Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, May 17, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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Regular May Term of the County
in " J. R. Morton, John Lewelling'and T.
,:l i B. Killin, County Commissioners.: ;'
,1 ;,: Iu the matter of the petition of D. 0.
., j. Bait, etal, for a county road, y In the
u. matter ot the petition of D. C- Ball and
.1 more than 12 householders of the county
,(1 living in ;the vicinity, of, the proposed
. road describee) in the petition and pray
j,, ing vieyvers, to, be appointed to view and
j' locate ,..' county road in Clackamas
"R county, Oregon,: described in, full as foi
.(hIowsj Beginning at . stake, set in the
one-half section coiner petwe"n!21 and
, , .'0, tuwnghip 5 south, range 3 east of the i
Willamette Meridian running thence on
,,.or near, the, present traveled road in a
n northwesterly,, and ,, westerly , direction 1
about miles to a half section line
running north and south in section 19;
thence running about one mile in a west
' erly direction ori the, north tine of1 the
1 Oliftonpallahan, donation land cla.m to1
'' a stake set in the county ' road marked
; X. "-; Said petitioner , filed his affidavit of
'' notices posted respecting said, road;
' showing that,' there had , beenlpbsteq,
" one on the court house bulletin boaraV
-"and three In three of the most, public
j places in the vicinity of the proposed
' road more than thirty days prior to the
presentation of this petition. He . also
I filed a bond for one hundred dollars con-
ditloned according to law.'1 The bord
being fully' advised, it is ordered that
, i)nll Trullinger, David Robinson and Ira
i Dickey be and are hereby appointed
viewers to meet at the beginning on the
1 20th instant and subscribed to a written
j oath of .ofiice : administered by i E. P.
,-, Rnnds couuty surveyor, ' or John W,.
e Meldrum, deputy county : surveyor; ap
- pointed by the board : to survey said
,i road and report in writing at the next
regular term of this board, nil...,,,, I
I, In the matter of the petition of , H".
. Blankenship, etaU for a county road.
, In the matter of petition of H. Blanken
! ship and more than 12 householders of
, the county living in the vicinity of the
proposed roaa aescrmea in the petition
1 and praying viewers to' be, appointed to
view and locate a county road In Clacks
1 mas county1, Oregon, described in full as
follows; Beginning at a stake set In the
- Venter lined 15th street in the town of
Willamette 1 alls, which point la north
v 22 degrees, 21 minutes west, 50 feet dis
' tant from the intersect'on of the center
line of 15th street and 7th avenue in
1 said town, and is therefore a point 15.88
chains south and 12.46 chains east of the
corner of sections 2; 3, 34 and 35 in the
south boundary of township 2 south,
range 1 east, and running thence north
67 decrees, 89 minutes east, parallel
with the center line of 7th avenue, about
30 chains to a stake marked R A thence
north 53 degrees. 45 minutes, east 10.22
chains to a stake marked R A. set in
the center line of the ;oad leading from
uregon (Jity to the lower Druige, across
the Tualatin river at foot of grade for
'' terminus of change in county road. Ed
1 ' Batdorf filed his affidavit ' of notices
posted respecting said road showing
- that there had been vjoeted one I on the
. court house bulletin ooard and three in
( three of the most public, places in the
,! vicinity of the proposed road more than
30 days prior to the presentation pi this
, petition, said Batdorf also filed a bona
, lor one hundred dollars . conditioned ac
cording to law. The board being fully
advised that Bruce C. Curry, Grant B.
Dimick- and John W. Loder be and are
i hereby appointed viewers to meet at the
i' beginning on the i inst and sab;
scribe to a written oath administered by
i b. r. Hands, county surveyor, or Joan
. W. Meldrum, deputy county surveyor.
appointed by the board to survey said
road and report in writing at the next
regular term of this board. . ,
,, In the matter of the resurvev of the
, Long road, This matter coming on for
a leading and the board not being fully
advised in the premises, it is ordered
', that C. F. Vonderahe appear before t.iis
board at the hour of 11 a. m. ' Friday,
May 3rd, 1901, and show cause why the
Long road should not be laid upon the
survey as recently staked out by the
county surveyor. E. P. Rands.
