Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, May 10, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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Ia the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon , lor
he County of Clackamas.
Hannah C. Shepherd,
Walter 8. Shepherd
To Walter 8. Shenberd, Defendant:
Iu the name of the State of Oregon you are
hereby required to appear and answe r to the
complaint filed against you In the above entitled
suit on or before the 11th day of May, 1901, that
fcgnie the time .prescribed In the order for pub
lication of this summonB the date of the first
publication of this summons being on the 20th
day of March, 1901; and if you fall to so appear
and answer, the plaintiff herein will apply to the
said court for the relief prayed for iu the com
plaint: to-wit, a decree dissolving the marriage
contract now existing between you and the
plaintiff, and for such other relief prayed for in
said complaint.
This summons Is, published by order of the
Hon. T. F. Eyan, Judge of the County Court,
of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County,
dated and entered on the 26th day of March, 1901.
C. H. DYE,
attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas.
W. W. Smith, plaintiff, f
Anr ie E. Smith, defendant.
To Annie E. Smlib, said defendant.
In the n ame of the Stale of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer thecom
p'alnt filed against you In the above entitled suit
on or before the 28th day of June, 1901, that being
the last day prescribed in the order of publication
of this summons, and if you fail to appear and
answer said complaint, the plaintiff will apply to
the Court for the relief prayed for therein, to-wit:
A dissolution of the bondB of matrimony between
you ind the plain tiff.
This summons is published by order of the
Hon, Thomas A. McBride, Judge of the 6th Ju
dicial district of the state of Oregon, for the
county of Clackamas, made and entered on the
8lh day of May, 1901, and the first publication be
ing the 10th day of May, 1901 .
, Attorneys for Plain tiff.
In the circuit court of the state of Oregon for
the county of Clackamas. ' "
Eliza Beebs,
Hugo Beebs,
To Hugo Keebs, said defendant .
In the name of the State of Oregon, you aie
hereby required to appear and answer the com.
plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit
or before the 81st day of May, 1901, and if you
fall to so answer, for want thereof the plaintiff
will apply to the above entitled oourt for a decree
forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now
existing between the plaintiff and defendant,' and
for such other relief as shall seem meet ana
lhls summons Is ordered published in the Ore
gon City Courier-Herald for the period of six
weeks from date of first publication thereof. such
order being made by the Hon. T. A. McBride,
Juda-e of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for the County of Clackamas, on the 23rd day of
April, 1901.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
First publication Iprll 20th, 1901. ,
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1879.
United States Lawd Ornoi.
Oregon City, Oregon, April 26, 1901,
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with
the provisions ot the act of Congress of June t,
1878. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands
In the States ot California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," as extended to all the
publio land states by act of August 4, 1892, George
L. Curry, of Portland, county of Multnomah,
(tale of Oregon, has this day filed in this office hl
sworn statement No. 5395, for the purchase of the
v. w. W of S. K. M and 8. W. ot B. E. a ot
section No. 12 In township 4; south, range 4 east,
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
Is more valuable for its timber or atone than for
anlcnluiral ourposes, and to establish his claim
to said land before the Register and Receiver of
this effiee at Oregon City, Oregon, on Saturday,
the 20'.b day of July, 1901.
Ha names as witnesses: 3. C. Welch, E. J
Haleht. C. P.Haight H. Wlberg, all of Portland
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to me tneir
claims In this office un or before said 20th day of
July, 1901.
CHARLES B. MOORE3, Register.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been appointed by the Hon. Thos. F. Ryan,
county Judge of Clackamas County, Oregon, as
administrator of the estate of Martha J . suaw.
All persons having claims against the said
state are hereby notified to present their claims
to the undersigned at the law office of C. V
D. C. Latourette, my attorneys, in Oregon City
Oregon, within six mouths from this date
R. L. Shaw,
Administrator aforesaid.
