Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, June 07, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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Oregon City Courier-Herald
tutuif-l In Oregon Cltypvitufflcean 2nd-clM matter
Paid in advance, per year 1 50
3iZ month! 76
Tare mouthi'trlal 28
flf"The date opposite your address on the
Faper denotes I he time to which you hate paid,
f this uotioia marked your Mibai'rlption it due.
ITith Weokly Oregonlau J2 00
' Trl-Weekly N. Y. World 1 85
' NaUutml Watchman 1 75
" Appeal to Reason 1 60
" Weekly Examiner ... 2 25
!' Bryan's Commoner ,t 1 75
Standing- business artvertliemento; Per month
professlo il eards,l tJj poi year): 1 to 10 inches
60c per Inch, 12 inches (or $5, 20 inches (column)
$), 80 Inches, $12.
Transient advertisements: Per week 1 Inch
fOo, 2 inches 75c, 8 inches $1,4 inches tl.2A,6
Inches il.50, 10 inches 12.50, 20 Inches f
Legal advarUamneniR: Per in, h flrst Inser
louJft, each additional Insertion Oc. AlliliwUs
of publication will not be furuUI.ed until pub
lication tees are paid.
Local notices; five cents per line per week
per month 20c,
There Hie nearly 4000 millionaires in
tliie country, and not a man on the tax
lint for a million. Jay Gould, who ltft
$72,0QJ,OO0, w.i-t never known to pay
taxes on one million.
Evipkrok William's recent speeches
have been censor, d before being made
public. Ever since the kaiser was told
that he would die in an English prison
23 yeurs from now, having been exiled
by his people, he. has been talking very
Near Ri Grande City, Texts, an im
mense deposit of an unknown gAseoua
Bubst nice has been discovered. Pieces
of it ignite quickly and give out a Blrong
flame, which la.ts for a remarkably
long period. It ia said by ccietitists that
the substance is eithtr an unknown
mineral or ordinary clay highly charged
with gas. The value of the deposit as
fuel is Immense, as it covers many
thousands of acres and is of :reat depth.
The policy the sugar, tobacco and rice
Interests are trying to force upon the
administration and congress in respect
to Cuban 1rde is Imartless t iward Cuba
and stupid toward ourselves. Nature
has placed this i-litnd near our shores
and endowed it with the fertility to yield
in abundance products which we need
and which are of flue quality than we
can produce. The protect id interest!
are seeking to correct the order of na
ture and thwart her beneficence.
American ship-builders complain that
the one supreme reason why it is not
possible for them to build a merchant
marine to rival England's is because
American trust-have been selling ship
plates cheaper in England than here on
the Atlantic seaboard. Would not the
nation be better off if it had a shipping
industry and if, in consequence, Mr
Carnegie had been able to amass a fort
une of only $160,000,000 instead of 300
003,000? A change in the tarff is what
tne siiip-uuiiiers nued,--not a govern
ment subsidy,
For years a premium of J 500 has been
offered for the solution of the mystery of
the "Bernard Musician," who haunts
Bernard river, luisy stream in Braz r!a
county, Texas, in which the ocean
tides ebb and flow. -The "Fiddlers"
music first comes as a low musical hum
niins Impossible to locate now In th
air above, now following the rythmic
beat of your oars, then in nr under our
ekift. It will run up a slum's matt,
down Again, wa U over the deck, into
the cabin and then vanish. The weird
drains a to in sulnniu r, now burst into
exultant major, now expire int) a sor
rowful requiem.
In a memorial submitted by the Labor
Council of Sun Frjuci.-c to President
McKiuluy, during his vit-it to fiat city,
itstys!"Tbe hostility of the Employ
ers' Association to organized labor has
hindered the industrial growth of the
state and totally ruined a number of
promising crafts. In the thirty years
liuce 1870, the population of our neigh
boring states, Washington and Oregon,
has increased 21 i and 4! times, re
spectively, while that of California has
increased but 2 times. Many manu
facturing industries have given place to
imported products, snd the jobber has
superseded the mechanic, to the detri
ment of all classes of business, particu
larly Iri'those linos that deixuid mainly
upon working-class patronage."
Tub Vast senatorial fight cost Oregon
taxpajers'balf a million in Increased ap
propriations and has left an added curse
o? nearly 000 pages of new general l.iws.
