Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, May 03, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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"Best of Everything'
In a word this tells of the pass
enger service via,
8 Trains Daily between St, Paul
and Chicago comprising:
The Latest Pullman Sleepers
Peerless Dining Cars
Library and Observation Cars.
Free Reclining Chair Cars
The 20th Century Train "THE
every day of the year.
Tfce Fimt Train in lie World
Electric Lighted Steam Heated
To Chicago by Daylight.
The Badger State Exprees, the finest day
train running between Chicago via.
the Short Line.
Connections from the west made via
The Northern Pacific,
Great Northern,
and Canadian Pacific Rys.
This is also one of the best lines between
Omaha, St. Paul and Minneapolis
All agents Bell tieketB via "The North
' . western Line."
G. A.
348 Alder St.
T. A.
, Portland, Oregon.
Southern Pacific Co.
Shasta Route
Trains leave Oregon City lor Portland at 700 and
8:22 a.m., and 6;30P. M.
Oregon City
, Ashland
Son Francisco
Kansas City
Loi Angeles
El Paso
Fort Worth
City of Mexico
Houston .
New Orleans
New fork
8:80 A.M.
9:22 A.M.
12:65 A..
6:10 p. M
7:4b P.M.
4:46 A. M.
:30 A.M.
7:25 A M,
2:00 . M.
6:00 P.M.
6:30 A.M.
11:30 A. H.
7:00 b.k.
6:80 P.M.
6:42 A.M.
12:10 p. M.
8:30 P. M.
0:14 P. M.
12:35 P.M.
5:00 A.M.
8:46 P.M.
7:00 A. M.
9:15 A.M.
7:26 A.M.
8:S0 A.M.
8:06 A.M.
6:00 P.M.
6:80 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
7:00 A.M.
6:30 P.M,
6:42 A. M.
12:10 P.M.
' Pullman anil Tourist Cars on
both trains.
Chair cars, Sacramento to Ogden and El Paso:
and tourist cars to Chicago, St. Louis, New
Orleans and Washington.
rtnnr.Ant.lni at Ran Francisco with several
Steamship Lines for Honolulu, Japan, China,
Philippines, Central and South America.
See E. L. Hoopenoabnxb, agent at Oregon
City station, or address
C. H. MAEKHAM, G. P. A.,
Portland. Or
The Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.'s
Strs. Regulator & Dalles City
Dally (except Sunday) between
The Dalles,
Hood River,
Cascade Locks,
and Portland
Touching at way points on both sides Of the
. common river.
Both of the above steamers have been rebull
and art in excellent shape for the season of 1 900
The Regulator Line will endeavor to give Its
patrons tne best service possioi.
For Comfort, Economy and . Pleasure
travel by the steamers of The Regulator
' The above steamers leave Portland 7 a. m.and
Dalles at 8 a. m..and arrive at destination in ample
time for outgoing trains.
Portland Office, The Dalles Office
Oak St. Dock. Court Street.
General Agent
Farm for Sale.
19 miles south of Oregon City, Smiles south of
Mnlnlln. Known as the Teasel Karri). Contain
Ing 310 seres, 140 acres; clear plow land; 40 acres
n am-k hottnm: 100 acres, uoland: 7 acres, or
chard. All well watered and fenced with (stake
and wire fence, and drained with stone and tile
ditches; pood buildings, nil rods irnm urnooi
house; 115 rods from church ; good location for
tak ne stork to mountains Price I'-ll pn acre:
rjflO down, balance to suit at 6 per cent interest
For further particulars apply to A. J. Sawtkll,
on tne larm, or i imick x.asthah, uiegou .ny.
lien and women of good address to represent
us, some to travel appointing events, others for
local work looking after our interests. IBIIOO
salary guaranteed yearly: eilra commissions and
exp uses, iatl.1 advancement, old estnhlislied
houe. tiraml chanoe for earnest man or woman
to secure ph-asnnt, permanent position, liberal
Income and future. &ew brilliant lines. Write
at once.
