Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, May 31, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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Oregon City Courier-Herald
inter. I In Oregon Otty puntofllcean Hud-clans matter
TM In advance, per year 1 60
1X months ' 75
Taree moQths'trittl 25
MFThe date opposite your address on the
fuper diuoles the time to which you have paid,
f this notice U marked yuttr subscription is duo.
With Weekly Oregoniau 2 00
Trl-Weeklv N. Y. World 1 85
' Nutlonal Watchman 1 75
" Appeal to Reason 1 6u
' Weekly Examiner 2 25
" Bryan's Commoner 1 75
Standing business advertisements! Permonth
professional cards.tl pel year): 1 to 10 Inches
5t)e per Inch, 12 Indies for $5, 2D inches (column)
S 30 inches, $12.
Transient advertisements: Per week 1 Inch
, too, 2 inches 75c, 3 inches $1,4 inches 11.25,6
laches 81.50, 10 inches 12.50, 20 Inches ."
Legal advertisements: Per Inch first Inser
Ion U, each additional insertion 0c. AllilavUs
Of publication will not be furnished until pub
lication fees are paid.
Local notices; Five cents per line per week
per month 20c,
OREGON CITY, MAY 31, 1901.
'Down in Georgia the people are dis
' ensuing the existence of hell, and the A.t-
lmta Constitution says: "For nineteen
hundred years the ducttiue of eternal
punishment has helped to nmke people
better." It that he true it ia hard to
B.iv what Georgia might have heen with
out a fear of hell
WniiS McKinley waa making his ro
tea'e prosperity ppetch in San Francis
co, at the launching of the battleship
O.iio, a workman jumped up in tl e
rear of the hall and shouted, "Wait till
the day after to-morrow.'' On the
day '"'after to morrow" 1000 machinist
WJre on a strike in the city, for a little
more prosperity.
Tub MethodisU have become angry 1 1
President MclCinley. Their nationul o:
ga'i, the Christian Advocate, of New
York, which voices the will of ihe de
nomination, hus warned President Mc
Kinley that he mu t desist from resist
inii the Methodist, church in the Pnilip-
pine Inlands. McKinley does not wait
to lose Methodist votes to the g, o. p.,
nnd he is Hiving heed to editor Buckley,
The president finds that he can't soft-
In Hie book written nnd published by
Queen Victoria, she expressed the be
3ief that she was a lineal descendant of
King David, the ancient king of Israel.
One of the names of the grandson of
King Edward, the son of the Duke of
York and Cornwall, is David, and it is
the hope of those who have faith in
British Israel that when the boy's turn
comes to reign, be will be crowned as
King David. The historical hypothesis
implied may seem far-fetched; but when
ne consider that archaeologists eUtm to
JLtave found thitt two Knglish quarters of
wheat would have filled the ark of the
covenant, and that our yardstick is the
length given in the bible ot Aaron's rod
that budded, we must admit that there
are some few things which have not been
JuUy explained.
SAYtttheN. Y. World: "Tli'mms A.
HOdison has insisted on resigning from
rihe directorate if the General Kleetric
"Company, nut because he h is parted
'Willi his stock in it, but on llu unique
ground that lie has not a moment to
.-spare from bis laboratory for directors'
r meetings and such like meetings, His
iruiud is ho utterly aim rbed in the con
ception of new ideas and experimenting
itb theju that he has no time to give
.to the mere iiini.ey-uiitkiiiir end of the
giuno." lvli-ou does not realize ho
fthsurd this conduct of his npi eais to
the eUtesmoii such as the editor of the
' Oregoniau, for esiimple who dogmati
cully maintain that no man of command
ing ahi ity is disposed to do his utmost
except f .r money, and lots of it, is
though the greuter-t oljeet in life for
-which ti man would naturally strive is
much more wealth than he can possibly
use .
Tub London Speaker h is u 't a very
iiigh rtg.ird for the "kin bee" of tl e
republic in party, Mark llimia. It
liys". "There is not much to awaken
the spirit ol national vanity , ah rt as it
U in ttie states, about a polit'cal system
in which Sena I r Uaiina is one of the
greatest and mtst o.veiful figures. Not
that Senator llanna la a wicked man.
