CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS . Cams. This is fine haying weather. Charlie Stewart cut hay for G. H. Kir byfon Monday. A. HayhurBt enlarged his potato cellar last week, in anticipatioe of a large crop of potatoes next fall. Mies Emma Inskeep has returned home after a pleasant visit with friends In IPortland. Mrs. Kruse, of Oregon City, has been visiting A. Hayhurst and wife. A party was given at the home of H. O. Inskeep Monday evening. Dancing and ptmes were the features of the evening. Icecream and cake were served by the hostess. All enjoyed a good time. The following were present : Misses Haward, Nellie Stephens, Bertha Spangler, Emma Jones, Lillie Thomas, Lizzie Lewis, Emma Inskeep; Mesera. Fred Spangler, Lee Buckner, L. and E. Lewis, Dewey Thomas, Fred Linsley. H. Hornshuh, George H. Kirbyson and wife. June 18. Great reduction at Miss Goldsmith. on all trimmed hats Liberal. A great many are cutting hay and clover. Look out, boys, it will get wet. The Fourth of July at this place will be a grand success from all reports, and a good time is anticipated. The band, games and races are "a go." Fall wheat and spring grain look well at present . The Kansas eauash bug Is here and is destroying squashes, cucumbers and pumpkins. Paris green doesn't faze them. LiMieOoates,whohae been sick in the hospital, is improving rapidly. Our school closed this week after a successful term of three months. We hope the teacher and pupils will enjoy a well earned vacation. The Wesleyan Methodists, under the leadership of Rev. T. Wiles, are hold ing a campmeeting in the grove at Lib eral . A few families are camping in the grove, and a good attendance is ex pected. John Ridings !and Bert Hibbard, of Marquam, were visiting friends in Lib eral Sunday. Bruce Darnall is feeling better, and is now visiting friends at Highland. Newt Farr, of Oregon City, is in this vicinity buying beef cattle for Albr ghtdt Logus. Next week a play will be presented here, which will be "The Old Gossip." Keep away, we have plenty of that al ready. ' J. Akins, our blacksmith, is busy re pairing wagons. Dry weather is here at last. E. Eaton, of Carus, was here Tuesday on business. How do you like to keep house Erne? I Bee you are putting down the carpet, but don't try to paper the ceilings unless you have help. June 19. 8ylvu. FlnlEI imn Vehicle Book Ampl JUST ISSUED Send your name and address GREATEST 4N EARTH More Draw-Cuts sold in Portland las year than of all other makes combined It's the Mower you want. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. First and Taylor Eagle Creek. Some of the farmers are busy cutting fern out of their grain. Potatoes will soon be large enough to use. Sandy Kidge school closed Friday. A short program was rendered Saturday evening, and a large crowd attended. Mr. Balbn and wife visited James Bell and family at Kelso Sunday. Several bands of horses oave come across the mountains during the last week. J, S. Smith has not yet returned to Gregon City. Everybody has the toothache. We think this must be the place where it originated from the number who are complaining. Mrs. Duncan is improving. Lillie Myers, of Spnngwater, is visit ting her mother, Mrs. Huggius, of this place. Aggie Cunln and baby were sean in Eagle Creek Saturday. Mrs. Belle Duncan went to Portland Friday. Joe Suter was up to his broth er's place on Deep Creek Friday.. Lena Van Curen was the guest, of Pearl Foster Sunday. Miss Maggie Smith js in Portland, Lester Hale, of Curiinsville, had his knee hurt last week, and was over for the doctor to dress it Sunday. Homer Glover has returned from Oorvallis, where he has been attending college. Little Maggie Wilson was hurt quite seriously last Thursday by falling on an ax. She received a rather severe cot on the head, but she is recovering stead ily. Herman Brackett, of Sherman county, is visiting his parents, of this place. Mrs. Dowty was in Eagle Creek Sun day. George Epperson, of Kelso, was over Sunday. frank O. Danielson. of Kelso, was buried in Sandy Kidge cemetery Satur day, May 15th, p. m. He was killed on the coast in Washington, last Monday while working on a scow. He was 21 years of age, and ho was held in the highest respect and esteem of all. He leaves a brother and parents beside a host of friends to mourn his loss. June 17.' Stafford. For several days the weather has been decidedly tropical. The nights have been warm .enough to keep