OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, : JUNE 14, 1901 Oregon SnoirLiN and Union Pacific TIME SCHEDULES , FROM Cepabt Portland, Ore. ABBrvi CliicsRO- Salt Lake, Denver, Ft Portland Worth, Omaha, Kan Spfoial bb8 City, St. LouU,Chi. 430 p. m. 9 a. m. eago and East. Atlantis Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. Express Worth, Omaha, Kanaaa City, St. Louis, Chicago 8:10 a, m. 9 p. m. and East. St. Paul Walla Walla, Lewlston, Fast Mail Spokane, Wallace, Pull man, Minneapolis, St. 7:00 a. m. 6 p. Bl. Paul, Duluth, Milwau kee, Chicago and East, Ocean Steamships p. m. All Sailing Dates subject 4 p.m. to change. For San Francisco Sail every 6 days. Daily Columbia River ix.sunday steamers. p- 8 p.m. Ex. Sunday . Saturday To Astoria and Way- 10 p.m. Landlnus. Wlllamttte River. 6.45 a.m. 4.30 p.m. Ex. Sunday Oregon City, Newbe;g, Ex. Sunday Salem, Independence and way-landings. Willamette and Yam- 7 a. m. hil Rivers. J;8P-m-Tues. Thur. Mo., Wed. and Sat. Oregon City, Dayton n Ffl and way-landings. (.45 a. m. Willamette River 4:so p. m. Tues. Thur. Mon., Wed and Sat. Portland to Corvallls andFri. and way-landings. Leave Snake River Leave Rlparla Lewlston 1:40 a.m. Rlparla to Lewlston. 8:80 a.m. Dally. Daily 72 Hours SUMMONS. In the Clreuit Court of the State of Oregon, tor the County of Clackamas. W. W. Smith, plaintiff, vs. :.-.' Ancle E. Smith, defendant. . To Annie E. Smith, said defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon, yon are hereby required to appear and answer the Com plaint filed agalmt JMU in the above entitled euit on or before the 28th day oi June, 1001, that being the last day prescribed in theordyr of publication of this lutnmoni, and if you fail to appear and answer said complaint, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for therein, to-wit; A dissolution of the bonds of matrimony between you and the plaintiff. Tlilfc summons Is published by order of the Hon. Thomas A. McBride, Judge of the 5th Ju dicial district of the state of Oregon, for the county of Clackamas, made and entered on the 8th day of May, 1901, and the first publication be ing the 10th day of May, Ml. U'BEN ft SCHUKBEL, Attorneys for Plaintiff. I NEWS OF THE WEEK Friday, June 14. Near Clarke, Neb., a Union Pacific lo comotive blew up, killing the lireuian and engineer. From. Mnv 12. 3600 cmoloyes of the Lehigh Valley, Pa , railroad hitve had heir wages raised fr m 15 1 30 percent. Near Ma liaon, Cal , Andrew and Fred In San Francisco 1100 union butchera garner, agea.i aim 4 years, weie roast- nrr,n atrik. The Rtrike was brought aive in a ouruing nam . Citation. PORTLAND to CHICAGO No change ol ears . For rates, berth r-r-atlons, ete., call at ticket office. Third and aahinaton streets. A. L. CRAIG. O. P. A., Portland, Oregon Pan-American Exposition BUFFALO, N. Y. MAT TO NOVEMBER on by the hostilitv of the branch house of Swift & (Jo. of Uhicago to the union. The U.S. Steel corporation has 160,000 employes, who 'receive daily in wages $500,000; the profit of the company is daily $350,000, or annually $108,000,000; its preferred stock, representing the ac tual cost of the aggregate plants.is $-'8&,- 000,000, in addition to which about $1,200,000,000 common stock has been floated. To offset its losses in the Northern Pa cific squeeze, the Union Pacific basis sued an additional $60,000,000 of stock -an easy way to make a lot of money. The mayor of Philadelphia has refused $2,500,000 from John Wanamaker for powers, rights and franchises which he and the city council are about lo give away. C. Arthur Pearson, owner of 30 news papers in England, has arrived in New xork. ; A company of English capitalists has inspected the Bteel companies in the United States outside the trust, with the view of consolidating them in an opposi tion trust. Dr. San Yet Sen left San Francisco on the 5th for China to overthrow the ear pire and establish a republic on its ruins. On account of the loss of foreign mar- Ask Chicago, Milwaukie & Sr. Paul Raiway about reduced rates. ' C. J. EDDY, . General Agent, PORTLAND, ORE. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County ol ClacKamas. In the matter of the estate of 1 Fredrick Bullard, deceased. J B. F. Bullard. the dulv appointed, aenreir and ualifled administrator of the estate of Fredrick ullard. deceased, havlne filed his petition In the above entitled court praying for an order of sale of the following described real property belong ing to said estate, to-wit: Lota numbered 3 and 4, ol section 28, in town ship 3 south of mime 4 east, Willamette Meridian, in Oregon, and containing 68.16 acres. Uso be ginning at tne most northerly eorner oi a acre tract of land deeded by Vesty E. Ralney and 8. H. Ralney on the 6th day of May, 1872, by James Crawford in sections 17, 20 and 21, township three south, range four east, Willamette Meridian, said deed being recorded on pages 41 and 42 of book "K" of the records of deeds of Clackamas county, Oregon; thence south 6 degrees east 10 chains; thence south 69 degrees 80-inlnntes west 10 chains: tbence north 5 degrees west 1U onains; thence north 69 degrees 30 minutes east 10 chains to the ill nee of beginning containing. 10 acres more or less. Also an undivided one half Inter est in the following described property situated in the oonnty of Clackamas, Oiegon. And bring apart of the Win . M Wade D. L. C, known as ..! M- On ...J knlnn - naw, nf oattlmio 1R 17 90 and 21, In township three south, range four east kets, the woolen goods industry of Ger oi the Willamette Meridian, bounded ana ae- many is greatly depressed. cuucuaniuiiun.. ... m. .... -w y-. - Beslnnlm at a do nt 16.1S cha ns south of the l ae muraer OI J . ur. r osier, a planter, northeast corner of said claim No. 39; running hy o neero. has caused great excitement lh.nn. .niilh ffl J.n fln m nn a, niaol llfh, n, t . " ' thnnnn uniith fi dm rp Paul 20.09 chains: thence t bhreveport, La north 69 degrees SO minutes enet 42.22 ohains to At Walla Walla, Wm. Davis, a boot- tn. east Boundary line o tne aoove men lonea . . . . kjU . Charieg McCon' u, u. J. i Mieui'o hiuuk mm line u uuniiia w tug .. ', . . - c t T?i- lace ol beglnnlDK, containing e0 acres, more or nmi, uis nvui iu iuo mitjuuuua ui jenue ei TkA aoM iul Inn aknira monl nnafl Goto I Il . A41- n-Anni MTnamrlnrl ho jvoo, a io iu lyi'V'vii Lift WUI lill, UUU UHllKCrUUBIV BUUUUW UOI '"'V."1" """-"J """"' ""'" hv Bhnt.a in tha breast and back. fwanain cininiH n mi ftffainat mn annTB euiitiBU es- -f te. . . .. .. . CM Sain, of Lovelock. Nev.. filed in It is therefore ordered bv this court this 29tn T.i una j..l..i!a.... dayofMay,1901.that John Bullard, Fannie Aklns, wumj uu immug u...o, u ....... .. . . I . . . n i. . . . . . , mnnM mi.i4a m mit ...... nf Knvov tantl wunnm isuaara, b. it. vunara. a. c. oeuiuau, tt. i tiutv tunny ijun'iui Dm,,iuiia vi wib uu m. wade, amy Kiy, Bose Moennae, ana au around Aberl and summer laKes. Linn county has borrowed $44, 000 at 4 1-2 per cent. Across the va'ley of the Sioule, in the Allier, France, a railway viaduct will be built 376 meters long and 132 meters or 434 feet high; the highest in the world. J. P. Morgan, the trust promoter and stock gambler, will attend the conven tion of the Episcopal church at San Francisco. He thinks he is a Christian. The Examiner claims that at San Francisco since the beginning of the Spanish war the government has been swindled by contractors out ot minions of dollars The British islands have 1,000,000 more women than men. , Saturday, June 15. . On account of the high duty on a ship load of Russian sugar, imposed in obe dience to the demand of the sugar trust, Russia put a tariff of 50 per cent on all United States products and now our trade with Russia has entirely stopped. Dr. Barth o' Paris assetts that of all the deaths in that city between 20 and 30 years of age, 60 in every 100 are caused by consumption. The wooden sidewheeler Northfield, having several hundred passengers on Vntio i hembv iiven that the undersigned hoard, collided in JNew York harbor with has been duly appointed by the county court of jjje 6teel-hulled propellor Mauck Chunk the state of Oregon for oounty of Clackamas, ad- . . R ,.