23 Chiirvb Sis., Self Haven, Conn
WASTE!). Capable, reliable person in every
County to represent large company of solid fi
nancial rcT.uiailon; i'XU salary per year, payable
. weekly; 3 it day absolutely sure an'l a'.l ex
penses'; straight, bona tide, definite salary, no
commission; Balary paid each r-alurdiy ami ex-
pnse irntney advanced each week. STANDARD
OL'SE, S14 Deabbohs St., ChicaCO.
men to travel and advertise br old established
house of wilid financial standirg. Salary $7si a
year and cxrK'nses, all paaiie in cash. No ran
vasslne ieiiilnd. Give references end enclose
self-ailih-t'ssed stamped envhn. Addreas Man
ager, l&t'bXtt.u Bids., Cliii ago.
Notice I hereby disclaim all liability
on all debts incurred from and afier this
da'e by Mrs. Lucinda Swope.
April 4, 1901. G. W. Swope.
Sean h Kind You Haw stars BocjM
Ttu Kind You Haw always
Job Printing it tne
amd union Pacific
depart Portland, Ore. ahbivk
ChirnKo- Suit Lake, Denver, Ft
Portland Worth, Omaha, Kan
Sneoial 8,i8 City, St. Louis, Chi- 4il0 p. m.
9 a. m. cago and East.
Atlantic Salt Lake, Denver', Ft.
Express Worth, Omaha, Kansas
City. St. Louis, Chisago 8:40 a. m.
9 p. m. and East.
St, Paul Walla Walla, Lewimnn,
FuttMail Spokane. Wallace, Pull
man, Minneapolis, St. 7:00 p. m.
0 p. m. Paul, Duluth, Milwau
kee, Chicago and East.
Ocean Steamships
8 p. m. All Sailing Dates subject 4 p. m.
to change.
For San Krantisco Sail
every & days.
Daily Columbia River
Ex. Sunday steamers. 4r. m-
8 p. m. Ex. Sunday
Saturday To X9toria and Way.
10 p. m. Landings.
Willamttte River.
6 a.m. 4.30 p.m.
Ex. Sunday Oregon City, Newbe;g, Ex. Sunday
Salem, Independence .
and way-landings,
Willamette and Yam
'"' hill Rivers. 3o p.m.
Tues. Thux. Mo., Wed.
and Sat. Oregon City, Dayton "d Fri.
and way-landings.
c a. m. Willamette River 4:so p. m.
Tues. Thur. Mon Wed
and Sat. Portland to Corvallls and Fri.
and way-landings.
Leave Snake River LeaTe
Riparia Lewiston
8:40 a.m. Rtparla to Lewiston. 8:30 a.m.
Daily. Daily
A. L. CRAIG, G. P. A..
Portland, Oregon
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas.
Mary Joyoe, plaintiff,
John Joyce, dofendant.
To John Joyoe, said defendant. -
In the name of the Stale of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear, and answer the com
plaint filed again it you In the above entitled suit
on or before the 4th day of May, 1901, and If you
fall to so answer, for want thereof the plaintiff
will apply to the above entitled court for a decree
forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now
existing between the plaintiff and defendant,and
for such other relief as shall seem meet and
This summons Is ordered published In the Ore'
gonOity Courier-Herald for the period of six
weeks from date of first publication t iereof, such
order bei c made by the Hon. Ihe .F. Ryan,
Judge of lu6 County Court of the State of Oregon
for the County of Clackamas, on the 21st day of
March, 1901.
a. k, jae.nuB.nuAi,i,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
First publication March 22,1901.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Clackamas.
Joseph Shadlnger,
Plaint iff,
Susan A. Shadlnger,
To Susan A. Shadlnger, Defendant:
TN the Jname of lh state of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the
oomplalnt In the above entitled suit
on or before the 8th day of May, 1901, that being
the time prescribed In the order for the publica
tion ol this summons: the date of the first pub
llcation of this summons being on the 22illny of
March, 1901: and If you fall to appear and
answer the plaintiff herein will apply to the
court for the rflief therein prayed for.
n the'complalnt to-wit : a decree against you dis
solving the bonds of matrimony now cilstin
between you and the plaintiff and such other and
further relief pra;ed for In said oomplaint.
This summons rs published by order of Hon
Thomas A. McBride, Judge of suid court, mud
and entered Man h lt'.th, 1901.
, Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
hf County of Clatltmas.