Dated, April 17, 1901.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appoinied by the County Cou rt of
the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas, executrix of the estate of Philip Wolf, de
ceased. All persons having claims against said
estate are hereby required to present the same to
toy attorneys, U'Ren & Schuebel. properly veri
fied, as toy law required, at Oregon City, Oregon,
Within six months frrm the date hereof.
. Executrix of the estate of
Philip Wolf, deceased.
Datd this Sth day of April, 191
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed by the County Court of
Clackamas County, Oregon, administrator of the
estate of Wm. SUudinger, deceased. All persons
ha vine claims against said estate are notified to
present such claims to me duly verified at Clack
amas. Oregon, within six month! from date of
this notice.
Administrator as Aforesaid.
Dated, April 25, 1901.
Continued from page 2.
Nouutaln View.
Born, May 3, 1901, to the wife of M.
Smnlley, a eon, weighing ll'pounds.
Miss Curran and her mother are visit
ing with Portland friends this week.
Henry Henrici expects to leave eoon
for Klondike.
Mrs. Dolan visited last week with her
mother, MrB. Albright.
Will Howitt and wife, of Russelville,
were visiting relatives here on Sunday.
J. K. Graham and wife, of Oarus,
spent Friday at the home of J. L. Swaf
ford. Sam Francis was severely injured at
the mill Wednesday, hut is getting on
Mrs. Nellie Ferrier, of Aberdeen, is
spending the week here with relatives.
JHarry Swattord, of Salem; visited on
Sunday with his uncle, J. L. gwafford.
Harvev Hickman is practicing surgery
with DrCarll.
Air. Lewelling'B daughter is slowly im
proving and will be brought home this
Winter seems to be coming again as
the rain is almost cold enough for snow.
May 9, Sauna.
For sale cheap, a windmill, tank and
tower, complete. Apply at this office. ,
Sunshiny days and dusty roads will
soon be a sad leality.
The farm work of sawing and planting
is nearly-all done in this section.
There were about 50 people out to
hear Rev. F. W. Parker deliver his lec
ture on "Some of the Great Things of
the Universe." To eay the least, Rev.
Parker is a speaker of rare ability. He
bad the attention of the' audience from
beginning to end. "
F. Taylor had the misfortune to have
his knee struck with an ax, but it ienot
a serious wound. - -
J. J. Yoder was transacting business
in Portland last week.
Rev. F. W. ParKer was the guest ot A.
Yoder and family last Monday.
Mrs. Jennie Yoder went to Forest
Grove last Friday to visit her mother.
Mrs. Laurence Hein, of Elliott Prai
rie, was visiting her parent last Bun
day. May 7. S3.
A great deal of coin and potatoes is
being planted this spring. Diversified
farming is the order of the day among
the farmers here.
P.M. Graves finished seeding on his
upper placa last Saturday.
Dan h raves ana J acs: uoage are put
ting ud a shingle mill on the VY. H.H
Samson place. They expect to be run
ning in about thirty days, naving bought,
the last bunch of cedar timber on the
Miss Jennie Akins spent Saturday
and Sunday visiting friends near Needy
Johnnie, has the bauy learned to piay
patty cake
There was a show at Liberal last Fri
day evening and the elite of Liberal
turned out en masse. The show was
excellent but some of the scenes among
the audience were more interesting than
those on the tanvas.
John Akins, our blacksmith, was out
Tuesday evening taking a spin in his
new cart.
Emily Case left Tuesday for Medino,
Ohio, to visit her father and brothers,
whom she has not seen lor 12 years.
Her many friends wish her a safe jour
A. J. Maville and family went to Ore
gon City Monday.
Frank Bruner leaves Tuesday on a
business trip to Prineville.
Misses Yerdie Maville and brama
Case were visiting Mrs. Wright and
Miss Cochran last Sunday.
Clarence Look leaves today lor east
ern Oregon.
Leonard Heint, ol Liberal, owns five
head of Red Polled cattle. They are
thoroughbreds and one, a bull 13 months
old, weighs 800 pounds. Only one other
man in this county, George Lazelle, of
New Era, owns any of the Red Polled
cattle. Mr. Heinz ia one of the foremost
stock men in this section .
