Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, May 24, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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Jiegular May Term of tlie Comity
3. R. Morton, Jolin LewelliDR and T.
B. Killin, County Commissioners. ...
In the matter of the tax rehate on tax
"( J. W. Miller. Thin matter coming on
nd it appearing that on page 24, vol
ume 6 of delinquent tax sales book for
1898. W. 8. U'Een paid laid
or over paid the Bame in the sum of
2.75, therefore it is ordered that W. 8.
iJ'Ren have a rebate of $2.75 as over
paid shown upon the said record.
In the matter of the assignments of
'ax certiBcates it is ordered by the board
,v,at -n nrriora Wntofore made for the
iSBipnment of tax certificates be and
wohtr are cancelled and held for
v j
Tn .ha mnM.er of the tsx rebate of
Caroline Grasier. This matter coming
m and the board being fully advised, it
is ordered that Caroline urasier nave
her taxes remitted for the yeat 1900.
Tn tha matter of the tax rebate of T.
0. Phelps, it is ordered that T. D. Phelps
he paid $4 12 on account of taxes doubly
isBOHsed paid on of neji of see. 4,
ownnhip2 south, range 5 east on c
ount of double assessment, and that the
dark iflAiie a warrant for for the said
Tn t.h matter of the reports of officers
w n month of Anril. 1901. The of-
Dran havinc made their reports and
h. hnarH liavitiu examined their book
Koinu fnllv advised, it is ordered
that the same be in an respects approveu
nd accepted said reports, show collec
tions as follows :
Pnnnlu rlnrlc $"33 00
Oonntv recorder 195 60
In the matter of mileage and per diem
of the county commissioners. It is re
ported by the board that the mileage and
per diem of the commissioners be al
lowed J. R. Morton, 11 days, 60 miles.. $ 39 00
John Lewellen, 14 days, 4 miles. . 42 40
T. B. Killin, 9 days, 84 miles .... 35 40
Total $116 80
Road District No. 11
George B Rate & Co, gen fund. .$ 5 65
S Erickson 1 80
W A Holmes 1 00
I E Smith, road fund 33 50
P Harris 8 75
8 Forsythe 13 50
George Eden 12 00
H Brawn 7 50
S Jones 12 75
F 0 Snyder 17 62
Frn.i Smith 75
Fred Hess 1$ 60
B Strickland 9 00
RL Russell 00
H T.nnkins 18 00
.1 fl Morcan... 19 50
I A T.amar 5 25
RO Thomas H 25
Noah Berkey 1 50
D Erb... 4 25
SStruback .... 3 00
George Brockart 5 00
O KtnsnaK i 3 w
W KonshHk 75
HKummer 75
EMontanden 8 00
1 87
24 00
2 51
Peter Rettinger
E A Mnntanden
John Mage, gen fund.
J Yost
.$65 62
$29 25
, 6 75
Uoad District No. 25
George B Rate & Co, gen
James Friera, road fund
H Brush 13 50
Al Reynolds 10 12
James Smith 8 62
CLorenz 8 25
John Heinz 3 00
George Walsh, gen fund 2 00
Total $81 00
Road District No. 26
George B Rate & Co, gen fuud$28 80
David Fox 3 50
M Trullinger 2 10
William M iller, road fund 6 00
David Fox 6 50
W W Everhart 1 00
W EI Engle : 12 00
Total.. ;....$59 90
Road District No. 27
J S Yoder, gen fund $ 62 57
J C Marquam 2 04
O Johnson 0 00
S AJohnBon 3 00
Albert Johnson 3 00
I.D Errenaton.i. 6 00
Ira James 6 75
E Christoefsen 6 00
Roy Phelps 1 50
T Drake 1 OU
O A Marquam 3 60
Frank Jackson 6 UO
P Schenck 5 50
Ramage 7 50
IS Marquam 25 00
. Total $198 32