- , .. ministratrix of the estate oi James nca-enzie, ue- othorii unknown. If anv such there be. and all per sons Interested tn said estate are hereby cited to appear before the above entitled court on tn 21th day of June, 1901. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m of said day, at the court bouse in Oregon Ollv. Olackamaa Countv. Orpcon. to show cause wny an order snouia notne grantea tome earn administrator to sell the above described real es tate at private sale and that a copy ot this order be published at leastloursucce.-Btve weens in me uourier-ueratu, a newspaper priuteu auu puu- Uehed In said county ana state. X 11 u ni A o r . niAii, County Judge. Attest, B.H.IIOOFEB, Clerk, (Seal) Dated, Hay 29th, 1901, WHITE COLLAR LINE PORTLAND-ASTORIA ROUTE ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed by the Hon. Thos. F. Ryan, county Judge of Clackamas County, Oregon, as administrator of the estate of Charles E. Athey, deceased. All persons having claims against the said state are hereby notified to present the same to me, properly, verified, as by law required at my rnsidenoe in Oreiron City. Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. KATE R. ATB.SY, Adml lstratrlx of the Estate of Charles K. Athey, Deceased. Dated this 5th day of Jane A. D 1901, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. STR. TAHOMA Daily Round Trips, except Sunday TIME CARD Leave Portland .v? Leave Astoria 1 P ceased. All Demons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same to me properly verinea, as ny law reqoireii. Currlnsville, Clackamas oounty, Oregon, within six months from the date nereor. Administratrix of the Estate of James MoKenzie, Deceased. Dated this 1st day of June, 1901. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. THE DALLES -PORT LAND ROUTE STR. BAILEY 6ATZERT DAILY ROUND TRIP IXCRPT MONDAY CASCADE LOCKS, HOOD RIVER WHITE SALMON and THE DALLES TIME CARD Leave Portland . . . . 7 A. M Arrive The Dalles.. 8 P. M' Leave " 4 " Arrive Portland U " MEALS THE VERS BEST -Snnilnv Trins a Lead lug Feature "ibis Home nas tne uranaesi sceuie ur- tions en Harm Landing and office, Foot Alder Street BOTH FHOKES, MAIN 851 POKTLAND, OREGON E. W. CRIT0N, Atjt., Portland JOHN M. FILL00N, Agt., The Dalles A. J. TAYLOR, Agt., Astoria E. E. G.SEOL Will give you a Bargain in Wall Paper Wall Tinting and in General House Painting Paint Shop near Depot Hotel Notice la harebv riven Ihat the under alined administrator of the estate of of Henry Bottemiller, deceased, has filed his final report of his administration oi said e tut,., and the Honorable Count.v Judire of Clacka' ams county, uregon, na nxea august urn, rjui at 1U 0 ciocc, a. m., as tne time lor oeariug auu set tlement thereof. JOHN HENRY BOTTEMILLFR. Administrator Aforesaid. Dated,June 6th., 1901. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. Notice ti hereby elven that bv virtue of law ap proved February 3rd., 1901, providing for; the 8a lo of lands to which Clackamas county has bid in for delinquent taxes ana acquired title, win oe sold to the nignest omuer ior casn on uie oui uaj of July, 1901, at the front door of the court housa In said Clackamas county, state of Oregon. J. J. uuoae. Sheriff of Clackamas County. Dated, June 6th, 1001. COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE I now have money to pay county warrants en dnreod nrlor to February 12tb, U98. And also road warrants endorsed prior to August 2, 1900 Interest will oease on the above Included war rants on the date hereof. A. LCELLINO, Treasniar Clackamas County, Or. Dated, Oregon City. June llth, 1901. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. To all whom It may concern, notice ii hereby riven that I have riled my final report as admin istrator with the will annexed, of the estate of I nHin A Seolv rlnceaand. with the countv court of Clackamas oounty and state of Oregon, and tne oM n .urt haa set Mondav. the 8th day of July, 1901, at the hour of 10 o'clock, a. m., of said day, as the time for hearing said report and objection a thereto if any there be at whii n time ana court all persons interested are hereby notified to b present. Administrator with the will annexed of Estate of Lucius A. Beely, Deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. WANTED. Capable, reliable person In every county to repretent large company of solid fi nancial reputation; 1936 salary per year, payable weeklyj$3oerdey absolutely sure and all ex penses: straight, bona fide, definite salary, no commission; salary paid each Saturday and ex pense money advanced each week. STANDARD BOUSE, 834 DiAiBOBX 6t., Cnc.CO. Notice is hereby given that'the undersigned ad ministratrix ot the estate of Margaret Wilson, de ceased, has filed In the County Court of Clacka mas County, State of Oregon, her Anal account aa each administratrix, of said estate and that the Sthday oi August 1901, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., has been fixed by said court, as the time for bearing objections to said report and the settlement thereof. MARX J. DICKEN, Administratrix of the estate of Margaret Wilson, Deceased. TJ'Res 4 8cHDEBEL,Attorneys. HEADACHE i atom. 2S Doaca 25c At aS arug and sank. Seven lives were lost. The fire at the Galley's Island ship yard, St. Petersburg, caused a loss of 10,000,000 rubles. ' s Five neero murderers were bane in Sylvania, Ua., yesterday. At Oak Park, near Flint, Mich., a rail way train struck a carriage containing Maior i. W. Buckingham and three la dies, killing them all. The destruction by fire ol the Mineral Springs Hotel at West Baden, Indiana, caused a loss OI f 250,000, The National packing house in the city of Mexico burned down ; loss f dOD.ooo. Having for 30 years in vain sought to solve the problem of perpetual motion. .-.T Tt J - MT!1; , T T wm. nenoru, oi wiuiamaourg, n . l drove a bullet through his brain. Pendleton's warehouses hold 5,200,000 pounds of wool According to the London Statist.crops promise to be poor in a large part of bu rope and the demand for American breads tuff s will be greater than ever. In Chicago. John Czech and Kazmir Kochanski Quarreled and foueht over 50 ' nnnta an4 I 'vnlh tr tirkt IT Ck(l IflQ ritriAt fin wCllia BIJVA VVV 1 I J w vilV vtvi V t the head with an old rifle barrel, killing him on the spot, The Berlin Tageblatt says : "Abandon ment bv Great Britain of her Yanuste sphere of interest idea is, pet haps, the most severe diow ureac amain nas sus tained since the South African war be gan." In Rio Janeiro a German syndicate has been formed with acapial of 25,000, 000 mark 8 to promote colonization in Brazil. Mandarin Taotai Loo Chin has ar rived in New York with the object studying the United States, tie says the Boxer trouble hat been a blessing in diBguise to China and that many radical changes will be made in the empire, in eluding a schoolhouse in every town. The United States is the one country in the world for China. At Middlesboro, Kv., Andy Cox, mountain moonshiner, shot and killed Officer Silas Wilder, who tried to arrest him. Then Cox aimed at Deputy Sheriff Will Branham and mortally wounded hiin, but before the latter expired he shot Cox, who fell dead. Before the circuit court in Lane coun ty this month will be brought the suit of B. F. Harvey, a brakeman, against the Oregonian Pub. Co. for $25,000 damages, on account of an article published Dec. 2, 1900, accusing him of being implicat ed with Huh Patterson in the raping of Minnie Thorn. The Chinese throughout the United States will unite in an effort to pursuade congress to repeal the Chinese ex clueian law. Sun lay, June 16. Three hundred speculators have a share in the $1.000,0o0 profits ol George H. Phillips' 15,000,000 bushel corn pool at Chicago. Clams are very abundant on Clatsop Beach. Next week the wheat ' harvest begins in Umatilla county. Wm. Bait was drowned while fishing in t'ie Brunette river at Sapperton, B.C. Near Oll.lt, Wash.. "Charlie the Woodchopper" killed George Swanson and eeverely wounded Jonas Hallatrom. The U. S. transport steamer Ingalls turned turtle in New York harbor and one man was drowned. Monday, June 17. A tornado that