OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1901 Oregon City Courier-Herald By A. W. CHENEY Sutert-1 hi Oregon City pufltofHce an 2nl-clai mattor SUBSCRIPTION KATES. Paid I h advance, per year 1 SO 31 j months . . , , 75 hree mouths Hrial 25 CWThe date opposite your address on the aper denotes I he time to which you have paid. If tills notice is marked your miusuriplion is due. CLUBBING RATES. Willi Weekly Oregonlau 2 00 Tri-Weekly N. Y. World 1 85 ' National Watchman 1 75 " Appeal to Reason 1 6U " Weekly Examiner 2 25 " Bryan's Commoner 1 75 ADVERTISING RATES. Standing business advertUementa; Per month professional curd,41 (.)) pei year)'. 1 to 10 inches 60c per inch, 12 inches for $5, 20 inches (column) $3, 80 Inches, $12. Transient advertisements: Per week 1 Inch too, 2 ini'hea 75c, 8 inches fl,4 Inches Jl 25, 5 Inches 11.50, 10 luclies 12.50, W inches 95 Legal artvertisi'menta: Per Inch first Inser Ion il, each additional insertion Oc. Aflilavlts of publication will not be furnUl.ed until pub lication fees are paid. Local notices; Five cents por line per week per mouth 20o, PATttO.NIZK 1IOAIK INDUSTRY OREGON CITY, MAY 24, 1901. No, sir," said the fureman of a British Columbia logging camp, "we do not employ irifn; we are all Bob Inger sillites. We work only women on our .booms; we don't believe in he-ratters," "Socialism is inevitable, It is the in dustrial movement qI the world. The corporations of today, like ancient con querors, set their boundaries wherever they will and disdain to regulate output to suit the needs of thecommon wealth," Rev, Dr. Pullman, fres. Elder N. Y. MethodiBt Oonfe-ence. But it is no wonder that the followers of the doctrines of socialism are growing more nuinarous year by year in this country, wlmi smdi examples of the in fluence of wealth upon the government ro givi'ti from time to time, as this selec tion of Trust Counsel Knox for a high official place in Washington. A few more Instances of this kind will do more to protnulgutu the socialistic propaganda than could a century of argument and essay. Boston Traveler. Herb is a prosperity item which shows how the country is becoming ltuscianized and the storm is gathering "Adjutant General Geiger of Ohio hits decided to supply the state militia with cartridges loaded with shot instead of bulla, to be used when the troops are called out for riot duly. The shot are put into the shell in a circle, with eight of ten in the exact center, Experi ments show -that the center shot go straight to the mark, while those in the fii cle scatter ' Scmk bankers in No York have pub lished their "figuring" on thegieat eteel corporation's stocks. They show thut the shares are of the par value of $ 1 ,100, 000,000. To meet the interest and div idend accounts the combine uiUHt earn net $ 10,000,000 a year. It can produce nay 7,500,(00 tons a year, therefore to net a profit of $8:1,000,01)0 will require an average profit per ton on all materials sold of about If 11 a ton net. Thia leaves out all consideration of surplus, depre ciation and improvement of plant, and running capital. Include all of (hope and the profits must average about if 18 a ton. This or the receiver looms in fight, and he would mean dissolution and "blue ruin" fi-r the whole wind blown and water logged institution. It looks much as if the orgau'zem of this monsier would huveon their hands after the first sharp turn downward in prices the tusk of their lives In reorganizing their industrial whi'e elephant. But we need not anticipate: this will come all too soon, if it shall come at all. The Tradesman, Chattanooga, Tenn. Tills Chicago Record presents some in teresting figured on the growth of di vorce in the United Stales as follows: In 1S70 3,'i per cent of all marriages In ti e United States ended in divorce courts. In 1SS1 the percentage had riien to 1 8. In 18H0 it was 6.2 and in 1900 it was 8 pel cent. In other words, the percentage of di voices to marriages in this country Iimb more than doubled since 1870. The total number of di vorces in the United States for a given year was 23,4:M. During the tame year 20,111 divorces were granted in all the world outiide of the United States. Tills was an