OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, JUKE 14, lJGi I MnDTlJUCOT IMDI CMCMT Of. I llUri I II VV LO I IIYirLLSVILIl I uu. i Hodges Queen, Prince and King Binders Strongest bnilt. Easiest operated. Only Binders having three packers. Greater binding, capacity by ioo per cent than any machine Roller bearings throughout. Hodges New Mowers With roller bearings. Fully up-to-date. Com bining strength, power, speed and lightness of :'draft. - . .: ": ". Hodges Lassie Self Dump Rake With relief spring, bicycle wheel, steel axles and center dump. See our goods and be convinced WAGONS, BUGGIES, PLOWS, HARROWS, ETC. LOCAL AND PERSONAL MENTION. J. F. Nelson, of Liberal, was in town Monday. J. Johnson, o Oswego, was in the city the first of the week. Walter Noblitt, of Needy, was In the city during the first of the week. James Dickey, of Molalla, was a vis itor in Oregon City during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Ira WiBhart are visiting relatives in Douglas county for a few days. Rowland Jackson, formerly of Port land, is the new pharmacist in Hunt ley's drug store. Mrs. Herbert Thorne, of Portland, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.H. Wishart. J. Q. Pilsbury has returned from the coast, where he has been sojourning for several weeks. J. 0. Paddock, a well known farmer and fruit raiser, of Clackamas precinct, was in the city Tuesday. Mrs. Kate Van Winkle and daughter, of Portland, viBited Mrs. H. E. Salis bury at Gladstone Sunday. Charles Trimble, formerly of Grant's Pass, has connected himself "vitb Story Brothers' blacksmith shop. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Foots, of The Dalles, was visiting T. W. Fonts and family, early in the week. Rah Norria. a student In the Univer sity of Oregon, returned home Wednes day evening lor tne summer vacation. Mrs. William Galloway and her mother, Mrs. Barker, returned yester day from a pleasaut sojourn at New port. Misses Alice and Mamie Lewthwaite left Tuesday for Heppner, where they will visit Miss Grace Tillard tor a few weeks. Mibs Letitia Off in by, of Canemah, is attending the commencement exercises at Corvallis, the guest of Miss Minnie Buxton. Mr. aud Mrs. W. P. Johnson arrived (mm Ran TTrannijnn fnnflv morning. nnd are at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lang. Mrs. 0. A. Cheney is expected home from Chicago today. She left for the East a couple of months ago to attend a family re -union. Charles V. Galloway, who is one of the speakers at the pioneer meeting in Portland today, is down from MeMinn ville, visiting his parents at Parkplace. Fred Cl-arman has resigned his posi tion in the Willamette paper mills of fice, and expects to leave Saturday night for Boise City, Idaho, to accept a posi tion. E. G. Caufield, Livy Stipp, Henry Meldrum and Colonel Robert A. Miller are attending the grand cabin, Native Sons of Oregon, in session in Portland this week. W. C. Ward, of Viola, and Adolf Aschoff, of Marmot, have been ap pointed forest rangers for the northern district to work under the supervisor ship of W. H. H. Dufur. Professor H.' G. Starkweather and family left Wednefdav night for their home at Milwaukie. - The Professor ex pects to be back in August for a few days. LaGrande Observer. Mrs. Ida Barkley and son, Verne, who have been visiting her brother, George Lazell at Mount Pleasant for a couple of months, left Wednesday for Denver, Colo. . They formerly lived in California. Mrs. Samuel E. Cox, of Cottage Grove has beeu visiting her mother, Mrs. G Nelson. Mr. Cox is still in the employ of the Southern Pacific, and expects himself and crew to be transferred to the California end of the line soon. D. H. Mosher, of Redland, who re cently completed a term of school in the Frog Pond district, expects to leave next week for Grant county. He has been awarded the contract to teach a six months term of school, near Hamilten. Fhotiei SHANK & 7th St., between BrIJge ind S. P. Tpot VSZSESZStl k jI mm. . 