Hois simply a kind of nun that a re
sectable neighborhood would bo shy of
putting on its district council in this
country that is to say, there is nothing
t to distinguish him from an uncultivated,
i slightly brutal, igiior.mtly forcible and
i brd-headed vu'gn ian. Self-coufldenee
and energy rule him, as they should
jmIoh mlitii iiiu ; bit, knowing all the
w irl I of business, he etfi think of notli
,'ng higher. No tradition makes him
liowto men whose institutions are of
. iuoie piactical value than the whole of
his experience or teaches him to reeog
i jiie that the government of a nation is
tltld for qualities of sympathy snd im
.iiuv'tou and sane idealism."
EvKBr man, woman arid child in
Holland driuk, on an average, forty. five
gallons of beer in a year Ex. That's
another lie. They don't qualT such a
damp drink in that watery country. It's
gin that's the pet tipple of the Hollander.
Tim effect of trust domination has
thus far been three-fold : First, an ad
vance in price to consumers; second, the
discharge of vast numbers of salesmen
and other so called middlemen; third,
enlarged profits to capitalists in the
trust combination.
This New York World suggests that
in the scientific kindergarten of a com
ing generation the children may be
tautiht to sing:
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
I don't wonder what j-ou are,
Up abave the world so high,
Like a gas-stove in the sky.
Brother Porter knowing full well that
George C. Brownell controlled the pub
lic patronage for Clackamas county on
on Tuesday met Senator J. II. Mitchell
at Ashland to "get in his work" hot re
he reached Oregon City. We all know
that I'orttr has receive I more than he
de ( rves from his party still ha w mid
probably c indi scend to accent the nomi
nation for govt rnor. '
Euhoi'b is getting ready to retaliate
commercially on the United States.
German operatois are preparing, for ex
ample, to make a wheat exporting coun
try of the valley of the Euphrates, and
Russian enterprise is restoring to culti
vation great areas in the interior of Asia.
The region generally called Turkesta l
extends from the Caspian sea to the
Chinese boundary, and in the time of
Tamerlane supported an immense popu
lation by the aid of irrigation works
which covered a great part of the coun
try. These are now being restored by
the Eussian government, which expects
to make it one of the great cotton regions
of the world.
Let us re-read and ponder over what
President Lincoln said at Gettysburg :
"Fourscore and seven years ago our
fathers brought forth upon this conti
nent a new nation, conceived in liberty,
and dedicated to the proposition that all
me. i are created equal. Now we are
engaged in a preat civil war, testing
whether that nation, or any nation so
conceived and so dedicated, can long en
dure. We are met on a great battle
field of that war. We have come to
" F-"lW" - U.ul flu,l 0 flna
resting place for those a bo here gave
their lives that that nation might live.
"It isaltogether titling and proper that
we should do this. But in a larger sense
we cannot dedicate, we cannot conse
crate, we cannot hallow this ground.
The brave men, living and dead, who
stuiggled here, have consecrated it far
above our power to add or detract. The
world will little note, nor long remem
ber, what we say h re, but it can never
forget what they did here. It is for us,
the living, rather to be dedicated here
to the unfinished woik which they whd
fought here have thus lar so nobly ad
vanced. It is rather for us to be here
dedicated to the great task rumainiug
before us, that from these honored dead
w e take increased devotion to that cause
for which they gave the last full meas
ure of devotion ; that we here highly re
solve that these dead shall not have
died in vain; time this nation, under
God, shall have a new birth of freedom,
and that govnrnnient of the people, by
the people, and for the people, shall not
perish from the earth."
California Sores Portugal's
Vranae lUossoms.
Four years ago the white scale was
present in enorm is numb, ri in orango
gloves on the left tun It. ol t tit) liver l'a
kus, in Poituital. and i l,r
out the orange-growing indusTy in that
country. The California people, in pur
suance of a far-sighted policy, h id with
great .lilliculiy, owing to lack of food,
kept alive some colonies of ttie hcneticial
Meeiie, aim specimens were sent to l'or
tngal which reached th re alive and
fi mii-iiing. Tliey w re tended for a
short time, and then liberated in the
orange grove, with precisely tiiu same
resuli as in in OalUoiui.i. In a few
months the iscalo insects were aim mt
entirely destroyed, and the I'ortujruese
orange-growers saved iiom enormous
loss. Kveiybody's Magazine.
Il onien Are Considered Poor 1'ay.