T?narl District No. 14
Rfianl. road fund t 3 00
TLinn. 8 JO
R V (iihbs 2 0
J R Mvers 00
T Gibbs aw
Total 116 00
Riad District No. 15
R H Tabor, road fund $10 00
Wnad District No. 10
F W Ulanchard, aoad fund $ 9 66
Fiank Briggs 15 08
Frank Engle.... 3 00
Charles Mattock 9 00
.1 (i TtriimR 6 08
Michael Huiras 1 50
JF Briggs 7 00
Total $52 52
Road District No. 17
Carlton & Roaenkraiis. sen fund 6 35
Adkins Bros 17 64
Charles Wilson, road fund 3 00
James Adkins 12 00
H Smith 75
8 T Rider 7 12
Warren Batv 9 00
James Gipson 75
Jacob Eh ret 160
Frank Mar dock 3 00
Nate Cole 4 50
Frank Brush 9 00
Lute Lawrence 9 00
Albert Gribble 2 25
Jerrv Baty 18 00
L E Bowers 2 25
J B llcpler 3 00
Fred Kle.be 3 00
Jabe Wolfer 3 00
Wilson Evans 9 00
Claude Batv .. 75
Fred Yohan 4 50
0 11 Loteni 1 50
W M Tice 75
Relbv 160
Adkins Bros 3 00
C F D Wilson, road fund ....$3 50
Koad District Ho. 30
A H Bullock, road fund $ 12 00
Uhllds i uu
Davidson 7 60
Tong 4 50
W Todd 1 50
M Welch 4 50
Ball 1 50
R Havs 22 00
B Hays 27 75
Uook uu
O Davidson 9 00
Total ."..$127 75
Road District No. 31
Charles Thompson, oad fund....$ 4 60
f rank Sharp 7 ou
red Uluenstadt a uu
John Seedling 2 25
John Aden 16 00
O P Sharp 6 00
James Turner 6 00
Albert Turner 6 00
John P Gage 75
Mint Peters l ou
Frank Weddle 4 50
John Moser 3 00
RWOldenstadt 4 50
Total $145 11
Road District No. 18
.Iiii-oh Kalbllulsi-h. road fund $ 1 12
E W Jones 1 12
John Davis 7 60
W 1 Daniels 6 00
Georue Stephens 4 50
Ernest Uuenther , 75
Thomas Davis 60
Thomas Daniels 23 00
Road District No. 19
George H Kate & Co, gen fund. $174 25
E W llornachuch, gen fund. . . . 8 00
A E Clark, road fund., 1 25
A Urkini 1 25
J Trullinger 6 25
II Perry 4 60
E Bmimnn 4 50
J J Mallutt 14 00
A Neukirt'hner 1 50
E W llornsohueh, road fund. . 4 00
Total $136 96
R'ad District No. 29
Total $05 50
Road Distrio No. 32
George B Rate & Co. gen fund . . $39 20
O McCounell, road fund 9 00
E 8 Calkins 5 25
J Taylor 7 60
H Iter ; o io
A Voss 11 25
H Vobs. 4 50
J McConnell 2 25
E J Calkius 3 00
A Zin 1 50
S Roberts 75
G Smelter ... 6 10
J Kick en , 3 00
E Vinson 2 25
P Heater 10 50
J Huffman 6 75
H Buriruiau 75
J Bakei 8 25
W 0 Heater 21 00
Total $110 25
Road District No. 34
Wilson & Uooke, gen fund $ 16 60
George B Rate A Co 18 00
J O Townsend 10 00
Oh as Moehnke 4 75
Ed Batdorf, load fund 72 80
Ben Breeding 27 60
UV Breeding 28 95
James Kiser , 28 05
A BReed... 81 20
William Smith 19 95
Henry Cook S3 00
Torn Munson 27 75
F DeLashmutt 18 45
Glen Batdorf 3 75
Torn Armstrong 10 50
A K Ford 18 00
Charles Shannon 10 20
James Smith 9 00
Walter Ford 150
Cole Bros 27 00
Hugh Ohloe 8 10
A J Clapp 9 00
diaries Hill 36
Charles Grillin 7 50
Tom Smith 41 40
J W Brandt 4 70
T F Cowing 1 70
r A Schmidt 2 m
J W Loder 5 30
Bradley's livery stables, road and
and bridge 8 00
Brsidley's livery stables, J P court 5 50
" " " sheriff... 1 00
E P Rands, road survey . . 10 00
Gladstone Rial EBtate Assn, road
and bridse 3 30
Chris Bluhm, pauper 5 00
Peter Nehren, insane 2 00
Mrs Nehren. " 2 00
M O Strickland, coroner 24 20
8 8 Walker 1 20
D H Close 1 40
G H Young 1 20
EC Maddock 1 20
W H Young 1 20
