Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, May 10, 1901, Image 1

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    City ConrIerHerald
18th YEAR, NO. 51
Grebe, Harder & Co.
182, 184, 1 86 Madison Street, West End of Bridge,
sung the '"Blue and Gray," and the au
dience joined in the response, "March
ing Through ueorgia." lhe raraplace
Band, also did excellent work.
A telegram was received ' during the
evening from father Hillebranu in
Iftxas, congratulating t.ie l ost on Us
urn anniversary. ,
The veterans and others present en
joyed every minute of the evening's en
R member we have the finest stock of the best makes to be found
in Portland, including Farm and Spring Wagons, Buggies, Carriages
and Carts, Mowers, Rakers, Tedders and Hay Tools, Hay Presses,
Grain Drills, Plows, Cultivators, Disc and Spring Tooth Harrows,
Pumps Harness, Bicycles, Etc. - '
182 Madison St., West end of Bridge, Portland, Oregon
Aultman & Taylor's
Celebrated Threshing Machinery
Steam and Gas Engines,
Saw Mills,
Meade Post, O. A. R. Celebrates
With Oratory, Music and Pa
triotic Demonstrations.
The celebration of the Twentieth An
niversary of Meade Post, No. 2, G. A K.,
at the Congregational church Monday
night, was a very satisfactory event to
Commander Colbert and the members
of Meade Post as well as to their many
friends, who applauded the excellent
program presented. The profession
formed at Willamette hall with Meade
Post, the Relief Corps, Spanish War
Veterans, Company A, Third Regiment,
0. N. iGr-, in hne with the 1'afkplace
Band at the head of the column. The
house was crowded, visitors from Port
land and other posts being in attend
ance. Patrick Colbert, commander of
Meade Post presided, and gave the ad
dress of welcome, The devotional ser
vices at the beginning and closing were
conducted by Rev. E. S. Bollinger.
Adjutant C. A. Williams read the
minutes of the first meeting and organi
zation ot the post, which took place on
May 6th, 1881. These minutes con
veyed the information that on the date
mentioned Commander N. S. Pierce, of
George Wright Post, Grand Army of
the Republic, assisted by Comrades
A. E. Borthwick, F.;K. Arnold, 0. Sum
mere and D.D. Neer appeared for the
purpose of mustering in Meade Post,
No. 24 with the following charter mem.
bera: T. C. Bell, M. L. G. Wheeler,
C.J. Imel, S. B. Califlf, Dr. S.Parker.
L. T. Barin. C. H. Dauchv, A. B.
Moore, J. T. Apperson, W. W. WateD'
paugh, M . C. Athey, Z. C. Wood, J. A
Stuart. George A. Harding. The fol
lowing officers were then elected : Com
mander, T. C. Bell; senior vice-corn'
mander, L. T. Barin ; junior-vice com'
mander, C. H. Daucby ; 0. D., George
A. Harding J quartermaster, J. T. Ap
, r. . It. G P.iVs.l ft (1
0.1. Imel. M.C. Athey was appointed
adjutant. Quartermaster Apperson ap
pointed J. A. Stuart ai quartermaster
sergeant and adjutant, and Adjutant
Athey appointed S. 13. Calitt S. M
M. L. G. Wheeler was appointed inside
sentinel . At the second meeting of the
post F. 0. McUown, a charter member
unable to be present at the nrst meet
ins, w'as admitted to membership aiid
elected chaplain. At this meeting the
invitation to assist George Wright l ost
Post of Portland, to celebrate Memorial
Day, was received.
When Meade PoBt was formed, the
organization was effected under the (Jul-
norma jurisdiction, and was designated
asro. 2i. Subsequently when thede'
partment of Oregon was formed, it took
the proper rank or .No. 2.
The Drat speaker was Major T. C
Bell, the charter commander of Meade
Post, which was of reminiscent nature.
lie was principal of the Oregon City
schools 'U years ago, and is now an em
pioye in the county recorder 8 othce in
Portland. His memories carried ' him
back to early war times in his native
state, Ohio. Captain J. A. Sladen and
General E G. Cau'tin, both of Port
land, made entertaining short addresses
Rev. A J. Montgomery made the ad
dress of the evening, alluding to the
fact that in one year more Meade Post
would be of age, and entitled to vote at
the general election in Clackamas
county. He paid a glowing tribute to
General Meade, for whom tbe 1 ost is
Two merited recitations were given
during the evening, One by Miss Dol
lie Cross, "The Building of a Ship," and
the other by George T. McArthur en
titled "The Highland Guards."
The very excellent musical program
was under the direction of Mrs. N. W.
Lawrence, and tbe numbers were
greeted with frequent and merited ap
plause. George T. Howard sang "We
Were Comrades Together in the Days
of tbe War;" Mrs. K. 0. Ganong sang
"Red, White and Blue;" a quartet, con
sisting of Mrs. Lawrence, Mrs. Ganong,
Miss Imogen Harding and Miss Mattie
Draper made decided hit in their lively
and patriotic selections. C. A. Miller
Death of Thomas Pembroke.
