Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, May 17, 1901, Image 1

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couffen esrMUsw may. taaa
OREGON CJTYv) i OREGOII, FRIDAY, MAY i 7' 1901 - ; ; f - j
18th YEAR, NO. 52
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,-: ,TI01 K1rT;.,-'j;' 'rAH -.'liwan.'j5 v.mf'.'l in I -non m'.i l,'
182, 184, i8d Madison Street,' West End, of Bridge,' ' s
DEALERS IN '.''j1' f Jn .) ...? ;
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Remember we have the; finest stocklof the i best makes to' be four)''
in Portland, including Farm and Spring Wagons, Buggies, Carria ges
" Grain .Drills, Plows, .Cultivators, Disc; and Spring Tooth Harrows,
rumps narness, Bicycles, ntci
:' '. If- a '.'(i.: Hk ' 'lo v.1 (nO
idi(;!.tiHi.!u .: -ri-, OREGON
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182 Madison St.; West end of Bridge, Portland, Oregon
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Aultman & Taylor's
;..... . I ,.(,:: i .1 ' ; l.'ll 'i ''i ';'i 1'. -'.':.! J
Celebrated Threshing Machinery
v'l . ' J. 1.,.! ,.,!' V ili-i'll-' I ii;; l. ..!(,,. 1.: ;
Steam and Gas Engines,
' ! MEMOllIAJs DAr. ' J '
Program of Exercizes Umler Hie
Auspices of Meade.Fost ? 4; If. 01
,! "Meade PoBt No!1, 6 If'Ri?.Bi usul
will hold tlieir regular Memorial service,
in tpe following order :1 The1 toembera of
Meade Poet and the Relief ; Corps wijl
meet at Willamette hall, Sunday;' kay
28tb7.'JUhl& a. Bi., and proceed in a
ooay w tne congregational ' crturcn .
where divine ser rices will be held, and I
Kev, E. B. Bollinger will preach' the ser
mon '.AH did soldiers, aaiiors and clti-
zens are invited to attend the services.
The Post and Relief Corps will visit
the schools on the following dates : West
Side, Tuesday morning, May 28th ; Bar?
clay and Kastham schools, Tuesday af
ternoon, May 28tb ; St. John's Parochial I
school, Wednesday morning, May 29th ; ,
Paikplace, Wedneeday vi afternoon.
Mat 29tft;!11".;. '.,.,, r.i i , -. 'j
following is ttie program for Memor
ial Day; 'May 30th: The children from
the public ichools will meet at the Bar
clay school building at 8:30, and an es
cort from the (i. A. R.and the Band will
march with them to the hall. Pupils of
8t. John's school will fall into lino and
join the passing column. 1 Short ad
dresses will be made in the hall 'by the
superintendent and prolesaors.-1 Column
will be formed by Grand Marshall Lee
Harding and staff at 9:45 and orders
will be issued for the' formation1 ol the
lines.' . i"" ..;.!, .iirfKt. .i.t,. i
Following wiU be the prbgrain bf exer
cises at ShivelJ's hall: election' by
Band ; reading of orders by the adjutant ;
commander's address ; song.by George T.
Howard; praytr, by Rev. A J." Mont
gomery; Bong, by Mrs; . H. Cooper;
recitation, by Miss Dollie Cross ; oration,
by Hon. George 0. Brownell ; taj.s, Miss
Imogen Harding. 1 1 '' ;iJ ; ".
The program at the cemetery j will be
as follows : Dirg, by the Band ; address,
by ; the commander, page, 9, ritual;
prayer, Chaplain Doremus; address, by
by the commander "Lincoln's Address
at Gettysburg," L. w, In gram ; crown
ing monument, by 0. H. Dauchey, of
ficer of the day : "Response to the Un
known Dead," Rev. A. J. Montgomery;
ceremonies of the R. lief Corps; cere
monies of Post Chaplain J.JJoremus;
salute, Company A, O. N: G. ; ' roll of
hi nor ; adjutant, benediction ; decorating
graves..) -K..f,r', ,,., ;,;:,,;,; i ..
. , t' , . : 11 ' '
We have a few 22-lnch wheels left that
we sold last years for $30. They are full
guaranteed and well worth ' the ' price,
but we need the room and out they go
for $20. ' l a vu,
- -Hwtuv' Book -ob.".
