Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, June 07, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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Miss Rose Grimm and Robert Guen
ther were married lat Thursday. The
bride was one of the popular young
ladies of this place, and the groom is
one of Shubel's LikIiIv- qualified and es
teemed school teachers. We all join in
wishing them a lone and happy life.
Billie and his fairpft damsel were out
horseback riding Sunday. If that is
Cuba, she is all right.
Harrison Wilson, of Fodaville, was
one of the visite rs in our burg laet week.
The grounds are all fixed up for the
picnic next Tuesday, June 11th, which
is promising to he a grand affair.
Our enterprising milkman, who is
now hauling milk about six miles for
about, 50 cents a trip, said that during
the Cleveland hard times that it seemed
tohiui as though he was up on a moun
tair. and could eee someone drowning in
the valley. No wonder he has to run
lils old horse 'out, root hog or die. He
says he used to drive an ass in "de olt
kundra," but at that rate he will soon
be driving the ass behind the cart.
Georte Kesselring has bought a new
cream separator, and is now making his
own creamery butter.
Frank and Henry Brusch and James
Cox are among those who are hauling
wood to Canby from this place.
There is another wedding on the
docket in the backwoods.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heinz ard
family, of ScottB Mills, were visiting the
former's brother, John Heinz, and fam
ily last week.
Crops of all kinds look well, and
indicate a fair yield.
In cur last correspondence it was said
that we are old bachelors instead of that
we are not old bachelors.
Saturday evening a surprise party was
tendered Professor Evans by the class of
1901, the object ol the party being to
present Mr. Evans with a beautiful
ebony writing set mounted in silver, as
a token of the good feeling existing be
l tween the pupils and their teacher, The
evening was most pleasantly spent in
games and music. A delicious lunch
was served by the young ladies. The
following were present: Miss Eunice
Garfield, Miss Mary Sikes, Mies Esther
Lund, Miss Agnes Hallinan, Miss Lizzie
Rosontreter, Miss Agnes Kingkade,
Miss Hazel Creek, Miss Ruth Rogers;
Messrs. H. T. Evans, Elmer Kingkade,
Jesse Coon, Ernest Nelson, Joseph
Wells and Charles Bichner.
' Mrs. H. T. Evans is visiting her sis
ter. Mrs. W. H. Quann.at Vancouver,
B. 0.
Friday evening a mass meeting of the
representative citizens of Oswego was
held at the Masonic hall. H. Kohler
called the meeting to order and ex
plained that this was merely a prelimi
nary meeting for the purpose rf formu
lating plans to induce manufacturers
and a desirable class of people to settle
in OBwego, as well as to encourage local
JLSM&l Vehicle Book
Implement Catalogue
Send your name and address
More Draw-Cuts sold in Portland last
year than of all other makes combined.
It's the Mower -you want.
First and Taylor
improvements geneially. It was the
sense of the meeting that little could be
done without organization, and the Os
wego Industrial Improvement Associa
tion was then formed with the following
officers: President, E. J. Russell; secre
tary, H. T. Evans; treasurer.H. Kohler.
A committee on resolutions consisting of
G. C. Garfield, J. W. Thomas, Joseph
Bichner, G. VV. Prosser and ri. T. Ev
ans was then appointed, said committee
to report at the meeting next Friday
evenine. Blief remnrka hv Alooaro n
B. Hall.'R. H. Wilson, G. W. Prosae'r.j!
w-Thomas, E.J. Russel, H.Gansand
h , Bingham followed, the substance
Of Which Was tll.1t flsnoim ia on Mul
place for a home, being but seven miles
irom roruana, naving excellent trans
portation services with cheap rates by
rail or by water (ten trains and four
boats daily), a beautiful aita alnn'n..
gradunlly toward the Willamette, town
lots that can he nnrnhaaeri nnur In.
than half what such lots can be nur-
chased nm other suburbs, good water,
three churches,, three public halls, no
Saloon, and a aeven-rnnm u hrnl hmion
equal to any in the state of Oregon.
William Hnshanrln anri A T M..:il
have gone o Molalla to build a new
barn for John Shaver.
Miss Verdie Maville returned from
Canemah last Saturday.
Elmer Maville made a short visit to
his parents last week.
Biuce Darnell came out from Oregon
City last week, and is staying at Silas
Wright's home. He is not feeling any
better, although he stood the trip from
town remarkably well.
