OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY. JUNE 21, 1901 10 Tlio Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been. .4 in uso for over 30 years has All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of i" Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. I What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought ':i In Use For Over 30 Years: thc ecimun oommnv. tf mukm i.'(!!."'liU'l"'! pope & co: ,. .: '. i HEADQUARTERS FOR "' ' :;- '''' Hardware, Stoves. Syracuse Chilled and Steel Plows, Harrows and Cultivators, Planet Jr, Drills and Hoes,5 Spray Pumps, Imperial Bicycles. :. PLUMBING .SPECIALTY Oor. Fourth and Main fits. OREGON CITY For 1 catilogub '1 containiDg: tuli au nounoeraents, address," " P. L. CAMPBELL, President. i.) i'.. i i ' The DallesPortland and Astoria Navigation Go's Sirs. Regulator & Dalles City Dally texoept Sunday) between The Dalles, Hood River, . Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland Touching at way points nn both aides of the Columbia river. i Both of the above ateemere have been rebull and an lnaioellent itiape for the season of 1900 The Regulator Llue wlllemiaavor to give Ita patrons tha best service possible, For Comfort, Koonomy and Pleasure travel by tha (teaman of The ltegulutor Lino, i . - i : (- . The above tcauiara leave PortlandTa. m.and Dallaaat a. m..and arrive at demtnatloulu ample time lor ouiRoliig train. rortlanl nice, Tha Tin 11 Offlco Oakbl. look. Cuimattuvi. A. C. AI.LAWAV Qenoral ARaut Guaranteed , Salary yearly. Mrn and women of auod addren to renroaciit aonie totrarel appolnilng asenta, otUera for icx-ai oi lonaiuR aner our inierema. 1100 aalary guaranterd vearl ; exlra comnilaalnro and pntea, rapid auvanremeut, old esiablmheil boom, tiraml chauce for oinrst man or woman to arenro j)lfaant, rtrmnint polilon, liberal Incoma and future, haw brilliant Jluca. Write M ouee. STAFFORD rKESH, 3 Church Sta., Kew lUvrn, Conn WAKTFD IHI'SIWOIITAY WEN AND Vf nan to travaland advartlao for aid csublrnhed onaeofiolld flnanelal atandirg. KalarySTMOa year and eii.em8, all ra10e in paah. Nor.n. ' aanlng irqulnd. (lire reference and ereloae telf-aildreiMd atamred envalof a. Addrrta Man ager, 168 Caxten lila., Chicago. Tors iuk rortin and works off TJJK COLD. Laxative Bromo-Quinlne Tablets cure cold in one day. Ko Cure nopty JFrlce 25 cents. borne the signature of and has been made under nis per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. - Signature of avatar, nkw voam oitV. ....... ,rt"H.:. fi r-7 ... J.Ut .A. . State Normal . Schlool Monmouth. Oregon. -' :Jv. fci.X .,. .. Demand for' Graduates The demand ior graduates oi the Normal School dur ' ing the past year nas Deen mucn Deyona the supply. Positions with from $40 to $75 per month. , ,. , t .. , State . Certificates and Diplomas- Students are prepared for the state Ex aminations and readily take State Papers on graduation. ' Strong Academic and Professional Course. Well equipped Training Department. Expenses range from $120 to $175 per year. Fall term opens September 17th. I or J. B. V. BUTLER, Secretary SOUTH AND EAST VIA Southern Pacific Co. Shasta lloutc ! ni;) V, . Tralni leave Oregon City for Portland at 7:00 and (:22 a.m., and S;80r. u. If Portland- 8:80 a.m. 8:30 1. h. IiT Oragou City :' A. u. 9:14 t. u. It Ashland 12:65 A. . 12:85 P.M. " Sacramento 6:10 r. U 6:00 A.M. " San Franclaco 7:46 P.M. 8:45 p.m. " Ogden 4:46 a.m. 7:00 a. M. " Denver f:S0A.M. 9:15 a.m. 11 Kanaai City 7:25 A M, 7:85 A.M. " Chicago 7:42a.M. 8:80 A.m. " Loa Angelet 2:00 P.M. 8:05 A.M. "iEIPmo 6O0P.M. 8:00 P.M. " Fort Worth 8:80 a.m. 8:80 A.M. " City of Mexico 11:80 A.M. 11:30 A.M. " -Houston 7:00 a, m. 7:00 a.m. " Now Orlaana 8:80 P.M. t:30r.M, " Waahlngton 6.