R L HoLman' 1 20
GuyWPurcell 190
Walter F Mundhencke . 1 90
J W Loder 4 70
T? G Jonsrud, J P court 100
Gilbert Jonerud s 1 90
O C! Courier-Herald, printing . . . 24 85
Hubbard & Brown, pauper 4 00
Jacob Boy lan, cir court juror 25 20
EdSeifer w w
John W Noble 22 40
James Parrish 30 00
A B Marquam 36 0U
Samuel Wolfer 28 40
R S McLaughlin 2 20
F W Youman, cir court juoror. . . 27, .60
G W Church 22 40
David McArthur 28 40
E E Howell 22 40
P Harris 20
George Hess." 26 00
A Bramer 27 20
W H Mattoon 27 2fl
William Ulrich 28.,S!Jr,
DR Dimick 4.00
William Heerdt.. 23 60
Georire R Califf 2 20
William Phillips 2 80
J M Tracy .... 24 00
S 0 Young 30 00
Charles E Shannon 24 80
H E Straight 2 2U
Hiram Dannals. 20 80
Heinan Lee 27 60
John H Walker. 2 20
George B Wise 28 00
Carl Benson, witnes cir court. ... 4 00
ThomasJubb 4 60
Carl Ward 4 40
HA Lee ...... 150
8 T Fisher 4 60
E A Sommer, insane 6 00
W A Holmea, pauper 3 60
T P Randall, stationery. 75
W A Huntley, stationery 10 w
George A Harding, courthouse.. 3 80
Austin & Weston Co Lm't, roaa
and bridge 285 00
Robert Kelland, road and bridge. 15,00
Pacific States Tel & Tel Vo, ci n . . 10
R L Holman, pauper 12 50
Jjavict w 1 nomas, pauper a w
St Vincent's hospital, pauper....-54 00
W A Hedges, Oregon City &
Southern Railroad Co 144 00
J J CoAe, sheriff 15 72
Vaughan's Livery Stables in
same 3 BU
J 0 Zinser. county sup't 17 80
T J Gary, " " 21 00
A W McLaughlin " zi uu
John W Meldrura 5 00
Peter Nehren, ct house 3 75
Ina M Chase, oberiff 61 07
J J Cooke, sherin id 00
A D Burnett, sheriff 1 50
State vs William Dutcner
J W McAnulty, J P 8 20
H S Moodv. constable iu au
Ed Masone. iuror 120
J R Williams 1 20
Miles Rowan 1 20
Henry Gilbert 1 20
F M Naught 1 20
M M McGeehan 1 40
J Martin 1 40
State vs. John Weber
J W McAnultv. J P 11 00
H 8 Moodv. constable 15 50
Frank Kakel, witness 2 50
Rose Pankner 2 50
Mrs Pankner 2 60
Carl Haberlach 1 70
Paul Schroder 2 60
Emma Pankner 2 59
Sarah Weber 2 50
Guy Grosi 2 50
Tilda Schaffer 2 60
Fred Zimmerman 2 60
M Schaffer, jr 2 60
M M McGeehan. juror 1 40
J R Williams 1 20
H J Jones 120
J A Confer 1 20
ANMunsey 120
M N Bacon, clerk's ac 51 00
C E Burns. Bovs and Girls Aid So
ciety 8 w
Adams Bros 1 60
O C Enterprise, printing 60 60
OC EnterDrise. stationery 81 ou
Frank Thomas, sheriff 6 00
I Selling, pauper ac 20 70
lionevman. DetJart a Vo, road
and bridge 11 52
George B Rate & Co.r'd and bridge 3 00
A 1 ew Metliort of Vslnflr Frail
Is to prepare it In such a manner that
It still retains all of Its natural prop
erties and then combine it with ssleoted
grain, thereby producing a perfect
breakfast beverage. This Is the way
Figprune Cereal, the substitute for cof
fee and tea, is made. Your grocer Bella
It. Ask for sample.
Why Bonn Children are Restless
And nervous even tnelr own raoiw
are unable to tell. Perhaps they are
given coffee or tea to drink. Figprune
Cereal, made from rich, wholesome
fruits end grains, is a beneficial aub
titut for these beverages. It will aid
In producing strong nerves and good
health. Made like coffee. Looks like
coffee. But- it's 54 per cent fruit and
48 per cent grain.