Misslna Dibble, of Molalla, was vis
iting friends in Liberal memorial day
Mrs. Schultze returned to Portland
Mr. Rhoades wan a nlpnannf violt a
M. HI.:,.!..,, n." . - r . "" "
r'KiH h ounaay evening.
Miss Rosa Mulvaney visited at Mr.
Wright's home Monday.
Mrs. Allen, of Monmouth, visited her
brother, William White, last week.
Several of the Liberates attended the
creamery meeting at Macksburg Tuesday
evening We hope it will be a success.
There is a new way of transferring
electricity without wires. Hope you
will get a patent, Bill!
Hart Engle, our road boss, has done a
fine piece of roadwork on the Wright
hill near J. B. Jackson's place. The
grading of the hill was done without a
surveyor or grade stakes, and if any one
can beat it it in the county, I want to
see the color of hia nvsa ! i
days to do the work with four teams and
Diiiuen. ine nayseeasot Liberal are
all right, aren't they, Harl ?
June 5. Sylvia.
Eagle Creek.
Farmers have in all their crops, and
they are now busy working on the roads
and elsewhere. .
We have had showers in abundance
during the last week. 'Everything looks
green and lovely.
Mr. Harkenrider, assessor, was around
Miss Maggie Smith is visiting her
cousin, Miss Anna Bell, of Kelso
Lena Vancuren returned home Sun
day. . " ,
George Epperson, of Keho, was Been
here Sunday.
Mr. 'McMurray and wife, of Stone,
were the guests of Mrs. J. P. Forrester
Jack Latourette, of Oregon City, is the
guest of Dr. 0 B. Smith.
Albert Bell ana Charles Linn came
over from Kelso Saturday.
Only a few were at work in the grave
yard on Decoration day, but coneiderable
work was done.
Wild strawberries are very plentiful
around here, and most of the children
spend their valuable time picking them.
We have heard of no preparations for
the Fourth in this place.
June 6. - Junk.
Highland is still on top. Crops in
this vicinity look fair. Stock is doing
well. McKinley forgot to boom the
wool this time. .
Miss Tenuie Mayfield is having a
house erected, and it will be the finest
in Highland when completed.
There will be a basket social and en
tertainment at the Highland school
house Saturday f.veninc June 8th. nn.
der the management of Miss Jennie
Noble, of Oregon City. The boys are
invited to come with money , and the
girls with baskets.
A birthday parly ook place at John
Heft's last week. Quite a number of
young people turned out and had a
pleasant time.
John Scott, the great bronco twister
of Highland in trying to twist into and
through a steer while runnina a rare en
countered a difficulty in which he got
somewhat twisted himself. The horse
has died from the effects of the' twist
Hnce, and John is slowly recovering,
Airs. Nora Miller han linan vers ainlr
recently, and she is still
. 1
confined to her
bed. Dr. Strickland has been called to
her bedside three times. She is slowly
- - Stafford.
Much of the red clover e blooming.
The entire country is looking its best
with its beautiful coat of green dotted
with barren plowings; roads are dry.but
not dusty ana the atmosphere such as to
make outdoor life pleasant.
Stafford school, No. 41, closed on the
30th, with short addresses at the ceme
tery. Many people of this place attended the
Frog Pond school picnic Saturday.
Frank Weddle arrived home from his
mountain ranch Monday.
Fred Moser is getting along as well as
can be expected with his lame arn.
Much of the fall grain is heading, and
many of the fields are heavily set with
cow peas, which make a very showy ap
pearance juoi ui, present woue proiuse
with bloom.
Potato Diandric season is naarlv
closed. Mout of the farmers have made
good use af the pleasant weather and
finished their planting.
A surprise party called on Miss Down
ing Wednesday evening and made the
welkin ring until the wee sma' hours.
Leonard Shauber was present with his
graphophone. which lent much to the
amusement of the evening.
The Baptists are preparing for a con
vention. The program will be an elab
orate one.
Wild strawberries are ripe and culti
vated ones nd cherries are coloring.
LouiB Sagert, a threshing machine
man of long standing, has purchased a
new outfit, complete, 'of the J. I. 0.
make, of 12-horse power traction engine,
24-40 separator with a self-feeder and
blower, which doea awav with aeveial
extra men and much dust. Mr. Saeert
will sail into the field with one of the
best and I test improved outfits at the
vrrv oeginning oi the season and stay
wiih it until the lastsheath is threshed.