Hannah C. Phepbord, 1
P Shepherd,
To Walter S. Shepherd, Defend jut:
In the name of the State of Oregon you are
hereby required to appear and answer to the
complaint filed against you In the above entitled
suit on or before the 11th day of May, 1901, that
bgnie the lln:e piKiilrd in the order for pub
lication of this summons the date of the first
publication of this summons being on the 29tn
day of March, 1901: and if you fall to so appear
and answer, the plaintiff herein will apply to the
said court for the relief prayed for In the com
plaint: to-v. It, a deeree dissolving the marriage
contract now existing between you and the
plaintiff, and for such other relief prayed fur in
said complaint.
This summons is published by order of the
Hon. T. F. Ryan, Judge of the County Court,
of the State of Oregon, far Clack anus County,
dated and entered on the 2Cth day of March, 1901.
C. H. I) YE,
Attorney for la Ir.tuT.
This signature is on every box of th gamin
Laxative Bromo-Quiniae Tabu
Um rwaadr that tmnm inMIi mm J
A cheap remedy for coughs and colds
is all right, but you want something that
will relieve and cure the uioie severe
and dangerous results of throat and lung
troubles. What shall you do? Go to
a warmer and more regular climate?
Yes. if possible: if not possible for you,
then in either case take theoNLV remedy
that has been introduced in all civilized
countries with success in severe throat
nd lung troubles, "Bosehee's German
Syrup." If not only heals and stimu
lates the tissues to destroys the germ
disease, but allays inflammation, causes
easy expectoration, gives.a good night's
rest, and cnr-B tne "atient. Try one
bottle. Recommended many yearB by
all druggists in the world. Get Green's
Prize Almanac at George A. Harding's.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is herebv given that on the 27th
day of April, 1901, D. M. Klemsen, of
Oregon City, Oregon, was duly adjudi
cated bankrupt; and that the first meet
ing of his creditors will be held at room
600, Chamber of Commerce Building,
Portland, Oregon, on the 15th day of
May, 1901, at 10 o'clock, a. m., at whlcn
time the said creditors may attend,
Drove their claims, appoint a trustee,
examine the bankrupt and transact such
other business as may properly come be
fore said meeting.
Alex. Bwekk,
Referee in Bankruptcy!
U'Ren & Schuebel,
Attorneys for Petitioner.
Dated, Portland, Ore., May 1, 1901.
In the circuit court of the state of Oregon for
the county of Clackamas.
Eliza Reebs,
Hugo Reebs,
To Hugo Reebs, said defendant.
In the name of the State of Oregon, you aie
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit
or before the 81st day of May, 1901, and if you
fall to so answer, for want thereof the plaintiff
will apply to the above entitled court for a deeree
forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now
existing between the plaintiff and defendant,' and
for suob other relief as shall seem meet and
Ibis summons Is ordered published In the Ore
gon City Courier-Herald for the period of six
weeks from date of first publication thereof, such
order being made by the Hon. T. A. McBride,
Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for the County of Clackamas, on the 23rd day of
April, 1901.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
First publication tprtl 26th, 1901.
Timber Land, Act June S, 1878.
Unix kd States Land Orncx.
Oregon City, Oregon, April 26, 1901,
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with
the provisions of the act of Congress of June I,
1978, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands
in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," as extended to all the
public land states by act of August 4, 1892, Oiprge
L. Curry, of Portland, county of Multnomah.
state of Oregon, has this day filed in this office hi'
sworn statement No, 5395, for the purchase of the
N. W. i of 8. K. i and S. W. of S. E. X of
section No. 12 In township 4 south, range 4 east.
and will offer proof to snow that tne tana sought
is more valuable for its timber or stone than far
agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim
to said land before the Register and Receiver of
this offioe at Oregon City, Oregon, on Saturday,
the 20th day of July, 1901.
He names as witnesses: J. C. Welch, E. J
Halght, C.P.Halght H. VYiberg, all of Portland.
Any and all persona claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requesned to file their
olalms In this office on or before said 20th day of
CHARLES B. MO0RE3, Register
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been annoluted bv the Hon. Thus. Y. Ryan
county judge of Clackamas County, Oregon, as
administrator of the estate of Martha J. Shaw,
All persons having claims against the said
estate are hereby notified to present their claims
to the undersigned at the law office of C. I). 4
D. C. Latourette, my attorneys, in Oregon City,
Oregon, within six mo.iths from this date.