-' "I " ' ;
Fcr sale Four fresh Jersey cows, Jer
sey bull, blooded Chester white boar,
sows i and feeders, . pair 1 . heavy, draft
horses, also pair buggy mares; twenty-
seven bead of sheep. 0. C. Blaney,
fllarba. OrAtmn ' -" - - Ola ,.
v - -r
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Agricultural Implements land Vehicles
1 ifiil nialo.iIoTB(ri'. i "i.H" oj "i.f'K'.n wJ not mi Hi jiii."! j.li ,n.f daiM lo , li.i'liwibr', w;i
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Harrows and Cultivators, ' '
Owen's "Advance" Fanning '
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Hay Presses,;,"';' ;
'Horse Power and Steam,,'.,,,
:Feed arid Root Cutters .
"Bine atnd Cider1 Mills.1'
" i ' ; ' ' . . .. ... .. ),:.!."!,!!
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i j ; Jip.niiu.uj StOtlghtOn Wagons -vm, Jneli H
Write for Catalogue and Priccs; ' ? ? f' ' ' ) ' call ON EE BEFORE buying.
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: To Greet Presiaent McKitUey. ,
One thousand school children carrying
name is ana noauets oi nowers will be in
. .. the frout row ot the procession to wel
; . ' come President McKinley and party on
I' the afternoon of May 22nd, provided
' ' Mrs. McKinley's Illness does not pre
1 yent the excursion from carrying out its
announced program. "'At the meeting of
i' the citisens held at the council chamber
X ii" Fiiday eight it was decided to invite all
' the schoolchildren in the immediate vi
vi i cinity as well as the OrtgonCity schools
to form a procession and stand next to
J ,t the Presidential train, when it shall ar
t,,i! rive., The Gi A. R., Relief Oorps and
r, ,. Spanish War Veterans, also were invited
v to participate in the exercises. ' It was
v i., i voted that Mayor Dimick be accorded
the honor of giving Ihe welcoming address
v to the President : and his party. The
K mayor was unable to be at this meeting
j on account of illness, and , Councilman
,, Charles Albright presided as chairman.
Rev. A. J. Montgomery was elected sec
i ' retary.; i On motion the chairman was
authoiized to appoint a marshal and
committees. The appointments were
. made later as follows: ' ..
' Committee on arrangements-C. G.
Huntley, Charles Albright, J. U. Camp
' bell, T. L. Cbarman, Bruce Zumwalt,
t Willliam Galloway.
Committee on ways and means H.
; E. Cross, E. G. Cau field, Patrick Ool
' bert. .... ,'
Committea on decorations E. - E.
, , Charman, J, E. Rhoades, Frank T.
-, , Griffith, Mrs. Metener, Mrs. George A.
Haruing, Walter Little, Rudolph Koer
ner, George F. Uorton, Charles Pope,
Mrs. C. Latourette, W. H. Young and
' Miss Erma Lawrence.
George A. Harding was appointed
marshal and Rev. Montgomery was re
".. ; quested to ask Fenator Brownell to use
. his best efforts with other members of
' the Presidential legislative committee to
induce the train to stop here at least 10
minutest -
The following is an 'account from the
Whitewater, Wis.? Register of May 2nd,
of the. birthday celebration of the mother
oi Mrs. 0. A- Cheney, of Oregon City t .
"On Saturday evening last a notible
meeting notable though it like haa hap
pened annually for about 20 years--took
place at E. F. Thayer's. It was a fam
ily reunion of the tribe of Saxe, in the
honor of the .91st ' birthday of the good
mother and grandmother of them all,
Mrs. Rebeca Saxe Of her ninecbild
ren eight were present, all but Jouq G.
who was too far away and ' too busy to
come, being now established near Mo
bile, Ala.'. A very pleasant : feature of
the occasion was a surprise Caused by
the unexpected presence of two ' daugh-ters-and
sisters Mr. Nellie M Cheney
of Oregon 01ly,Or., and Mrs. Maggie M.
Hall, of Dell Rapids, South1 Dakota,'
They have usually been deprived by the
lobg distance away from attendlngthe
family reunions, and Mrs. Cheney had
never been present iri the 20 years ; but
Mr.Thayer worked up the case and.
managed to get them here without any
of the family knowing of it. It is heed
less to say it was a highly appreciated
service, and made the always joyful oc
casion one of a specially memorable
character. Five of the "children" live
here, Dr. 8tephen, Charles W.,' Wilbur
F., Mrs. L. H. Lyman and Mrs, E. F
Thayer. Ezra, the oldest son, still
abides at Lima. Two great grand
children, Louise and Fremont Jr., came
alone from Chicago to represent their
pareats, Dr. and Mrs. Chandler.
