Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, June 14, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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    Do You Own
If not why don't you stop paying rent and apply
the money towards the purchase of a home ? A
first-class opportunity is now open to you in the
proposition that the
Willamette Falls Company
Is making to sell small tracts of its land near the
town of Willamette Falls on such reasonable
terms that a person wilh a yery small income may
become a heme builder. These tracts vary in
size from two and one-half acres up, all good level
land and first-class soil suitable for cultivation
On one of these tracts you can have a small or
chard and also raise all the vegetables and small
fruits that a family can use, and with the ad
dition of a cow and chickens, a large part of your
living can be made on the place. There is a good
school in Willamette Falls and your children wi 1
have excellent educational facilities Easy access
is had with Oregon City over the
Willamette Falls Raihvaij .
With cheap fare, and cars are inn to accommodate
the' mill hands. Why not get out of town and
give your children breathing and playroom and
thus insure their good health ? Don't you think
that you would feel rnore independent and con
tented if you owned your home than you do when
living in a rented place? If you are interested in
this matter apply to C. A. Miller, at WILLAM
Side, for full particulars.
itulnr June
of the Conutj
J. 11. Morton, John Lewollou and T. B
Kill In, Commissioner.
Be it remembered, That a regular
term of the Board of County Commis
sioners for the county of Clackamas,
etatu ol Oregon, begun and held at the
court hotiBe in said csunty ami state on
Wednesday, the 5th day of June, 1001,
the Kinie being the rrgular time fixed by
law I r the transaction of county bnm
nenii. There were present, Hon. J. It.
Morton, Hon, John Lewellien and lion.
T. I!. Killen, commissioners; E. II.
Cooper, clerk; and J. J. Cooke, sheriir,
when the following proceedings wore
had to wit :
In t lie matter of road reports for the
month of May, 1901.
The Hoard having examined the re
ports of the road supervisors lor their
respective districts and being fully ad
vised, It is ordered that they be and here
by urn approved and the clerk is hereby
authorized to draw warrants on the
Koud and General funds for the several
amounts and iu favor of tho following
Road District No. 1
Geo U RateA Co gen fund $13 40
John Harrington 2rt 50
Jesse l outos, road fund 13 50
K J 8puoner 6 75
11 Gilford 1 60
C Wallace 15 00
.Sain lHunlurd 9 00
II Stuckey 5t 00
Chas Coiinet ll till 00
U I I'imkhaiiser 3 75
Ed Tucholke 27 00
H Richardson 12 00
11 Thiesen 15 00
F Woithington 12 00
W II Con Udell 60 00
Total $354 40
Dist No 2
Ipo & Co gi'ii fund 1 25
J Zeek 8 70
Ross Parker road fund 18 00
I W Johnson 15 00
Ed Davis 9 00
Willis Johnson 3 00
A C Davis 83 00
Ward Jones 0 00
I'T Davis,
25 00
1 50
7 60
3 00
8 75
W W Smith....
Chap Roadarmal
II ilo Thompson..
Lute Heebie....,
Wm Fulleiton. . .
7 60
Mux Hychimin 6 00
Dbi No. 3
Ri lu.td lialienow teu fund.
C Wiilihagtn
K II lliirgliardt
J W llilleaiy,.
l'opo & Co .
Gi.j it Itato A C.j
lK-rman Hettig ro.id tuiid .
V. .in- Duiilni
i ry Hock
1 taid Wlliel.
i :l Tiinu
i , llayden ,
... , Cooke ,
alter lleiser
G eo IWscb
W W Cooke...............
.$H8 20
0 LM
5 IM
31 0 )
8 an
r,:i ru
11 hi
0 iu i
4 fill:
Ill do ,
10 :0
H 00
0 00
ID 50
'.'2 50
- M
i A
Falls Co.