413 & 804 PERSONAL W. W. Myers, who is looking closely after operations on his farm, a few miles from town, says that a green worm is working on his wheat. He thinks it possible that the tiny worm is the Hessian fly in its original form. The oat crop gives promise of a good yield. Fred Uerber and Myron Babler were in from Logan Wednesday with a load of factory cheese. Mr. Uerber took a load to Portland one day last week, and one dealer ordered 30 cases additional, the order being delivered the following day. Hon. F. X. Mathieu, the well known pioneer of Butteville, ha taken up his residence in Portland, where he expects to remain for several months. He is well along in his 84th year, but still takes an active interest in public af fairs. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Wishart, of Baker City, arrived in Corvallis Saturday, to remafn until after the commencement exercises. Both Mr. Wishart and his wife attended ollege here a few years ago, the latter whose maiden name wasi Russell, having graduated here. Cor vallis Gazette. David McLoughlin, the only son of Dr. John McLoughlin, it is stated, will be in attenndance at the pioneer meet ing in Portland today. He has not been in the Willamette vailed since 1859. He was a boy in Oregon City before some of the present pioneers were born. H. Longcoy, of Clackamas precinct, was in the city yesterday, and reported that the strawberries were ripening very slowly at his place oa account oi the continued cold and rainy weather. R. H. Tabor, of Mount Pleasant, whose ground is different soil, says that his strawberries are ripening faster than they can be picked. Senator Brownell, Mayor Dimick, Deputy County Recorder Dedman and Dr. R. B. Beatie attended the Macca bees picnic at Macksburg Tuesday. Fully 1200 people were in attendance, but the weather was so extremely cold, that no program was presented in the afternoou. Senator Brownell spoke about an hour in the forernoon. Ivan Chase, publisher of the Colfax Gazette, accompanied by his family, is visiting his mother, Mrs. 8. A. Chase. Mr. Chase went to Colfax, wasu., when a boy, and at au early period became connected with this paper, becoming a pioneer of that section of Washington. Hie paper is the oldest aud most iiinu- ential in the Palouse cou-itry. Robert Ginther, the well known sctiool teacher, of Shubel, was in town Saturday, but did not tairy long enough to make any explanations. He came into town late Thursday eveuing pre vious to decoration d?y aft-tr the close of business previous to a legal holiday, and secured a marriage license. He stole auietlv away, and on the following da) was quietly marneu tu mibs xvueune Grim, the ceremony being performed by ! 1 : r if.. Kev. A, A, knglebart at his parsonage. County Judge Ryan. Dr. Carll. F. T. Griffifth, R. C. Ganong, J. H. Walker, Mrs. U M. Strange, and Mrs. 1. t. Ryan are among the Oregon City peo ple attending the Masonic state gather ings in Portland this week. Judge Ryan was elected to the second highest position in the Royal Arch Masons and J. H. Walker, grand lecturer. Mrs, Henry Meldrum, who attended the Eastern Star grand chapter, was elected Lstner. . j E. Williams, a business man of Walla Walla, was in the city yesterday. P. M, Graves, of. Molalla, was in the city yesterday, and stated that the cane advertised in this paper a couple of weeks ago, was returned. While he was at the picnic Monday, some unknown finder had returned it. Hon. W.E.Grace, of Baker City, was visiting bis brother, G. W. Grace and family over Sunday. He is now the new grandmaster of Oregon Masons. There will be a baseball game at the Willamette Falls field at 2:30 Sunday afternoon, between the McMinnville and local teams, provided the 'former team makes connections. We carry the only complete line of Caskets, Collins, Robes. Linings and have lhe only hatches nud up-to-tlale Hearse in the county. Our jrii'rs ure never exorbitant. Wo urran're st.tixfai'tiori. V.'e can give Jon betu r goods and Let ter strvii for lens mo- ey than any other undertakers in the county. Calls p rump I J attended, night ord.iy BISSELL Undertakers and Ernbalmsrs LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. Millinery Sale at Mrs. II. T. Sladen's. Burn, to T. Oliver and wife, in Falls View addition, June 12th, a son. " Go to the Electric Cash Grocery for Bargains. L. Klemsen, Prop, The Oregon City juniors played a game of baseball Saturday with the Juniors at Oswego. The score was 13 to 9 in favor of the Oregon City team. , Hornschuch Brothers are moving their stock of groceries from the - Shively block to George Reddeway's new buiid ing turther up Seventh street. C. D. Story' has given his brother,' Councilman Story one-balf interest in blacksmith shop, and the former will devote his time to the candy shop. Millard Hiatt has been re-elected principal of the Willamette Falls school, and Miss Lizzie Shipley was elected teacher of the primary department. What? Ice cream. W,.ere? Willamette Hall. When? Tonight. Who For? Yourself. Rev. A. A. Englebart, recently of Canby, w ho has charge of the Evangeli cal church, will preach every morning and evening at the Evangelical church. The local lodge of the Aucient Order of Red Cross, will give an entertain ment at Willamette hall this (Friday) evening. Admission free, and all in vited. . From reports everybody is going to at tend Ohau'auqua, but the Ancient Or der of Red Cross expect a big crowd at their entertainment and social dance tonight. Mrs. Dan' O'Neill and Mi-s Mollie Holmes entertained St. Paul's Guild at Rose Farm Thursday afternoon. It was a pleasureable event "amidst delightful sunoundings. v '; - It is reported fli' Oswego that the bi c. cle path w ill soon be extended from the White House to that place. There is already good wheeling between Ore gon City aud Oswego. ' County, state and all olher taxes will be delinquent at the sheriff's office July 1st, and bicycle taxes have already been declared delinquent by the board of county commissioners. Rain is the order of the day. but so ciability will be the order of the even ing at the entertainment nnd social dance given by the Ancient Order of Red Cross tonight. Admission free. Children's dav services will be held at the Congregational church Sunday. In the morning there will be a sermon ap-1 propriate to the day. and in the evening ! a children's program will be presented. The Portland City & Oreeon Riilwav Company will run cars every 30 minutes between Oregon City and Portland Sun day. A delightful ride for only 25 cents the round trip. The cars run cleai through to Canemah on that day. For a first-class buggy that will stand up on the Oregon roads, get a Mitchell. of Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co., which is guaranteed in every way. The cele brated Mitchell wagons are all right, and all who use them are perfectly satisfied. Try one. The Ancient Order of Red Cross will give another of their enjoyable sociables at Willamette hall Friday night. After a snort entertainment, dancing will be the feature of the evening. Music fur nished by the popular Turneys. Ad mission free. Mrs. G. W. Grace entertained Mrs. James Denton, Carl Denton and the Misses Jeannette and Gertrude Fair clough at luncheon Thursday. The Dentons left on the same day for Port' land, where they will reside. Elaborate preparations are being made for a grand celebration at Damas cus under the auspices of the Woodmen of the World. The orators will be State Senator Brownell and United States Senator Mitchell. When in need of anything in the agri cultural implement line, do not fail to call on the Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co., First and Taylor streets, Portland. They not only carry a complete line, but sell flrst.