Two Gowns for One. '
This is possible where a woman
makes her own gowns, and there need be
nothing of the home-made look about
them either', if Butterick Paper Patterns
are used. There is no risk about a But
terick Pattern ; it is scientific and it olso
allows for disproportionate ' figures.
Eight-page June Fashion Sheet free for
the asking at Huntley's Book Store.
Look at the ' Delineator for June, also
some striking noveties. ' '
Dl nit !! I I . - ?- "-V..U': T7 l"wr--ii'M'ii.n wu.w.ww,J,,
.' . I ! . i . t Tl . ' : '. . .. . i ' " M mmm mm
.il-MTi'i in.. ),,:, ..,(i (,, n., ,,,, .i;,,,( ,!;.,. . ' ' ' I
Imnissi f li-if Mo OB '"stoves, kLa, :
i: "fl ':'t CARPETS, JtMlTO MlK'mHJS 1 I
8 t. .......... I, .. , ....... i - '
If you have windows which need IdJooking bv'er tl
i. J Vi"0'i 'Tr,,a m tVta aaoanti tKa ttaar trr that
, tired feeling.'" A comfortable couch is
' ." J" ' the best core.'1 You cannot make a mis
'" 'n' '' " take In boying one of these couches, be
''J'.,V ,". cause they are well made, with substan
til frames and ' durable upholstering,
' ' and are sure to be a i pleasure to you.
' i:' -j' ( The fact that they cost but $5.00 should
' t . not prevent your buying them.
!i " ' ::i,e.brienin.8 '??ct? wall.PPe? vVOnVi No hernVt comnleteVitboul I sewiniO 1. ('. V Von nev,rt
the market for r arneta
we mude a luckv hit in buvina thin
splendid line. There are so many oroml
things. bere,jr the prices ranging from 25
shades and they are standard sizes, we
cam offer you the best value you ever
nr i .1 oa i i.
Baw.r o nve vuiiib regular ou-uicu r r iuimho, ijbic,, iiio prices ranging irom ZO
(BliadtsfoL the most durable material; fJkJ cents ' tch 1.()0 and $1.50 for the finest
ready to put on your windows, including ''body Brueeels and Wilton velvots. We
r rings and fixtures, at 40 cents. We have t would like to have you ice this line, he-
"the material for making the shades W fit " cause we know It oilers you that which
y youri windows mnd the; oostfWoa'trle.n will.'please.
' much, either0 ''iirih ,-i 4 J 1 !
stock ought lo Dlease the ladies who are
looking for a superior quality of paper to
put on their walls at the preeent time.
There is a sprint tone la this stock which
will make satisfaction in the home. '
The cost is slight, which will surprise
you. '
' ' There is a special selection of mirrors
here just now and we are sure you can
find exceptional values. 1 liev are all of
heavy glass and the reflective value of
the mirror is asgood as you could desire.
We think you will admit that we knew
what we weie talking about when we
said no better mirrors were ever sold for
the price. - Many sizes and all good.
machine and no sewing machine is equal
to the Climax. It is easy running, gives
satisfaction and is not hard to buy. The.
..terms, we make and the guarantee we ,
' ive should be enough to induce vou to i ' -'
' come to us for your machine and net the ,
benefit of these excellent constructions.
Price $25 00.
You cannot keep Jour lawn in good
, .condition unless you hate a first-class
Lawn Mower. If you want one that will
; ( f insure you satisfaction you must tee our "'
. ".. f Mower. It o Derates with ballbearings,
has knives that sharpen themselves by
the action, runs easily and cuts your
,; j", grass smoothly, ;The cost is reason able. ,
You never know what , vort ra imini
fo need irt the' kitchen until It comes
net the time when you want to upg It.
hat is why your kitchen should, be
completely furnished with a large line of
desirable Utensils. There sra mmm vnrv
useful things here at a very reasonable '
price.. You ought to see litem.
Those who do a great deal of market-I
' ing appreciate the advantage oi having ;
, two or three sizes of basketu galore, i
large or miall, light or heavy Every '
basket i sold lor just the qtmlity it con-)
tains. We like Urn beet to speak of our !
dmhk " mow unimeis wnii-ii are woven;
for durable service and tl ey don't tost J
i - uiucu eiuier. .
'"' .(-... ..... J i. 1
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ti&CiCi&C&C& y ..a