Marton , .... 4 50
Schmale 6 75
Total $235 58
Dist No 4
Geo B Rate & Co gen fund. ..... 49 00
J E Arledge 4 50
B Forrester , 2 25
TOdell 76
J E Burnette 16 00
Jackson Brown, road fund 2 61)
Chas Vancuren 3 00
H Udell. 3 00
J E Burnett 8 00
Total $89 10
Dist. No. 6
Geo B Rate & Co, gen fund $59 70
O KtraiiBer, road fund 3 00
O Rainbow 12 00
A Gunderson 9 00
K Sukow 4 50
John Gibbons 12 00
Wm Bosholn 23 50
Gilbert Jonsrud 8 25
J II Revenue 2 00
Total .
$113 95
Dist. No. 7
A C Thomas, road fund 5 25
Martin Thomas. 4 12
Frank Thomas 3 00
Chas Leaf 4 50
Wm Calvin 3 00
Jag Fegles 22 00
Total $43 24
Lis'. No. 9
F Drake gen fund 3 20
Geo B Kate A Co 47 05
Miller liros A Co 4 51
Wilhulm Held. 17 00
Heiman Lins ft 50
Frod Lins 8 50
Hans Johnson. 6 00
Henry Winke 6 00
Hans Klinker 5 50
retei Paulsen 5 50
John Paulsen 8 60
Henry Smith '. 7 00
Julius Paulson 11 50
August Paulsen 0 50
Henry Johnson 14 00
Henry Johnson, road fund...... 5 00
Julius Paulsen 2 50
Total $177 10
Dist. No. 10
G D and J K Ely gen fund 4
Miller liros A Co '. 72
John Honebon II
Sherman Coop 7
Adolph Miller..
Chas Miller..
Rout Miller ,
John Honebon road
Jack Burgher.
3 00
Dist. No. 11
Pope .4 Compinv, gen fund
.$115 03
(.no U Kale o Co
W A Holmes
.1 Piiniiiier road lun l.
II K LioiMi
0 Nt
1 70'
IS 00
W W Morgan,
1 . 'mi ti:tiiiiii .
II Holemiih ..
R O Thomas..
W II Smith,.
J K Smith ...
'D Watts .....
0 tVl
21 00
43 (X)
8 23
Jones ............. 4 50!
E Smith... ; 12 00.
Char lea. 45!)!
Rivers . 6 00
E Smith 9 00 ,
Foraythe 6 00
C Snyder..
,1 oOiU
4 50
13 00
Total $229 00
Dist. No. 12.
Scripture and Beaulieu, gen. fund $ 1 50
Fred Gerber, road fund 2100
N. Kirchem 33 00
H. Babler 24 00
J. C. Kirchem ' 22 87
O. D. Robbins ... 1 50
Chas. Haltan 13 50
B. Watts 1 00
C. Johnson...'...' 13 50
S. Cland 6 00
Geo. Closner 6 00
W. P. Kirchem 24 00
Ben Swales 10 50
Myron Babler 7 50
W . m. Jvirchem , ., 3 wi
Total $188 87
Dist. No 13.
W. H. Bonney, general fund...$ 2 50
W. C. Ward, road fund..... 34 00
C B Ward . , 45 00
M C Ward. . 15 00
John Mattoon 3 35
John Lovelace 75
Ed Miller. 1 50
Total $102 10
Dist. No. 14- .