The half of theRe will not stand the
stress of time and the courts. But when
there is a boodle struggle on extrava
gance rules and crazyquilt legislation is
the rule. Tortland's two direct primary
laws will never get to be tried. They
are so manifestly ol the freak order that
, any taxpayer can enjoin tbe county of-
flcials for putting them into effect. No
court but will commit them to the limbo
of rmdbouse lawmaking, and putting
Ihem into effect would condemn those
who drftd them to the violent ward.
Salem Journal.
The New York World says concerning
the recent supreme court decisions that
they "leave the president and the con
gress practically untrammelled by the
constitution and hp free as is the Brit
ish empire to pursue a policy of exnan-
sion and to govern colonies upon what- '
ever lines circumstances may seem to '
mase expedient." Senator Tillman, of
Soith Carolina, a Uunch old-line dem
ocrat, is evidently of the same opinion,
for, says he, the decisions "promulgate
the damnable doctrine that this repub
lic, whose bedrock principle is the 'con
sent of the governed,' can acquire by
conquest or purchase territories and
peoples to be controlled and taxed with
out representation thr iiih 'conttres
Biomil absolutism, ' a doctrine must be
met an 1 exposed, and pltns must be
laid for a buttle to the death by the
lovers of democracy and liberty against
this heresy."
On the Camas prairie and Silmon
river, Idaho, a hostilities between the
sheep and the cattle men have broken
out and great carnage is looked for before
the cio.se of the season Idaho is being
eaten out by the forces that flht for the
free range on the public domain. Swift
of Chicago has hundreds of thousands of
sheep in that state engaged in driving
cattle olf the public domain and then in
the destruction of the otures on which
they feed. From New Mexico. Annum.
Colorado and Wyoming come additional
reports of the mngewar. The wealth of
me Duunc domain is being destroyed,
and the country made more arid, the
lorests being endangered. The National
Congress, O'ganized a dozen vears aeo
has toiled and worked and resolved and
implored and importuned, and at lust
nas died discouraged. Its meeting this
yar was appointed for Colorado SDnnas
but is declared off because the members
are so discouraged that they refuse to
attend, that is the final end of the
Irrigation Congress.
There are ninety and nine that work and
In want and hunger and colJ, die
That one may revel in luxury,
And be lapped in the silken fold I
And nineiyand nine in their hovels bart
And one in a palace rich and rare.
From the sweat of their brows tl e desert
And the forest before them falls ;blooms
Their labor has builded humble homes,
And cities with lofty halls, lands
And the one owns cities and houses and
And the ninety and nine have empty
But the night so dreary and dark ai.d
At last shall the ra rning bring; long
And over the land the victors' song
Of the ninety and nine i-h.dl ring,
And echo afar, from zone to i ne,
"Rejoice! for labor shall have its own I'
Much has been said and writt n
about the wonderful growth of our trade
wilh our new island possessions and
with Cuba. How large a percentage of
our total exports are actually taked by
diffordiit groups of c.uinlries is shown at
a glance by the following table:
Per cent.
Great Britain and Ireland 41.71
British colonies 12.17
All continental Europe 84 57
South Amtrica and Central Amer-
lea, M-jxio.Cuba, Porto Uico.eto 7.50
All Africa (except British) 23
Asiit (except British), including
China, Japan, etc 2 9")
Oceanica (except British) v.79
Philippine li-lands ,03
Totat 100.00
Mark Philippine oxports ,03ner cent
of the total. These percentages were
figured on theothYial export statistics of
the fiscal year ending June 1899, by Mr.
Edward Atkinon.as able and accurate a
statistician as any living. But you can
figure it for yourself. The total value
for our domestic exports for the last fis
cal year (1900) was 1 1,370 703,501. To
this totil the Philippine Islands con
tributed an item of $2,063i,624 (mostly
for srmy supplies); Cuba, $25,230,808;
P..rto Rico. 14,260,802; Hawaii. 113.077.-
50t5. The percentages w ill varv a little
from those for 1899 above q ioted, but so
little as to be of no consequence.