. L. Shaw,
Administrator aforesaid.
Dated, April 17, 1901.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
h;i9 been duly appointed by the County Court of
the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas, executrix of the estate of Philip Wolf, de
ceased. All persons having claims against said
estate are hereby required to present the same to
my attorneys, U'Ken 4 Schuebel, properly veri
fied, as Dy law required, at Oregon City, Oregon,
within six months from the dale hereof.
Executrix ef the estate of
Philip Wolf, deceuscd.''
Dated this 8th day of April, lUel.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed by the County Court cf
Clackamas County, Oregon, administrator of the
estate of Wm. Staudinger, deceased. All persons
having claims against said tslate are notified lo
present inch claims to me duly vcrifld at Clack
amas, Oregon, within six months from date of
this notice.
Administrator as Aforesaid,
Bated, April 25, lliOl,
Will give you a
Bargain in Wall Paper
Wall Tinting and in
General House Painting
Paint Shop near Depot Hotel
Friday, April 26.
At Peru, Ind., ffenry Huffman, an
animal trainer, was killed by the ele
phant "Big Charley." The brute was
thrown apples loaded with strychnine,
which killed him. He was worth $10,000.
Wenceslaw Birda, a member of the
commission chosen by the Planters' and
Bankers' Ass'n of Porto Rico to repre
sent them iu this country, savs that the
people are starving and the island is in
a worse condition than it ever was.
Edwin H. Conger, our returned min
ister lo China, says the Chinese killed
40,000 native Christians and 100 Euro
peans. Chicago and Ohio capitalists will go
into the business of prospecting and
iso'.d mining'on a large scale in the Port
Clarence country, west of Nome,
Arthur B.Markham, member of Brit
ish parliament, says he is prepared to
justify the statement that the Transvaal
concessions committee is affiliated with
the firm of Albert Beit, the South Afri
can diamond millionaire, the firm being
nothing more or less than a gang of
commpu thieves and swindlers.
Commencement has been made of the
erection of a quarter-million-dollar brew
ery at Whatcom, Wash., for maKing
beer for export.
Austria will spend $100,000,000 in the
next five years on state railroads, and a
far greater sum in the coming decade on
In every city and town of France,
meetings have been held to denounce
'Russia's barbarous despotism." ine
mos', famous citizens of France partici
pate in the meetings.
Serious political disturbances have
broken out among the 40,000 divinity
students of Russia.
The street railways of Ohio pay taxes
on a valuation of $2,923,00), while their
actual value is $40,327,000.
J. P.Withrow has begun suit in U. S.
supreme court against tne laruegie
fcsteel Co. lor MU.UW.OW damages xor in
fringement of his blast furnace patent.
By the explosion of the electro-chem
ical works at Greisheim, Germany, in
which smokeless powder was being man
ufactured, 17 persons were killed ana a
number injured.
Yearly 120,000 die of consumption in
this country.
Saturday, April 27.
The Presbvterian committee on revi
sion of creed in session at Pittsburg re
ported unanimously in favor of revision.
A defalcation of $300,000 in the post-
office has been added to the other swin
dles at Manila.
Henrv Massineham says in the Lon
don Daily News that the Boers would be
wil una to settle on condition mat, me
Orange Free State remain independent
and the Transvaalers be allowed to lorm
a new republic in the wild north country.
The school fund steal at Salem of ex-
clerk George W. Davis la $30,928, of
which only $5000 is covered by a bond.
Li Hung Chang has telegraphed to
New York that over 11,000,000 people
are suffering from famine in the prov
ince of Shan Si.
C.W.Tanner, living two miles east of
Salem, committed suicide by drinking
carbolic acid,
The Fish Lake Irrigation Co.. of Med
ford, will build this "summer a 40-mile
ditch about 25 feet wide at the top.
The number of Boer prisoners held by
the British is dated at 17.823: the num
ber of British soldiers killed or totally
disabled is 17,692.
Sunday, April 28.
American lumber companies are buy'
ine all of the best timber lands in the
Philippine islands.
The London Saturday Review sees in
the expansion of Ihe German navy prep
aration for a possible conflict with the
United States over the great South
American continent, where Germany has
hundreds of thousands of settlers.