excess of 3,851 divoiceain this country as compared with the re mainder of the world. Of foreign coun tries the smallest number of divorces in the given year was In Canada, wore only twelve were granted. Next to the United States the largest number was iu France, with iu the year. Ger- tnany was a close second with only 100 less. From a religious standpoint there are about 73 divorces to every tOO.OOO Catholics, while divorces for the same total among Protestants are 283. Kvkhv moment of duration is deter wined by all past 'moments; and even the position of a grain of sand cannot be -conceived oth?r than it is, without sup posing other changes to an Indefinite ex tent. Let us Imagine that grain of sand to be lying some few yards further than it actually does; then must the storm wind that drove it in from the sea shore have been stronger than it actually was ; then must the preceding state of the atmosphere by which this wind was oc casioned, and its degrt-e of strength de termined, have been different from what, it actually was, and Ihe preceding changes which gave rise to this parties lar weather, and so on. We must sup' pose a different temperature from that winch really existed a different con stitution of bodies which influenced that temyerature. How can we know that in su'.h a state of weather we have been supposing, in order to carry the grain of sand a few yards further, some ances tors of yours might not have perished from hunger, colt or heat, long before the birth of that son from whom you are descended, and that you might never have been at all and all, that you have done, and all that you ever hope to do, must have been hindered, iu order that a grain of sand might lie in a different p'ace. WIIO.sE FA ILT IS IT? Does farming pay? It pays the road that hauls the grain. It pays the store that keeps from rain, It nays the agents when. they sell, It pays insurance very well, It pays the banKs that tnK the loans, It pays the man the mortgage owns, It pays the shop that makes ma chines, U pays the merchant all his lie'is, It pays the tax, fed'ral and states, It pays the trust to keep up rates, It pajs ev'r'body so grand, ' Except the man that owns the land. Astoria Herald. TnE great value of nitrates (or nitro-gen-to the soil is demonstrate ! by the following experience of J. H. Hale, a Georgia ho rticulturalist. In the spring of 1897, to prevent the rot of his peacn crop by excessive rain. Mr. Male sprayed urn peacn orcnara wnn .Bordeaux mix ture and injured the foliage very badly. The loaves and fruit commenced drop ping off and in ten days the loliago had all dropped from the trees. The fruit was also dropping by hundreds, until the ground was literally covered It was felt that the only thing that could save the crop was to start a new circula tion and stimulate the vegetative sys tem. Mr. Hale telegraphed for five tons of nitrate of soda, and it reached his farm one Sunday morning. All the to i ms of the neighborhood which could be hired were put in the orchard with harrows and cultivator and the five t jus of nitrate of sod.i were distributed throughout the orchard. Forty horses were at work that bright Sunday tilling the soil and harrowing in the nitrate of soda. By Tuesday following tli4 peaches began to stick to the trees, and by Thurs day they had stopped falling. Tim loaves bean grnv.h and the peach crop was saved. The nitrate of soda and til lage and prompt, doeUwj action li t 1 won the day. CHANGES AND CHANGES OSLY When the freezing of water occurs, the Scientist recogm.esthat ice, anew thing, Is following the antecedent thing, and wild horses cannot draw from him any a Imission except that of followiNO. - His opponent says that a Jcausative force acting on or in the water makes the phenomena of ice, and thinks he has thus explained the occurrence. The Scientist retorts that this amounts to saying that except for a transcendental something or other in the water, which for the sake of a name we will c ill icity, there could he no iee. But if ice is caused by an icirv resid ing in the water, then inw is this icity c.u'sko? Obviously by an occult tend- kncy to icity in or behind the icity. This tkndkncy, however, nee Is a