-42 a.m. 6:42 a.m. u New York 12:10 P.M. 12:10 P.M. Pullman and Tourist Cara on both trains. Chair ours, Hacramento to Ogdan and 1 Paaoi And tourist rara to Chicago, Bt. Louis, New urleaua and Waahlngton. Connecting at Pan Francisco wllh several Steamship l.lnea for Honolulu, Japan, China, rnuippiuKB, lemrai ana bouiu Amerioa. See K. L. HoorcNOAnxii, agent at Oregon City (tatlon, or address C. H. MARKHAM, G. P. A , Portland, Or JIi cetl Hates.' Are now In effect to Buffalo, New York. Do you expwt to attend the Pan-American Exposition? If o do not buy your ticket until you have investigated the service of the Il linois Central Hailroad. Our accomodations are the best that can be had, our trains are .always on time, and employes courteous and accom odating. Through touriat rara from Pacific Coast to Boston via Buffalo. If you will send fifteen cents in stamps to address given below, we will forward f ou, by return mail, one of our large 34x4.0 inch wall maps of the United States, Cuba and Porto Rico. Any information regarding , rates, accomodations, service, lime, collections, stopovers, etc, will cheerfully furnished by R. II. TRUMBULL, Com'l Ageut, 1, Third Street, Portland, Oregon. - REALTY TRANSFERS. Furnished Every Week by Clacka mas Abstract & Trust Co. HA Lee to II Halvereon, 5 as in Lee elm; 8.-1' e .......$100 T Revenue to E A Revenue, 1-3 int in sw of ne and t ol tiw, and lotsl,2and3of stc 7, 2, 3e. . . . 250 J H Burns to T J Grimes, 24 as in seel, 4, le 150 O Pederson to Straus & Lentatz,' e4 of nw, of sec 11, 2, 4 e. . .-. 1000 S M Ohlson to A W Bowls, 20 as in , Winston elm, and part K, Clack amrmas Fruit Lands.,.., r. 1 S O Kennay to E E Williams, ai of nw of sec 12, 5, 1 e 1 E E Williams to A Moehberger,n) of nw, boc 12, 5 1 e 1 CE Hill to H Farmer, lot 1, blk 3, Parker Add 30 P J Tate to A Schuebel. lot 4, blk 8.3, Mount Pleasant '. . . . 550 B Wolfer to H Osterholtz, 12 as in Shirley elm, 4, 1 e 300 J Lewthwaite to J M Moffatt, tract in Burns elm 1 S Sichel to D E Dolan, lot 3 and 4 blk 3, West Side Add .. . . . . . . .'. . . 230 J A Kowall to F Kowall, . ' e roi nw and sw of ; nw;- - and nw of sw, sec 18, 3, 4 e and . ne of se of sec 13, 3,4 e , 150 Lulah Todetemeier to L Todte- ' meier, sw of sw of sec 8 and wj ofnw sec 17, 3, e. 100 A W Schwan to M. Mader, , lots v 11 and 12, Willamette Falls.... 972 M E Kanagy to D J Kopf, 25 as in ; lots 3 and 4, sec 31, 4, 1 e ; 900 J D Jordon to M A Stiaw.e of nw of se and and i of sw of sec 30 and t of ne and n)i of nw, sec 31, 6, 2 e and ne of ne of 36, 5, 1 - e.. r. . ; . : . :. . ..... 7500 M A Shaw to A Moore.same as last - above 5000 William O Mack to E M Moore. 50 as i n sec 25. 4,1 e . . ... ; . . . . .V ' 800 J A Bob r en to C Sax, n of ne, set! 11,5,1'...;..' .-v;...-:-.',.. eoo E M Davis to A V Davis, 6 of nw and n of sw. yi of sw ofne. of nw of se ot sec 0,6, 2 e.. 500 A Savage to A Gardner, n)- of J Welch D L 0 in 4.?e. artd land " in sec 7,4 2 .". . I . .. 100 L Mayfield to A Gardner, sarxe as last above 75 A Gardner to J Dennison, 105 as in. ne ot 38,-4: J '.Trrrrrrf.r:Tr. ; 600 J Johnson to P K .Peterson. 40 as on the Tualatin river. . . 640 E Summerheld to 6 Lutkesw q f -;l sw of sec 31. 3. 2 e 300 fl Hepler to G Walcb, t of of sw ef nw ol sed 23, 4, 1 e.'. v'. ' D Kydd to P Knox, 11.21 as in seq 31,3. 1 e 0 S Fuge to G T Howard, lots 11 and 12, blk 3 West Gladstone.. Wm BalrloW to C U' Barlow, etf of sw of sec 5, 4, 1 e P L Baylor to L Servas, w 1-2 of sw. se6 23. 2.2 e . .Tr."?."'.'- 500 300 100 10 500 A Kiesel to T H Fobs, 10 as in sec 82,1. 2 e... 1500 A Mathef to A E Phillips, 2 1-2 as ' in' Matlock' elm... ;.V..V. 1 1500 For a Canal. A. well) knowtvplobeef eitien lias nanuea in tae following draft of a pro posed ordinance,, which follows his ides of conditions. It is worded as written : An ordinance to nrbvide for'' the im provement of the Water power of the Willamette river and the ' erection of electric light plant and power Station; Oregon Cltv does ordain as follows That the city council, through its proper uuitero wuuoui. any,ifnnecessary,ueiay, construct a waterway nn Main 'atrnot from Fourth, sontii to jibe rjf . t asjn "and if necessary to extend south to city lim its the full