, In the matter of the report of viewers
. upon the relocation and resur vey of the
. , roaa, commonly known as the Mill
,, road. , In the matter of the report of W
P. Herman, Charles Dauuherty and F.
E, Albriiiht. viewers anointed at the last
. term of tills board to view and relocate
' a county road situated in Clackamas
(l. county, Oregon, described by the field
notes ot John W. Meldrum, deputy
county surveyor, filed herein. Said
viewers tiled their report showing that
they had met on the 24th day of April,
, 1901, a day named in the notice served
': upon them and were duly sworn by sab
scribing to a written oath of office ad
: ministered by John W, Meldrum, doputy
county surveyor, after which they pro
( ( ceeded to the dexignated place and did
' view and cause to be reeurvey ed by said
' deputy county surveyor, the said de
scribed road. They also .filed the field
notes and plats of survey, Said 'viewers
v report'nll favorably to the establishing
: ot said road as viewed and surveyed for
. the reuou that it Is a good, practical
route and of nublio i utility, i Ordered
n laid over until the June term on account
of, objections filed a Ordered' th the
expense account ot saiu survey auu mow
S: bo paid as follows: ! 1 v
j- W t' Herman a . i . J. . . i. . . .
v Charles lnuglierty.i..i. k.v.'.k.'i
t-, V E, Albright. .....
. George W Jackson ............. v
- U Hihlmrd.,..,..,.........,,.,
i O V llt)lldrslH)l.,.,,...,.,,;i.
y John W Meldrum,. .....t.i....i.'
i.l , i il ,"l . i- ,; i- l'i' I '
-j ToUl....l;., '..$79 00
" In the matter of bids to build a bridge
-l aoroas Hncker Creek. This matter com-
') ing on and it appearing to the board that
" the bid of E D Olds In the sum of $950
, is the lowest hid on file In accordance
- with the notice as published ' by the
!oounty surveyor.1 It is therefore or
dered that the vomract be let to E. 1)
' uitis as per plan aim specifications on
v file herein. 1
In the matter of penalty on tax of
Murlah McUarvey property for the year
1899. ' This matter coming on to be
' heard on the petition tiled herein by J,
S. Davis, agent for Mariah McUarvey,
Khowlng that the tax of said Mariah
MoGarvey for ' 1899 was paid to the
. county clerk on the 80th day of March,
, having been sold to Clackamas couuty
; uuderthe sheriff's tax sale on the 3rd
i day of November.1000. The clerk addtd
the penalty thereto amounting to $10.20,
, which was paid by the said James N.
I .Davis, agent for Mariah McGarvey, have
a rebate of said penalty $10.90, and that
the clei k issue a warrant therefor. 11
-In the matter of the petition of Li My
Herren for a rebate of poll tax for the
year 1898. : This matter coming np on a
written petition of L. M. Herren for a re
bate of poll tax for the year 1898," and
board being fully advised, it is ordered
that the said L. M. Herren have a re
bate of poll tax for the year 1S98, and in
the sum of $3. '. '
In. the matter of the application, of
Spencer Thomas, commander of Gibbons
Post for aid to Mrs. Martha Ann Nash.
This matter coming up on the applica
tion of Bpencer Thomas, Commander of
Gibbon Post No. 78. for aid for Martha
Ann Nash and the ' board being fully ad
visedv it is ordered that ' Martha Ann
Nath have aid from the indigent soldiers'
fund in the sum of $5 per month dating
from' April' 1st; 1901. fMimn.1 no -nui ; ,
" In the matter of the report Oh1 the Ev
erharthill. This matter coming up on
the report of Jobh. W; Meldrum, deputy
county surveyor; appointed by the board
to survey and stake a good "and DractU
cal grade on what Is known a the Ever-
hart hill, arid said . deputy county Bnr
veyor filed bis reportbereinaccompanied
by the field notes and -plat j thereof, and,
the board being fully advised, H it
dered, that said, final report i be accepted ,
and upon John EverharUthrouitU whose
land said suivey runs, Making a good,
sufficient deed to the land covered, ; by
said survey to Clackamas county, said
Eai'vev or road shall oe established by
Clackamas -county. It is further or
dered that the en pense account of said
survey be paid as follows: I HmvH i
John W Meldrum.vi nw.VMQ.'i .$17.70
In the matter of. , adjustment of taxes
for the years 1894,, 1896,, .1897, 1898 and
1899 on 3000 acres of ; land owned, by S.