Engineer Louis Francis will be one of
the company for the season. The price
for threshing will ! probably be cents
per bushel for wheat and 2)4 cents per
uunuei lur uais.
June3. Lengthy.
El wood.
Decoration day was fitly observed ht
trie Mountain Home cemetery.
Mrs. Dibble is still in poor heilth.
Miss Zella Park is home from Willam
ette talis for a short visit.
The board of directors of Mountain
nome, district No. 58, made arrange
raents for an encyclopedia. This is be
lieved tO be a COod sten in the rmht rl!
rectlon. Careful research an1 thr,,.l.
I ! .' . . . vw.wugu
I uiveougHiion is mucn Detter than any
. cramming process ever practiced.and by
such devices one's desires may be
May 31. - Lalla Rookh.
J. E.;Carlisle was in Mulino Sunday.
a. r.iicKsuii anu iamny, of Ueaver
UreeK, were visiting at the home of F
Erickson Sunday.
Willis Pratt rode in his new boat Sun
dav. Girls, it's a reo-nlar Rlna Rail
Mr Ahhntt. haa Kaan'niaifin.. ..)...:
"ere ,or tue PS8' ween
Charles and Ida Bovnton hava a i,i
boy at their home.
Mr. Thompson visited in Portland last
Cl-l 1
' Agnes Wallace was the guest of Ber
tha Herron last Sunday.
A. E. Jones is working for Pratt Bros.
hum tutfu itir. vacnero.
urant iruinnger was drowned near
Union Mills last week while crossing a
email stream, ue leaves a mother,
iatner and three sisteis besides a num
ber of other relatives and friends to
mourn his loss. Grant will be sadly
missed among his many friends and es
pecially his schoolmates, as he was a
favorite with all who knew him. The
remains were laid to rest in the family
graveyard near union Mills.
June 3.
The weather is of an unusual
which our weather bureau of Portland
Seldom Slllta Vin a. fnrrnnt.lv
So much rain is growing lots of weeds
iu mo grain.
Adolnh Millnr. nf RarfinM rroolli..t
is here on his way to Portland to attend
L! I .1 . ...
ma oroiuer s, wedding, .uurry up,
J 0 Brown is busy hauling lumber for
his new house. Harvey Mattoon is
helping him.
Maurice Ward spent Decoration day
in Oregon City.
Mrs A Demoy, of Portland, is spend
ing a few days visiting her parents here.
Harvey Mattoon and Miss Cora Ward
spent Sunday at Mount Pleasant visit
ing the Misses McCord.
William Page and George Hayden,
who are employed at Fisher's Landing,
Wash., were visitin? friends in thin
place Sunday.
The grist mill is being repaired and
also the warehouse for the fall crops.
Some verv Pnnrl imnrnvamanla hava
been made for the Datronaco of the mill
in this place.
J. F. Lovelace, onr mprrhant has ro.
turned from Portland with another
Etock of goods.
On Wednesday, May 29th, four mem
bers of the M. E. church of Viola put in
a dav's work in ceiline the nnHtaim nf
the parsonage. In the near future there
is to be another gathering of the kind to
enmrge me parsonage Darn.
The vounff nponln of Vinla urn miKtinn
in their time during the evenings prac
ticing for Children's day.
fcunday. June Utu.at 10 o'clock the
M E Sunday school will observe Child
ren's dav with nnnrnni-iata .TamiDa.
There will also be services at 11 o'clock,
the pastor officiating. All are cordially
invited to attend. The regular church
services at Viola are as follows : Sunday
school at 10 a m, Epworth League every
Sunday evening at 7 :30 o'clock j preach- I
ine everv second Snnilav nf annh mnnth
. 11 .. 1 1 1 . 1 f 1 . ,.
i 11 u ui, uuu hii uiuer ounaays at 8 p
Cammnentinc 'will hn IipLI heroin
July under the auspices of theM E
church. Mrs ft M Bannett, an evan
gelist, will conduct these meetings.
Mm. Mlnnin Tnrtnno itnimhtni. nf
Charles Noblitt, was up from Portland
memorial day. -
Charles Noblitt and ladv friend, nf
Oregon City, were visitors at the Nob-
litt farm Sunday
Mr and Mrs Boiles, of Oregon City,
are visiting R J Garrett
Miss Alice Ritter ia exnei'tari hnma
this week from Menlo, Wash., where
she has been attending school.