Spring grain is making rapid growth
The wheat apbisr have made their ap
pearance on the fall wheat.
The weather has been quite pleasant
for a few days.
A. L. Larking recently purchased i
fine horse. He must be going into bus
Mi. Saver and wife and Miss.Hiegins
are out on the farm for a couple of
weeks' eniovment.
D. H. Looney and Mrs, Kay made a
flving trio to Oregon City Monday.
Mrs. V. a. looney is quite sick at me
present writing.
Mr. and Mr". Jasper Trullinger at
tended quarterly meeting atScotts Mills
last Sunday.
A L. Larkins and family were visit
ing Mr. Cooper's folks Sunday.
Giles Looney called on Mrs. Amanda
Looney a few days ago.
Frank Manning sheared Mr. Holman's
sheep last week.
William Baker is moving to Mi k creek
Lou Pendleton was in town Monday.
School is progressing nicelv, with
Miss Gleason as teacher.
May 7. Topby.
Pie se send
name if stationery is
wanted. Ed.
Jack Marrs has sold his place of 90
acres to James Guttridge for $1800.
There are other farms for Bale in this
vicinity. If homeReekers will call on A.
M. Sbibley he will show them some
cheap and desi'able property.
A. Lacey has begun sawing lumbei for
the plank road from Springwater to Lo
gan. P.orn, to wife of J. W. Marrs. a daugh
ter. Elder J. Lewellen and wife started on
the 6th to attend the Presbyterian Gen
eral Assembly, which will be held in
Several head of mutton sheep and beef
cattle have been sold from this neigh
borhood this spring.
The Grange is becoming more inter
esting as new members are being taken
in ft almost every meeting.
Miss Ora Lewellealias returned home.
Her school closed at Currinsville last
May 7. 1901.
Maple Lane.
Mrs. Stodinger, of Harmony, visited
her sister, Mrs. John Davies,several days
last week.
It is thought that pome of the early
fruit is damaged by frost in some locali
ties, but I think we have escaped with
out any serious damage.
We can now hear the school bell ring
from the Maple Lane school house,
which is a pleasure to all.
Mrs. H. A. Batiin and sister, Miss
Ethel Clark, of Harmony, took a spin
on their wheels Monday and spent the
day Willi Miss Elsie Gtbbs, of this
Mis. Walton called on Mrs. Gihbs
Tuesday afternoon.
Corporal J. M. Myers was out on drees
parade a few days ago.
John Gaffney drove his trotting horse
down to Harmony Saturday to visit his
Hairy Shelly took a spin on his bicy
cle the other evening.
Miss Annie Mautz spent Monday night
with friends in town,
Mr. Gerber is able to be about again.
Mr. Robbs and wife entertained rela
tives from town the first of the week.
Miss Bailey and her brother, Arthur,
visited friends in town Sunday.
Frank Shannon called at Mr. Gtbbs'
home Sunday.
G. F. Gibbs attended the Grange at
Clurkes Saturday.
Mr. Baumann had the mistortune to
sprain his ankle quite badly, which is
causing him considerable trouble.
Anna Shortledge visited at toe county
seat Tuesday. ' :
Mrs. Roman, or Mount Pleasant, was
the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Gerber,
. Thomas Gibbs recently purchased
what will make a tine trotting horse. .
Pansy Blossom.
: Needy. .
Mr. Fish is quite ill at
the home
his daughter, Mrs. R. Garretts.
Mr. and Mrs. Uoleman Marts were
seen on our streets Friday. .
Mr. and Mrs. Gib JNoe are moving to
John Bartle's place, near where Mr.
Noe is teaching.
Miss Goldsmith, of your city, is to be
in our little berg with a fine line of mil
linery Thursday and Friday.
Vern Ransdell returned to bis home
in Antelope Saturday.
Miss Sherd, of Macksdurg, is visiting
her sister, Mrs. Schwauber. .
Miss Gertrude Noblitt and friend were
visiting Needy friends Sunday.
