City CourierHeraSd COURIER ESTABLISHED MAY, 1883 HERALD ESTABLISHED JULY, 1893 INDEPENDENT ESTABLISHED 1898 OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1901 19th YEAR, NO. 1 THE BRUNER CASE. lAlAlAlAlAi Ore gon ; - 4- - EDWARD HUGHES 182 Madison St., West end of Bridge, Portland, Oregon GENERAL AGENT FOR Aultman & Taylor's ... Celebrated Threshing Machinery Steam and Gas Engines Saw Mills, Etc. T 4 fclAlAAAiAlAAAAAAAlAlAiAlAiAiAi PTftf Tf Tf Tf T"Tf Tf Tf TvtT?ttTt1 CONSOLIDATED IMPLEMENT GOMP'Y SUCCESSOR TO (Krebe. Harder & Co. 182, 184, 186 Madison Street, West End of Bridge, DEALERS IN AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND VEHICLES t Remember we have the finest stock of the best makes to be found in Portland, including Farm and Spring Wagons, Buggies, Carriages and Carts, Mowers, Rakers, Tedders and Hay Tools, Hay Presses, ' Grain Drills, Plows, Cultivators, Disc and Spring Tooth Harrows, - Pumos Harness, Bicycles, Etc. PORTLAND, OREGON CHAUTAUQUA. A Big Fourth of July Bally Many Speakers of World- Wide Fame. An unusually promising array of tal ent has been secured for the coming as sembly of the Willamette Valley Chau tauqua Association, which will be in session from July 3rd to the 13th, in clusive, at Gladstone Park, Oregon City, Oregon. Among others may be noted General Thos. J. Morgan, of New York city, who will be the "orator of the day" on the fourth of July, his subject being,'"The Building of the Nation." General Morgan was commissioner of Indian affairs dur ing President Harrison's administration, and is a speaker of unusual merit. He will also deliver an address upon "The Negro Problem." Dr. Charles Bayard Mitchell, of the Hennepin Avenue Methodist Episcopal church, of Minneapolis, one of the lead ing speakers at- the Epworth League Convention, San Francisco, will lecture on "The Prize Taker" and "My Ideal Boy." Dr. J. M. Bashford, president of the 'Ohio VVettleyan University, will beih attendane during most of the session and give two lectures, "The Twentieth Cen tury" and "Wesley and Goethe." The Parke Sisters of New York city will give two instrumental concerts of high merit. Polk Miller will give two evenings of entertainment on "Southern life " Dr. A. J. Frost, of Los Angeles, will deliver his magniflcant lecture on the Grand Canon of the Colorado.'Chap lain Bateman has been asked to speak upon the Philippine question. Prof. W. H. Boyer is to give an oratorio and a ballad concert, assisted by Brown's Or chestra and the M. A. A.. C. Mandolin Club. Dr. Alexander Blackburn, of the First Baptist Church, Portland, Oregon, has promised to deliver bis famous lecture on "Gumption." The justly celebrated Chemawa Indian Band will be in attendance and have ar ranged for daily programmes. Ex-Gov. Peck, author of "Peck's Bad Boy," has been promised for the latter part of our program. The Chautauqua management are making strenuous efforts to make the Fourth of J'lly celebration one of the leading features of the coming session. The list of classes is yet incomplete, but the following assignment of classes has been made : Psvchology Dr H. W. Kellogg. Bible Study Dr. Alex. Blackburn, Dr. A. J. Frost. Sunday School Methods Mr. James Edmunds. Reading and Elocution Miss May Neal, of Northwest University, Chicago. United States History Prest. W. C. Hawley. English Literature Prof. J.B. Horner. Art Prof. J. Ivey, Los Angeles. Normal Methods in Arithmetic Prof. I. E. Richardson. Music Prof. W. H. Boyer. Physical Culture Prof.M. M.Ringler. Other classes are being arranged for. People coining to the Assembly over the Southern Pacific may secure one and one-third fares for the round trip on the certificate plan. The New York Central has advertised Oregon more than any other Eastern road, a fact that should be remembered when traveling in that section. In a series of ads, that have been mentioned before, the road sets forth the advan tages of our state while presenting the merits of its excellent transportation fa-cilitities. Cut in Bicycles. We have a few 22-inch wheels left that we sold last years for $30. They are full guaranteed and well worth the price, but we need the room and out they go for $20. H cms y's Book Etobe. D. L. Bruner Found Guilty cf Murder in the 2nd Degree at Prinevllle. The case of the state against D. L Bruner indicted for the murder cf Thomas Reily on Black Rock creek on the 4th of April last was called in tl e circuit court last Monday morning. The state waB represented by Erank Menefee, district attorney, N. J. Sinnott, of The Dalles, and W. A, Bell, af this city. The defendant was defended by George W. Barnes, M. E. Brink and W. S.Hop kins, of this city, and Henry McGinn, of Portland. The defendant was attended in court by his wife and father. The work of empanelling the jury was taken up as soon as court convened and from the regulat panel seven jurors were secured. Two special orders for ten each were issued and from these four more were secured by noon and another order was issued for six more and on the convening of court at 1 :30 the additional juror was secured. The case for the state was ably pre sented by Mr. Menefee and M. E. Brink for the defendant. The examination of witnesses proceeded lapidly