width of Main street to be constructed as follows: The grade of Main and dross streets to be raised one foot above the high water mark of the year 1890, excavate, street to suitable depth, build ft concrete wall on both sides of street t grade of. sidewalk, build a bulkhead, of . concrete two feet higher thai) the high water mark of the year isw, wim suitable bead gates and nrovide 'ulacea for the Mhsiia of rfator at each street crossing and alley; covet1 the waterway oy running two rows of piers parallel With the street and td be arched from pier to pier and then to be srehed over solid from curb to curb of side walk, fill the grade and .pave the street. uregon uuy nas two streets, which give it the right of the water power 120 feet frontage! the factory, Imperial mill and the warehouse has 210 feet front-age."'-' "'! y '-' ; ' . : The Inhabitants ot each side of -the river are justly entitled to one-half of the benefit of the power derived from the falls, and It is a poor law that will allow either side to take the greater part and transfer the power to other towns, even If one man owns the land on both sides of the river at the falls. There must be some kind of riparian rights for wires and not allow them to transmit the power to distant towns to the detriment of the inhabitants in the Vicinity of the falls. : : The people of Oregon City and Clack amas county ehould do something, and now is the time. This work ehould not be contracted, and not more than $300 to be Paid for plans and Bwciflcatinnn. and no superintendent, but only one neau tK 88. Koiy Kandy Kitchen, up to date on home-made candies. Question Aiitnveretl. Yes, August Flower still has the largest sale of any medicine in the civ ilized world. Your mothers and grand mothers never thought of using any thing else for Indigestion or Biliousness. Doctors were scarce, and they seldom heard of Appendicitis, Nervous Prostra tion or Heart Failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of nudigetted food, regulate the action of the liver, stimulate the nervous and organic action of the system, and that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with headaches and other aches. Yi u only need a tew dopes of Green's August Flower, in liquid foim, to make you sat isfied there is notliinuserinns thn manor with you. Get Green's Priie Almanac at George A. Harding s. HEADACHE i At U naj FlGPRURF 54o f Fruit -I r467 G rains A Perfect Food Drink Made from the choicest fruits and cereals grown in California Posse&f es a delicate flavor and aroma not found in any other Cereal Coffee. , All grocers sell it. The Assessment jfFiU be Higher, But the Taxes Should be L nver. . The Clackamas county assessment roll will aggregate from $150,000 to $200,000 higher than that of Ust year; '. Assessor Eli Williams says that it ia necessary to raise the vajuation on account of the in creased amount of property " not subject to assessment in the county. : A number of cultiva.ed farms have been foreclosed by the state school land board, that are now rented out and not sabject to taxation under the new own ership. Several field r deputies are at work, and an effort will be made to put every piece of ptoperiy subject to taxa tion on the roll. The deputies are mak ing special efforts to collect poll tax from every one,' ahd there will be a largely increased revenue irpm this source. In past years many peisptifr WubjVct to poll tax, w bo did not pay tax taxes on real or personal property, have escaped for the reason tbat do determined effort wsslnida to collect it. While it is im possjbtejtg make a collection in every case, those who escape will be fewer than heretofore. irTJnder these conditions' it is not be lieved that the taxes will be .any higher than last year, and it' ii probable they .will.be lower,. a. the. ;levyA,wilI be made accordingly. ,tsij.K11,,.kr " Paper Free. "New subscribers or subscribers paying in advance will be given a six months' subscription to the "Good Times" monthly.: absolutely free, at Courier? Herald office during June, July, and August, ' i fM;ji.