Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, May 17, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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    1. -
Spring has come for good at last, and
eveiytbing is in its glory, even those
pretty girls. .
Mrs. Klinger has her new barn up,
and when complete will add greatly to
the appearance of her place.
Arthur Abbott has left for Sellwood,
where he will make that place his home
in the future. The girls will mips you,
Arthur. -
Bev. Schoenberg.jr , of Michigan, de
livered a very intereBting sermon in the
Geiman Lutheran church today. Mr.
Bchoenberg is visiting his parents and
will return home soon .
Fred Bobcrg, of Portland, attended
church here this week.
The entertainment on the 4th of May
was a decided success.
We have beea informed by partirg of
Liberal that P. M. Graves and ex-Sheriff
Samson went to Prineville to prove
J)ee Bruner's character.
Messrs. Hepler and Scramlin have
both improved the looks of their places
by building a new board fence along the
A socialist club has been organized,
which is making slow but sure progress.
We have advocated socialism for the last
ten years, but we are not willing to fol
low an element, who is the prime mover
in every performance and vote for
Brownell on election day.
Mr. Schwichtenber and w ife, of Port
land, are visiting the latler's parents,
Bev. and Mrs. Schoenberg.
In couclusion we would like to say a
word to our friend, Truant, that we are
old bachelors nor do we talk ill about
the ladies.but it is better to have sheep's
eyes than sheep's head, as it takes a
man with a sheep's head to report an
item that has already been repotted the
week previous. "Men in glass bouses
should not throw stones "
Eagle Creek.
From present indications we will soon
have another of our Oregon showers.
Orchards are in bloom and the fruit
trees all look lovely. . "
Mrs. E. N. Foster was quite ill Sun
day. It is sincerely hoped that she will
improve rapidly. .
U. T. McArthur, the well known
school teacher of this county, was down
from Mount Pleasant visiting friends ill
Eagle Creek Saturday and Sunday. , '
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, of Barton,
were visiting Mrs. Foster Sunday.
Ben Smith, of Oregon City, was visit
ing Mr. Wilson and family, of this place,
Saturday and Sunday. He was accom
panied back by Jesse Forrester, of this
, place.' , f, ) .
Mrs. Simpson was visiting her daugh
ter. Mrs. Duncan, Tuesday.
We wish to correct a slight error, that
occurred in the last issue concerning
Mr. Oibson's name. It should have
been II. F. instead of H. 8., and com
monly known as "Hall."
Mrs. J. P. Forrester returned Friday
from a two weeks' visit among lelativea
in Portland.
Mies Myrtle Winesett has been, in Ore
gon City during the week. '
The Sandy Ridge Sunday echool is
preparing a program for Children's Day.
All are cordially invited. .-
"Corporal" gave us excellent advice,'
and we shall endeavor to follow It fully.
Thanks, very much, "Oorporal."
I think that ."Lengthy" and - his op
ponent will soon be ready to "kiss and
make up," as they seem to be getting
some very good advice and comments
from neutral quarters.
The Artisans held a social meeting Sat
urday evening. They always have all
kinds of good things to eat, and the old
folks. can play "Ruth and Jacob" to per
fection. ..'---
Sunday school is doing nicely. A good
crowd is in attendance regularly.
-, Zok.
a half hour or more. One of the
main features in the practice will
be a sham battle.; After . practice they
will mflrrh'hanlr t.n f.hft- Par. and return
over the same route as they came. Those
J - '- - - - . 1 . i I . .. flmo
during the soldiers' stay here, should
come prepared with lunch. Long tables
will be spread at which soldiers and civil
ians will partake of their noonnay ra
tions. -
H. F. Gibson, accompanied by his at
torney, George L. Story, of Oregon City,
appeared before Justice Jonsrud, of
Sandy, on May 11th, and persuaded the
justice to rescind his action of the pre
vious day in which he bad arbitrarily
fined Mr. Gibson without first giving
him a trial. The people of the com
munity generally were well pleased to
learn that Justice Jonsrud had set aside
his arbitrary treatment of Mr. Gibson of
the day before and dismissed the charge
against him.
The weather 1b such as causes mortals
to be drowsy.
A thunderstorm would undoubtedly
freshen the atmosphere.
Roads and plowed fields look dry.
An addition is being added to John
Moser's residence.
H. E. Hayes made a visit to his farm
last week. "" '
Most of the sheep are shorn.
