10 OREGON CITY CO UR JER-H ERALD, FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1901 t The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been. In use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of Allow no All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but v Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of v Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. I What is CASTORIA .';. Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It t,. contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other .Narcotic '", substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's PanaceaThe Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You to Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. ' tm .iirriui. mm, n Munuv strict, tw o arrv. " I POPE & CO. HEADQUARTERS FOR Hardware, Stoves. Syracuse Chilled and Steel Plows, Harrows and Cultivators, Planet jr, Drills and - Hoes, Spray Pumps, Imperial Bicycles. PLUMBING A SPECIALTY Cor. Fourth and Main Sta. For catalogue containing full an nouncements, address, P. L. CAMPBELL, President. The Over 5000 People Read vertise. I The Only High Class I Monthly, at 25c a i ear, in the 0 World 0000000 Sliftn Potts, Toar Columns to tf fat. Every page a Magaslne In itself; each department tdlted by "one who knows how;" overy number a mine of Informa tion and entertainment. iii'.Mh.ii.. j)Mu P w-...r. wvfr 'v. ...w r.aiMM,. I Good Times Free with one to deceive you mtms. Signature of - ' t OREGON CITY State Normal School Monmouth, Oregon. Demand lor Graduates The deman for graduates of the Normal School dur ing the paBt year has been much beyond the supply. Positions with from $40 to $75 per month. State Certificates and Diplomas Students are prepared for the State Ex aminations and readily take State Papers on graduation. : Strong Academic and Professional Course. Well ' equipped Training Department. Expenses range from $120 to 1175 per year. Fall term opens September 17th. or J. B. V. BUTLER, Secretary 3 Courier - Herald Every Week The paper has not quite that many subscribers but ever paper has an average of over two readers. We know of an instance where five families read a single paper every week. Every advertiser in this paper talks to between 5000 and ioooo people during the week. Try it. Successful business men ad CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING! DEPARTMENTS! One Short 8tory. Biographical Tid Bits. Popular Science. Amateur Photography. All the Comfort! of Home. The Family Lawyer. Department of Health. The Editor'! Half Holiday, The Quit Club tprise queition department.) The Old Cuts loilty Shop. Sports, Games and Pastimes. Home Study. The Coming Generation. The Flrit Thousand, and What to Do With It, (practical aucceai department.) The Story of the World. When the Day's Work U Done. norm timfc r"i...i a.tmw, VVI UlllilU9 VSt Tf Courier-Herald UN8ALTED BUTTER. A. Study In Weight and Market Prices. There Is In the large cities a limited trade In fresh butter, and this demand is known as the Jew trade, says Tbe Creamery Journal. The price Is a little higher than the price of salted butter, but one must have the market secured In advance to be safe In shipping that grade of butter. One of Iowa's promi nent creameries lately received an of fer of Vh cents above for butter unsalt ed and uncolored. This looks like a snap, and It Is something that way. But there comes In the privilege pt sell ing salt at butter prices when the but ter Is salted, and It hinges upon the In creased weight of salted butter. This creamery already received three-quarters of a cent above highest quotations, so the offer was really three-quarters of a cent above what the butter was selling for. Suppose It takes seven pounds of salt to salt 100 pounds of butter. This Is an extra Investment of 7 cents at least Suppose three pounds of this salt re mains In the finished product. When butter Is netting 22 cents, this means 68 cents received for the salt and an Investment of but 7 cents to get It, or a net gain of 59 cents per 100 of butter. But it Is uncertain that the butter will weigh 8 per cent more because It Is salted. Granular butter, well drained and weighed, then salted and worked, will sometimes weigh more than before and sometimes less. One may look for a shrinkage, as a general thing, vary ing from 5 to 14 per cent. !