-class machinery at low prices. The mother's meeting was held at the home of Mrs. George C. Brownell last Thursday evening. The hoBtess read an interesting paper. The-next meeting of the Mothers' Club will be held at the home of Mrs. A. Robertson on the afternoon of June 17th, Call at Jackson's Bicycle Shop and see the latest in coaster brakes. Why pay $5 when youcan get this new brake lor $3.50? The "Hinckley Improved" weighs only eight ounces while the other styles weign inree pounds. They are guaranteed m every way. "Why not spend the vacation at Ya- quma hay, where can be had excellent hire, good fishing, good boating, safe bathing, alluring Tides and rambles. The courses and exerciseo at the sum mer school of 1901 at Newport will afford great variety of instructions, diversion and entertainment. No other resort of fers equal attractions and advantages." Two well known Oregon Citv school teachers have resigned positions to which they were recuntly re-elected. Mra. G. M. Strange, of the Bolton schoolj has been elected principal of the wiusourg Bctiooi. Miss Harriet Bray has sent in -her resignation as a teacher in the Barclay school. The board will elect a successor, whenever it holds a meeting. This office received a letter from A. J. Sawtell.of Molalla, stating that he had sold the teasel farm, consisting of 310 acres. No consideration was mentioned. but it is known that he had refused to sell for a less sum than $0,000. This farm has been Mr. Sawtell's home lor over 40 years, and is a valuable pieae of property conveniently situated, Jt has been known far and wide for many years as the "Teasel Farm." There will be an ice cream social and musical and literary entertainment at Salvation Army ball this (Friday) even ing. A partof the program will consist of npeaking and singing by the children, hut the special feature will be a historic "wraUi: son'.', nine part!", never b-furj P'feenled in Ore.n City. The prnjirun will !i in charge of Lieut. C. is. Howard, mil ('Hptain Uar !en,if Portland, Liect. Oonr r aud others will he piesent. The Park place school held its grad'i utiiig exercises in lltu Chautnnqu i audi irr ii'ii list Frday evening, and a vrv entertaining program whs prevented. Tho l'arki.Iace Bind and Cooke's or cheirra played instrumental selections, and tJeorge T. Howard and Miss Hard ing canttibuted eo'.os. The graduates were Harry O. ' I'nddock, salutatoriati j Amy Purcell, valedictorian, John Seiver, Bertha Kennedy and George Reiling. Director J. T. Appersoti presented lhe diplomas, and Row P. K. Hammond gave the class address. Bargains whore the gains are on the customers' side at Red Front. Furnished rooms for rent. Close to Main street at $3 per month. O. A. Cheney, opposite Huntley's book store. A fine Upright Piano at Block's. Maniage licenses were granted to Ameila Baltrusch and Gustav Fisher, also Emma Eymau and Fred Close. The P. C. k O. T. line will nntil further notice make a 25 cent round trip rate from Canemah and Oregon' City to Portland on Sundays, wfth cars every 30 minutes. Wanted a girl for housework. Apply to Mrs. E. G.Seol. A building boom is fairly on in Oregon City, and a Port'and contractor, who un derbid the local builders, has begun the work of clearing away prepatory to re modelling the blratton livery barn. The principal entrance will be on Seventh street, and there will be another entrance on the alley near the city jail, and on the 1 extension to Railroad street. The work of excavating for the Stevens-Howell building has begun, and T. S. Lawrence is pushing the construction on John son's new barbershop. ; Captain Z.Wood is now pilot on the Oregon Oity Transportation Company's new steamer, the Leon. The manage ment Btate that they expect to keep this boat on" the route throughout the year, and expect a share of the freight and pissenger traffic. The company are buying their wood and groceries for the crew in Oregon City, and giving every day in the week a splendid round trip ride for 25 cents. During the past week a matter-of-fact looking individual, giving his name as Johnson has been buying farms a few miles out from Oregon Oity that is he was purchasing agricultural realty in his lungs. He was a plausible-appearing chap, tall and of good address. When he talked, he spoke as one having money and anxious to buy. The farm ers who fed him on ministerial bill of fare and showed him o--er their farms, man t Know tie was talking for three square meals a day, but they are disap pointedly aware of that fact now. Two different