corn grow ing. Cherries are withering on the trees, and strawberries are drying on the vines. Nearly every farmer has mown a patch of grass and is scanning the horizon for signs of rain, and it is only a week since there was a downpour, and the same parties were prophesying a yery wet sea son. The rocking of the Hayes hill is com pleted, and a new bridge has been put in at the Shauber place. Fa ement Catalogue Champion Draw-Cut Mower Streets, PORTL OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD. FRIDAY. JUNE 21, 1901 The people of this place are beginning to complain about the inconvenience they are put to by the Oswego bridge be ing rut They think that a month is a long time to be deprived of a crossing there, and they would like to know what our bridges are for. the accommodation of the traveling public, or a pet job for contractors? Early spuds are now large enough to use, and the advance in price of old po tatoes sacks up the last of them that are fit for market. Early wheat and oats are headed. Some oi the grain looks as though the berry had been eaten out of the lower por tion of the head . Hazelnuts will be a scarce article this season. MeBdames Moser, Reutter and Shau ber were baptised at Fred Moser's home on the 18th f June. Rev. Graves horse ran away last week, and broke his buggy. John Moser burned his straw stack to rid the place of rats. JNight hawks nave made their appear ance. Anson Henry has beeen calling on old acquaintances bere this week. Mr. Henry was a resident nere zu years ago. There is a case of mnmps at Dick 01 denstadt's home. ' Mr. Aden's family, of Frog Pond, are down with the measles. Report is received here that a family, which recently arrived from the East, and at present at Pleasant Hill, is Bick with smallpox. Grandpa Kchatz is considerable bet ter in health than he has been tor some time. June 19. Lengthy. Everything in the Millinery line Miss Goldsmith. at a great reduction. Mulino. Some Eastern Oregou wheat was con veyed to Howard's mill last week. Mrs. Albright, ot fcly, was visiting at the home of Mr. Shaw last week. Mrs. E. Dodge, who has been visiting her parents, expects to join her husband in a short time. Mr. Dodge has a shingle mill on the Abernethy. Mrs. Lyons and daughter are visiting at tne home of F. M. Manning. School closed last Friday after an in teresting program was rendered. All enjoyed a lot of delicious candy, which was furnished by the teacher, Alex Thomson. Mrs. Murpby and daughters, Belle and Goldy, were the guests of Mrs. Fel ger last Friday evening. Beatrice Carlisle was visiting in our burg last week. It is too bad that our Union Hall cor respondent can't go to Mulino on Sun days and have a Jolly time. Johnnie Evans is able to be out again. Mrs. Lyons will cook at Adkins' log ging camp this summer. Those attending the campmeeting at Liberal last Sunday report having had a good time. Good music Is furnished. Bruce Darnall is improving slowly. He is staying with his father at present. It was announced that the Liberal campmeeting would be held over nest Sunday. June 18. ' Bunchy. Flowers, ribbons, tancy chiffrons at a great sacrifice. Miss Goldsmith. ' rmBr VND, OREGON. Currinavllle. At last we are having warm weather and plenty of it, and if it continues cry the farmers can get meir nay iu. LeBter Hale had the misfortune 10 cm a severe gash in his knee. He was do- ina some slashing ana in crossing a iug he struck his knee agrinst the ax. G. J. Currin made a nying trip tojur- rinsville last week. Hugh Currin and daughter, Elsie, are visiting George Currin's family at lone, Or. They are expected to return home this W6tk. We have not heard of a Fourth of July celebration anywhere nearer than than the celebration at Damascus, remaps people would like to take a rest this year and stav home or go fishing. Mrs. 