In a Belgian coal mine,18 miners were
killed by an explosion ot lire damp,
The British steamer Indrapura, from
Calcutta, arrived at San Francisco with
a million-dollar cargo. '
At Elberton, Ga., William Gootzby, a
negro, was lynched for assaulting Miss
Rhoda Alexander.
In the Connellsville, Pa., coak region
a gang of eight negroes, two ot them wo
men, made a murderous assault on t
white man and his wife, at their home
Fire has swept a territory in Nebras
ka, 100 by 10 lo 40 miles, entirely of hay
and prairie grans.
At the city hall, Suffolk, Va., two
struiniieU, stripped to the ait, were
publicly cow hided by the chief of police
Monday, April 29.
In a livery stable fire at Houston.Tex.
five nersons were burned to death. A
negro has been arrested on the charge of
having started the lire.
The Shereefian government, northern
Africa, has bought 100,000 trench niles
Dr. Ludwig Mond, of England, lias
discovered an illuminating gas costing
hut 2 peti'-e per 1000 fuet, which could be
used in the production of open-hearth
In a fiL'ht at Pridvoritza. Servia, be
twecn Albanians and Servians, 17 per
sons were killed.
At Sunrice City. Alaska. 20 or more
people were killed by a enowslide.
Between Evansville, Ind , and Padu-
cab, Ky-, the high water has d-ntroyed
400,01)0 acres of heat. Over half a mil
lion buhel n( corn in the crib were de
stroyed and the Iophhs in houses and to
the lumbermen is UO.t'OO.
In a $150,000-fire at La Trole,-Ind.,
five men were killed. The die .brows
400 men out of work.
The Building Trades Lengue, formed
in Chicago, has a membership of lo.OOO
At the Penln House, Seattle, II. B.
Darnell blew out his brains with a
The English report of frequent cap
tures of small parties of Boers. When
the latter need supplies the story chan
ges. In the Kroonstad district they took
two trains and 25 English cavalrymen.
- For H. 0. Frltk, the Pittsburg iron
king, ft real estate agent has bought in
western New Jersey 15 farms. The plan
is to establish vast iron and itee) works.
At 10:30 today, the president started
at Washington on his 10,000 mile trip.
The local authorities at New York
have discovered that Italy is making
this country the dumpieg ground for
her criminals and paupers.
The entprees dowagerof China has ap
pointed a board of administration, which
will reorganize the government.
Japanese manufacturers have bought
250,000 bales Bombay cotton.
The Ley land steamer line, one of
Great Britain's greatest shipping insti
tutions, has been bought by J. P. Mor
gan & Co.
The cashier and assistant cashier of
the defunct Scandinavian American Bank
of New Whatcom have been arrested,
and the president, St. John, who is in
England, will be hunted up.
The island of Bermuda awaits the ar
rival of 1500 Boer prisoneis, who1 are
to be located on one of the minor islands
of the group.
Pittsburg w8 visited by a $225,000 fire
in which one person was killed.
Clias A. Conant, the American stat
istician and economist, agrees with the
statements made by M. de Routkowsky,
Russia's financial agent in this country,
that the finances of the empire are in
a healthy and prosperous condition,
For the quarter ending March, 1901,
the lalling off in British export trade in
metals and manufactures therefrom was
2,280,000 pounds.-
Tuesday, April 30.
In a coal mine explosion at Alderson,
x. x., live men were Killed.
In a fire at the artillery camp near St,
Jean, France.eight men were burned up,
At Berelai, Roumania. a la r ire shin'
owner, in debt 5,000,000 Irancs, blew out
his brains with a revolver.
On the New Yotk Stock Exchange the
nuuioer ot snareB oi stoeK mat changed
hands yesterday was 2.760.000. the lar.
gest record in the history of that insti
Government is to nav 170.000 for lav,
ing a cable from Juneau to Alaska.
The fire in the cloth factories atSprem
berg, Prussia, caused a loss of several
million marks.
A bread riot at Lembersr. Austria, was
suppressed by troops.
At Astoria. J. M. Center, of Ste van ann.
Wash., blew out his brains with a pistol.
Davenport. Wash., has raised the sal.
oon license from $300 a year to $1000.
According to the London Dailv Nnwa.
the J. P. Morgan combine is ordering
iu great sieamsntps. American capital
ists are Beeking shipping in England for
carrying 10,000,000 tons of coal toEurope.