Mrs. C. C. Molson went to Portland
Sunday. -
Mis May Price was given a surprise
by ber school mates on her 14th birth-
'fHed, Wednesday, May 1, 1901, Pheba
Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Issac
Miller, aged 18 years, 0 months and 10
May 7. 8.
Molalla is moving along in the same
old groove. By the way, Molalla has a
steam laundry, and is getting there too.
There is no excuse now for the good
housewives in this vicinity of breaking
their backs over the wash tub when they
can have their washing done so cheaply.
The proprietor, Mr. Newton, hasn't all
of his machinery up yet, but he has
enouch in position to do washing.
U. W.Kobbinsis bunding a Darn lor
G. Feirer.
John K. Dickey is making his farewell
visit to friends and relatives before start
ing to Washington.
It is said by those.tbat ought to know,
that W. H. ingle, our present r jad su
pervisor, hag made in the southern part
of this district the best piece of road
that money and labor considered that
has ever been done under the new sys
O. Robbins and W. A. Shaver will
drive their cattle to the mountains this
week. Mr. Robbins expects to spend
the summer in the mountains. He will
stav at the Henry Russell place now
owned by W. A. Shaver. If thire wasn't
any one to look after tbe things there
would be nothing out me land leit.
Last fall someone tore the side out of
tbe barn and took out part of the h y
and left the barn open do that stock
could so in, and all that remained of
between three ana four tons ot bay were
destroyed. This winter someone broke
into the house and outbuildings. There
seems to be a certain class of people that
think when they are in'the mountains
thev are licensed to do lust as they
please. They take, use and destroy
other people s property with Impunity
Such has been the ct.se in that
certain part of the mountains for years
past. The owners let It go, simply be
cause they were good natured ana diS'
liked to take the advantage of the law
but should that certain class visit the
forks of the Molalla this season and in
dulge in their usual proceedure there
will he a surprise in store for them
Last season there seemed to be an un
usual amount of mischief done in that
Miss Lilly ol Corvallis, ts visiting her
sister, Mrs. O. W. Robbins.
Bob Bfghy is preparing to move to the
mountains to look after things at the up
per bee yard.
Peter Andersin and wife
through here recently on their way to
Klondike. ,
I guess our bear must have summed
that Teddy might possibly come with
the McKinley crowd so he thought it
best to take a walk.
May 8th. X.Y.Z.
Beaver Creek.
An ice cream social will be given by
fie Presbyterian church of Beaver Creek,
on Friday, May 24, at the home of Mrs.
Jane Edwards. All are tordially in
vited to attend.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that on the27lh
day of April, l'.IOl, D. M. Klemsen, of
Oregon City, Oregon, was duly adjudi
cated bankrupt; and that the first meet
ing of his creditors will be hell at rdom
COO, Chamber of Commerce Building,
Portland, Oregon, on the 15th day of
May, 1901, at 10 o'clock, a. m., at which
time the said creditors may attend,
prove their claims, appoint a trustee,
examine the bankrupt and transact such
other business as may properly come be
fore said meeting.
Alex. Sweek,
Referee in Bankruptcy.
U'Ren k Schuebel,
Attorneys for Petitioner.
Dated, Portland, Ore., May 1, 1901.
g J. -d VV C VSX X X .JUi VV I 41 JA.-V I
' Friday, May 3.
Chicago capitalists will invest millions
in building railroads, developing silver,
iron and coal-mines and establishing
bonded warehouses in the republic of
The coal miners of England threaten
to strike, as a protest against the gov
ernment's proposed duty on coal. If they
do they will oeat the government.
A British eleettic company has order
ed for its new plant several million dol
lars' worth of machinery in this country.
The Morgan combine has for $8,000,000
secured control of the coal industry of
the Hocking and Sunday Creek valleys,
iu Ohio.
King Leopold, of Belgium will build
electric railways from Brussels to Ant
werp, to Ostend and to Paris.
Russia has virtually arranged with
France for loans amounting to 600,000,
000 francs.
