Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, May 10, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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Mrs. Casto, of Spokane, is visiting her
eUter, Mrs. O. W. Bobbins.
G. W. Force, and family, of Mulino,
were visiting friends hcre&anday.
Allen Wells has improved the appear
ance of his property with a new picket
Several farmers on the prairie will
plant from five to ten acres of corn each
this vear.
W"U. Garrett and Peter Anderson
and wife, of Milk Creek, passed through
here laBt week enroute to the rail road.
Mr. Anderson and wife were bound for
Klondike. May success attend them.
Mr. Newton is placing the machinery
for a steam laundry in the Harless chop
ping mill. The first work will be done
this week.
Miss Lena Morrow, of Illinois, spoke
at the hall on Friday evening and also
on Sunday afternoon. Her discussion
was along the line of socialism and all
present felt that it was good to be there.
0. M. Crittenden, the well known
school teacher of Hubbard, was a recent
visitor here. He has purchased a store
at Spicer, Linn county , where his family
resides. His wife is managing the
Wasted, a few more parties to take
up some bargains in real estate.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shumway's in
fant daughter died April 30, and the
burial took place in Portland.
Herman Fischer intends to build anew
house on his place this summer.
The inanv friends of Jiert Hart will be
glad to hear of his continued improve
W. M. Stone is mauling rails like the
proberbial "Dutch uncle."
May 7. L. F.
May 6.
J. J. Kimball returned home from the
mines last week. He will remain for
some time.
MrB. Thomas AlorgRn and tons, Will
and Thomas, came from California last
week. They intend to live on the place
in the future.
Mr, and Mrs. J. Widie and sons came
down from Seattle last week on a two
weeks' visit to her parents. They in
tend to return this week. Mr. Widie
Stayed but a few days.
Mrs. A. M. Kirchem is out on a visit
A. Wright is down from tfeppner hav
ing his land surveyed, which he recently
sold to Mr. Uollinsworth. This is the
last of the old Wright place. Mr Wright
has disposed of all of his real estate in
this (.lace.
Miss A.I. Hicinbothem went to Port
land last Saturday and purchased an or
gan for the school, district No. 75. We
challenge any district in the county to
show a better equipped school bouse
with supplies.
Hello, there I Somebody choke off
Lengthy and oblige.
We are glad to report that Mr, Dew
and Miss Maude Stone are better, and
are able to be up.
Mr. Lehman is home'from Portland,
Spud planting is the order of the day
here when the weather will permit.
Mr. Dew had three head' of sheep
killed, and Mr. Sprague bad a calf
killed last week, supposed by a wolf,
Mr. and Mrs. L. Newkirk spent Sun
uay with Mrs. jviosner.
D. A. Mosher was home from school
The Viola road supervisor intends to
cut down the Stone hill at this place
this summer.
Joseph Graham is able to go to
store again after-his recent illness.
William liisEell is slowly improving,
and he is now a le to walk around the
Mrs. 11. Lee is on the menu, ana ner
many friends hope for her speedy recov
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Hutchinson have
been quite ill, and the doctor thinks that
they will soon be up and around again as
well as ever.
The German church society have
placed a large new bell on their church.
Kev. Jinaelbart will remove to uregon
City soon to take charge of the German
church there. Mr. J. Ehret will be the
pastor for the German church at this
jayuooK &uo. have sow tneir gen
eral merchandise store to Mr. Wong, of
Wisconsin. Mr. Wang comes well
recommended as a good business man .
We all are sorry to see Mr. Cook and
family leave, as they have made many
friends while here.
J. milages was arrested last Friday for
selling liquor ou Sunday contrary to law.
lie wag tiled belore il. L,ee ana iouna
guilty, and he was fined $50 and costs
Mr. U'Ren was the attorney tor the city.
Julius Rones has ourchased an inter
est in a barber shop in Portland, and it
leaves us without a barber. This is one
of the be.it locations in the state for a
first-class man.