- This was discussed at the Wisconsin dairy convention last winter, and Pro fessor Woll said that sometimes the weight was Increased by salting the butter and sometimes not. He thought that If well drained the salt would make a slight increase. Mr. Amend made a strong point, saying that he sold much of his butter unsalted and worked It about half as long as when he salted It This will, of course, leave In more water, but it Is known by analysis that salted butter looks more watery than unsalted because the brine collects In larger drops than the drops of water In unsalted butter, u C J. Ward said be makes both kinds and once had an order for one more tub of salted butter than be had, so he took a tub of butter which waa unsalted, weighed It added the salt and worked It then weighed again, and It weighed li pounds more than before it was salted. This Is adding a full two pounds per 100 by adding salt ' Mr. Thorpe said he had sold his butter In granular torn, unsalted, and concluded that be would salt It and get the profit on the salt but found a uniform shrink age of one pound in seven by salting. These reports enable ua to get pretty near to the bottom facta. If unworked butter Is salted and worked, It will gen erally' shrink a little If the same ap parent moisture Is left In. If butter which has been worked to a finish Is salted and worked, there will be a small Increase In weight for the little moisture left In the finished unsalted butter will dissolve the salt and there will be little surplus moisture to be ex pelled. But If a lot of granular butter be divided Into two equal parts and one-half be salted and worked, the oth er half worked without salt and both to the same apparent dryness so far as available evidence goes, the weight of the two finished lots of butter will be practically equal, sometimes one being slightly heavier and sometimes the oth er. Thla Is because more moisture has to be expelled from salted butter to make It look as dry as the unsalted but ter, tbe drops of water twins; collected Into larger drops by the action of tbe Bait and being easier discerned by the eye. From this It looks an If the offer of three-quarters of a ocnt advance up on the price then received Is an actual advance of three-quarters of a cent and Is worth taking In. Farm Separators, The manager of one of the best whole milk creameries in one of the best creamery districts of Iowa says that for three months his creamery accept ed milk from patrons so far removed that It was necessary to shut down the separator and start up again when the milk came, and that there waa a re sultant loss of COO pounds of butter during that period, which he ascribes to stopping and starting the separator. He says It was found to be Impossible to skim as clean after the separator had been stopped as before. From this be argues as follows: Suppose a cream ery has 100 patrons and they all use farm separators. This makes 100 sepa rate starts and stops, and the loss will perhaps more than overbalance any claimed gain from the use of farm separators. Now, this is an entirely new thing, says The Creamery Journal. Take it at this time of the year, when the factory separates but once In two days. The 100 patrons separating once a day have 200 stops to the factory separa tor's one, and If as a rule they separate twice a day, they have 400 of these losses to the one from the factory separator. If there be a loss. But this one statement, though from an excellent manager and close ob server, does not prove his sldo. It only opens It up for Investigation. The factory separator gets heavily coated with slime, and perhaps this is the reason why It makes waste In starting and stopping. In fact as all boys know, It Is sometimes absolutely necessary to shut down and clean out the bowl to prevent waste of butter fat If the creamery man In this case shut down and then started up his clogged bowl without first cleaning, that would cause loss, but It doesn't apply to the farm separator, which never gets In a fix. because the milk is always fresh and sweet And there Is much more to this. The farm sepa rator hns a less etnetlmr task, for the , milk Is In the best condition no stale, fibrinous milk to make trouble. FlGPRUNF Cereev A Perfect Food Drink Made from the choicest fruits and cereals grown in California , Possesses a delicate flavor and aroma not found in any, other Cereal Coffee. All grocers sell it. The Springwater Ropd, D. C. Howell, of Springwater, states that some substantial improvements are being made on the Springwater road, which is being planked in the direction of Logan. The residents of Springwater subscribed the following amounts for the improvement of the road, the county having agreed to pay for the plank last fall :" Names Amount 0 H Guttridge $150 Ed Closner 100 J E Green 18 W J Lewellen 125 AM 8hibley 40 H RDuboise 100 BHBaner 50 DO Howell 50 Wm Bard.... 50 Geo Cunningham 25 Branch Tucker... 