W. R. Jones. , Now at this time on the
application of Dimick & Eastham, at
torneys for the land hereinafter de
cri bed, J. U. Campbell, attorney for the
county, being present and advising With
the commissioners lor a settlement ' of
the taxes on the lands , hereinafter, de
scribed for said ; years . hereinafter ; de
scribed, and it appearing to , ihe - board
that the validity of a great part ot such
taxes is in doubt by reason of errors in
the description, of the land and the
names of the owners in the assessments,
and it further , appearing , to the board
that a certificate of sale , on a portion of
said land , have, been assigned by. the
county to one George H. Hargreaves,
and it now appearing td the Commission
ers that such assignment ' wsi 'without
anthority of law and numerous other
grounds of dispute with the respect to
the enforclbiiity ot said taxes Having
arisen it is therefore 1 now here ordered
that the sum of $250 be accepted ; in fall
lor all unpaid taxes for the said years
(except such as have been attempted to
be assigned by the county to said George
H. Hargreaves), on the ' following de
scribed lands; All of sections 9 and 15
and e of nwj and w of nw2 and
w) of mxi of section 2 the n of n
vt of section 3. , All of the ot seo
tion 4, of nw' and nwj of sw of
section 10: the w of w of section 11,
all in t6 s. r 3 east W.M. alsos of nW.
and ail the s4 i n, and an toe s4 of
section 3o, tp 4 south, r if east. And
that the clerk be and is hereby orderei
to cancel the same. This order is made
on condition that the owner of said lands
shall tender- to said Hargreaves the
amount paid by him to the county ' for
assignment of certificates upon said
lands or any part thereof and keep such
tender good. - And that said owner shall
save the county harmless from any ac
tion by said George IL Hargreaves to re
cover back the amount so paid by him
lor such assignment. i , , . , i, i ,, I
, In the matter, of a road and gateway of
public easesment. It appearing to the
board of county commissioners of Clack
amas county, Oregon, from the sworn
statement of Mrs. E. Weberbeim, that
she is the owner of and has a residence
on the property adjoining the Hugh
Ourrin donation land claim. Ibat her
said residence and , property is not
reached by any publio road heretofore
provided by law, and that it is necessary
that the public and herself shculd have
ingress and egress to and irom tne said
residence and premises. That the near
est public road to her said premises and
residence is the road known as the Cubic
road running almost parallel with the
said Western boundary df ber said prem
ises and about 19.50 chains westerly
therefrom. Hald petitioner i prays that
a public gateway be located from her said
residence and premises to said Cubic
road across the lands of George J. , Cur-
rin, or Nancy Bhaokland or across the
lands of both said parties, so as to do
the least damage possible to the lands
crossed, and that viewers be appointed
for ttut purpose according to law. It is
therefore ordered that Hid Dates, Ueorge
Ely and James Kitching, three disinter
ested freeholders of Clackamas county,
Oregon, be and they hereby are ap
pointed as viewers to locate a county
gateway 16 feet wide across the lands of
Ueorge J . Cumn, or the lauds oi Nancy
Shankland, or the lands of both as may
be necessary to do the least damage to
the Cubic road, and for that purpose. It
is ordered that they meet on said prem
ises on the 24th day of May, 1901, and
view and locate the said . gateway ' as
above stated so as to Jdo the least dam
age to the lands crossed, and to assess
the damages aocruiag 1 to the lands
eroded in favor of the owner thereof,
and report their doing hereunder to the
court. ' ,, i !
, (Continued next week.1
i I
"I had a running sore on ' my breast
for over a year," says Henry R.' Rich
ards, of VVlllseyville, N. Y., and tried a
great many remedies, but got no relief
until I used Banner Salve. After using
one-half box, I was perfectly cured. I
cannot recommend , it too highly."