'J. ,W. Stone has been having sciatica rheumatism again, which leaves her pearly helpless, with Mr. Stone away from home. Robert Currin, who has been on the sick list getting better. June 18. . . Uncle Zbek. Grand Millinery Sale begins today Miss Goldsmith's. at Mural Dell. The farmers are hoping for good weather this week, as their clover is ready for cutting. We find upon close examination that the fruit crop will prove to be very much better than first expected. In this locality spring wheat and oats and winter oats never gave a better promise to the farmers for a booming crop man now. The early potatoes and gardens also look fine. Mr. Beede made a trip to Woodburn Saturdav. H. Ogle is improving in health quite rapidly. Grandma Samson is able to sit up strain. Mr. and Mrs. i. uonney cauea on rar, and Mrs. I. J. Bigelow Sunday. F. Sawtell and family called on Mr. and Mrs. T. Ogle Suiiday. June 17. A Bockeyb. P. Norts and C. Yost have sold their farms. Mr. and Mrs. Martin, of Gaston, are visitinz James Marsh. O. Sturges, ot Canby, visited at nis Dlace here last week. Our road supervisor has repaired tne bridge across Bear Creek, which was much needed. Miss Eyman and Mr. Close were mar ried a few days ago at fhe home of the bride's parents, Kev. JJicK omciating. Charles Biglow, of Portland, was vis ting in our midst last week. Fred Saux, of Portland was the guest of Mr. Moshberger a few days ago. Josetm Marsh, who has been attend ing school at Forest Grove, returned home last week. , The thermometer registered 90 de grees on the 18th. June 18. Beaver Creek. Everything is prosperous in Beaver Creek. The health of the people, as rule, is good . The evenings and days are unusually cold. Everything points toward a bounteous crop tor the laithlul larraer on whom all life depends. We attended memorial day in the city and meeting quite a number oi our Beaver Creek friends, also many old and very dear friends of our youth, which brings to mind many joys and pleasures as we grasp the hand that we have not touched for perhaps many years. This occasion also brings very sad memories when we remember what we are gath ered together on this day for to lay aside our daily toil, and bitter feelings, if any exist, and meet as one body to re member our own dead, and the sons and fathers and brothers, who bravely gave up their homes and friends to defend the grand old flag that waved so proudly yet sadly that day at half maBt, and we hope it may still wave on unblemished until Gabriel blows his horn, and we all meet where all are on an equal, high and low, the outcast and the beggar, tor we are taught from the Good Book that the Great rather remembers us all. The farm work is over for a few weeks and cord wood and lumber hauling are the order of the day. Mibs Ada Moehnke closed a very sue- cesstui term oi scnooi last rnuay. me closing exercises took place in a shady grove on Mr. Holmau's place. Our teacher deserves credit for her kindly Bin, wnicn sne ireeiy gives her pupils Education is something we all should take an active interest in. Sometimes we can aid the children and sometimes we need their assistance. A new schoolhouse in our burg will be the question here soon, as the old building is unfit for ourchildren to spend .1 . i r . i . . I. uiro-iuui urn ui uieir time in. n was built about 30 years ago at least; has served for two or perhaps three genera tions. We sincerely hope the Beaver Creek people will study the matter over, we surely are entitled to a. neat school house. Strawberries are very plentiful this season. I. Thonasand W. A. Kirk are taking an airing in the breezy Eastern Uregou climate. They went horseback. A few Beaver Creekites attended Children's day exercises at Carus, and some went to Highland, wheie exercists were held in the grange 'hall. All Bpent a very enjoyable day and ended W'th about two hours of dancing by the young people.! Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Allen Edwards, a uaugiuer. Joseph Fisher is working at Wardner, Idaho. Mrs. Kirk and daughter paid a visit to l. J Kirk and family ,of Highland, Sun day. Later Our school meeting is over and the way the intelligent people of Beaver Creek want to hold onto old relics (let tis drop the curtain). We are surely able in this prosperous, moneyed community to have a neat schoolhouse, and also a hall, if we lay aside our little grudges and grasp with friendly hand our fellow beings. We have two prosperous stores, postoilice and about six churches within six miles of each other ; nice fai m houses and barns, sawmills, woodcamps, hop yards, etc., galore. I wonder sometimes if our little burg has in her haste for wealth nearly forgotten the educational affairs of her sons and daughters. Haying has begun here. We notice several mowers and farm machinery being brought from the nie-j tropolis. j No Hair? "My hair was falling out very fast and I was greatly alarmed. I then tried Ayer's Hair Vigor and my hair stopped falling at once." Mrs. G. A. McVay, Alexandria, 0. The trouble is your hair does not