C6ufier4ieral COURIER ESTABLISHED MAY, 1883 HERALD ESTABLISHED JULY, 1893 INDEPENDENT ESTABLISHED 1898 OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1901 19th YEAR, NO. 8 CUILDRENS' DA EXERCISES Oregon City EDWARD HUGHES 182 Madison St., West end of Bridge, Portland, Oregon GENERAL AGENT ' FOR Aultman & Taylor's Celebrated Threshing Machinery Steam and Gas Engines, Saw Mills, Etc, CONSOLIDATED IMPLEMENT COMFY SUCCESSOR TO Grebe, Harder & Co. 182, 184, 186 Madison Street, West End of Bridge, DEALERS IN Intere. ting Programs and Profuse Dlsylays of Flowers. During the past two Sundays Child ren's Day exercises have been held in the maiority of the churches. The floral display in the Congregational church ; last Sunday evening was elaborate, ana the tatty arrangements of many varie ties would have done credit to a rose show. The program consisted of an or gan voluntary by Miss Echo Samson ; there were songs by the little children : "Children a Day." by Miss Samson's class ; a duet, "Happy HourB," Lena Gadke and Amy Thomas ; a recitation, Choosing a Guide." Waldo Cenneld; recitation, "The Children's Fart, tuna Kidd j recitation, "reriect Men," Air. Freytag's class ; "The Shepherd, Emerus Thomas; recitation, "Faith, Hope and Charity,"," Gladys and Edith Hamil ton and Louise Huntley: song, "Beauti ful Flowers," Lucille and Veda Bacon and Alila Hart ; recitations and songs, "Garlands of Gladness," represented by 18 girls, who went through graceful evo !utions with wreaths of flowers ; song, "Swing Song," Mary Ross and Anna and Maude Woodward ; recitations and soncs. "Garlanding the Cross." Mrs. Thomas' class; a solo, "The Holy City," was sung with excellent effect by Mrs. Hinman; song, "Little Hands are Knocking at the Door," Veva Hart, Louise Huntley and Minnie Schatz. Su perintendent C. H. Dye presided. AT THB BAPTIST CHUKCH. Fully 350 people were present at the Baptist church one week ago last Sun day evening at the children s exercises, which were unusually interesting. Floral decorations were in artistic evi dence. After the invocation the re sponse was sung br the school. Mica B. Peters recited "A Legend of the Northland ;" F. Welch recited "Sum mer;" recitation, "Suppose," by Miss E. McCombt exercise, "A Nosegay," by Miss M.Cooke, assisttd by six young ladies ; exercise, "Children's Day," by 12 young ladies; "The Missinary Work of the Baptist Publication Society," by the pastor. The recitations and choruseB were interspersed with choruses, in which the children had been excellently drilled. After repeated efforts it was found impossible to get the programs at other cnurcnes. FRATERNAL MATTERS. W. C. elLMAN Agricultural Implements and Vehicles 210-214 FRONT STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON. AGENTS FOR AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND VEHICLES I .XffiAM Ihve new applications. In connection with ihe Degree of Honor a joint instal lation of officers will be held early in July, and a program and refreshments will be attendant features. - Willamette Falls Camp, Woodmen of thd World, are negotiating for the lease of the upper part of the building to be erected by Stevens and Howell The proposed new hall will be 50x52 feet, divided into a banquet 20x30 feet. Fold- ng doors will connect tue banquet and I lodge rooms. Convenient lockers, closets and a kitcneu will be added . The plan is to have the upper part of the building constructed especially for a model lodge hall. Tualatin Tent, of the Order of Macca bees, is making special efforts in the matter of a iourth ol July celebration at Wright's Springs. Next Thursday evening the Artisans will will bave a soc.able and entertain ment, the losing side in the member ship contest, giving the supper. A delegation from Myrtle Lodge, De gree of Honor, risked the Oswego lodge Tuesday night, and report having met witn a very pleasant reception. The Woodmen of the World will bave a grand convention in Portland un Au gust 8th. C. N. Haines, of Oswego, and D.Taylor, of Oregon City, are on the committee of