Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, June 07, 1901, Image 1

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19th YEAR, NO. &
i8j Madison St., West end of Bridge, Portland, Oregon
Aultman & Taylors
Celebrated Threshing Machinery
Steam and Gas Engines,
Saw Mills,
, Etc. '
Rrebe, Marder & Co.
182, 184, 186 Madison Street, West End of Bridge,
Remember we have the finest stock of the best makes to be found
in Portland, including Farm and Spring Wagons, Buggies, Carriages
and Carts, Mowers, Rakers, Tedders and Hay Tools, Hay Presses,
Grain Drills, Plows, Cultivators, Disc and Spring Tooth Harrows,
Pumns Harness, Bicycles, Etc.
Oregon City High School Class
Receive Diplomas.
The following class of 10 received their
diplomas as graduates of the Oregon
City high school at the close of the in
teresting program of exercises held at
Shively'a opera house, Friday night:
Goldina Aimee Bollark,
Vesta Velonia Bronghton,
William 0. Califf,
Ei'ith Cora Chenejt,
Aneita Louise Gleason,
Nora E. Hal,
Howard F. Lat'iirette,
William EvinMirf hall,
Hilda Walden,
Louis H. W.ismande".
CiiHrltS Albright, chairm in of the
board of director, presented the di
plomas, preceded by a short address
The class orators were William 0. Califf,
whose topic was "Oregon,'' an j Miss
Vesta Ijroughton, spoke on "Personal
Independence the Basis of National Lii-
and delivered with splendid oratoricaf
effect. B B. Befkman, of Portland, de
l'vered the class address. Rev. P. K.
Hammond pronounced the invocation.
The niusical prngiam c insisted of selec
tions by a Portland male qua. let,
Mest-rs. Boyer, Hogne, Z in and M nt
goniery, and a solo by Miss Inogen
Harding City Superintendent Wilcox
The state w as elaborately and artistic
ally decorated the class colors, nile green
and white being prominent, and an at
tractive lettering al0Vrt the front of the
Btagewasthe cUse motto, -'Outof School
Life Into Life's School." The class was
fairly d loged with fl ral otTering, gifts
from ptr.-onal friends. There wag a mod
audience in attendance and an entert lin
ing r.gram was presented.
sroi's the coithu v; ivottKsorr
Laxative Bro,no-Q linine Tah:ets cure
a cold in one day. Nj 0 ire n Pay
Price 25 cents. .
Teachers Elected.
At the meeting of the Oregon City
school board held last Friday afternoon,
ail the old teachers were elected, except
the principal of the Eastham school.
Oity Superintendent H D. Wilcox, as
signed the teachers to grades as follow :
Barclay school Principal. Miss Addie
E. Clark ; eighth grade, Sade H. Chase ;
sixth trade, Miss Myrtle Taylor; fourth
an ! fifth grades, Miss Harriet L Case;
third grade, MisB Nettie Walden ; second
grade, Misg Harriet Cochran; first grade,
Mhs Harriet Bray.
Easitiam tchool Principal-, Miss R T.
Smith, of Independence; also teacher of
the seventh grade ; fifth grade, Mrs.. N.
F. Glass ; fourth urade. Miss Gertrude
Nefzger; third grade, Miss Erin Lnu
tence; e- cond grade, M ss Marjorie
Caufield; first urade, Miss Francis
The salaries of three teachers were
raised as follow; Miss Chase from
$42 50 to M; Miss Myers from $40 to
$45; Miss w'alden from $4) to $42 50.
There were Rbont 25 applications for po
sition. The clerk -was directed to ad
vertise for bids for 100 cor Is of wood.
A cheap remedy for coughs and colds
iS Hll riuht, but yiu want something that
will relieve and cure the more severe
ami dangerous results of throat and lung
troubles. What shall you do? Go to
a wanner and more regular climate?
Yes, if nossible; if not possible for you,
then in either case take the only remedy
that bt8 been introduced in alt civilized
countries with success in severe throat
and lung troubles, "Boschee's German
Syrup' If not only heals and stimu
lates the ti-sues to destroys the germ
disease, but allaya inflammation, causes
easy expectoration, gives a good night's
rest, and currg the "atient. Try one
i.i.i.. t . i ..i J
.Mum-, ikcui'iuuieuueu many years by '
all druggiMs in the world. Get Green's '
Prize Almanac at George A. Harding's.
. LanI titles examined, abstracts made '
and money 1 aned at lowest rates.