B F Linn, general fund $ 18 00
Wm F Harris 75 99
SO Bailey, road fund 13 50
J M Myere ... 3 00
II W Sohmale 12 75
J V Forbes 5 00
L M Davis 6 00
W O Dickerson.... 3 00
J R Myers. 18 00
H O Schmale 1 50
B F Linn.... 6 00
' Total $143 71
Diet. No. 15
A F Stokes, general fund $ 1 00
R HTaber, road fund 25 00
Geo Lazelle 24 00
Wm McCord 21 00
S Thomas 15 00
W B Lawton 7 60
FM Thompson 3 00
A Warner 18 00
II Joehnke 6 00
GeoTownsend 3 00
Lowell Blancbard 150
Eli Parker ......... 1 50
F W Hacker 3 00
Frank Hendricks. . .............. 2 25
Total $168 75
Dist. No. 16 '
Arthur Blancnard, general fund. .$ 27 00
Frank Briggs 19 60
Fred Obenacker... 30 75
Frank Engle 18 00
T W Blancnard 24 75
Charles Mattock 11 25
J G Briggs 18 00
ChaB Bauman 13 50
Martin Richter 3 00
Henry Engle 4 60
Henry Richter 9 00
Arthur Blancnard 9 00
J L Mattock 6 75
Geo Blancnard...; 2 00
J F Briggs 29 00
Total .$217 00
Dist. No. 17
Geo B Rate A Co., general fund.. $14 25
Carlton and Rosenkrans 5 80
CWWillison 4 60
D C Rones, road lund 7 60
I) R Dimick 14 25
O Miller 4 50
J Eh ret 9 00
H N Evans : 18 00
J Bunkey : .... 3 00
James Adkina 14 00
Total ...$94 90
Dist. No. 18
C W Friedrich, general fund 2 95
Wilson and Cooke '60
Geo. B. Rate A Co 407 05
John Davies, road fund 3 00
W P Daniels 3 00
Fred Stevens. 1 60
Geo Stevens 1 50
Thos Daniels 30 00
T W Duffy 6 00
Total $455 50
Dist. No. 19
Cumins and Durst, gen fund 258 60
Pope and Co 1 60
Geo B Rate A Co 47 60
Pratt Bros 4 32
HornBchuch Bros 50
E W Hornschuch 19 00
R Ringo 3 00
KMcIntyre 3 00
W A Wooside, road fund 9 00
D 11 Long 00
A Krickdon 5 25
A Newkirchuer 7 60
A Lirkins 3 00
.1 l M,illir 4 fill
K iMcIntvre 3 00
J Nelson 6 00
F E rick son 3 00
J J Mallatt 27 00
W Wallace 3 00
W Parker 1 50
James Mallatt 13 50
E W HornBchuch 1 00
Total $393 67
D.st No 20
Cumins and Durst, gen fu"d....$ 20 29
Gto B Rate A Co 3SH) 50
E W Hornschuch. 24 00
J A Stromgreen 30 00
J E Peck 3 75
W II Bottemiller 3 00
Carl Stromgreen 5 25
Chris Kinzey 1 60
Ralph Myers 1 50
K W Hauimett. 1 60
J A Stromgreen 12 25
C Welch..... 3 37
CGaid 112
1) Fellows 3 00
l eter Davidson, road (una io
M K Kaudle
W IS tick nor.
licit Henderson..
J Car's n, Mad fund.
Fred ltiinney
,5U 08
15 0;) , Lewis lluHUifd
IS 00 : J t'lorbet
13 0i W 11 l'ix
14 'Si ! F M Country man. ...
13 0i) J H Wright
. . 0 Ot)
. . 1 50
.. S 00
. . 17 ;o
..$48 25
1 i'i nmiiiev ......... .
W Bounty
To' a'
Dist No 23
D J Parmenteer, road fund 10 5J
Ray Parraenteer ............. . . 6 1
II Uoehle 2 02
N E Cole. ........ . 5 (.'
H Ziegler .... 9 00
frost a w
J Miller 1 50
Curtis Hess ... 1 b0
J F Yost. 6 00
Total ..$57.49
Dist. No. 24
Geo B Rate & Co, general fund.. . 14 80
G Brockhart, road fund 6 00
J E Mitts . 150
E Mitts 75
D W Stauffer S 00
S Kinir 5 25
CE Hilton 6 00
Noah Berkey...... 4 50
G Askin 1 50
8 Struach 1 50
DB Yoder 30
E Montandon 9 00
H Kumuier 3 00
D J Kropp 30
GHostetler ...... 3 00
John Tavlor 7 60
E Stuwe 4 50
J Stricklin 3 00
Joseph fader 4 50
Solen Kinzer 3 00
D Christner 10 50
C Handrkh "-. , 10 60
8 Yoder 6 00
Noah Eash 7 60
M Hondruck 1 50
EzraYaller -. 2 50
Noan Yoder.. . 7 50
M Olson 1 50
F A Montandon 32 00
Total : $162 30
Diet. No. 25
J W Smith, general fund 1 00
Trullinger Bros... 10 08
John Weismandle, road fund .... 3 00
Geo Scratnlin 3 00
FM Mathews 6 00
F Hanson 3 00
John Heinz 23 25
Gordon Scramlin , 1 50
Fred Walsh 3 75
Ferdinand Craxbereer 6 00
A Charles Craxberger 3 00
U.'niy Hepler 4 do
Total $68 08
Dist. No. 26
J VV Akins, general fond... 2 25
J A Hannagan 1 10
E Austen 8 73
M Truilinger 4 80
Geo B Rate A Co
John Rhodes
L Stehman
W H Engle
Geo Dart, road fund
Harvey Dart
Wm Dart
Lewis Dart
F Milton -L
Bowman -John
J Bagley
M Pelkey
- 14 25
3 OQ
' 6 00
- 4 00
3 00
3 00
6 00
1 50
3 00
- 3 00
1 50
3 00
.. 3 00
C W Austen 3 00
Frank Scott '.. .. 7 00
JR Cole 3 00
H A Kayler 6 00
C Engle 8 00
I) Engle 7 50
W Gray 3 00
W P Dibble 3 00
A Timmer 3 00
M S Hungate 5 00
P L Sehammel 12 00
Hubert Engle 3 00
O D Ehy.... 2 25
Edward Califf 12 00
Geo Frazer 7 50
W W Everhart 3 75
J Elmer 6 00
J V Harless 2 00
Wright 4 50
John Rhodes 6 00
James Hannegan 6 00
W 0 Pairv. n 3 00
John Akins - - -75
W P Kavler - - 1 50
W F Case . - 3 00
Wm Skeen - 3 00
W H Engle - 40 00
Total - ' -
(Oontinued next week.)
$222 88
Spiritual Vamp Meeting.
Spiritual Camp meeting will be
held at New Era, Oregon, June 29th to
July 15th. For information not con
tained herein address President George
Lazelle, Oregon City; G, Haynes, Silver
ton, or A. Luelling, Oregon City. Camp
hotel in charge of President Lazelle.
Board and lodging, per week, $4; per
day, $1 ; single meal 25 cents; bed, 25
cents. Tents may be rented on the
ground at 50 cents to $1 per week.
Ground rent for those bringing tents, 50
cents to $1 for season, according to lo
cution. Admission 10 cents for each
day or 25 cents for the season is charmed,
all meetings and public seances being
free. Children under 12 free. By ap
plying to any officer, provision will be
made fur those unable to pay..
A program will be arranged daily, ex-
Sumluy, by a committee. Uti
Sundav, June 30th, Rev. Lucas, of Port
land, Oregon, will lecture at 10 a. mjl
Rev. P. C. Mills, of Edmund-, Wash. ,
at 2 p. m. July 4th, Rev. Copeiand will
lecture on "The New Declaration of In
dependence," at 10 a. m. Sunday, July
7th, at 10 a. m. Rev. VV. E. Copeiand
will lecture ; 2 p. m. Rev. P. C. Mills
will speak from the platform. Sunday,
July 14th, will be devoted to the consid
eration of the National Spiritual Associ
ation and state organization. Mediums:
Mrs. Ladd Finnican is engaged for the
season, and II. F. Allen, the physical
demonstrator and others are expected
to be present.