swept through Sou'h Dakofa 30 miles from Huron produced widespread destruction and wounded 1) persons, some fatally. J. P. Morgan andE.H.Harriman have formed a community of interests and the railroad mileage under their control ag gregates 55,592. Among the lines are the Santa Fe, the Southern, Union, Norther l and Missouri Pacific and GreatNortheru. The fourth annual convention of the Federation of American Zionists, a Jew ish organisation, was opened in Phila delphia today. Cecil Rhodes predicted at Bulawayo saturaav tnat a letieration of South At rican stateB would be formed in three or four years, but he contended that to grant self-government to the republics before federation would render federa tion impossible. Near Welmansrust, 20 miles north of Middleburg, in the Transvaal, 350 Aus tralian soldiers were surprised by a Boer force, and dOO nt them captured, includ ing 18 dead. The Boers also took two pompom guns. - During the march from Vrede(Orange River Colony), states a telegran from Lord Kitchener, Eliot's column engaged Dewet's commando and captured 76 loaded wagons, 45 prisoners, 58 riles. 10,000 rounds ammunition and 4000 cat tle; Boers killed or wounded 20; British, 40. . Mr. Broderick, war secretary, stated in the house of commons that there were 40,229 persons in the South African con centration camps, the deaths in which during May. were 98 adults and 318 chil dreu. Thus Boer families rot in camp, It is believed in London that the Boers are getting many recruits from ths Cape Colony Dutch, and in spite of Joe Cham berlain's assertion that the embers of war are smoldering, it looks very much as if they had burst into flame. 1 Commandant W. D.Snyman,of South Africa, on a lecture -tour to procure aid for the 3oer prisoners, said in Denver ; "The struggle in South Africa is a polit ical war, brought about by political gam blers and speculators, and so long as they have life the Boers will fight for their liberty." In Chicago, the Woman's Internation al Label League has started a movement for organizing the 60,000 servant girls of the city Into a union. The wheat fields of England promise poor crop. To-morrow, "$4,003,000 in cold leave Mew VorR lor Europe. On the Canadian Pacific, over 3000 trackmen are on a strue. At Dothan, Ala., Prof. Rankin, school teacher, Bhot and killed G.R. McNeil, the principal, who had discharged him, and then blew out his own brains. England objects to aiding China in raising money by putting a higher duty on her imports into Ohiua,rice and opi um, the latter being torced on the Chi nese with British cannon. In accordance with a navy department plan, Bteamer lanes 30 miles wide have been platted across the Pacific. " 1 At St. Paul., Ore., James Kelly, an old resident, shot and dangerously wounded FranK Lambert, the town marshal. In San Francisco, the butchers' strike is broken . I lAt Ross well. N. M., Arthur Kline shot and killed bii wile, dangerously wound ed two others, and killed hiouself. At Ithaca. N.Y., James Churchill kill ed his wife, fatally wounded her father, 80 years old, and failed to kill himself by drinking carbolic acid. The burning of Runkle Bros.' choco late factory in New Yoik ci'y caused a loss of $250,000. A fire at Monrmuth, Ore., caused a loss of $4500 ; insurance $23C0 Dr. William Geiger, a pioneer of 1839, died at bis borne in Forest Grove last night. W. T. Stead, the great London jour nalist, writes: "It seems probable that the war will go on, England will con tinue t ) lose 2,000,000 pounds sterling a week and 3000 men a month. The Boers will lose in killed and wounded and prisoners about 70 men a day. Until October the war will drag on. After Oc tober, when the grass grows, there will be a renewal of active fighting. The Boers maintain that they will have an ample store of mealies to keep them for an inuennite nine, aa iu ammunition, as long as the British have to keep an army of 250,000 in the field, the vigilant and omnipresent enemy will always pick up sufficient to replenish his cartridge bandoliers from British sources." Tuesday, June 18. At Wilkesharre, Pa., 1000 