Near McGregor. Iowa.Max Heck shot
and killed his sifter at the breakfast
The Germans continue to aeeravate
the Chinese situation and increase their
indemnatory bill by punitiye expedi
tions. The discovery of an extensit e Nihilist
plot in Russian Poland has caused 600
The Morgan syndicate will acouire
all the ordinary shares of the English
Leyland steamship Une.1.200.000 nounda
for 1,760,000 pounds.
At San Francisco the $900,000 insur
ance on the cargo of the wrecked Rin
Janeiro has been paid.
The International Minlnor Con
will be held at Boise June 23, 24.
The store of J. Myers & Sons. Salem.
suffered $11,000 damage by fire.
The nearly 7600 pushcarts of NewY.rk
city handle about $13,000,000 worth of
merchandise annually.
A Brussels dispatch to the London
Mail reports the organization of the In
ternational Company of the Far East,
which, it is explained, "constitutes a
trust of the principal financial houses of
Europe and America, and aims at ac
quiring all the commerce of China."
A bill signed by Gov. Odell provides
that all women taxpayers of New York
outside of cities may vote upon proposi
tions involving expenditure of money,
A number ol scrap heaps have been
sold to the trusts under the name of fac
tories, says Harry S.Pritchott, president
of Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology
Wednesday, May 1.
By the c illapse of the Greek church
at Kliszura, Albania, 15 persons were
General Chaffee's army will be trans
ferred from China to the Phi ippines the
latter part of the month.
At Mechanics' Pavilion, San Francisco,
wi'h a right in ihe pitot OscarGardner's
stomach followed by a hard left on the
jaw, Terry McUovern knocked him out
in the fourth round.
At Yuba Pass, Cul., Fireman James
Saunders of The Dalles whs killed in a
rear-end collision.
About $1,000,000 gold is being shipped
from New York to Euro) e this week.
A fire destroyed the new $150,000 pic-r
at San Juan, Porto Kico.
Many oil springs
have been found in
Kto Blanco county, Colo., and a gin-her
has been struck at Aspen, Wyo.
Thirty-five thousand people I. ft Chi
cago yesterday by ra.l for thel'icific
Lar-t year esch member of congress
had tsOOO packages of very poor, belated
garden seeds to send to his constituents,
and this year it is estimated at 10,000.
At Colfax, Wash., feed barley has ad
vanced to 73 cents per hundred.
If it fchall prove true Ihat the Vander
bilts have obtained control of the Union
Pacific, it wi 1 be the first rail route from
tcean to ocean under one control.
At Aikancas City, Kan , Robert A.
Maxey, city treasurer, commit ted mi
cide bv shooting himself because he wss
$3010 behind.
Yesterday, 3,022,100 shares of stor k
changed humls in the New York stock
At Missoula, Mont., Florence Putney.
a young lady, fell down an elevator'
snail ana was killed.
According to the Shanghai correspon
dent of the London Daily News, the hard
times are making war popular in Japan.
An outbreak of hostilities would produce
an uprising throughout China.
The committee of foreign miniRters at.
Pekln on the indemnity have agreed oil-.
$273,000,000, but they 'have not agreed
as to how China shall raise Unit s un.,".
The generals want to leave 12,50.) sol
diers in the positions they now occupy,-,
beside the fleet at Taku and Shanghai,;,
until the ministers come to terms with-,
the Chinese government.
According to a dispatch from Dr. Mor
rison, the barbarous German punitive-
expeditions have produced anarchy iu
ttie country around ream, and restitu
tion of Chinese territorial jurisdiction.-.'
has become a permanent need.
It is reported that Germany is making'
a secret deal with Prest. Castro, of Vene
zuela, for the isla id of Margarita, to be -used
as a naval coaling station.
At Tacoma, Wrsh ,Mii'hao! McLaugh
lin fell down an elevator thaft and was
Five of the great shipbuilding concerns
of the Atlantic seaboard have combined.
Chicago icemen will raise prices 30 to
4o per cent, which will make ice too
high for the poor of the city.
The Pan American exposition opeael
at Buff. ilo this morning.
Archbishop Ireland, as representative
of the vatlean, has had conferences with'j
Secretary Root at Washington in regard'
to the church property held in the Phil
ippines by the friars.