Trad is people, in iiouoral, c insider
women as 'poor piy,' " writes Kdward
Hok, in The Ladies Homo Journal (or
Juno. "The vast, majoi iiy of sheltered
women seem to have no conception of
the anxieties, trouble, poverty .i-utlVrng,
privation, injustice and positive cruelty
which they directly intlici upon hard
working women bv a carelessness in
promptly meeting their bills. It this
practice were eontined to tne few one
might dismiss it with shrug or a sigh
that it existed at all. limit applies to
the majority of women. Let a woman
look into this matter carefully, and she
will be surprised at the evils which re
sult from ibis careles.- disregard of obli
gations. Wherevei you tind a feminine
industry there you will tiud a ledger full
of unpaid acco..nts "
The Great Souurga
of nudern times is consumption. Many
cures snd discoveries from time to tuue
are published but Foley's Honey and
Tar does truthfully claim to secure all
oases in the early siages and always af
fords comfort and relief in the very
worst cases. Take no substitutes.
I'baruiau & Co.
New Line to The Dalles,
We wish to announce that the fine
and newly equipped, fast steamer
"Bailey Gatzert" baa been placed on the
Portland-Dalles route as a strictly excur
sion boat and to enable tourists and the
people of Oregoii and Washington to
make the round trip by daylight on the
Columbia river, through the Cascade
mougtains, on the following schedule:
Leaving Portland at 7 o'clo k every
morning, (except Monday! reaching the
Cascade Locks at 12 M., stopping at
Hood River and White Salmon and ar
riving at The Dalles at 3 p. m., starting
back at 4 p. m., arriving in Portland at
10 p. m. Meals, the very best that the
market can afford, and only 25 cents.
Fare to The Dalles, one way $1.60 and
round trip $2.50. Landing .nd office,
foot of Alder street. Phones, Columbia
ii5I, Oregon Main 351.
If you desire to take a trip, for pleas
ure, for grandeur, for everything that
eye or heart could w ish and that no
other pa't of the world can furnish go
for a ride on the B iley Gatzert, Make
up a party of your congenial friends and
together pass the most enjoyable day of
your lives. Yours,
The White Collar Link.
Two Gowns for One.
This is possible where a woman
makes her own gowns, and there need be
nothing of the home-made look about
them either, if Butterick Paper Patterns
are used. There is no risk about a But
terick Pattern ; it is scientific and it oleo
allows for disproportionate figures.
Eight-page June Fashion Sheet tree for
ttie asking at Huntley's Book Store.
Look at ttie Delineator for June, also
some striking noveties.
Strayed Bay mare pony, white spot
on forehead, H P brand on forequarter,
bunch on one front foot. Information
which will lead to her recovery will be
suitably rewarded.
Gkokoe H. Kihbyson, Carus, Oiegon.
A cheap remedy for coughs and colds
is all right, but you want something that
will relieve and cure the more severe
and dangerous results of throat and lung
troubles. What shall you do? Go to
a warmer and more regular climate?
Yes, if possible; if not possible for you,
then in either case take the only remedy
that has been introduced in all civilized
countries with Buccess in severe throat
and lung troubles, "Boschee's German
Syrup." If not only heals and stimu
lates the tissues to destroys the germ
disease, but allays inflammation, causes
easy expectoration, gives a good night's
rest, and curra the "admit. Try one
bottle. Recommended many years by
all druggiets in the world. Get Green's
Prize Almanac at George A. Harding's.
Sailor and wilkinn hats just arrived.
Miss 0. Goldsmith.
New trimmed hats at popular prices.
Mihs 0. Uoldsmith.
Kozy Kandy Kitchen, up to date on
home-made candies.
Upemd-tiatul Bicycles Clieap.
if yon want to buy a good second-hand
bicycle lor little money, go to Huntlev's
Book Store. They have them from $6
to $20 boys,' ladies' and men's styles.
Everyone carefully overhauled anil re
paired and put in good .running con
dition. Farm far Sale.
II) miles south of Oroiion Titv. S mllas sraitli nf
MulallH. Knownas tlis Teasel If una. Contain
ing 310 acres, U0ai-res; clear plow Un 1; 40 aores
n oreek bottom; 100 aoivs, upland; 7 acres, or
ohard. All welt watered and fenced with stake
and wire fence, ami drained with i-tone and tile
Jitrhi'S; guud buildings. 90 rods from sellout
hnusn; 115 rods from church; good location for
Ukltig stock to mountains Price 20 pr aero;
Sl'-tK) down, bulanoo to suit at 6 per cent interest.
For further particulars apply tn A. .1. Sawtkll,
on the farm, or Ijimick 4 Eastham, Oiegoii Citv.
Question Answereil.
Ye, August Flower still has the
larj"Bt sale of any me licim in tlio civ
ilized world. Your mothers and grand
ma, hers never thought of using any
thing else for Indigestion or Biliousness.
