Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, May 24, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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Charier; Gottberg, of Oregon City, was
isiting bin mother at tliis place the lat-
- r pari ui liiih whk.
Miss Mamfe Adams spent last Sa'ur
'ay and Sunday with her friend, Miss
Sletha Cummins at Shubel.
Miss Laura Wright, of Meadowbrook,
isited MiBS Bessie Hubbard last Friday.
We are glad to learn that Mrs. Ellen
lountryman, of Wardner, Idaha, but
ormerly of Colton, is able to be up again
rfter a severe attack of measles.
Miss Hti'lla Hubbard has gone to
(pringwater to remain for a (short time
ith her sister, Mrs. James Marrs.
Walter Gorbett was seen going to El
(rood last Sunday evening. What is the
Bert Hubbard, who is working in Win
lorn, Wash., had the misfortune to cut
lis hand, and is now unable to work.
We are sorry to bear that John Laf
irty, now in Windom, Wash., is on the
lick lint.
The-Colton Cyclone is one of the most
interesting features of the literary so
ciety with Mrs. Fannie Bonney as edi
tor. May 14.
Union J Tall.
Henry May has been visiting relatives
and friends at Maple Lane for the past
two weeks.
Mrs. Fred Mack, who lives at Adkins'
sawmill, has been visiting her mother,
Mrs. Lawler.
Lee A Jkins is hauling wood for F. H.
Renoud nt present.
L.F.Burns is helping Charles Pem
broke cut wood this week.
Miss Eliza Burns was visiting at the
residence of A. L.Jones last Sunday and
John Helvey, who has been working
at Cuthluniet, Wash., was visiting his
parents for a few days last week, but he
returned to work last Monday, He was
iccompanied back by his brother,
George, who will remain all summer.
Thomas Grin.es has been helping Mr.
Oolughie plant potatoes for the past few
-Miss Sarah Beals has been visiting
relatives and friends in Oregon City for
a few days.
Mrs. Jack Webb, of Portland, is visit
ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. 0.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Burns were
Visiting Frank Hilton and his mother
last Sunday.
Mrs. Webb and daughter, of Connec
ticut, are vititing Harvey Phelps and
family at present. -
Mrs George Kauch was visiting at
the residence of Frank Hilton last Sun
day. Messrs. J. II. Burns and F. J. Grimes
went to Canby one day last week.
Grandma lliltan is troubled with
rheumatism until she la hardly able to
got around to do her work.
J. D. Wilkeraon has rented some
round of William Parker.
May 16. Backwoods.
64 pages. Over 100 Styles
Nearly 3000 Vehicles in Stock
PRICES Carts $15 and up
Road Wagons 45 and up
Top Buggies 60 and up
Surries, Spring Wagons and the World Renowned
First and Taylor
El wood.
Delia Henderson spent Sunday visit
im? her parents and friends.
The contract for clearing the school
grounds and fencing it and rebainting
the schoolhouse was given to A. S. Hen
derson. E. Shubert and his son-in'law are
clearing a turnip patch.
The Misses Edith Freeman and Ida
Wilson have secured employment in pri
vate families in Oregon City and will
leave here Boon.
Miss Mensulla Cox attended a "foot
shaking" at Highland recently, and as
usual reported a good time.
. Lalla Book a. ,
Quilting seems to be the order of the
day. Mrs. May VorhieS gave a quilting
on the 17th. A great, many of her
friends were present. A good time was
Still it rains, and quite a number of
people of this burg hve only their early
garden in.
Leslie Holt was in this city bidding
his friends farewell. He was on his way
to Eastern Oregon, where he will herd
' William Mazingo's smiling face was
seen on Pleasant Hill last week, where
he was visiting friends and relatives,
Mrs. Jane Milsteadleft for Oregon
City, where she will work in a hotel this
Mrs. Banks, who .left here last fall on
a visit to the East, has returned to Wil
hoit, and she will spend the summer
here. . Mr. Banks will go back East in
James Russell has taken a contract to
make shingles this Bummer.
W. M. Ewing, of Portland, was in
this burg spending a few days with his
old friends last week.
Ben Thomas is hauling lumber for hia
new barn. Kant Thomas will be the
boss carpenter.
Hev. Simms, of Scott's Mills, preached
his farewell sermon last Sunday to a
large congregation. We all wish him
well in his new field of labor.
Frank Vorh'ea' little boy, who has
been quite ill with pneumonia, is slowly
improving under the care of Dr. Leonard,
of Silyerton.
Frank Haun is still working at his old
trade, repairing violins.