have life enough. Act promptly. Save your hair. Feed it with Ayer's Hair Vigor. If the gray hairs are beginning to show, Ayer's Hair Vigor will restore color every time. $1.00 t bolt!. All dranliU. If your druggist cannot supply you, end us one dollar and we will express you a bottle. He sure and give the nam oi your nearest express office. Address, J, C.AVKK CO., Lowell, Mass. Shubel. Married at the residence of the bride's parents, Miss Nettie Stuedeman and Al vin Kleinsmith, Rev. H. Wittrock, of ficiating. Rob Gtnther has traded bis hone tor a bicycle. ,. W. Hornshuh ts in Portland unuer the doctor's care. Rev. T. R. Hornshuh and wife, and Mrs. Tom Peeble and daughter, of Sweet Home, were the guests of C. Hornshuh for several days. Mr. Bluhrn planted about four acres of corn, but something has eaten it off close to the ground. He is now sowing it to turnips and buckwheat. June 19. Genkvba. Great clearance sale. Miss Goldsmith. Mountain Vieiv. Mrs. McGeehan and son have gone to Pennsylvania, to spend the summer with her parents and friends. Mrs. Gillett hived two swarms of bees last Saturday and Monday. Maple Lane Grange met in Nash's hall last Saturday, and the officers were installed by Brother Casto, of Warner Grange. The next meeting of the grange win Deon the urst Saturday in July, Mrs. Albright is spending this week with friends at Union Mills. Uncle Joe Myers has traded his oroo erty here for property in Coquille City, uregon . Weddings are numerous in this burg uranuma bchueoei attended a wed' ding yesterday. Mr. Kleinsmith was married last Friday, and the boys gave him a chart vari. Mr. Walsh is having a bridge built across the gulch near his house. Mr Frost is making a sidewalk and other improvements for him. Mrs. Trikler's house is being papered, and a new chimney will be built next week. Mr. Locke's uncle arrived from Calif ornia Wednesday evening. 0. Stockman and family have moved to Washington. George Evernart was in our burg Sun day. Preston Cooper was bidding friends here goodbye onManday. He was on his way to Eastern Oregon. Mr. Schoth's aunt, who has been vis' ning nere, returned, to her home in Wyoming Tuesday. fir. fcmauey is using Muir s wagon this week, as Ely's wagon was broken by a runaway team in town Wednesday Mrs. Snodgrass, of Albany, is visiting airs, wauon lu'.s weeK. Alvin Mack and Mr. Thompson, who are working in Portland, spent Sunday at nome. June 20. Salina. A car load of milk crocks just received and will sell at 8 c per gal Ion. W. L. Block, the Homefurnisher. Garflekl. Jack Krigbuum is working for Mr. Stone, who has a contract for slashing 80 acres of land near Orient. The haying season has begun. Gar field, as usual will hive a fine hay crop. The people put here are giving cheese making a triai. They would like to have a cheese factory. It Is so warm that it isn't so pleasant to live, but it is a good time for weed killing. Brother Rich will preach at Garfield next Sunday. Brother Exon has changed his ap pointment at Mount Zion. Services are held from 8 to 3 :30 o'clock on the first and third Sundays in the month. A beautiful line of baby bonnets and hats, ail reduced, at Miss Goldsmith. Glad Tidings. From the general appearance of things we wiM have some good weather now. Hay is almost ready to cut in this section. It is reported that J. Jordan has sold his ranch to some parties of Troutdale, Or. The consideration not being known at present. Miss Katie Ada l-f Sunday for Westport, V ash. HerHmllin ; hce will be sadly misscu ttiuj,1Jt i..o young peo ple. Uuite a number of rwnr1 atlun.lo.l the social at Marquam last Friday eve ning. Everythine moved off verv smoothly to suit the occasion. Miss Addie Hammond came home LirI week for a short visit. Harl Enale. the Molalla mail Bllhnr. vlsor.was in our midst rustling hands to work on the Everhart hill. Willham Jackson Bold nnn nf !,;. horses last week. June 17. Sqi-ib. WilHonvlle. Charles Hanson and L. H, Vincent, the Wilsonville school dads, made a fly ing trip to the metropolis last Fridav. An ice cream social was given Wiliiam Brobst's home last Friday evening. All report an excellent time. t Next Sunday will be Children's day at the Hood View church. I Between 30 and 40 boys charivaned ! Mr. Harms last Thursday evening. The boys claimed that they had conclusive , evidence that he was married. Mr. Harms says he does not object to the boys having a good time, but that he does object to