At last we are to have a new bridge
across the Molalla near the rauroaa
bridge. The people of this vicinity have
waited patiently lor the much-neeaea
bridge, but last Saturday the delegation
met in Oregon City, and the commission
ers promised them the bridge and saw
work would be commenced at once. It
will be a great benefit to the whole of
Clackamas county.
William H. Dix made a business trip
to Oregon City this week.
" P. E. Bonney, our road supervisor, is
busily engaged in improving the roads
in Colton.
The postmaster of Handy was visiting
in Colton last week-.
Mr. Cook will ehow some of his mov
ing pictures and also havd his grapho
phone at Ctlton hall next Thursday
evening. A large attendance is ex
pected. Mr. Carlson expects his daughter Mrs.
Hagland, of Portland, home on a shoit
Joe Carr, our late photographer, is do
ing good work taking pictures in Colton.
We are glad to welcome the James
family, who have come to Colton from
Mr. Robertson, of Washington, visited
his daughter, Veva, the first of the
May 2.
Union Hall.
We have been having some true April
James Wilkerson's father and brother
arrived here last week from Missouri.
The intend to make Oregon their future
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Burns and Mr.
and Mrs. T. J. Grimes went to Canby
last Saturday on business.
John Thomas has been clearing land
this spring. He has a field cleared and
fenced and ready for the plow. He in
tends to plant the hield in potatoes.
J. 1). Wilkerson has been plowing lor
T. J. Grimes.
J. H. Burns visited nis sister. Mrs. J.
L. Thomas, last Sunday.
We are glad to note that frank Hilton
has recovered from his recent illnes and
is able to be at work again.
B. J. Helvey is working in James Ad-
kins' sawmill.
F. H. Renoudhas bought a cream sep
arator to separate his cream. He has
several cows to furnish cream, and he
hauls it to Canbv.
The rains keep coming steadily since
John Burns and Thomas Grimes were
visitors at the residence of Bernard
Friedrich one day last week.
The whooping cough has made its ap
pearance in this vicinity; several oi
the school children are afflicted with it,
but all are getting along nicely and most
ol them are able to attend school.
May 2. Backwoods.
Superintendent Zinser attended the
school at this place last Thursday after
noon and found the school progressing
nicely under the management of Miss
Adams, of Oregon City.
The Colton literary society was well
attended last Saturday evening.
Misses Lucy Bonney and Stella Huh
bard were visiting friends in Elwood last
Mrs. P. E. Bonney spent a couple of
days with her mother, Mrs. uomett
last week.
Carl Stromgreen Is the proud father of
a baby boy.
bell ! long tongue, empty head, lots of
noise and nothing siid."
George Biehle is spending a few days
with his parents. George has been
working in Hoag's sawmill for several
Grandma Schatz h is returned from
Edward Carpenter and wife are mak
ing preparations to move onto their
There is a case of mumps in the wood
Mr. Andross will start next week for
Air. Bushbaum is still confined to his
bed. .
Henry liaker is improving very slowiy.
Richard OldenBtadt's smile has
broadened to a grin. Another baby
that will soon say papa is the cause.
Apple orchards are in bloom.
It is reported that Grandma Myers
died Boon after moving from heie to
Eastern Washington. Her son, Sanuel,
sold his farm here several months ago,
and she went away with his family
shortly afterward.
Just received a bottle of Ayers'
Hair Vigor from Shorty, thanks to the
May 7. Lengthy.
New novelties in trimmings and flow
f. Miss C. Goldsmith.
Some farmers are planting their po
tatoes, others are preparing ground lor
Garden planting is being extensively
carried on at present.
John Gage attended the unveiling
ceremonies at Champoeg.
Gus Gebhardt has finished carpenter
ing for G. Mosier lor the present and
moved his tools to Sam M osier's place
where he will build a barn and erect
several other out buildings.
Henrv Schatz pulled his plough to
pieces while plowing winter fallow that
was well set with vetches. A tough lot
we would sav
"Here's to Shorty." of Wilsonville
"a diamond in the rough I" May your
corresDondence never grow less.