James Groshong's little girl, who has
been sick with appendicitis, is able to be
up again.
Fall grain looks extra webl, and grass
looks fine in the foothills.
F. Winclaren was transacting business
in Portland last week.
Quite a large number of people of this
vicinity intended to go to Salem to see
President McKinley.
Road Boss Boyles was repairing the
bridge at Beaver Lake last week.
News Bov.
New novelties in trimmings and flow
er;. Miss 0. Goldsmith .
Lewis k Staver Co.
The May showers are very beneficial
to the farmers add hopgrowers.
Buck Brown and wife were seen in our
burg Saturday. ,
The youngest son of Silas Bevens had
the mUforruue of having his leg broken
last week.
Marion Pulley, who baa been logging
for Jake Caughman is home for a few
days on account of the roads being too
John Naze, our implement man, sold
three buggies laat week. It is getting
about time that some of you young men
were wakened up. We think now that
there is a little more hope of getting rid
of some of our old maids.
It is reported that the old Hutchinson
place, known as the Blosser place, has
been- sold to parties in the East.
Mrs. Corby, who ha? been nursing lit
tle Arthur Bevens, is home again.
May 20. Rosa Bud.
Veva Jones has returned home from
her trip.
John Lamm left .Tuesday for his
home at Mount AngeJ.
Abe Pratt is suffering with a lame
Ernest Davis called on Tommy Jones
Millie Molzan has gone to Portland.
The logger's cry is more rain, more
Millie and Sophia Molzan and Sebas
tian Bany were visitors of Mr. Jones
and family Saturday night.
Sile is Malino's milkmaid.
The Pratt brothers have a new boat.
Girls, you want to be good to Willis.
Ernest Jones and Jot Mallett are
working for Pratt Bros.
There is quite a stir in Muliuo on Sundays.-
0. Smith has his milk house nearly
Otto Berhendt left last Saturday for
Molalla, where he will work.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Jones visited Had
Perry and wife Sunday.
Lonesome Joe.
The farmers are rejoicing at the ap
pearance of their grain.
. It is reported that J. Trullinger killed
a wildcat. That's right, thin them out.
MissGleason spent Saturday at her
home in Oregon City.
Mrs. Kay has been visiting her sister,
Mrs. Looney, who has been very sick.
Mr. Sayerand wife and Miss Higgins
left Saturday for their home in Sellwood.
They have been visiting friends in this
vicinity for two weeks.
Rev. Symms, of Scott's Mills, pi eached
his farewell sermon at the schoolhouse
O. Bonacher went to Canby Saturday.
Franklin and Hazel Cooper spent S in
day with Mrs. Noyer and family.
Mr. Bonacher and wife spent Sunday
with Mr. Snodgrass and wife.
J. Trullinger went to Oregon City Sat
urday .
Mrs. Myers and Miss Marts were vis
iting Mrs Cooper Saturday.
Meadowbrook's other correspondence
are getting weak.
Mr. Bluhm is going to plant four acres
of corn. .
Rev. H. Hornshuh and family are
visiting his parents for a few daya. They
w ill shortly move to Seattle.
T. W Duffy and wife were visiting at
Mr. Guenther's laft Sunday.
Lorena Hill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
W. D. Hill is quite sick.
John Wolf has been on the sick list,
but he is well enough now to be out
again. There is a little girl at his home,
and it being the first you can imagine
how he feels.
Rev. H . H'irnshuh preached here last
Sunday morning and Rev. Engelbart
preached in the afternoon. If preach
ing does any good this community ought
to take the lead in goodness.
C. Muralt and wife visited E. W.
Hornshuh laat Sunday.
J. G. Cummins and wife were called
to Highland on account of the illness
of their son, E. A. Cummins, who was
not expected to live. The latest report
is that he is im proving.
Miss Daisy Hughes, of Salem, is visit
ing Miss Lena Hornshuh.
Emil Hornshuh says he has a sheep
that brokeHhe record in this part of the
country for wool. It sheared 18 pounds.
Albert Studem an and Luke Duffy are
the champion pedro players here. They
cleaned out everything at the Grange
meeting, which took place at Mr. Jag
ger's lant Saturday. Genkvera.
. Colton.'
Miss Edith Freeman, of Elwood, was
paying her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Dix, a farewell visit last Saturday and
Sunday. Miss Edith expects to leave
soon for Oregon City to remain an in
definite time.
Mr. and Mrs. James were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Gorbett last Sunday.
E. R. Killin was in Colton last Satur
day and Sunday.