them Bmashing his farm machinery and breaking the house down and still he is thankful the boys left the houpe standing. The boys say if Mr. Harms does not want a charivari, not to brinanew woman to the home and oruer a lot of beer brought out trom Portland, as those things are consid ered sure signs of matrimony. There will be a social dance at Wilson ville next Saturday evening. j June 12. SHORT Y. j Elwood. Henry Turner is home from Portland. where he will remain for a week. Haying will soon commence if the weather will permit. Henrv Cadonau is spending bis lei sure days working on the farm for Mr. Bittner. Mrs Lvdia Park returned from Ore gon City last Sunday. Miss Zella has returned to her work at SWillamette Falls. aA Preparations are being made .for the close of school, . vjj June 14. . J.L.JR. Union Hall. Cutting hay is the order of the day. Halsey Phelps is working in Portland. M isses Annie and Tena Pinka were the guests of Eliza Burns one day last weeek. S. Wilkerson, recently, of , Missouri. is visiting in Washington at present. School closed at this place with a verv interesting program last Friday. A large number of patrons and friends gathered at the school house to listen to the pro gram, which was well rendered in an at tractive manner by the pupils of the school. Our teacher, Miss Johnson, deserves spfecial credit for her untiring efforts in making the program a suc cess. Mrs. Jane Blanchard, of Central Point, was visiting her sister, Mrs H. G 8. Phelps, Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Helvev went to Canby last Friday. nip Mrs. Jack Webb, of Portland, is vis iting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Phelps, at the present time. S James Adkins, the well known, saw mill man has been to the Russel mines for the past few days. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Grimes went to Canby one day last week to buy house hold furniture. J. H. Burns went to the county seat last Saturday. ""ml Frank Hilton went to Canby last Fri day. John Molzan is hauling rail road wood to Canby. 4 Deputy Assessor Blair was in these parts last week. Miss Sarah Beals went to Oregon City to work, but she returned home a few days ago. Robert Vorpahl is hauling wood for John Burns. Sam Wilkerson met with a painful ac cident a few days ago. While slashing he cut down a small tree and it fell the opposite direction from which he thought it would, and he stepped back against the slasher while getting out of reach of the tree and cut a severe gash in his leg Eugene Faulkner is working in Ad kins' sawmill. Charles Rauch h working in Adkins' logging canon. Miss Maggie Webb Is visiting at H. 0. Phelps'home. June 14. Backwoods. S. Come early and Goldsmith. get a bargain. Miss School Report, School closed in district No. i. June 8th. Following 11 the report for the ending 01 the term : H Whole number days' attendance, 6011-2. Whole number days' absence, 561-2 No. holidays, 1. No. times tardy, 2. No. pupils belonging, 16. Average daily attendance, 15.' No. visitors, 22. The following Interesting program was rendered at the closing exercises : "America," school. . Recitation, "The Standard Sheet," Earnest Marshall. Recitation, "Beside the Sea Shore," Gilbert Palmateer. ? Recitation, "Playing Hookey," Earl Tracy. Recitation. "When Girls are Young, 'Tis Proper,'' Alta Sarver. Recitation, "The Old Ragged Loafer," Harvey Marshall. Song, Bchool. Recitation, "The'Gingerbread Man," Earnest Duns. Recitatlon,"The Sculptor Boy," Ethel Tracy. ' Recitation, "Little Drops of Water," Quill Boyer. Recitatton,"UpsandDjwnof Brown," Floyd Holder. Recitation, "Be Careful What You Say," Louvena Crawford. Song, "Dear Native Land," school. Recitation, "Why Rlph anl Bob Fell Out," Joh nny Duns. Myrtle Boes, Teacher. Quick Relief for Asthma. Miss Maude Dickjns. Parsons, Kans . writes : " I suffered eight years with asthma in its worst form. I had several attacks during the last year and was not expected to live through them. I begau using FOLEY'S HONEY and Tar and it has never failed to give immediate relief." Charman & Co. Edward Huss, a well known buisnes man of Sailsbtry, Mo., writes: " I wish to say for the benefit of others, that I was a stfferer frcm lumbago and kidney trouble, and all the remenies I took gave me no relief. I was induced te try Fo leys' Kidney Cure, and after the use of three bottles, I am cured." Charman & Co. prJob Printing at t!i3 fa- Courier-Herald