If you don't feel Just right substitute
Flgpruna Cereal for coffes. It's the
perfeot food beverage. At grocers.
Chas. H. Cadpieid, President
Geo. A. Harding, Vice-President
E. G. Caufikld, Cashier
General banking business transacted
Deposits received subject to check
Approved bills and notes discounted
County and city warrants bought
Loans made on available seoiirily
Exchange bought and sold
Collections made promptly
Drafts sold available in any part of the world
Telegraphic- exchange fluid on Portland, San
Francisco, Chicago and New York
Interest paid on time deposits '
Qt ' &. SEAMANN, M. D.
EYES tested and properly fitted with GLASSES
Office Hours 10 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m.
Eoom 208, Alisky Building
Third and Morrison Sta.
A Great Hosiery Offer Direct From the
Mills. '
The old maxim, "The Proof of the
Pudding is in the Eating," applies as
well to the wearing qualities ot our ho-
aierv. Once worn and you will wear
them always. An exceptional trial of
fer that every reader of this aper
Bhnnld take advantage of and teBt the
remnrkahle wearinii Qualities and supe
rior finish of our high grade nosiery.
We will, on receipt of 25c in Bilver and
of vonr local dealer, send di
rect to you from the mills, postage paid,
4 pair of our Hnest hign grade latent
style Empire brand ladies' or children's
hose, or men's half hose, in black, tan,
bite or the fashionable lancy smiu col
ors, or tne latest com oinatum his em
broidered polka dots, electric stripes, or
silk clocking on side, in fancy open work
plain, or drop stitch style, in French
lisle tnreaa, Daiorigtian, hur umou
maco, or caBhmere, with full finish elas-
ic top and our patent reintorceu biik
and linen knit seamless, double sole,
toe and high spliced double heel. 1 uey
save darning and are granted to give
three times tne wear 01 any omer iiobi-
erv . Tne same in cnnuren b wuu elas
tic top, double knee, sole, heel and toe,
plain or ribbed, fine, medium or heavy
quality, guaranteed faBt color, and war
ranted not to crock. The retail value of
these hose is 25o, per pair. We will not
send more than 4 pair of each ladies' or
children's to one person. A trial wear
of these will convince you of their mer
its. For 50c, we will send, poBt paid,
one trial pair of our ladies' fine silk
hose, in shades ot pinu, goia, wnue,
black, blue, cardinal or lavender. This
is a special trial offer. If you are not
satisfied with them after trial wear we
will refund vour money. If you are
pleased with them and wish more, in
sist on your local dealer procuring them
far vmi. nnd insist on him setting our
Umpire brand nosiery. write us ioubv,
mentioning this paper, as this offer if
limited. A beautiful Utile booklet, tell
inghowour hosiery is made, mailed free
to you on request. Aauress mis way,
Empire Knitting Mill,
106 and 108 Fulton St., New York City
Commercial, Real Estate and Probata Law
Office in Commercial Bank Building
Harding Block, Oregon city
Barrel Best Valley Flour
Barrel S. Hard Wheat Flour
7tf Cents
Can Standard Tomatoes
7Y2 Cents
, Can Standard Corn
We sell sugar at wholesale price
J, A. McGLASHAN, Manager
Stores Oregon City and Portland
finest Blace in Oregon to spend summer vacation
Safest beach for bathing. Beautiful grassy lawn
and groves. Table supplied with crabs, clams
rock oysters, codfish, rock cod and best the marki
affords Furniture new and clean. No liquor
Strictly first-class family resort. Prices to suit
; v. it. jilswukth, rrop.
(Established 1865)
Prompt delivery to all parts of the olty
MO 00
Road District No. 23
George B Unto & Co, gon fund.
Cole liros,..,
Colman Marks, road fund..,
Nate Colo
J Yost .....