Secretary Wilson of the agricultural
department will ask congress to give
him $10,000 for the purpose of making
experiments with the raising of silk
worms and the production of raw silk,
and he expressei the hope that some
day this country may produce all of tbe
silk it requires. There are people out
ia Utah at the present time who are
raising silk worms from year to year,
growing mulberry leaves for their food,
and actually producing silk and weav
ing it into cloth tor family use, and it
would be a simple matter to employ
some of these experienced persons as
teachers of the art in the Southern
states. The South can produce silk aa
well as cotton, to what ii to hinder the
introduction of the new industry?
Mr. Wilson says that talk culture is
not and never has been an exceedingly
remunerative business, but it adds vast
wealth to the nations engaged in It, for
the sin: pie reason that it Chn be pur
sued by the humblest and poorest, re
quiring, ac it does, only a small outlay,
and he believes ther are thousands of
families in America today that would be
(ikd to add a few dollars to their annual
income by giving light and easy employ
ment for a few months each year to the
more aged, to the young, and especially
to tho women folks of the family who
may have no other means of employing
their time profitably.
The rai-ing of a fe pound of cocoons
e.icb year does not materially interim re
with the household duties, ai.d it is the
raising of cocoon s in the househo'd that
makes the industry what it is, no less
than 150,000 families in France raising
a few pounds each year. M Ohiesa of
Des Moines, has had considerable success
in raising silk, and in fact contemplates
engaging extensively in the business
herer It is possible that America will
yet become famous for her silks Des
Moines (Ia ) "State Register."
It is high school commencement time,
and it is a notable fact that the dre-s
makep plays an important part in these
It is regretted that Oregon City has
a lot of hoys of respectable paien agp,
who make daylight hideous at baseball
games y using obscence expressions in
tlie presence of women. Such piactices
are highly discreditable, and reflect to
the injury of the respectable local popu
lation. Recent proceedings in the probate
and circuit courts of Clackamas coumy
indicate that when certain Portland un
dertakers get the j ib of burying a man
that is unfortunate enough to die in a
Portland hospital, effort is made to se
cure control of all his possest-ions. 'At
least, this appears to be tbe condition
when a Clackamas county resident ac
cidentally dies in Portland, and Dun
ning wants to he appointed administra
tor in place of a responsible citizen of
Clackamas county, like Mr Jon-rud.
A building boom of bns'ness. struct
ures on Main street is fairly under way,
a condition to be commended. How
ever, it is regretted that the proposed
new buildinga are not to be erected out
of fire proof material. The excellent
work of the Oregon City Volunteer tire
uepanment tu me past, may give tha
builders of wooden structures a fieling
oi mncieu security.
The Olflflramun pniiritu Bli..ahu,n
crop a ill be something enormous this
uaaiiii anI it. a f..: : .. . ..
Duno.in, nuu iiiq HUH. IB riUeiUUg TO'
markahlv well desnim ihp I'nniimi'ul
cloudy days.
Oswego people are awakening to thsir
industrial nnanihilitia nrwl uvmuIIu.,
cation, and the organization of the In-
uusiri'ii improvement Association,
means mucti lor mat important point
The Stephens Addition baseball team
oi roriK.nu, stands oeieat -ith very
poor grace It wouh' have been much
more creditable to have ' sawed wood,"
instead of rushing into print with a lot
of rot about brim? huncner! nut Km
game. They are old enough to be past
tt-e period of infantile murmuri's.
r- . i. i. i . i .... '
roiBootu, nan tne ste.priena team won
'he tame by a single inning, their joy
would have been boundless.
Deeds filed in tbe county r oordr't
othce during the past month, bIiow a re
markahle increase in the liumher of
Ixma-tide real estate sa es. Ther
should be more them, as the sin dl far
mer in Clackamas countv has suoeri ir
advantages over the firmer farther up
the valley. The convenience of market
facilities is worth many dollars to the
Clackamas county farmer.
The commencement ex rcisea of Mm
Oregon City high school were noted for
the few numbers on the progiatu. It is
now ine custom to make public gather
ings more entertaining by cnitailim?
the numbers on the pro. rams. At the
Sfcial following the 50th anniversary of
Trinity church in IVtland. there were
only three or f ur numbers on the pro-
train, ami it is reported to h ive been a
most enjoyable occasion.