mys tical force to cause it. which we will miv is a Disi-oHiniN ton tendon sy to icily, 1 which ilh-p.wition is cau-e.l by a ikonk. Niisstoa disposiiion to a tendency lo icity, w hich nroneness is Ciusedhyan inclination to a pnmeiiess to a disposi tion to a tendency lo an icity , to make water freeze, to make ice, Back of all these is irrcoressibility and Irresistibility, inevitability, inorrability, uuavoulauility, certivu-lo-get-thero-bil-ity and a few hundred "causes" or "forces" more, not necessary to men tion. When you havd a string of oc cult, forces one behind another longer tnan the rigmarole of "Tue II .use that Jack Built," you are just where you wore before. ou have gone into the same hole you came out of and pulled the hole in after you. The Scientist saves his breath by say ing: water is fkkkzino and stops there, for, aa Herbert Speneer writes: "The simplest fact is utterly beyond human comprehension." Because there is nothing to comprehend ; all we have to do, or can do, is to see how each isu or change follows from its unukk prede cessor, and passes into its unukk conse quent : Thus securing us a Universe ever new, bright and fresh, Realise ever correlatiso.-H, II. Stoddard in Torch of Reason. With thia Issue the Courier-Herald be g'ns Its 19th year. It now has the larg. e t circulation and the best abvertising patronage of any paper iu the county and It is our aim to improve the paper so far as patronage will admit. v thank readers for support and hope wei' ,, wwnn'n8er?nf1lr .. i i" u nope m vrith you. Get Green a Prise Almanac merit a continuance of the same. at George A. Hardiug'a. REALTY TRANSFERS. Furnished Every Week by Clacka mas Abstract & Trust Co. L E Williams to J Huber, se of se of sec 2, 3, 2 e $175 R Nixon, receiver, to T Woodward, sec 16, 6, 3 e 1 J R Marks to S E Marks, 107 as J Marks elm... 250 N LandreU) to J F. Dwyer, se of sec 2, 28, 3 e 1 J O Maris to G W Joseph, land in Yamhill county and lots 10 to 20 in blk 08, and lote 1 to 4, blk 90, M in thorn 1 E E Stephens to G A Cone, 25 as in sec 28 as in Bee 28, 3, 1 w 1 J Murray, et al, to A McConnell, 5 deeds, 25 as in Bee 28,3, 1 w 200 P H Mar ey to P Sharkey, ne of sic 28, 13e 1 D N Trullinger to M D Cross, lots 1, 2 and 3 sec 3, 3. 3 e 55 G Lantz lo L J Ogle, w of e of s of ne of Bee 15, 5, 1 e 400 J A Lamar to J M Lamar, lots 14,15, 18 and 19, blk 2. Edewood 350 W H Smith to 8 F Smith, lota 8 and 9, blk 2, Edgewood.: V 50 John Gaffney, Jr, to John Gaffney, Br., 56.28 as in si c 8, 3, 2 e 2500 T W Sullivan, trustee.to Sister Good Shepherd, pf of Straight elm ... 1 I Apple toO Scliuebel, n of sec 36, 2, 2e 100 J Colin et al, to I Apple, 6 deeds, n . of sec 36, 2 2e 1 W L Block to F A Toepleman, n of sec 26, 2, 2 e ' 1 jE Brunce to M Brunce, lot in blk 11, Windsor 1 - The great-st skin specialist in America originated the formula for Banner Salve. For all skin diseases, ad cuts or sores, and for piles, it's the most healing medi cine. Beware of substitutes. Charman &Co. DOES IT PAY TO BUY CHEAP? A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is all right, but you want something that will relieve and cure the more severe and dangerous results of throat and lung troubles. What shall you do? Go to a warmer and more regular climate? Yes, if possible; if not possible for you, then in either case take the only remedy that has been introduced in all civilized countries with success in severe throat and lung troubles, "Boschee's German Syrup." If not only heals and stimu lates the tissues to destroys the germ disease, but allays inflammation, causes eaay expectoration, gives a good night's rest, and currs the "atient. Try one bottle. Recommended many years by all druggists in the world. Get Green's Prize Almanac at George A. Harding's. Beautiful line of chiffon hats in all the latest styles. Call and inspect. Miss C Goldsmith. The Weekly Oregonian gives all the national news and the Courier-Herald gieB all local and county news. Both one year for Two Dollars,. Sailor and walking hats just arrived. Miss O. Goldsmith. New trimmed hats at popular prices, Miss C. Goldsmith. Lumber Leave orders at this ofliee for first-class lumber of all kinds, or ad dress W. F. Harris. Beaver Creek, Oregon. Kozy Randy Kitchen, up to date on home-made candies. 