John Olowaor
J V Cole
P J Parmentei 30 00
Roy Parmenter IS 00
J Rut'k 7 50
II Zeiglor 12 00
J B King 12 00
Carl Ituock 8 0
$40 05
y oo
34 07
20 25
20 25
0 00
4 50
Total 4!9 40
Road Distrct No. 35
William Hudson, road fund (U 25
C Hudson 7 50
J 11 Maxtlild 1 50
8 Andrews 3 18
O Andrews 9 00
0 A Leslie 0 00
TAShetterly 6 37
C Shatter! v 4 50
L llotiuhl'um 3 75
James Spiers. 75
A V llougliluin 2 80
O Catta I 20
F Wagner 30 50
Good Samaritan hospital, pauper. 15 00
George B Rate & Co.r.d and bndgel04 12
Grazer ct Wilcox 15 00
.$80 30
Total 205 24
Road District No. 4
G Owens, road fund $ 3 00
Benton Killin 3 75
ELKenagy 3 00
George Askini 1 50
G G Kramer 3 00
J Meyers 3 00
g U Kauffuan S 00
Ell Williams, assessor $;)G 00
J G Porter 72 00
N Illair 60 00
J A Tufts (a 00
FJ Uarkenrider 72 00
B Sullivan 72 00
F W Gretmrnau 72 00
l.E Williams , 00 00
V U Hyde 72 00
Glass & Prudhome, sta 14 00
W H Young, road and bridge ... 7 00
ol,a;ff t on
civ. ... ......( . w
M C Strickland, insane 5 00
W K Carll, " 5 00
M 0 Strickland, coroner 2ft 25
G II Young I 20
J W Noble 1 20
G L Harding 1 20
W II Young 1 20
D Webb 1 0
11 L Holman 1 60
Shudders At His Past.
"I recall now with horror," Bays Mail
Carrier Burnett Mann, of Levanna. O.
"my three rears of suffering from Kid
ney trouble. I was hardly ever free from
dull aches or acute pains in my back
to stoop or lilt mail sacks made me
uroan. I felt tired, worn out about ready
to give up, when I began to us? Electric
HiUers, but us bottles completely cuieu
me and made me leel like a new man.
They're unrivalled to regulate Stomach
Liver, Kidneys and Bowels. Perfect
satisfaction kiiiaranuied by Geo. A. Har
ding. Only 50 cents.
"I had a running sore on mv breast
for over a year," says Henry K. Rich
ards. of Willfevville. N. Y.. 'and tried
great ninny remedies, but got no relief
until 1 ust'd Banner Salve. After using
one-half box. 1 was perfectly cured. I
cannot recommend it too highly.
Charman & Co.
We will semi absolutely free to every woman
who will send us her name and a 2o stamp, a
siwimeu copy of L'Aar dk la Modk, the Hii
est favttitin journal published We Jo this
because we U ifve that if you see a copy you
will semi .t .') lor a year's suhfc'riptlon- In
thla beautiful tnaxajiue "! be found beauti
ful citelutut In many colors with full descip.
lion and pa re alter w of greatest interest
lo every woman, ('end at once. Single
umubvra 35c. each, at all newsdealers.
3 East 19th direct, , New York.
capital $100,000
Transact! a general banking business
Makes loans and collections, discounts bills,
buys and sells domestic and foreign exchange, j
and receives deposits subject to check.
Open from 9 a, m. to 4 p. m.
T. J. Mkykb,
ssentlal to perfect comfort and health. Onr
Opposite Bailroad Depot
New Management Home Cooking
MRS. KEOL, Pbop.
sttmates on putting in Plumbing Work and
material used is considered
fittings for large and small houses
surpassingly iow when quality of work
be found
We would be pleased to bave an opportunity
0 submit figures.
O. W. Eastham
O. B. Dimick
Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law Special
ties, Abstract of Title made, Money Loaned.
Reference, Bank of Oregon City
Drop in and see what
we have in the latest
photographs. We can
please all.
Prices Moderate. All Operations Guaranteed.
Barclay Building Oregon City
Georee O. Hickock. CurtiBS, Wis.,
says: "miey 8 Money ture uas ueen
tested and lound to be an you ciaim ior
it. I have given it to my father, and it
is the only thing that ever helped him."
Charman & Co.
Fought For His Life.