Messrrs. Weddle and Moser are clear
ing preparatory to putting up line
fence. , " - , . '
Captain Clothier of Company 0, Third
Regiment, 0. N. G, was up hero from
Portland last Friday viewing out the line
of march for hislcompany, fir f-'unday,
May 19th. The company wfll leave
Portland by the East Bide electric car to
Oregon City at 8:30 a. m , and leave
Oregon City by the . West Side electric
car at 10 o'clock, form at the end of the
car line and march to the cemetery here
arriviving shortly after 11 o'clock. They
will then stack their arms and take rest
and dinner, after which they will pro
ceed to the grave of Don Roy Gage, a,
fallen comrade, and hold memorial ser
vices. The program ;will be in part :
Greeting tr) the Boys in Blue, Hon. E.
A. Moses ; response, Captain Clothier ;
unveiling the Don Hoy Gage monument;
the last salute; taps. The program will
be interspersed with appropriate songs.
From the cemetery they will march half
mile to a meadow, and there practice for
As we have not seen any news in the
Courier-Herald for some time from Gar
field, we send a few items and will try to
keep your readers posted on Garfield
news regularly. - -
Crops are looking fine, but are a little
backward. Farmers have sown more
field peas than for many years and will
try to fatten bogs on them.
We need a creamerv up here. It is
reported that Milt Marshall, J. C. Duns
and Norman Tracy will build silos this
Two of our enterprising farmers, Tomp
Yocum and R. ti. Palmateea, are build
ing new barns. Mr. Yocum's is 40x60
feet with 30 feet posts and Mr. Palma
teer's is 62x68 feet, with 12 feet posts.
Saturday evening, May 4th, H. H.
Anders and his bride gave a reception.
It was attended by a large number of
their Garfield friends, and the evening
was enjoyably spent. Mr. and Mrs. An
ders are now at home to their friends.
Gracie Davis, daughter of William Da
vis, has been very sick with intermit
tent fever, but is able to out again .
Floyd, son of Jahu Davis, is very sick
with inflammatory rheumatism, but we
hope Dr. Smith will soon have him up
The young people of the neighborhood
to the number of about 20, made a sur
prise party for Miss Dolly ' Lemon, on
May 11th, the occasion being her 18th
The Garfield Sunday school is moving
along nicely under the superintendency
of Mrs. Holder.-
Rev. Dixon is urging his church peo
ple to organize a Sunday school. We
cannot have too many 8unday schools if
they are conducted In the proper spirit.
. Dover.
." " '
Born, on May 11, to Mr. and Mrs.
Chris Pague.a son.
Mr. and Mm. Clark Bowman were
visiting James DeShuzer Sunday.
Mrs. Charles Oasaeday returned Tues
day from Portland, where she had been
for some weeks, having undergone an
operation for a cancer in her breast. We
are very glad to report her speedy re
covery. .' .(...
Guy Woodle has taken a "claim" in
Dover. , ,
F.Nelson and wife were visiting M.
H. Bowman and wife Sunday.
Clark Bowman and wife called on Mrs.
L. Cabbage last Friday. . , ., ,
Jacob Cooper, while saving logs last
week, had the misfortune to let the saw
fall on his foot causing a very painful
Mrs. Cooper expects to return to Port
land this week. .;-.
64 pages. Over 100 Styles
Nearly 3000 Vehicles in Stock
PRICES Carts $15 and up
Road Wagons 45 and up
Top Buggies 60 and up
Surries, Spring Wagons and the World Renowned
JlildtelL, Wagons
itchell. Lewis k Staver Co.
First and Taylor Streets,
Mrs Ahner'ta aad daughter,- Mollie,
were visiting in Dover last Sunday.
Joseph DeShazer ana iamny were vi-
iting Mrs. Kitzmiller and family last
August Paulsen, of George, also Mr.
Robinson, of Bissel, were visitors in
Dover Sunday.
Preaching here is discontinued until
the the first Sunday in June.
Any one desiring good stock
will do well to come to Dover.
Aiay 13.
M. L.
News is scarce.
. Miss Bertha Goldsmith returned to
her home Sunday. While here she was
the gueat of Mrs. Charles Molson.
Gus Dimick was greeting hm old
friends here Saturday.
The Needy base ball club played
Aurora Sunday. The Needy cluo was
Mrs. S. G. Donilson is quite sick.