Notice U hereby given that the undersigned
bu been appointed by the Hon. Thos. F. Rjn,
county Indue of Clackumm County, Oregon, as
administrator ot the estate ot Charles K. Athey,
All persons having claims against the said
' (State are, hereby notified to present the same to
ine, pnjwrly verlflcd, as by law required at n y
i re-ldenee In Oregon City, Oregon, within ax
I ra nllii fr,m llu itte hereof,
i Kvrs K. AT11KT, A'luiiiiistiaT x
I of the E'tite of Charles K. Atluy, Pi c aeil.
I Piled this 5il day ot Jane A. 1),, lll.lt.
I now havo money tnpay county warrjn'j n
d:red prior. 10 February 12th, lfis. And a
rvad warrants r. 1 irjl orior to Ann ts' il. VOJ.
Interest trill ojkwivi the bvj laoliilet ii
rauu on the d 1 Ui hereof, -
A. Lt'KlX'fl
Tn'SJi irer Clacksmas County, Or.
DtteJ, Orcgoa City, Janjllih.lWl.
J. M.
(Corrected on Thursday.)
Flour Best $2.903.40 ; graham
Wheat Walla Walla 6061c; valley
58;59; bluestem 61c.
Oats White, 1 35 per cental ; gray,
1 29 1 32 percental.
Barley Feed $17; brewing $17 per t.
Millatuffs Bran $17; middlings 21) j
shorts $20 ; chop $16.
Hay Timothy $3 214; clover, 79;
Oregon wild $7,
B itter F.iniiy creannry 35 and 40c;
store, 20 and 25.
Eggs 12 1-2 and 13 cents per doz.
Poultry Mixed chickens $3.504.00;
hens $4.505 ; springs $34 50 ; geese.
$07; ducks $56j; live. turkeys 11(3
14c; dressed, 14(?16c. .
Mutton Gross, best sheep, weathers
and-ewps, sheared, $4 50; dressed, 6
and 7 cents per pound.
Hogs choice heavy, $5 50 and $5 75;
light, $5 ; dressed, 6 1-2 and 7 cents per
Veal Large, 6 1-2 and 7 cents per
pound. . '
Beef Gross, top steers, $4 50 and $5,
dressed beef, 7 and 8 cents per pound.
Che-se Full cream 13c per ponnd
Young America 14c.
Potatoes 6) and 65 cents per busnel.
Vegetables Beets $1; turnips 75c
per sack; garlic 7c per lb; cabbage $1.25
1.50 per 100 pounds; cauliflower 75c
per dozen ; parsnips 85c per sack ; celery
8085c per dozen: asparagus 78c;
peas 34c per pound.
Dried fruit Apples evapora'ed 56;
sun-dried sacks or boxes 34c; pears
sun and evaporated 89c; pitless plums
78c; Italian prunes 57u; extra
silver choice 57.
Corrected on Thursday. "
Wheat, wagon, 68.
Oats, 1 25 per cental. ,
Potatoes, $1 and $1 20 per sack.
Eggs 13 cents per dozen.
Butter, country, 20 to 25c per roll j
creamery, 40c.
Dried apples, 5 to 6c per pound.
Dried prunes Italians, 5c; petite
and German, 4c.
Attention Water Consumers!
Rate for sprinkling or irrigation, in
addition to household or other use, is
$1.00 for the season of 1901, payable
Junk 1st. This includes use of hose
during the year.
Riite where the water is not used for
other purposes shall be $2.00 per month
or $5 00 for the season from May 1st to
October 1st, payable in advance.
Hours fi r sprinkling or irrigation are
from 5 to 9 o'clock morning and eve
ning only.
No consumer will be permitted to
spritikleor irrigate the premises of an
other, unless the regular charge has
been paid.
An excessive use of wa'er will not be
For a disregard of rules and regula
tions governing in ttie use of water the
service may be shut off without further
Board of Water Commissioners.
Oregon City, Or., May 31, 1901.
Bean th "The Kind You Have Always Bougfit
Q tick Relief far Asthma.