arrangements. Remember we have the finest stock of the best makes to be found in Portland, including Farm and Spring Wagons, Buggies, Carriages and Carts, Mowers, Rakers, Tedders and Hay Tools, Hay Presses, Grain Drills, Plows, Cultivators, Disc and Spring Tooth Harrows, Pumps Harness, Bicycles, Etc. PORTLAND, OREGON jj New Cyclery ;; Main Street Opposite Racket Store : Now Ready for Your Work All Work Guaranteed i Bicycle Sundries- Bicycle, Gun and General Repairing For Fair Treatment Give Us a Call Johnson & Lamb New Bicycles for Rent i ATM Analyzing His Affection. The young lovers sat beside the water fall. The rapids and the near-by whirl pool had a strange attraction for the ro mantic young girl, tine bad beard the story of the unhappy Indian maiden and the young brave who had gone to their doom, clasped in eich other's arms, to the slow music of the 8wan Song. That seemed very beautiful to her. 'Jack," said she, i if you saw me struggling in the water near the edge otttie lalis, would you lump in alttr me?" 'What would be the use, my dear. when I can't swim" he answered. "ButatleaBt we should perish to gether," she replied, bravelyi " ies, there would be no doubt of that," he returned, shuddering at the sound of the cruel waters. "But haven't you often sa'd you would die for me?" she asked, piqued at bis coldness. "No my dear," replied her practical lover. "If you'll remember, I've always told you that I had an undying love for you I" J. J. Cdnnell In July Smart Set. Second-IIand Bicycles Cheap, If you want to buy a good second-hand bicycle for little money, go to Huntley's Hook (Store. I hey liave Ibern from ft) to $20 boys,' ladies' and men's styles, Everyone carefully overhauled and re paired and put in good running con' dition. We carry the largest ftock of Caskets Ccffins, Robes and Lining in Clackamas couniy. W e are the only undertakers in th county owning a hearse, which we fur nish for less than can ba bad elsewhere. We are under small expense and do not ask large profits. Calls promptly attended night or day. K. L. HOLMAN, Undertaker Phones 476 and 303. Two Doors South of Court House. Saved Two From Death. "Oui little daughter had an almost fa tal attactof whooping cough and bron bhitis" writes Mrs. W.K. Haviland, of Armonk, N. Y. " but, when all othef remedies failed ,we saved ber life with Dr. King's New Discovery. Our niece, who had Consumption in an advanced stage, also used this wonderful medicine and to-dav she is perfectly well.' Des- perite throat and lung diseases yield to Dr. Kiog's New Diecovery as to no other medicine on earth, lnlallibie for uougn and Colds. 50c and 1.00 bottles guar anted bv George. A. Harding. Trial bot Peerless Plows Steel and Chilled lit Uk.UJ LTll Dowagiac Drills Hoe and Disc llllf Sickle Grinders Road Carts Buggies Mountain Hacks and Spring Wagn NEW MODEL "STEEL BEAUTY." ALSO Buffalo Pitts, Harrows and Cultivators, Owen's "Advance". Fanning Mills. ' y fe ALSO Hay Presses, V Horse Power and Steam 'Feed and Root Cutters, Bone and Cider Mills. .. Stoughton Wagons Write for Catalogue and Prices. CALL ON HE BEFORE EUYING. ; The Housefurnisher CM STUCK ON US There are those who come to us again and again. They like the place and like what we offer them. There are attractions here for all. Some things you will like, and some especially for your neighbor. We offer a pleasant welcome, and will be glad of your visit. We wish you to consider three heavy items: STOCK, PRICE and METHODS. Give us a trial. For this week we offer at a special low price: Heed's Patent Anti-ISustiiig Tinware ii''. V. ''ii !'l ., ;,f s!f ivSf'spl-Kt :' ryr';:":: '' ''if' i ". When you buy Reed's you get the best and newest patterns, the latest and most modern designs. Made up of the finest class of tin plate that can possi bly be produced. Analytically tested and endorsed by the best chemists and .pronounced to be the most healthful and durable goods. Price for this 8 lb. Boiler... . .$3 00 Wash Basin, 40c 12-qt. pail, $1 00 This tinware will outlast one dozen of ordinary kind tles fr ee.