Needy Cyclones and Sorubbs played
base ball Sunday . The Cyclones won.
William Struve is on the sick list.
Fred Phirter. of Portland, is viait.ino
Otvie Price.
Mra R J Garrett leaves for Wjshincr-
ton next Wednesday, where she will
visit with her brother, A. Fish.
Harry Mont and Bert Cochran went
to the mountains Sunday to fish and
Frank Mitts closed his school at nw
Era Friday.
Pearl Garrett ilnnd hor cIhv.1 at
Evergreen Friday.
Mrs t'hil Mo hr is auite sick.
Pearl Brockart and Lottin Tialahav
were the guests of Lona Mohr Sunday.
Llllie 1 homnson ia visiting linr sister.
Mrs Fred Will, Jr, at Aurora.
A G ThomDSOtl went to Kai.tern Orn.
gon Saturday.
June 5.
New L'OOtIs at bottnm nrii-n at
sen's Electric Cash Grocery.
Miss Ida Yoder is at home. She has
recently finished a successful term of
school at Hubbard. . '
J. R Watson is home for a Tew
weeks. He has been at work on a farm
in PnlU rnnnt.v.
Mr. and Mrs. Pullen, of Portland, are
visiting the latter's mother this week.
J . S. Yoder's mill is running full blast
at present.
Joseph Johnston was transacting busi-
i r rii...
ness in urejoii uny lasi r nutty..
O. P. Yoder was visiting relatives in
Portland last Sunday. He made the
round trip jii hia wheel in a day.
Walt Noblitt, of Hubbird,. passed
through here today. ;
Mr. and Mrs. Crocker are preparing
to leave for a two months' sojourn at
the coast. They will probably go to
Ocean Park.
June 4. S,
Miss Myitle Boen, teacher in district
No. 68, spent Decoration day with her
parents in Oregon City. Her school
closes this week.
Mr. f nnn. whnlivpa near Millp.r'fl fiflw.
mill, fell from bis horse and broke his
collar bone
Lee Mills is spending a few days in
' Miss Dollie Lemon has gone to Da
mascus, where she will spend some
John Davis, Aleck Irvin and Emerson
Surface will make a trip to Southern
Oregon to look for land.
MrsJ. P. Irvin has gone to Gladstone
to Bpend a month with her daughter,
Mrs. Fred Covey.
June 5. Fern.
Sadie Blosser called
Miss Sadie Blosser called on Mrs.
Corby Friday afternoon.
Fred Mills is home again after spend
ing several days at the coast .
M. Pulley passed through our burg
Saturday with some lnmher Wa aim.
pose it is foi an addition. Thaf s right
Pulley, as your family increases build on
the pieces.
Cameron Pendleton has shipped his
threshing outfit to Eastern Oregon.
where he hopes to find more grain and
less bridges. The capacity per day is
4000 bushels., The machine weiuhs. nvar
1& tons.
Mrs. T. L. Bonney returned from
Wilsonvillfl Sllmlnv mhara aha k.i
- -- , , ..w. v ui, u una
been visiting friends and relatives for
the last week. -
Mrs. Bachert was the onaat. nf Mr
and Mrs. I. A. Bonnev Fridav evenine.
Get your cans ready, boys, there's go-
inif to be a warldinir nnnn aruMif Ia
; ' a ..uuiii tirv
miles east of here.
June 2. RosbBcd.
Maple Lane.
Miss Jennie E Rowan i1aoo,1 a iarn
successful 8J months' term of school
last Fridav with annrnnriat.a .l.i
- i ( 1' - -"
Consisting? of a Dicnin Hinncr at. nnnn af.
ter which followed the program consist
ing of songs, recitations, dialogues and
instrumental music. At the close of the
exercises Miss Jessie .Jackson, who was
chosen by the pupils, presented the
teacher with a beautiful gift of remem
brance, which wan arantlv annruiai.J
uy miss liowen.
Why did they bum Mr. Ward's old
hat last week? Because he has a new
baby irl at his house. All doinir well.
Lewis David waaorraat.lv inm.iivl.t
B. ...... ...rmul,
his home Friday evening by about 60 of
his friends. The avnnincr re a a
antly spent by tripping the light fan fas-
nco unui tne wee small hours of .the
morning, when ail departed for their re-
SOective homes wishinc T .aUMa mam.
happy returns of the evening.
we are looKing lor a snow storm next.