individuals on separate occa sions drove Mr. Johnson to town to com. plete the sale of their farms. Each time Johnson left his companions at the head of ' the Seventh- street stairway, stating that he would meet him down town, after a short visit to his boarding house on the hill. John son's landlady evidently locked John son up when he made his last ride to tne nead of the Seventh street stairway, as he has not been seen since, and the farmer waited around the bank all day for the buyer to put in an appearance. One farmer wasn't able to come to town, but Johnson said ha would send for Sen ator Brownell to come out and prepare the transfer papers, and also would get Surveyor-General Meldrum to raa out the boundaries. He told one farmer that he wanted to buy his place for dairy purposes, but when the farm owner'offered to show the prospective buyer his stock, he said : '"That didn't make any ditlerence, he would buy the whole lot in a bunch." Chicago Cottage Organ at Block's. Fourth of July Vhyrus at Chau- i tauqua. The members of the church choirs of the city and other good singers are re spectfully invited and requested to meet at the Methodist church at 8 o clock p. m. next Tuesday, June 23th to rehearse patriotic songs for the Fourth of July exercises, iliose wno sing in tne cno- ruB on that day will be granted free ad mission to the grounds. A large at tendance of Singers is very urgently re quested by the board of directors of the Chautauqua Association, who are earn estly striving to make the coming cele bration at the ground unique in the history of Clackamas county . liirtlulny rart. A birthday tnrty was given at the home of Mrs. Charles Catra in honor of the 16th birthday of her niece, Miss Nina Kisdon, last Saturday evening, lhe house was beautifully decorated with red roses and maiden hair ferns. Each guest wore a bunch of red roses. A deli cate lunch was served with ice cream and cake, after which games and dancing were the features of the evening. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. F. Dowty, Mr. and Mrs. F. Baxter, Mr. and Mrs. H. Cramer. Mr. and Mrs. T. Metca, Mrs. Gran, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Catti: Missis Nora Dill man, Donah Dowty.Maud and Dottie Hoffman, Freda Kiciner, wary Jotinson, eadie totia, Nina Risdon ; Messrs . Harry Greaves. Tom Johnson, Earnest Cramer, Claud and Clyde Hughes, Frank Tompkins, Sam Dillman, Bilhe Bernler, Jay iarn ham. . , Reception to Rev. Grim. Rev. W. S. Grim, the new pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church, and his family were given a most cordial re ception Wednesday night at the church. The program consisted of a voluntary by Mrs. E. E. Williams; an address by Rev. A; J . Montgomery on behalf of the min isters of the city; an atdrees by J. L. Swaffordonthe pirt of the trustees and congregation. Rev. Bollinger, of the Congregational church, also made a short address. There were solos by O. A. Miller and Miss Alene Olson, and there were recitations by Mrs. Kinder, Miss Mrude Kidder and Master Harold Swafford. Toothsome refreshments were served from tastily decorated ta bles. Wood Wanted. Sealed bids will be received by tho Boanl of Directors of School District No, C2. Clackamas county, Oregon, until one oYl ck p. in. on Saturday, June 29,1001, for furnishing one hundred (100) cords of lir.t-cla fir wood to re four feet in length, cut .from sound, l'irgs firr.tr growth, livf '.imlier, weil wasitned and rt.lil n-aitoiiablv fine; sixty tuU to he d.-livered V the B ircl y who'jl building Mitd 40 c.inU to th Kasihilin s.'ho il bu.l.lin.'. MllT.f Said wood to be delivered hv th 1,'jti dav of Amnst. 