coal miners struck because the Temple Coal & Iron Co. refused to discharge 3 nonunion men The Mormon church is making efforts to obtain sesKioi Irom the Mexican gov eminent of the lands in Sonora from which the Yaquis have been driven. If successful, the .Mormons will make a treaty with the Yaqui Indians. At Buffalo, a fire among the elevators at the docks caused a loss of $210,000 At Berkeley ,Cal., the daughter of Rev. (J. G. Adams asked J. G. Jessup, a den tist, by telephone to come to her home to prevent her (allier from whipping her. Jesrup came and Adams shot him, wounding him mortally. Adams was drunk. Eastern capitalists are backing the project of building an 800-mile railroad to Nome City and Bering Strait. The steamship Hawaiian arrived in ban r rancisco with ttoOOtons of sugar valued at 1750,000. II W. C. Whitney has rewarded the! two jockeys who won for him the Der by, giving Hugains jeaiUO and Lester Reiff 1I00. At Hackenburg, Prussia, Frent h and Austrian embassy attaches with 55 Ger man vekran associations, jointly dedi- C tted two monuments, one in memory of Austrians and the other in memory of the French General Marceaij,. In Southwest Texas 500 men are en gaged in hunting a baud of Mexican cut- laws who murdered two sheritfs and a wealthy ranchman. In a fight near Bel mont two Mex cans were killed. A fire on Sqnaw Island at Buffalo caused a loss of $500,000. The Russian czar feels discouraged because his wife has given birth to an other girl, which makes four; no boys. The steel truBt has absorbed the Colo. Fuel & Iron Co. A meeting at the Wa!- dorf-Astor in NewYork fixed the matter. At Pendleton, Black Horn, an Indian, was mortally wounded while resisting arrest by Chief of Indian Police Brisbow. As a protest against the duty placed on Russian sugar and petroleum, Russia has raised the duty on American bicycles and resin. A countervailing duty has been placed on Italian Bugar, and Italy has raised the duty on foreign plows. Wednesday, June 19. A fire at Nome caused a 1 iss of $126,650. Herbert W. Pearson, a geologist, has begun a suit for $1,500,000 against the Great Northern railroad, which he claims is due him for finding coal fields for the railro id company worth millions. Ex-Governor Pingreeof Michigan died In London last night of intestinal cancer. The Standard Oil crowd is negotiating for the purchase of two Kansas City banks having $50,000,000 deposits, be' side banks in other Western cities. At Minneapolis, Minn., the American Mining and Investment Go. admitted itself to be insolvent; liabilities $2,500,- 000; assets $1000. W. T. Stead, the London editor, tele graphs that he interviewed the late e Gov.Pingree after his return from South Africa. He said, in substance, that when be got among the Boers he found how grossly they had been misrepresented to htm in .Lonaon and that they washed and dressed and behaved like civilized beings. The commandoes he visited were well clothed and armed and each man had two horses. They do their fighting with Lee-Met ford rifles which they supply themselves with from the British stores. The Denver Stockman says that the number of cattle coming to its market is only one-fourth of what it used to be on account of the destruction of the public tange. . - Mr. Mills, livestock agent of the O. R. & N., sara that 2,000,000 sheep in Or egon will perish unless pasture is found tor them elBewnere. The National Metal Trades' Associa tion is confronted by 650,000 metalwork ers, an army on whose support the ma chinists depend for the success of their strike. The franchises, worth millions, which the corrupt city government ot fhlladel nhia hag delivered to the Ouav nana. have now become the subject of hostile contention in the republican party Thursday, June 20. For complicity in the murder of John Gray Foster. Prophet Smith and F. D McLand, both negroes, were K ached at Shreveport. La. For Brown Unlversary, in Rhode Is land, an endowment fund of $2,000,000 has been raised. For an alleged attempt to assault a Mrs. Davis, Rev. D. B. Jones, a negro was lynched at LaUraige, N. U. Senator