At Philadelphia, three negroes will be
executed for the murder of Roy Wilson
At St. Paul, Minn.,WiHiamR)senfield
drowned himself and four children.
Starvation and typhus prevail among
the people of Bessarabia, Russia.
The government of Manitoba proposes
to lease the railroads within the prud
ence for 999 years, in order to control
passenger and freight tariff.
The retail grocers of St. Joseph, Mo.,
have combined and will buy together in
carload lots.
More English steamship companies
are willing t sell out to J. P. Morgan,
in order that they may build new and
better vessels.
A normal school of one minth will
begin at Newport, Ore., July 17.
The Tacoraa Smelting Co. will spend
250,000 in enlarging its plant.
The Gray's Harbor. Wash., Oil Co.
has sold $100,000 of stock and will bore
for oil at Peterson's Point.
The daughter of W. B. Matthews of
Prosser, Wash., five years old, perished
while out alone on the plains, naving
got lost while hunting cattle.
A New York company will build a
$1,500,000 gas plant at the city of Mexico
Ed son Bradley, president of Ky. Dis
tillers' and Warehouse Co., has cornered
20,000,000 gallons of whisky, and a whis
ky famine is pending.
One-third of Canada. 1.250,000 square
miles, has never been explored . During
tbe next five years the Dominion gov
ernment will build several thousand
miles of railroad into this wilderness.
The hard times have produced a min
isterial crisis in Japan.
On account of their opposition to his
canal, the German kaiser has dismissed
some of the members of bis cabinet,
Phillips, the Cbicagoan who has a cor
ner on corn, made a profit today of $100,-
000 on the sale of 600,000 bushels.
A survey is being made for a railroad
from Washougalon the Columbia to the
Washougal mining district, where Port
land capitalists own thousands of acres
of valuable mineral lands.
A Copenhagen steamship company
will build six 12,000 ton steamers for
the United States trade.
The mill owners of North Carolina
have pledged that they will not work
children under 10 years of age over 66
hours a week.
The bitterness of feeling between Cath
olics and Lutherans in numerous impor
tan t districts of Germany threatens to
become a danger to tbe empire.
War Secret ry Broderlck's new army
scheme is regarded as a hopeless failure
in London,. but no one oners a better
Poultney Bigelow.the American writer
and lecturer, expressed the opinion on
his return to London, that, on account
of the all-pervading greed that exists in
the United States, a revolution will take
place there.
If John Hopkins university will beg
$100,000,000,Henry Walters of Baltimore
promises to give it another hundred
English stockholder in the Manila
railroad ask the United States for $2,
300,000 damage inflicted on it during the
Philippine war.
A French writer shows that among ar
my and navy men 199 in every 100,000
become hopeless lunatics, but among
mechanics only o in 100,000.
'. Saturday, May 4.
Forty thousand Italian emigrants will
come to the United States this month
Before the Colorado Athletic Associa'
tion, Denver, last night, Sailor Tom
Shaikev put out "Big Fred" Russell, th
California heavy-weight,in fourth round
At Denver, Hugh Masterson.a soldier
shot a bartender, and was himself killed
by three policemen.
In a (ferryboat wreck on the river
Dnieper, near Katchkarovka, almost
hundred mothers with their babies were
drowned. Ttiey were returning from the
evening milking.
Near Little Current, Out. (Can.), three
persons were drowned by the sinking, at
sea, ol the tug lecumseli.
England's shipyards launched 100,000
less tonnage last year than In 1899
A $70,000,000 ship combination ha
been formed in New York.
At Bangor, a $200,000 sawml I was de
stroyed by fire. .
At Rhodesia, La.,'Felt.Brigman, a ne
gro, wan lynched for assaulting a 6 year
old colored girl, and at Alden Bridge
Grant Johnson, colored, was lvnched
for killing a negro. '
Window glass will oe advanced in
The London Daily Exprexs asserts con
trol of the European canals u to he part
i J. P. Morgan s plan to secure delivery
of steel into the heart of Lurope at th
smallest possible expense.