Mr. Fish died Monday evening at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. R. Garrett.
The fine weather and good roads are
being made use of by the farmers and
teamsters at present,
There is no school here this week on
account of the sickness and death of the
teacher's grandfather, Mr. Fish, of
Needy. The deceased was an old and
respected citizen of the community, and
he leaves a host of friends and relatives
to mourn his departure. Rev. J. M .
Dick, of Hubbard, conducted the funeral
Miss Ida Yoder was home from Hub
bard last Sunday.
The next regular service at the Smyr
na church has been changed from 11 a.
m. to 7 :39 p. m., on Sunday, May 26th.
J. J. Clark, of Illinois, is visiting
friends in this section with a view of lo
cating. - ,
A. E. Taylor and sister, Jessie, were
the guests of Alice Wyland last Sunday.
Miss Nellie Crocker is home from
Philomath, where ehe has had a paint
ing class.
E. H. Yoder and family have moved
to Portland, where the former has work
for the summer.
H. Matt on has sold his fine team of
gray horses to the fire department in
Portland. He bought a fine Luggy and
with his best girl can be seen out riding
every evening.
A. Graham and family have returned
from Edmonds, Wash. We are sorry to
hear of the death of their oldest chil I,
Russel. He was a bright boy and a good
scholar for hi-s age. Measles was the
cause of his death.
J. M. Hayden has returned to Port
land after a month's stay on his farm.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Fellows spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. J . O. Brown.
Misses Clara and Gertie Severe have
1 gone to town for a short visit."
John Tucker and wile visited witb J.
Randolph and family last Sunday.
Jf. Mattoon and wife yisited her pa
rents last Sunday.
Road Supervisor Ward has been work
the road in Viola leading to Springwater
and has undei way one quarter mile of
grade when completed. What he will
use for plank is made with a mall and
wedge commonly called corduroy, as the
plank now that is being laid in the
county doea not hold out to be distribu
ted in this district. He says, "wait till
tee clouds roll by.
Last Monday while David Closner was
driving into town one of his horses be
gan kicking, and was becoming unman'
ageable, but his son, Albert, took hold of
the lines and hnely got them quiet,otner
wise it might have proved a eerious run
Harding Block, Oregon City
, . -. TELEPHONE 518
... ..... $3.90 '
Barrel Best Valley Flour
Barrel U.-S.- Hard Wheat Flour
-:- 7lA Cents
. Can Standard Tomatoes
- , . 1 7f ' Cents'
Can Standard Corn
We sell sugar at wholesale price
.;." J, A. McGLASHAN, Manager
Stores Oregon1 City and Portland
. Beautiful line of chiffon hats in all
the latest Btyles. Call and inspect.
Miss C. Goldsmith.
New novelties in trimmings
h. Miss O. Goldsmith.
and flow
Frank Sprague and family returned
from California last Friday. They will
stay with A. Sprague.
A. M. Kirchem is out on a .vicit for
a few days.
E N. Brock Is on the sick list.
William Stone, James Fullam and
George Hicinbothem located a road from
Fisher's Mill to the Latourette place last
Coyotes are destroying some more of
Mr. Davis' lambs.
Claude Stone came un from Portland
today, where he has just completed his
school term.
May 14. : L. F.
Glad Tidings.
Still we have rain occasionally.
Seeding is about a thing of the past.
Ho, .-training is the O der of the day.
We have fair indications of a fruit
crop this year.
Professor llalpruneris preparing to
build on part of the Jackson ranch.
I, D. Leabo is improving the appear
ance of his place by a new fence along
the front. He has also built an addition
to his barn.
Oliver Robbins mftved his cattle to
Molalla last week. He has had them on
the rauch near Marquam.
Edgar, next time you come to church
leave your wheel at home.
Molalla must be on tht boom, as it
takes two correspondents to send in the
news. , .
Jim, a certain young lady is " wai ting
patiently to see you come out 011 that
There will be quite a number of acres
of corn planted in this section.
Cliff Hendershot is splitting rails for
B. Jordan.
May 13. Squib.