Tht! scramhle for ammintive ollicea in
Oregon, now the gift of the lederal exec
utive authorities, is assuming an intense
We treat all cist nueri alike. One
pi ice o all and money saved at Red
rroni store.
Question Answered.
Yes, August Flower still has the
larg"St sale of any me liciti ) in the civ
ilized world. Your mothers and grind
mothers never thought of using any
thing else for Indigestion or Biliousness.
Doctors were scarce, and they seldom
heard of Appendicitis, Nervous Prostra
tion or Heart Failure, etc. They used
Aiwust Flower to clean out the system
and stop fermentation of undigested
food, regulate the action of the liver,
stimulate the nervous and org.tnic action
of the system, and that iV all they took
when feeling dull and bad with
headaches and other aches. Yi u only
need a few doses of Green's August
Flower, in liquid form, to make you sat
islied there is nothing serious the matter
with you. Get Green's Prize Almanac
at George A. Harding's.
Farm for Sale.
19 mile south of Oregon City, Smiles south of
Molalla. Known u tlia Teasel farm. Contain
111 310 seres, U0 acres: clear plow lan.l; 40 aores
11 orek bottom; 100 aores, upland; 7 aoras, or
chard. All well watered and follood with staka
and wire tenoa, an 1 drained with stone and tile
ditches; good building. DO rods from sohnal
houses 115 rods from church; good location for
takiug stock to mountains Price J0 per acre:
ll'JOO down, balanoe to suit at per cent Interest.
for further particulars apply to A. J. Sawtkll.
on toe farm, or Diutck i Kasihau, Oiegou City.
l'aper Iree,
New subscribers or subscribers paying
in advance will le given a six months'
subscription to the "Good Times"
monthly, absolutely free at Courier
Herald otllce during June, July and
it! flren
When that cry sounds how people
rush to help and sympathize! And
when some fireman rescues a woman
from the flames, the
streets echo with ap
plauding shouts.
And yet if that
woman had perished
in the flames it is pos-
IO sy fr aiuic Lilt. l sue numu
ffj-af yti. nave suffered less
ffifL 7l than she suffers al
most daily from the
inflammation which
disease has lighted in
the delicate womanly
That fire of inflam
mation can be put
out. The gnawing
ulcer can be cured.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription not only
establishes womanly
regularity and dries
enfeebling drains, but
it heals inflammation
and ulcerations and
cures female weak
ness. It makes weak
women strong and
sick women well.
"I suffered for fotir years with what four phy-
sicians pronounced ulceration and prolapsus of i
the uterus' writes Mrs. Ada Brooks, of Kirby
ville, Taney Co., Missouri. "Also inflammation
of bladder and urethra. My case was chronic I
and complicated. Had several good physicians, !
but kept Rettinir worse. Had been confined to
my bed five months when I wrote to you. I
received your reply very soon and then dis- ,
missed my physician and bepau taking Dr, '
Pierce's medicines. I took eight bottles of his i
'Favorite Prescription' and ' Golden Medical I
Discovery,' and began to get better' at once. In
two mouths 1 could sit up in i chair, and kept
getting better. In four months could do nil my
house work, including washing and sewing."
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser, paper covers, is sent free on
receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay
expense of mailing only. Address Dr.
R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Hats at your own price. Mrs. M.T.
The finest bon bon 1 oxes in towr tt
be K. K K.
Baby caps and hats in the la'est
styles. Miss O. Goldsmith.
Shivin )il 10 etrt it tiutirii
claBS shop of P. G. Shark.
The latest in chocolate of all kinds .at
the Kozy Kaudy Kitchen,
Our motto: "Hiirh quality and low
prices." Miss O. Goldsmith.
A few watches for sale cheap at
I Vounger's. Watches cleaned, $1.
The latest out Try the umrshmallow
kisses at the Kozy Kandy Kitchen.
A large assortment of trimmed hats to
select from at Mrs. H. T. Siaden's.
A slightly used parlor oritan for sale
by W. L. Block, the homefurnisber.
Shank & Bissell carry the most com
plete line of undertakers' supplier in
Oregon City.
Beautiful line of chiffnn hats in all
the latest styles. Gall and inspect.
Miss O Goldsmith.
$20 to $100 to loan on o i i t )l or pr
sonal securiiy.