Miss Lucy Bonney left last Sunday for
Miss Mary Caflson, of Portland, is vis
iting her parents here.
Mrs. Jennie Hagland ha returned to
Portland after a shoit visit with her pa
rents, Mr.ani Mrs Carlson.
Mr. Buckner was visiting hss daugh
ter, Edith, Monday.
John Scott was seriously hut by a
horse falling on him. The doctor has
hopes of bis recovery.
Crops of all kinds are very promising
for a good crop.
Roads muddy and plenty of water in
Mother Earth to insure a clear up in a
few days.
Alta Graves and E. Dodge are down
with lagrippe.
The new shingle mill of Graves &
Dodge is ready to start. Shingles will
be flying in the air Thursday.
There seems to be a grand stir here
about a creamery. Next Saturday there
will be a mass meeting held in Liberal
ball. Everyone interested should turn
out, as this will be the proper hue for
the farmers to make a start on, as the
majority here will quit 45 cent wheat.
E. Gorbrr, of Logan, is here on a
business trip.
William White is sowing oats, and he
will finish this week. Get a move on
you, Billie, you are the last.
A number of the school children at
tended a surprise party at the home of
Silas Wright Tuesday evening, and all
bad an enjoyable t.me. Come again.
P. J. Ridings, of Marquam, made a
business trip to Portland this week, and
had a chat with his friends at Liberal.
A gentleman, who came from near
Salem, was in Liberal last week, but
sad to relate, he disappeared in a cloud
of smoke.
Miss Kffle Morey went to Portland last
Wednesday, where she will visit with
Our merchant went to Portland last
week and met with a serious accident.
Uncle Bill comes in handy, doesn't he?
Rev.T. Wiies was in Oregon City on
business Tuesday,
Miss Bertha Allen, of Monmouth, nfter
visiting friends in Liberal, went to Ore
gon City Monday to visitbei Bister, who
is in.
A car load of milk
crocks just received and
will sell at 8 c per gal-
Ion. W, L. Block,
the Homeiurnisher,
yetv Era.
The most enjoyable party given in
this nlace was the one given on May 1'J,
at the home J. Schindler in honor of his
birthday. A dinner was served to 45
persons, which was fit for a king. The
afternoon was spent in vocal and instru
mental' music, after which ice cream and
cake were served. At a late hour all de
parted for their homes wishing Mr.
Schindler many happy returns of the
May 20. Hobs.
A number of the Mulino people at
tended an entertainment given by the
Maccabees at Liberal last Saturday eve
ning, and reported a pleasant time.
Mr. Worden and wife of Iowa, are vis
iting at the home of F. Bogue.
J. T. Evai s, who lias been very sick,
is slowly improving under the care of
Dr. Thomas, ol Beaver Creek.
Prof. Charles Cutting is still residing
in the suburbs of our burg.
J. J. Mahattand wife were visiting at
the home of F. Erickson last Sunday.
C. Boynton Is breaking in a span of
bunehgrass horses for G. W. one.
Silas Adkins seems to be very popular
in Mulino looking after the little pup.
Are you Sile?
Mr. Curbesin and wife were visiting
at the residence of H. H.Perrys last Sat
urday evening
Willie Dart, of Molalla, passed through
here last week on his way home from
Ora Davis is working in Oregon City
Mr. Murpltey, who purchased a farm
from Mr. Mulvey, is delighted with his
new home.
S. Baney, of Canby, was a visitor here
Saturday even'ng.
Joshua MalUtt, who has been work
ing at Milwankie, has returned home.
W. M. Wallace and wife were the
guests of Mr. Evan Sunday.
Oswego. .
Last Friday our public schools closed
a most pucc.esslul term of eight months.
An excellent program was presented in
the afternoon before a, large number of
patrons and friends of the school. The
directors, E. J. Rnssel, chairman of the
board ; P. H. Jarisb, G. C. Garfield, and
County Superintendent Zinser, of Ore
gon City, were present, and spoke in the
highest terms of the excellent condition
of our school. The pupil of Miss Bur-
nette, who is going to England tlrs Bum
iner, where she intends to remain in
definitely, presented tur with a beauti
ful fruit d:sli. The features most promi
nent among those present was the hearty
feeling prevailing among parents, direc
tors, teachers and pupils not a word of
dissatisfaction from any side. Superin
tendent Zinser said that the Oswego
school has the best singing of any school
in the state, and that singing and disci
pline are so closely related that it is dif
ficult 10 separate them. The following
teachers were elected for the next year :
Professor H. T. Evins, principal; Miss
Georgina Bell and Miss Pearl Nida, pri
mary ; and Miss Guttridge to fill the va
cancy in the intermediate grades caused
by Miss Barnett's resignation.