50 Al Cary 80 AJ Marrs ......... . 50 John Lewellen, $25 per mile HE Cross.. 50 F Millard 20 0 8 Bard 15 J A Shibley.v 25 A Lacey, $25 per mile John htormer 60 W LB Oornett ; 40 J W Marrs 50 WJ8nyder.... 80 WH Kandle 60 A Albright. 25 Carl Howell , 200 W Crane 20 F P Walker 15 J F Lovelace 10 O Stone 25 S A Randolph 10 Ed Miller 25 T C Jubb 15 Geo Harden i 10 Geo Raid 25 W M Tucker 25 WM Warnock 60 O Genserowikey 30 Albert Closner -25 W E Cromer 20 Abe Stormer 25 David Closner 25 RE Shumway 25 M Tillison 10 Jacob Gerber 50 T Tillison 20 J Tillison 20 J O Spraeue 25 O N Tracy 15 J M Tracy.. 25 W Page 10 0 Lander 10 , For Over Fifty rear An Old and Wbll-Tbibd Rbmidt. Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the sums. allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is me neat remedy tor lflarrnoea. Is pieasant w) me lasie, eoia by JJmg gists in every part of the World. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is mcftlnulahlA. Ra anr and a.V far U Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no otner una. A Great Hosiery Offer Direct From the v Mills. The old maxim, "The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating," applies as well to the wearing qualities ot our ho siery. Once worn and you will wear them always. An exceptional trial of fer that every reader of this paper should take advantage of and test the remarkable wearing qualities and supe rior finish of our nigh grade hosiery. We will, on receipt of 25c in silver and the name of your local dealer, send di rect to you from the mills, postage paid, 4 pair of our finest high grade latest style Empire brand ladies' or children's hose, or men's half hose, in black, tan, white or the fashionable fancy solid col ors, or the latest combination silk em broidered polka dots, electric stripes, or silk clocking on side, in fancy open work plain, or drop stitch style, in French lisle thread, balbriggan, silk finish maco, or cashmere, with full finish elas tic top and our patent reinforced silk and linen knit seamless, double sole, toe and high spliced double heel. They save darning and are granted to give three times the wear of any other hosi ery . The same in children's with elas tic top, double knee, sole, heel and toe, plain or ribbed, fine, medium or heavy quality, guaranteed fast color, and war ranted not to crock. The retail value of these hose is 25c. per pair. We will not send more than 4 pair of each ladies' or children's to one person. A trial wear of these will convince you of their mer its. For 50c, we will send, post paid, one trial pair of our ladies' fine silk hose, in shades of pink, gold, white, black, blue, cardinal or lavender. This is a special trial offer. If you are not satisfied with them after trial wear we will refund your money. If you are pleased with them and wish more, in sist on your local dealer procuring them for you, and insist on him getting our Empire brand hosiery. Write us todav, mentioning this paper, as this offer is limited. A beautiful little booklet, tell ing how our hosiery is made, mailed free to you on request. Address this way, Empire KNimsq Mill, 1 Oft and 108 Fulton St., New York City. 7S I Fruit V46o gANK OF OREGON CITY OLDEST BANKING HOUSE IN THE CITY CAPITAL 5O,0CO.O0 SURPLUS $20,850.00 Chas. H. Cauiieid, President ; Geo. A. Habding, Vice-President ' E. Q. Caufield, Cashier General banking business transacted Deposits received subject to cheek Approved bills and notes discounted County and city warrants bouxht . Loans made on available seourity Exchange bought and sold . Collections made promptly , ..,;,. Drafts sold available in any part of the world Telegraphic exchange sold on Portland, San Francisco, Chicago and New York Interest paid on lime deposits C; 8. SEAMANN, M. D. EYES tested and properly fitted with GLASSES Office Hours 10 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Room- 208, Alisky Building Third and Morrison Sta. POKTLAND OREGON C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE ATTORNEYS AT LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law