DlMICK & EAbTHAM, Attts.
Sailor anil wilking hats just arrived.
Mi-s O. Goldsmith.
The latest a d best brands of cigars
and tobaccos lire kept bv P. G. Sbaik
Smokers' goods a nd cjiil'ectijnery, also
Lumber Le tve orders at this oHiee
for first-class lumber of all kinds, or atl
dresB VV F. Harris. Beaver Creek,
The Weekly Oieuoniau nives -all the
national news and the l.,'ourier-Herali
gives all local and county news. Both
one year for Two Dollars,
George Anderson, exppit piano tuner
ami tone reuulaior, with Eiler piano
house, Portland, Ore. Leave orders
with Burmeister & Andresen, or com
mnniraie direct with hon e.
When you visit Portland don't fail to
net your meals at the Royal Restaurant,
First and Madison. They 8"i ve an ex
cellent meal at a moderate price; a good
sqi.are tnea', loc.
When you want a good squ ire meal
gjtothe t'ruusA'ick rettaurant, oppo
site suspension Drulge, L. Kncomch,
proprietor. Everything fresh and clean
and well cooked; jusi like yon get at
Home, this is tho only brst-cluss res
taurant in Oiegou City and where vou
can get a good meal for the price of a
poor one el ewtiere.
Tne great'st skin SDecialiwt in America
originated the formula for Ba.iner 8a ve.
ror all skin dneases. a,l cuts or sores.
and for piles, it's the most healing medi
cine, bewuie of substitutes. Churuian
A Co.
You call save monev hv inveqtino- enmn
of it at the Bed Front, courthouse block.
Trimmed hutu for fifiv pnta anil nn at
Mrs. H.T. Sladen's. "
Oregon City tC I'ortUtnd lilver
The new steamer "Leona" will ao nn
this route May SOth, making four round
trips every dav. This boat has been
bunt especially for tbe Oregon City and
Portland rou'e by the Graham Bros., of
tbe Oregon City Transpoitation Com
pany, They beiieve the time has come
when a good passenger and freight boat
will receive enough patronage from the
two cities to support the same The
time card will be as follows: Leave Ore
gon City at 7 and 10 a. m . 1 :30 and 4 :30
p.m.. Leave Portland 8:30 and 11:30
a. m., 3:30 and 6:0J p. in. Rjund trip
will be 25 ceit8
say "Consumption can be cured."
Naturealonewon'tdolt. It needs
help. Doctors say
"Scott's Emulsion
is the best help." But you must
continue Its use eveu In hot
If you have not tried it, ten4 tor free aamp'.e.
twrr bowns, Chemist,
409-415 rel Street, New York.
50c and i.oo; all druggist
Bdt the Best Stock of First-Class
Goods to be Found at Bottom
Prices in Oregon City is at
I You Can
Depend Upon
Patent Flour, made from old wheat. It
makes the best bread and pastry and always
gives satisfaction to the housewife, Be sure
and order Patent Flour made by the Port
land Flouring Mills at Oregon City and
sold by all grocers. Patronize
Home Industry
HBethke's Meat Market
Opposite Huntley's
Firat glass Pyleats of 11 iids
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Sive yirr? a Gall ad be Treated ?ikt
Foresight Means Good Sight
If there ever was a truism it is exemplified in the
above headline. Lack ot foresight in attending to the
e)es in time means in the end poor sight. We employ
the latest most scientific methods in testing the eyes,
and charge nothing for the examination. Dr. Phillips,
an expert graduate oculist and optica'n, has charge of our
optical department.
A. N. WRIGHT The Iowa Jeweler
93 Horrlson Street, PORTLAND, OREGON
For all kmdsof Building Material
Oregon City Planing Mill
F. S. BAKER, Prop.'
Great Bargains in Trimmed Hats
Magnificent Design
Also a Consignment of very Cheap Hats
Hair Switches at Very Low Figures
i4aaat4aAiaaAiinAAAAi.... , . . . .
aVAaVaV aitt aaaaaaAAAAAAAA
If you want good bread
Get that made by
7th St. Bakery & Confectionery
Are Bought and
Appreciated by
of Oregon City
The 7th St. Grocer
Brown & Welch
Seventh Street
Meat Market
A. O. U. W. Building