Here's to no-name, of Frog Pond, "a
Borntothe wife of Carl Stromgreen,
a 10-pound girl. Should the devil chance
to have a grudge at these parents he will
have an opportunity to pay it in sons-in-law.
Miss Zella Park, who has been working
at Willamette Falls, spent a few days
visiting friends and relatives.
E. Hemmett is clearing a spud patch.
Life is noble when we make it bo; life
is mean when we make it so. Our own
conduct determines this matter and de
cides what we are.
Rev. John Park is on the sick list.
Mrs. Alice Henderson is recovering
Henry Myers, of Kocky .rant, was the
guest of Mr. Wilson last Sunday eve
Jesse Cox lost one ot his milch cows
last week.
August Stromgreen, our road super
visor, is making quite a stir among the
young men, who are of age, and hereto
fore have not paid their poll tax.
May 8. LKLLk IvOOKH.
64 pages. Over 100 Styles
Nearly 3000 Vehicles in Stock
PRI ES Carts $J5andup
Road Wagons 40 and up
Top Buggies 60 and up
Surries, Spring Wagons and the World Renowned
Mitchell, Lewis k Staver Co.
First and Taylor Streets,
Beautiful line of chiffon hats in all
the latest styles. Call and inspect.
Miss C. Goldsmith. .
Hardware, Stoves. Syracuse Chilled and Steel Plows,
Harrows and Cultivators, Planet Jr., Drills and
Hoes, Spray Pumps, Imperial Bicycles.
Cor. Fourth an 1 Main Sts. OREGON CITY
If you want good bread
. . t
Get that made by
7th St. Bakery & Confectionery
Wilhoit is still moving and every
thing is quiet in our burg.
school is progressing nicely under the
able management of Miss Tessie Lar
Mrs. Emma Vorhies and family were
visiting Mrs. VVyland Sunday.
Harry Dart and wife made Mr. and
Mrs. Ilaun a pleasant call last week.
Some ot the Wilhoit girls are very
sorry that some of the p-ouiising young
men are going away and will not return
until fall.
' Frost still continued to appear a few
mornings this week.
Miss Tessie Larkir.s, Miss J'osie
Slaughter and Raymond Wyland and
wife were the guests of Mrs. Millie
Nicholson last Sunday.
F. VV. McLaren has completed an ad
dition to hie hotel, and it will make
quite an improvement to hisdiningroom
and kitchen.
Bennie Wade and James Nicholson
have taken the contract of cutting saw-
logs lor f rank Jones this summer.
Frank Vorhies' little boy, who has
been very low, is recovering slowly. He
Is able to be op for a short time during
the day.
Wilhoit will soon be vacated from the
way the number of men have left this
vicinity to get work in the mills and
logging camps, and hands are going to
be scarce here this summer.
F. W. McLaren was trausacting busi
ness in Portland Monday.
Orley Thomas, who left here last fall
for Eastern Oregon, where he has been
working this winter, has returned to his
homestead on the ridge. He will go
back to Eastern Oregon Monday,
Paul John, of Turner, was in this burg
laBt week visiting his friends on Pleas
ant Hill.
Henry Thomas and Mr. Crowsin left
Monday for Okanogan, Washington.
Gyrus Jones and wife, of
Scott's Mills, and G. W. Wyland and
son left for the same place Monday.
May 6th. News Boy.
We are very sorry that such is the case;
aiso sorry mat me a Dove mentioned boys
should be the cause thereof, for we fully
realize that it is no credit to our com
munity. Miss Lena Vancuren, who has been
working at Pleasant Home, was visiting
her mother Sunday. She was accom
panied by Alf Bell.
Mrs. J. P. Forrester is visiting in
Mrs. Lucy Glover visited her daughter
Mrs. H. S. Gibson, of Oregon City, dur
ing the wook.
Mise Maggie Smith was the guest of
Pearl Foster Sunday.
W ill Bell was seen over here Sunday
Miss Lillie Hoffmeister, who is work
ing at Pleasant home, was visiting her
parents Sunday.
Warren Foirester, of Barton, was gal
lantly riding through here Sunday on
his dashing black. , .