Shubel. 1
The marriage of Miss Hettie Guenther,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.F.Guenther,
of shubel, and Chris Grasier, of Oregon
City, whs solemnized at the home of the
bride's parents Saturday, May 11th, at
the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. The cere
mony was performed by Rev. 8. Copley,
of Oregon City, in the presence of many
friends. After congratulations all par
took of sunptuous dinner after which
the newly wadded pair left for;their home
iu Oregon City. The afternoon was
Bpent in various ways by the old and
young The younger element, especi
ally, kept time to pleasure's chime until
the waning twilight gave way to advanc
ing night. The groom is one of Oregon
City's most prosperous young men, and
the bride 18 one of uiackamas county 1
most estimable ytung women. We wish
them happiness and success.
F.N.Cadonau has gone to the wood
camp near Logan.
Knrnn n n Aft An demoniacal spirit, while
on its usual heedless tour of deviliahnesa
uprooted a tree that had been planted m
the school grounds at the Aroor uay ex
ercises. Some people scarcely realiie
the fact that they areliviug in civilized
land, and it they had their just dues
they would be banished to some heathen
land, where they couia associate wun
their equal.
Most of the El wood donors on the
Clarkea road bare put in their amount
of time.
W. R. Cox and Emil Bittner delivered
two loads of spools to the WilUmett
Paper Mills at Oregon City. ?
Lalla Rookh.
The weather has been Quite DleaBant
for the past few ilays.
A birthday dance was given at Violo
hall on May 10th, in honor of J. O.
Brown and wife and Harvey Mattoon.
which was well attended. A good time
was ejoyed by all present.
Marvey Matton has sold bis valuable
team for J 250.
Andrew Graham and family have re
turned to their home in Viola, leaving
behind their oldest son, who died with
One by one our loved ones leaves us, -
As the hour of life grows late ;
One by one their parting grieves us,
ihey are passing through the gate.
One by one we all are going
Down the pathway steep and straight.
Oh I The iov there is in knowing
We shall meet beyond the Kate.
Farewell, dear friend, life's battle is won,
ine voyage is ended, life eternal beeun.
Now diseases and trials will harm thee
no more,
Anchored safely in port on the ever
green shore.
Thursday, May 23
A Feast of Fan
The Eminent Comedian
Harry Carson Clarke
In his latest hit
"What Did
Tomkins Do"
Pretty Girls Catchy Music
Strong Specialties .
Supporting Company of unusua .
rices 50 and 75c; Children 25c
Rtserved seats at Huntley's
Mural Dell.
their saw-
Sturges Bros, are running
mm in lull Diast now.
Don't you hear dem wedding bells?
Several of the boys took in the sights
at Portland on their wheels Sunday.
Mrs. (;. Zweifel had the misfortune to
have her ankle sprained, but it is im
proving as well as could be expected. ?
Mrs. F. Moahberger is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Saux, of Portland.
Grandma Samson, wb) has been very
low is improving. v
Nathan. Zweifel is slashing for E.
F. Eyman is building a picket fence
around his garden. . .
Everything seems to be gliding along
harmoniously at Rural Dell.
The farmers are in advance in getting
their grain sowed this year ty what they
nave oeen lor several ye;irs previous.
Albert and Louis Moshberger and
Isaac Williama visited the metropolis
last eunday, ,
J. A. iionney, of Hubbard, were vis
iting in this community last Sunday.
Mrs. T. B. Donaldson has returned
from Portland.
Miss Rose Sawtell will come home
from Canemab this week on a visit.
George Sawtell has been working for
William Everhart.
Some of the hopgrowers are complain
ing of great many missing hills in their
yards, which for some reason do not
come up.
We received a new supply of station
ery from the editor. Please accept our
May 14. Rustic.
A great many of our people will eo t
see the presidential party in Portland on
May Ti.
Dr. a. Uiesy , hag returned from
Philadelphia, where he has been com
pleting his medical studies. He is
gladly welcomed by bis many friends.
J) aruiera are trying to scrape up enough)
money to pay iheir taxes or rent, and it
seems to be quite a hard proposition.
The correspondent at Needy seems to
feel hurt, by our remarks about the
Needy "gentlemen". If he will look at
the dictionary and Bee what consti
tutes a gentleman he will see thattbey
have a very few at that place. Perhaps
he is thinking ofdissinated centlem en."
That is what they have there, and they
are the kind that attend the NeedyV
dances. -t Your correspondent has Uvea'
lor about ib years in Clackamas county,
and no person has seen him under the
influence of "booze," as he does not use
liquor of any kind, and his reputation as
temperance' man is well known. If
said correspondent '.wants the names of ,
the Needy gentlemen your correspond
ent will gladly furnish them to him.