1 Victors were scarce, ami they seldom
heard of Appendicitis, Nervous Prostra
tion or Heart failure, etc. They used
August l lower to clean out the system
and stop fermentation of nndigeEted
InO'l, regulate the action of the liver.
stimulate the nervous and org mic action
of the system, and that is all they took
wiien leelmg dull and bad v 11 li
headaches and otiier aches. Yi u only
need a lew clones of Green's August
1- lower, in liquid form, to make vu sat-
iH.li.-d there ia nothing soi ions the ma'ter
with yon. UiM Green'. 1'riza Almanac
at (ienre A. Ihuding's.
It Saved Mis l.eic,
V. A Oanl'orth of Latir'iige, Ga,, (dif
fered lor six months wi.h a frightful
running so-e on his leg ; but write ttiat
Biieklon's Arnica Salve wholly cured it
in iived.tvs. For Ulcers, Wounds, Piles,
it's the best salve in the world. Cure
guaranteed. Only 25 cts. Sold by Geo.
A. Harding, druggist.
(ioinj To Iluffalo,
A familiai name for the Chicago, Mil
waukee A St. Paul Kailway, known all
over the Union as the Great Kailway
ilinning the "Pioneer Limited" trains
every day and night between St. Paul
and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago,
"The only perhct trains in the world."
Understand : Connections are made with
All Transcontinental Line", assuring to
passengers the be-t s n ice kn iwn. Lux
urious coaches, electric lights steam
heat, of a verity equaled by no other
See that your ticket read via 'The
Milwaukee" when going to any p iut in
the United States or Canai.i. All
ticket agents sell them
For rates, pamphlets or other informa
tion, adilresi,
J. V. Oaskv, C J. Konv.
Tiav. Pass. Agt., General Agent,
Portland, Or.
i i
PitlH'r free.
New subscribers or subscribers payii g
in advance will be given a six mouths'
subscription to the "Goil Times"
monthly, absolutely free at Courier
Herald olllce dining June, July and
Bn th A ll Kind m Haw Always Baugtit
The stomach is the vital center of the
body. It is the organ from which all
other organs are fed. A weak stomach
'means a weak man. There never was a
strong man with a weak stomach. What
is called " weak stomach " is in general a
diseased condition of the stomach and
other organs of digestion and nutrition,
which prevents the proper digestion of
the food which is taken into the stom
ach, and so reduces the nutrition-of the
body. When all food is taken away the
body starves. When the food eaten is
only digested and assimilated in part it
only nourishes the body in part, and so
the body is partly starved. And this
starvation is felt in every organ of the
body dependent on the blood which is
made from food.
The great variety of the cures per
formed by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery is due to its remarkable
power to heal diseases of the stomach
and allied organs. It cures through the
stomach diseases seemingly remote, but
which have their origin in a diseased
condition of the stomach and. the other
organs of digestion and nutrition.
Weak " heart, lungs, kidneys and weak
ness of other organs is cured with, the
cure of the weak stomach.
Mr. Thomas A. Swarts, Box ioj, Sub-Station
C, Columbus, Ohio, writes: "I was taKen very
sick with severe heartache, then cramps in the
stomach, and food would not digest, then kidney
and liver trouble, and my back got weak so I
couki scarcely get around. The more 1 doctored
the worse I pot until six years passed. I had .be
come so poorly I could only walk in the house
by the aid of a chair, and I got so thin I had
given up to die, thinking that I could not be
cured. Then one of my neighbors said, ' Take
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and ninke
a new man out of yourself.' The first bottle
helped me so I thought I would get another, and
after I had taken eight bottles I was weighed
and found I had gained twentv-seven (27) lbs.
in about six weeks. I have done more hard
work in the past eleven months than I did in
two years before, and I am as stout aud healthy
Co-day, I think, as I ever was."
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure
Hats at jour own price. Mrs. H. T.
The finest bon bon toxes in town U
M.-K.K K
Baby caps and hats in the latest
styles. Miss 0. Goldsmith.
SlitvinJ oilv 10 cw.i it t!ia rir st -class
shop of P. Q. Shark.
The latest in chocolate of all kinds at
the Kozy Kandy Kitchen,
Our motto: "High quality and low
prees." Miss C. Goldsmith.
A few watches for sale cheap at
Younger's. Watches cleaned, $1.
The latest out Try the marshmallow
kisses i the Kozy Kandy Kitchen.
' A Urge assortment of trimmed hats to
select frorn at Mrs. H. T. Siaden's.