Ye worthy scribe has been having the
old time malady, la grippe. Ibis makes
the 42nd attack, but we shan't com
plain. The brunette to whom "Corporal" re
ferred, had better look out. Those goo
goo eyes are dangerous.
What a time Stafford and Frog Pond
have! Why do't they cut down "fir"
trees for a while? It would be a change
and I think, a relief, to that old tradi
tional "cherry" tree. It's nearly hacked
to pieceB, anynow.
Rev. Tragiio preached at Sandy ridge
last Bunaay.
The roads are getting very smooth
and nice. Several wheels were seen out
Dr. 0. B. Smith and II. S. Gibson had
a "sham" battle Saturday morning, in
which it is said the doctor received two
black eyes. .Tw'asn't all "sham"
either, was it? No serious results are
reported, however.
May 6. Angelina
A car load of milk
crocks just received and
will sell at 8 c per gal-
Ion. W. L. Block,
the Homeiurnisher,
Harding Block, Oregon City
Barrel Best Valley Flour
Barrel U. S. Hard Wheat Flnnr
7lA Cents
Can Standard Tomatoes
llA Cents
Can Standard Corn
We sell sugar at wholesale price
J, A. McGLASHAN, Manager
Stores Oregon City and Portland
weather is
to come to
summer is close at
We notice the that the
growing warmer, and have
the conclusion that
Our school closed last Friday, and
Miss Lewellen has gone home to spend
the summer
Mr. and Mrs. Hitching and Mr. and
Mrs. A. J. Brown went to Oregon City
Friday returning home Saturday.
Mrs. Mary E. lily, who has been vis
iting her sons, George and John Ely, of
this place, has gone to Portland to visit
her daughter.
Rev. C. W. Pogue and wife are going
to leave us. He has accepted a call
from another place. This will leave as
without a minister for awhile.
Ed Noble intends leaving for Morrow
county soon to visit his ranch.
Mr. Smith, of Eagle Creek, is sick at
the home of his daughter. Mrs. U, B.
Mistes Emma Powty and Mary Hitch
ing visited Miss EHie Shank land Sun
dav. May 6. Meo.
IaujI) Creek,
Weather is sctumptious: no mote
stands on the coiners now. Everybody
is in a hurry and working to beat the
Spring crops look splendid. In fact,
everything does, and the fanners are ex
pecting great results. Airs. L. A. Wine
sett and Don Forrester were visitors in
Oregon City during the week.
Kev. Pogue preached at the school
house Sunday ai'eruoon. A good crowd
was in attendance.
The spelling school has closed. Some
of the Eagle Creek boys (may God for
give them) seem to delight in Haying
outside and raising a disturbance,
which is very annoying to those inside.
For this reason, Miss Holmstrom, the
teacher, discontinued the spelling school
The basket social given at the school
house on April 26th, was a grand sue
cess. An excellent program, consisting
oi songs, recitations, uiaiogu.es ana in
Birumemai music uy ine Damascus or
chestra, was rendered. The proceeds,
wnicn were ao.o, win De used to put-
cnase a ciock anu giooe lor the school.
Damascus school closed Fridav. Pa
trons, friends, and also Union and Rock
i;reeK scnooi leacners ana pupils were
invited to attend the picnic which was
given in the grove near the school house
Superintendent Zinser and . family were
present also. Alter a good program
puDiic ainner was servea, wnicn every
one enjoyeu.
Evergreen team, the Modern Wood'
men of America, of East Portland, vis.
ited the Damascus camp Saturday night
ami iniiiaitu iuur new meniDers.
A pie social wi 1 be given at Union
Hall school house on Saturday, May
inn, lor me ueneut oi tne ai, church
Ben Kiuiberly'B little boy broke his
K. Donley had the misfortune to get
nis leg uroKou m two places.
Lena and Ernest Derrv, of Portland
were visiting their siBter, Mrs. Clara
Buchman, a few days last week.
Charlie Hunter and Miss Delsy Ner
roll were united in marriage last Sunday
We wish them much happiness.