and by half past four Tuesday evening both sides had their testimony in. The evidence was very conflicting on many points and a great many points and a great deal of feeling came into the case. The charge of Judge Bradsbaw was quite lengthy and, to our way of. think ing, was a very fair set of instructions At 11:45 p. m.". the jury retired. The first ballot stood eight for murder, two for murder in the second degree, and two tut acquittal. This was the relative po sition until about daylight when a com promise was effected and a . verdict of murder in the second degree was brought in at 5 a. ni. ' . The court convened Thursday fore noon and the defendant's attorneys filed a motion for a new trial which was over ruled and then D. L. Bruner was sen tenced to the penitentiary for life. The defendant's attorneys asked permission to file a bill of exception and were granted 00 days to file the same. Prine ville Beview. When you visit Portland don't fail to get your meals at the Royal Restaurant, First and Madison. They serve an ex cellent meal at a moderate price ; a good square meal, 15c. Two Gowns for One. This is possible where a woman makes her own gowns, and there need be nothing of the home-made look about them either, if Butteri ck Paper Patterns are used. There is no risk about a But terick Pattern ; it is scientific and it olso allows for disproportionate figures. Eight-page June Fashion Sheet free for the asking at Huntley's Book Store. Look at the Delineator for June, also some striking noveties. W. C. HOMAN Agricultural Implements and Vehicles 210-214 FRONT STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON. AGENTS FOR Peerless Plows Steel and Chilled Dowagiac Drills Hoe and Disc S Sickle Grinders Road Carts Buggies Mountain Hacks and Spring Wag Dn tit ALSO Buffalo Pitts, . Harrows and Cultivators, Owen's "Advance" Fanning Mills. ED ALSO Play Presses, Horse Power and Steam Feed and Root Cutters, Bone and Cider Mills. Stoughton Wagons Write for Catalogue and Prices. CALL ON ME BEFORE BUYING. t beajS1" ( llS 1 wnM 1 R Hi!-1 STOVES, L : I BM FURNITURE, iMtikSk fTX I HARDWARE, I Pi I CARPETS, iMMr?MJLPAINTS' V I LP WALL PAPER. JHraSwLfeiDOORS aho. UAJ ORGANS, sS"k WINDOWS, CARPETS I . mm. ir COUCHES This Is the season of the'year for that tired feeling. A comfortable couch is the best cure. You cannot make a mis ' take in buying one of these couches, be cause they are well made, with substan til frames and durable upholstering, and are sure to be a pleasure to you. The fact that they cost but $3.00 should not prevent your buying them. WALL PAPER The brightening effects in wall paper stock ought to please the ladies who are looking for a superior quality of paper to put on their walls at the present time. There is a spring tone in this stock which will make satisfaction in the home. The cost is slight, which will surprise you. WINDOW SHADES 1 If you have windows which need shades and they are standard sizes, we can offer you the best value you ever saw. We have some regular 30-inch shades of the most durable material, ready to put on your windows, including rings and fixtures, at 40 cents. We have the material for making the shades to fit your windows and the cost won't be much, either. In looking over the market for carpets we mde a lucky hit in buying this splendid line. There are so many good things here, the prices ranging from 25 cents to 11.00 and $1.50 for the finest body Brussels and Wilton velvets. We would like to have you lee this line, be cause we know it offers you that which will.'plcase. SEWING MACHINES KITCHEN UTENSILS MIRRORS There Is a special selection of mirrors here just now and we are sure you can find exceptional values. 1 hey are all of heavy glass and the reflective value of the mirror is asjgood as you could desire. We think you will admit that we knew what we were talking about when we said no better mirrors were ever sold for the price. Many sizes and all good. No home is complete without a sewing machine and no pewing machine is equal to the Climax. It is easy running, gives satisfaction and is not hard to buy. The terms 'we make and the guarantee we give should be enough to induce you to come to us for your machine and get the , benefit of these excellent constructions. 1 Price $25 00. LAWN MOWERS You cannot keep your lawn In good condition unless you liae a first-class Lawn Mower. If you want one that will insure you satisfaction you must see our Mower. Itonerates with ballbearings, has knives that shtrpen themselves by the action, runs easily and cuts your grass smoothly. The cost is reasonable. Yon never know what you are going to need in the kitchen until It cotnes Just the time, when you want to use it. That is why your kitchen should he completely furnished with a large line of deslrRbln utensils'. There are some very useful things here at a very reasonable price. You ought to see them. BASKETS Those who do a great deal of market ing appreciate the advmitaiie oi having two or three sizes of backets galore, !arge or small, light or heavy. Kvery basket 1 sold for just the quality It con tains. We like the best to speak of our Split Willow baskets which sre woven for durable service and they don't cost much either.