A German ship has brought 10,00
Mauser rilles and 2,000,000 cartridges to
Venezuela. By the wrecking of the GreatNorthern
express at Fort Benton, Mont., Engineer
John Wilkinson was killed.
Thursday, May 2.
Two Manila firms have contracted for
600 barrels of American beer a month,,
and Russia's purchasing Agent at Port
Arthur has contracted for 1000 barrels a
month. A branch brewery may be es
tablished at Manila with a c tpacity of '
50,000 barrels a year.
President McKinley arriv.d at New
Orleans yesterday.
August 6, the probability is that
2,150,000 acres of excellent agricultural'.
land will be opened for settlement in.
the Oklahoma Indian reservation.
The fires at two cotton presses in In
dia killed 53 people.
The carpenters at Columbus, O., have-
struck for 1(3 20 for an eight-hour day
At Elizabeth, N. J., and Yonkers, KJ
Y., the plasterers and bricklayers have
struck for an increase of pay.
- In San Francisco, 2200 cooks and wait
ers have struck.
By order from the New York office.the
Bmelting works at East Helena, Mont.,
closed down, throwing 600 men out ok
work. Thecause given is the eight-hoac
Germany demands 5,000,000 poundg
from England for certain expulsions
from the Transvaal.
At the Red Front lodging house, Port
land, an unknown woman swallowed m
bottle of carbolic acid and she died at
St. Vincent's hospital.
At New Market, England, Sir E. Cas
sell's brown colt Handicapper won the
race for the 2000 guinea stake.
Experiments at the Washington Navy
Yard have determined that the coal
produced in the state of Washington in-.
not suited for boilers of naval vessels.
Ten carloads of yearling Bteers.bonghU
for $18 a head, have been shipped froin
Colfax, WaBh., to Rifle, Colo.
Since September, 65,000 people who -took
advantage of the settler's rate have
passed through Minneapolis.
Two miners, Odell and Renfew, who
Investigated the mirage of "The Silent
Oily" at Muir glacier, Alaska, express
the opinion that it is the reflexion from
a city sunken in the waters of Glacier
Bay. A scientific expedition will this
summer investigate the mystery.
The rice crop of Madras and BengaU
provinces.India.is 49,081,636,800 pounds,-.
Hood River Yellow Newtown Pipping
wholesale in Portland at about $2 50 a
box. Best hogs $0 a 100.
A Boer Soulier's lteport.
A German who arrived a fortnight
ago from South Africa was met at Seat
tle by one of our citizens, who is him
self a retired military officer. The strarv
ger produced documents to prove that
he had been serving in the Boor army,
and what he said about the conditions
at the seat of war may be cousidt re
reliable. The Boers, he stated, h.iva
abundant resources and they are con
tinually receiving assistance from Eu
rope, but by what route It reaches tlieju.
he did not explain. The outlook prom
ises that finally they will win out,
Qnentlon Answered.
Yes, August Flower still h.ts the
larg8t sale of any medicine in Mm civ
ilized world. Your mothers nndgrtnJ
mo, hers never thought of tiding any
thing else for Indio.ilioii or Biliousness.
Doctors were eearcn, and tliey seldom
heard of Appendicitis, Nervous i'roflri
tion or Heart Failure, etc. Tlwy tued
August Flower to i-lu iti out the system
.'and slo;i fermenuiiori of nii'li'Hed
! t I 1. ... . i : . .1,.. l:..,.- '
stimulate the nerv n and 'ir mic folio ti
of I he system, and rhat i all L ) i - y took,
when feeling .(nil slid lul with,
headdclieS aud nt'ier it':li"S. V. II only
' i.?"1 "' 'utt?
r ner, iu iiiimi in, t tirt'sft y -u s;u
ihlieil ill. re IS llotliiiu sh'Iiiih tin' iini'ter
with ymi. del tnreii's Prut,) Almnnac
at George. A. llrttdinjt's.
On Jellies
jirfliorvemina piemen, uprerm
a thin cuttlluf of reiluetl
Will kMp tbftn abolntlr molntnr nd
au-td oroof. Paraffins Wax t aliao turnl in
a dozati otb r way About tbeboaM. Fall
dim-tiouiu tcb pound packtg.