure.
Sunday, June 23.
A tornado visited Pittsburg and Alle- it will begin the commercial war against
geny yeBterday, which killed three per- the United States, and that most of the
sons and did a quarter minion dollars oi continental nations wilL refuse to renew
damage. the trad, conventions, most of which
The heat at Chicago yesterday caused expire in l03.
two deaths. i M. J.Heneyand others contemplate
The Bank of Leipzig, Germany, card-
lai -io.wo.uvu mam", nas suspended pay
merit. Ihe ltab lilies ate 85.000.OOt) to
tw,uw,uuu inarm.
The government
and won d borrow
cred t good.
T.ie (;l,inee Merchants' Co. of Tien
Initi has filed a claim against the Unit
ed States for 4 W.OOO taels for looting of
its property within the foreign conces
Bion oy uuitej states marines
Senator Marcus Hanna was chairman
ot the Ulno stat convention at Colu m
bus and owned it.
Frank A. Vanderlip, former assistant
long-range rifles prove the utter futility
of attempting to carry on a oatue ac
cording to methods heretofore in vogue,
The gallant Co nmandant Kritzenger
who captured Ja neetown.is a Cape Col
onist and, from the English standpoint
a traitor.
The steamship Lusitania. from Liv
erpool, with 600 papsengen aboard, was
wrecked oil Cape Ballard, a. v.. on tne
n'ght of the 25th. Shi mistook her
course in a fog and ran as'iore. The pas
sengers were saved
Passenger train No.3plunged through
a culvert, the embankment of which had
a shetr drop of 25 feet, nine miles west
o 1'ioria. 111., at 12:30 today. Thirteen
persons were killed outright and nl) in
itired The embankment had been mi
derniiued by the rrc-jnt heavy rains
The Hessian fly and the whe.it plant
louse are injuring the wheat fields of
Kansas and Oklahoma.
One thouaand striking labjreis at Ho
Chester, N. Y., who attempted to drive
away non-union labortr, were charted
by 50 police and dispers.-d. Thirty-one
officers and rioters were injured
Charles VV. Miiksey, who ascashitr of
the Nation I Bai k of Rutland, Vt
eauandered 1100,00(1 of the bank's fund
has teen pniooneu ny ne pn stueni
from th house of correction
J. P. Morgan has given $1,000 000 to
t ie Harvard Medical Schoo'.
Question Answered.
Yes, August Flower still has the
largest sale of any me licin i the civ
ilized world. Yonr mothers anilgrnnd
inothers i ever thoi-ih ol tinii g any
thin..' else for Inline-tion or Biliousness.
Doctors were ei-src , and they seldom
ard of Appendiei i-, Nervous l'roitlra-
timi or Heart Failure, etc They titled
August Flowi r to idea" nut the syhtem
and slop (ei menuiion of undigefted
food, regulRte the action of the liver,
imtilate ti e nervon and organic action
of the i-VHti-in. and llial i- t.ll ihey took
hen reeling dun ami nat wita
he ida hi-s and other aches Y. u only
need a lew duces i f Green's August
lower, in liquid io in, 'o make y u sat
isfied there is nothing serious the maiter
with yon. Get Green's Prize Almanac
at George A. ITa ding's.
Much Heading for Little Moni'i.
Tne New York World baa g it the cost
of printing down to a minimum In
latest otter of us monthly newspaper
m igazin" Is inter ring if from no other
cause than tha ii mvi the hchh of
"how much for how litilu."
The Monthly World is a 32 page mag
azine with colored cover, Iw pages are '
about thesiz'of the pages of the Ladies'
Home Journal, an I it is copiomly illus
trated In half ton The illustrations
ara Ihe result of th best artistic skill,
aid- d by all the latest prii.ling press ap
pliances, making n magazine unrivalled
in the quality of its contents and its ap
.bach Issue cot t 'ins t 'ties of romance.
love, adventure, travel; stories of fiction
and fret J itories of things qiiulnt and
cuiioUH, gathered together frotn all over
the world j the r-sults of scientific re
search, and 'edi'orial reviews. It num
bers among its contributors the leading
uerary men an i onion oi me nav.
A feature each month Is a full-page
portrait of Ihe most famed ni'tii or
-woman of the moment in the public eye.
In collecting and pregaring for publi
cation the literary matter and nrt sub-j-ci
fur the Monthly World no expense
is sparen.
Ihe York World will send six num
bers of this newspaper m,igazi' on re
ceipt f 13 cell's in stamps. Address
The World, Pulitzer Uiiiloing. New
Your Tongue
If it's coated, your stomach
is bad. vour liver is out o
order. Aycr's Pills will clean
secretary of the treasury, who bas iust VOUr tongue, CUfe VOUr dVS
f?'u,rT ' . w.''p- predi,:t g. oeosia. make your liver right
..tiv 9 own o iuruiw iihh rKcnvcrff i i t ' - w
from its present agricultural depression, LaSV tO take, easy tO Operate
25e. AI! druggists.
Want your rouUM;tie or btmri bjauUui
brown or rich black Then ui
O CT1. Ot MnXKVITi. r Mtl CI.,NW', MM.
Joe JeferHOH'H" Home", Like I t rll
Many of Joseph Jefferson's nmusinir
(dyings are quoted by James H. Metcalfe
ii the account in The Ladies' Home
Journal dr July of a init paid to the
vet-ran actor in hi winter quarters at
i'altn liearh, Finrj-U. He uses a tricy
cle for the shm i journeys possible
about that place. Once, as lio j.
mounted from it he remarked : "Hy
borne i like ll.vid llaruin'i. ; he'll stand
without h.tclun,. And I e's tietter limn
a bicyt: hec ihh be d esn't havi) any
thing t lean up iUHinnt.'' On another
i ci-Hsi n, wl en cm, nut in a rainstorm
Mini ilic v d ni.i.lf i Oiifi, ult for onn-
raio-ioit l i keep boll, the actor and his
companion d v. J!r. JelTeison said,
philoso) Iiu hIIv, n t complainirigly, "I
don't ii I I eing w t a l over, l.ecausa
then you ilon t no'ice anv one place..
But this Uh'g w.t in sots' kind of calto
your attentit n t) 'l.em."