Miss Maude Dick tis. Pardons, Kara.,
writes: " I suffered eight yeaisw;ith
asthma in iis worst form. I hail several
attacks during the Inst year and was not
expected to live through them. I began
ucing FOLEY'S HONEY and Tar and
it has never failed to give immediate
relief." Cnanuan & Co.
men to travel and advertise for old established
bouse of oliil financial standing. Salary S78U a
jear and expenses, all payable in cush Nocan-
Hwilne required Oiva references and enclose
self-addressed stamped envelope. Address Man
ager, &o Caxton Biilg., Chicago.
Elite H. & 5.
New line
' of
' '! 7 Chenille,
T M Ltt;e3 and
' Jrh 'WisS 1 EmbrolJ-
. J The
r-3rn A Mil
. it-
tV?" Opposite
If you're in need of a nice
Summer Suit call and. see
the assortment at our store.
We can save you money as
compared with v Portland
The Up-to-Date Clothier.
ThcDalles-Portland Route
Steamer Bailey Gatzert
Daily Round Trips
Leave foot Aktar Street, every morn
ing except Monday at 7:00 A.M., for
Cascade Locks, Hood River, White
Salmon and The Dalles.
Round trip rate to Hood River for
strawberry pickers good until August
This route is the grand scenic attrac
tion of the world.
Both Phones, Main 351.
E. W. Crichton, J. M. Eilloon,
Portland Agent. The Dalles Agt.
Harding Block, Oregon City
Our stock of groceries must be
sold by June 12, 1901.
All goods will be sold at cost.
Now is your chance to stock up.
Come early.
Stores Oregon City and Portland.
E. E. & SEOL
Will give you a
Bargain Li Wall Paper
Wall Tinting and in
General House Painting
Paint Shop near Depot Hotel
Ask Chicago, Milwaukie &
Sr. Paul Raiway about reduced
General Agent,
Notice Is hereby given th it the undersigned
has been duly appointed by the county court of
the state of Oregou for county of Clackamas, ad
ministratrix of tho estate of James Mc&enzie, de
ceased, All persons having claims against s&ld
estato are hereby required to present the same to
me properly verified, as by law required, at
Ouriiiisvllle, Clackamas county, Oregon, within
six months from the dnte hereof.
Administratrix of the Estate of
James MoKenzie, Deceased.
Dated this 1st day of June, 19ol .
Notice Is hereby given that the under
signed administrator of the estate of
of Henry Bottemiller, deceased, has filed
his final report of his administration of suld es
tate, and the Uonorahle County J udi?e of (Jlaoka
ams county, Orogon, has fixed August 6th, 1901 at
10 0 clock, a, m., as the timj for h-jacln and set
tlement thereof
John henry BOTTEMn.i.FR,
. . Administrator Aforesaid.
Datedune 6th., 1901,
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of law ap.
proved February 3rd., 11W1. providing for the salu
of lands to which Clackamas county has bid in
for delinquent taxes and acquired tillo. will be
sold to the highest bidder for cash on the 8th day
ot July, I'.tJl, at the front door of Hie curt nousa!
In said ClackauiH couuty, state of O'eg m
J.J Oti'ie,
Sheriff of Cl:ickv.a is County.
Dated, June 6th, uj;.
To all whom it m ly co i 1 n :i.-i h a -reby
Slven that 1 hava lilt" I m j lin il r .k. wh ilmio
Hr.itr wilh the will annex -I -i r .. tc 0f
Liiclu A. Sev.iy, deceits ) t, with l!in o a itvi-onr
of Uackniat c Miniy an 1 sfit o! Ur.-i.i-i, n.,.1 the
said o u t h w set M.in lar, Hi Sell d v ol Inly
lu.il. at die hour of 10 u'twl.ii n d day,
as Hie tim for luariim said rep irt a id olij i liojs
thereunf any there Iwat whi n tin- a i 1 court
all persons interested are burvby 11 .tl.K-J ij ba
Administrator with the w:ll a in -v. t of
Estate of Lucius A. S Jily, U.l.e,uejt