On Sunday morning at 3 o'clock, Mr.
J. Bodefeld died of heart failure at St.
Vincent's hospital in Portland, and was
buried Tuesday in the Oswego cemetery.
Sericea were held at the Catholic
church, Father O'Reilly, of Portland, of
ficiating. A large number of sympathiz
ing friends attended the funeral to show
their respect to the deceased and his be
reaved family. Mr. Bodefeld was a vet
eran of the Civil war, and one of the
most thoroughly respected citizens of
Pleasant Hill.
Still it rains.
Mrs. Jay Baker, who has been sick for
a week, is recovering. Miss Blanche
Baker is.doing the house work during
her illness.
Mrs. C. A. Baker is tick, and Elva
Templeman is staying with her during
ner illness.
Frank Jones has finished J. Roberts'
new barn. ,
Ptarl WeBtfall, of Middleton, has been
working for Mrs. J. P.Young.
Parrot Mountain "downed" Butteville
in a game of base ball. The score stood
6 to 13.
J. L. Seely has gone to Tangent, and
the boys are getting their cowbells ready
for his return.
Ole Westfall is talking of going to
Sherwood. . ...
The road supervisor is is getting the
roads in good shape.
Ike. .
The young people of the neighborhood
under the leadership of Frank Gill have
organized a club called the Garfield
Young People's Social Club. Most of
the young people and some of the old
people have been initiated into its mys
teries, it is sam to have tor its object
the advancement of Garfield society.
Mr. and Mrs. Horner, who have been
sick, are able to be out again. Mr. H. is
about SO years old.
' The farmers of this favored section are
now making their annual drive of cat
tle to the foothills to get free pasture for
six months, and they will have fat cattle
to sell next fall.
Our sympathies go out to the wife of
our chief magistrate in her illness.
A number of our people intended to go to
Portland to see President McKinley.
J. P. Irvin, who went to Oregon City
a short time ago to have a surgical op
eration performed, will probably have
to come under the surgeon's knife
again. He has some kind of an abnor
mal growth under bis right arm, but it is
not regarded as anything serious. His
many friends will be glad to see him
around again.
Norman Tracy has gone away for
awhile to work in a logging camp.
John and Aleck Irvin spent Sunday
with their parents.
The weather is cooler and considera
ble snow fell in the mountains Saturday
night. Corn and beans that are up look
like they might be of the "little yellow"
May 20. Fkrn.
Miss Echo Samson, of Oregon Oitv.
was visiting relatives in this place last
Frank and Fred Jesse, of Portland,
spent Sunday with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. W. Jesse.
Jake Reip, of this vicinity, started for
Cape Nome Sunday. His many friends
wish him a safe and successful journey.
It wis a bard struggle for a certainyoung
lady to ke.'p back the tears.
Miss Rose Bratton went to Oregon
City Sunday to take the eighth grade
Quite a number of persons from this
place attended the funeral of Mr. Wolga-
mot at the M. E. church at Canby
Tuesday. The funeral whs lfrgely at
tended, and the floral offerings were
numerous and beautiful.
Jack Walker, who has been making
his home here tor some time, is a rustler
from llustleville He says he is goiag
to California, and that lie exptcts to go
alone. Can't be with us all the time,
The weather keeps so wet that the
weeds and grasa are doing fine in the
There should be a law in Oregon, if
there isn't, to punish a man severely for
leaving his wife in a critical condition
and in distress, otherwise if done inten
tionally and with malice aforethought
Mrs. Will Covey, who has been quite
ill. is getting better.
It doesn't seem to be "agin" the law
to let hogs run at large 111 Karlow.
"Solemni y is a mask worn by ignor
ance an Uivpocrisv. It is the Drehce
and index to the to the cunning." In
ge rsol.
"Liberty can be retained only bv giv
ing it to others." A. Lincoln.