Missionary Oweu, of the London mi
tion at Pekln, says the provinces are i
a deplorable state and predicts that afte
withdrawal of the troops conditions will
be worse man before.
At DesMoines, Iowa, Mrs.Geo.Rank!
brained her 13-year-old daughter with
a natctiet. .
A Pretoria correspondent of the Lon
don Standard writes that if it be true of
tbe mass of the Boers still in arms some
20,000 or more that . they intend to
fight to the end, and there is every rea
son for believing that it is, the fooner
the reinforcements are here the better ;
the task that faces Lord Kitchemr Is as
heavy as possible to conceive.
'I tell you," says Mark Hanna, "J.P.
Morgan is a great man." .
The fire which started in Jacksonville,
la., yesterday, destroyed proporty to
the value of $10,000,000 "and made 10,000
people homeless. The burned district
is 13 blocks wide and two miles long;
148 blocks of the city have been laid
waste. How many lives wete lost can
not be determined. All the churches
have been ' burned. The strong wind
made the fire uncontrollable as soon as
it had obtained headway, embers and
sparks flying a distance of several blocks.
Brigadier-General Bell, just arrived in
Washington from the Philippines, says
that in the last two years one-sixth of
the population of the islands has died of
the dengue fever or been killed in battle
E. B. McElroy, Oregon state school
superintendent for 12 years, died at Eu
gene early this morning aged 62 years.
Sunday, May 5.
At Richfield, Utah, Martin Whinfler
was drawn into the cogs of the big gear
wheels in the mill of the Annie Laurie
mine and killed.
General Delarey, the Boer comman
der, is annoying the British bv appear
ing in the hills about Hartebeestfonlein
with about 4500 men. Kitchener reports
a few more Boers killed.
About 8500 men in the 40 car shops of
the Illinois Central Railway system
have been given an increase iu wages of
5 per cent nearly $300,000 in a year.
Near Richfield Springs, N. Y., Benja
min Hoyt shot and killed Mrs. J. 0. Wal
lace, because she, though 20 years older
than he, would not elope with him the
second time, and then old man Wallace
killed Hoyt.
In a pitched battle at El Paso, Texas,
between American and Mexican small
boys, Anasticio Pailen, Mexican, aged
9 years, was killed.
At Burns, John Burns shot and killed
Jamea Wyatt and then served himself
in the same way.
The Peter Dow Dartv which has ar
rived in Dawson from the Tanana coun
try reports finding a great mountain of
porphvntic gold-bearing quart west of
the Tulvana river, pinnacles of which.
shooting upward 300 feet, could be seen
ur uiiibb glistening in me sun uxes now.
Monday, May 6.
McKinley has informed Kruger that
he will not receive him.
At Kapoliya, Hungarv. 15 persons
died from the effects of poison put in the
wens oy gypsies.
The Ameer of Afghanistan has order
ed six batteries of Krupp guns.
In return for standing in with the'
railroads, the members of the U. S. sen
ate were allowed to make about K4.000.'
000 last winter by speculating in railroad
The administration has decided to re'
uce the army in the Philippines to 40.-
uuu men.
Three persons perished in the flames
which destroyed Brunnell'g hotel, Mon
treal, Canada.
In a fire on Marquette avenue, Chi'
cago, seven people were burned to death
nd three fatally injured.
To sti-m tbe revolutionary movement,
several hundred persons have been ar
rested in St. Petersburg,
The Boers have captured Colonel Den-
nison with a patrol oi Bcouts. .
Jans will be emoloved in the Grand
Ronde beet fields this season.
Ten thousand Pennsylvania coat mln
era will march to Harrisburg to demand
certain laws from the legislature.
Tbe Berlin Tageblatt says : "Unquse
tionably there is danger ahead for the
iron industry in Europe."
By the introduction of economic meth
ods and adding $1 per ton to the price of
coal, J. r. Morgan, J. JJ. Rockefeller ana
the Vanderbiits.who control tbe anthra
cite coal trust, have decided to add $75,'
000,000 to their prouts.