Miss Mamie firao-nrv nf N. 1?.. i.
staying at the home of J R Myers.
Miss Lucy Bethke.of Portland, was
visiting her parents last week.
Miss Lottie Sam Ann. nf Naaria ia
iting 1 er sister, Mre O L Jackson.
Mrs Ben Doolittle and son, of Oregon
City, called onhersister.Mrs Lloyd Wil
nitiiiH ounuay.
Miss SoDhitt Waltamatha nf Pn.lUnl
is visiting her parents this week. '
Mrs N W Richards came home from
Woodstock last, wealr nrhara al.a UnA
. - . ..... u u ii u uau
made an extended visit with her daugh
ter, Mrs Flo Richards,who accompanied
in .uinunsion ana daughters, of
Oiegon City, were guests of Mr Ward
nr.. T7- j i
The rnok rrtmliAi eam Btant!Kn. n
- v. vfiuo DliCAUl.UK UU
Molalla avenue of West ManlA T..nA
Mohdav. escorted hv niwht. hnraaa anH
four men. and was set at reaidanna Nn
6. Thev now have a com! craw ami ,n
running in full blast.
RemeTrher the Mania T.ana
I . . ,,, , , , . 1 uiaiiKo,
which will hold iih nuvt. rniuiiiM ;
NaBh 's hall over the Seventh street liv
ery stable on June loth.
JuneS. Three Observers.
Mrs Annie Ganlt is visiting
Harms' home. The boys are
their tin cans ami hello raailv
at Mr
Jake Peters visited friends in Stafford
last Sunday. He says he is after the
Lydia and Annie Aden came home
from Portland last Thursday to attend
the Frog Pond school picnic.
The school picnic at Frog Pond was a
grand Buccess. All who attended report
having had a good time. The ball game
did not materialize, however.
Services warn ln.1,1 in v;i0:n i, ,n
laet Sunday.
Mrs LH Vitirant'a oicti. i
- - - - u..,.. U UUl IIUUI
Portland making her a visit.
June o.
A car load of milk
crocks Just received and
will sell at 8 c oer pal-
Ion. W. L. RlnrW.
the Homefurnisher.
New novelties in trimmings and flow
trf. Miss C. Goldsmith.
New trimmed hats at popular prices.
Miss C. Goldsmith.
Kozy Kandy Kitchen, up to date on
home-made candieB.
M Moehnke and sons, Will and Chris,
have gone to The Dalles to build a house
for Mr Jewell. "
K Stuedeman is confined to his bed
with some disease of tde head,
Mrs L Hornsehuch, of Oregon City,
was visiting here for a few days.
Miss Grim, of Macksburg, was mar
ried to Robert Ginther on May 30th. at
the residence of Rev Englebart at Ore
gon Oily.-:
Fred Steiner is home again for a short
T V Duffy and wife were visitors at J
W Draper's home last Sunday.
Blue stem wheat is heading. Indica
tions are that it will beat the Eaton
wheat. It seems to be considerable
Mrs Wallens has cut his first crop
namely, fern.
Miss Myrtle Curran, of Ely, visited
Miss Eletha Cummins last Sunday,
Born, to the wife of Rev Masslnger,
on May 31st, a son. '
Christ Moehnke and Fred Fisher came
home from Portland Sunday. They are
building a hmiie for Mr Schwirtz. -
Rev ,E D H irnschuch is vis visiting
his parent for a few days.
Mr Bluhm received two boxes of or
anges from his son, Fred, who resides in
Otto Moehnke ran into'a steer last Sun
day while riding down a hill on his
wheel. He says that he turned two or
three somersaults. He's all right, but
his wheel Oh, my !
Frank Mueller is breaking in a new
horse. '
Miss Winnie Duffy is home fo.- a short
time. -
Miss Josie MaBsinger came home-Saturday
to visit for a short visit.
June 4. Genevra.
Mountain View,
William Thayer and wife, of Hard
Scrabble, called on Sam Francis a few
days ago.
John Gillett drove out to Mrs Sager's
rjlaca at Hlarkaa laut. ATnnriav
for shingling her house, which was partly
uesiroyea Dy nre a lew days ago.
Children's day exercises were held at
the Mountain View church last Sunday.
Mr Kays has bought some land from
F A Ely, and is building a house.
Misses Tillia anil F.rnaalina Hanrini
have gone to Long Beach, where they
win spenu tne summer. .
Mra Henrv Hanrini hna ornna tn ato.
with her nurents. Mr anH Mra RlmlUr
during her husband's absence in Al-
One more from this burg made happy
Allen Front, waa mni'ri.rl tn VTlaa A n-
drews Wednesday. Mr Frost has rented
a house down town.
Frank Rinuo went to Highland last
week tn at tend t ha apart Or O whinh ma.
- w BajuV niuvu U1V m
on Saturday. He returned Tuesday.
bam trancis is able to out again with
a crutch.
Mra Nelson, who in stavina- with Mra
Albright, has been quite sick. Dr Sbm
mer is attending her.
Weddinor bells are still rennrt.erl in tha.
near future.
.Our Sundav schnnl will elnaa aorain
this summer during the third quarter.
There will be services on the last Sun-
,1 .. : t
May tit u uuo. .
A pleasant surprise party was given
vjanano .u Dreidricn W ednesday eve
ning. The time was pleasantly passed
in music and games. During the eve
ning dainty refreshments were served.
Those present were : Frank Bullard and
wife, Ferd Curran and wife, Mrs Ringo,
Misses Hattie Ringo, May Lewellen,
Maud Moran, Nora and Pearl Curran,
Estella Nickels, Hazel and Mabel Fran
cis ; Messrs Frank Ringo, Fred Linsey,
Don and Charlie Dickey, Frank Ever
hart, Harvey Hickman, F Hodges, Mr
Freiderich and family.
S V Francis and Charles Ely are hav
ing a brick curbing put in their well.
Mra D 0 Rlv nnd bar aiatar Mra V A
Eddy, of Tualatin, were visiting here
June 6. Sauna.
Road Slinarvianr fTainz tittimmmAnitaJ
work on the Molalla hill.
Thft Mnnlrvhliro hall taam aaama ts Ka
badly discouraged since the game with
Hubbard last Sanday, which resulted
in the score of 2ft tn 2 In favnr nf HnK.
ProfeSBor Coleman hna returned (mm
Baker City, where he haB been for some
The time for nnr nienin la ai;.1l..
- - w... ...... u .a it,uijr
drawing near, and all indications are for
a big time. Everyone should p.nmA
early and see the parade at 10 o'clock,
The Maccabee goat will be displayed.
Decree team will march in full
and show a specimen of their work be
fore and after initiation. Senator G. O.
Brownell will talk
lowed by Hon. G. B. Dimick and J. R.
Sherwood. An excellent program has
been prepared. An interesting ball
game between the Hubbard and Canby
teams. There will hn hanria otamia
circle swings.etc. Be sure and remember
the date, June 11.
A Terrible Explosion
"If a gasoline stove burned a lady here
frightfully," writes N. E. Palmer, of
Kirkman, Ia. " The best doctors could
n't heal the running sore that followed,
but Bucklen's Arnica Salve entirely
cured her, " Infallible for Cuts, Corns,
Sores, Boiles' Bruises, Skin Diseises
and Piles. 25c. at George. A. Harding's.
Following is the report of Mwqnam
school district No. 18 for the terra end
ing Mav 31. 1011 Pnnilo B.,n.,j on
days taught 59, days' attendance 15G0,
Jo rn " ' averai'e da"y attendance
28. Those who were neither absent nor
tardvdurina nna mnnth m IU.. ..J
- d - v...... m ui j ucittj auu
Bert Howe, Emma Dunlavy, Echo Lr
kins. Bella and Berta Gray, Sylvia and
Dolly Marquam, Sherman" Miller and
Lavilla Brown. Bertha Miller was nei
ther absent nor tardy during the term.
Elsie J. Taylor, Teacher.
Jersey bull at Shannon place on the
W est Side. Season in advance, $1 50.
M. J. Groshong.
Dident Marry For Money
The Boston man, who lately married
a sickly rich young woman, is happy
now, for he got Dr. King's New Life
pills, which restored her to perfect
health. Infallible for Jaundice, Bilious
ness, Malaria, Fever and Ague, and all
Liver and Stomach troubles. Gentle but
effective. Only 25c at Geotge A. Hard
mg's drug store.