We would respectfully suggest to the
managers of the Oregon Spiritualist
Campmeeiing Association that they bold
OnlV two Wpkfl lu0innin(. tun. 00 n r.,1
closing July 7th. Ttut will give us
three Sundays and 16 days good moon.
k . t . - 3 1 , .
a. cuurt lime auu larger attendance is
better than a long time and a poor at
tendance. Btantli yIt Kicd Von Haw Hlwars Baiffi
- The K. 0. T. M. will givean anniver.
sary picuic at this place on Tuesday
June 11, 'not June 8, as was stated in
correspondence). Music will be fur'
nished by Aurora and Hubbard bands
There will be speaking ov Hoa GeoreH
C. Brownell, J. W. Sherwood and others
from 10 a.m. to 12 in. The afternoon
sports consists of the following :
Men's bicycle race, 1 mile...Pr'izi $1 00
Boys' bicycle race, 1 mile i'nn
Free-for-all 100-yd foot race ljio
Boys' sack race "Rq
Three-legged race '.!!!!!'. 50
Potato race so
Base ball game 5 00
Small girls' egg race .25
Small boys' shoe and stocking race 25
The dance in the evening will take
place 111 the K. 0. T. M. hall.
Our school directors met recently a nd
elected Mr. Kating to teach our n ext
term of school. Mr. Kating will be the
principal. The teacher for the prim ary
department has not been employed yet.
Ernest Russell succeeded in trapp'ii o
another coyote recently: 'This is the
second one that he has caught. He is
entitled to the club bounty, as t hey
were caught within the limits pros
crlbed by the clubs by law.
George Guernsey has completed his
dwelling on his homestead, and he is
preparing to depart to the logging camp
on the Columbia river.
Whit Britrus has returned fr,im r,ua
Cathlamet, where he has been at work.
He expects to return in a short t.imn atA
take his family with him .
Cains Herman and Frank Hnimin
came home from the Dolumbia river
country. Frank expects lo return in &
short time. -
O. W. Rohbi nfl And William TTairlm.
are building a large barn ior.Mr. Feirer,
George and Frank Adams will in a
Bhort time e lmmennn hnilftino a hnna.
for John Cole. They will also build a
house for Stamp and Deckman in the
Russelville neighborhood this summer.
iranic Adams is making some needed,
improvements at the school house.
John Stllhhs anrl wifn ware uinitinir at
Molalla last Sundav. John still lnnlra
natural, if be hasn't been eone verv
From thp wav a certain nlri Vinfhaln
was tearing around a shoit time ago-
mere win certainty ue a wedding soon ,
-v. 1. It.
Canby. . .
Crops and ga dens are looking fine.
Mrs H A Hinshaw and son are spend
ing the week in Marion with relative,
and friends.
Phillio Stack, of Portland, isvisitino
the Hodges family.
Bids were opened last Wednesday bv
city dads for buildiug the city hall. Olds
at son, 01 uregon tatv, were awarded
the contract tor $133 80, that being the
lowest bid.
H L Wang - will take possession of'
Cooke & Co.'s stock of goods this week,
as they are about through with the in
J C Wolgamot died very suddenly at
his home last Sunday afternoon, caused
by the bursting of a blood vessel near
the heart. Funeral services were held
at the M. E. church Tuesday morning.
The body was laid to rest in Zion ceme
tery. He leaves a wife and two sons
to mourn his loss.
Maple Lane.
Central Grange, No. 276, which met
at the home of Mr. Jagger, was well at
tended. A deliciouB dinner was served
to 175 guests. After dinner an excellent
program was renderd. Messrs. Shan--non
and Ogle, and Misses Jessie Jack
son and Gussie Murdock furnished
some excellent music. ;
Maple Lane Grange, No. 296, was
called to order Friday evening at the
schoolhouse by Dr. J. 8. Casto, who
after a short address in behalf of the or
der, proceeded to initiate 10 new mem--bers
and elect the following officers:
Overseer, W. Beard; lecturer, J. W.
Gerber; treasurer, A. Mautz; steward,
J M Myers. G F Gibbs, William Beard
and P D Curran were appointed as a
committee to see about a hall for the
next meeting, which will be on third
oaturaay in June.
Mesdames GarTney and Stevens, of
Harmony, spent last week with the
former's son, John GarTney, of this
Maple Lane was well represented at
the Cams Grange and entertainment,
which was held at Mr. Jagger's place
last Saturday, and a fine timn war . n.
joyed by all .
May 22. Pansy Blossom .
Dinner Sets
The celebrated Semi-Vitreous
Porcelain, hand-painted decora
tions, with gold trimmings, given
away Free to our customers.
We use these dishes simply as
an advertisement for our business.
The way to obtain them is easy.
Trade with us and get your friends
to trade with us, and we do the
rest, by supplying you and them
with these dishes Free of Charge.
Ladles' and Gents' Fine Shoes
Will give you a
Bargain in Wall Paper
Wall Tinting and la
General House Painting
Paint Shop near Depot Hotel