tsuoup is making ellorts to purBuade the Interior department to open for settlement the Foit Hall reser vation in Southern Idaho not later than September 1. At Shaniko 1,300,009 pounds of wool were sold yesterday at 11 1-2 to 12 1 cents. The smelting trust is attempting to freeze out the Coeur d'Alene mine-owners, who may build smelters themselves. Yesterday evening, at Butte, Mont., Senator Clark expressed his approval of the marriage of his ton, W.A. Clark, Jr., by presenting him with a check for $100,000. Before the 26th, all the volunteers in the Philippines, numbering 7500, will arrive in San Francisco. Gov. Jennings of Oklahoma estimates that 100,000 people will try to locate on the reservation lands to be opened, al though tbere can be only 13,500 entries. The 10 trench vessels en route and listed to Portland will cost the French government in bounties $125,000. NERVE WASTE. ii, One of the most helpful books on nerv weakness ever issued is that entitled "Nerve Waste," by Dr. Sawyer, of San1 Francisco, now In its fifth thousand.l llns work of an experienced and repu table physician is in agreeable contrast to tne vast sum of lalse . teaching wind; prevails on this interesting subject. It abounds in carefullv considered ami practically advice, and has the two great merits of wisdom and sincerity . It is indorsed by both the reliclons and secular press. The Chicago Atl neb says: "A petusal of the book audi the application of its principles will put! health, hope and heart into thousands; of lives that are now suffering through! nervous impairment." . llie book is $1.00. by mail, postpaid.? Une ol the most interesting chapters etiapters xx, on Nervines and Nerve! Tonics has been printed separately as a sample chapter, and will be sent to any addresj for stamp by the publishers,1 i ne it acme r iiu, cio., cox zoos, tsari Francisco in plain sealed envelope. HOAR OF THE FALLS. During the day hundreds of people stop at the filtering plant at the comer of Main and Seventh streets, to drink at the faucets that run water night and day. This fact briga forcibly to mind the importance of drinking fountains, conveniently located ou the main streets. 4 It. tt'nnltl ha a Inrthorunp nf lha nlun ai." readv heinir fliitatRrl hv t.hn (lluckum au Oouuty Humane Society, who desire to establish watering troughs for animals. A combined watering trough with sep arate filtering attachment to supply wa ter for drinking purposes,' would be I he ueBiratum, The photograph taken by Turney graphically showing a Balmon in his at tempt to climb the falls, mighj be used as a potent argument to the effect that a fish ladder is not necessary. The pic ture was reproduced in the Telegram a few days ago. ., ' The present spell of warm, sunelvny weather is a god-jend to Western Oregon. The continued cold, wet weather was be-J ginning to have a tendency to work in jury to the crops. Lice were forming on the hop vines, and the weather condi tions were most favorable for the prop-! ogation of wheat pests. The warm sun- shine, however, is causing the bop louse; and the giain aphis to disappear, and the fall wheat stalks have resumed their wonted freshness. It is universally con ceded by the farmers that this will be a great crop year, or at least, Letter than recent former seasons. The dog circus with its atteuded fa kirs and antiquated, second hand para phernalia came on the peaceful Sabbath day. and departed like a highwayman lien the nigiit policeman was on watch. As the heavy teams came down the Singer bill they smashed the landside wooden supports oi ine euro ot tne side. walk, and it will take dollars to repair, the damage. It is said that the show aggregation divided up on leaving Port land, a part ot the lame animals and noisy curs going to eaiem, and tne re malnder forming that part ot the oucus that showed in Oregon City. It was the same old gag anything is good enough for the country towns. The clown gave the same old threadbare 1 ikes, and the Arab in costume, that led t'ie zebu was only the commonest kind o; a nigger. For Sale 240 acres of land 12 mileB Oregon