. A crowd of our young folks went cat
fishing over to the Columbia slough,
nope tney Dnng back cat-hsh and not
n. j. ourcnaruc, oi iiarton, pur
chased 43 head of sheep from F. Mat
The M. W, A. will give a Fourth
July celebration at Damascus. Good
music will be furnished. Program will
De puoiisnea later. All invited.
Weather is fine and health generally
good .
The new store of M. W. Shepard &
Oo. will be opened to the public Thurs
day the 9th, lor business.
Billy Irvin, the stockman, was in Ore
gon City this week with a few head of
cattle. He reports prices fairly good.
Ciitford Wolf is now boardiug with
Mrs. M. W, Shepoard.
Ye scribe toe .a the G. A. R. annual
rally in O .a City Monday night. We
thoj .ue program was good and well
rendered, especially the singing, but the
boys stuck to the old plan of seating the
deaf and blind in the rear. Nevermind,
deaf comrades, it won't be long until the
nnai rany, men we'll see that these old
committees on arrangements here ara
placed where it will be the warmest.
JjOok out there, Zoe, of Eagle Creek I
Honor bright, no fabricating.'
Joe and Emanuel King are filling the
woods with cord wood and during this
hot weather too,
D 0. Freeman was at Portland thin
week purchasing nen crooda for hia on.
larged store.
Who will organize a socialist clnh
or in Canby? Put my name down as
number one. Conditions for the better.
ment of humanity, morally and nhv.
sically must begin at once.
Ihe Misses Flavi a Hilton. Rnnsin
Armstrong and Hattie Irwin had
ious mishap while out riding last Sunday
afternoon. The horse became frightened
at the train near Aurora, and was nn-
manageable and it smashed thi ntrfl Dan.
erally The girls escaped with only a
lew slight bruises. Corporal.
Miss Hettie Uinther and n n PQ at ax
of Oregon City are to be married Sator-
aay, May 11th. at the home of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Ginther.
While Mr. Wallens was hnnlimrnnt..
toes last week his wagon tipped over.but
William Hettman and Henrv Olnthor
came home after a few weeks' stay East
of the mountains.
KM. Manning sold his farm her a in
some party from the East. We have
not learned the name. The price was
Ibe German Concrecrntinnal ntin.i, :
being painted, and other improvements
in the school room.
there is somtaik nf h
debates after next Saturday evening until
wv-.v v ion
Mr. M. Mohenke is hauling oats to
Oregon City with two teams and sha
ping to Portland. T
Martin Massinger has gone to Mil
waukie to work.
Mtss Carrie Schubel has returned
home after a two weeks' stay at Aurora.
ihe grounds around the Lutheran
church are being Improved.
May 8- Genevra.
Beaver Creek.
The basket sodial and entertainment
last iriday evening at the Welsh Con
gregational church was a grand success.
The building was beautifully decorated
and well crowded. The pastor presided
and opened the meeting through d
prayer. After a few remarks by him in
both languages, a Welsh hymn was
sung and the following took part in en
tertaining the audience: Misses Lora
Parry, Blodwen Thomas, Maggie Lewis
Lelene Jones, Lizzie Lewis, Sarah Party
'.a,.Fau?t Mary Jons and Messrs'.
W illiam Davies, Henry Parry. John M
Jones, Richsrd Davies, John R. Lewis'
Humphrey Parry, Dan Jones and Gor
don Jones. All acted thpir ,,,i h
and gave great satisfaction. The "audi
ence tang another Welti) hymn, which
brought the iirst part of the program to
t0.tCA0feT1" e.ectnd P"' opened
with the selling of the baskets by John
R.Lewis. M.es-ts Celene Jones, Eva
laust and Maggie Lwis aesUted him
About 2o baskets and pies were Eold'
Everybody enjoyed himself and the
gathering closed before midnight. The
proceeds amounted to about f 13, wh'ch
go to the church building fund.
A vote of heartfelt thauks is extended
to all for your presenee and kind help
May the Lord bless you.
Rkv. J. MoRLiis, pastor.
(Continued on pge 7.)