1931. Tho hoar I of dirtctirs reserve the nuht t.t I: ji t any and all bid. Bidden fImmiM enclose their bids in a sesled envelope and maik. "Did for Wood," and address the same 1 1 0.0. T. Wii.mams. Clerk, Oregon City, Ofg'm.i Dated, this 1st of June, 10)1, JUNE. GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR j ' Opposite Bank of Oregon City I Bargains In White Special sale of fishing and base ball goods Novelties for Men 1 Miller-Cole. Married Wednesday. June 5th. at the residence of John P. Cole at high noon, Edward G. Miller and Miss Gussie Cole. The ceremony was performed by Rev. G. A. McKinlay, pastor of the Presbyterian church. Only im redlate friends of the family were present ow ing to the continued illness of the bride's brother. A large number of presents were received from friends, and also from Una Temple, Rathbone Sisters, of w hich the bride is a member. Edward G. Miller, the groom, is the son of W. J. Miller, of Aurora, and is employed in the general offices of the Astoria & Co lumbia River Railroad at Astoria. The bride is the youngest daughter of Hon. and Mrs. J. P. Cole, and has been teacher of the primary department in the Aurora public school. She also was an energetic worker in the Sunday school. Mr. and Mrs. Miller left for Portland Wednesday evening, en-ronte to Astoria, their future home. Aurora Koreans. Mrs. E. L. Howe and Miss Biles, of Portland, spent Sunday with their aunt, Mrs, t . L. Cochran. The SHERwmA'JiLUAtJS Paiht. Conn Most, Loots Bast, Wears Longest, Most Economical, Full Measurs. Each year I have been adding to my stock of paints until I believe I can safely say there is no stock in Clacka mas County so complete. While many of my customers have become convinced that mixed paint (the right kind) is not only cheaper, but wears longer than any lead and oil mixed by hand, yet for those who wish to mix their own paint I have a supply of oil and lead the quality of which I can guarantee. I found long ago to obtain absolutely pure oil it wa. necessary to buy Eastern linseed oil by the barrel and have it put into cans myself. In this way the risk of its being adulterated after leaving the factory is entirely eliminated. By buying a quantity early in the season when prices were lower it is easy for me to make very close prices. 'While it is almost impossible to give a complete list' of prices, your attention is called to a few bargains such as Roof Paint, House Paint, Varnish and Yellow ochre primer: Hoof Paint. .$t. oo per gallon Floor Paint 1.50 per gallon Bay State House Paint. .. 1.40 per gallon Bicycle Enamels , . ; 20c per can Enamels, all colors.. .... . 25c per can Varnishes........ 1. 50 per gal up Stains 15c per can Household Colors 15c per can up 5 gal. can Ochre Primer. . 80c per gallon Machine Oil, Castor Oil, Dry Colors, Brushes, Sand Paper, Glass and everything to be found in a first-class pa'nfc store. Come in and talk it over and let us give you color ca d; wo have a dozen or two different kinds. C. G. HUNTLEY , Popular-Price Druggist j Oregon City, - - Oregon NOVELTIES i Straw Sailors Corsets Shirt Waists All-Over Laces Laces Ribbons Neckwear Dress Goods Fans Kid Gloves Silk Gloves Handkerchiefs Knit Underwear Etc., Etc. Soft Bosom Shirts Bat End Club Ties Latest Collars Fancy Half Hose Linen and Silk H'd'k'fs Soft Hats all colors Honeycomb Sweaters Plaid Caps Balbriggan Underwear "Knox" Straw Hats Flannel Shirts Boston Garters Etc., Etc. I For Sale Five-room house and barn, four lots covered with choice fruit trees. Price reasonable. Apply at this office. Big reduction in tri-nmed hats. H. T. Sladen. . Mrs. Remember the Game at Albright's Field, two Blocks Worth of Green Point Station, The Bloomer Ladies' Champion Base Ball Club, who ate making an extensive tour of .hit country, traveling in their own special palace car, will make their first appearance in Oregon City June 20th, 2.30 pm when they will play the greatest game of ball with the Local team ever witnessed in this town. La dies can attend this game without any fear of being offended, as nothing will be said or done that would shock the most fastidious lady present. Game called at 2.30 pm. Admission to game 25 & 50 cents. The girls know how to play ball and there throwing and base running was great surprise to all. Their batting and fielding was excellent, and their conduct is that of perfect ladies ; not a word or action out of the way did we see or hear. Daily Examiner, San Francisco. : : '. :