Thomas C. Pembroke, a prominent
citizen of Clackamas county, living six
miles southeast of Canbv. was accidently
killed while felling trees for wood late I
list Friday evening. The decea-el
and his Bon, Charles T. Pembroke had
just finished sawing down.alarae fir
tree when it fell striking another tree
causing a large limb to break off about
14 feet long and 14 inches in diameter.
The son saw the limb falling and shouted
to his father to look out for the danger,
but the latter was struck on the head,
probably causing death instantly. The
marks on Mr. Pembroke's hands and
arms showed that he had thrown up his
hands to ward off the blow from the
limb as it oamo down after being ap
prised of the danger. Charles Pembroke
astened away to summon help alter
lifting him into a bet er p s tion, and
quickly returning found him dead. The
deceased was GO years old on the 18th
day of April and was born in Jersey
county, III., in 1811. He was married
to Julia A. Adams on January 4th, 1864,
and moved to Texas in 1869, traveling
by a wagon. In 1883 the family moved
to Oregon, settling near Oanby, where
they have since resided. Mrs. Pem
broke died several years ago, but the de
ceased left two sons and a daughter
Charles T., of Oanby; Fred V., of Wak-
kiakum county. Wash., ana Mrs. i
De8cbner, of Portland The funeral was
held at Zion cemetery at 2 o'clock Sun
day afternoon, the burial service being
conducted by William Knight.of Canby.
The funeral was largely attended by
friends of the deceased, several mem
bers of the Union Veterans Union, of
Oregon City, being present, he having
been a member oi good standing in
Lawton camp. Mr. Pembroke was a pri
vate In Company H, 97 Illinois" Volun
teers, enlisting in 1862, and was dis
charged in 1865. He was a member of
the Odd Fellows in Texas, but did not
tenew his membership here. The de
ceased was a kind-hearted man, and
hiizblv esteemed by a wide circle of
Agricultural Implements and Vehicles
The Great Scourge
of modern times is consumption. Many
cures end discoveries from time to time
are published but Foley's Honey ail
Tar does truthfully claim to secure all
cases in the early stages and always af
fords comfort and relief in the very
worst cases. Take -no substitutes.
Charman & Co.
Peerless Plows
Steel and Chilled
Dowasjiac Drills
Hoe and Disc
Sickle Grinders
Road Carts
Mountain Hacks and
Spring Wagon
Buffalo Hits,
Harrows and Cultivators,
Owen's "Advance" Fanning
Hay Presses,
Horse Power and Steam
Feed and Root Cutters,
B)nj an J CidarMills.
Stoughton Wagons
Write for Catalogue and Prices. CALL ON MB BEFORE BU YIN 6.
' MATTRESSES . tm&Tpi if "S BlsVi? STOVES (k '
-4 wall paper. JyiwmlraicrD00HSAKI- HUl
This is the season of the year for that
tired feeling. A comfortable couch is
the best cure. You cannot make a mis
take in buying one of these couches, be
cause they are well made, with substan
til frames and durable upholstering,
and are sure to be a pleasure to you.
The fact that they coBt but (5.00 should
not prevent your buying them.
If you have windows which need
shaded and they are standard sizes, we
can offer you the best value you ever
saw. We have some regular 36-inch
shades of the most durable material,
ready to put on your windows, including
rings and fixtures, at 40 cents. We have
the material for making the shades to fit
your windows and the coat won't be
much, either,
In looking over the market for carpets
we made a lucky hit in buying this
splendid line. There are bo many good
things here, the prices ranging from 25
cents to tl.00 arid $1.60 for the finest
body Brussels and Wilton velvets. Wo
would like to have you tee this line, be
cause we know it offers you that which
The brightening effects in wall paper
stock ought to please the Indies who are
looking for a superior quality of paper to
put on their walla at the preeent time.
There is a spring tone in this stock which
will make satisfaction in the home.
The cost is slight, which will surprise
There is a special selection of mirrors
here just now and we are sure you can
find exceptional values. 1 hey are all of
heavy glass and tbe reflective value of
the mirror is asgood as yon could desire.
We think you will admit that we knew
what we were talking about when we
said no better mirrors were ever sold for
tbe price. Many sizes and all good.
No home is complete without a sewing
machine and no sewing machine is equal
to the Climax. It is easy running, gives
satisfaction and is not hard to buy. Tbe
terms we make and the guarantee we
give should be enough to induce you to
come to us for your machine and get the
benefit of these excellent constructions.
Price $25 00.
You cannot keep your lawn In good
condition unless you haie a first-class
Lawn Mower. If you want one that will
insure you satisfaction you must see our
Mower. It ooerates with ballbearings,
has knives that shwpen themselves by
the action, runs easily and cuts your
grass smoothly. The cost is reasonable.
You never know wbat you are going
to need in the kitchen until it comes
iust the time when you want to use it.
'hut is why your kitchen shonld be
completely furnished with a large line of
desirable utensils. There are Bomo very
uccful things here at a very reasonable
price. You ought to see them.
Those who do a great deal of market
ing appreciate the advantage oi having
two or three sizes of baskets galore,
large or small, li'iht or heavy. Every
basket i sold lor just the quality it con
tains. We like the best to speak of our
fcplit Willow baskets wHrh are woven
for durable service and tl ey don't tost
much either.