In the last three months securities
worth at par $11,500,000,000 have been
sold in the New York Stock Exchange
Maud Gonne, the Irish Joan of Arc
said in her address at Pittstoi that ten
years trom now Ireland will be a free
and Independent nation. Boon England
will be obliged to engage in a war with
one of the great powers. Then Ireland
will strike the blow.
The 63 ships comprising the Leyiand
line bought by J, P. Morgan are worth
$:i0,000,000. To other steamship lines
in which the Morgan combine has oh
tained control bring the total value of
the consolidation to $100,000,000.
In the Sweetwater country, Wyoming
the conflict between the cattle and sheep
men has beco.ne alarming. I he cattle
men have informed the heep men that
if they cross a certain line on the range
there will be trouble. The sheepmen
are about to cross the line and offer $250
lor the arrest of any one who interferes
with any sheep man.
On the island of St. Helena, Mrs. Gen.
Cronje and five of the Boer prisoners
have become insane, The women ot
France have presented Mrs. Cronje with
several thousand do lura. The people of
Switzerland have raised 10,000 for a
home for destitute Boer women.
According to advices received from
China bv the state department, 1,000,000
Chinese loi-t their lives by violence or
starvation about Pekin and Tien Tsin
since the allies came, to which must be
added the pillage and destruction over a
large area of thickly populated country
In Macon county, Mo., eight fire bugs
have been arret-ted for arson and swin
dling insurance companion. In one sec
tion ihey burned 10 schoolhoiif-es,
The treasurer of the Cuvahoga Savings
Bank, Cleveland, has skipped out and
the bank's doors are closed.
Mrs. Mary Schilling, of Portland, aged
73 years, committed suicide on Saturday
last with a dose of rough on rats.
Tuesday, May 7.
The measure placing a duty of one
shilling a ton on coal passed parliament
by a majority of 106. Hon. Fred. Lamb
ton, in referring to the coal industry,
denounced the government ai "a pack
of riotous hounds after a ewe lamb." and
proolai ned the right of miners to strike.
The Crockers and others uill hnihl in
San Francisco a 10-story hotel costing
$1,500,000. .
Boer forces have aeain dentrnveH tha
Delagoa Bay railroad. Commander Krit-
zinger recently burned a supply train
near Royner. '
Venezuela is in the market for a sup
ply of cruisers, torpedoboats and the
like. ,
A $75,000,000 watchmaking syndicate
is being formed at Walthaiii, Mass. A
$3,500,000 sheet music trust is being
formed in Chicago. .
The destruction by fire of the Fifleld
Tool Factory at Lowell, ' -., caused a
loss of $250,000. -
Robert Harris of Arcadia. Ore . was
drowned in the Snake river while fish
ing at Riverside, Idaho.
Leigh S. J. Hunt, the Seattle million
aire, has formed an American-European
syndicate with $15,000,000 capital to
operate the concessions vested in Hunt
by the Corean government.
Robert Rohr, a well to do steamship
steward, killed himself atSanFrancisco.
,At Scottsdale, Ariz., Walter Nigh and
an Indian were killed by a crazy mail
carrier natnad John Rubenstein,
Near Millheim.Pa., Jesse P. King kill
ed imself and his young w'fe.
While Emit Rohr and Ohas. Reis were
pretending to nang Aug. uiunck in a
brewery yard at Davenport, Iowa, the
gear overhead, breaking front the strain,
fell and killed them both.
A railway collision at Thayer, Iowa,
killed the engineer and wounded a num
ber of passengers.
The 1000 street car employes in Alba
ny, Troy, Oohoes, Watervliet and Rens
selaer are on a strike. Nearly 2000 Lack-
awana railroad employes are on a strike
at Scranton, Pa. In St. Louis 700 tile
factory operatives are on a strike.
The Alaska canneries will consolidate
itli a capital of $32,000,000.
J P. Morgan and others have formed
83,000.000 real estate comoanv in New
York city.