Dimick &. Easth
City. ' ' '
Decision of County Judge In the
Fallows Case
County Judge Ryan Saturday an
nounced a decision in the Fellows wdl
case, sustaining the claim of the execu
tor, and declaring he wil vulid. Hiram
Felbws, a pioneer resident of Highland
precinct, died about a year a?o and leit a
will bequeathing shares of t'ie propeit
to all of his children except Orlando aim
Mrs. Julia Nelson who wtrs le t $1 each.
The will was admitted to probate with
Eli Fellows as executor. Orlando
Fellows and Mrs. Julia Nelsou filed
a contest of the will, alleging that Eli
and Daniel Fellows had used undue in
fluence on t'ie mind of Hiram Fellows,
who was a monomaniac and not in a fit
condition to transact business when the
will was executed. The defense, how
ever, contended that Mis. Nelsou Has
left J20 acres of land b- the piovit-ions
ol the will df her mother, it being a part
of the donation laud claim located by
Hiram Fellow and wile; t lat Hiram
Fellows bad, previous to-making his
will, deeded Orlando Fellows ItiO acres
of laud. The tl egations of the comes
tauts were denied. The appraised value
ol the estate named in ine will was
tfliutitf. Ihe attorneys for the cjntea
tants stated that they would appeal trom
the ruling ul the prohate court io the cir
cuit court. A number of days wire oc
cupied in taking the t-6tiuiony in this
cae, J.hn W. Loder transcribing the
same on a typewriter. And the case
was bitterly contested. George C
Biowuell audi. U Lat jural td are the
attorneys tor the contestants, and
Hedges & Grittun and tioidou E. Haves
lor the proponents.
Carblenler Bremer.
On Tuesdty, Mty 25ih, at the home
of the bride's p.. rents, M . and Mrs.
August Bremer, loiirmilesastof Can by,
iccui red a very pretty weiid ng. it being
the mairiage of their youngest daughter,
Miss Minnie, to Mr. Oarbienier, of Poil
land. The rooms were beautiluily dec
orated with cut flowers, ai.n evergreens.
At 2 o'clock to the strains of the wedding
march played by Miss Blaeser, of Hub
bard, the bridal cou pie marched into the
parlor aud took their places benea h a
large floral bell The ring ceremony
waB peif. rme 1 by Uev. Schorenburg pis
t r of the Lutheran church at M cks
burg, in the presence of 75 relht ves and
most iniimate fiiends. M 88 Florence
Schindler was tridesmaid, and Will
Bremer, brother of the bride, acted as
best man. '1 he bride wore a gown of
gray with trimmings ul white satin and
lace, and the bridesmaid woro a gown of
the same c dor. Tho i. d ol honor, ho
was Mibs Mars Sehindltr, was at'ired
in white organdie triunr ?d in while rib
bons and lace. The r m wore the
customary black. AftH' -ongratulations
the prt es purtook ol ii most elat, .rat t
wedding dinner, as only Mrs. Bremer
Knows now to prepare. Thj preeei U
were many and u eful.- The afternoon
was spent n c inversutioti, and a tr
wishing ti e newly wedded cjupleail
the blessings this world can bei-tw idl
depart -d lot the r homes feeling so;ry
that Mrs. Bu m r had no more daugh
ters to matry. 1. n.e evening a final
r cej tion was given and all tripped the
light fantastic toe until the wee small
hours of the morning. Mr. and Mrs
d rbienier will visit relatives for a few
days and go to housekeeping in Portland.
Address of Welcome
Following is the address of welcome by
Miss McDonnell at the Memorial duy
exercisea of St. John's Bi hool :
Honored Veterans, Esteemed Ladies of
the Relief Coips: Welcome, thiice
welcoi e 1 One Inore year has passed,
aud again we have the happy privilege
of biddinii you welcome to mi school
Indteri, with pleasure have we looked
forwaid to this dav on which wa ean
welcome j ou and give utter .rice to the
patriotic sentiments our dear teachers
ever instil into our young minds.
Your presence among us is, however,
considered an honor, and we feel that
thanks are due you, rather than a wel
come. For as we Btudy the glorious his
tory of these United States and read of
the heroic deeds of our noble soldiers,,
we must feel honored on the occasion ol
a visit from those very men, who fought
courageously for the principles that (oim
this republic
Yes, oir country's history is replete
with heroic deeds that were performed,
of the Btruggles and privations that
were endured by gall nl men; not to
save their own lives but to save the life
and freedom of their country. Hence
the more we study the history of our
land, the more reasons do we find to be
truly grattful to the defendeig i f our
loved "Red, White and Blue." We
lire justified, therefore, in being proud
of our men, for can any olher country
boast of the freedom eei joy ? And who
has given us ibis liberty? With God's
In lp our high souled, noble men, who
ueemed it not too great a sac ittce to
rink and lose their lives to build up this
'ree country for us Ye, by their heroic
efforts we can say today:
Free from Finland's bondage
Which hel I o'er us its sway ;
Free because of battles won
By heroes we honor lodday.
Free fiom therhaini of slavery,
Which bound thiee million livis
In a land where Freedom's eiijn
Wavid its protests to the skii g.
The Ball Game.
The Fontellas defeiited the O eiron
C.ty Company A team at the Willameit'
fi. Id iBst Sunday aiter.ioon by a ncore
of 13 to 7. During the first innings the
Oregon City i earn . lave I ood ball, but
later some of the plajers apparently be
came rut led The fly i-at hing by
Hedges, Church, lye and Chapman
were festures of the game. Bel 'r
pitching also was g..od. The Fontellas
I al one new man, who had n- t played
with them dii'ing t'lis season, Schmeer,
who i.layed left fie d. He was formerly
ith the Montana league. A tubetantial
fi nee hat been erected around the
grounds, and the i.ext game in the series
is announced for next Sundav is a gtine
with Stephens Addition. Ed Rt ckner
wa umpire.
Agricultural Implements and Vehicles
Peerless Plows
Steel and Chilled
Dowagiac Drills
Hoe and iJisc
Sickle Grindeis
Road Carts
Mountain Hacks andi
Spring Wa
Buffalo Pitts, -)
Harrows and Cultivators,
r -
Uwen' "Advance" Fanning
Mills. ,
Hay Tresses,
Horse Power and Steam--Feed
and Root Cutters,.
Bone and Cider Mill.
v Stoughton Wagons
JVriJe for Catalogue and Prices. h CALL 0 MS BEF JRE BUYING
The Housefurnisher
i- - ..v vVJ 1.11
r3 :m
Charming Curtains
The windows
noflaaf Hi a
MVUIi character of
"'Jt $LC&i' I thehouseand,
a iso1, inrougn
the window
shines the
light that
brightens that
house. The
curtain" are
111 ' 1 M X$ enriching sub-
ij e tames which
i i... i- . i
'1 BBS1HI 111 ine
' general effect.
These fine and serviceable curtains at
$1.60 per pair, are the medium to make
y cur windows attractive.
A Display of
Charter Cak Ranges
We think you'll
find in our display
of Reel Ranges the
one you want.
Tin y are all nood,
but some are larger
some have es
pecial conveniences
There are plenty
from which to
chooi-e, at d we are
ready to exp'ain
the merits of each.
Price $29 and up.
' There's a Good Deal Doing
In our Carpet department this week,
and some of the doings will undoubtedly
interest you. There ia no reason why
y u shouldn't have that new carpet now j
the goods to suit you are here and your
credit is good.
Fine Wool Carpets, per yd 65c
High Grade Axniinster $1 25
Mtitling , loc
The Best Effect
I 'uru
I ' i 1
In painting your liouse
you cannot Uve a bet-
k term, ct than that from
l . I.- 1 ; i
me usb in uur iveroi'l
Paint. It stands out
with a great deal of ex
cellence and makes
you happy in seeing
jour house thus improved.
T." Papers Unexcelled
This sprinir line of wall paper present-
you a stock that Is unexcelled. ItBtanrtu
out with all the excellonce you mitibt .
niui a UOIIluinttllOO Ol
Good Colors and Attractive Designs
It Is made o wear because It hag a Bar-
tantial body and its colors are selected
to give durabi ity, not only from tli
point of lonx life, hut from the point of
msking it nJwbvb pleasing. I'rice, tr
roll, luc to $1.50.
Take the Baby Out
A Little does a Great Way
It enables ycu t put a great deal of x
tra value into your home and helps you
to make that home more attractive to
those who live there.
Table Cover 60e to $5 0(1 0,1'.
Chiffonier, $8.00
Poitierc , 2) ( vr yaid.
as long as present Btot k
8 -.1
For Its afring tn
one of the nym
Go-Cartswe hav
just put on aaV.
Itill I e
and jou neednot
Invest maefe
money in the pea
clmsc from $2.5ri
"P. C' me uj
(ce ihciu
Glass Safe, $8.50 Kitchen Treasurer, 2 .W r u .d Wrlngfru, $2 at