Charman & Co. "' '
, Btb at CurriusvUh,
Bob, the ?4 Percheron stallion will
make the seaaan at Oak Grove stock
ranch and at no other stand. His itet
of colts can be seen at this ranch. Six
dollars to insure with fold; mares
parted with forfeit the iuaurauue.
Also pure breed short horn calves for
sale of either sex. ,
: , i , J. M . Dowty,
Currinsville, Ore.
WANTKO. Capable, reliable person In eery
county to rvpreM'Ut large company o( stilid fi
nancial reputation: W salary itr rear, payable
weekly; per day absolutely sure and al ex
IHMises; straight, bona tide, dcllnlte salary, no
commtwioii; salary paid each Salurdrfy and et-
Bi-nae money advanrtHl each fvk. STAMIAKU
ULtSU. KM l'IAHUOK.1 ST., Ciik'ai o.
BMntU Tha Hind Yoa Hav lwavs Beught
The old maxim, "The, Proof of: the
Pudding is in the Eating," applies as
well to the wearing qualities ot our ho
siery. Once worn and you wjjl wear
them always. An exceptional trial of
fer that every reader of this paper
should take advantage of and test the
remarkable wearing qualities and super
rior finish 6f our high ; grade hosiery,
We will, on receipt of 25c1n silver J and
the name of your local dealer,1 send di
rect to you from the mills, postage paid,,
4 pair of our finest high grade latest
style Empire brand ladies' or children's
hose, or men's half boe, in black, 1 tan,
white or the fashionable fancy solid ' Col
ors, or the latest combination wlk 'em
broidered polka dots, electric stripes, or.
silk clocking on side, in fancy open work
plain, or drop stitch style,1 in French
lisle , thread, n balbriggan,' silk .finish
maco, or cashmere, with full finish elas
tic top and. our! ' patent,, reinforced ailk
and linen knit seamless,' doable -sole,
toe and high spliced double heel., (They)
save darning and te granted to give
three times the wear of any other hosi
ery'. The same in children's with elas
tic top, doable knee, sole, heel and , toe,
plain or ribbed, fine, medium or heavy
quality, guaranteed fast color, and war
rant 1 not to crock. The retail value of
these hose is 25c. per pair. ; We will hot
send more than 4 pair of each ladies' or
children's to one person. ' " A trial wear
Of these will convince you of their mer
its.; For ; 60c, we will send,' post paid,
one trial pair of our ladies' fine silk
hose, in shades of pink, gold, ' white,
black, bine, cardinal or lavender.11 This
is a special trial offer.' ' If you are not
Satisfied with them after trial wear we
will refund your ; money ' If yon are
pleased with them and wish 'morel In
sist on your local dealer procuring them
for you, and insist on him getting 1 our
Empire brand hosiery Write us today,
mentioning this paper, as this offer is
limited ' A beautiful little booklet,' tell
ing how Our hosiery is made, mailed free
to yon on request." Address tms way,'
!:"!' it '"i1'-Empire' Kkittino Mjti.i
106 and 108 Fulton St., New York City.!
line! rj-(.-.'l 1 ."! Uu (."iH'li'in'l 1'ivu 1
'Itll'l 'lii'i . !' l'" :.'.', ,! "'!i''Tli; ((I'" j '
ii!-ii)'XHB ' COLDl,ll,,):uv'",'1 Yi f
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets! car
a cold in one day,. No Cure i no , Pay,
Price 25 cents,, , '., i,.,,),,,,,, ,;,'.i.-f
,1, if.i'.i ' 'i " - ' ; 1 ii'MiiilhjjV'J.;
The greatest skin soecialirt in America
originated the formula for Banner Salve.'
tor all skin diseases, ail cuts or sores,
and for piles, it's the most healing medi
cine, t Beware of substitutes. Gbarman
&Co.,".'in ;iff h.'.'-ii-'Kii'- Jsili ,H'.mi 1 '.
,11 w ):; i.. , : i ,-H ''!T 11
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money If it fails
to curer ' E. W. Grove's signature Is on
echbox. ;25c.v :i;,f;,';';.,;Jf;:
fmllM hi? ' ki.!:( 'I
Mr. F.D.Arnold, Arnold, la., writes:
He was troubled with kidney dis?3a
about three years. ; He bad to get up
several times during the night but three
bottles of Foley's Kidney Cere effected a
complete cure, he ' feels better than he
ever did and recommends it to his
friends. Oharman & Co, ;;!1 ,;.y,:'
A cheap remedy for coughs and colds
is all right, but you want something that
will relieve and cure the more severe
and dangerous results of throat and lung
troubles. What shall you do? Go to
a warmer and more regular climate 7
Yes, if possible ; if not possible for you,'
then in either case take the only remedy
that has been introduced in all civilized
countries with success in severe throat
and lung troubles, "Boschee's German
Syrup."- If not only heals' and stimu
lates the tissues to destroys the germ
disease, but allays inflammation, causes
easy expectoration, gives a good night's
rest, and cures the "atient. , Try one
bottle. Recommended many years by
all druggists in the world. . Get Green's
Prise Almanac at George A. Harding's.
We will tend absolutely free to every Woman
who will send u her name ul a 2,i stamp, a
specimen copy of L'Abt dk la Modi, the Hit
est fiuhlon Journal published. We do this
because we bVleve that If you see a copy you
will send 13 AO lor a year's subaiTlptiuD In
this b.autiful magazine will he found beauti
ful cnalumm In many colore with full deselp
tion and pa;e alter pane of greatest Interest
to every woman. end at once. Single
numbers 36c. each, at all newsdealers.
3 East 19th Street, , , . ; . , New York.
In every town
and' village
may be had,
the ,',...
that makes your
horses glad. ;
Will give yuu a !
Bargain i.i Wall Paper
Wall Tinting and in
General House Painting
. Paint Sho; near Depot Hotel
,U',I I " l.,u 1. , 1
I? I
Stasia I
Wlta I
-"4 11 3
11 nn
j j: (if
.; I'ctt!) t
il(HIK.Ki J.I-.l
'.I,iii-"',',J,-,!"V -lUlll t.l)J
A Perfect Food Drink
; Made . from the choicest
fruits and cereals grown
i ' Possesses a delicate flavor
and aroma not found .; in
any other Cereal Coffee.
: . !' All grocers sell .it. it
Thomas' Maple,' Birkbeck, Ill. wrifes:
"I had a ery bad Case of kidney trouble
and my back pained rre so I could ' not
straighten Up. The doctor's treatment
did me no food. Saw Foley's ' Kidney
Cure advertised ' and 1 toofc ' one battle
which cured me and I have hot been af
fected since'1 1; gladly recommend this
remedy." Charman & Co. ' ' ' '
Shudders At His Past.
'Mi I
"I recall now with horror." says Mail
Carrier Burnett Mann, of Levanna, O.,
'my three years of suffering1 from Kid:
ney trouble. 1 was bardiy ever free from
dull aches or acute pains in my 1 back.
To stoop or lift mall sacks made me
groan. I felt tired, worn out about ready
to give up, wnen 1 began to us? Klectric
Bitters, but nix bottles completely cured
me ana maxie me leei ime a new man."
They're unrivalled to regulate Stomtch,
LiverKidneys and 1 Bowels. " l'erfect
satisfaction guaranteed by Geo. A; Har
ding, Only 60 cents. , ; ,, I .
George ' C. Hickock, Ourtiss, Wis.,
says: "Foley's Kidney Cure, has been
tested and found to be 'all you claim for
it. 1 have given It to my father, and it
is the only thing that ever helped him,"
Charman & Co., , 1, .,,,,. , .. i
.;u-,?.," Fought For His Lire. , , -1
"Mv father and sister' both died of
Consumption," writes J. T. Weather?
wax, of Wyandotte, Mich., "and I was
saved from the same frightful fate only
by Dr. King's New Discovery. An at
tack of Pneumonia left an obstinate
cough and , very . severe lung trouble,
which an excellent doctor could not help,
but a few months' use of this wonderful
medicine made me as well as ever and I
gained much in weight." Infallible for
Coughs, Golds and all Throat and Lung
trouble. Trial bottles free. Guaranteed
bottles 60c and sl.QO at Geo. A. Hard
.. . T , (": ; . '' I
If you are sick all over, and' don't
know just what ails you, it s ten to one
Sour kidneys are out of order. Foley's
ItfueyCure will bring yon health and
energy, Charman & Co.
For Orar Fifty teara ,,t
Ah Old and Wll-Triid Rbmbdy.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has
been used for over fifty years by millions
of mothers 1 for their children while
teething, with perfect: success. It
soothes the child, softens the sums.
allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is
the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is
pieasant ' to tne taste, sola by Drug
gists in every part of the World.
Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is
incalculable. Pe sure and ask for Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no
wuier aura ' ' 1 .. '."
'.!.) ' ' '
' ' Old Soldier's Experience.
M. M. Austin, a civil war veteran, of
w incnesier, ina., writes: "My wife
was sick a long time in spite of good
doctor's treatment, but was wholly
cured by Dr. King's New Life Pills,
write l worked wonders for her health
lliey always Uo. Try them. Only 25c
at ueo. A. Harding s drug store. ,
Miss Mamie Smith, Middlesboro. Kv.
writes: "My little sister ;had the croup
very bad. I gave her several doees of
Foley 8 Honey and Tar, and she was In
stantly , relieved. It saved her , life
Charman & Co., ,,. , ,,,1 , , j
men to trarel and advertise for old established
Bouse ot ill ttnanctal standing. Salary (780 a
jear and expenses, all payable in ensh No can.
aaslni required, , Oiva relerenoeg and enolnse
en-adareaaea Slam pea envelope. Address Mm
ager, 365 Caxton BUlg., Chicago, ,v 1
It's Easy to Stand
' . . OR WALK, OR REST -
With your leet encased in our
Floral Queen $3.00 Shoes wel
made, . stylish, healthful, econo
mical It's a fcwondcr" in shoe
values. Ask to see it.
Dozen of other varieties foot
wear for all people and all purses.
TulTai fruit V
k'i :,; A.J,..0:..M.i
V ant-Sklaftyl
UataivJ-1 yy.i 1
'1 '. II J fi is it i tfiii I I
Li'-, ". M i
t i
ChXs. H. Caufieid,' President, ''
Geo. a. Hareins, vlce-Fresldent
B. G. CAtTFiHLD, ' Cashier ' - -
General banking business transacted
Deposits received snbject to check 1
. Approved Mils and notes discounted
County and cily. warrants bought I
Loans made on available security
! Sxchaoge. bought and sold 3 I' l l, L
;.Colleo(tn njade, rpmptly v-vl '
Drafts sold available in any part of the world
i Telegrs phi o exchange sold on PortlanO, 8a n
j-t Franciscoi Chioago and Tew yorki 0 'A i
Interest pid.,n,..tfme; deposits y ? ) j
W .('. i S t'i'-'t'i f:iit i t' !
fj '.S.' SEAM ANN, M. D. . '
EY8 tested and properly fitted with, GLASSES
J 'Office Hours 10 to is a. ta., 1 to4'p. m. j
', ..Koorn, ,!),; Allaky. Building! ,:!'! !
,; (,..K,,,'ThirdandMorrionSt, tt;, ,f !
ii '''Att6iaifiY-'XT LAW . .
Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law
K,' ,'''''"'' Specialties,., ,., ; j
Office In Commercial Bank Building
( ,o , , (Established 1865) '
Prompt delivery to all parts o the. olty, j
, ,,,,.,,.,, qy , OREGON ,: CITY .,
" "' -.ii " ' CAPITAL $100,000 ' "' '.''"'.' ! !
! Transacts a general banking business ' ' j
, Makes loam and collections, discounts bills,
buys and sells domestic and foreign, exchange,
.,,,, and receives .deposits subject to check..
ypen irom a. m, to 4 p. m.lV)
V, C. LAIOUBETTB, ,! ; F, J. Meyeb.
j,, -..it Cashier
:: : Opposite Railroad Depot ' ,
New Management , " ' ' Home Cooking
' ' I I i' MRS.. SEOL, Pbop. i
W. Eastham
O. B. Dimick
Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law Special
ties, ADsiraci 01 line maae, Money Loaned.
Reference, Bank of Oregon City , , I
L. PICKENS :,',;,.,; !: ,; !
-!'in:y..---- DENTIST -' ''r.
Prices Moderate. All Operations Guaranteed.
Barclay Build.ng , ; ,;v Oregon City
Alt work warranted and satisfaction guaranteed
Crown and Bridge work a speoialty
1 Caufleld Building
Graduate o Northwestern University Dental
School, also of American College of
1 '' ' ' Dental Surgery, Chicago '
Willamette Blook
Btevens Building, opp, Bank of Oregon City
Jl, . C. i STRICKLAND, M. ( T, '
(HospiUl and Private Experience) 1
8peolal attentiop paid to Catarrh and Chronic
" ' ' Diseases " ' ' ' "
' Office hours: 10 to 12, a. m.; 4 to 6, p. ml
, . .Willamette Bunding " ""'
ROBERT . A.. MILLER " ; ."
Laud Titles, Land Ofl'ice Business, Conveyancing
Will practice in all courts of the state
"' " ' Room 8, Welnhard Building
OREGON CITY 1 , ,.,.,., ... , , OREGON
C. dcai-SSKl. " ''!" ' ' V W, S.' TJ'Ren
; ' :;' ; ;"" Deutr& Stbeofat '". ; '' '; ; -
VClll practice in all courts, make collections
and settlements of estates, furnuh abstracts of
Utle lead you monpT and lend -ronr monpT.an
first mortgege. , ytllce in Enterprise building.
OREGON CITY " , f ( ; ' .: OREGON
Livery, Feed ; and Sale Stables
Nearly opposite Suspension bridge '
First-Class Rigs of All Kinds
Embalmers and
Funeral Directors
. Telephones, Night or; Day. . .
Seventh Street ; Near Depot
Grocery Store
For BcbGpor4s J, "7 j "J"
Best Cc nditons j uIm t
And Prompt Delivery, ,( ,
.uh imn "'i,' iif:i "
7th and Center
eisentlal to perfect cemiort and health. , Our
estimates on putting tn Plumbtns Work and
fiulns (or large and small bouses will bt found
urpassincly low when quality of work and
material used is oonsidered .
We would be pleased U bare a epportunlty
snbmlt fif ures. .1
! . F. Ci GADKE J;
Drop In and see what
we have in the latest
photographs. We can
plea se all. M ) -?ffn'i
t 1
'i')V 1 it liooli
M ji'.P
Mew Plumbing ;
and Tin Shop
' Z i: a Specialty
Opposite Caufleld Block OREGON CITY
' Wafl Paper
I Now is' the time to' buy your
wall paper and Murrow, the paper
hanger, will sell it - to you cheaper
man you can buy it in Portland.
Drop a card in the postoffice and
have sample-book brought to your
house, or telephone Ely Bros.' store
J. MURROW, Oregon.; City
vv. u. young's
Livery & Feed Stable
,ff',:r. FineBt ' Turnouts in city "
1 w;i . .i
Oregon City Junk store
,-1 !... ; .1 ,u,'jn,l.'. -:iv f.:,!-.t'.t I'.m
.... Buys; old rags,, bottles, '
. .. . old iron, rubber and 1 1
all ' kinds "of metals!' i
, , , 'h, Higest prices paid.
ShoII, Sugarman &Co
Cor. Main and Tenth Sts.
WANTED. Capable, reliable nemon'ln
county to represent large company of solid Snan
cial reputation; S'JSS salary per year, payable
weeaiy; s per day absolutely snre and all expens
es; straight, bona-flile, definite salary.no commis
sion: salary paid each 8aturdaT and expense
money advanced each week. STANDARD HOUSE,
34 Dearborn St. Chicago,
New arrivals daily in ready-to-wear
hats. . Miss C. Goldsmith.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of
I.J'I .T..VH i'T .'llti'.T ! . r.i:,;iiA