The engineers who have investigated
the route of the Nicaragua canal, esti
mate the canal can be built for 1250.-
The surviving seamen of the battle
ship Maine and the kin of those killed
by explosion of the ihip will file claims
for $5,000,000.
" Lizzie Halladav, of Warwick, N. Y.,
while crazy killed her soldier husband
and now claims the pension of a sol
dier's widow. ,
Wednesday, May 8.
In the city election in Baltimore the
republicans gained a sweeping victory.
One of the Johannesburg mines has
started up and 150 stamps are running.
Lord Kitchener's military drag-net has
captured another 100 Boers.
Miss Bonnie was knocked on the head
stealthily while gathering mushrooms
near Lansing, Kan., assaulted and. caBt
into an old well. She crawled out. went
home and died.
Charles iFrancis Adams, as umnire.'
settled the difference between the brick
layers and builders of Boston by splitting
the difference, thus preventing a Btrixe.
It la recognized In Washington that
the demand of the Cubans for free trade
in sugar with the United States and the
opposition to such a step by our own su
gar producers, creates a conflict of In
terests that the president and congress
mast settle, and settle to satisfy Cuba.
The Southern Peanut Co.. of Rich
mond, Va.,will install in all parts of the
woria tu.uuu nicxei-tn-tne-siot machines
which will dispense peanuts roasted,
boiled in cocoanut oil and salted.
According to the London Dallv Mail.
Germany is trying to pursuade the mid-
European states to form a tariff union
against American competition.
The labor troubles in Montana have
thrown 2700 men out of work at East
Helena, Deer Lodge and Bridger.
AtTroutdale the steam drill of the
Watson Oil Co. is workintr ceaselessly.
nlght'and day.
J. P. Morgan contemplates the build
ing of two passenger steamers de luxe,
containing a dairy, a doggery, and other
nign-pnced luxuries, tbe fare on which,
for the five-day trip across the Atlantic,
will be $1000.
At Watervliet, N. Y.. a 16-inch gun Is
nearing completion that is designed to
throw a ball of 2370 pounds 21 miles.
The gun weighs 130 tons.
At St. Louis, Ida Baare.aged 20, killed
her father, Gustavo Baare, because he
insulted her mother, and then with the
same revolver killed herself.
At Augusta, Ga,, a fire destroyed cot
ton and buildings worth a quarter
of a million of dollars.
Much comment has been made In Eu
ropean political circles on this remark
made by the American General Chaffee
in his speech at a smoking concert given
at Pekin in the Temple of Heaven by a
British general : "I can tell you this that
never will you see Americans and Brit
ishers facing each other on the field,"
Jules Siegfried, minister of commerce
in France in 1892 and 1893, now in Chi
cago, predicts that if tbe American trusts
aim to crowd European manufacturers
out of their tome markets, the nations
of Europe will put prohibitive tariffs on
American goods.
In a fire in a Lexington avenue, New
York, apartment house, two women
were burned to duath.
On the Hawaiian plantations 6000 Por
to Ricans are established and it is ex
pected that thousands more will follow.
' Thursday, May 0.
Charles W. Foster, of Toledo. O . ex-
secretary of the treasury, ia bankrupt:
liabilities $747,000.
During the furore in Wall street yes
terday, Harriman, of the Union Pacific,
and the Vanderbilts obuined control of
the Northern Pacific and unset tho plans
of the Morgan-Hill combine, thus pre
venting the consummation of their pur
chase of the Biiiluiglon line.
The London Times cays thut the fe
verich speculation by ,he Americans In
inflated railroad st' cks will reault iu a
seri'jiH collapse.
At Harney, on the morning of the 4th,
John Maher shot ami k'lleil Jul.n tV'yutt,
and then killed himself. They had oc
cupied the NKiim b', an I had been
friends. Both were hig'ily respocte 1. J
R. N. Pollock, the f.itlve preiidea
of the defunct Unvoting B ink of ! .
land, Ohio, killed him wlf at Ssattlo.