81200 to loin by O. A. Cheney at 7 per Cent, on good farm properly. Our motto: "Huh quality and low prices." Miss C. Goldsmith. The lateBt at d best brands of cigars and tobaccos are kept bv P. G. Slunk Smokers' goods and confectionery, also When you want a good square meal gJtothti PrunsA'ick ro-taurant, oppo site .suspension bridge, L. Unconich, proprietor. Everything fresh and clean and well cooked; just like you get at home, llnsisthe only nrst-cluss res taurant in Oregon City and where you can get a good meal for the price of a poor one el ewhere. '.'0 to $100 to loan o i o.i t t i or p ir sonul security. Dimick & Eastham, Agt.s For Sale-Fresh Jeisev cow aiid2-veni- old Jusey bull. Inquiri ot ,V1. J, (iroshong on the Shannon place.on West Side. For sale cheap, a windmill, tank and tower, complete. Applv at tliis ollico. Second-Hand li'wycles Vlietip. If you want to buy a good second hand bicycle for liitle money, go to Huntlev'a Book Store. They have them from $6 to $20 Iwys,' ladies' and men's styles. Everyone "carefully overhauled and re paired and put in good running con dition. Farm far Sale. 19 mile south of Oregon City, 3 miles south of MoIhIIh. Knownas Hie lVsol farm. Conialn INK 310 acres, 110 cre: clear plow Un t: 41) aori'j n orwk biitlotn: 100 aores. upland; 7 acras, or chard. All well watered and fenced with stskt and wire feno. and drained with Mtine auil tile Jiiehes; tjood building. 90 rods fnun school holism lu rmla from church; good location for Uklniti'ock ' mountains Price I'.M pr aorei f VJOO down, balance to suit at A per cent tutcreil. For limner particulars apply to a. j. sautkll, on the farm, or Dimes A KwrBAM, Oiegon City. Question Answered, Yes, August Flower still has the largest sale of any medicine in the civ ilized world. Your mothers and grand mothers never thought of using any thing else for Indigestion or Biliousness. IXx'tors were scarce, and they seldom heard of Appendicitis, Nervous Prostra tion or Heart Failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of uudigeited fiod, regulate the action of the liver, stimulate the nervous and organic action of the system, and that is all they took when feeling dull and bad' with headaches and other aches. Yi u only need a lew closes of green's August Flower, in liquid form, to make you sat All day long and racking with pain from her head to her heels. That is what many a self-supporting girl must experi ence. On those days each month, when in other cir cumstances she would go to bed, she must still be at the desk or counter and strug gle through the day as best she may. Backache, head ache, and other pains caused by womanly diseases are perfectly cured by Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescrip tion. It cures the cause of these pains. It esftlb lishes regularity, dries enfeebling drains, healg in flammation and ulceration and cures female weak ness. It makes weak women strong and sick women well. PAW ALL GC':. "I have taken your medicine with the greatest satisfaction," writes Mrs. George Riehl, of Lock port Station, Westmoreland Co., Peunn. "Your ' Favorite Prescriution ' has cured me of uterine trouble that I suffered from for fifteen years, and painful monthly troubles. I can honestly say I can work a whole day and not pet tired, and before taking Dr. Pierce's medicines I always felt tired. My pain is all gone and I feel like a new person. I suffered with headache all the time, but have no headache now since taking your medicine. I have been cured of troubles that I suffered from for fifteen years, and th best doctor in the state could not cure me." Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, in paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. The Great Scoirge of mtdern times is & nsumption. Many cures nd discoveries from time to time are published but Foley's Honey and Tar does truthfully claim to secure all caseB in the early siages and always af fords comfort and relief in the very worst cases. Take no substitutes. Charman & Co Going East. If vou ill i end to take a trin East., ask your auent to r ute you via The Great Wabai-h, a modern and up to-date rail road in every particular. Through trains from Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha or St Louis to New York and New England points All trains run via Niagara Falls and every through train has free reclining chair cars, s.eep ing and Dining cars. Stop over allowed on all tickets atXi agara Falls. Boss C. Clink. Pacific Coast Pass. Agent. Los Angeles, Cal. C. S. Crank, Gen'l Pass Agent. St. Louis, Mo. LOCAL SUMMARY The finest bon bon loxes in town at Mi- K K K Baby caps and hats in the latest styles. Miss 0. Goldsmith , Sluvin oiiv 10 cits t ie) first -class shop of P, G. Shark The lafexl in chocolate of all kinds the Kozy K indy Kitchen, at A few wa'ches for sale cheap at Younger's. WatcheB cleaned, $1. The laiest out Try the marshmallow kisses at the Kozy Kandy Kitchen. A slightly used parlor organ for sale by W, L. Block, Ihe homefurnisiier. Shank & Bissell carry the most com plete line of undertakers' supplier in Oregon City. To Loan on Farm Property $500, $1000, $li')00, at 7 per cei.t, one, iwo or three years. Dimick & Kastham, law yers, Oregon City Oregon. George Anderson, expeit piano tuner and tone regulator, wiih Filer piano house, Portland, Ore. Leave orders with Bur meisier & Andresen, or com municate direct with houe. It Saved Ills Lex. P. A Danforth of LaUr-nge, Ga., suf fered for six months with a frightful running sor on his leg; hut write' that Bucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured it in tivednvs. For Ulcers, vVouuds, Piles, it's the best salve in ihe World Curo guaranteed. Ooly 25 cts. S ld by Geo. A. Harding, druggist. X Does the Baby Thrive If not, something must be t muiu mill us iuuu. 11 uit 1 mother's milk doesn't nour- f ish it, she needs SCOTT'S t EMULSION. It supplies the X elements of fat required for I the baby. If baby is not I nourished by its artificial food, then it requires I ri.iii- r 1 idUUIIb tlllNII tlaif a teaspoenful three or four times a day in its bottle will have the desired I effect. It seems to have a i magical effect upon babies I and chiMi'en. A fifty-cent T bottle will prove the truth or our statements. Should be taken in summer at well at winter. TOC- and $1.00, ill drtircists. SCOTT BO V. Nt, Chemist New York. fig YOU MAY NOT KNOW IT But the Best Stock of First-Class Goods to be Found at Bottom Prices in Oregon City is at ' HARRIS' GROCERY iou wan Depend Upon Patent Flour, made from old wheat. It makes the best bread and pastry and always gives satisfaction to the housewife, Be sure and order Patent Flour made by the Port-' land Flouring Mills at Oregon City and sold by all grocers. Patronize Home Industry EMM H. Bethke's Meat Market Opposite Huntley's Pirat-Glass lyleats of 11 iids Satisfaction Guaranteed Give yirrj a (all apd be Treated Ri&Jt Foresight Means Good Sight If there ever was a truism it is exemplified in the above headline. Lack oi foresight in attending to the eyes in time means in the end poor sight. We employ the latest most scientific methods in testing the eyes, and charge nothing for the examination. Dr. Phillips, art expert graduate oculist and optiean, has charge of our optical department. . A. N. WRIGHT The Iowa Jeweler 193 Horrlson Street, PORTLAND, OREQON 5 I For all kinds of I CALL Oregon City Planing Mi! I F. S. BAKER, PROP. SASH, DOORS, MOULDING, ETC. j BECKER'S MILLINERY I 220 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON Great Bargains in Trimmed Hats Magnificent Design Also a Consignment Hair Switches at IrMlpK Undertaker SiSS 2 Doors South ot Court Honse Wjorrjt-svnUot of Cofflas, Cask.t, Sob ai linings. We hr bcn In th undertaking buitnm OTer ten years. W art nnJr amall expoau and do aot aak large profit. Wa ha alwajrs siren our best efforts to please our bereared friends. We thor oughljr understand the preserration of the dead. Wa detror contagions ger mi and Offtn. sire odor when railed upon to prepare the dead for trarial. 4 Are Bought and Appreciated by THE BEST PEOPLE of Oregon City A. Robertson The 7th St. Grocer Brown & Welch Peopribtors of thb- Seventh Street Meat Market A. O. U. W. Building OREGON CITY, OREGON Building Material AT THE of very Cheap Hats Very Low Figures