"Mv father and sister both died of
Consumption," writes J. T. Weather-
wax, of Wvandotte, Micti., "ana l was
saved from the same frightful fate only
by Dr. King's New Discovery. An at
tack of Pneumonia left an obstinate
cough and very severe lung trouble,
which an excellent doctor could not nelp,
but a few months' use of this wonderful
medicine made me as well as ever and I
gained much in weight " Infallible for
Coughs. Colds and all Throat and Lung
trouble. Trial bottles free. Guaranteed
bottles 50c and $1.00 at Geo. A. Hard
Ifvouare sick all over, and don't
know just what ails you, it's ten to one
your kidneys are out ot order, roiey 8
Kidney Cure will brinit you health and
energy. (Jtiarnmn & Vo.
All work warranted and satisfaction guaranteed
Crown and Bridge work a specialty
CauBeld Building
Graduate of Northwestern University Dental
School, also of American College of
Dental Surgery, Chicago
Willamette Block
New Plumbing
and Tin Shop
a Specialty
Opposite Oaufleld Block OREGON CITY
For Over Fifty Ve r
An Old and Well-Tried Remedy.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has
been used for over fifty years by millions
of uiothers for their children while
teethina. with perfect success. It
soothes the child, softens the gums
allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is
the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is
pleasant to the taste, Sold Ly Drug'
srists in every part of the World
Twenty-flvb cents a bottle. Its value is
incalculable. Pe sure and ask for Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no
other kind.
Stevens Building, opp. Bank of Oregon City
(Hospital and Private Experience)
8peolal attention paid to Catarrh and Chronic
Diseases r
Office hours: 10 to 12, a. m.; 4 to 0, p. m
Willamette Building
Land Titles, Land Office Business, Conveyancing
Will practice in all courts of the state
Room 8, Welnhard Building
Old Soldier's Experience.
M. M. Austin, a civil war veteran, of
Winchester, Ind., writes: ,-My wife
was sick a long time in spite of good
doctor's treatment, but was wholly
cured by Dr. King's New Life Pills,
which worked wonders for her health."
They always do. Try them. Only L'5c
at Geo. A. Harding's drug store.
Bean tie Iha Hind Voa Haw tlwars Bwgit
Miss Mamie Smith, MiddleRboro, Ky.,
writes: "My little sister had the croup
very bad. I gave her several doses of
Foley's Honey and Tar, and she was in
stantly relieved, It saved her life.
Charman & Co.
men to travel and advertise for old established
botiMofsiilid tiliani'ial sUtniinir. Salary TS0 a
it-ar and expensee, all payable la cash No can-
astlng required. Give relorencea and enclnee
elf-aildrewed slumped envelope. Address Man
ager, &w Caxton lllilg., Chicago.
WANTED. Capable, reliable person tn every
pounty 10 repreent large company ol solid fi
nancial reputation: salary per year, payable
weekly;;! per day absolutely sure and all ex
pensM straight, bona tide, definite salary, no
eommiaslon: salary paid each Saturday and ex
peme monev advanced each week. STANDARD
llOL'SK, l'nauoim St., Cuicaco.
0. Schuebel W. 8. TJ'Reh
ffieutfdift SlbDolat
Will praotice in all courts, make collections
and settlements of estates, furnih abstracts of
title, lend you money 'and lend your m.-tney on
first mortgage. Office in Enterprise building.
Wall Paper
Now is the time to buy you.
wall paper and Murrow, the paper
hanger, will sell it to you cheapt
than you can buy it in Portland
Drop a card in the postomce ano
have sample-book brought to you
house, or telephone Ely Bros.'stort
J. MURROW, Oregon City
Livery & Feed Stable
Finest Turnouts in City
Oregon City Junk store
Buys old rags, bottles,
old iron, rubber and
all kinds of metals.
Higet prices paid.
Sholl Sugarman &po
Cor.. Main anis Tenth Sts, .
Livery, Feed and Sale Stables
Nearly opposite SuBpensionbridge
First-Class Rigs of All Kinds
WANTED. Capable, reliable person In every
county to represent large company of solid finan
cial reputation; $'.'36 salary per year, payable
weekly; 13 per day absolutely snre and all expeua.
as; uralsrht.boua-IMe, definite salary.no commit,
tion; salary paid each Saturday and expensl
money advanced each week. STANDARD HuUt-K,
31 Dearborn St. Chicago,
New arrivals daily Fin ready-to-wear
bats. Miss C. Goldsmith.
Embalmers and
Funeral Directors
Telephones, Night or Daas
Seventh Street Near Depot
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought