OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY,' MAY 17, 1901 Oregon ShohtLine ano union Pacific TIMS eCHEU.ULES FKOH depart Portland, Ore. Annivi Chicago- Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. Portland Wortb, Omaha, Kan Speoial sas City, St. Louis, Chi- 4:30 p. m. 8 a. m. cago and East. Atlantlo Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. Express Worth, Omaha, Kansas v - City, St. Louie, Chicago 8:40 a. m. " 9 p. m. ' and East. ' St. Paul Walla Walla, Lewiston, Fast Mail Spokane, Wallace, Pull man, Minneapolis, St 7:00 p. m. 8 p. m. Paul, Duluth, Milwau kee, Chicago and East. ' ' ' Ocean Steamships 8 p. m. All Sailing Dates subjeot 4 p.m. to change. , For San Franuisco Sail every 5 days. Daiiy Columbia River Bx.sunday steamers. p- 8 p. m. Ex. Sunday Saturday To Astoria and Way 10 p. m. Landings. Willamttte River. 8 a.m. 4 .30 p.m. Ex. Sunday Oregon City, Newbejg, Ex. Sunday Salem, Independence and way-landings. Willamette and Yam- 7 a. m. . hill Rivers. 3:80 p. m. Tues. Thur. ... Mo., Wed. and Sat. Oregon City, Dayton an Frl and way-landings. ' a. mv. Willamette River -nmtp. m. Tues. Thur. ' Mon., Wed and Sat. Portland to Corvallls and Frl. and way-landings. Leave Snake River Leave Riparia Lewiston 1:40 a.m. Riparia to Lewiston. 8:30 a.m. Daily. Daily ' ' " A. L. CKAlO, G, P. A., "Best of Everything" In a word this tells of the pas- enger service via, THE NORTH-WESTERN LINE 8 Trains Daily between St, Paul and Chicago comprising: The Latest Pullman Sleepers Peerless Dining Cars Library and Observation Cars Free Reclining Chair Cars . The 20th Century Train "the NORTH-WESTERN LIMITED runs every day of the year. The Finest Train in the World Electric Lighted Steam Heated To Chicago by Daylight. The Badger State Express, the finest day train running between unieago via. the Short Line. Connections from the west made via The Northern Pacific, Great Northern, and Canadian Pacific Rye. This is also one of the best lines between Omaha, St. Paul and Minneapolis All agents sell tipkets via "The North- wantain T Ina " W. H. MEAD, H. S. SISLER. G. A. . . T. A. 48 Alder St., Portland, Oregon. HOAR OF THE FALLS, "I'm a ' big property Man-Witb-The-Din' SUMMONS. Portland,. Oregon In the Circuit Court ol the State ol Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. W. W. Smith, plaintiff, vs. Ancle K. Smith, defendant. To Annie E. Smith, said defendant In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint Bled against you In the above entitled suit on or before the 28th day of June, 1901, that being the last day prescribed In the order of publication of this summons, and If you fail to appearand answer said complaint, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for therein , to-wlt: A dissolution of the bonds of matrimony between vou and the plaintiff. This summons ia published by order of the Hon. Thomas A. McBride, Judge of the 8th Ju dicial district of the state of Oregon, for the county of Clackamas, made and entered on the 8lh day of May, 1901, and the first publication be ing the 10th day of May, 1901. U REN fit SCHUEBEXj, Attorneys for Plaintiff. going to be nwnt-r." Raid the ner Pail. "I am Betting very tired of beitig pointed out as a man who pays no taxes by the individual who owns $20,000 worth of property and pays interest on $25,000 indebtedness. I propose to be a bloated taxpayer myself and eligible to run for councilman, water commissioner and school director. Then I'll be some body, get on all the reception commit tees and cut a wider swath than a lawn mower. I'm going to stand off my rent, butcher and grocer lor a couple of months, buy a Tot and build a house on the installment plan- Then I'll get a get a horse and buggy. Just as well live in a fine house and ride in a car riage and be in the s wiuv' It's dead easy when you get on to tbe right combina tion," said tbe Man-With-The-Dinner- An Independence commission mer chant has pulled np stakes and moved to Eugene, claiming mat tne aeaiere m merchandise persisted in buying farm produce to the detriment ol nis ousinesB. The complaint . has been in Oregon City that the dealers would purchase only a very limited quantities ot larni products. : .:: The authorities in Portland, who ap pointed the cummitte '8 to receive Pres ident McKinley, realized that others than partisan republicans honored and respetted the executive duel 01 tne na tion. It was not so in Oregon City, the partisans on the other side being figura tively sat down on. However, the Presl dent is not coming; to Oregon on accouut of the serious illness of Mrs. McKinley, a fact deeply legretted, aa people of alt creeds and politics were anxious to do bim honor. NEWS OF : THE WEEK The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co.'s t Strs. Regulator & Dalles City f Dally (except Sunday) between -, The Dalles, ' ' Hood River, Cascade Locks, ' '. '...Vancouver - . , , and Portland SUMMONS. In the circuit court of the state of Oregon for the county of Clackamas Eliza Beebs, The Enterprise has changed local ed itors three times since January 1st. Because the Evening Telegram sends a man they can't use at home 10 report for the Oregon City edition, is no rea son why people in business should stuff with fake news. Notably, the direct appointment of Dr. Bach man aa a sur geon in tbe navy department, or Olds having a contract to build a bridge the Molalla at Barlow, etc. True, no body reads it outside of Oregon City, but the principle is the earns. It is possible that some of the fac ulty at the agricultural college may know how to analyze water, Due 11 is a fact that none baa ever been printed The speeches that have been prepared for welcoming tha President during bis heretofore expected trip through Oregon can be used lor fourth ot July ceieDra tion orations and summer picnic ad dresses, by changing a few words. - Trimmed bats for fifty cents and up at Mrs. tU.T. Bladen's. Plaintiff, vs. Hugo Beebs, ueienaaut. J Touching at wav points on both sides of the Columbia river. Tlnth of tbe above steamers have been rebull and are In oioellent Shane for the season of 1900 The Regulator Line will endeavor to give its patrons the best service possmie. For Comfort, Economy nd Pleasure travel by the steamers of The Regulator Line. Tho ftVinva itfamer leave Portland 7a. m.and Dalles at 8 a. m.,and arrive at destinations ample time for outgoing trains. . " Portland Office, - ' The Dalles Office Oak St. Dock. . Courtstreet. A. C. Al.liAWAT General Agent To Hugo Beebs, said defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon, you aie hereby required to appear and answer the com. plaint filed against you In the above entitled suit or before the Slstday of May, 1901, and If you fall to so answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the above entitled court for a deoree forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between tbe plaintiff and defendant, and for such other relief as shall seem meet ana proper. " This summons Is ordered published in tne Ore gon City Courier-Herald for the period of six weeks from date of flistpublioaUon tnereor.sucn order being made by the Hon. T. A. McBride, Judee of the Olrouit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas, on the 23rd day Ol April, 1901. A. K. UlltllSItttiLU, Attorney for Plaintiff. First publication prll 26th, 1001. Timber Land, Act June S, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION . SOUTH AND EAST ; ; .-. VIA Southern Pacific Co. Shasta Route Trains leave Oregon City for Portland at 7 00 and 9:22 a. and 6;S0P. M. Lv Lv Ar Portland Oregon City Ashland Sacramento San Francisco Ogden Denver Kansas City Chicago Los Angeles El Paso Fort Worth Olty of Mexico Houston Mew Orleans Washington Kew lork 8:30 i.H. 9:22 A. M. 12:65 A.M. 8:10 r.H 7:46 P.M. 4:46 A. X. :80 A. M. 7:26 A , 7:42 A.M. 2:00 P.M. S.-00 p. if. (-.80 A.M. 11:80 A. K. 7:00 B.M. e:80 P.M. 6:42 a.m. 12:10 P.M. 8:30 P. M. 9:14 P. u. 12:86 P.M. 6:00 A.M. 8:46 P.M. 7:00 A. M. 9:16 A.M. 7:26 A.M. 8:80 A.M. 8:05 A.M. 6:00 P.M. :80 a.m. 11:30 A.M. 7:00 A.M. 6:30 P. M, 6:42 A.M. 12:10 P. M. both trains. United States Land Ofiici. Oregon City, Oregon, April 26, 1901, Notice is hereby given that in compliance with tho provisions of the act of Congress of June 6, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lanas In the StateB of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the public land states by act of August 4, ueorge L. Curry, of Portland, county 01 Muitnoman stale of Oregon, has this day Bled In this office his sworn statement No. 5395, for the purchase of the N.W.ofS. B. Uand 8. W. ol B. E. ol section No. 12 In township 4; south, '.range 4 east, and will offer proof to show that ths land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or atone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before tha Register and Receiver 01 this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Saturday, the20.h day of July, 1901. Ha names as witnesses: J. C. Welob, K, Haleht. C.P.Halght H. Wiberg, an 01 romana Any and all persona claiming adversely me above-described lands are requesteo. to me weir elalms In this office on or before said 20th day of July.UOL CHARLES B. MOUUts, neginer. nii Tmipfitt Cars on Chair ears, Baoramento to Ogden and El Pasoi tnHt ra to Chicago. St. Louis, New Orleans and Washington. Connecting at Ban Franc sco with several appointed by the Hon. Thos. F. Ryan, H'Ml.'?' 5SK X' county Judge of Clackamas County, Oregon, a. K Hill I y HOB vajuh wuw ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Notice to hereby given that the unaersigneo See E. L. Hoopkkoabkib, agent uregon Citv station, or address C. H. MARKHAM, O. P. A., Portland, Or Guaranteed $fl)B 1 . .. IT salary Yearly. Men and women of good address to represent 11s some to travel appointing agents, others for ral work looking ifter our Interests 900 San guaranteed yearly: extra con.mis.lons and Mpeises, rapid advancement, old established boul" Grand chance for earnest man or woman rff Sew brilliant line.-. Write tbe estate of Martha J. Shaw, county Judge administrator ol deceased. All persons having claims against the said state are hereby notified to present their claims to the mndenlgned at the law office or c. D D. C. Latourette, my attorneys, in Oregon city. Oregon, within six mouths from this date, E. Li. BBAW, Administrator aforesaid. I Dated, April 17, 1901. SOCIAL EVENTS. An open session of tbe Dertliic Musi cat and Literary Club will be held at the home ol Mrs. Dr. hi. A. bommer in une, which will close the work of the season. At the last business meeting 01 the club held at the home of Mrs. . E. Williams, new officers were elected. The club has done excellent and appre ciative work, and new features will be added to the work next year. The mock trial of a graveyard robber at the Congregational church last Fri- pay night was a notable event, ap I lauded by a large audience. The prin cipals were pupils of the public scnool, and the affair was given for the benefit of the Saturday Club. tion. V. is. Moores presided as judge of the cout and William Califf was clerk. Jack Ctufleld was tbe prosecutiutt attorney, while Jack Latourette conducted the de fense. If any Clackamas county man has an ambition to be elected prosecut ing attornev. it would be well to first guarantee Mr. Oaufield a deputyship, if the candidate inall expect to win. Mr. Latourette was full of resources, not' withstanding his witnesses could not avoid showing a lack of sincerity in their efforts to prove an alibi. However, they- did remarkably well. Master Miln would very likely nave Deen iouna izuiltv of stealing the skull, had not a contrary iurvman buns that body. Both thH attorneys made excellent pleas, ana their cross-examinations would have doi.e credit to veterans. Ice cream and cake were served at the close ot the trial, and asocial time followed. The Ladies of the G. A. R. nave a very entertaining social at the home of J. A. etuart, Wednesday evening. The ''Irish Duke." The seats for the "Irish Duke" play, to be given by home talent at Shively's opera house on Tuesday evening, May 28, are now on sale at Huntley's store, Those who are wise will get their seats in time, as it is expected that one of the largest au Uences ever assembled in tne opera house will be in attendance on that evening Tickets are 25, 35 and 60 cents. Get your seats in time. Friday, May 10. . - The railroads of Can da have cone into the handB of one company. The peremptory writ of mandamus is sued by the state supreme court of Illi nois in the suit brought by the state against the state board of equalization, compels said board to place f235,000,000 worth of Chicago corporation property on the assessment - roll which was not there before. Solomon Simon, a Jew,was the only honest member ofithe board of equalization. Chicago's charitable organizations ex pend $3,500,000 annually on the city's poor. One citizen ot Chicago in every M gets charitable support. 1 The German loan of 170,000,000 marks was subscribed in ranee alone lour times oyer. The bankers are peace makers, ' ;. . In New York yesterday, Northern Pa cific stock rose to $1000 a share and slumped to $300. At the low-water mark of prices, 41 principal stocks fell $698,- 3S8.4U7, but there was largely a recovery from this shrinkage, .. The thousands ruined by the financial war, says Rueael Sage, is only an incident of it. breorge Gould made $35,000,000 on the bull side of the market. From Ohicago,$20,000,000 in currency were sent to New York to balance accounts. The New York city bankers formed a pool of $20,000,000 with which to stem the torrent of ruin, as interest on loans had risen to 40, 50 and ou per cent. Also in London the great fluctuations in -American railway stocks produced bankruptcies. Congregational Preacher J. A. Harris, of Milburn, 111., was given six months suspension to hunt up the $100,000 en trusted to mm by his gullible nock. Poverty prevails throughout Spain Swarms of bungrv rusticB crowd into the overpopulated cities. At Barcelona alone 500 arreets have been made. The Catho lic church party has hosts of enemies A revolution seems imminent. Yesterday, the Duke of Cornwall and York opened at Melbourne the first par' I iament of the Australian federation Four hundred inmates of the Eastern Washington Hospital for the Insane at Medical Lake have the smallpox. Unless the city council of Baker Olty can annul the act of the legislature Dlac ins the great sawmill plant of the O. L. Co. in South Baker City within the city limits, that corporation will move. The settlers of the Yakima valley, Wash., are taking active steps to peti tion the government against the grazing for three months of nearly a quarter of a million of sheep and 5000 cattle iq the Mt. Kamer reservation, which, they de clare, by denuding the soil, tends to de stroy the water shed and dry up the water courses ike? need for irrigation. home, and also to labor unions because they put the highly efflcie it workman on a level with the poorest. For the past year, sayB the London Statist, England's excecs of imports over exports was 191,000,000. Through their eagerness for firewood, number of Chicago poor children chop ped away the supports of a crazy struc ture on Larrabee street, which crashed down on them, killing one and wound ing 15. According to a'St. Petersburg dispatch in the Cologne Gazette, Russia is has tening the completion of the Manchuria railroad by buying American locomotives and in other ways, in order to be able to throw a couple of army corps into Manchuria by rail. The Argentine has 16,000 miles of rail way, and tho charge for a sleeper berth is but 90 cents in 24 hours. Tbe native police force in the Philip pine islands nov numbers 6349 men. As a result of a four-months' shut down of Pittsburg glass factories, 10,000 sgilled workmen are idle. Rubsia has placed a 4-per-cent loan of 424,000,000 francs with Paris bankers. From May 5 to 10, Kitchener coralled 341 Boers, 9000 rounds ot ammunition, 236 wagons, 1500 horses and supplies. Mary Mark, of near Wichita, Kansas, choked her illegitimate iniant to death, ner mother being privy to the crime. Turkey has shot 103 revolutionary Macedonians, some of them women. . Near Huntingburg, Ind., Geo.Reoves, arrested far a murder committed 16 years ago, was Bhot and kiiU-d last night by a deputy sheriff. He was trying to escape. At Evanston.Wyo., eight sheep shear era trying to beat their way home in a box car, were cleaned out by two armed robbers who crawled into the car and took from each man $50 to $100. The interstate commee commission reports , that the railroads made "824 changes in freight rates on January 1. 1900, of which 818 produced advances in ratea and six resulted in reductions." , The population of Canada is 6,000,000. Ten years ago it was 4,800,000. t - fiatnwlav ffln 11 five women, members of the Altaian family, of Larium, were drowned in Lake Superior near Houghton, Mich. while trying to get from the burning steamer Bon Voyage to the shore. - Rev. Father Amado, a Catholic padre of uuadalajara, Mexico, lias disappeared with J1UU.0U0 of other people's money and a handsome young lady. The seizure of Wm. O'Brien's weekly paper, the Irish People, by Mr. Wynd- ham, the secretary for Ireland, for the bitter attack on King Edward which it contained, has given that obscure publl cation world-wide publicity. . The English government loses 700,000 aiinually on the telegraph lines, the loss amounting to 8,300,000 since the gov ernment undertook the service. , Tbe body of Samuel Bolton, Jr., a mil lionaire b.-ewer of Troy, N Y.,was found cooked in a vat of boiling beer in his own brewery. A rebellion has broken out in the is land of Santo Domingo. Greeley, Oolo., will get 'a $700,000 en- gar beet factory. There is great depression in the indus tries of Russia. Four hundred factories have closed. Tbe present condition may has;en the change of tha Russian gov ernment from its present absolute form to a parliamentary one, a change which, it is believed in Europe, will come in any event. The revolutionary movement among the laboting clashes of the em pire is spreading, and editors, women and profeseors are among the arrested. , The Cologne Gazette says that an un derstanding between Russia and Ger many offers ways and means to compel tbe United States to adapt itself to Eu rope's tariff system, by which German agriculture-will by no means suffer dis advantage. A Berlin correspondent of the N.Y. Times comments on this that America and Russia may turn the ta bles on Germany by an alliance to re sist all attempts to raise German grain duties. Wednesday, May 15. ' The Santa Fe eauipment is run down. and 165 new locomotives have been or dered. The Bum of $2,600,000 will be expended on betterments. Over 100,000 tons of steel rails have been bought for George J. Gould's southwestern system. His different orders placed with the pool Involve expenditure of $2,860,000. The Santa Fe will Boon run a line of - steamers between San Francisco and Honolulu and the Far East. Attorney-General Harlan has informed the Porto Ricans that cockfighting is un lawful, but Chief of Police Fechter, of San J uan, Bays, "Three things, drinking, gambling and cockfighting, must always exist here." On Granite Creek, two miles west of Rei ublic, Wash., a mining excitement has broken out and the creek has been staked for 12 miles. Rich ore hae been found in a shaft on the Oolville Reser vation, picked samples assaying $140,000. A meeting of the wool growers of Eas tern Oregon at Heppner has been called for the first Monday in July, to inaugu rate the Wyoming plan of wool Belling, i. e. wool buvers to send sealed bids which are to be opened by a commltiee. Peter Larsen, of Helena, Mont., has bought in Whatcom and Skagitt coun ties, Wash., 10,000 acres of timber land for $155,000. At La Conner, Wash., John Fay cor rected his 15-year-old Bon for some triv ial misdemeanor. This ottended the boy and going aside he shot himself in the head. When ray saw his son dying he grabbed the gun anil blew out bis own brains. The cut worm is reappearing in vari- Flavin Ornnntft. of Rome, who mar ried at 28 and is now 69, recently gave ous parts of Lewis county, Wash birth to her 62d child. It is a pity that this fecund woman lost 10 years of her precious life by not marrying at is. . s 1 ... Monday, May 13. . . Mav 20. a general strike for 10-hours' pay for nine hours of work, is expected in take nlace. involving oireci v lOl1.- 000 machinists and indirectly 500,000 men in the metal working trades. The United Textile Workers of Amer ica now have a : membership of 75,000. Bv amalgamation with kindred oraani' cations the membership will soon be brought to 300,000. A fire in a suburb to the south of De troit, Mich., inflicted $800,000 damage. There were $50,000 tires both at Waver ly, la., and Parker City, Ind. The North RivertN.Y.) Bridge Co.and the Pennsylvania R. R. Co. contemplate the building of a bridge from Hoboken to Manhattan, to be completed within four years and to cost $80,000,000. The bridge will be a double-decker, have 16 tracks for railway trains at fu)l speed, and be the biggest In the world. According to a dispatch from Pretoria, Commander Dewet has crossed into the Transvaal with 2000 men, prepared to fully improve the advantage which the beginning of the winter gives him over the Britit-h. The Vienna Algemeine Zeilang asserts Germany and Austria are negotiating with a view to formation of a European league to resist American competition. One hundred men left Chicago for the gold mines along the River Nechi. South America. They took four carloads ol machinery. The attempt of the chief of police of-L Near Bloomington.Ill., yesterday ,Mer County Treasurer's Notice. I now have money to pay road war rants endorsed pi ior to August 11, 1901. Interest will cease on the warrants in cluded in this call on the date hereof Oregon City, May 17, 1901. A. Lukllinq, Treasurer of Clackamas County .Ore. CITATION TO HEIRS. at once. STAFFORD FKE8S, 23 Church Sts., New Haven, Conn WANTED TBTJSTWORTAY MEN AND Wo men to travel and advertise for old house of solid flnanc al standirg. Salary S. t a ie1ndMrinSea,all pajabl. in cash, ho ran i.fi ,.,,lrnl. tiiTe reference and enclose :r.,U;..mrled envelope. Addrwa Man ager, Iti tsxton Blda., Chicago. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. . KoUfla Is hereby given that tha undersigned has been duly appointed by the Ctunty Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, administrator of the estate of Wm. 8taudinger, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are notified to present such claims to me duly verified at Clack amas, Oregon, within six months from date of this notice. J. W. BTAUDI.NUEB, Administrator as Aforesaid. Dated, April 25, lL For Sale 240 acres of land 12 miles Oregon City; 40 cleared nouse, Darn orchard; price, $2350; $500 down, bal anna on easy terms. Have youron TaH PHntiTtfl at thB time to pay balance. Apply to J. W. J0D mining HI uic AMinW. office on Main street, oppo- COnrier-HCrald I site Albright', meat market. In the County Court of ths State of Oregon, for th County of Clackamas. In the matter of the guardianship of Stephen A. Lane, an Inssne person. To tbe next of kin and all persons Interested In the estate of Stephen A. Lane, an insane pereon. In the name of tha state of Oregon, you are hereby required and cited to appear In the Oouoty Court ol the Bute of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas, al tbe court room thereof, at the court house In the said county of Clackamas, on Monday, the 10th day of June A. D.1901, at 10 o'clock, a. m., of that day, then and there to show cause, If any there be and you have, why a license for the saleof the real property of said Stephen A. Lane, towlt. The north half of southeast quarter (nofse4) and southeast quarter of southeast quarter (sei of tifi) of section 82, townahlp t south of range 3 east of the Willamette Meridian, Clackamas County, Oregon, sbonld not be granted aa as prayed for in tbe petition on file herein. Wttnass, the Bon. Thomas F. Ryan, Judge of the County Court of the Stale of Oreg in, for the County of Clackamas, this SKU day of May A. D IDOL Attest, E. H. COOPER, Clerk. . Uetroit to prevent Tom bawden, a re former, from- addressing street crowds from his wagon, resulted In a riot last night in which twelve citizens and five policemen were injured. The Retail Grocers' Association of Vancouver, B. C, will reduce the num ber of grocery stores in the city from 30 to 11 and buy in large quantities. M.J.Kinney's 3O0O acres of timber land on Big Creek, near Knappa, Clat sop county, were sold for $70,000. Germany lis exporting plows to! Porto Rico. A warehouse fire on the London wbarf at Wilmington, N. 0., caused a loss of about $15 0,000. The Hood 'River (trawberry!growers will need 3000 pickers. . In San Francisco 2000 bakers, cooks and waiters are on a strike. Tbe California prune growers intend to spend $100,000 In advertising dried prunes all over the country, . . The Oregon Hop Growers' Ass'n bai received an offer of 12 cents per pound for between 25,000 and 50,000 bales of the new crop of hops. At Constantinople, the sultan bas sent an insulting note to the foreign ambas' sadori. . " The net number of civilian offices, or soft snaps, created by the last congress was 3003, at yearly cost of $2,239,075. For more than $1,250,000. Baltimore and Pittsburg capitalists' have purchased 62,000 acres of land in the Beaumont, Texas, oil fields. There is a smallpox! epidemic in por tions of Alaska, and aa a sanitary meas ure Hkagway bas driven out all Indians There are over 2,000,000'IItalians and Portugese in Brazil and 300,000 Germans. uver zuu mining companies are ope rating in the Black lulls, who employ 4500 miners earning yearly $5,500,000. The value .of the mineral output last year was neany t iu,ow,uuu. 6unday, May 12. C. M. Schwab, president of (the U. S. Steel Corporation, told the industrial commission at Washington that It con trolled 80 per cent of the iron ore in tbe Northwest, a half billion tons of which were in sight, on which he placed the proni at sz a ion, ana w,w acres of Con' neisvuie cosing coai land. He was op posed to tariff changes because Ameri can steel sells cheaper abroad than at ritt Chism, in the fury of anger, stabbed and kicked and beat his wife to death, and then nnfortunately did not succeed in killing himself. At Heppner 64,000 pounds of wool clip of 1900, were sold at an average of 10 cents. At Jamaica. L. I., two men were kill ed and nine persons injured through the collision of a trolley car with the wagon in which they were. Wm.Phelps and James Staplebury, negroes, were inside a leaky upright boiler, at Indianapolis, Ind., when some one turned on tbe scalding steam that Tbe Rockefeller Coal Co. will supply the railways and manufacturers of Swit zerland with coal, which was done here tofore by the Germans. Londoners dropped 1,000,000 in the Northern Pacific corner. a ei;n nnn nnn nttnn limb tvnuf Viua been formed in New Jersey. A combination, of steel concerns not in the trust is being formed with a capital of $200,000,000. At Brest, Poland, a fire caused dam age to the amount of 11,000,000 rubles. The machinists in a number of cities are on a strike for a nine-hour day at (ho present wages. A meteorite fell at Alegre. Brazil, that measures 56 feet from the base and is 85 fet thigh. ' Thursday, May 16. Mrs. McKinley is critically ill at San Francisco and the president's tour to Oregon has been abandoned. Our trade with Scotland in f jod stuffs and manufactures is steadily increasing, The strike of the stteet-car men in AN bany, N. Y.,in ctrtainly a howling suc cess. Twenty two hundred soldiers are trying to protect the non-union men -from the mob of thousands sympathiz ing with the strikers. It is stated that last year the Astoria & Columbia River Railroad was leased to the Southern Pacific ior 99 years. At Tampa, Fla., 6000 cigarmakers are on a strike because the bridge over the river which they must cross in going home, is not repaired without delay, At the conclave of Catholic Knights of America, in .St. LouU, the supreme president stated that the order bas a sinking fund of $452,682. At .he annual national meeting of the Woodmen of the World, in Columbus, the total membership was reported as 225,797. The death claims for 1900 amounted to $1,000,338. An immense r c fell into the village of Aceienza, Italy, and crushed it. According to the Shanghai Mercury, peace reigns in China only within range of the rifles of the allied armies . D. M. Conway was drowned in the Lewis river at La Center, Wash. Monroe King was drowned in the Wil- meant death. Phelps reached tbe ladder lamette at a point 26 miles from Eugene first, but he jumped aside and shouted : "Yon go first, Jim; you are married. Staplebury got out safely, but Phelps came out thoroughly cooked and died. At Gnencastle, Ind., T.W.Taylor took a dose of chloroform and then shot him self through the bead. He died The gold fund in the treasury amounts to $50i,4UU,4UH. Through drilling into snnnexploded . ! - : . Til . Ar n Vf two men were instantly killed The steamer City of Paducah struck a snag near unnknorst Landing on tne Mississippi, and sank, fifteen persons were drowned. Tuesday, May 14. Board of Trade Meeting. A special meeting of the Oregon City boaru of trade will be held Friday eve ning, May 17, at the courthouse at 8 p. m. prompt. Representatives from Sell wood will also be present seeking the in? dor semen t of the board for the location of the Lewis and Clark exposition at City View park. It is likely, also, that steps will te taken toward the publica tion of a pamphlet descriptive of the city aud coun y. At the present time we have not a single leaflet or a pamphlet do scrlptiveof the city or surrounding coun try. With the immigration coming into the state from all quarters, it certainly i looks as if the business men ought to i make ac me effort to I ml The south-bound Illinois Central pas- tie in Clackamas county. Extra efforts sengbr train jumped tbe track near Ha-1 ought to be made to establish other man zlehurst and the fireman and mail clerk I ufacturing plants in Oregon Citv. If the were killed. Senator W.A.Clark, who is abroad, is buying Union Pacific stock for tbe Hill Morgan crowd, which may precipitate a fight with the Harriman crowd. II ill and Morgan will make a profit of $20,000,000 out of tbe Burlington road purchase. In anticipation of serious trouble.Rus eia is reinforcing her fleet in Chinese waters with six more war vessels. Near Lancaster, Clark county, Wash., James Langan, aged 68, banged himself in his cabin. England's war secretary. Mr. Erode rick, moved his army scheme in the house of commons, which provides for six army corps, a reserve of 60,000 mili tia, and increase of the yeomanry from 12,100 to 85,000. Lord Kitchener is about to try to smoke out the Boers by firing the prai rie. He reports 234 more Boen taken, with 150 wagons and 870 horses. Sellwood people with a small population can establish a woolen mill in their city, wiin a prospective cannery in view, cer tainly Oregon City might do as much and a great deal more, if the business men would wake up to the realization of the situation. There is intense rivalry between cities and wide-wake methods only will win in the end. No city can af ford to sleep on what it has already done. A large attendance is requested at this meeting. FOR SALE. Registered and graded Jerseys, includ ing 4 milch cows, 3 horses, 2 wagons, buggy, plows, harrows, cultivator, etc.; bay, Poland-China hogs aud household furniture. Ar Alpha DeLaval Cream Separator at reasonable price. Apply at the old Cutting Mill ranch, 3 miles east of the Beaver Creek postofllce. J. W, Dhapsb, Agent.