-$eW-. :3fe Jn BjBd.?-; $1 ""Will wonders ever cease?" inquire the friends of Mrs. L Peass.of Law rence Kan, They knew she had been unable to leave her bed in sevsfl years on account of kidney '; and liver trouble nervous prostrations and general . dsbil ty ; but. "three bottles of Electric Bitters enabled me to walk, " she : writes',, and in; three months I je like, a nw pr soc. V, Women suffering from Hetdaphe, Backache, Nervousness, leeplessnest, Melancholy, Fainting, aud Tizii Spells Wilt "find ita prlnceless' blessing. Try it. Satisfaction is guaranteed by George, A. Harding.-jOnly 60c.' ' a .'' - 1 - ';. The lack of energy joU feel; the bsck ache and a run' down condition generally all mean kidney disorder; Foley's Kid ney Cure will restore your strength and vigor by making the kidneys well. Take no; substitute. Charman & Co. : . -.' i :;.'! r ! ':-.! 1 !.'.;. y.r. ,i -,!: A Terrible Explosion , ;. "If a gasoline stove burned a lady here frightfully,", writes- Nn E. Palmer, of Kirkman. Ia. '!,Tbe Vest doctors could n't beat the running sore that followed, but ' Bucklen's , Arnica ' Salve entirely ciired herj " Infallible for Cuts, Corns, Sores.' "Boiles", Brnises, Skin ' Disei ses and Piles'. 25c. at George.' A j Harding's. 1 Jersey bull at Shannon place on the West Side. Season in advance, $1 60. M. J. Groshong. ' - - We treat all customers alike! On e price to all and money saved at Bed Front Store. . 4 Best of Everything In a word this tells of the pas- s:nger service, yia, ; , THE NORTH-WESTERN LINE 8 Trains Daily between St, Paul and Chicago comprising: The Latest Pullman Sleepers Peerless Dining Cars Library and Observation Cars Free Reclining Chair Cars The 20th Century Train "the NORTH-WESTERN LIMITED" runs every day of the year. The Finest Train in the World Electric Lighted Steam Heated To Chicago by Daylight. , The Badger State Express, the finest day train running between Chicago via. the Short Line. - -Connections from the west made via The Northern Pacific, Great Northern, and Canadian Pacific Eys. This is also one of the best lines between Omaha, St. Paul and Minneapolis All agents sell tickets via "The North western Line." W. H. MEAD. H. S, StSlER. G. A. T. A. a8 Alder St., Portland, Oregon. This aignature is on every box of the gonuins Laxative BromoQuinine TaMeu Um remedy that enraa eotd in mm day JJANK OF OREGON CITY OLDEST BANKING HOUSE IN THE CITY CAPITAL S50.OCO.00 - . SURPLUS 120,850.00- - Chas. H. CAnriEW, President ; Geo, A. Harding, Vice-President E. G. Caufield, Cashier General banking business transacted , Deposits received subject to check Approved bills and notes discounted County and city warrants bought ., Loans made on available seourity J- -Exchange bought and sold - - ' Collections made promptly, . . Drafts sold available In any part of the world Telegraph! 0 exchange sold on Portland, Sar ( Franclaco, Chioago and New York Interest paid on time deposits . - Qm S. SEAMANN, M. D. EYES teeted and properly fitted with GLASSES Office Honra 10 to 12 a. m., 1 to4 p. m. Koom 208, Alisky Building Third and Morriaon Sta. POBT1AND . . . OKEUON Q D. & B. C. LATOURETTE ATTORNEYS AT LAW Commercial, Real Batata and Probata Law , Speola'ties Office in Commercial Bank Building ' OREGON CITY ' OREGON N. GREENMAN THE PIONEER EXPRESSMAN (Established 1865) Prompt delivery to all parts of the city OREGON CITY - " '' OREGON COMMERCIAL BANK or OREGON CITY , CAPITAL . $100,000 Transacts a general banking business Makes loans and collection!, discounts bills, buya and sells domestic and' foreign" exchange, and receires depoelts subject to check. Open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. D. C. Latoi'iette, F. J. MXYia.' freataent Caahler j)ErOT HOTEL -' Opposite Ballroad Depot New tfanagemant ' Home Cooking MRS. SBOL, Paor." O. W. Eastham 6. B. Dimes DIMICK & EASTHAM ATTORNEYS AT LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law Special ties, ADstraot ot 't itle made, Money Loaned , : Reference, Bank of Oregon City t ORKOON CITY OREGON )R.. L. L. PICKENS : DENTIST - Prices Moderate. - All Operations Guaranteed. Barclay Building Oregon City DR. GEO. HOEYE . DENTIST All work warranted and satisfaction guaranteed Crown and Bridge work a specialty - Caufield Building OREGON CITY i OBBGON DR. FRANCIS FREEMAN i DENTIST .. Graduate of Northwestern Unlvenity Dental f School, also of American College of Dental Surgery, Chicago o . Willamette Blook , OREGON CITY " 'i ' OREGON E I. SIAS i- DIAL KB IN . WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY Silverware and Spectacles CANBY. . OREGON (J, E. HAYES ATTORNEY AT LAW ' Stevens Building, opp. Bank of Oregon City OREGON CITY OREGON M; C. STRICKLAND, M. D. ' (Hospital and Private Experience) ' Special attenttcn paid to Catarrh and Chronto ' ' . Diseases Office hours; 10 to 12, a. 1 to , p. m. Willamette Building OREGON CITY . OREGON ROBERT A. MILLER ATTORNEY AT LAW Land Titles, Land Office Buslneas, Conveyancing Will practice In all courts of the state Room S, Welnhard Building OREGON CITY OREGON 0. SCHUEBXL W. 8. U'RlH JJREN & SCHUEBEL ATTORNEYS AT LAW ttutffl SIbfio!ot Will praotlee in all courts, make colleetlona and settlements of estates, furnish abstracts of title, lend you money and lend your money on first mortgage. Office lu Enterprise building. OREGON CITY OBIGON S.J.VAUGHN'S Livery, Feed and Sale Stables Nearly opposite Suspension bridge First-Class Rigs of All Kinds OREGON CITY, OREGON Free. ' "::'...) Dinner Sets " The celebrated Semi-Vitreous Porcelain hand-,painted decora tions, with gold trimmings.'given nwav Free to our custcmers. We use these dislies simply as an advertisement for our business. The way to obtain them is easy. Trade with us and g et your friends to trade with us, and we do the rest, by supplying, you ana tnem wih these aisnes rree oi tnargc KRAUSSE BROS. Ladles' and Gents' Fine Shoes HOTEL MONTEREY t NEWPORT, OREGON , , Finest olace in Oreeon to spend summer vacatioa Safest beach for bathing. Boautiful grassy lawns and groves. Table supplied witn craus, cum -rock oystera, codrlsh, rook cod and best the marks affords Furniture new and clean. No liquor Strictly first-class family resort. Prices co suit - V n. CLiOtvuiuD, rrop. . . . f?lioi ,vtr, T !JiflV A PICRFECT BATH ROOM tsseattal to perfect bomfOrt and health..'' O Our estinaatef en putting 10 Plumbing Work and flttitigs for laree and small houses will be found '111 i urMSiagly fowt-Wha .qualtjr. of worltP,nd material used Is ebnsMered. ' Weweuld be Wasted to have n epportunlty toirtmitngurei;--"-' i--u'-it V, ?Ji'. rv.M. iil'l -jliiVV ..i!,mf!.ttM eeej;. -it;) -STAMPS .V'?. Drop in and see what photographs. We can please all. i's7 'Views; U t t . f i 4 r I New Plumbing ; ; and Tin Shop A MIHLSTIN v JOBBING AND 'REPAIRING .a Specialty.' Opposite Cauflelrj Block OREGON CIY Now isAthe time to buy your wall paper and Murrow, the paper hanger, will sell it to you cheaper han you' can buy it iq .Pbrtlaqi Drop a card iq the postoffice and have sample-book brought to your house, or telephone Ely Bros.' store j. MURROW, Oregon Gty IT. H. TOUNO'a Livery & Feed Stable - - r . 1 . r Fin f et Turnoutsin City " OREGON CITY. OREGON Oregon City Junk store Buys old rags, bottles, old iron, rubber and all kinds of metals. Higest prices paid. Sholl, Sugarman & Co, Cor. Main and Tenth Sts. WANTED.-Uapable, reliable person In every county to represent large oompany of solid finan cial reputation; $'J36 aalary par year, payable weekly; S3 per day absolutely snro and all expens es; etra'ght.bona-flde, dellulte aalary.no eommia aloni aalary paid each Saturday and upenai money advanced each week. STANDARD IIOUSS, 84 Dearborn St. Chicago, New arrivals daily in ready-to-wear hats. Miss C. Goldsmith. CASTORIA Tor Infant! and Children. Die Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of VtaAfifZ&ZZtft