A car load of milk
crocks just received and
will sell at 8 c per gal
lon L. Block,
the Homefurnisher.
Not having heard from Topsy for a
few weeks will send in a few items.
Lem Walker, of Woodburn, is visiting
his brother. N. Walker.
Fied Walker left lastjweek for Tufur
to visit his brother, Will, and his family,
and also visit his sister, Minnie, who ex
pects to be gone all summer giving lea-
sons in painting and music.
A Dirty was given at the hall on the
evening of May 10th, ty Johnny Mat
toon and his sister, Miss Eva. A pleas
ant time wasenioved by all present.
Good music was furnised, and dancing
The weather has been very delightful
for the past week.
A. L. Larkins made a flying trip to
Oregon City Friday.
Services were held at'the school house
Sunday by Rev. G. Wingfield.
T R Orem drove to Molalla last Sat
Miss Mary Edgecomb, of Clarkes. at
tended church last Sunday at Meadow-brook.
Misses Florence Higgins.Hazei Cooner
and Lena Kay were out boating Sunday
People, get your rubber boots and rice
ready, as the wedding bells will soon be
ringing in the good old town of Meadow-
V. E. B.
Marks Prairie.
Farmers are well pleased with the late
ram, and seeding is about hnished on
the prairie.
Mose Spicer ia very sick at James Mc
Gill's home, and very little hopes of his
recovery is entertained.
1 he 00a men win give a grand en
tertainment at reedy on Saturday eve
ning, May 18th.
J. E Marks has gone to Baker City
where he will open a law office.
Our road boss has been doing road
work (or the past few days, and we will
soon have fine roads.
Bicyclists were out in full force yesterday.
A match game of baseball was played
at Aurora yesterday by the Needy nine
and a nine composed of Hubbard, Canby
As our correspondent has left us we
will try to fill her place.
school is progressing nice!" under the
management of Alex Thomson, v
Mrs. O. Daniels .18 visiting friends at
this place. ., '
- Mr. Ulark, who bad the misfortune to
be thrown over the dam while rum ing
logs last week, is rapidly improving.
Miss Veva Jones is visiting friends
at Philomath. ' ;
Mr. and Mrs. Curbesin. of Carua. were
visitors in this place last week.
Mra, J. J. Mallatt was viaitine her sis
ter last Sunday.
may 13. Bunchy.
This town is enioving a rev val meet
ing this week. The preacher, is a pro
duct of Grants Pasa. At the service
on Sunday, hb Bpoke eloquently of the
old dragoon (dragon), but didn't iay to
wnat regiment said dragoon belonged.
He also mentioned the archangel Mitch
el (Michael) and Bud Tull woudered
if he bad reference to our one-time free
silver U. S. senator. At anv rate we
hope he will do some irood. as Judge
Jesse, Bud Tull and some other sinners
expect to be on their knees most of the
week weeding onions.
A lady asked our new merchant. Will
Tull, to show her some "lonsdale." Will
bluabed. went out and sent the senior
partner in to find out what the woman
wanted any way.
Yes, we expect to have a new bridge
across the Molalla. Then our Canby
neighbors can run over moat any time
to do their shopping. They are tired of
their (no) trust store.
We have been wondering if our friend.
A. B. Cole, expects to be a candidate
again. He wai bragging on my chickens
the other day, when the truth is they
aren't much better egg producers than
nenry neage'8 nens.
It is reported that a wedding cere
mony was performed in the state of
Washington last week that couldn't
have taken place in this state, on ac
count of the difference in color of the
contracting parties. The bride was from
this place.
Mrs. Patrick Maloy is quite 111.
J. Marks has rented Mrs. O. W.
Quint'8 property here and moved in last
Mr. and Mrs. John King are running
two incubators and have a ten-acre field
of chickens and turkeys.
They say that C. U. Barlow is boring
for oil in California, and that he has a
hole halt-way through already.
Why is it that the G. A. R. never asks
any one but the majaba and kurnels to
relate war stories and experiences at
their mifsteringa. Wertm't there a few
corporals in tbe army too?
Our blacksmith is busy about all th
D. O. Freeman saya business is im
proving. Our new store and postoffiee, and the
proprietors, look fine. Corporal.
was the feature of the evening.
and Aurora players.
(Continued on page 6.)