City; 40 e'eared house, barn orchard; price, .'3oo; foo down, bat ance on easy terms. Have yourom time to pay balance. Applv to J. W. MoAnultv, office on Main street, oppo site Albright's meat market. TO CURB A COLD IN ONK DAT j Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.! All druggists refund the money If it fails! to curer E. W. Grove i signature is oni each box. zoo. Tlie Y. 31. V. A. Canvas. The soliciting committee at the pres. entdate has succeeded in raising $550 to ward the conditional $2500 required in placing the Y. M. C. A. of the city on a working basis. With the $1400 expected from the corporations of the city there yet remains $650 to be secured. A sys tematic canvas has been inaugurated ii some of the mills among the employes, whicb it is hoped with the further as sistance of the business men of the city will result in raising the required amount. It is the plan of the management to apply $2000 of the $2500 toward liquida tion of Indebtedness and the remaining $600 and all over the $500 toward im proving the building and premises. Secretary Oscar Cox, of Portland, now in at'endance at the Boston Y. M. C. A. International Convention, is in structed to fecure a suitable man for general secretary and physical director, both positions to be filled, if possible, with the one man. At this particular time the management detires the hearty co-operation ot every cit zen of Oregon City toward the permanent establish ment of this worthy institution. Constipation Does your head ache ? Pain back of your eyes? Bad taste in your mouth? It's your liver ! Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They cure consti pation, headache, dyspepsia. 23c. All drugglitj. A Great Hosiery Offer Direct From the Mills. The old maxim. "The Proof of the Pudding Is In the Eating," applies as, well to the wearing qualities ot our ho siery. Once worn and you will wear them always. An exceptional trial oi ler that every reader of this paper! 1 1.1 U I . . .1. ..1 nuuuiu ititc puymi imku ui uiiu lenb uitr remarkable wearing qualities and supe rior finish of our high grade hosiery. We will, on receipt of 25c in silver and the name of your local dealer, send di rect to you from the mills, postage paid, 4 pair of our finest high grade latest style Empire brand ladies' or children's hose, or men's half hose, in black, tan,1 white or the fashionable fancy solid cul-J . u:t ..ill. I ura, ui iiio iHienb uuiuuuittiiuu ma. em broidered polka dots, electric stripes, or silk clocking on side, in fancy open work plain, or drop stitch - style, in French lisle thread, balbriggan, silk finish maco, or cashmere, with full finish elas tic ton and our natent rninforced silk and linen knit seamless, double sole, toe and high spliced double heel, lhey save darning and are granted to give fli ran fimua th uroav rt onv ntliai Iwtai. ery . The same in children's with elas- tic top, double knee. Bole, heel and toe. Want your mouatwlift or beard a beautiful brown or rtcb blark? Tbn t) BUCKINGHAM'S DYEer. 1 plain or ribbed, fine, medium or heavy ! quality, guaranteed fast color, and war-' ranted not to crock. The retail value of these hose is 25c. per pair. We will not send more than 4 pair of each ladies' or children's to one person. A trial wear of these will convince you of their mer- ' its. For 50c, we will send, postpaid,' one trial pair of our ladies' flue silk hot-e, in shades of pink, gold, white, lila';k, blue, cardinal oi lavender. This is a special trial oiler. If you are not satistied with them after trial wear we will refuud your money. If you are pleased with them and wish more, in siston your local dealer procuring them' for you, and insist on him getting our Empire brand hosiery. Write us today, mentioning this paper, as this oiler is limited, A beautiful Utile booklet, tell-; ing how our hosiery is made, mailed free to you on rt quest. Address this way, 1 Empire Knittinu Mii,i,. 1 100 and 108 Fulton St., New York City. OASTOniA. TL. U .J V.... II.. . 11 . ft a Bears lh m ma iuu na Always eaugw t OABTOIIIA. Bean the He Kind You Have Always BciiaM i