A slightly used p trior organ for sale
by V, L. Block, the homefurnisher.
Shank & Bissell carry the most com
plete line of undertakers' supplier in
Oregon City.
Bo.iutifnl lino of chiffon lints in all
the latest styles. Ok 11 and inspect.
Miss C Goldsmith.
$20 to $100 to loan 0,1 cli 1 tot 01 per
sonal security.
Di.MicK & Eabtham, Agts.
The latest ai d best brands of cigars
and tobaccos are kept bv P. G. Shark
Smokers' goods and confectionery, aiso
Lumber Leave 01 tiers at this oflice
for rirst-class lumber of all kinds, or ad
dress W F. Harris, rieavtr Creek,
The Weekly Oiegoniau Hives all the
nutinnut luiu'a u.wl I liu I ,n.iui,.Hurul.i
I TilPB Ull ll,...l u.,,1 ..,,..,,...,. P..-.I I,
one year lor Two Dollars.
George Andeteou, expeit jiisno tuner
and tone regulator, with Filer pisiiio
house, Portlan i, Ore. Leave orders
with Burmeister & Aodre-en, nr com
municate direct with hou-e.
When you visit Portland don't fail to
get your tne ds at the K yal Restaurant,
First and Madison. They s-i ve an ex
cellent meal at a moderate price; a good
square mea!, lSc.
Wli-n you want a good squire meal
gitothrt i:'runsAick retaurant. oppo
site suspension bridge, L iiiconich,
propiietor. Everything fresh and clean
and well cooked; jiisi like, you get at
home. This is the only riist-class res
taurant in Oregon City and where yon
c m get a gond meal fur the price of a
poor one el ewheiv,
Tne gi-"at -st skin spei i ilii-t in America
originated the formula f r Ba.imir Save. I
F01 all kU 1 11 di -eases, a V C it - nr Sores,
and for piles i,'s t tie 111 .st he iling inedi- :
cii e. Iiewaie of snlis'miiHS. Chaimaiij
it Co.
Gain Flesh
Persons have been known to
gain a pound a day by taking
an ounce of SCOTT'S EMUL
SION. It is strange, but it often
Somehow the ounce produces
the pound j it seems to start the
digestive machinery going prop
eriy, so that the patient is able
to digest and absorb his ordinary
food, which he could not do be
fore, and that is the way the gain
is made.
A certain amount of flesh is
necessary for health j if you have
not got it you can get it by
You will find it just as useful in summer
as in winter, and if you are thriving upon
It don't stop because the weather is warm.
tec. and $1.00, att druggists,
SCOTT 4i BOWNE, Chtmists, Nw York.
Bat the Best Stock of First-Class
Goods to be Found at Bottom
Prices in Oregon City is at
You Can
Depend Upon
Patent Flour, made from old wheat, It
makes the best bread and pastry and always
gives satisfaction to the housewife, Be sure
and order Patent Flour made by the Port
land Flouring Mills at Oregon City and
sold by all grocers. Patronize
Home Industry
H. Betlike's Meat Market
Opposite Huntley's
First-Glass I!eats of 11 irds
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Give yirrj a (all ai)d be Treated ?it
Foresight Means Good. Sight
If there ever was a truism it. is exemplified in the
. above headline. Lack ot foresight in attending to the
eyes in time means in the end poor sight. We employ
the latest most scientific methods in testing the eyes,
and charge nothing for the examination. Dr. I'hillips,
an expert graduate oculist and optican, has charge of our
optical department.
A. N. WRIGHT The Iowa Jeweler
J03 ilorrlson Street, PORTLAND, OREGON
I For all kinds of Building Material
l Oregon City Planing Mill
I Great Bargains in Trimmed Hats
Magnificent Design
Also a Consignment
Hair Switches at
ffioir 1 mi i liar of CndM, OskeU, Botws and Linings. We hare been In th
undertaking bualue o??r ten years. W ara undor imall exrxuse an4 do mat ask large
profits. We ha alw.T giren oar best efforta to please our bereaved friends. "W thor
oughly nnderrtand the preaerratton of the dead. Wa deatroT contagions gorms and often,
sire odort when railed npou to prepare the dead for burial.
Are Bought and
Appreciated by
of Oregon City
The 7th St. Grocer
Brown & Welch
Propriktoks of THB
Seventh Street
Meat Market
A. O. U. W. Building
of very Cheap Hats
Very Low Figures
2 Doors Soatli ot Court House