SpecialUes -Office In Commercial Bank Building OREGON CITY OREGON (J, N. GREENMAN THE PIONEER EXPRESSMAN (Established I860) Prompt delivery to all parts of the olty OREGON CITY OREGON COMMERCIAL BANK op OREGON CITY capital $100,000 Transacts a general banking business Hakes loans and collections, discount! bills, bays and tells domestic and foreign exchange, and receires deposits subject to check. Open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. D. C. liiTOtTBETTS, r. J. Mcvia. "resident Cashier )ErOT HOTEL Opposite Railroad Depot New Management Home Cooking MRS. BKOL, Paop. O. w. Easthax G. B. Dimici DIMICK & EASTHAM ATTORNEYS AT LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate taw Special ties, aoHnci 01 mie maae, Money Loaned Bef ereuce, Bank of Oregon City OREGON CITY OREGON DR. L. L. PICKENS DENTIST Prices Moderate. All Operation Guaranteed. Barclay Building Oregon City J)R. GEO. HOEYE DENTIST All work warranted and satisfaction guaranteed Crown and Bridge work a specialty Caufield Building OREGON CITY OREGON )R. FRANCIS FREEMAN ' DENTIST Graduate of Northwestern University Dental ; school, also of American College of Dental Surgery, Chicago Willamette Block OREGON CITY OREGON G, E. HAYES ATTORNEY AT LAW Stevens Building, opp. Bank ot Oregon City OREGON CITY OREGON Jl, C. STRICKLAND, M. D. (Hospital and Private Eznerleneel Special attention paid to Catarrh and Chronic Diseases Office hours: 10 to 12, a. m 4 to 6, p. m. Willamette Building OREGON CITY OREGON ROBERT A. MILLER ATTORNEY AT LAW " Land Titles, Land Office Business, Conveyancing Will practice in all courts of the state Room 8, Weinhard Building OREGON CITY , OREGON a Schtjebil W. 8. U'Rek TJREN & SCHUEBEL ATTORNEYS AT LAW S)eutff) Hbootat Will praotice In all courts, make collections and settlements of estates, furnish abstracts of title, lend yon money and land your money on first mortgage. Office in Enterprise building. OREGON CITY OREGON S. J. VAUGHN'S Livery, Feed and Sale Stables Nearly opposite Suspension.bridge First-Class Rigs of All Kinds OREGON CITY, OREGON SHANK & BISSELL Embalmers and -Funeral Directors Telephones, Night or Day Seventh Street Near Depot Free Dinner Sets ' ... '- 1 The celebrated Semi-Vitreous Porcelain, hand-painted, decora tions, with gold trjmmings, given' away Free to our customers, r We use these dishes simply as an advertisement for our busi ness. The way to obtain them is easy. Trade with us and get your friends to trade with us, and we do the rest, by supplying you and them with these dishes Free of Charge. KRAUSSE BROS. ' -Ladles' and Gents' Fine Shoes HOTEL MONTEREY NEWPORT, OREGON finest nlAfte in Orearon to HD nd summer vacation Safest beach for bathing. Beautiful grassy lawn ana groves. TaDle suppuad witn craus, elami rock oysters, codfish, rock cod and best the marks affords Furniture new and clean. No liquor Strictly first-class family resort. Prices to suit ft. Jiijswutti ti, rrop. A PERFECT BATH ROOM essential to perrect comfort and health. Our estimates on fatting in Plumbing Work and fittings for large and small houses will be found surpassingly low when quality of work and material used Is eansUeraa . Wawrald be pleased M bar pportunlty to submit figures. F. C. CADKE t Fotografs STAMPS Drop in and tee what we have in tbe latest photograph. We can please all. VIEWS New Plumbing. and Tin Shop A. MIHLSTIN JOBBING AND REPAIRING t Specialty Opposite Caufleld Block OREGON CITY Wall Paper Now is the time to buy your wall paper and Murrow, the paper hanger, will sell it to you cheaper than you can buy it in Portland. Drop a card in the postoffice and have sample-book brought to your house, or telephone Ely Bros.' store J. MURROW, Oregon City W. H. YOUNG'S Livery & Feed Stable Finest Turnouts in City OREGON CITV. OREGON Oregon City Junk store Buys old rags, bottles, old iron, rubber and all kinds of metals. Higest prices .paid. Sholl, Sugarman & Co Cor. Main and Tenth Sts. WANTED. Capable, reliable person In eTery county to represent large company of solid finan cial repotellon; $I86 salary per year, payable weekly; 13 per day absolutely snre and all expens es; ttralght.bona'flde, definite salary.no com mil lion; salary paid each Saturday and ripens t money advanced each week. STANDARD HOUSE, 34 Dearborn St. Chicago, New arrivals daily in ready-to-wear bats. Miss C. Goldsmith. CASTORIA Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature